+ 8 huis : . PROSPERITY| 1S CONSPICIOUS ALL OVER | THE COUNTRY. nd¢nte Letter, No. 1,458 , May &--~Our holiday sea- and we must now settle honest work. | The general report of our entire coun. unbounded prospori that ghost startles Massés from their propriety, is accumulgtion of those tremendous for- of living men, the accumila- a single 'million of dollars re- nied the success of a long and ortunate mereantile life. On looking VET a newspaper this morning I sew nt of the henefactions of | rew: Cartiegie which amounted and this colossal fortu instance is placed Willinm F. Potter. hg Astors. It almost ex- of, im tic hardly grasp it, for gon iy fed by tho 0 are Wak, at $1,000,000 om0. true, "this wealthy paid at the close one-third of the natignal that the sum citizen could have bt, _ Temvmber oii einer, four years in the field 0 ies. H a do to look around us to rd granite faots of. the thut has been go- ant of which we nesses. To the namo ter, but even that The house that fo of New York we Greeloy once worked and liv- a huilding twenty-eight storeys honey -combod «in New York Mansion A" York. 6.0, M. Schwab's bh when he apd his wily 'are 'no ive, tg leave to the 'city of for a 'museuny the on Riverside Drive, which opened to thu] Only a few months m with the out- demanded, ov we hope of achioveing fonnection between the parts. 'Coney Tsland, Fears ago was sand, the resort and soiled doves, . While Kurope is covered with which have passed with collections Som private of gamblers, thieves, is fast becoming the and in the aftrse- Sununer respite it on the face of the We _ have trouble in k Murphy, the chief of are still far from en- hat Pprace which pdssith al) may he gq oks toward poli- 4 1 § £57 _ purchased the ie man, and up. stock to one she is just a yi and taking Nan : 'mink or swim. istrict attorney's representative graced himself when he made thig in. that, for his offense there ix no "'pun- lishment that fits the crime," : * --=BROADRBRIM, A Broad Statement. . This announcement is made withont any qualifies § it. i Leonbardt's Hem-Roid will eure an: of Piles. It is in the form of a . Itis the only Pil edy used in- ternally. . re remedy wi mn t is impossible to cure an éstablish- od Suse ot Piles with pltmants, sap. positoties, injections, or outwar ap- plinnces " CS Blt, HT package } t's Hem-Roid, Ot} which contains. & month's treatment. Go and talk to your druggist about it, Wilson-Fyle Co., ited, Niag- ara Falls, Ont. io. Lismited, Ning For sale at "The Best Drug Store," L. T, Rest, Chemist and Optician, 124 Princess strect Improving The Dairy Herd. The constant aim of the dairyman should be to grade up his herd io a high standard of etiveness, Noth- ing but a pure sire should be used and when commencing the farmer should cose one particular breed, and then stick fo it. Changing from one breed to another 'was the cause of many a failore. Calves intended for the dairy herd should be selected from dams with a good record as milk pro- ducers. The dam should be of good dairy formation, of strong constitution and have a good udder, and large, well formed teats. | Having selected the call, the next point was the rearing. If & cali was not properly attended to during the early period of its existence, it was frequently stunted in its growth, and the chances of it becom- ing a profitable dairy cow materially lessened. The following is a good food for calves during the first year : A porridge made from meal mixed in the following proportions : . 100 lbs. ground oil cake, 25 Ihe ground flax- Seed and 50 Ths. low grade flour. Make the porridge by mixing the ingredients together with warm water to shout the consistoncy of cream. . Owing to the strength of the food, the calves should not be fed much of it at first, but as they become accustomed to it, feed a larger quantity if necessary, ---------- Russia in Europe alone has an area of 2,000,000 square miles--twenty-three times the size of Great Britain; the area of Siberia is 5,000,000 square miles. Dr. Hamilton - ---- ~ Cures Rheumatism You Use His Mandrake and But- termilk Pills--He Guarantees a Lasting Cure. . Rherimatism begins and ends in the blood which at no time is ever free from poison. But if the kidneys are healthy, they will filter out the wastes and poisons. In case of rheumatism, the kidneys are not doing their work, as a result, poisons erystalize. around the joints a cause pain almost akin to tor- ure, There can be no eure, no permanent relief until the kidneys are stimulated, First get them into working Order. For this purpose Dr. Hamilton's Pills excel all other remedies; they heal and ; the as no other 8 from the blood and all can do. Once the kidneys are 0 Dr. Hamilton's Pills the trace of ism disappears. No Case is Too Chronic to Yield went to their hearts compact was made nn: ple tree at Appomattox, , honest. th , and from that hour, Was no treason in the heart of } 'Our great military leader, Gen, " the loyalty of Gen. Lee, and he was his stead- 'up to the last hour of his fig in the war, dnd later, he in the git ot phe ou me best in the gift of e eral gov- ent, the councilship at Havana, have taken place Nan Patterson have been one of 'the marvels of our erim- inal souls, One day we read hat the Pras g attorney is cortain of or VITO had discovered the pawn-shop where the brother-in-law of pistol Young, and like a d shot, down goes the y stock; the pawn-broker atand, but when he mith, he is not quite i sue the t r be called upon to ge con- she would on! tify sister, whose life: was balance, but' even never 00 the hy mess Jlamous offer. It is rather unfortunate Hem-Roid is the toni. hrepurgtion in the world that Be agtety £3 plastered the walls of are many valuable relies --contains flavor and strength of both Indian and Ceylon teas, ~composed exclusively of delicately flavored, tender, high juicy, fruity leaves. ----yielding strong; rich liquor. : --rigid selection at the plantations and skillful blending at the Red Rose Tea warehouse : . --absolute freedom from contamination-- --~leaves never touched by hand after picking. The result, in the cup of Red Rose Tea you drink, of all 'this care in selection and skill in blending proves that : T. H. ESTABROOKS, St. John, N.B. Branches: Toronto and Winnipeg. POLITICAL ADVERTISING. A "'Sunshine" Furnace. ments ever run .in Canadian papers. Whig an opportunity to become fa pnd they are all interesting as each one is particularly applicable to the politician to. whom it réfers. For in- The advertisement in which the Hon, R. L. Borden, leader of the oppasi- to genial manners and tidiness in the house, characteristics, for which Mr. the series is along similar linés and will doubtless prove interesting and educative. : The McClary Manufacturing com- pany is one of Capada's oldest mak- ers of stoves, ranges, furnaces, enamel and tinware of all kinds. Their busi- ness. was established nearly sixty years. ago, and their works have grown from a small shop with three employees to an immense plant + with over eleven hundred employees. Their "Sunshine" Furnace has proved - a wonderful success and is a popular heater from Halifax to Vancouver. NEW YORK CASINO CAFE Has Gope Into Temporary ' Oblivion. Specidl to the Whig, New York, May (}--The famous Ca- sino cafe is a thing of the past, or at léast it has gone into temporary © livion. Sinve the fire in the Casino theatre sqveral months ago, the much bepictared cafe has continued to do business, but: now the building de partment, has decided that it is un- safe 10 allow Business to bo carried on in the cafe; while the rebuilding of the theatre 'is' going on. Consequent- ly it has been closed, and possibly has passed forever into Broadway his- tory. The Casino cafe has been in tion, which is valued. at $4, ! The Canadian North-West. HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS on Lands in Manitoba or the North-West 8 Bot been homesteaded, be homesteaded upon ¥, or any male over 18 years of age res, more or less. Our Leading Btatesmen Operating Any even nunibered Any section of Domini. Territories, excepting 8 and 28, which ha; od lots for séttiers, or for o the sole head of afami uarter section of 160 ac RY With this issue of the Whig the Me- Clary Manufacturing company, of London, Ont., commence what pro- mises to be one of the most interest. ing series . of newspaper advertise by any person who is to the extent of one-w Entry may be made personall Which the land to be taken is cation to the Minister of e local land office for r il the homesteader desires he The series consists of a 'dozen ads., the Commissioner showing twelve of Canada's leading statesmen attending the well-known McClary "Sunshine" furnace. The sketches were drawn by a cartoonist who is well. up ia character sketching and the illustrations are true repre. sentations of the difierent politicians, These ads, will not only be interest ing, but should prove educative as they will give the readers of the One to make entry for him BESTEAD DUTIES entry for 5 homestead is md the amendments thereto, to perform one of the following plans : cultivation of the land in each ctice of the Department to r tli if he prefers he may A I8 own property, with building instead of the cultivation. f the father is deceased), of amy | the provisions of this act, res for by such person as a homes prior to obtaining patent may be sati A settler who has been of the Dominion Lu Act, ns connected therew modation, will be (2) 11 the Tather "(or mate 6 a miliar with the. men who are guiding the affairs of Canada. THe text in the advertisement is very brief and quite in keeping with the cartoon style of the drawings. Only a phrase is used and has obtained entry for a second homestead Ce prior to obtaining patent may Omestead, if the second homestead is in the manent residence upon farming land owned by ! rements of this act as to residence same township, or of the = ii adjoining of cornering township Clauses (2), (3) .or (4) must cul 20 head of stock, with buildis ) acres substantially fenced Lo those settlers only who « 0 entitle. thet to patent on or before the HO fa Is to comply with the requirements of and the land may be stance the phrase in the ad. in which Sir Wilirid Laurier is used, refers to the prime minister's suany ways, for which he is noted on two continents, law is lable to have his open for entry. APPLICATION FOR PATENT of three yegrs, before the Local Agent. Sub-Agent or Application for patent, EL TIE a ticn at Ottawa, is used, refers to the Sunshine Furnace as being conduciye i : BARE NR, Borden is so well known. The rest of : " urth-West Foreits r OF entry, and from the offi n apenne. a securing lands to suit them pecting the lan and mineral laws, as well as respectis abplicatiop to a th Way Beit in British Columbia, may be obtained u Commissioner of Immi, IRnos Adee on Jom on, Winnipeg. Manitoba. or the North-West Territorfes. W. CORY, Deputy Minister of the Interior Lands, to which the Regulations above slat- lands are available 3 fons and private firms in Western Canada ar to amy of the Dowision w. ~In addition to Free G of acres purchase from railro at. desi ad and other corporat Church's ALABASTINE the PERFECT, SAMITARY and PERMANENT WALL-COATING, ready for use by mixing in COLD WATER, is EASY: TO GET, because it is for sale by nearly all the leading hardware and paint stores in Canada. That fact alone is evidence of superiority. Look for the linle church on the label of every package. Alabastine is' never sold in bulk. Evetybody should be interested. Anybody writing us can have free our booklet on Alabastine. Address The Alabastine Co. Limited, Paris, Ont. "YEAR 72. NO. 10 one §.P. Jenkins Clothing Co True enconomy is to get the mo for your money of what you wan Clothing poorly put together at a lk price is a money sifiker, FIT-REFORND Is unquestionably the best made the Canadian market. It has reach the highest point of perfection atta) od in the art of clothes making. fashion; finish, fabric; fit, are of 1 very best character,' 'and the pric reasonable, Our Spring Suits Are Walkers. BP. Jenkins Clothiag G "TAKE NOTICE PONT SELL YOUR STOVES, FU Orrpel Gent's Clothes a oe to Noe diet buyer thet con mg. Try me, and you will find | T0sk, THE SECOND-HAND DBALI 3 398 Princess Street. E WANTED. aires Bi J BOYS. APPLY AT RANDOLI "Hotel, . ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ee A 00D EXPERIENCED COOK. # ply at 24 Stuart St meme eee GIRLS AND BOYS WANTED, berndorffers Cigar Factory bcs ------ TWO SMART BOYS. APPLY TO JJ Thompson, Kronthic Works, Qu 4 A 800) STRONG BOY TO LEA Prug business. Apply, Henry Skin & Co ee eee THIRTY GIRLS TO SPLIT MICA . Kent Brothers Mica Works, foot Princess Street. mite ph maitre eee FIRST CLASS COAT MAK) ®anled at once. C. Livingston Bros., Brock St. A ie lr ae i A GENERAL SERVANT. REFIT enres reauired. Apply at Cale woot," Union' St., or Box X, W «office. etait eisai seis A MAID TO ASSIST WITH GENER house work. Good wages to ae potent person. Apply to Mrs. F. Lockett, 109 Wellington St CATTLE TO PASTURE. GO water ; farm 3% miles from city. ) terms, apply to James W. Bell, P address, 12 Main Street, City. 3S FOR tying machines, & Rg, © sorting. Experienced help _ Apply to J. A. Gould & Co. YOU MAKING $2,150 year? It is being done with goods. Work is pleasant, respects and permanent. G. Marshall & ( lon, Ont. GENTLEMEN, TO GET TH} ring Suits made up at Gallowa 181 Brock street, next to Bibl livery ; style, fit and price guarant 10 please ; pressing and repairing d promptly. lecay, REPRESENTATIVE ¥ Niagara Automobiles. Gasoline o Seven . years standin high' gn moderate price. Special induce for Pbfchastr to act us agent. Salle-Ni dalle-Niagara Auto Co., Niag N.Y. ta in a A WBLy, CONNECTED COMMISS! House or Agent, to represent fir: Kingston (with jobbers only,) all kinds of canned fruits, Vegetal Fish, Jams, ete. No one need ai + ho has these lines. Address, Box Whig office. THE DESIRABLE RESIDENCE, y Barrie St., opposite City Park. | + Session May ist. Apply to ! Flanagan, 82 Barrie St. FROM 18T JUNE, FOR THF smonths or longer. Furnished ho Seven rooms ; modern convenien seutral location. Apply by letter P.O. Box 82, Kingston. titers YHAT BRICK DRTACHED RI : fence. No. 438, Brock st. ; heatec i modern conveniences ; Immediate possession. Apply 31. Whig office or on premises. RTABLE BRICK ¥/ House, Partly furnished, well situ on shore of Bay of Quinte, 24 r 0) ot Collins _ Bay. G st roer Queer reat, | wn adntaly Soubind by Mr. ® grocery with large i ved ukidin . Offers aa b i or Wilt 0" wo firchase, Avoly + FOR SALE. LT SEATED oANoPY. TOP CA ge, cheap. Apply at 51 Brock LOST. AG HOUND : GRA h Send inform, 2 Frontenac SALE OR TRANSFER So RIER OF THE KINGS lege. Apply, to SW, at the Collage, Barrie 8 id of Miss Ina Sehard H. Millar, . of Ma L i Tth