Daily British Whig (1850), 8 May 1905, p. 1

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n and Ceylon teas, , tender, high-grown ul blending at the Reg oi : a i fe THR SEQOND-HAND DRALER, pe 398 Princess Street. LT WANTED. py BOYS. APPLY AT RANDOLPH E otel. - good Tea . John, N.B. innipeg. -- -- an North-West. D REGULATIONS inion Lands in Manitoba or the North-West as Bot been homesteaded, or reserved to one purpose, may be homesteaded upon ; amily, or any male over 18 years of age 160 acres, more or less. INTRY the local land office for the Lor if the homestender desires he or. Ottawa, the Commissioner pat for the District in ne to make entry for him BAD DUTIES entry for a homestead is require: J S quired by the . the amendments thereto, t rior; i of the following plans : "perio Pod And cultivation of the land in each : ie practice of the Department to require Tr but if he prefers he may substitute tually his own property, with buildings for he the cultivation. Ja er is deceased), of amy person who is the provisions of this act, resides upon ares iach person as a homestead, the ol nin, ti utistie or or mother. RX patent may be satisfied has ol tained entry for a second homestead defice prior to obtaining patent may be Mmestead, if the second homestead is in the distriet in may, on of Tmmi- Which the land is A fee of $10 is tL Pesidence upon farming land owned by him irements Nis act as to reside J . term "'yvicinity" used or an adlotning of cornering townshi J8ions of Clauses (2), (3) .or (4) mu ubstitute -- 80 acres substantially fenced. 'The pri- ¥ Inw to those settlers only who completed to entitle them to patent on or before the ofa ls to comply with the requirements of iS entry cancelled, and the land may be IN FOR PATENT AFS, before the Local Agent. Sub-Agent or B arplication for patent, the settler must Commissioner of Dominion Lands at IMATION Yet the Jmmigration Office in Winnipeg ba or the North-West Territories, in- Bi for entry, and from the office hard n Bearing lands to suit them. i a neral laws, as well as respe n British Columbia, may be obtained " partment of . the Interior, Ottawa. th» e. : Jotminion h-West oes" any of the Dominion F. Deputy Minister of the Interior inds, to which the Regulations above slat sirable are available for lease or itions and private firms in Western Canada y ove iF cul 20 head of stock, with buildings ° r « mn A\STINE ARY and PERMANENT + for use by mixing in COLD H i p. Jenkins Clothing Co. © A -GRENERAE - 3 || S------ YEAR 72. NO. 107. « § = fl True enconomy: is to. get the most fot your money of what you want, Clothing poorly put together at a low price is a money siiker, FIT-REFORM Js untuestionably the best made in the Canadian market. It has reached the highest point of perfection attain- ed in the art of clothes making. The fashion; finish, fabric; fit, are of - the very best character,' 'and the prices reasonable, Our Spring Suits Are Walkers. 8, P. Jenkins Clothiag Go. "TAKE NOTICE PONT SELL YOUR STOVES, FUR- ceful shape, in the best grade of t's Clo ol Fart are 3 od ] Gen es nd | und, Chine, decorated for Boe to the first buyer that co ¥- rather jthan striking effect, and mes me, and you will find the | ET RPC sell at the residence, No 18 Sydenham A @oOp FAERIE CED COOK. Al- | St. West. ply at 24 Stuart St. ---1O0On Wednesday, May 10 GHLS AND BOYS WANTED, AT] Tue household effects, viz :--Dining berndorffers Cigar Factory. Room Furniture Black Walnut and Leather; Pwo Sideboards, Old Mahogany Cs crc en tees eee Ho SMART BOYS. APPLY TO JAS. Thompson, Kronthic Works, Queen St. A 800) STRONG BOY TO LEARN Drug business. Apply, Henry Skinner % Co. TY GIRLS TO SPLIT MICA AT ent Brothers ! Mica Works, foot of | Bedroom Sets, and Iron Beds, Blankets, Princess Street. Bed and Table Thai and Pillows, Hell re Clock, Campers Outfit and Bicycle, FIRST CLASS COAT. MAKER | Office i Ki Furhiture, Happy ~ Wanted at onte. C. Livingston & | Thought Range, 1 and ot 2 5 _Mros., Brock St. Gas Stoves, awn inkler AWD - " " Mower. Large British ag and many SERVANT. REFER- _ ehees required. Apply at 5 Spo. Union' St. or Box X, Whig vol N A MAID TO ASSIST WITH GENERAL house work. Good wages to a com- a person. Apply to Mrs I, G ckett, 109 Wellington St CATTLE TO PASTURE. GOOD Water ; farm 84% miles from city. For terms, apply to James W. Bell, P.O. address, 12 Main Street, City. -------------- gemini t-- EMPLOYEES FOR STEAM SHWERS, tying machines, sizing, scraping, _ Sorting. Experienced help preferred. Apply to J. A. Gould & Co. YOU MAKING A year? It is being done with our goods. Work is pleasant, respectable and permanent. (I. Marshall & Co., lon, Ont. GENTLEMEN » TO aBET THEIR » ng Suits made up at Galloway's, 181 Brock street, next to Bibby's livery ; style, fit and price guaranteed 10 please ; pressing and repairing done promptly. JR eerarrecemivsnsiast sitesi ---- I0CAL, REPRESENTATIVE FOR Niagara Automobiles. Gasoline cuss, Seven . years standing, I loderate rice. Special Ur parchasér to act as a Salle-Niagara Auto . Falls, N.Y. hate bebo cman omen A WELL, CONNECTED COMMISSION Se or Agent, to represent firm in gSton (with jobbers only,) for & Kinds of canned fruits, Vegetables, ih, Jams, ete. No one need apply t ¥ho has these lines. Address, Box 22, . Whig office. 2,150 Co., 5 TO-LET. THE DESIRABLE RESIDENCE, 84 Aurrie Stor apposite ity Park. Roa. « Bessi a st. Apply to Miss . Flanagan, 8a Barrie St. FROM 18T = JUNE, FOR THREE smonths or longer. Furnished house, jeleven rooms ; modern conveniences ; al location. Apply by letter, to P.O. Box 82, Kington. s Pt tama ar ce ssi simian] YHAT BRICK DRTACHED RESI- : _Spnce, No. A38. Brock st. ; heated by Tmrediate | ern conveniences ; gas. 81 Whig office oe aen. Al A nly Box MPORTABLE BRICK FARM Bn Shore og ar aye, ell situated . m! est at hata). Bay. © ! stale i 5 Totiane, . Also Frame ; 3 "oiling Bay. On C. Rothwell, FEAT pps; ABLE PROPERTY AT Be. Corner of Queer and SEATED CANOPY TOP CARRL » cheap. Apply at 51 Brock St. LOT, SOUTH SIDE Street, between Montreal and ; 49 Colborne street. HOUSE. ALSO I and Diyision Streets. - Barrett, on the premises. " Lost. a CGI STAG HOUND : GRAY IN \ And shaggy. Send "information Cont. Hughes, 42 Frontenac Nt. OR SALE OR TRANSFER. Hedi MRTER OF THE KINGSTON ¥, at the Cotiorn, Barra St ? fs of Miss Ina Root rd HL Millar, . of Mallory- LOT, ie E all the tougher, better than one. and sets at 7.10 p.m. of kindneks, J} sunshine, tinigue, John Washington signed, « TOI AUCTION SALE OF FURNITURE from Miss Sofa, Black Walnut Extension Table, Two ing Dish, and Black Walnut Aquarium & Fernery, Pictures, "Caider- | nm. DAILY MEMORANDA, City- Council, 8 pan. Y. M, C. A. Directors, 8 p.m, Division Court 9 a.m., Tuesday: Chronic complaining makes tough luck When it comes to kissing tyro heads are The sun rises Tuesday at 4.43 am. It's enough to scatter seeds but don't waste all your sone of it for a .rainy all wel Save tay. This day in history :'--St. Pierre, Mar- (destroyed by volcano, 1909; Stuart - Mill + died, 1878; Treaty 1871. The man fell. down the stairway Awd he was hig and fat, And, when he reached the Lottow, Read "'Welcotrie™ on the mat. LET SETS .. You do not have to pay any more to get one of those New Sets, They are of the prices are low. ROBERTSON BROS.. I HAVE RECEIVED INSTRUCTIONS Folgér and Mrs. Osborne, to Dinner Setts, Japanese and other Setts. China and Chaf- Drawing Room Arm and Easy Chairs, Sofas, Couches, ete. Ladies fine Oak Secretary, Ladies Verynold Black Walnut Secretary. Black Walnut Revolving Book Case, Plate Glass (ilasswire, Silverware, ete, Rugs, Curtains and Lamps, other articles. Terfus cash. Sale at 10.30 JOHN H. MILLS, Auctioneer. IMPORTANT NOTICE SEVEN SUTHERLAND SISTERS bee to. announce to the ladies and gentle- men of Kingston, and vicinity, that they bave made arrangements with G. W. Mahood, Esq.. Druggist, Princess and Bagot Sts, and will hold daily con- sultations for two weeks, commgncing Monday, May 8th, regarding treatment of the Hair and Scalp. They respectively invite everyone to call and consult with them. See the Long. Beautiful Hair, the result of the use of the SEVEN SUTH- ERLAND SISTERS' HAIR GROWER AND HAIR AND SCALP CLEANER. Canadian Head Parlors, 11 Colborne St., Toronto, J. H. Bailey, Foreign Manager ENGLISH CARVING SETTS Direct imports FIELD, the home of the world's best cutlers, Many handsome designs in cases; others not so elaborate at less Cor. from SHEF- money. We . are particular that all "our Carving Setts are good. SMITH BROS., *°% 8EFiCians 350 KING STREET, MILITARY DANCES OR PARADES If you need anything in shoes for such purposes remember we are headquarters for that class of goods Wear '"Allen's"' Military Bootmakers, 84 Brook St. 8IGN. OF GOLDEN BOOT. NOTICE WILL THE LADY WHO CALLED AT the Rathbun Building, Place de Arms, on the 27th of April, to See an old fashion- ed picco of furniture, - please call again and receive an answer as the lady will dispose of it WHAT MAY BE DONE -- Keep the Line in Good Condition. § jal to the Whig. RIOR. Alay 8.--There is a strong rumor in well-informed railway cir cles that the TC P.R. is contemplating a radical change in operating western lines and will hand over the work of the maintenance of ways department to private contractors. At present the maintenance of the six thousand miles of the western lines entails an annual expenditure of $4,000,000 and if the contractors are able lo see their way clear to do the work ata satisfactory figure, it is thought that the CPR. will accept the best bid Some 10.000 skilled and wbskilled workmichi will be affected To ---------------- Charles W. Roe, one of Buftilo's fore most automobile dealers; died, of Saturday of injuries received on Wed- ing car in front of the Teck theatre. DAIL OANA RED } nesday hv the overturning of his towr- = KINGSTON For Fight Which Threatens Russian Left. GENERAL LINEVITEH MAY HAVE TO DEFEND HIS RECORD. Japanese Heavy Columns Con- centrate on Liao River--Gen- eral Battle Impending--Rus- siafi' Torpedo Boats Burma Sailing Vessel. ? Special to the Whig. churia, May 8.--Field Marshal Oyama seems to be ready to assume the of: fensive on a large scald, and activity has already begun i Linevitch's. left, This mia be the pre lude to another general hattle. The Japanese have concentrated their advance divisions have heen in contact with the Russians who holding the main road from Fakoman to Bashienchen. J On Thursday the Japanese cavalry suddenly attacked the Cossacks in ov- erwhelming force, forcing \the latter to retire. Then, supported by infantry, the Japanese advanced and drove the Russian infantty out of the village of Palitoun, A Russian reconnoitring party twen- ty miles further west ran into an am- bush and all the party éscept five were killed. Marauding Russians. \ Tokio, May 8.--Feur Russian torpe- do boat destroyers from Viadivostok appeared west of Hokkaido, off Subu. on Friday. Thev seized and burned a small sailing vessel and imprisoned the captain and disappeared to the northwest. They were evidently re- turning to Vladivostok. There is a possibility that they have destroyed other small craft, although no. reports to that effect have been received. - Although none have been sighted, it the Vladivostok sutiadron ed the torpedo boats, wh 3 of Hokkaido west x doubted that the torpedo ; venture ea or She. h sen: which: was. yuming .. when burned the sailing vessel. The Russians poured kerosene on the deck of the sailing vessel and withdrew, after having. ignited the ail. . Kurgpatkin Going Home, 8t. Petersburg, May S.---The rumors of the approaching return of Gen. Kuropatkin from the front new seem to be definitely confirmed, and it is er of the fourth East Siberian corps will succeed him. Failing health is as- signed as the cause for Kuropatkin's coming back 10 St. Petersburg, The Hospitals Filled. London, May 8.--A travelling cor- respondent of the Lancet reports that, on March 28th, the hospitals, at Har- bin, contained 70,000 wounded. The city 'was one large hospital. The Red Cross Society, with twenty-seven hos- pitals, was trying to cope with the situation, but its efforts were minimiz- ed because the Russian apmy officers were at loggerheads . with the Red Cross staff, 3 A Tleet Of Warships. London, May S.A despatch to the Daily Mail, dated Labuan; British Bor- neo, May 6ch, says! "The steamer Chingmai reports that, Friday night, she passed a fleet of warships and other vessels off the Mantanai Islands, north;west of Borneo. The warships were apparently coaling." A despatch from Labuan, to Reit- er's Telegram company, veports that the fleet sighted was a large one in two - divisions, showing lights but stationary, and with the appearance of heing engaged in coaling. Sighting Vessels. Hong Kong, May 8.-- The steamer Tsing-Tau, which arrived here on Sat urday, reports that she sighted twen- ty-one. vessels of the Baltic fleet off Van Fong.elndo-China, and fourteen cruisers 6ff the Three Kinge Island, on May 3rd. Ordered To Leave. London, May 8.---~The Tokio corres pondent of the Daily Telegraph says that in response to Japan's second protest, France has intimated that the Baltic fleet has been ordered to {eave Hankoe Bay. It is believed that Admiral Rojestvensky will make a pew base at lLeongsoi, south of the island of Hainan. Will Aid Nebogattoff. Tokio, May |. --Assuming that Vice Admiral Rojestvensky meditates a speedy junction of his squadron with Vice:Admiral Nebogatofi's division, it is believed here that the meeti the ships may be expected by % day, May 9th, the speed of Neboga- 10fl's being only about seven knots an hour. These ships are believed to be in need of coal, and stores and their deficiencies in this respeet will proba- bly be supplied by Viee-Admirdl Ro- ter the two admirals effet a junetion' The future movements of the here although the delay of Rojestven- senghushshieng (or Maimaikai) Man-| #1 against General | ° heavy columns on the Liao river, and}? is believed that the larger vessels of | yesterday. is | & said that Gen. Zaroubaieff, command-}~ jéstvensky, at some inendly port af- squadron are a matter of speculation been reported, and, v have returned to 8¢, Claims Japan. 8.~Special | despatches b: the London morning t that Japanese ing highly inflamed at failure to prevent os: gard for the principles y the Russian Pacifie bluntly describes « that they would y as falsehoods; de: pan would be justified f French tercitory and government to take panese officials in Lob- y. given every privile Keop just ' outside the 3 Ships Are. @ B.-- The Russian hospi: pa, arrived here, to- Force. rg, May 8. The news "indicates that Field pis pressing Gen. Line- posts east and west of considerable force as iertake a general offen- PITH OF THE NE The Very Latest Cnlled From All Over The World. Mrs. Ballington Booth, of the Sal vation Army; is i at Montelair, Premier Roblin, of Manitoba, is re- ported to be seriously. ill with pneu monia. British imports in April decreased £0.494.500 and exports increased $3, 268,000. The London. Times says there is anxiety. for the future in the commer- cial world. . Ralph "C. Carswell, of Richmond Hill, has been arrested in Toronto for forgmg cheques, Fhe Canada Glue company has de- cided not to locate in Guelph but will go to Brantiord. Robert Proctor was acquitted, at London, on the charge of murdering Clifton Loomis. Martin Quinn, was sentenced to one year in jail for perjury at the last dominion election in London. , In a new treaty signed between Great Britain. and Cuba a favored nation clause was struck out The Roberts-Parker wholesale gro cery house, St. Joseph, Mo., was de- stroyed by fire. The loss is $500,000, Mr. Tarte says the story that he is to go back into political life as =o minster without portfolio is absurd. Pr. Thomas Bradley of Kincardine township has been appointed license inspector for the distriet of Centre Bruce. After his speech, on Friday night. osebh Chamberlain was prostrated antl has Had. to cancel gll his engage ments. A Brant county . man, thirty-two years of age, is dead from blood-pois- bning as a result of wearing tight oes, + Mrs, J. W. Gray, said to be the wealthy widow of a Chicago million: aire, shot herself dead in the Hotel Imperial, New. Y Lord Strathcona, om behall of the inland revenue department of Canada, has presented the Fiscal Philatelic so- ciety' with a # set of revenue John Boyle, Wolford township, found uilty on a charge of criminally as- saulting Katie Jamook, a child of sight yeas, been sentenced to two wears in Kingston penitentiary. Elisabeth, the four-year-old daugh- ter of Charles Tipney, farmer, Sweets- burg, visiting her grandfather, Esdras Julien, was iost ile out with him and uncles, who were burning brash. a - At Orillia, for fotitishing a revolver on the streets in stores while in- toxicated, Frank Vénase, a French- man, was fined $30 and costs. He is a dangerous man and fought desperate ly to resist arrest. @ Ontario - Gazétte announces the confirmation of a4 bylaw of the Timo- thy Eaton Co., Toronto, providing for, increasing the' half a million 5,000 shares at $100 each. The unveiling of the statue of Vie ment at an early date. Household i 10¢, McLeod's Drug Store, ammonia, pint bottles, hi tor gkv, on the Indo-China const, bas\fialian raised dotibt as to his pirpose to log e Ee move northward and risk an engage The Vladivostok torpedo boat des H presented by the Franco \ is, to the city place on Saturday in the of King Victor Em- nthe French Given To British Co VETO ACTS INCREASE IN REVENUE | is supposed to have been Company s éapital from | by the issue of | o = * Legislators. EXPENDITURE. revenud to bo $57.1 1, al a million dollars inerense same ten months last 2 diture was $12.997.007, an $4,535 xpenditure was ,100,000, an cress of one million 3 its course. in only the general, sanction Mystery of Source of : Donation Cleared. Utita, gift to Bishop Brent, pines, about which there has much mystery yoars, has just been' have ton member heard of Was a church, his departure. It was given not be made public, has been kept secret until now. ------ May Get Steel Plant. Special to the Whig. Sarnia, Ont., May lar steel plant which United Steel company is to officials of the steel col cally every requirement but the mayor ning an expenditure of ninety vards hepe. Duncan, who was two years nor Sunday He held Tuesday. using all her energies ber of signers. a few days. To Continue Struggle. Special to the Whix. Chicago, May & ~Ta-day, ty-first day the struggle. tichard Fruon, ed man tbl. Special to the Whig, vrantiord, Ont. mitted suicide, yesterday, ing a quantity of carbo 2 He leaves a | y. Many Days Overdue. Special to the Whig. insane. now that the freight steamer iz thirty-five days overdue at Cruz. prea: from New Haven to rendered' to the police up. Mixed sweet cl tes and many other distingpished nis y geod "res J Gibson's RODE, . Vanderlip, a prosperous farmer, lived a few miles from this city, com- awallow- acid. He y bao AND months ending with April shows the t half over the The expen- | - 12 increase of 4 over last vear. The capital ins a hall over of ates the approach of | lst . There was an' increase tolls squadron. The | about $8,000,000 in all classes of ex- 3 dron is said to be | pénditures, £44 Annam. in ther sennle. the legflation to andie: " tion the Grand Trunk purchase of the Canada Atlantic system paswed its final reading, and having. already run lower housed, awaits of the governor GIFT TO BISHOP BRENT. $100,000 NY..- May ~The $100,000 of the Philip- as botn so ascertained to come from Mrs. Edward 1 of this city, who wi Be it heeatne known that Bishop Brent wished for $100,000 with which to build a cathedral in his new missionary field. Mra. Brandegeo, who of the Episcopal the bishep's wish and made the present on the eve of with the understand- ing that the name of the donor should and the matter 8.--Sarnia hopeful of securing the ten million dol States locate at some point in Canada. The town was visit f ed some time ago by a number of the any. Praoti- vy made has been met. A site of five hundred acres has been provided by the town on the river bank, The Pere Marquette rails way, which runs close to the river, at hat point, will have to be set back, is assured (that the railway will assist in every reasona- ble way. The Pere Marquette is Watertown, N.¥,, May 8, James A. sentenced to - Aw burn Prison December 3rd, 1908, for forgery, for a term of not less than more than five, died in that institution. The maine will be brought here ant taken ta the undertaking rooms of Payne & Burng, from where the funeral will be leaves a wife and four small children. The wife has been to. secure .a pardon and had circulated a: petition to. that effect, securing a laree num- It was thought that Duncan would have been pardoned in the thir- of the teamsters' strike, found both sides prepared to continue Two brothers, John and were fatally stabbed, to-day, in -a street fight with a color Their assailant escaped. Swallowed Carbolic Aeid. May 8,--Herman who Mexico City, May 8.14 is believed oy Haioburg- American Castilla is lost. S Vera Thomas Shevlin, captain of Yale's sfootball team, raced the Boston Ex- eriden, in ah aitomobile, heat it, and then sur- for violating the speed law, paying $40 to settle at " 3 Fe and dollars in improving .its terminal re- +b is ation, alter twelve years of married PASSED dition of ti te that France put off f any trouble until 4 year after her sis. E Ppromises in order to Musiure Sendtivnits STB Pur- ter came to live at house, Then ' : a en Passes | yo said she caught her husband sit PEERS Final Reading-<The Figures | ting on Miss Jennings' lap. and kissing ; - : for the Dominion. _ |her. After that he weed to take her | * RTO FRANCE. # | guraws, May. 8.=Thies sota of the oUt frequently and his feelings again 3 5 * | British Columbia legislature have been 'his wife became so strong that as- 2 8.--The - #. | vatond, of which: notice 'is gazet salted and abused her at different ps, France that i }jay The chief - one - is the Inumigra- | times, 2 Min may have to # {ion Aet, aimed at excluding Japa | Becaiise she would not tell him Lon the side of @ |pese, of which Consul-General Nosse| Where she had hidden a beer bottle the alleged % | nade complaint. The others are one] She swore that . he pushed her down, neutrality con- + celiting to coal mined regulation mt. and both kicked and struck her. When and an act relating to the employment [she - said she would retaliate by on works carried on under fra 'thumping" her sister, Buckner seized granted by private acts. her and' struck her head against' the ' " the statement of revenue and ex- | wall a such force that the plaster y time [ote 8 penditure of the dominion for the ten | Was h Ces and at o v 4 1 a to them.' He hop h return to work at once. x MEXICAN HUMAN SACRIFICE. A Priest Tex., May BOs himself as a human sacrifice at the al fio, parish priest at Cuamleé, state of of the sins of gregation, at the same time threaten- ing with damnation approach. house inmates yoked to a plough has been at work ih a field attached to the ton-next-Sittinghourne work- house, The idea is that of the mas- ter, who has been considering the problert of what to do with the able. bodied inmates of the house. diang oconsidere much iftetest. No dissatisfaction was expressed by the members of the team. On the contrary many of them seemed | ° to ehjov it. One of the guardians re marked that it was an illustration of jhe apiness of the ory "back to and." lico offiorals investigating the attempt to assassinate Governor Myasoy: have received by oxpress a papers ting that th ta tat 7 infetnal mite onough but the mechanism failed to operate. i ------------ Case At Osgoode Hall. | STE non with. undue t hy ae dntimecy with since their A "1 think it t they i His Altar. Hopson, ar of his own cathedral, Afosic Ori: Guadalajara, Mexican, his atoned Jor i f hi ) on, according --- dictates his inflamed im tion. With his clothing saturated with a oil he up on the alter in A great many Coffees "have Yilw of ., . By wit- personality. One Jot ard was in a pillar of gobd and the next getting the "Mr. Hyde" variety. Our JAVA and MOCHA BL any who might | is always the same, ALWAYS E) : GOOD. A ! 30 cents fames Redden & d members of the con- Paupers Yoked To Ploughs. London; May 844A team of work The last meeting of the Milton guar- he experiment with Failed To Work. Vibourg, Russia, May 8.--The po- pi and clothes with a letter sta- would 'throw light on ¢ package contained an machine charged with dyna- to destroy a ~ YACHT FOR SALE. EAE suas ome BB "feet long. 10" feet Deam, © feet.

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