Daily British Whig (1850), 8 May 1905, p. 3

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ST ---- ublic - Demonstration 0°morrow, May 9 Afternoon and Evening, hotography Without Dark Room Come and bring a Film d have it de veloped in daylight, you from the home of the K As I have charge. oak Velox paper developme ints not perfectly on gd = ol ints to yon ex. Don't forget; all "int rect kery welcome, crested In Fron Kg. in 2 9 pom. 20 1 and 7 --AT--- he "Best" Drug Store, LT. BEST, Chemist and Optician, ineess 4 Pr "Ph one 59, Quick Delivery. DELICIOUS Pori:Beans The Best Pork, Finest Beans, most skillfull seasoning and scientific cooking. A most nutritious and palatable food _ for old or young. Sold in Tins, Ready to serve, by all" dealers W. CLARK, Mfr. Montreal. So | BIRD TON 1D TONIC FREE FREE medicine free by sending us + bird keep. 3 wrappers. Bird Breadin nd of m) or druggist. If deal AS song a A cash or st: A ear ~ he for pts. IRD'B READ i: Tint: u t help in bird troullles free for bros ant (Address exactly OTTAM BIRD SEED, - ~ St Londen, Out. Out. sssrsssearessessaeaell Enticing Specials in Dress Goods . A snap in Wool Taffeta Dre Goods came our way lately and you may have a share it on Tuesday. It is fine im ported goods, all wool, 2 inches wide, in dainty shades of green, fawn, light grey navy and blue grey, big value at 75¢. to 85¢c. a yard, Tuesday 5Yc. yours on At the same time we will sell the finest Eoliennes and Cre Pe de Chene in cream, pearl g champagne, brown, navy, ak " and green, this quality al- ways sold at 81, our Tuesda¥ price 75¢. a yard. A rare chance to secure a swell cos- tume for a bridal or evening party. See the lina of Women's Fast Black Sateen Petticoats, four ruffles, that we are sell- ing this week at 9%; you have paid $1.25 for not quite so good a quality. with Newman & Shaw in ® Barriefield * Deliveries will be made without extra charge, contrary to previous announce= ments. J | JAMES SWIFT & C0. Telephone 138. OPP PP0IP 000009000000 § Me. and Return. by sea: and rail "Excursion YX ny. antouver , 9 a. Lm, y St. Lawrence, Gulf of Bt, Drea, eduled t Monday, May. 15th Stsames to treal by Mongrent Portland to passage class and pullman tickets. For particulars pn LONE IN CONNEOTION WITH DIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. $46.30 a ga1.80 From iredt Is Port: OTHER WONDERFUL CASE, Here is Something That Will be Welcome News to Many a * Discouraged Ome. "For several years I have been trous bled with = gas around my heart, shortness of breath, in fact, if I walked my usual gait Vv breath would get'se short compelled to: make severak stops dur- ing my walk." "Of late my foed did not digest pro- 0] perly. 14 turned sour in my stomach, causing me great distress; often, too, 1 had disagreeable attacks of belching gas and heartburn. "I was bothered with severe pains across the of my back and the least bending or turning would cause me to almost cry out, "1 was induced "to hardt's Anti-Pill and first found relief, "For the last three months 1 have bad no recurrence of my former com- plaints, so I am bound to say Anti Pin has indeed cured me.' This is the volmtary statement of Wilkin H. Reed, of 165 Queen street; ton, Ont. druggists sell Anti-Pill. The Wil son-Fyle a Limited, Niagara Falls, Ont. The remedy that cured such an ex ireme case is surely worth 'trying. 506 For sale at "The Best Drug Store," 1. T. Best, Chemist and Optician, 124 Princess Street. William H. Reed. try Di. Leon- from the very eT O ee NEY a on Sale Dati ingenuity have Victoria | May 15th, 190 Ea ps el, © + moin cuss CURED.:= " iy ' Bece i FROM KINGSTON. remarkable cures per. Portland } : formed is tnat of 5g rv, Jno. Eves, ar- Law Rates to many other West 5 ae Ki son, ticulars at K. & P. Ae C. ' ° PR et Office, Ontario Stree r AY, P, A. FOLORH JR., Ge. Pass. Ast: + Gen, Supt. wo QUINTE RAILWAY , Agent B. Q. Ry., Kiagsten. f LLVERrOUL 3 Noyal Mail Steamers. "* From Montreal. From Quebec Victorian, May 12, 9 a.m. May 12, 7 p.» Jusatian, May 19, 4 a.m. May 19, 3 p , May Short line' for Tweed, Napanes, |: and all. local points. Trains y Hell Depot at 8:25 pm. F: and LONDONDERRY 26. 9 aan. May 26, § pan. a OF PASSAGE--kitst Cabin, | Felt Weak and Nervous. »| Had Faint and Dizzy Spells. we and upwards, + aecording to acsommodation ; Second a Lverpool and dons $47.50 according to : rman, V. A ha] condition of the heart and 'merves. ; + Belfast, © GlasgoW, | Wherever there are sickly peopls with AL TO GLASGOW, DIRECT.| weak hearts and deranged netves, « Thurs. May 18, 10 a.u od YORK TO GLASGOW. vos Wed. May 10, (daylight) "er, application to HARLEY, Afent, G.T.R. City GILDER- particulars on Depo! SLEEVE, Fiend Street. ARCHITECTS: ST NEWLANDS, mo SrSmeemmenme ARCHITECT, OF- d floor over Mahood's drag oon corner Princess and Streets. Enterance on Bagot street. Telephone 608. ARTHUR ELLIS ARCHITECT, O fic site of New Drill Hall, near cor wer of Queen and Montréal Streots. POWER od SON ARCHITECT, n. MILBURN'S HEART AND NERVE PILLS will be found an effectual remedy. Through the medium of the nervous system, they impart a strengthening and restorative influence to every organ and tissue of the body. They restore enfeebled, enervated, ex- bausted, devitalized, or overworked men and women to perfect constitutional ot ¥- Miss Maggie L. Cleveland, Bayswater, N.S., tells how she was cured in the MER- Bapk Building, corner Brock | following words :-- al ellington streets. 'Phone 213. "y ich forthe past year, and bee RGR. BST, ARCHITECT, came thoroughly run down. I had faint r Marke Building, 'Phone 245. . MONEY AND BUSINESS. L, LOTION AND GLOBE and dizzy spells, and felt weak and nervous all the time, I tried numerous remedies, but could get no help. I them read in the paper about Milburn's Heart names Company. Available] and Nerve Pills, and got a box of them, Jo 157 a1. a addition to| Before I had used one-half the box I the" policy holders have for lier oie ' ty a unlimited lability ot began to get better, so got another one, insured at di Soubie and by the time the two were finished I Te re fn sf ra it r om range OUR PoLICIES VER M - oma offers. Examine "then ot oy eh BEST IN CANADA! 7 NOW IS THE {WIN TER OF YOUR , DISCONTENT MORE ON than any oth was as well as ever." Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills, 50 cents per box, or 8 for $1.25, All dealers, or Tus T. Mizsumy Co:, LIMITED, Toronto, ONT. EG . 18 nob Sndiply Stuffing, eise any one Jeouia db ite Wo nave the best skilled Up- "holsterers, our. work stapds, looks well, Jools dbmfertable. Your Old Furniture can be madeas Good as New at a moderate cost. listimates given at your home. Lounges done over, With new cover only, $2.50 up, Coverings sold by the yard, large stock, 30c. up to $6 per yard. Repair work promptly dome: T. F. HARRISON GO. _'Phone 90. Fuel Fuel Hard Coal]! Grate and Ege for your fu Son Chestnut and Pea fo for your Swves. Soft Coal Cannel for your grate, Select Lump for grates and engines. Smithing Slack: Also Cut & Uncut Wood yn P. WALSH, PARRACE SF, xifa Charles Welbanks, village clerk, New- burgh, is appointed a commissioner in t high court of justice for the ¥ county of Lennox and Addington, A 4s hia of I would be | Left Home a Dimeé' Novel Hero, and Was Ashamed to Return-- Joyous Reunion in.Portland, Ore, Battle Creek, Mich., May 8---The ro- mantic story. of the solution of: a lost hoy mystery was made public last night. Alfred. Shepard, of. this city. son of the late David Shepard, rn head. of the gent threshing firm, of the chols lived twenty vears ago. in. St. J Blichy; and was a prominent. man. ay, twenty years , his only child, Frederick David Shepard, aged sixteen, left the house to: go down town, and wes never soon noOF heard of. Hundreds of dollars were spent in a search for the son. Detec- tives were employed cities, The search was. continued. for years, until the parents finally gave up in the belief that. the boy was. dead. At that time St. Joseph was a: "tough town, on account of the many sailors in port, and the general belief was that the boy had been murdered. Two weeks ago Shepard received a paper from Portland; Oregon, which contained a photo-engraving of a handsome. young woman, under which appeared the words: "Bride of Fred. D. Shepard." The chief of poliee was telegraphed to and an immediate re: hotol. Mr. and Mrs. Shepard took the first train to. Portland. = Last night they retwmed, rejoicing, for after twenty sorrowing vears, they had met and embraced their long-lost: son. The story of the boy is that, 3 ing of: dime fovels influenced him to run away to hunt Indians and beeome '| & cowboy. He had hard luck upon ar- riving in the west and shame prevent. od him from writing home. Finally. becoming weaned; he did not: care to return home. Last October he was married to the daughter of a big ranch owner. A few weeks age he told his story to his wife, and she, think. ing it was not right that he should | keep his whereabouts away from his | parents, sent: a.marked puper:to them. IN GOOD CONDITION. Sheep Must Be Well Carsd for During Cold Weather. The sheep must have been kept in good condition through the winter months, if you expect them to do well in summer, Thev should be kept free from ticks, as the ticks ge, from the sheep to the lambs and are injurious to them. They may be killed by. dip- ping, or using insect, wrler through a small bellows, This quickly | destroys | leading them, During. ibe ng period, if] fi one keeps the sheep close at howe will save lambs which otherwise might stray away, afterwards. being disown: ed by the mothers. grass sod, If the sheep are kept in the woods, they keep the briers and shrubs down: Sheep should be salted regular- ly ance a week. When the lambs are young they should not be allowed to stand out in a cold rain, for it nearly kills them. When vou commence feedine the lambs in the fall, do mot put them on full feed at first or the will waste it, Clover hay, shelled corn and oats make a good feed for them. Sheep are the micest stock on the farm and if properly tended are pro- fitable. You should be careful not to let your flock get old but sell off the old each year. When you dock the lambs it is well to put some lard and turpentine on the wound to. take the soreness out. As a rule if the lambs are thin and poor, they will not be good: feeders, but if they are stout and healthy, they will prove profitable. \ Dr. Williams" Pink Pills, if you take them. buy them at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. Joseph Chamberlain is_suffering from a severe chill and was too indisposed to attend the reopening ceremony at Queen's College. Brain Fag In Spring of Discouragement and From Weak Feelings Despondency Blood--Cure: in Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. Of all the blood = ment to the human ly. one-fifth: is consumed in the brain in the manu- facture of nerve force, the vital power which. is transmitted through. the sym- pathetic nerve to the lungs, heart, lied as nourish- suppl the: motive power to these or- a the spring when the blood is thin and watery and the nerve force be comes. depleted, the ill-efiects are often fisgt felt in. the brain. head aches. The mind is dull $ and listless. It is dificult to concen- teate the thoughts. Feelings of gloom andid 'diséouragement come over you, and ambition seem to he all --. ou begin to look on the dark side of things, Your temper is easily irsitated. But enrich and purify the blood by the use of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food and you pill soon. find disease of body and mind. disappeari The tired jer pO. of the brain receive new vitality from the sew, righ. blood, mew nerve force is sent tingling along the delicate nerve fibres and every organ of the body responds to. the new call to health and duty. If you would: avoid the ills' and of spring use Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, 50c. a box. at all deal ers, or Edmanson, Bates & €a, ronto, Portrait and signature of Dr. A. W, Chase on every box, FIND WES SO | HEIR OF WEALTHY FAMILY WSAPPEARED: = machine & nic Co, | to assist in. all ply. came that. the son: was. living iu} | that city, and wag the proprietor. of a idueys, liver, bowels, ete., and which } Po- | at a sale stable n, re] ong Jot otherwise--be- igh not absolutely bad arpuse suspicion; and the ands admitted to me that was different from the rest im. a little 'mean "I men instances to show of average intelli- should look 0 hi eye, - @ the white, glancing "backward, Apdicates bad temp- er, and above: a.glassy, tremulous oye, which \ stupidity, It is h to : but easily recogniz- ed There .be a considerable Sues. helmet the. eyes, The ears and "them are hardly less hots try op ears that move continually with a weneral tendency to be ard indicates a good and | v sposition. 1 s BS SHOP, ---- A Famous in the Carrollton or, Baltimore, Maryland. e barber shop. in the Carrollton --_ye Baltime sterilizes everything ,it uses in the The sterilizing is done by heat. A towels, the razors, the strops, , the combs and brushes are lise before being used ona customer, Where there is no terili the barber use New- en instion. It rt the dandrufl germ, it. ie antiseptic for the 'scalp, and for face after shaving, All leading everywhere appre- ciate these facts about Herpi- cide and they use it. "Destroy the cause, Fe the effect."" Sold hy "Send 0c. in stamps to Herpicide Co., De- he trot, Nich. oe Mahood, special agent. setae ' Union Ofcials*Wrathy. Sheep do well on a clover sod, but Chicago, May 8.--As a result of the in dry seasons will "eat it out'; but | actions of four laborers, fully 1,900 (he best pasture for sheep is a June | workmen have been thrown out of em- ployment at Kedsie avenye and Tay lor streets, where a model co-operative in- dustrial establishment "is being built at. a cost of s million dollars. The officials of the unions to which the men belong are st y against the walleout, and most of them: will demand that the emtive force return work or face trial boards. The le a ers or caissonsworkers were being but forty-five cents an ° hour, nth it was said. the price should pe fifty cents. Merchantmen Now. Cruisers. Vietoria, B.C... May 8~The steamer Ivo. Maru (Capt: Phompson) from Yokohama, has arrived. Three ship masters, who have lost their steamers, which were seized: when carrying con: traband, by the. Japanese, brought news that in all seven fine merchant steamers belonging-40.. the American European lines of: the Nippon Yusen Kaisha and Toyo Kisen Kaisha have been converted into zoruisegy and dis- patched to join Togo... Was Deeply: Affected. Woodstock, Ont., March 8.--At the, funeral of the late Hon: James Suth-| erland, during the weligious services Sir Wilfrid Laurier 'was a pathetic figure, Sitting close the remains of his departed colleague, he 'sobbed pite ously, while the 'clefgymen read the impressive ritual for the dead, and spoke in praise of Mr. Sutherland's splendid qualities of head and heart British Cruiser Offered Help. Hong Kong, May 8.--A 4,600- ton caisson, specially constructed to raise the French armored cruiser Sullv sunk in Allong Bay, Tonquin, in Fely- ruary, was launchd and will leave immediately for Saigon. The commander of the British armored cruiser Nogue offered. services in tow- ing the caisson. Murders Two With One Shot. Sharon, Pa., May 8 Inflamed with jealotis rage, John Soreski shot and killed John and her ten- vear-o BY Phew; "Frank Rocei, and then turned the wi on: himself, inflicting a fatal which caused the woman's death, pass- He atively through 4 the body and kill- ed the bo; We Special ArFangeme Arrangements. Toronto, May: S.~Special arrange- ments have oe made by the G.NW, Telegraph company, for direct wires between Winnipeg. Toronto and Mon: treal in order to facilitate the rapidly increasing business to all points in Eastern Canada. AE Wash pans with Dey Soap, a Po It will remove the grease with the great- est. ease. Roderick McRa¢, -afrested at the Cenitral Prison a few days ago on the completion of a term, was re-sentonced for two years for theft, and. jail break- Barrie, Ont. Bete Pickering was thrown from in front of the Toronto city | hall 'on Saturday; and sustained n heen leg. His horse alipped on the wel. pavement. Blue day Corn Plasters are sold at Gibson's, What of a good ser viceable as most people want to ¢ chief points are the:eye Hor whether - on the. so ar of pleasare in " tial thing is to | have 8 < is intelligent and gentle, or: ds intelligent and | vicious, rathe "stupid, for stupid | "horses are dangerous of all. Every ' ie harteter in his head, and. oye, Just as . 3 shows his charac- ter in ugh, as in the case of men; not always easy to 'read what is written in the equine features, ) horses of positive & good or positive: ly bad, - thes Fhe no mistake, 1 once bought's off a dealer, for a woman's "without even taking her owt of 1 . She seemed to be sound, and" EEL sure from her | eves t 5 was unusually gentle} and safe, "80 she proved to be. On the a out of six or eight another. oof luminous. eye; |. wound. The ballet Eianosone has, than 20 years, been the constant subjeet Of Seieniig and chemical research. It is by. eompauntt nor with oT ay Sn by. a: process: requiring immense appar ratus ane 14 time. The result is that , what oxygen does. |i 2 i Hi i 'nest helpful thing in the world to you. The most significant. part. of: his ve sponse to the toast drunk: in his honor grow. out of the remark that although Gill hgd grown to a first-class col: lege, it is not a aniveraili. He continued : "To produce a great university you must have a sort of leisure class within the institution. A man who«works six or eight or ten hours a day can do no ggeat amount of original thinking. It would be a good thing if our American universities followed the example set by such, institutions ing their professors quite so hard and instead giving thom a little more time teaching and lecturing | BY in Germany and England by not work- | be "But there is one thing I must say to vou in connection with this,"" he re- sumed. "Ireally think it a shame that so many of you have crossed the bor: der, Seriously speaking, I do wish that a greater number of you would stay at home. And, in particular, 1 aust urge you not to bring the Cana- dian girls here." Dr. Osler was intreduced by Dr. H. N. Vineberg, president of the society, who acted as toastmaster. Among those present were the Right Rev. Frederick Courtney, former Bishop of Nova Scotia; the Rev. Arthur Judge. president of the British Schools and Universities + Club; Wallace: Downey, president of the Canadian Society of New York; Dr. Rankin, of the Queen's University (Kingston, Ont.) Graduate Society; and R.' Anderson, of the To- ronto University Club. Moth Destroyer. Nothing better than Cedar 'Camphor costs 2c. per Ib, McLeod's Drug Store Mrs. A. C.'McCallumi, Lanark, bas sold her beautiful home to C. Forbes, | and will go to Carleton Place to Tor side, Kemptville is to appoint a commis. sion to manage town parks. Drugless Cure For Catarrh It Soptlies, Cleanses and Heals the Diseased Membranes by Medicated Air--Never Fails. Catarrhozone is a rational treat- ment; it goes right to the seat of the trouble; Us sure {o cure hecanse it destroys the cause of catarrh. In no cave will it. fail. No one who inhales Catarrhozone can possibly suffer from catarrh. antiseptic vapor of Catarchozons gives swift relief to the inflammation and congestion caused by the catarrh germ. The air passages are cleansed and healed, mucous discharges are k fahdued, coughing and sniffeling stop at once. No Person Can Keep: Catarrh Who Inhales CATARRHOZONE- ¢Mr. Lawrence Kennedy of New West Annan, N.8., says:--For three years my catarrh grew worse and worse. 1 got: no relief till I used Ca tarrhozone. It was not very long in curing me 'so pefectly that the dis- ease has never returned." It is impossible to select a remedy that cures so thoroughly as Catarrh- ozone. Its merits have been proved to the satisfaction of mowe than twenty thousand physicians in United States and Canada that prescribe it regu- larly. In five. minutes Catarrhozone re- lieves, in one day it cures wild ¢ canes. No medicine -- just medicated air. Harmless and very pleasant. Perman- ! ont oure for the most chronic cases gunranterd. Two months' treatment, {price $1.00; sample size, 23¢.: at all dealers or Polson & Cos, Hartford, SORRY SO MANY LEFT 3 Prof. Osler's Speech to McGill "HOMESTEAD REG j : BB and Other Canadians Mor Al Syn Bl hered section of Popsice Lauds in Meaiioly i the North We Hi Now Yok May Oho ok rE ho BH ew ork, ay 0: Work I provide wi lots for settlers, or for d your. professors so hard, but give 3 oy parson: whe is the sole head ol os ly, or male over 18 of Se them a little more vince to think, extent of one-quarter section of phere or less. gen ; was<the advice of Br. Willimm Osler1o-1 the American universities in his speech a, the local fond) office 18% aie district ix as the guest of homor at the tenth ih the Tama Io Bria ETE ng Sn annual dinner of the new graduates' fo te society of McGill University, ¥ Phursday situated, or Somat for "Sone me for him. A foo aveniug, at the Hotel Imperial, says | "hatred & D DUTIES Lo vhaions 51 The Bombion "act nro! ons of mn he 18 ons' or (1 i Br land in tt 15, tn JS acres u g ch Fock: and 40 head of FE a. homestead ia Cher odation, WE a jasned fof 8 (or mo! eligible a farm in the nay of requirements of Ancant to Sudica settler who avail tivate 30 acres end. or 20. to thin pa a x a 4 hk as. ng M i -- men, he what | y ha use there copld be in ing. abet tha ia tw 3 American' annexation of Canada, see | again thrown open for entry. ing how much of what is good herein APPLICATION. America is being annexed by the do- Slt 2n. de th, em, gf hrs ou tet he Lt minion. give six months' notice in writing to Ottawa of his intention to do so. § 3 at INFORMA Newly arrived immigrants will receive a or at any inion Office: formation as to the free of expensed, ee mation the au Bomirien Tanda ty in a Commissioner of ig on, of Lands Agents in lh N.B.~In addition to Free Grant ad ed refer, tho -acros of most ie Jud purchase. from rail vd ond o other cory corpora When buying your New Spring Shoes you want ® a stylish and good shoe, and you want it to fit : comfortable, don't you? 5 » We now have a very choice assortment of D such shoes. Our styles are right and our prices are. just-tight. - We are ready and will be 10 show these shoes to you. Prices to Suit All. Pockets. We repair old Mowers as well. as selling n new ones. We send for them, sharpen and do any repairs necessary and. return in good. time, saving you all worry and: bother, 2 - your Lawe Mower does not require atte possibly your refrigerator, does. If so, "phone us and we will put it in petfect working order. 4 fe MCKELVEY & BIRC 69 and 71 Brock Street. re METALS--Lead, Tin, timony. Alum - Conn., U.S.A., and Kingston, Ont, THE CANADA METAL co.

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