9 ; ARLOR FURNITURE SALE. two children, He 4 A PAL ; F Beautiful Rog Retts, 5 pects, dank was forty-four years of age. 2 Adi : 'od : + od, regular $40, a The plans for the North Lanark " Si § J : i 5 railway, between Ottawa and © Arn: ' ¢ 2 ii prior, have been filed with the public ud Scprtment. a ag : ing from E r. Gamey's motion that the reso- was Jeturying fro oh ution of the house adopting the £nd- pass Eg. ; ing of 'the ' éommissioners in his ease i mahogany other setts rang HT £1 Svoal ' e ; , $150, apanese 4 he exp fsom the journals of the Ne St 1 Ping up U Ba Ine: at the Japane i hat % wa | house will be moved thy the Henbe WwW y es In fhe Above Are Great Bargains. oun have y i6 Company: : pas. Eo aaitoulin to-morrow, ¥ is » : ld Marsh Oyam ata & i ; ; i deputation from the ®y oF * 8 'utharines, dre con Yorents ionih: of the Universit WwW 4 9 F ' a y ] ! I 3 J y of ne information. re- | tradicted by the officer ® of the cori: 'poronto, Alumni Association, this omen S me 3 battalions, or Fr 3 sa ben ich Ney for thd appoint: ° ° : : morting, w d : : ! the { ment of a special commission of en- ge Aanantse a i he have ar Prince Rudolf Adolpl . and Lauiry to obiain for IRformBtion. _-- ture ; usaion ifles, ne Princess St., Next to Opera House a imports . from SHEF- a oir a? Sitansive would inform themselves in everything por _ from SHE: <a E 3 4 iio E FIE ner, "Oh: | in connection with university adminis- Our spring assortments of Ladies' and Child- " best cutlers. Many pak 8 foie MA lieation with a. view. to perfecting ren's fine White Cotton Underclothing is now rea. bindsonte, degne Ai i Dotlit. d"Orbonniens, a | "This worming 700 inumigranis. ariv- dy and worthy of admiration. It is from the fine ] money. We are particular man died at Lake § od on three special trains. They. are sheer materials, musling, eambrics, lawns, thes that all our Carving Setts nia, after a few nearly all from the east end of Lon- - $ Ly 3 ' ' se dre good. . d'Ordonnens, was | don. There is A fait proportion of pretty insertions, embroideries and laces have been CLARA ELE | women and children, t nj i i ol IE OPTIC Risin. Holbraws {ond class of pinturants wos dh ba conjured the latest fancies of Fine Underclothing, : SMITH BROS., iL 1UIANS foi ot ea" teed" Se si Covers, Chemises, Drawers, Petti w ' around the city, rather than ateept Corset DANCES NR PARADES! Nick 'on the farms offered them by coats and are shown in a great varie- : MILITARY DANCES OR PARADES + Ml. i § Ec . . - 3 i th ing shoes activity in the | The Ontario Tand surveyors' exam- ty of style and daintiness In trimming. : «Jy Anyi i ber The. w- of lava inations held last 'week resulted : F . . 3 for such purposes remen a rainy i i Final ertificates, George §. Hanes, As to prices, you will find we are offering the - we are headquarters for that oan, Fh. Njudsor; X.2- S rush, fo Le 8. best values in Kingston as our April sales show, .-'tlass of goods. foot, Toronto: H. R. Montgomery, * Brantford; A. I. McNaughton, Corn" A "Allen's"' fwd]; JF. WH. Burd, Parry Sound; W. ES 5 3 y r € H. Waddell, Hamilton; B. Leroy Bur by New Silk Petticoats Bootmakers, gees, Ottawa; 8. B,. Code, Smith's ti 4 : 84 Brock St. Pulls. Preliminary certificate, Willia + Many a Bpring Qostuthe will be the havi: Ra : Launshhirgh, Notih Bay. i" f somer by one of these Bilk Skirts and many a . _ 8lGN OF GOLDEN BOOT. hms. . wearer will derive an added sense of satisfaction WANTED) PARISH OF CAMDEN J from owning one of these. Pricés range from 2 SEE -------- 4.75, 4.99, 598, 6.75, 7.95. BOYS. APPLY AT RANDOLPII Need of a Curate is Felt to Make $ La FE ) Wok Effective. " stiggestions for improvements in the | A hs 5 1% ha rpninatiolis-sof university, Prentier tion Sp ; 4 ithey said that between this and 3 y v i > for rendmaking. and ] company, "of § ¢ next session . the government ? r 4- : ou} " i ideale we gn . We have also the famous ELITE BLACK ff puven ARRLY, = KINGSTON, o | ge nual pasty meching of ¥ark- BILK UNDERSKIRT, made from extra quality : So. Jods ee i ster Islands, Capt. hon offcats -- --y Wardens, red Black Taffota Silks, full wide widths, with two LA 00D : '00K. AP- up. y anway and. hig crow of five A.W. Benjomin ak. Artis Peat Knife pleated frills, trimmed with narrow ruching . . : : it in town attend- been landed: at Amhersiburg, delegate to synod, B. S. O'Loughlin ; as and made with extra dust frill. The price of the PLY AT PARKER'S eoniet and politicians are | wy . " sync, ud x i RBlite" Skirt i ks. 109 Broek St . CRRA RE Sr eid k a ¢ faidesmen,. J.C. Connolly, Dr. Ol ite' Bkirt is $8 50. : y 109 Nn Oxford and enter the Laur DIVIS a : > 'ham, Jolin Ewart and W. J. Dollar. 2 A CHAMBERMAID AND KITCHEN { ior cabinet without, portfolio. ION COURT CLERKS The contributions to diocesan mis- ) - - . . girl. J at Troyuois Hotel stride dar ae w-------- sions and other funds were shown t. 5 © Silk Shirt Waist Suits ---- ee 'And Bailiffs: Ave Now Undergoing | have been excellent; and the recter's { : A 00D STRONG BOY TO 3 i. salary was promptly paid. Votes of +ids : . frag business. Apply, Henry : _ fthanks were tendered the organist, : The question of perfecting Ready-to-Wear { . as Show: He dn giliary aad Shirt Waist Suits in Silk is solved. The styles, TRY SE noA AT . Two splend ales; valued a « * v Mica Works, foot of |, $70, werd shipped. to Lake St. Martin the variety, the beauty of those shown in our Suit : Rr reserve, Manitoba. ' : Department to-day amply prove that. THE BAKING the third eonrt, Frontenac. The = Camden: Bast vestry meeting Sines o R. IH, Toye, 'M. Vanluven, 'Battersen, = cle of | *8% held Wednesday evening. April COME AND SEE THEM. ' Remember you are under no J Liiva 26th. These officers 'were elected: War- bligation té bu a just | e ine OAT KE the fifth court, Frontenac. a] : obligation y and are just as welcome to eome and examin ] y MAKER W. Buck, 8 Achim, bailiff of the Shots, Roy > Smith: and 3. R Mow ond criticize, and if you seo & sit of dn garment that meets with i : COA vin. & third court, ; ; » th lege oe aod Suton; Ohitles your approval have it placed aside until required if you are not oe . R. W. Atkin i bailil of the Quint, J. Hamilton, Flgin MeWilli- ready to purchase at the {ime. A MAID TO ASSIST WITH GENBRAL Rr . tiams, W. Quinn and Everton Smith. x vod wages to a com- : Regiment To Visit Toronto A Hoss, _-- ris Fie that conteibh tions to _ BILE BHIRT WAIST 8UITS, good quality Taffeta Silk, in nt T t I ¥i Toront, May 8 L { Col. Pollatt Hr mani » iocomnn pail mission funds were good. plain shades of Navy, Browns, Black. « : 0 Noy. 8. Lisut. Col. P 5 otes of - thanks wero: tendered the Bliot Taffetas i 7 Shot. as HOUSEKE of Torito, and Col, Fox, Buffalo. hi 0 Resident ) vector, orqunists choir, guild: and wr nen: Espo sis Browns and Navys, Red and Black Shot, acd ork and wave made final arrangemen g man's ausiliary, the latter havi * of he. 7 y sw ¥o v hie] packed and ship bale worth: $67 Fine Checks in Navy and. White, Black and White, Brown Natlona Guar on. Sep- | day a brief i para-{ io €, H. ned : x and White, Ad her 'The 'vestry meeting at Newburgh yor held Thursday evening, Apri BICILIAN AND LUSTRE BHIRT WAISTB in Naw, aan Srtvian and 3, arden, ie Black, Cream, Brown, aro very popular just now and we have the- tite 10 mem Tod Sherer ele correct style. Prices, $1.49, 1.75, 2.85, 2.50, 2 75. ; Sa on acinond A ra) Sena. WBITE LAWN BHIRT WAISTS. The new designs with vombraek; Votes: of thanks: ware ten: latest Embroideries, Insertions and Allovers. Prices range fro dered the rector, organist, choir, the 75e., 95¢., 81, 1,25, 1.89, 1.49, 2, 1.75, 1.89, 2.95, 2.50, 2.75. woman's auxiliary, who did: noble 3 work, packing - and shipping a bale Yon will find now an assortment and variety impossible to get Jalued at 835; and the altar guild, mitch later, r : 'oniributions to the diocesan and ) . a mission - funds, were reported very et, ne treet, hy At: all the above vostry mestings the lollowing resolution was adopted: "That in the opinion of This vestry TO-LET. me DESIRABLE RESIDENOCIS, 84 grant. of $300 per a : Ir .. opposite Oity Park. Pos- | supplying the hoard ody] a Plana: pt ay 1a: Mis he paid tor & eurafs to work in the ; ' y Ee tim rerertl three ontstations 'attached fo this 5 3 : 3, FOR THREE pavigh, vig., Hinch, Centrovills, and Mouths or longer. Furnished house, 1 . 5 "Sentra ns | Moder sohveniences ; Reecipts frofn all sodrees and for all E20. Bo Kinkaton. ; and shierts, from Camden SPratEEa m==r .- Yorker and Newburgh, for the A ITACHED RESI- 7 AL * : ». 438, Brock st. ; heated by st Feat Sostalitd as least #500, ce || modérn rock st. ; heated by : to 3 in pari i . y . a | k BL, Whig ml ossession. Apply Box 1 a ona a! J Cn 'gz office or on premises. out any doubt, if the work is to he I hat S All : You Require BoRFoRT A 15 BRICK FARM Permanentaand somplete. ; % FA S he Es bartly fursished. wall Situated ir 5 i # ; Th : : of Bay of uinte, mile Wn i . store y WeCoihn.odat ong Bay. Good stable Just come into our ' : ; to Poe A rare i ask to see the swellest LoW JE (fare, Address," 8. © Rothwell. the irri ; : tributary 1 k A i ither Calf TEA pes 5 i Bower Aer 1 nen 18 I Shae in town, sive DANY EPOTEETY N3 mow Extensive os of ifs dass |i Patent Colt cr lan bi i oa Jfrocery With lates Hen, inent, | railroads © . a : ngs. Reig laine BN Bea it does not matter W v BR or pura: Rois + 6 Canadian "West than in any by ki 1 'out $3 50 al Fw v1 , tly North | | kind Pay your $350 Er mE, 2 5 £2 & Fe we send you up the Dice es pair of shoes you ever 2 AT Tor CARMI : - Apply at 51 Brock § for the money. - EA mUILDING LOT, SOUTH SIDE t, between Montreal an Er EE Ee Sh ; OL. Avply 49 Colborne "street. - Don't Forget the Place. bry Be HOUSE, ALSA TOT a 3, h Diyision Streets rr : Artett, "on the premises ITHE LOCKETT SHOE STORE WhSe, = 3 v iS imformutio + Hughes, 42 Fromense St.