NEDIATE RELIEF. Wineglassful Before Breakfast Water are maintained by Smaller es, repeated for successive days, ---------- BAN - cava Ro p= Bipyg = 8 ik Bok cd min. -h "SALE d ¢ on our Bargain Table BOSOM SHIRTS, some s, others with separate cuffs, ly spoken of as good value RICE 50c. r Special! Sample Cravats. Regular 10c., 3 for 25c. ). BIBBY CO. laberdashers, Oak Hall. } PAT V LVL TVRLVVRRS ant sper COMPANY, KINGSTON. 1 a choice assortment of Fruit, ine eS, Marconi Brand, Seedless, pers. The only Orange for this L150 sizes. .imon, Bests. ds, Figs, Dates, Lemons ¢oni Brand). awberries Tomatoes Onions (Egyptian) (126 size) ncia Oranges (420 siz) Thursday at 2:30 nge of fruit as above, Call 'and send us'your Banana order. Fruit Company ERENT . critical buyer uses to deseribe the kind 0 spring stoek is made right on our gr ly hn bec) before it is made iow agi and Haireloth in every suit, ter worn out, and while we are paying mot of charge our customers avy more for St ls, inferior work and oy fit elsew t our own Tailor-made Stits, 4. . hem in Our Window: latest patterns in cloths in our to your measure suits, $15, es Clothier, Redde's and Crawlord's Groceries. gents for HEADLIGHT UNION- -MADE Te wr a 2 ~ Josephine Lupien, Hotel Dien, Mon- freal, Can., writes: «Four. montfis ago 1 commenced to take your Peru, I can tell you with entire truth that I do four times as much work this spring as I did before. 1 have done washingand house-cleaning without becoming much fatigued. 1 pave received gre henefit through your medicine and recommend it to ne not had a cold or bronchitis this winter. The constipation has entirely disappeared, also therheumatic ns." One such case as that of Josophiné Lupien ought to be all the evidence any one needs to be convinced of the price- fess benefit of Peruna, Thislady was changed froman invalid - "into & busy honsewife, She asserts that through Peruna she is able to do four times as much work as before, that she does not take 'colds any more, and that the rheumatic pains and constipation which had troubled her have dis- appeared. Any medicine that brings about thes« changes needs no further recommend. CITY UNION ANNUAL- A Very Interesting Meeting Held Yesterday. There was a very interesting meet: ing of the city union of King's Daugh- ders on Tuesday, when reports of the 'union officers were read. The election of officials resulted in Mrs. Henry + Skinner again being put in as honot- ary president; Miss Strange, president; Mrs. Hiram Calvin, viee-president in "place of Miss Flaws; the other vice ents being Mus, McCammon, A. 8S. Oliver, and Miss Shaw. Mise Helen Fraser is again treasurer and Miss Smith, secretary, with Miss Marion Redden secretary of the Aber- deen association. The sum of $200, the amount clear adiby the rummage sale, is now in the freasurer's hands. Within four years the union has given $2,100 to the hospital, this amount being exclusive of the work of the various circles for the same institution, Miss Redden's report of the Aber- deen work was intensely interesting. The society has had heavy expenses this year, and has but $3 on-hand. Its officers are most grateful to the ely for giving them a room in the city buildings free of rent. Extracts from letters written by those in far- sway corners of our great Dominion, who benefit by the society's good work, 'were read, and were, in many instances, most pathetic. One old man said that through the long winter he had nothing to do, was quite alone, and found solace in the books and magazines sent . him, reading them over and over, A mother asked for sehool-hooks, as she had to see to children's education herself. An- other woman said she hadn't had Speech with one of her own sex for two years, and valued the society's letters and papers in a wav that her Sisters in the east could not possibly understand. Books, magazines, and contributions of monev will be very gratefully received bv Miss Redden. A Paper in the interest of the associa tion is to be published quarterlv. and pies sent out with the buiiiles of Books, The reports read bv secretaries and treasurers of the various circles show- an interesting variety of work. each endeavoring to carry out the so- Giety's motto, and live up to its obli- gations in the way found best suited 10 the capacities of the members. ET he ------------------ COMMERCIAL, STOCK MARK BT specially to wh by SS pnere tia, Webers arora : teas hange, 51 St. James Street MONTREAL STOCKS, . New YORK STOCK MARKETS. oly W. F. Dever & Co. 18 ngston. are, Ki May 10th, ' C ori i I 81% S14 1064 106% 60 60% . 1471 248 DC 41F 41% . 158% 10584 1444 1444 116° 116 LC 96 058 | 1424 142% . 1841 131 Wag ay 917 92 ITT 171% 134 184 C1 es 1194 "119% " 31% 304% pref 08g 97} 91% Ni 88% sa} a9 48¢ a7 i the breakwater at C ape Vincent, made application to the Kingston penitentiary warden for the purchase of several hundred tons of broken stone' for the concrete work in con- nection: with the eonsttuction. The stone is wold by the penitentiary at fout dollars a toise, but it is doubt- ful "if it cen be landed on United States soil, Both Canadian and United States laws provide that no materials male by prison labor in one country can be sold in the other. The breakwater at the Cape is « goveroment eonstruction, and Piel prayisign might be made for the stone being used if urgently required. Charles. Clark's '| REGARDING ACTION OF WEST KENT BOARD. Three Charges Ventilated--Coni missioners Appointed on Con. dition They Withhold Licenses ~--One of the Guilty Ones Dis- appears. i Special to 'the Wi Watham, ont May 10.--Quite a sensation was. sprang at the axquiry into the action of the license commis- sioners for West Kent, which op this" morning, before Eude ned George Tyrell, proprietor of the Park Houge, stated. that he had deposited $100, to be paid to David McRae, Wal- laceburg, if he seenred the license. Mr, McRae has disappeared, and a bench warrant for his arrest has been ask- ed for. Three charges are being' ventil- ated, against Tyrell, one against the commissioners for corrupt negotiations with Ambrose H. Patterson, and Carl Eberts to take: money, and one against the commissioners, that they had been appointed on condition that thev withhold licenses. Counsel repre- sents all the parties interested. WANT TO BUY STONE : From Penitentiory for the Cape Vincent Breakwater. This afternoon, the contractors of "» Stone broken at the penitentiary "is sold in Canada, Toronto contractors buying a great deal. Successful Queen's Men. Battersea, May 10.--Irwin Kune their mew home at Alexandria, Man where Mr. Knapp has a positiol Miss Mabel Lake is visiting friends in the city.. Harvey Lake is erecting an addition to his barn. Frank Anglin has added a new machiné to his cheese box fagtory, and as a result is turn- ing out a much better box than here- tofore. Prof. Marshall, Queen's Col- lege, has furnished his cottage on furniture. Rev, Ar. Bell is at present preaching a series of excellent ser- mons. He is also engaged i his pas- toral 'visiting on the cirenit. Orms- bee wad elected as lay Fuh to the Kingston district meeting. We congratulate 8S. Anglin, B.A, and Dr. Robby BIA., on their recent gradua- tion from Queen's. Late visitors: Miss Edna Lake, city, at Isaac Lake's; Lloyd : Buck, Kepler, at W.' J, An- ling's; Mrs. (Rev.) Ebersole, late of Shomburg, at J. L. Sears; R. A. Van- liven, Smith's Falls; Mrs. F. W. Van- luven, and Douglas and Wendling An- glin, Kingston, at C. M. Vanluven's, Keelerville Personals. Keelerville, May 9.--Our cheese fac- tory has = re-opened under the man- agement of R. Stanley, proprietor, a fair supply of milk being received. Miss Campbell, school, teacher, spent Raster with her parents at Sunbury. B. Clark has moved to Battersea; he and his family will he greatly miss- ed. J. E. Anglin has started opera- tions on his new house. J. Sleeth and R. Boal have taken possess their farms, lately purchased from George Clark and William Loucks, respectively. 'Miss Jennie Robb, Sy- denham, spent Easter at home. Mrs. ion of William Dixon, Sr., has returned af- ter spending a few weeks with her daughter, at Battersea. Miss Allie Patterson spent a few days with friends . gt Sunbury. €. 8. Clark, Cedar = Lake, recently made a visit here to friends. Charles Clark is suf- fering from the effects of a sprained ankle. Harold Sleeth, on the sick list, is recovering. Mrs. 1. Clark, Cedar Ldke, has been spending a fow days among friends and relatives here. Visitors : James Boal, at ; H.W. Sleeth at J. Robb's; Mr. and Mrs. G. McFarlane and Mr. and Mrs. R. Dixon, Batter- sea, at William Dixon's; Miss Hannah Holder, Battersea, among friends; J. Hanley, Milburn, at R. Boal's; Mra. Patterson, Washburn, at C. Hanley's. Horseradish. The Kghn, We grated turn about, and wept over the job. for peeling onions isn't in it with grating horseradish, Luey, wiping' her eves, "does 4 body jes' seems to know © what a body'd need at every season of the vear. In the spring we hev rhubarb and hors radish, an' a body don't need = medicine when we hev them. Soon » will hev sparrow grass--(mv dear aun meant asparagus)--and invins, and them's good for a hodv's blood, and thep when the hot weather come's all ve got to do to keep cool is to eat lots of ripe fruits." "What's horseradish good for Aunt Luey ?"' "It gives a body an appetite: and all right, Why, cross my heart, 1 be know it. Have Graduated. Miss Tredrea, Elginburg: berta Hart, Picton; Miss Timberlake, school, machinist s Tho large mission Natio M.A. and bride, have safely r shaker 1000 tie s | lamber e nition. murder and of murdering Paine's Point, with new and elegant| He says he killed Hartman in self-de- | arage, Bristol, Oxford man, noxville. gara district, daughter, Mrs. James gara-on-the-Lake, was paralysis on returning mother's deathbed and y in a few hours. James Larkin, was turned over to] Poughkeepsie, having been one of that entered. rohbed and thousands of dollars' ables in the mansion of. John Jacob Astor, at Rhinebeck, the police of Haven, Conn.. mitories on Tuesdav, gation into the case is beine conduct Medical Examiner Bartlett stated that he believed death was the result of an accident or suicide. "A little horseradish," said my Aunt good this time of the year. The Lord | notes; when a bodv hes an appetite a body's lieve that the Lord has a eure for evarv disease growin' in the fields and woods. . but we air too ignorant to Perth, have graduated as deaconcsses from the Taronto Methodist training Finest pines for preserving. Crawiord. The Very Latest Culled- From All Over The World. A heavy anoxia Willow Bunch, N.W.T Francis Pitt, a You hanged himself in Tong niglich Slishman, It is reported that 350 Grand Trunk are on strike at Strat: ord. The will of Francis Bon, wego, shows the 000 insurance; At Paris, Sarah. Bernhardt has been rovisionally elected: a member of the ety of Men of Letters. department stores and the-jsourt express. Companies of Chi Chi on Sotial dewonuls are st efiort to make the. proj gtrations on the Russian May Day a success, ¥ Adolphus Chamberlain, , will spend two years and a half in the St. Vincent de Paul penitentiary for forgery. Italy will spend $100,000, if neces- sary in the defence of Anna Valentine and prevent, if possible, the déath sen- tence being carried out. Ira Green and William Dillon were hanged at Bellefonte, murder of Jerry Condo, a turnkey in the Center county jail. At Szatmar containing fourteen peasants, was ap- dle and set while crossing the river, and elev- en women were drowned. As a result of the Bouligan com- in Kussia, a zemsky sovyet will be created, and 500 zemstvos will | voice the will of the people. A state of siege has been proclaim- ed at Melitopol, in the south of Rus: sia, and in 'the governments of Grod- no and Vilna, on the Lx ich farmer, Grady, Tenn, ¢. T. Brace Waitt, St Eng., and a first-class | will succeed Dr. Whitnev | as principal of Bishop's College, Len- His father formerly lived in Canada, and three brothers are here . Servos, an old 'resident of Nia- | died Tuesday, Attacked with a revolver by husband in Pittsburg, Mrs. kle fought for her life. Mickle was fatally shot. the woman then shot herself. For six hours the nair lav in their home wel- tering in blood before a chance aaller, discovered them. Notification of heirship in the alleg- | vast estate of the Samuel Allen, a 'whaling master, been received from the English of chancery bv David Allen, Stratford and Charles Allen, and Mrs. Frank K. Rogers, of Bridgeport, and Charles Allen are ployees. Arthur Haserot, Cleveland, 0., was found death in his room in Welch Hall, New one of the camnus dor- and an investi- | Division Court Cases. Following is portion of the division! court docket heard before Judge Mad den Tuesday afternoon, . Martin ve. Joseph Redmond-- Baresi judgment adjourned to May 23rd. Crawford ve. W. E. count, £0.75; judgment for mn for 88.75 and costs. Thomas Nicholson vs ot al.--~Garnishee; ed to Mav imoration City of Kingston vs. Robinson--Taxes © adjourned to r. 5. Grimshaw, executor vs. . shaw and B. Grimshaw.~Two adjourned to Mav 23rd. i Imperial Life vs. Oliver. MeAdoo-- | Note; judement for plaintiff with costs. Imperial Life ve. Delmar M Note; judgment for defendant with- out costs, | bi BOMBS AND DYNAMITE Will be Used Interfere. Special to the Whig PITH or THE NEWS. is reported at decea Pa., Hungary, a Knox, aged fifty-five years, a was shot and killed by one of his named Allen, The men disputed about a fence. Commissioner ~~ MeAdoo, announce' the retirement two inspectors, ten captains and five sergeants on the ground of phy- sical disability. ~ Stella Loiter, widow of Her- Leiter, of Syracuse, will give the al Jewish Hospital for s in Denver. Col., 825 h, Wass. ked by rain, it shiv, A i of sawed timber, and two amps have heen burned. principal in _a large graded school. 3 An aged couple restored to Mrs. Reuben Knapp, Camden, N.Y., and | Slavin, and" Miss Carrie Knapp, Selby, recent: ly paid a visit to friends here, The many friends here of David York and wife, who lately left for Boissevain, Many greatly regret their departure. Williamsburg, N.Y., | 500, her life savings, that' she while carrying it to deposit bark, 'Bhe has no clue "to "the finders. The spoils captured by the rebels at | Sanaa, on April 20th. included thirty , 20,000 rifles and The garrison and the Turkish officials were permitted worth of valu- In the trugvle | a Yale student, ENTRIES © DOUBLE THOSE OF LAST YEAR AT "HORSE SHOW, ---- Entertaining Largely Eel Grey Present--Contempt of Court Proceedings Against Board of Harbor Commission- ers Dropped. Sposial to the Whig. Montreal, May 10.--Contempt of ings against the board of Montreal harbor commissioners have been dropped, that decision hav- arrived at in Judge David son's cord to-day. It was found, on - | Investigation, that the resolution of the board, wi ich was considered to he in _eantempt of an 'injunction restrain- 'hoard from allotting certain ing the i berths was immediately fol- lowed bv a resolution of instructions to ascertain wheter the first motion was in proper order before putting it into effect. Under the circumstances, and in view of explanations, the con- | tempt proceedings were with drawn. The opening of the sixth annpal | horse show took place this morning. with the preliminary - trial ¥i thirty- seven horses entered in the Corinthian class, and judging of combination sad- s horses. The entires from outside the citv. this vear, are "double in number those of last vear. { and in _everv way, if the beautiful | weather of to-dav holds godd, the | show will be the best of any. The | social side gives indications of de- | veloping to a marked extent, and the | number of private entertainments be box-holders is verv large. Earl Grev will be at the show, tonight, to at- tend the official opening, He is being entertained at luncheon, to-day, by | W.- P. Miller, master of the Montreal Hunt. Ladv Prummond = entertaining at luncheon for the Lady Sibyl and Evelvn Grey. The C. P. R. steamer Lake Cham: plain, ut which some anxiety was repo in Enclish cables, is on her way up the river, having been report- Led at Maritime river vesterdav, Ti is {presumed that some detention hv gulf ice led to the alleced anxiety. The Rank of Montreal ounces that the issues of honds and preferred stocks of the Dominion Coal company to revlate the old issues of the same, were larmely over-subseribed, The sub scription. lists have' just closed. It is stated in shining circles here that the withdrawal of several of the big steamer lines running between { Tivernool and New York, from the At: { dantio confergpoe,. will have ne. imme- | diate effect on the steamship rates of | lines running to the St. Lawrence, The Canadian lines have as much business | as they can take care of booked for | some time ahead. and as lont as the y. | busy time comtinues, there will be no Edward Gottschalk, St. Paul, Minn, | ! pleads guilty to knowledge of Christan Schindeldecker, | the Allan Miner Turbiner Victorian Joseph Hartman. | being in portiito inspect the boat and reduction. Earl Grey took the opportunity of { her crow this=morning. He expressed | Himself interddled in'what he saw. IN OUR OWN CIRCUIT. | News of The District on Both Sided of The Line. George Moxam, formerly well-known in Belleville, is dead at Battle Creek, {Mich Mrs. Uriah Bishop, Algonquin, did | je aged forty. She leaves a family of seven children. The father of Joseph Fobere, killed | at John Island, Nipissing, lives at Flinton, and a sister lives in Twoed. Miss Cora Warham, Belleville, and { John R. iTenderson, assistant elec: | trician Sarns street railway, wer | married at the Methodist parsonage, Point Edward. The engagement is announced of | Miss Margaret E. L. Leacy, daughter {of B. Leacy, Pembroke, Ont., to James Kelly. "The marriage will take place early in June. Restoration work on St. Michael's. Belleville, is progressing rapidly, and { the church may. be completed by No vember. The new building will be worthy the traditions of "old St | Michael's." Rev. Father "MeGuire, parish priest . | of Hastings, who has officiated with marked success 'in St. Mary's church during seven years, and who has been | transferred to Powneyville, was prem | sented" with a number of eomplimen tary farewell addresses on Sunday each being accompanied by well-filled purses, totalling 8500, ---------- TERMS ARRANGED. Likely the , Masons Will Be Satisfied. The differences between the contrac | tors and masons had almost reached a settlement this morning and an od justment of matters was confidently predicted to take place some time to day. The contractors held a meeting last night, in which they drew up an agreement. to be submitted to the masons. They agreed to the wage difference. The clauses in the masons' | agreement they took exception to, were those in gard to apprentice: ship, which the contractors considgred unjustly restricted and tending to%on {fine the craft to too small margins Another difference, it is understood. is the clause by which the masons de- mand that in case of a partner firm of contractors only one of the part- ners be allowed to work at masonry. ee ------ Women's Institute Mee The following "is a list of whmen's institute meetings arranged fo by Superintendent Putnam, of the On- tario Gepurtient oo agriculture : Tweed, town June 4th; Marl- ank, June, Both Wallbridge; tdwn hall, June 9th: Harder's school house, | June 12th; Bayside, June 13th; Fox- | hove, June 14th; Shannonville, June . . 115th; Melrose, June 16th; Hal- it Russian Troops | ston, June 17th; Read, Hanley's hall, June 19th; Lonsdale, school house, June 20th: Marysville, Ryan's, June Petershure ox 10.--~The social | 21st: Adolphustown, town hall, June demdcrats declare that Pineapples 10c., 15¢., Carnovsky's, pro- | 22nd; Conway, A.O.UW, hall, June gramme includes demonstrations | 23rd: Emerald, Amherst Island, June throughout Russia on Sundav_-and | 24th; Stella, Amherst Island, June that they are provided with hombs | 26th: Chesterville, Foresters' hall, and dynamite with which to fight the | June 28th, troops, if the latter ink tere, ------ Havana Pines. Extra large Pineapples for table or preserving. Crawford. ' s WEDNESDAY; MAY 10. Su > nY n reduces wash day your leisure the. cles sing S08. and white wit soft water will do the clothes. ALOR t makes your least in out ie Jos don't have to boil Buy Sunlight. ' Your. grocer is i to refund your mengy if you a5. not Si Thistle, Straight from the Land of The Woven in, Scotland's best mills, expressly for Fit-Reform. The patterns are those striking blends of elegant colorings, for which ~ Fit-Reform is famous, Made up into the new spring single and double breasted Sack Suits --by the Fit-Reform tailors--to delight the well dressed man, $15, $18, $20 up to $30. Imperial Oxford Range that has made it such a striking success. It is in the oven construction that the great. est difference is found between the Imperial Oxford and any other range on the market. The diffusive oven flue draws the cold air from thefioor, super-heats it, and distributesit through- out the oven, keeping it at an even This flue also makes it easy to yégulate the heat of the oven and secures a marked saving in fuel. handle the Imperial Oxford, weite to us direct and we will send you our catalogue and tell you where you can see the range. The Gurney Foundry Co., Limited 5 Montreal Winnipeg in all parts, Toronte For Sale by Simmons Bros., Kingston. A good baking oven is what every housewife re- usefulness of the range, but an easily re Ing oven is an indispens~ perfection in Speciation of If your dealer doesn't JAS. McPARLAND., AGENT, King Street, Kingston. LABATI'S ALE & PORTER]? The real merit and superiority of JOHN L ABATT'S ALE EY The claim is made, supported by numerous medals and testimonials, that they are pure, wholesome superior to any made on this continent. John Dent, of Brilliant Wedding For Miss Dent. No 1, ee ---------- Bert, of the Nineteenth Infantry, U. A., now stationed at Fort Harris Holy Name. Cathedral with iy pomp and op hig. May 10.--Miss Lucile danghter of Col. a cousin of the Prin- cess Cantacusens of Russia, formerly Dent Grant, and rans. Major-General Wheaton, was married to-day to Lieut, Victoria Seattle. Tacoma Portland J} Very Low Rates Yo ' many pi Points. Fall particutare at K. B, 1 Fickat Otlice, antes PF. CONWAY, FA » wo "NEWLANDS, Anos ITEC fice, second floor store, corner * streets. Enterance om = Telephone 608. ARTHUR Bus AROCHT fe Now Det ner of Gusta and i, Bal POWER & SON ARCHITEC Sapte Bank Building HEGRY P. The 'Po Sold Only" at Strachans. feels comfortable. Your can be made as Good: