BE UPRIGHT = IN STATURE We Have The Finest - SHOULDER BRAGE . Shown. Ladies' or Gents' Kasy Fitting. "eamiurano TRUSSES Our Trusses are all them, They have the rupture and yet do rot cayse slightest inconvenience. Are isfied with the one you are If not call and see our stock most reasonable. The "'Best' Drug 24 --_ BEST, ta Opti we. claim fg, Perfect control of the You sug. Wearing ? Prices Store, cian, "Pho, Mitchell's Old Stan =. Quick Delivery, 4 i ee -- NOW IS THE WINTER OF 'YOUR DISCONTENT It you are trying heit out af poor Rd Ket wood pours 16 MEAT ant one-ton order will bring yoy A large lot of DRY SLABS for Booth & Co. Phone 183, ed MUSIC! ~~ MUSIC! MISS BLYTH FORMERLY GF WATERTOWN N.Y; vill open a studio for sic 40 Union St. aK M. music at her home umber of pupils lays. ay 11th y A limited desired Sy Call Thurs The only safe effectual medicine on which mm i take no sul he Cook Medicine Co., Windsor, Ontario, Sm ---------- FOR SALE OR TRANSFER "HE CHARTER OF THE KINGSTON Ladies' College. Avply, to Mrs, Agnew, at the College, Barrie St. brea rere eeaaeeserassall How Does This ~ Shrike You ? TO-NIGHT | We will sell you a Dollar Cam bric Shirg, any size, pretty ) J ) J ] J ; «) pattern, 1 Linen Collar, I5c., any size and' style, and a good stylish necktie worth 25¢. This combination to night for only ... ...... Be Special values in Corsets at 50c., 75c. and $1. See Tape Girdle on sale at the ar BAT Specials in Tan Hosiery for La dies and cashmere, cheap. Children, cotton or in all | sizes, ven 1,000 yards of Taffeta Ribbon, all silk, 3 ihiches wide, pretty | J shades, good value at 20c. .. To-night, special, per vard 15g | 1 dozen Boot Laces, or 3 papers Pins, or 6 dozen Agate But tons, or pair Curling + Tongs, or 2 dozen Curtain Ping, or 1 dozen Collar But tons, or 3 cards Mending Cot ton, or a 15c. Blouse Waist Set, Your choice to-night for only a nickle (5c.). i Newman & Shaw; ESTATE| [7.5 Bought i & Sold ~ l/ 7 / um 7 oS he Open Door successful jnvestment culation through REAL ESTATE 5 through our office, Our long erience in this line of business, ipled with unusual facilities for rance information, place us in position to let you in on the OUND FLOOR. ( F. BOND, 63 Clarence G. A. BATEMAN UER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES, - LIFE and FIRE INSURANCE BROKER. Office, 61 Olarence strests or + Perfeey, * Peru-na Washington, "The grestest Neenah, Wis,, as follows : « have used strong. «] am able to coatinue working do every year. admirable medicine. saseand ls Snot *-- Lydia Herziger. Miss Lydia Hersiger Grand Recorder of Ameri- csn Daughters of Independence, writes from Periina now for four years, each Spring and Fall, and it keeps me perfectly well three months' rest, as I used io This Is a great comfort to me, as | was not able to afford such a long rest. «] find that it Is @ great preventative forcolds and coughs and soon rids the system of all dis- Spring Catarr Hon. Wm. G, Hunter, ixamembe islature, writes Leg re, er aI qu aus Offige Building, afitt bad éold. Peruna drives s invigorates Mind and Body. r North Carolina ~~) SPRING THE TINE TO is , ction to humankind is a it out of ® h Resto doors, wards off etaer, a mad Bl a A BL I, A ae mi " Sorsinent, "--Wm, & Hunter. y wie tamily medicin discovered sre or were i ee tting relief. eeks more I was en I shall take it ev at it made me mi MAY 18. 2d to Health b two weeks, when I was inten as Vetter 18 Phere ia no dob. shout ing': ahility of u good Orse A discussion, which at the time is a ag deal tention in nia : ro and do not 1 can hon- a Spring Catarrh. Almost every one has come to believe that spring is a season that brings de- rangements of the body dependent on blood impurities, This belief is an old one, is nearly uni- versal, and has arisen, not as the result of the teachings of the medical frater- pity, but has been learned in the bitter school of experience. - Nervous Depression. ession of the nervous system "thie approach of spring is a fertile source of blood impurities. There aregeneral lassitude,dull, heavy sensations, continual tired feelings, with appetite, and sometimes loss of sleep. That Tired Feeling. That tired feeling, which is the nat- ural t of the depressing effect warm weather immediately after the Snvigorating cold of winter, quickly |yond Wissppesrs when Peruna is taken. MILITARY MATTERS! NEWS OF INTEREST TO THE GARRISON. Suggestion for New Work for the 14th Regiment -- Practical Work in Camp--Garrison Church Parade at Early Date. Ii the headquarters stafi of military district No. 3 is further inereased, ad- ditional accommodation must be pro- vided in the armouries, Kingston. The newly formed stafi now occupy the en tire second flat of the south wing, and have none too much room. Major Car- ruthers, commanding signal corps, has possession of the room formerly orcupied by the band of the 47th. Re- giment, while Cols. Young and Wil- $ each have an office, in addition fo those oconpied by Col. Gordon, D. 0. C., and the stafi- clerks. An addi- tional staff clerk is necessary owing 10 the increased work. The benefits derived by city corps from' the use of rifle ranges are shown The Proper Remedy. Peruna meeis every indication and proves itself to be perfectly adapted to all their varied peculiarities. Pernna invigorates the system, rejuvenates the feelings, restores the normal appetite and procures regular sleep, Do Not Delay. Get a bottle of Peruna when the first languid feelings make themselves ap- parent in the spring. Take itaccording to the directions on the bottle. Con- tinue this treatment through the first months of spring. a This course of treatment is no experi- ment; it is as positive in its results as any fact of science can be. A Spring Tonic. Almost everybody needs a tonic in the spring. Something to brace the nerves, invigorate the brain, snd cleanse the at of Mrs. Winnifred Power, an artist, who, in a recent letter from 246 7th St., Port- land; Ore,, saya: . . «lam 1 would try and see if Peruna would be of any assistance in bringing back my health and strength. "J found that it was splendid and all the medicine that I needed. over a month I was well and did not need to take any more medicine. "I shall recommend it to every one in need of a tonic, and know that 1 have only to take a few doses of Peruna when 1 take a cold and I will soon be over it." --Winnifred Power. Nature's Assistance. blood. That Peruns will do this is be- od their views in a manner ! department could not overlook, lo . . iow At the forthcoming camps it is in- tended to introduce a system by which mounted corps will be enabled to shoe their own horses while in camp. It is m fir S the efficiency of mounted corps and re- sult in a reduced expense to the men. | A Fach regiment of cavalry, ficld battery unprovided with an R.A. forge, and | erive on requisition a field forge and two chests of tools. sizes will also be issued on requisition, | 8¢ Fuel will be obtained and paid for |W regimentally from the mbney received man will sign a voucher on having work done, the amount of which will m be deducted from his pay at the close{o of camp. The commanding officer of in the case of Ottawa, which send four men to Bisley this vear. Tine was when Kingston men also figured on Bisley teams, but that time is only & recollection now, borne in mind bv older inhabitants. Though the x tone City 'is one . of the most important military centres in Cana- h it does not receive that justice h the militia headquarters that is ia due. For years the need of a rifle Tange has been pointed out, and many Suitable sites brought to the notice the heads of the force, but no ap- Parent notice has been taken of the ns of the local corps. Kingston Eatrison embraces about 1,000 troops, Veéar in and out these men have allowed to drift an without the ker requisite of all mi itary Haining { Practice, Jt wou be a difficult « Matter the world over. to find a par- ciel case, and the wonder is that ofs of local corps have not express: |. THIA | NFTER 10 YEARS. ter paying for the fuel, de- | re posit the balance to the cr of 'the récdiver general to cover cost of material and working pay. The | ordinary rates of working pay al's Foot Guards, Ottawa. It appears that Lient.<Col. Roper, commanding, recommended to the militia depart ment a reduction of the strength of panies, Thig was done without the knowledge or consent of the officers of | ¢ the corpsy who resented their com-|t manditig' officer's act all the seniors resigned, and most of the jupitrs will follow suit, claiming | ¢ the C. 0. i fidence, The officers point ont Col. Roper's act was and claim the regiment is stronger, numerigally, to-day, than for some years past, It is an open seeret, how ever, that jor a long period the Juards Were away below strength. | J The officers first rank as regards efficiency, and popularity, and possess any amount of enthusiasm, But for some reason or other- they have not the faculty of being able ¥o Keep the regiment up to strength, The Guards ought to be rated maintained as the strong- est rvegitiont in Canada, and the faet that the #3rd Regiment is about don ble the strength of its sister city comps, looks like a reflection unon the exccutive heads of the Foot Guards. : ME pee that « silton, is to have a hearer company. Jt is in proceks of organization under Capt. b ckeon. The regiment will also have a Maxim oun detachment, The fact that Some sub-target guns, the use of which was demonstrated a year ago, are expected to be lo- : in Kingston for use of members all ignestion. Everyone who has tried it has had the same experience as still the intention that the pay for | much discussed gun machines have been horses shall cover this, but it is hoped placed under the direction of the that the new system will both increase militia department at important milit- ia poinis from one ocean to the other. liminary distribution, the guns will go battalion of 'mounted infantry will re- | for thorough instruction in marksman- ship in the various militia camps for- Shoes of assorted | tunate enough' to possess them. the weekly parades of the 14th Regi- ericket field as the each mounted unit will be responsible { the and shoeing-smiths. He will then, af- | imaginary stronghold. fit | post duty at different points through- out the eity, ® will be | able such tactics being carried out, allowed for artificers of the permanent | and they wonld be beneficial and at- corps. tractive » . «a . . en A remarkable condition of afiairs Recruiting sergeants from different has developed in the Governor-Gener | hranches sof the permanent militia force, who have been touring the minion in search of recruits, have not met with general success, there being a noticeable absence of eligible material, the regiment ffom eight to four com- | and trouble is being experienced in fll ing up the different corps. and as a result | There is an abundance of work with good pay. ve longer holds their con- | of men mont unjustifiable, | now find employment in civilian life. * - - 'ee - oh the good accomplished, earned by No, 3 of the corps dre of the | this season a company of as high® a . standard as We marched in with dur- ing the past two seasons, i listing hid company is about up to strength. It has not yet Victoria day, but a LIQUOR AND TOBACCO HABITS fessional § The 91st Highland Regiment, Hamil Po We R. Meredith, lege. Dr. McTaggart's veglabls remedies fdr the liquor and tobacco habits are health ful, no certainty of cure tarrh. Nature renews herself In a little Spring is the best time to treat ca- every spring. The system is rejuvenated by This renders medic of Peruna, assisted by spring, will cure old, oatarrh that have re- tonic and spi medicine and very ef- | sisted fective in the system of cold and catarrh. A "About two years ago my system was | To those who have been afilicted with all run down in the spring and I thought | chronic eats wish 10 say that the d# you a splendid op- portani rid of your disvase. It may be you have been afflicted for several years; you may heve tried dif- ferent remedies, Perhaps you have be- Now Is Your Opportunity. This HY eas during the winter months, But BOW #8 your opportunity. Nature comes #0, your assistance at this gles in'vaiged BAT x io) | m corpE; makes wing paragraph of intevest : "Welcome additions to the equipment the headquarters of almost a dozen ilitary districts last week 'were the ret distribution of substarget glns. ix carloads of the Tong-cxpected and lthough the present is only a pre- long way in providing opportunities In all me two hundred sub-target guns ere sent out by the department, those i centres fortunate enough to for shoeing. At least one qualified (in the first distribution heing St. 1 ' shoeing-smith will be brought to camp | John's, Halifax, Charlottetown, Que- | Pany of men of me physique. For by each mounted unit. All shoeing of | bee, Montreal, Ottawa, Kingston, To- | Years past he has. taken into camp the horses belonging to the unit will | ronto,' London, Winnipeg and Vie- the banner pompany of. the . regiment, be done régimentally. For a set of | toria." and he intends keeping up the recoed shoes . the. price will be seventy-five . 1 s He is papular and finds no difliculty cents; for removal only, forty cents, By way of varying the monotony of | #ecuring recruits of the very highest and for one shoe, twenty cents. Each | the customary routine practised at standard. . . little For instance, with the objective poin companies or - sec- went, the officers might wy a riginal work regiment, by for all amounts thus charged heing | tions, might be exercised in advance Canadian garrison to be stationed collected. He will cause forty per cent. | guard work, different streets being | there. Licuts. Hill and Papineau, ac of the money thus collected to be dis- | selected for the several companies, | Company the detachment, Major tributed amongst the farrier sergeants | Or, an attack might be made on some | Fages, in charge 6f No. 5 depot, is Or, again, the wiment might be practised in out- There is. sufficient dura- ion of daylight these evenings to en do- i This diffi- ulty in sccuring recruits is an indica- ion of the prosperity of the country. The west is particularly at- ractive to young men, and the class who formerly sought enlist- in the permanent militia foree Maj. White is determined: to sustain reputation for good work com- by taking to camp any, C.AS.C., ¢ is en- a superior lot of amen, and been decided whether wr not the company will turn oot or meeting will be A. McTAGGART, M.D..C. NK. 75 Yonge St, Toronto, Canada. References as to Dr.MeTaggart's pro- standing and personal Ttegrity Chief Justice Ross, Premier of Ontario. D.D., Victoria Col- Hon. G. W Rev. John Potts, safe, inexpensive home tréatinents, No hypodermic : . Ra : leld in the armouries, Monday nigh to discuss' the question. * - ¥ ". All arc pleased to see fhe Math Re giment coming to the front so rapidly in point of strength and efficiency. The sudden order received last week to parade for inspection by Lord Aylmer wis a strenuous test cof the executive ability of the officers, but they to the emergency, and presented a fairly strong regiment to the inspector general, though it was the first ade of the season, There is now some enthusiasm in the regiment, to be found alike among officers and men. . * - rose par Capt, Healey, Inverary company, 47th Regiment, will, as usual, take into tamp this season. a strong com A detachment of fifty men from the RC. R., 5 depot, have left St. John's, Que... for Halifax, where they will form © the nucleus = of the new oO, busy again building wp the corps » - * - There is some talk of a garrison church parade being: ordered for Sun day, 21st. In the' event, however, of one not being announced, the 14th Re giment will probably 'attend divine ser vice on that day, a Methodist church most likely will be sélected, . - J. » In the recent examifiafions, follow ing the course of instruction for quali fication, in connection" with No. 3 com pany, C. A. 8S. Call "those writing passed creditably, save one. The grati fving results speak highly for those who conducted the cotrge. .- . . W. E. Manhard and F. ¥. Folger have accepted comipissions in the 11th Regiment, The - last 'named has for a few year: past held the rank of captain in St. Andeew's; Highland Ca dots. He i= son of the late I. A. Folger. .% . ay Kingston i= to have another de- partmontad corps added to the garri son. A permanent paymaster's corps, to do duty for the district, is to be Nature s little agalstance lest her strug: Geo. M. Fillmore, late 1st Lieut. 8rd |'W., Washington, D. 0., as follows: "I brought forward from winter injo spring 4 sickening case of catarrh which was making existence miserable for me, until I was induced to try a bottle of Peruna. . . "An immediste improvement gave me hope, if not relief. Ikeptup taking Pe- runa and it hes so ed and re- lieved me that I am now confident of a tarrhal affections and as a tonic for thir weakening effects.' --Geo, M. Fillmore. A short course of Peruna now will be just in time, During the month of April you will find the strategic time to medicine you have ever used. Ee . - - fa mitted to employ soldiers "of the per- nanent force as grooms or. servants, * . The list of applicants for commissions in the permanent foree being largely in excess of all probable vacancies, is closed, except for BR. M. C, cadets and graduates, until further orders. BAND OFFICERS ELECTED. The Picton Band is in a Prosper- ous Condition. Picton, May 12, -A meeting of the Eastern Ontario members of the Scotch syndicate of dry goods merchants was held Thursday in the office of A, Bris- tol & Sons. Among those Present were Robert Wright, Brockville; C, M. Reid, telleville, and W. Dundas, Lindsay. Tuesday evening, at the sixteenth an- nual meeting of the Citizen's Band, the following elected officers: President, - Maj. G. M. Farrington; vice-president, N. DD, Gilbert; seere- tary, Martin Stortz, Twelve new mem- bers have been added. A bugle band is to be a coming feature, Prof, F. Tuck- er, 'Collingwood, is the new leader. Miss Grace M. Lane, was married on Wednesday, April 26th, 'at Calgary, N, were W. T., to William F. Pieper. Mrs, Pie- per formerly made her home in Pie ton, having charge of the C. P. R. aph office. The property on Main street, owned by 0, Sills, Frankfort, has been sold to H. W, Bedell, E, M Young, barrister, county clerk, who recently purchased Brickkiln Point pro- perty, has one of the finest sites in 2 Ls for his new residence, to be built this year. The new home is to be of colonial design, with broad ver- andahs surrounding it. A wedding of interest to townspeople is the recent marriage of Miss Laird at her home in Acton, to Stanley Dancey, son of Mr, and Mrs, T. H. Dancy, Elizabeth street. Mr. Danevy is now city editor of the Guelph Her ald The - schooners W. J. Suffel and (lara arrived in port to-dav. and are unloading coal. The sloop Madcap cleared Thursday, Capt. Savage's new purchase, the schooner Mppy Ann, ar- vived "in the harbor tos; with coal for Hepburn's, The schooner Annie Minnes left to-day on her initial trip of the season. Capt. Van Viack' is go- ing to convert the coal schooner Saf- fel into a tow barge, in which form it will make faster time in the coal business. Hepburn Bros. have installed a new plant for steaming plank 'at established, with héadquarters in the staff office .in the armouries, . $e The officers of the 14th Regiment have oxprossed théie willingness to turn out on' Victoria day. providing there is a general parade of the troops of the garrison, hut they are averse to turing out alone, i . * ~ Officers authorized to undergo pro motion examination. will report to the officer commanding the Fastern not 'Ontario capmand, Kifptton. Ont... later than 9.30 a.m, owiay, th. May ». - » - The 48th Highlanders, Toronto, visit Hamilton on Vietoria day. , HA will injections, no publicity, joss of time from Lusiness, and a a 4 ted Consultation or corr Officers commanding commands, dis- trict officers commanding,' and officers of the pe o) ; t 8tafl, 'are not per- their dry doek, A Great Cut. To-morrow, Prevost's, Brook street, will receive a case of Scotch tweed for suitings fo be made to order at great | reduced prices during the sale, Naney C. Huffman, relict of the late James H. Wagar, died at the home of her son-in-law, Newton Parks, Day Bay, on Sunday last, aged sixty-five vears. Deceased was ill but a few days, being taken with neuralgia of L the stomach. She leaves four daugh- . John Mellow, Mrs. Newton tors, Mrs t Parks, Mra Witham Baird and Mes, Samuel Hambly, all of North Fred: ericksburgh. Also a brother, George fHufiman, Northport, and threo is- ters, Mire. Whonme MeCall, Toronto; U. 8. Artillery, writes from 900 L 8t., N. | cure, I heartily endorse Peruna 'for ca-| Peruna is positively the best spring IE EI IE IE in which Peruna has people put them on a good, solid health "We oan give our readers only a slight glimpse of the vast array of unsolicited endorsements Dr. Hartmdn is com stantly receiving. No other physician of enthusiastic letters of thanks, 1f you do not derive prompt and factory results from the use of Peruna, write at onoe 10 Di. Hartman, giving » full statement of your ease and he will season + . rid yourself of chronic catarrh, abe 97) ve to give you his valuable ad- Just help her a little and she will the most pérsistent, 2uibberts diseanes ts. o Sraioumtiel bring you okt he quagmire in which | i the whole ; Dr. Hartman, Pi you have been floundering so long, Give| After you have tried it you will say A NEW INDUSTRY. Napanee to Have a Modera Canning Factory. . struction on the canning factory has been begun, The building, it is expect- ed, will be completed about middle of August. The main building the store house two the corn shed, two storeys, of frame, sheeted vanized iron, and fire proof material. will be of either brick iron. The contract for ex: Conger Bros. will do the stone work done by day labor, Miss Jennie Marshall, Kin, the guest of her sister, Coates, ton, rn", past two wesks, left yosterday of the town gave a very deli dance last evening in the Oddie guest of Miss Ethel Hawley. Twenty oent. discount on the landmarks of that townthip. McArton had attained eighty-four years. ' Constitution without tating. BEECHAM'S PILLS ry or who should never be without a of BEECHAM'S PILLS. Mra. James Armstrong, Chicago, HHL, 3 Geaveul ad Mrs. Charles Benn, from the ravages of spring catarrh, and || foundation of | n in the warld has received such s volume |! Napanee, May 13.~The work of con- | faking element, and have | the | arranged will be twe storeys high, 60x100 feot, | lity of crooked work, storeys, 60x100 | po ; 36 x 100 feet, The buildings are to be | outside with gal- roof sovered with The bath room, INxdh feet, will be of the same con- struction. The boiler house, 36x40 feet, ! or cement blocks. The roof will be entirely of i cavation hi fas been let to Blake and Archie Mowers. and the halance of the work will be is Mill streot. Miss Ruby Ward, | the guest of Miss Fva Emsley for the * r \ r} her home in Montreal. The young Mn | at will reli ve the Vo ows' | makes hall. Mist Saunders, Kingston, is the all suits on Saturday. Bring your boys | along, Ro & Co. The death of Weary MeArton, Hunt- | ley, 'om day, removes another of | 5 | Chamberlain's the age "! thing hat to draw the line worn-out pl y the race track, Thid Hive Value fot care | be exerci proper the rules | hored to so as to remove all tition open to those wi ve the quality SEN | Letters are solicited, | opinions either for or | practice of horse racing setting mpi te Why suffer from Mis one application of C is worth, who ha it only ny short have ul | have been | that after awhil sale by all druggists. | The Burleigh house, a -- Sap = ba With Tovar Dr Reap. 5 Pinder ot ona Rosa -