FROG. BATS SN OUT OF ITS MOUTH. i, Dr. Cook's Remarkable Find in Texas Pond -- First n portion above 'the sole), eo, me) og a pair of "uppers" re-soled always look "second-hand." END OF TAIL IL WAS STICKING | Instance Ever Known of the Character ~Thinks Snake Was Foot and This is why "Weary Willie" is said a Half Long. poh "on pris, Texas, May Ne Ek R iving ay Garretts B ca 8s eS Soles of shoes that wear out Hitter ich ter to ne pond in his neighbor's pasture to afford them an afternoon of enjoyment fishing, Bei fond of fro the doctor ti ola of Canada.® "Took a long time to discover a pro- his target Re Es, along, thinking he ECKH - BRUSHES * cess of making sole leather might kill a few bull-frogs. = : Tepresent the ideals in He saw a big bull-frog swimming the art of brush-making. that would wear aslong short distance away and shot it. AL United Factories, Limited, Torouts, (ay, as the lo sutting the hind Jou of he threw onions t rog aside an ought no-more "Had to be tough of it until one of the little girls ut as rawhide, but flexi- tered an exclamation and called his 3 Ji ' a ES LIONT Grocer, TT SoNrany h. ONT. attention to a lizard's tail ble, light, and practi- Yon't Blame 1 cally water-tight. futieed the the frog' s Jody Joa yor ; "Quick-Oak" S ther tt! . k Sole lea is the hs 3 bier on o it, he pies the to it thathas ever tail of something sticking out, asshe c 00 happened and it wears like hatred. had said. ft & piece of this ** Quick-Oak " Sole leather in f water over night and it will hardly be wet f your baking is not satisfactory, 38 Snowflake Baking Powdsi hali leng from well known that frogs article of a snak®s diet, the first instance of a frog turning tables and eating a snake. } A HO ae I. git ee eer imei weather, and to your purse all the time. IN OUR OWN CIRCU]T. For all_your Baking and | "Quick-Oak " Sole leather can be had only in "The Slater Shoe," because The Sfater Shoe Company Sides of The Line. YOU WILL BE HAPPY i tha in Canada. J. J. Yule, Ganan uss had a rib It is pure, and is used and recom- ey Cog m " k fractured Be a nasty ended 'by hundreds in Kingston. very wepvine ater Shoe" now has a "Quick- The Gananoque Eg tower jb. near esh every week. Oak" Sole; and the ne completion. Ii will hold" 167,000 x - lons. 25 CENTS A POUND. slate frame trade John Smith, aged seventy-eight mark is stamped Only At with the price Richardson, Leeds, on Monday. 6 "" ~on the lining in- South Lake, died on Tuesday. he 'Best Drug Store, side, $3.50,$5:00. - funeral took place to Brewer's Mills vault LP. BEST, Chemist and clan. st. re A drilling machine has been Ineeéss Phone pur- Pr ick Deliver 58 chased by Gananoqueans who have or- Qu > -- ders to sink about forty wells in. that raressestecets tress locality. Some vandal in Gunanorue oo ; up a small spruce tree which George NOW IS THE & Taylor, M.P., securetl on Prince Kd. WINTER OF YOUR ward island and Sarried it [uuy. Fa Alen cLormac wife of the Ia " on ENT | he d \ GOODYEAR George McCormack, died on Tuesday heat out : of hoor coal $8 - good PROCESS aged seventy-five years. The funeral Sus and-screened and uni: ' y took lace from the Reidones of her order son; oCormack; Pine Grove, iy oven Will Seis you ¢ G.H. Watson, K.C. *oronto, up- A oA Terme lot of DRY SLABS for ¢ holds the mayor of Gananoque in re- fusing to put a motion to make an il- Booth & Co. EG 0: LOCKETT, S I Li 1 A t or's right but his duty to do a Tid. TEU. 2 0 € oca gen : Mary Ann Dowsley, relict of late James Dowsley, died at FOR SALE OR TRANSFER. HE CHARTER OF THE KINGSTON Ladies' Sollene, Apply. to Mrs; Agnew, at the College. Barrie St. Grove on Monday, vears and three months, Funeral The Canadian North-West. HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS numbered section of Dominion Lands in Manitoba or the North-West excepting 8 and 26, which has not been "homesteaded, or reserved to Wood lots Yor settlers, or for other Purposes; may be Homentended 'when my person who is the sole head of afamily, or -any male over lo yews ol uke the extent of one-quarter section of 160 acres, more or less. ENTRY may be made personally at the . Any oven 'Purse: Openers" ------ Deily Mail Service. wife, Switzerville, Mavety farm and moved there. Lawson has moved into Edward local land office * for 3 the district in jand to be taken is situated, or if the homesteader desires he may, on t to the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa, the Commissioner of Immi- Oo Winnipeg, or the Local Agentfor the District in which the land is | rence's house. Rev. B. C. Freeman is or aturda eceing authority for some one to make entry for him. A fee of $10 is attending conference in British Co- . for a homes entry. or : lumbia. Mrs. Dowsley, who went to hy 0 has n gran an entr) or a mestea is requi by e 3 2 . en the Dominion Lands Act, and the amendments thereto, to perform took ill and passed away Monday; -- $ouditions connected therewith, unde one of the following plans : Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Dowsley, at- 1) At lease six months' residence upon and cultivation of the land in each tended the funeral, Miss Maggie M. the term of three years. It isthe practice of the Department to require, to bring 15 acres under cultivation, EE Dowsley, ill, is improving. Mis but iis he prefers he may substitute vl and 20 head of cattle, to be actually his own property, with buildings for Alma Johnston is visiting frienc Lace Curtains for 25¢c. a pair and up. mmodation, will be accepted instead of the cultivation. the city. Miss Back is ill; £3) If the father (or mother, if the father is deceased), of any person who is brother, Lloyd, took her place in schoal Special line at 98¢., worth $1.25 a pair. fo make a homestead entry unde the provisions of this act, resides upon P in dhe Visinity of the land entere for by such person as a homestead, the Visitors : Miss Flossy Bebe Ring: Special li 25 th $1.65 this act as to residence prior to obtaining patent may be satisfied ston, with J, McBride r. Callahan es neat $1.25, worth § Y person residing w th the father or mother. nd Mr Gordon and the Misses (8) If a settler was entitled to and has obtained. entry for a second hemestead an Rs on, ' v T Special Ii » a £0 Joyner, Kingston, and H. Powley, To- a line at: 81.75, worth $2.0 « ronto, with Sherman Powley. Mr. and . m 1 mm 3 yv Mrs. G. Toplif and son, Glenvale, Brass Extension Curtain Poles at hall with Edwin Lawson. rice, viz :--7¢., 10¢,, 15c., ready to put Johnston with S, 8. Abbott. J. and pn. Qilon hk 3 vera F a our | LA, Silver, Elginburg, with A. Fergu Brass Curtain Pins, 5c. a doz or a 20 ed 2 My with buildings son. A long felt want as been sup- en ng have hosides 80 acres substantially fenced. The pri- plied--we have a daily mail Stri Seri ins. 36 hes of a second entry is restricted by law to those settlers only who completed : fqeniped Scrum, for, Curtaing, 36 aches upon their first homsteads to entitle them to patent on or before the as extra special at Te., 10c., 12 , 1880, Every homesteader who fa Is to comply with the requirements of A Lamented Death ard. etead law is liable to have hisentry cancelled, and the land may be . ad Brown open for entry. ~ Rockport, May 11.--A quiet wed-4 Art Muslin, regular 8c., for 5c. a yard. APPLICATION FOR PATENT -> ding took place on the 3rd inst. be made at the end of three years, before the Local Agent, Sub-Agent or when rs. Louisa Griffin, Gouvenour, otis or and Insertion at jess Iospector. Before making application for patent, the settler must notice in writing to the commissioner of Dominion Lands at N.Y. #ix months' ® of his intention to do so. this "place. The ceremony was per: The $1.25 Black Sateen Petticoat, on INFORMATION formed by Rev. Father Crawley. Miss aturday, 98c. Newly arrived immigrants will receiveat the Ithmigration Office in Winnipes Laura Thomson, Escott, is spending' $1.25 White Crochet Quilts, double bed say Dominion Lands Oflice in Manitoba or the North-West Territories, this week at Arthur Dickey's. Morris Th roche! uilts, as to the lands that are open for entry, and from the officers in cha Armstrong and J. Morrow, Mallofy- . " , advice and assistance in securing lands to suit them. Full infor : g and ' R ck t Sun x ting he land, timber, coal and mineral laws, as well as respecting town, were visitors at ockport Sun- Our Saturday prices, on Whitewear ds in Railway Beit_in British Columbia, may be obtained upon |day last. Miss L. Rosenbarker died ill surprise you. Skirts, Corset Co -- : to the a of the Department of the Interior, Ottawa: the Friday, 5th inst., at the home of owens, Drawers and Waists all a Sioner of Immigration, Winnipeg. Manitoba; . or to any of the Dominion rr oh . rices. Agents in Manitoba or Lhe North-West Territories. Henry Ruttle, Mallorytown, after a BBin addition to F Ww. ORY, Ly isa of the Ijterins, short illness of pneumonia. The fu- See the line of Ladies' Tan and Ilack o refer, on TeQ Sears Lands, to which the Regulations above stat- SOrVio Rev. otton Hose, - Sale Saturday, special phonsunds of acres of most desirable lands are available for lease or eral SOV 108 Was satiusterh by 3 ih t 19¢c. a pair, perfectly fast colors. ---- railroad and other corporations and private firms in Wester Canada, Mr. Philp in the ethodis churel : here, and was largely atfended, show- ing the esteem in which deceased was held. The steamer Ellen trips between here and Brockvill n Mowers Repaired We repair old Mowers as well as selling new ones. We send 'for them, sharpen and do ay repairs necessary and return in good time, saving you all worry and bother. If Your Lawn Mower does not require attention, Possibly your refrigerator does. If so, "phone US and we 'will put it in perfect working order. Destroyed By Fire. Glendower, May 10.--School Newman & Shaw. Pe $446¢64664 T. J fire last week. Mrs. fine horse from 1. Kenyon. Miss Timmerman. Mrs. A. Snider pl ow are ro. visiting S. Leeman. The , Hat Question, Portsmouth And Barriefiel Deliveries will 'be made without extra charge, contrary to previous announce= ments. MAES SET & OO. lay your hand on the price. amount from 81 up will call for style from our Campbell. Bros., the Kingston for men's hats. A Great Cut. KELVEY & BIRCH . 69 and 71 Brock Street: seccecedidsioe an ooy E00 TINNING GF IRON, COPPER, ETC. § THE CANADA NETAL CO, TORONTO. 00000606 60000 To-morrow, Prevost's, reduced prices during the sale, Expect more for your money then elsewhere at our special Saturday night, and Sou won't "disappointed. See Livingston's ad A good book is the precious blood of a master and treasured wp on life beyond life. Milton. The suit yon want is in our & You will get perfect satisfaetio money refunded. Roney & ('o. Lawn - grass sed, a splendid -- spirit, purpose out of the frog's mouth. Dr. Cook had He caught hold of the tail and pull- ed a little black snake a foot and the frog's stomach. The snake was headless. It is preity are the chief but this is News of The District on Both years, died: at the residence of Anson Mary Corby, wife of John o Hearn, legal grant. It was not only the may- aged seventy-eight the residence of her son-in-law, R. McCalpin, to Pine Grove cemictery. Kepler, May 10.---Walter Switzer and have purchased the 18 Mr. and Mrs. H. was married to Charles Cornall, is making opened with Miss J. Mislon as teacher, Kelly's house was destroyed by Garrison bought a Qocdbarty is a guest at the home of Needn't bother you as Jong as you can immense assortment, style centre Brock street, will receive a case of Scotch tweed for suitings to be made to order at great embalmed to a ture, 20c, a lb. Chown's drug store. the The s he the Pine from H. H, Law- s H. Is in her le. has E. and Any your in here sale be Vv. life- tore, n or mix Mrs. . Jai Kaener, Zurich; Ont, ays that EAE Burdock: Blood Bitters saved Tor fom Many Years r hae + : fir Sa She writes su! Nowimagine how joyous and great was' mj stirprise when a friend of mine told me Ahat Burdock Blood Bitters would 4,00 that the lumpa anid external which the doctors told me would tum #0. muaning sores, would Aisappoifer 1 took her advice, and #" ng doubt but. that can say that I re has saved me from aos ea 4 Ys blood medicine oi 'the market to-day, and is composed exitirely él roots, herbs, barks and berries. DESTROY THE CAUSE. « You Cannot TR Dinars' With- but Destroying the "CASE of It. a { Many people wa * their scalps Sat- 'The Polish that work waar off Rooms From $1,00, Per Day Up Oppostte Grand Central Station Gone To Michi, Brewers" Mills, Mav 9. Erbe remains of D. Joyce, - Toronto, Were interred in St. Barnaby's pe 'Saturday. Sister Elizabeth, of the oe 'Dieu, es returned Satu after o week with her mother, Mrs. Fn Mc oe. Mr: au Mrs, W. Milne and Mr. and Mrs, Milne and Miss Carey. Kingston, br Sunday with Mr. and 'Mrs, James Mile, rs. F McKenna and children. Jeft Tuesday for their home in Michigan, after a visit of "¢ix months with parents here. Mids I. Mithe; Kingston, is spending her holidays at home here. -------------- Wash gr dishes, pots or "pans with "Lover's Dry. Soap, a Ad. It will remove the grease With the great- kt eano, " The most relinble rabbish Food Hee whore she is so much needed : tend to muke dairying the first foremost consideration in his busines) ial purpose cow in Toh oat does she care. and urday night or Sunday to try to keeplent. Mr. and Mrs. H. MN. Deroche, W LED epee wr the dandruff down for the week, but] P. Deroche and Miss KH. 'Deroel he, "Nd on Crirregtf Athi 4 on Monday. night. the. soalp has begun | punce, and Hrs. Edward Cortigns, This season our trimmers, Miss Donovan and Miss Harold to 'itch, and Tue morning will | Deseronto, attended, A weddi Ne ; design find a good suJ dandruff when | breakfast was served at McConkey's. | the 'workrooms of New York City and Toronto ing, copying and trim- fh the h hair is hrus ys Thege is but one f and after a short wedding trip, Mr. | ¥ of tomers orders real scientific wa, of curing dandruff ; § and Res. Dorech will reside in Naj | ming from the very newest French models, so cus leaving with and that is ta. ki the germ that nee, Mr. Deroche having entered | ; archi calises it, and tailing' hair, and final. partnership with his father, H M. I he | OU saleswomen Will he assubed (hit no Kat toot ly baldness. There is only one pre-|] roche . Arti ue 1 p40 A paration that will destroy the gem, Mr. and Mrs. B McKnight, amd | | City is 'bettep Ate] oF more. ompetent {0 build an te and that is Newbro's Herpicide, it is | two children, Ft Mills, will leave, | Hat or Bonnet, ¢ an entirely new diseqyery and the he xt week, for Edmonton, Ala., where | 2 ak LAE 0 ' 4 £3 i 13 only hair pre eparation, that is based | they expect to make their home, Mrs. 0 Joi abou od the large fashion conten on- the new scientific pringiple. In ad u: Ji Gong and sister, Miss Maggie Ur Prices am ". one-half charged in dition Herpicide is a_ ¥ery refreshing | L-0xa oronto, are spending a ft . X 5 hair dressing for regular foilet use, | days in town with the parents, We Specialty invite you to inspect these novelties. Sold by leading druggists. Send 10c. and Mrs. Walter Coxall. Miss | Isa : in stamps for sample to The Herpi Allison loft, Tuesday, for Napinka, | 1 * cide Co., Detroit, Wich, G..W. Mahood Man, to fren 3 few month' Miss | 2. recial . ¥ tmma Grant ridge street, i or the | a spoon agent, t past week, is reported a little botter. | s Sold Only at Steacha's Pardware Grand Union' Hotel BAGGAGE FREE a DUAL TURPOSE cow. A Profitable Amal for Fanasis to Raise. A great deal has been said pro and con. concerning the dual purpose cow. The following from M. '8. Babeodk,: states not merely the dstimation in which the dual cow is d but makes a valuable s ion as to how she is to be on the farms "For the farmer who does not the dusl purpose cow ig eral for, while she may not oq the spel neithe p, |- 0 or uire the same amount of is in handling, nor the of feed, as le, samé quality wl dai which: must be taken into the reckon: ing, for it has myx ° that out of every hall dozen calves born not more than be found doing profitable work in dairy at six years age," without regard to bi While special purpose breeds can be ed upon to produce a greatér of profitable milkers, fe is per cent, is that a lar of them young, and also that a larger por cent. of them, after surviving the trials of ealfhood, succumb to various diseases, such as abortion, milk fever, gar t, ete, he steer calf from the dual pur pose cow can usually be disposed of cither as a calf, a feeder, or as finish: od beel at a profit, while the steer calf ftom the special purpose cow comes exceedingly close to a dead loss. How are we to get the dual purpose cow ? Raise her. Go to some relinble breedet of dual purpose cattle who is breeding | along dairy lines. and: buy a twill irom a family of cows that comes nearest | to your ideal of u fect cow; uss. | him on your herd as long as you can | do so profitably; then procure another | of the same breed not closely akin, and continue along this = line, saving | vour best heifer calves all the. time; and in a very few years you wil bave | a uniform and profitable h of cows, | Be particular in veur Aid of bull to get ome from a family, of sod with good shaped udder, wood sized Lteats, and easy milkers." A PRETTY WEDDING. ---- In Which a Popular Napaneean Took Part. Napanee, . May 12.-A wedding much interost to Napaueeans tow place in Toronto, Wednesday, 10 met, when Miss Marion 8. Taylor, daughter of . Eitan Taylor, Toronto | became the bride of H. M. i Dersiche, | eldest son of H. er KS Napanee. The wedding was solemuized in Bt. Paul's Anglican 'church, Torow- | wi cent. Bits up people asd we re ready to supply wants with this spring's latest styles. Chocolate Strap Slippers, Chocolate Gibson Ties, Chocolate Blucher Oxfords, Chocolate Blacher Boots. From "Bueryihing new at the viiy lowed 2 | city. J. H. Sutherland & | 'Every Vom : Interested In Mi This is asbrely another way of saying that every woman in he city to, by Rev, Prof. Cody. The faride od by her sister, Miss dian | Taylor, and a like service - op | formed for the groom by his broth hee, | Lieut. A, P. Deroche. The'b lp wah hecomingly attired in a travelling | interested in oir Millinery Department. dress of grey, and carried a bouguet of white roses and Jilie how of the valley | vied ths New York willinery market and wade hat and po rithms -- and eiinjod light and a De. oman ug 24 Bt hich wll delight ad plone he won of Kingaton of the contracting parties. were pres- | Jot includes the latest and most exclusive Now York and eT Wednesday night, some person with ill | intent threw a stone through a rear plate-glass window of F, W, Smith 4&1 Brosy jewellery store. The crash awak- | ened parties living across the wlreet, and footsteps were heard on the side- walk at the same time. New York Millinery Parlots on Second Floor, LABATT'S ALE & The real merit and of JOHN LABATT'S A : and PORTER are well known. The claim is made, supported by numérous medals and testimonials, that they 'are pure, wholesome The Golden Calves. Sunday School Times. The story is told that in 1883 forge or President Kruger, of the Transvaal, found his government very mweh ems | barrassed for money. It looked as if | a famine was going to overtake the | land. But just then gold was found ! in the Barberton district. A messen: | ger from the new gold field took. g« little bag of gold containing twenty | ounces to the president. presenting it | to him as the first yield of gold from | the Transvaal. Kruger was astonish- beverages, superior | to any ed when he saw the gold. He asked | made on this continent. where it came from, and was informe | ed that it was from the Barberton | district. "Is there any more left 48 asked Kruger. He was told that the | JAS. McPARLAND, AGENT, country was rich in gold ore, and that millions of oi could be se- | cured where that came from "Thank | King Street, Kingston, God | my country is saved !" was his reply. Years later, when those very | -- ---- gold mines had led up 'to the war against the Boers, he no doubt la- | mented the day when the gold was | discovered. The golden calf is often | as fatal to the individual as to the | nation. { Col. Cody's Joke. Not Fly ago, Col, Cody, hotter | known as "Buffalo Bill," was relat: | ing to a professor of ethnology some! of his many and varied experiences PLEASURE DRIVES away al fonr of disappoint ace. you ou ene, gmony the Indians during kis early | here. The character of the FOOTWEAR in this store days, The Philadelphia Publio Ledger at once. There's nothing but what will appeal to our tosis and 3 fells of the little joke which the scout! ment. And your pleasure is enhanced by the prices which wo place on played on the professor. SHOES. Try to mutch them elsewhere if you would know how a "Ry the way," asked Col. Cody abr they are. ruptly, "did you ever see a red-headed Indian ? »" "Never did, and never your of such a freak, colonel," was the reply. "] saw onhe, a Cherokee, own on the Port Scott trail quietly answer- ed fody; Then Le stopped, waiting for a > It canie. "Rather an unusual sight that. wasn't it?" "Rather : but you see this Indian, 'was bald." Twenty per cent, discount on al Sold at Chown's seve. store," so XE sitits on Saturday. Bemg your boys | along. Roney & Co, | a leer