a Post Card a a Free Sample of PILLS world. "Use a postal, te] of GIN PILLS, the great and sign your name ang his card, we will mail yon of any cost to you. 'rich; ovodded whole-wheat wafer | Zant of 'pourishment--and it it's tas | Makes : ie toast : Send for the ** SHREDDED Question Cook Book," postpaid. 3 WHEAT CO., Timid, Niagara Falls, Out. who have never tried this Kidney Disease, the sample - rs - Repaired s well as selling new em, sharpen and .do and return in good orry and bother. If not require attention, r does. If so, "phone perfect working order. & BIRCH ock Street. onducive ienial ners and ness in House pA ------ ONE BOX OF DOAN'S KIDNEY | PLS: | CURED DROPSY. Z Bibi ts hak Bn gl - ,many people believe, but Is an evidence kidney trouble. Dropsy is EW S RAINCOATS| SD eres re arteries when they are ite af much wotn today for pressure, which can res as for rain. This. is largely iy obstructions in the pease they are made by manu- of Dropsy are fasturers who ro fi the eyes, swelling of the ankles, urine changed in ake Fine Clothing py snd appearance, y are snart in style, with smothering | feeling from exertion or excitement. The broad "shoulders, and full, loose, stylish backs. See what we are' only retiohal method of treating this disease isto reach the kidneys and restore . "211-278 Princess Street. * GANADIAN ELECTRIC WLWAY SYSTEM FOR SALE THE FLEC TRIC RAILWAY SYSTEM cold; which setii® in my kidneys, and turned to dropsy. My face, limbs, and | feet became bloated, and i€ T pressed my | finger on them it would make a white' impression that would last fully « minute | before the flesh regained its natural color. | ton, Portsmouth and Citar ode EO lwny Company. 'com. | T'was advised'to try Doan's Kidney Pill, | Wiflog, SOc nine miles of teak, twontyv- | and found by their use that I was cured | two seéenars, a motor, -ex- . J " 2h Darn aml recreation park facili-| in avefy short time, I have mever had ue is for sale. any trouble with it since. Tube Tot: 1905. 'and mutt 1c | Price 80' ents. per box, or 3 for $1.95, until June 1st; 1905, and must pe ied by a certified check for 12 t. of the aynount of the wi = be returned within thre tender is not accepted. Ih et or any tender mot necessarily ii Tar Doan Kibnev Prie-Co, Tomoxro, ONT, For 'further information apply to Melirs. Kirkpatrick, Rogers & Nickle, Solicitors Kiattbn. Ontario, AREWATERS | 1 Sufferers will rejol to learn that edi- Science has at last triumphed in producing » Spo: fare k Joe {RUPTURE 3 this agoni: and danzerons are astonishing (he Hediohl Frio ns wpe that a defied human Ingenuity Have in Boysnt 2 ol short vim time. re p ed ny Volk ws ID. UR REPAIRED. GC ED.:: remarkable formed is "hat ol Mr, Jno, Eves, 8 Mar: ket Square, Kingston, Ontario, whose He was ured 13 AD Makes, few and Second-hand J.R. C. DOBBS & CO., portrait here appears. I Bo fares iguodtios tise erful cure COCO OCVOCOTOOOODISOC we ington St., Kingston Sr W. S. Ri } East Queen 8004000060060000000008 | FSI Tmetikpo } Toronto Ont he Fr ei ed Rupture be be Write to-day -- Cured? ow, NOTICE House.Cleaning Season. is 'Here. Get your Carpets and Rugs sesesassresseeseel ' 1 a Dr. Brock's gaits 2 : | Wppear Cleined "by our = Electric fe fs te mi" TO o fest Dr ug Carpet Oleaner. Thorough Ca i pH Oe $ @ 1UPr cess St., Kingston, Ont. Sovesscssssssssassveacsld ET Work at" moderate Call or "phone. 542. HARVEY MILNE, rates. A LONG PASTORATE. 272 BAGOT STREET. : Dr. MacArthur, Thirty-Five Years $2.50 OARARY FREE\| fo, ee nee So; Tg ed Bea ew York, he: 13.<The Rev. Dr. E EL Sr ah oo ety ey ps canis R. 8. MacArthur, one of the most RD BREAD |: Avoid tmitations. | cxninent cletgymen of the metropolis, 3) ph makes them ing. F % in ins BCs will, ' tosmorfow, cothplete thirty-five pk led bdo so = | years as pastor of Calvary Baptist AM B SE Aranap. = Cai church. The church will observe the rr HD SEED, 2 i, Lasten. Gat. ot. anniversary by special exercises that will extend dover three days. Dr. Mae- Arthur's pastorate is unusual in that it is his first and only one. It is fur- ther notable in that there are only two pastors in New York who were in their 'pulpits when Dr. MacArthur Superfluous Hair Removed by the New Principle, came to the city io 1870. They are De Miracle the Rev. Dro Morgan Dix, of Trinity Detter tha parish, and the Rev. Dr. George U. : LLL, CB hay coisiolty; heeanse it does | Wenner, of Christ Lutheran church, How to Avoid Catching Cold. Allow yourself to 'run down" and catch 'cold from the first germ - that comes your way. Pills make you <old you rich healthy blood, kills all disease germs. at Wade's Drug Store. not satisfactory proof by giving the kind that In boxes 25c. Money back if Mrs. ri Phelan died Drummond township, aged seventy years, frony heart disease. Her sister, Ann Phelan, resides in Kingston. Greece and the try on the globe. BROADBRIN | Equitable Life Still in Trouble-- | every portion of our state from Chau- shdwing, etc. them to a healthy condition, BE The most successful .remedy for this | I AAC Z A CK S| purpose is Doane Kidney Pills, Read Store and the Old Stand. | what Miss Agnea Creelman, Upper Smith ville, N.S,, says of them :--"I caught a | | Wade's Iron Tonic at Ionian lsland pro- duce more emery than anv other coun- Letter From Greater New York. THE POLICE FORCE | OF METROPOLIS GETS A FINE SEND-OFF, Cortelyou the Man for the Presidency--The Nan Patterson | Trial. Special Correspondence Letter, 1,459. New York, May : 12.--The absorbing | feature of the week just past eclipsing | joyed by the pi it president. It was all others, civil or criminal, has been | said that the was made to Mr. the romantic close of the third trial { Cortelyou, T present. postmaster- | for murder, of Nan Patterson. The in- | gonoral, the same man wha guided | terest manifested was. not 'confined fo | President "Roosevelt's campaign to the Greater New York; it. reached | seh a splendid ¥igtory. I am' neither tauqua to Montauk and from Bar | Harbor to the Mexican gulf; now that the battle is over we ean sit down and ask ourselves, why is this | so? A very brief statement of the | facts" might cover the whole ground; | Caesar Young, a race-course- 'gambler, | not of particularly respectable char- | actér, abandoned a good wife and | child, and it is said, laid out on a woman of questionable character, the sum of $50,000. The woman in ques- tion was young and pretty and not over-stocked morally; any man whe could furnish her with money to grat- ify her desires would have done just as well As Caesar Young, the man whom she is said 'to have murdered, The erime was committed in open day, 8 | I | { IRVING B. DUDLEY, The * present minister to Teéru, who is | to succeed Mr. Bowen as minister to | Venezuela. Mr. Dudley has had anueh {experience jn South American diplomacy and is regarded as one of the hest men | wha could he chosen for the. diffiealt post of minister'to the turbulent southern republic. sitting in a cab an: an; ser of | people passing by might have seen the nell | tragedy enacted, and now the ques- tion to be decided was, did Nan Pat | terson shoot Caesar Young, or did he commit suicide ? Eleven obstinate { jurors, after a careful review of the | evidence, decided that Nan Patterson was not guilty of murder, was one clear headed juror wiser than | | al the rest, who informed Recorder { Goff that $n agreement was not pos- | sible. The" prosecution was as bitter | as gall, but on the whole eminently just. Mr. Rand performed his unplea- sant duty like a faithful publie of- ficer: his course was dictated by the hard granite facts of the case. When it was known that Nan Patterson might possibly be released on bail, £50,000 could have heen raised on the spot by Mr, Leavey, the counsel who defended her. But let it pass, the trial is ended, the woman is free and so ends a very disreputable story and a mis-trial unequaled by. any 'crimin: al trial in the twentieth century. Saturday was a red letter day our police; five thousand two hundred men of unequaled physique were viewed by the mayor and commission- er McAdao and a finer body of men than our police, which have been just- ly christened '"'the finest' cannot found in any great city in the world. surance Be a stan partially | man to under | are will to: make the salarv $1,000,000 {per year, the safe bears. not dangerous, and | ty. Do not let. the blood hecome thin | strengthens and invigorates the pa- tient to a point where the disease disappears, Here is a bit of positive (proof. Miss Blanche Durand; St. Fd- mond, Que., says' * ea out baat- got my feet but there | "for | re- | Dr, he | 0 ld be satisfied 'to the bell rings. ~ trouble at head- ayor MoClelland he reduction of the ate cosumers---at ination of the gas 88. The dividends 17 per cent, The engi- ge of the gas de- of London, visit- Q cities some "on his visit to the he was said to have ould 'be made, pro- gents per thousand. "the Equitable Life In- are not vet enjoying ._passeth all under- -- seemed to have hat in order to set- tle the dispute, th were willing to accept an sider for president, but | they have no! found "the right Stake the job, though the. as that now en« a prophet nor the son of a prophet, {but 1 think I am Safe in saving that | Mr. Cortelvan would not accept it. 1 would not. be at all surprised fo learn that this Tacky Be ntleman has "a presidential in bis_ bonnet," and it is now fi two to one that he will he the hitan candidate for | the next presitlntial election. Now Prosident Rogsevelt has declared that he would not aoembt another ngming- tion and the repiiblican party is look ing around for 8 man who can give them the assurano of victorv, 1 don't ste another © republican in sight who has an equal ehamee with that of our postmaster It is a ploasitre to seo our genial president bubk again, sak' and sound and about" the golor of a Comanche. Ten hears But no grizzlies; they night be brows bears or cinnanion hut cood to eat when vou are hungry. We welcome him from the wild and woolly west to the refined delights of an eastern civiliza- tion, He has two months vacation yet in store at Oyster Bay, 'where he will |. cast off his budkskin hunting suit'and exchange to a Tuxedo swallowtail. ~BROADHRIM, ------------ CONSUMPTION CURABLE. Good Blood Makes the Lungs Strong and Espels Disease. The time to Quire gonsumption is not after the lungs are hopelessly involyed the doctor given you up. Consumption preys upon weakness, Strength is the only medsure. of safe and watery. That is an open invita tion to disease. to take possession of your system. De, Wiklinma' Pink Pills are the best tonic and strength byild- er known to medieal science. The re cord. of this medicine proves conslu- ! sively that takem when the symptoms of consumption: devdlop it builds up, ing in September, Jl wet and took cold, I treated in the usual way, but to cling to me. passed by and 1 _-- getting bet. ter, 1. went to a pth in January, 11902, and be told me. that my lungs { were afiected and I wd8 in consump- tien, Returning home a friend in whom 1 had much confidence strongly the cold cough seemed ASE @veral months unged me to take Deo Williams' Pink I began taki ills and | soon found they po" hel, me, The cough grew less severe; my appetite improved and my strength began to | return. 1 continued taking the pills for about two months, when 1 found | my health fully restored, and I have nob singe experienced any weakness, I | am sure Dr. Williams' Pink Pills saved my life." Such cases as these we the pow- fied by electricity. Freight 25 miles i. co ri ADVANTAGES OF iS OF DEBORNING. Shippers Prefer Dono Dehorned Animals at Increased Cost. The advantages ocoruing from de | Lhorning cattle and the terest that exporters take in the matter is well set forth in the following letter, which a Toronto exporter received from Shamberg & Bon, the well-known New York shippers," one of the / largest firms in the cattle United States : . "We are in receipt of yours, enclos ing clipping relative to dehorning of cattle in Canada, which we note with much interest, and you should have business in the the thanks: of your community" for agitating this matter, 'At present Canadian markets off fer limited encouragement in our plac ing much reliance of being able 'to se dure at any one time enough finished cattle of the dehorned sort to allow our. depending on your market in the purchase of our regular requirements. "If you and other "pioante com mission men will educate (as they have in Chicago) cattle raisers and feeders to exclusively graze and fatten dehorned cattle of good quality, the owners of same would get, when offer- ed for sale, the keen competition that such sorts enjoy over horned animals, "Accept our congratulations on hav- ing started the dehorning campaign for Canada, and if persistent assist ance from Canadian governmental in- terests, the neqfgspapers and agrieul- tural peri og fF aivicu ara inter ests and colleg?®y the stock yard and commission firm inierests, as also the up-to-date raisers and feeders is ex er of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. They | tended, you will in a short time be make mew rich, red blood, and in | able to prove vour sound arguments, this way cure all diseases due to | and-then by getting the 'sleepy ones' bad blood and weak nerves. You can t these pills from any medicine aler or by mail at 0c, a box or ix boxes for $2.50, by writing the Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- ville, Ont. A Test Of Drunkenness. "Round abont the: ragged rocks the to follow, eventually secure receipts on the market of a class and sort to command regular' export patronage, to the mutual benefit of all inter ests,' Get your job work at Whig. Don't Cough Away ragged rascal ran. One of the most interesting features | These Words, wl the Lambeth Y Lu of the parade was the distributing of | police magistrate ared wor our ngs the gold medals to the men who had" rather difficult to {At any time, distinguished themselves by some act were to Constitute Pf the tests a ! of bravery in the year just past. Two. | which doctors imposted Pol men to That Catarrh Will Soon be Dead- of the noblest acts recorded were those | discover if." they wos To br. ly Consumption Unless You of Frederick J. Wilday and Daniel J. Patrirndge, a genes ir, Te Use "Catarrhozone" At Once. Sullivan. A man named Camphell | peatéd the words al had been Glover, intent on suicide jumped into | arrested. Tho police called Dr. the Harlem river. He could not swim | J. F. Smyth, to w 5 man re Discouraged sufferers find blessed, re- land Policeman Sullivan in his uni- | marked = when os the | lief and permanent cure in Catarrh- form jumped into the river to his | formmla, I have hot | befere, | ozone, which goes direct to the real rescue. The man, intent on taking his | and 1 am not going te Say it again." | cause of the disease, By soothing life, fought like a tiger and Policeman | Dr. Smith stated would not | and healing the inflamed membranes, Sullivan fought all the way, (one | ceFtily a' man as Winply be | relief comes instantly. Impossible for hundred and fifty feet), and in dragging the man up, seratch- ed his hands against a rusty nail in a plank: blood poisoning set In, and the heroic policeman who took the gold metal was lying in the hospital while the parade was going on. In the evening a number of our po- dice dined at the Waldorf- Astoria and | the magnificent room in which thes were dining was splendidly festooned | i for the occasion and the appetites of | the diners were satisfied with a feast that would have challenged the din- | ners of Lucullus: 1 eame to the con- clusion that it was no bad thing to be ia policeman in New York. There {was not a man at the dinner but! | what was richer than John D, Roeke-! feller or Russell Sage: Mr. Rockefeller has to be very careful in his diet, a weak cup of tea and a cracker is feast, and Ruseell Sage, another a! millionaire, often lunches on a sweet apple and two cents worth of biscuit, but the abundant feast placed before! was 'swept "off - their our policemen plates, which were left as clean © as though a ecvelone had swept them, Good appetites, good shel good clothes and a pension at old age no millionaire from William Waldorf Astor to Andrew Carnegie, who had given away $130,000,000, has anv more than this, and hardly one of them as much! 1 1 had a choice, make me | a policeman. land me { sion list with much to get and noth- to the shore | on the pen-}. cause he could nop sag so the chatye was | Getting New Beaiing 1 Bumizess. | Phitaaetphih. Record. The old-fashioned iden Shat it would words, and anything to be more prompt or satis: factory To prove to you that '"'Catarrho- zone" cures are permanent, the follow- ing letters gre given. Study them care: fully for your case may be'similar, To | be contrary to the of ing | these people Catarrhozone has brought { for * a conservative en Banking health, For you it will do likewise. tion to make o puble for new Nose Completely Stuffed Up. Dusinens through - advertis Mr. Archibald Bass, of New Har 8 heen flectively ex- | or, N.S. writes: "'Catarrhozone" | pio Bank. adver "3% 'almost | nroved itself a remarkable remedy in Bo common ie nd ely OF gro: | my case. 1 suffered terribly from ea gery advertising and ealibliy elfioctive. tarrh in the throat and mv nose was | The experience of Commerical | 36 stuffed up every morning I could | State Bank, of Grand Island, Neb. hardly draw my breajh. The mucous in tvpieal. By four vedts of dignified | dropped back into my stomach, upset *® | publicity it has built { deposits equal to that a competitor twenty years to accu- mulate. It is as easy toinfluence peo- hin | PIO in the disposition their sav Lo as it is to guide Shem, in heir jo ding. Where Is The Any deep-seated pain, bruise of the muscle or § cured quickest by the ui White have backache, muscular rheu matism , ete, try this remedy today. Big bottles %c., at Maden, Bombs were found "a volume of hich it took lon will be ; a Bits ent. It penetrates y into the muscles and tissues and Too pain or inflammation. If you my digestion and kept me sick all the time. Tatarrhozone relieved, in a short time and cured perfectly." Catarrhozone Best Of All Mrs. W. F. Breach, of Chapman P.0O., writes: "I have used a' great many catarrh them ever helped like Catarrhozone. 1t cleared out my nose and throat, and [stopped a ringing noise in my ers, Dont be misled substitute for Catarrhozone, which alone can cure thoroughly. It is so powerfully healing that colds disap- , | peac in an hour, and thronic catarrh in n short time. Two months' treat- ment $1, sample zize 28e. At druggists or by mail from N. C. Polson & Co,, into accepting a safety deposit vault in Moscow, iin & box ih' Hartford, Conn, U.S.A., and Kings- hot the bot Hon oo gebie' etiaviguage than the wie of infer flo, "I read aboit B before she 'Household wis not sold itand my grocer told would get some, and good baker and made good what she has now made out of Royal Household i ahead that | would be wikg to to pay freight fifty mi : instead of twenty-five, ra tit. her ere is no flour 'just as good' as Rope Hotschatd" ousehold" Now, is there a single woman in the whole coumiry wis alte. roading hat : Mu. Henderson says, will not at ohiée seid ore Ria} Hotthld reps aud gf Royal Household Flour trial. Mention this paper and address : THE OGILVIE FLOUR MILLS co, LIMITED, MONTREA remedies, but none of' BRE ro Ther canbe p Fob. 27th, 05. di pl out me to wait a day or two and he | am glad I did so. My wife isa bread oct f othe fuss bd S without it. (Signed) JOHN HN HENDERSON. 1. CANADA'S HAIR KING tative) Wynn Tregwin will be at dor Ta rej yen 7 4 MM MONDAY TUESDAY, May 15th and | Don't fail: to ses the exhibition of hair goods will he on view, including the latest makterpisce' Wigs, Bangs, and Waves, viz, i A NATURAL SCALP PARTING So natural in appearance that you forget it is artifical: This descrip- tion aptly applies to all hair goods rom this house, Seize the opportunity of purchasing on the ry dates. The placed before you will. be complete in every respect and . pri ae as in our store. Switches of straight and wavy hair from; 33 wo" 00. adour. Bangs from, $4.50 upwards. Inspection cordially in ill Vii is resides if Jou leave message at the hotel. Shalf not be | three months, he wr a CHILDREN Prizes will be given as follows to the school children of the distriot | Kingston : First Prize, $5.00. Second Prize, $2.00. Three Prizes of $1.00 Each. The above prizes will be given for the best aldirtioments Moat to be wett in by any boy or girl not over 17 years N iy a. of the schools in the district of Kingston, Advertisement not to contain more than 50 words and may be in any. form suitable for newspaper advertising. You can send in as many advertisements as you please, but each oe. ust be accompanied by a coupon taken from a package of Orange Meat od. fe. in hostage stamps. Every competitor will receive one of our silver prem: lang for eac! advertise ment sent 1n. Sign your name and give your address plainly and state your age, 'the name of your teacher, and the school that you attend. All advertisements for this competition must be in by May 31st. bi of Address. Advertising Competitions, The Frontenac Cereal Co., Limited Kingston, Oat. Decorations | Decorations 1 Firework al The largest and best stock of Fireworks in the city. % Flags of every description. Banners and Wreathing. Fancy Goods, Toys, etc. Fancy China. White Cnina for decorating. Fruits and Confectionery. ~-J. HISCOCK 160 and 162 Princess Street. i ton, Ont.