i conntry are with. ledge of the wondrous rtues of Paine's , a medivine that guarantees om the diseases common to decision he "to-day, the fair and honest cow,' is use heat at all should irty bushels,' 3 that hasn't time to a slow and doubt: tre of your farm earn every year ? If not, runing about from place to place for forks, they could soon buy a nuriber of them, A neighbor told me 3hat it eauirtd two hours asda gor to th i, pu t eno wat er for his Hod r ir, This | time, at $1 a day, would amount to! 873 a year, which : would 7 put in a good "mill. We offen loose wight of | wich things. debbie i Clover is, and will continue to be; the sheet anchor 'of successful agriculid ture in the north, und the man who is careless and Jndifferent about it, or hay wet; aeld soil, where. it is exe tremely hard to get a stand, must about and correct the trouble. If he does not the time will certainly come when he will be forced"to the wi ther a mén - expects jo sell hig} farm or not, he should enteavor to bring it to asstate where, if it has to be gold, it can be disposed of to ad- | (vantage, instead of at a sacrifice. While here and there a 3 Wucceed with & specialty not common | for farmers in general, is to stick to their farming and try continually to farm better with. the crops that they | have been, long = accustomed to, and leave the fads to those who have the | monev to throw away, Kxperiments conducted by the Unit- ed States department of agriculture have shown that manure left in heaps and exposed. for a considerable . time to air and weather when not frozen loses one-third of the nitrogen, one fifth of the potash and ope-seventh of the phosphoric acid. These facts furn- ish a powerful arguments with refer once to the wisdom of applying man- Ure to the land at the earliest mo- ment practicable. The trade value of a fertilizer does | not necessarily indicate its exact agri- | cultural value. The trade value of a given fertilizer simply shows its cost in general markets. The agricultural value of a fertilizer shows its capaci- tv. in producing eertain. agricultural erops and depends not only upon the condition of the fertility of the soil 1 which the fertilizer is used, but a upon the physical condition of the soil, the mode of cultivation, the soason and the crop to be raised. Ex- perience. alone can determine the. gen: eral fitness and approximate agrieul- tural value of compound commercial leriliners and fertilizing materials. f e Canadian live » commission- JIABETES er has bought fifty young dairy cows in calf, two Holstein bulls and a nitmber of Berkshire hogs for the dir- ector of agriculture, Orange River Col- ony, W. J. Palmer, formerly of Toron- Jf to. Mr. Bradshaw, formerly of Cana- da, but now in the service of the government of Orange River Colony as come over to take the animals to South Africa. He will be accompanied from here be .another Canadian, Mr, Palmer, besides being director of agri- culture, has a seat in the executive council of the colony. A representative of the Garcia-Ja- ¢obs company, Covent Garden, Lon- don, apple importers, says, Mr. Gar oia, one of the judges at the Colonial | Exhibition, was much impressed with the quality * of © British Columbia ap- ples, espedially the Oregon and New- | town variety. In consequence of this his and other large firms 'ave willing tof her with] in his neighborhood, the true course | "HAVE COUNTS AND WIN YOU GET $50.00 EXTRA. 4 AWARDS Will be made as follows--The person . If the event of more than one person submitting the ERS YOU $6,000.00 IN PRIZES COUNT OUR SUBSCRIBERS IN THE UNITED STATES Tora is a magazine 'women think and is the ont azine in the world endorsed by OT Dream of the Natoma Copii of Women. Ita ful of bright Stories, clever arti them carefully and then 'whatsoever, do them alt an Your chance of winning is as good as any one's. er TO THOSE SENDING IN THREE COUNTS (SEE. ) =» EEE rr em r-- __A TOTAL OF CONDITIONS 50 cents pays for six months sub: tities. you 0-one # scription od Dawn ad = Bh Cont et mo. pays for onic year an 1st Prize, Piano with Mandolin and Fie I ES Swat ts Bret prises her Bane 2 Guitar attachments, value. three counts. ; . Nahe gree 2nd Prize, Piano, $50.00 PRIZES We belicve everyone should 3d Prize, Diamond, * have three counts so they can th Prize, Diamond, ... one. side of what they think is correct to be more ize. Soli Dive bo MILHE: To cucrurags toi we will She Se ences Sth Prize, Solid gold Watch, Plat pet if they have three counts, Remember Af you one count you get first prize oxLY, WUT IF YOU Next 100 Prizes, James Whitcom giving correct or nearest correct count 'will get first Next nearest correct, second prize, etc. a per set, t, : 3 t . { rize it will be the Next 100 Prizes, 100 Sets Shakes Ss Sing Dest DA 0f eouating dos, ded 10 the person Complete Works, 12 dainty vol. 1,000.00 TIME PRIZES We feel carly counters shonta be ~~ Two Special Prizes of 50.00 rewarded and will give $50.00 to conditions .......... the perbon sending bestcountand plan by June 1. If you send best count and plan by June 1, you get $50.00 extra. terested judges. Th 3 + by Hon, John 'W. Holtsman, Mayor of the City of Indiana: Next 50 Prizes, Choice of Any $1.00 polis, is chairman of the Committee of Judges. We are Magazine....... BOUND OUR CONTESTS MUST BE ABSOLUTELY FAIR. Next 100 Prizes, Extension Our Financial Responsibility As to Subscription to ManAME, 'whether we are abundan: any Bank or Trust Company in the City of Indi Our offer will be carried out to the letter, same plan and it being considered the best plan by the judges each person so tying will be asked to tell in fifty words how best to improve MaDAME. The one making best suggestion ONLY IN CASE OF TIE IN PLAN, WHICH 18 NOT AT ALL LIKELY, DIRECTIONS. No one connectedqwith MApame will be allowed to 1. 'Write your count, name and'address very plainly. sompete. aniste o uly 1, 1905, but get your counts in at once, about time prize above, " on THREE COUNTS ENTERED MAY ENTER ADDITIONAL COUNTS of "ands" --make it plain. AT 25 CENTS EACH, | BE CAREFUL 70 GIVE YOUR PLAN OF 3. Be sure to state whether or not you are taking MADAME, plan used will decide all ties. 4. Counts must be accompanied by subscription. S0cts. pays * for six months subscription and one count. $1.00 pays for one years subscription and three counts. If yoit have three enh Jolie fle L to atthe to gives Sounts Stered Jou lay enter additional counts at 25 cents ze worth one as! every person who sends a each, You ge L00 extra if you have three counts and win, Correct coutit and $1.00ot & years sabsrIpGOn to Ma, iti COUNTING, as the best | DAME. It will pay you to have three. = See conditions cs OVER THRER N WOMEN, be ted as thy ies on art, music tars. with Deva adlopte galore, bers we have in the United States. of skill. There is no trick or deception about 8 Tor 30 sul ¢ say is is not a lottery, guessing or estimating contest, It is absolutely a ts are visible correctly and give a good plan of counting 1o the naked eye and can becounted. If you can count the gets destroyed, another printed upon vy paper will be sent you upon receipt of 2 cent stamp for postage. 757 PRIZES LIST OF PRIZES. Next 100 Prizes, 100 Beautiful Chatelaine Ladies' Watches, .......c. ccm 1,500.00 Riley's Works, 3 vol.. $3.75 a TO EARLY COUNT. ERS (SEE CONDITIONS) Te ---------- RRR -- TEE DOTS The counting is perfectly free. Good counters can coin dots into dollars, The contest will not last long. Make hay while the sus shines. There is fun in counting and money besides. Of course, you know how to count. Any child can count. The puzzling hecause there are 50 many. That is why $6.001n prizes will be given away free to the best counters. The Better you count and plan, the better your chances for getting one of the 757 prizes. Che more counts you register the surer you are of wine "igen doping ongrof lie big free prizes. Amybedy having three counts entered may enter additional counts at 2S cents The list of prizes is large. They are worth working for. You have 757 chances. You are as lik nybody to gel first, but if you don't get first prize the e lots of other Piizes worth having. Italldepends upon you. If you can think up a good plan you are likely to win. Money Must, Accompany All Subscript.ions. Next 100 Prizes, Marion Harlan Cook JUDGES Tbe awarding of prizes will be wholly in ~~ Next 100 Prizes, 1.50 Book, latest fiction, Contest Department, THE FORD PUBLISHING CO, to MADAME, in accordance with your offer in th tly able to do as we say, we referto + Next 100 Prizes, Hand Pulled Proof of ianapolis, e Famous Picture by Walter Tittle, entitled "When Shep- herds Watched Their Flocks by Night,' $1.00 each,......... x Total $5000.00 . erzmattasatesa sass emataarss areas fen gets first prize, next best next, etc. UNDERSTAND THIS 1S %, Are you taking MADAME (Yes or No)...... v3 i i "pen ANYBODY HAVING 2. Say just what your count and plan is, without any "ifs ee SUBSCRIPTION BLANK Indianapolis, U. 8. A. Tenclose ....... we JOF crmernniins months subscription MY COUNT ON DOTS. 1 | { of pase Give your plan of counting on a seperate sheet with your name and address plainly _ Address all letters; Contest Dept; FORD PUBLISHING G0: Indianapolis U 5. 4 ential Ottaws," | : Yor "8 ta i ¢ Jail. Lap will be received classes of : il. | United States, but it is not thought bg Samet Provided that the rail that it will affect the output of «up freight rates and necessary cold stor- Ples from eastern Canada, which are age. This will act in opposition to Of a different variety. LT -------------- GOT NEW VITATY-. Se SE ries Canadian Magazine. A "junior'" on entering will prob-: INCREASED APPETITE ably receive $200 per annupy, and an x § annual increase of $100 till fis salary : } is $800 or en ability {or ge. True Strength, Vigor and Buoy- |casionally "'pull")wi etermine his ant Health yw llc d subsequent advancement. Some of y so | the larger banks, realizing the special the Use of Dr. Hamilton's | ike run by tellers of losing money, allow' them 8100. to $200 a year "Risk Fund," which is put to their credit at lead office annually, and is available aguinst 8 largo loss, the balance remaining being paid over to them on leaving the v8 "hox for good, usuglly to fll a higher posi- tion, Certain living allowances are restored. 3 alec. granted by Some banks to Ted : of ite is into | clerks in arger cities aid in the a petite pinged and North-West, but Ta n- addition je. assimilal are made and. are not a part of, their regu Mya. Charles Smith, of Jimes, Ohio od I 1 have used every Yemedy for ¥ tail in the aul, ty years aga last month the first train crossed the Suspension bridge Two Niagara Falls. fo imdred every Germg [ A personally 'conducted excursion to the Pacific coast viaithe Grand Trunk Railway System and connecting lines leaves Quebec, July 5th, and' Montreal and Toronto, July 6th. The route will be viw Chicago, thence through | YOUT COOking during the summer months? Council Bluffs to Omaha, Denver, and made at each of these places, (nd side trips taken to Manitou, Cripple. reek, | PIICES. Our Model Blue Flame Wickless Qil Stove Is absolutely safe and is very economical in the i T a' . ake inst as for the round trip, including railroad] SoC of oil. The ovens of these stoves bake just Garden of the Gods, ete, From there the party will continue through the famous scenic route of the Denver and Rio Graude, through the Royal Gorge to Salt Lake City, thence to Los Angeles, San Francisco, Mount Shasta, Portland, Oregon, Seattle, Spokane, and home through St. Paul and Minneapolis. The trip will occupy about thirty days, ten davs being spent on the Pacific ¢oast. The price fare, Pullman tourist sleeping cars, all meals in the dining ear, hotels, | SVCD and quicker than your kitchen range and you side trips, eto., is 8165.50 from Quoe- bee or ¥160.50 from Montreal and! NAVE DOL got to stand over a hot stove in the warm $150 from Toronto, This first trip is | designed as a vacdtion trip for teach- weather. ers, although many who are not teach- ers will improve the opportunity of ing the trip at the remarkably low price afforded, For full particulars ad- dress RB. €. Bowler, General Passenger ------------------ Acts Like For lumbago, pain in the back and all urinary troubles they are unequal: led. They cleanse the kidneys and al.' low them to purify the blood, instill ing mew life and vigor into the entire . Ska To California and Lewis and Clarke Exposition. Have you thought of getting an Oil Stove todo If so, it Colorado Springs. Stops will be| WOUld pay you to examine our stock and get our Let Us Show. Them to You. tt Si i LEMMON, & LAWRENSON 351 and 3 . o ¢ nd 383 King Street Pecks Kidney Pills 'are simply oT wondgr, they act like magic in the ae kidney and bladder troubles. ® 60 0¢ 500000000060 ¢ . WE DO TiNNING OF IRON, GOPPER, ETC. THE CANADA METAL €0., TORONTO. or sony 2a wo sino | 90000 GOOG 90000 500000 Be IEE ee peturning on Or pe------------ ed) : ¥ © LEAD PACKETS ONL Shimon | TRAVELLIN @; "VIGTORIA DAY tickets will be issued at FIRST-CLASS -FARE going Tuesday. May 23nd, and 5 May 24ir pefore Thursday, th, 1900. REDUCED FARES 15.30 to Pacific Coast I May 15th, 1908, * Yintii Ma) Colonist Fares From Kingston to Victoria, Vancouver, § Molson, Trail, Ri ! Spokane da, Butte, Helena, Salt nde Springs, Deven: yo an Francisco, Los Angeles ... 48:05 Qorrespondingly low rates to other ts. Cor. Soi GT AN LEY csToNg PEMBROKE RAILWAY EN IX CONNECTION WITH CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. $46.30 TQ VANCOUVET | 7iiyets on Sale Until Vicloria. May 15th, 1905, seattie Tacoma | SECOND-CLASS Po 1tlazd | Vay Low Rates to many other West- | ts. W pias at K. & P. and O.| ] Office, Ontanio Street. h AY Pr. Gu. Pass. A. FOLGER JR., Gen: Supt. kb 0LOF QUINTE: RAILWAY | Bev @hort line for Tweed, Napanee (Dweonto, and all local points. Trains [en (ity Hall Depot at 3:25 pm F [OPNWAY, Agent B. Q. Ry., Kiagsten ALAN LINE "C58 nomnny Royal Mail Steamers. Montreal, rom, Quebec, clorian, 13, 9 a.m. May 12, 7 p.m. Sevarian, May 16, 4 a.m. May 19 Vegan, May 26, 9 a.m. May 26, 7 p.m. [MTES OF PASSAGI--First Cabin, #5 and upwards, according H acsommodation ;: Second 0 iverpool and Londonderry, 0, $45 and $47.50 according to - London $4.50 extra; Third $27.50 Virginian, Victorian $28.75 } ol Derry, Belfast, Glasgow, USTREAL TO GLASGOW, DIRECT. SOM... Thurs. May 18, 10 a.m. NEW YORK TO GLASGOW. el. May 10, (daylight.) Pather particulars vn application to J. Pb. BANLEY, Agent, GIR Sy ea pot. . Q 3 VE, Clarence Street. Mow [EY AND BUSINESS. ira LONDON AND. G OBE rance Company. Available Money $61,187,215. A i to hich the "policy holders have for hit the unlimited Mability 488 stockholders. Farm and city nt insured at lowest possible aon utiore Nenewitug ou or xiving Ret ra om Strange Strange, Agents. PR POLICIES COVER MORE ON j Muildings and contents than any oth- A offers. lixamine thew at irs Surance Emporium, Mark- ARCHITECTS: ne a a ST E » ARCHITE®T, OF- i fa, cond floor over Mahood's or : Corner Princess and Bagot ] Thephone Sees 0c8 on Bagot street. 2 ELLIS ARCHITECT, OF. 9 uite of} HITECT, wr ew Drill Hall, near co " of Queen and Montreal Streots. taps SON ARCHITECT, MER- ad Woo "0k Building, corner Brock bo "ellington streets. 'Phone 213. Arr Hanh PRET THE FRONTENAC & INVESTMENT SOCIETY. (ESTABLISHED: 1863.) Sit Richard Cartwright on City end Farm Municipal "and a Mo: ased rigages purch Feeived and interest allowed ; FROM KINGSTON. IT IN THE TEA PO' AWAY FROM JAPAN NATURAL LEAF GI \ The M Sev Canad Geo. Bagot / , roun hawk May To-m sot @ it pr of ti haw} hunt and the shoo Mons defey ed er Th ents