Daily British Whig (1850), 13 May 1905, p. 5

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ne aglos ted as Pi res galore, un the United a ay 0 trick or deception about ve a good counting DIS The counting is perfectly free. Good . counters can coin dots into dollars, vill not last long. Make hay while the sun eis fun in counting and money besides. Of tow how to count. Any child can count. The ing hecause there are s0 many. That is why s will be given away free to the best counters. bu count and plan, the better your chances for [ the 757 prizes. re counts you register the surer you are of wine he big free prizes. Anybedy having three cd may enter counts at 25 cents of prizes is large. They are worth working e 757 chances. You are as likely as anybody to f you don't get first prize there are lots of other mving. Italldepends upon you. If you can nk up a good plan you are likely to win. ust: Accompany All Subscriptions. SUBSCRIPTION BLANK partment, THE FORD PUBLISHING CO, anapolis, U. 8. A. . .months subscription E, in accordance with your offer in the ny COUNT ON DOTS. { our plan of counting on a seperate sheet EHRs a Sasha dianapolis, U. S. A. getting an Oil Stove todo summer months? If so, it e our stock and get our Blue Flame il Stove is very economical in the these stoves bake just 35 our kitchen range and you a hot stove in the warm Them to You. LAWRENSON King Street. Etat 00000000 00008 IRON, GOPPER, ETC. @ AL C0, TORONTO. o 09000069 000000 4 | j | Per Bh Pound | 2 LEAD PACKETS ONLY gi SOLD IN BULK. MAVELLING, MES VIGTORIA DAY tickets will be issued at FIRST-CLASS FARE going Tuesday, May 23nd, and 24th. By Me on or before Thursday, th, 1900. " JEDUCED FARES £16.30 to Pacific 165th, 1908, Until May. ly . ; From Kingston to Vancouver, = lan Francisco, Los Angeles ... 48.05 Qorespondingly low rates to other J. P, HANLEY, Cor. Johnston & Ontario Sts. ECCT aL | Hair Grower a @ dressing as well as a tonic GN wh x IN CONNECTION WITH go Cambridge St. MRS. G. 5 NORTON GADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. | Fore sta drugmisty two sven, SOc. and $46.30 --TO = VANCOUVET | yioyots on Sale Until ctorie | May 15th, 1905. | SECOND- LASS FROM KINGSTON. Po itlard | rf Rates to many other West 3 lars at K. & P. and OC. 3 Office, Ontario Street. h Y, F. A. FOLGER JR., Gen, Supt. Om. Pass. At. b OLOF QUANTE: RAILWAY | Bev hort line for Tweed, Napanee | and all local points. Trains [en (ity Hall Depot at 8:25 pm. F JOCNWAY, Agent B. Q. Ry., Kiagsten 13, 9 a.m. May 12, 7 p.m. ALLAN LIN From 19, 4 a.m. May 19, 2 p.m m. LIVERPOOL and LONDONDERRY all Steamers. ntreal. - From Quebec. 0 , May | Bvarian, May 3 } in, May 26, 9 a.m. May 26, 7 [MATES OF PASSAGE--First Cabin, iS and upwards, according to [5 acsommodation ;: Second i Ly $4.60 extra ; ths, §27.50-- Virginian, Victorian 0 Derr; Belfast, Gl Third $28.75 Ys BEAL TO GLASGOW, DIRECT. priathidn ..... Wod. May 10, (daylight.) Jd. POBANLEY, A particulars un application to Depot," fp, GILDER. song Sc. AND BUSINESS. Fl Ris BOX, ANP, OLDE u ompany. vailable ety 8731s, Ge addition to cy holders have for rity the unlimited Mability of Stockholders. Farm and city har nina mi or So ing ol or ng 'business rates from Str 4 Tota: i Ange ARCHITECTS: Eee rr rns ANDS ARCHITECT, OF- ood's drug Bago! bey ELLIS ARCHITECT, OF- or of ew Drill Hall, near co: and Montreal Strests. wet SON ARCHITECT, MER. Bank Building, corner Brock Wellington streets: Phone 213. " ? D io 2 Anon TH "Phone ly ARCHIT Building, Markel a IAC TMENT L ESTABLISHED Toe an Sit Richard Cartwright " on Ci ased i B Refuse Substitutes! Seven Sutherland Sisters :-- SOLE PROPRIETORS Canadian Office Geo. od, druggist, Bagot and Princess streets. Jact unfit to use. caterers everywhere, ILLE' adulterated g E.W.GILLET TORONTO,ONT. WILSON FLY PADS Number, Special to the Whig, Bloomington, Hl., May Hlinois farmers and hn hawk hunt, which is cond May by sportsmen it promises to he "the biggest affair of the kind ever pulled off in this state. Each crow killed will count for one point in the competition. Butcher birds will count three and hawks will™ count five points. The hunters are forming in two squads, and each will endeavor shoot will conclude ed crow. : -------------- The doctor admits that ents ave an ill-assorted lot. 13. Seven Sutherland Sisters' Hair Grower GREW THIS HAIR Ottawa, Ont., April, igo4. Dear Ladies,--I had lost all my hair, the top of my head being entirely bald for three years, § Aer using your hair preparation for three weeks | my head was covered with a new growth of hair. Now my hair measures about thirty-six inches in and is improving allthe time. I find the SEVEN SUTHERLAND SISTERS 11 Colbdrne St., Toronto J. H. Bailey, Foreign Manager Recommended and Sold by W. Maho corner (GILLETTS ABSOLUTELY PURE CREAM TARTAR. Nearly all goods in this line at the present time are adulterated and in GILLETT'S is used by the best bakers and REFUSE SUBSTITUTES, TT'S cosis no more than the inferior oods. > REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. COMPANY LIMITED \ WILL HAVE TO EAT CROW. The Ones Who Bring in Smallest inters rounding up for the ammual crow and acted of Kane county. To-morrow and Monday are the days sot aside for the hunt this year, to produce the greatest number of points. with a banquet, Monday evening, and the side that is defeated will be required to eat cook- the Central are each and The pati- 'NEWS OF CHURCHES na" "NATURAL LEAF GREEN TEA The Most Delicious Green Tea in the Wide World Byr 1 on "Trade - i Marks and: Trades." NO 2% THE VARIOUS DOINGS IN THE The cours afi HETItailo: in busic RELIGIOUS WORLD. | ness has been following out ' | the same lines as that of the jobber. x | WHere the ta or twenty Chinese in Japanese Colleges--In- years ago bought His any place crease in Church Membership-- he wished and $Id them under any A Gift of $14,500 to Build a | Dame ho desired, he ia now buying Girlé' School. | yrade-marked Baptists talk of 'uniting Fifth avenue, Madison avenue and hihi Baptist churches in New York and building a £1,500,000 temple. . Rev, D. McLaren, Alexandria, son of the Rev. Dr. McLaren) Toronto, bas been elected moderator of the Presbyterian synod of Nouiral Rev. J. D. Ferguson, at the Strat- ford Presbytery, handed in his resig- nation as pastor of Burns'! church, Zorra. Methodist Tabernacle, lleville, has been invited to remain another year, and" hax had his stipend raised $200 per year. ; : There is a home in New' York City in which thirty-five deaconesses live. They are engaged in many lines of Christian work. : An effort was made to secure Rev. J. LL. Gilmour, pastor of the Olivet Baptist church, Montreal, for one of the theological chairs in McMaster University, but failed. Eugene Stock is expected to visit America in March, 1906. He has been invited by the committee of the Stu- dent Volunteer Movement to attend its meeting--in Nashville. ° Rev. F. E. Howitt, rector of St. George's church, Hamilton, refused to consider the call from 7 .the = Stone church, St. John, N.B. His salary will be raised from $1.200 to $1,500. The Rev. John McNeill has accepted an invitation to go to Constantinople {forwarded by: the British and Ameri- can missionaries there) to attend the convention for the deepening of spiri- tual life. Rev. Mr. Wallace, Oakville, to whom a call was extended by St. James' Episcopal church, Stratford, has clined to aceept. This is the de third JRNEST SCHELLING, Swiss pianist, pupil and protege of Ignacs Paderewski, who was rurried, on A May 3, to Miss Lucy How Treaper, noted New York beauty and Leiress. a minister called by St. James' church who has declined since the church was vacated by Bishop Williams. The colleges of Japan now have some 5,000 Chinesn students who are receiving an up-to-date education. They will retarn to China as mission- aries of Japanese -eivilization:- Since Japanese civilization is not yet quite the same as Christian civilization. The following notice appeared the notice-board of a London chapel a few days ago 'Next Sunday even- ing the Rev. ------ will deliver his farewell sermon, and the choir will sing an anthem of thanksgiving es: pecially eomposed for the occasion." At the conclusion of the London re- vival, Mr. Torrey, said that over five thousand five hundred persons of all classes and creeds had publicly an nounced their conversion, while thou- sands of others had privately ac knowledged conversion and changed their ypode of living, The . American' Baptist Union is raising a million dollars on Missionary fund for half a for educational work in heathen lands. Dr.- William Ash more, the eminent missionary to China, now in his eighty-first year, has given ten thousand dollars to ward it The British Wesleyan Methodist church, this year, reports its largest net increase in membership in over twenty years, the figures being 70,705 full members, 11,874 on trial, and 4,- 367 junior members additional. While the increase is to some extent due to the great movement in Wales, there is noticeable throughout the whole coun: try a general upward tendency. At_one of the missionary meetings during the Episcopalian convention at Boston, Bishop Ferguson, of Li- beria mentioned the plan to build a girls' school on St, Paul's river and added that the Liberian government has contributed $1,000 toward the £14,500 necessary to build and. equip the school. A. week or two later the bishop received a letter, and in the letter a cheque for 814,500 to build that school. Mrs. Mary L. Allen has been work: ing alone for five years among the Nanna Kroos, a savage people on the west coast of Africa. Four different miissionaries . had n successively driven away by them. Mrs. Allen was fnat. sent out by any missionary board, but she relied upon prayer for support. In a thatched hut for a home, she taught daily from twenty to forty natives. During famine, she guve the women and children what food she had, but much of the time she had for herself" only wild grass and a little rice. During an attack of the Bushmen, her hut became a refuge for the queen of the Kroos. Have no equal as a prompt and positive cure f6r sick headache, biliousness, constipation, pain in the gide, and all liver troubles, Carter's Little Liver Pills, Try them. Protests are being made in Austra- lia against the wholesale destruction of kangaroos and opossums that is going on. Some people are so lucky they can't even "get engaged without having it broken, . Rev. George Brown, pastor \ot the J y TALKS. p and selling them beeause of Oe 'demand. created by the manufacturer, The personality . of the retailer is becoming more ahd more subordinate to the service givem his trade by the use of advertised bramtls, instead of giving his customers the idea that he s havi ) ma especially * for his lividual store, He is not oblig- ed to sell goods whose merits are practically unknowh to the purchaser] and guaranteed only by his personali- ty. . 3 The retailer is in business for a liv: ing and for ait For this reason it does not matter whether 1, as a ro mamdaeturer's line of 0 ¥ z goods 'or Mm. It is entirely a q i t smy trade calls for: g have to sell and whe- Ao 3 ther aods .) "sold give satis- a ads hn rehaser to re- member my Store in future, "In the past: theee months, 1 have probably ae op retail- ers in order : why they sell one brand of collars in preference to another. Tho answer reccived from practically every one of 'these dealers has been, "I sell "Thé Jones' collar, because it is advertised, and because it is known and called for by name. I sell it because of a trade which I have established for this particular line © goods, and 1 will 'continue to sell them as long as: the majority of my calls. are for 1 have in stock." Many retailers told me that thel have incrélsed their collar trade every year for ten and twenty years. Retailers: selling various brands have told me the same thing. Why is it that practically all. dealers in each town have" increased their collar busi ness ? One iniportant reason must be that collars" Mave been advertised. This advertising has been such that consumers have been educated to be lieye that a neat collar is an import- ant part of per dress. For this reason, the collar eomsamption of to day is hundreds of times larger than it was but" a few vears ago. The situation among retailers then, is that they are doing a larger busi- ness now than ever re, because of the educational features in advertis ing by, the manufacturer for the vari- ous articles they sell. There is possi bly not so Targe a profit now as there was ten or twenty years ago, but the Fetailer finds that "advertising has practically already sold the poods when the prospective buyer comes to his store, where formerly it was ne- cessary for him to create the demand and make the sale when thé prospec- tive buyer called. We now find the con dition such that the eonsumer practi: cally knows before he ever comes in- to the store, just what he wishes. As a result, even though the profits are smaller, the sales are more quickly made, more people want to buy and hence larger profits come to the retail- er. . You ean, as a retailer, however, make use of the personal trade-mark to good advantage in conmection with the goods vou sell. My suggestion to any energetic retailer is to have a trade-mark and put it on every article he sells if he can possibly do so. Do not make this trademark the only one; do not try to make it predomin ate, but use it in commection with the trade mark of the manufacturer. If vour selection from the advertised lines of manufacture are first class, vou will find the manufacturer's trade- mark will assist vou in selling the goods provided the consumer has heen taught through advertising the indi vidual merits. of your geods, You will Bedfast for Three. Years Wilh Inflammaiory Rheumatism HELPLESS AS AN INFANT NOW WALKS WITHOUT CRUTCHES. Wonderful Recovery Of John Mec- Cullough, Of Uxbridge, Ont. ¢ The Claflin Chemical Co., "Windsor : Gentlemen--It is with much plea- sure that I send you this testimonial regarding the wonderful benefit I have derived the use of "Bu-Ju' Kid- ney Pills, Have been an ifivalid for nearly three years with inflammatory rheumatism, and was bedfast until about six months ago, when an old friend of the family called 0 see me, and left me some of your pills. I he- gan to feel the benefit of them after inking one bex. 1 have continued us- ing them, and am now able to get out of bed and dress myself, and can go out without crutches. Before taking the pills T was as helpless as an in- fant, aid had to be taken care of like one. I honestly believe that your pills have been the cause of my getting better. I have tried about everything that could be thonght of as a eure for my trouble, but feel this remedy of yours has 'done me more than any of them, and 1 feel if were a Jouger man, that by taking them for another few months I would be well and strong again; but of 'course I am an man now, and have the constitution to work on, but I "ho this simple story of the way your pills have helped me will be of value to others. 1 remain yours truly, ) JOHN MCULLOUGH. o P ob & [ - . - 3 » i SER i . Tea-time Any Ig . 3 f . iN = Yes, if there is "Red Feather in your cup " it will be tea-time any time. Its refreshing never comes amiss. Red Feather Ceylon Tea is "a tea of flavor." It is packed, never in lead, but in moisture-proof and germ. proof packages, parchment-lined." ; Black, Green or Mixed, at onc price per pound-----4oc. Time, if-- » v oz equal. Corticelli Silk runs smoothly in the needle ; it is always even in size and always full length and full strength. Ask your dealer for " Corticelli,"" and refuse all substitutes." which prevents waste b ilis keeps each shade separate, and automatically measures a'correct needleful, Recommended as the only proper way to put up filo and floss silks, and used by art societies everywhere. , : SPOOL SILK:3-| orticall SITK i fhe bears | sewi 2 For hand or machine use it has no made.' Wash Silks.. eee are put up in patent holders, tangles or soiling'; = ' SKIRT PROTECTOR .astilh soiled, a sponge or brush makes it clean again, and no damage done. It has peculiar wearing qualities and perfectly straight selvage. For sale everywhere. is of firm and even texture. When also find that your own trade mark in connection with those popular lines stamps most staple and reliable, li the trade-marks of some of the goods you sell gre not already popul: arized by the manufacturer, you can use your own trade-mark on them to advantage, since the same confidence is given to buyers of the un-advertised of goods, your business goods, that is already given with those lines advertised, By following out these suggestions it does not mean that vou are less important or less individual in your retail business. Your personality the retail trade can be strongly pressed through your advertising copy; in the manner in which your clerks wait upon vour customers; and in the general appearance of your store In your advertisements, see that vour trade-mark is. shown from time to time and seo that you tell the vour trade-niark means and why it is used, At all times remember that the best for the money is none good for vour trade, Remember that it is much der to work along lines of least resistance; that every article © of value known to your trade has cost the manufacturer manv dollars in publici- ty. Remember that vou want a pleas ed ir: and that the easiest way to satisfy customers is to sell them what thev want, . By combining vour local mark with that of the manufacturer in the man- ner suggested. vou will he establishing a confidence in the minds of your lo- cal patrons in a much stronger fashi- on than vou possibly could by using either vour trade-mark hy itself, hv selling without a trade-mark at all, or bv trving to compete single hand- od with advertised brands. too oy Chamberlain's Cough Remedy the Very Best. "I have been using Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and want to say it is the best cough medicine I have ever taken," says George L. Chubb, a merchant of Harlan, Mich. There is no question about its being the best, as it will cure a congh or cold in less time than any other treatment. It should always be kept in the house ready for instant use, for a cold can be cured in much less time when promptly druggists. \ 4 pS They are never alone that are ae- eompanied with noble thoughts. --Sir Philip Svdney. Asparagus is said to be the oldest Uxbridge, Ont. plant uked. for food. as | | | | | in, im- | readers of your local papers just what | | | treated, For sale by \all | CANADA'S RIBBON HEADQUARTERS The vastness of the volume, the rarity of the variety, the beauty of the pattern, the fineness of 'the weave, the richness of tlie finish, all these have gone to make up a world-wide, renowned Ribbon Depart- ment, namely EATON'S. Fancy Openwork Ribbans in plain colors, b inches wide, elegant quality for neckwear especially, The shadesare white, ered, o ble, turquoise, pink, Cardinal eHow, ora reseda, nile, vd navy and Diack: 25c Quality Special Price .18} - Fis, and, Fancy. Fisions: n y Ba 1: ac white sating, and fancy umbrias. Ribbons for millingry, neck wear, hair bows, sashes, efc., 4} to 6 inches wide, Your iD at per ny Satin Baby Ribbon, faille back, three-quarter inch, 2¢ yd. By ordering through our Mail Order Department you have the selection of the city store to choose from. All orders are cate- fully filled, and if the goods are not satisfactory you have the privilege of exchanging them for other goods or the cash. Send for our catalogue--it's free. &T. E A T Oo N CO es TORONTO CANADA +&SoN, ff MONTREAL. fee SPORTING GOODS CATALOGUE We send our on receipt of 10¢c, page--illustrated free Rely pay postage. Re mcser whet Tour as. as by Iti at ay store, and chea in v can just as well pec LONE

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