{ ~ World--The Markets. | The" City of Mexico has contracted { Eh 1 A or, Manito hu Iuyig to phd Fo Trail, Hall Mines and Marysville smiviters in British Columbia wre said to be ring a lead trust for the purpose of capturine the A et. Ui States nis dosing its hold un English trade, and Canadign 4 bacon is taking its place, just the same ; nine ak happened in the cheese trade a few . "announcement has hoen treal that the Mexican Power Co, will be delivering ecaxa to ordinary custom- = The earnings of the Bak of Montreal | for "the: huitear, ened Abril 20th 1905, after i arges of mapageman evi} ial full provision for bad and ty, wore $781,960.40, nik Uhdlerstuny tha Rio de Janiire 3 hy Light ower company has ¥ Titel ,000.000 and $7,000,000 0 secre the different. tramway lines, Hghting company of Riv de Jameiro. Canadian Paci Railway Coin nt of trafic earnings for woek ending May 7th, shows a de- croase. of $17.000 conipared with corre- ' Mitonding weak of last year. The ficures {uve Wook studing May 7th. 1905, $908, 000 : same period, 1904, $925,000. i itis derstood that the Canadian General Blectric company has closed a Inge contract with a railway for con- ater) of various in be Wwanufucty arr ulus uted" at. the Cun. a oundry w, A ie capacity ol Wo are reported to be until 1906. 1 oS 4 U.S. Steel April net rnings approxi- mately $10,700,000. Sedel men say tull | in pig 'iron sales does not indicate ond of ) corporation was or. pril. earnings as officially in A ] EY Been : 1004 £6 03.63 A Daa, 304 1902; 2,820,766 ; 1 The 3 fwlifornin: Fruit Grower wives th sutnanary tions 5 ron condi in tha mark ~BNYE d. Pranes will show a heavy averaging probably 50 ¥ places there will only he present | hy Hght. Jand Sits ant ay ih Almonds | Y.M.C.A. Notes--A Correction. The article "Only Two Applied," ap: {pea in Saturday's Whig was un- ally incorrect, No oplieution our sister organization Neon for the use of the ¥. FM. C. A swimming bath, neither did. } or do they purposé, "having a ladies' } swimming class at the present season of the year. The facts are these: "Ihe Y. M. C. A. Ladies' Auxilinry appoint: ed a committee from their nu to work up a swimming class for ladies, Pen or a dozen expressed a desire to avail themselves of our pool, which will be warmed and the instructions of aur physical director to learn to swim. a meeting will be held in the Y, M. C. A, rooms on Thursday even- ing at eight o'clock, to which all lad: 16. § ive who are desirous of learning to Pour swim, or becoming more profivieat in the art, are invited to attend, Married In Hamilton. Hamilton Times. quiet wedding was solemnized on Saturday morning at the Wesley "Rehirch parsonage by Rev. Dr. Hazel wood, the contracting parties being Edward Leslie, of Kingston, and Miss Kate J. Ross, daughter of ~James Ross, painter, of this city. The par- ents of the bride were the only wit- nesses of the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs, Leslie loft a few hours later by boat 7 i a 3 to Kingston, whero thoy will 'reside. 2 1 0 Happy Land. 08! In Paraguay the women gre jn. the proportion of seven to one as com: pared with the men. The consequence is that the men are taken the greatest care of, and everything which is un. pleasant or might be risky to the life of a man is done by the women, The streets are cleaned, ships are loaded, oxen are driven, by them, and it is suid that they have taken part in their sountty's wars, acting as substitutes for their mankind. AL ------_, Work will soon be commenced on the ay tubnel between Detroit and sags suE goes ; > price for the little sed 25 will fit "out the boy rate in lon * Taylor: farm Led off, 'and upon which the duty was $1,278, | for the .} E ¥ H--_---- | Four Christian Seientists, Charg- ed With the Death of Wallace Goodfellow, from Typhoid ~ Fever, Are Up for Trial, Spsial te Whig. : oronto, May 15.---The strike of piano action workers has been declar- after ten weeks of idle ness, the men have gone back to work on the old conditions. Before the strike the men were umorggnised, but are forming. a union which hey be williated I tho Internation al Piano and gon. Workers, The Marble Workers' union declared & strike, this morning, and forty-six men have gone out in four shops, The men demanded a minimum rate of twenty-five cents an hotir for polish- ers, and thirty and one-half cents for oufters. They are at present getting from twenty-two to twenty-seven and one-half cents per hour. The trial of the four Christian Scientists, charged with "illegal con- spiracy in connection with the death of Wallace Goodfellow, from typhoid fever, was commenced, this morning, at the assizes before Justice Magee, and a jury. The whole morning was taken up with. the address of the own prosecutor, who outlined the he- liefs of the scientists, and their meth- ots of divine healing. ; Judge Winchester resumed the en- quiry, thie morning, into the alleged employment of alien labor on the Pepe Marquette railway. William Cameron. o trainmaster, was the only witnoss examined before adjournment. He was superseded by an American, he said, at 8150, Mr. Woolwatt said that the superintendent had been placed by J. 8. Pyeatt from the United States. Mr. Pyoatt had never made anv complaint to witness sibout/ the congition of the road, nor did he offer any sugges- tions for its betterment. Early in De- cember, witnéss was sent to Wallace burg, until the comclusion of the best season, is was off the main line, and the witness could not attend pro- perly to his duties, as trainmaster while so far away. In December, 1904, Pyeatt wrote, asking for his resigna- tion, on the ground that the diseip- line of the road required a change of trainmastors, No previous complaint i n made of his work. He was replaced by E. E. Cane, an American citizen at an intrease of per month, over the witness' salary, Since he resigned witness had seournd a Position as operator at Fort William at a salary of 80 per month which included overtime, THREE TO BE ORDAINED. Kingston Presbytery Meets to Or- dain and License Candidates. The presbytery of Kingston will meet in Chalmers church on Tuesday, May 16th, at 8 p.ow, for the licensure of six students, and for the ording- tion of three of these. All the stu- dents are graduates; both in arts and in divinity, of Queen's University, and are men of ability, committee on the examination i students, of which Rev. Alexander Laird is convenor, will meet in the morning in the old arts' building, where the examination will be held, The following are the examiners : Theology, Rev. Dr. Macgillivray; Hebrew, Rev. Profi. Fowler; church history, Rev. J. R. Conn, M.A; Greek, ov. R. J. Craig, M.A. The examination. will begin at 9 a.m. and continue till 1 p.m, In the afternoon the presbytery will meet in Chalmers hall to the critical excroises and discourses of the candi- dates. The gorvice in the evening will open to the public, The charge to the licentiates and to the newly-ordained ministers will be given by the moderator of preshy- tery, Rev. W. W. Peck. They will also bo addressed by Rev. A. H. Hutu, of John Street church, Belle- illo. It is the first time that three can- thidates have been 'ordained together in Kingston presbytery. The names of the candidates are: T. C. Brown, J. H. Miller, J. C. McConachie, C, KE Whiting, W. J. McQuarrie, W. H. Maclnnes. be [AN INTERESTING FUNCTION Is Soon to Be Held in Picton. Picton Times. An interesting and very unusual function will take place in St. And- row's church on May 2th and 20th, the jubilee of the Rev. Thomas Cham- bers, for a number of years past a re- sident of Los Angeles," California, and formerly of Wolfe Island, Sunbury and Kingston. Mr. Chambers was ordained and inducted into the pastoral charge of Ploton Preshyterian ation in May, 1855, and served as minister in the kirk for a period of three years. After leaving Picton Mr. Chambers se in several congregations in this district, and was clerk of the Kings: ton preshytery for many years. e Sabbath services on May 98th will be gudrased hy yr imbers und. on onday evening, inst, a gather ing of the congregation will be id, i : be delogi » moins i ty ates to Jubilee and by Mr. Cham me will also be rendered. Mr. ors is a brother of Mrs. Isaac 8 : and uncle of Mrs, Alfred Hubbs, Picton, Narrowly Escaped Death. Guelph, Ont., May 15. Twelve work- men ged on the addition to the Collegiate Institute were within a SAE AEs Fon dud : accoun a portion wall 1 away a heavy steel girder, ad 'Une: across from wall to wall, lly fell. The workmen were wil a few inches of the falling gird- er, but fortunately eseaped with a soare, and a few in « some WE i ---- Twenty-two miners were killed bv a ture explosion during blasting ion: in the Almasy coal mine at Resieda, forty-five miles from Tes sera - A short musical | FA. r Strength is to be ht Up to 312. "in command of 2 received orders from grtinent, to increase of. the Royal Canadian wy to #12. At present, the if up to full strength, vould 230 ever, the batteries 1 under strength, "A" "and "BY about bly, in past eight "A., has never been up the low pay being parti- cdlarly rn w Now, the pay is increased, a larger enlistment is hoped for, Sexgt. Bramah is in Mont real look for recruits, and this morning. five arrived at Tete de Pont The is not the hést time for rec as there is employ- ment for so mamy young men in oth er voeations, "However, « Col. Fages bring the battety up fo the required number in a few months, - 'The! reason for the increase of the artillery is not yet given. It is Hinted that the militia department has in view the formation of three field bat- tories instead of two, or possibly will create four horse batteries, WILLIAM RUDOLPH, One of the. pair of Union. My. bank robbers and murderers of Pinkerton De- tective Schumacher, who d on the gallows, on May 6th. Rudolph's partner in crime, "George Collins, was hanged about one year ago. INCIDENTS OF THE DAY, Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters On Their Rounds. "Fresh™ Huagler's candies and Me- Conkey's at Gibson's Red Cross drug Store, Two eivie committees were called to meet this afternoon, parks at three and water works at four o'clock. Many orders for seats for "Babes In Toyland," which will be here Wednes- day, are coming from Gananoque, Na- panee, and other district places. A big house is 'anticipated. The two silver eups to be given the winners of the gasoline launch races on Victoria day are . gn exhibition im the window of a Princess street jeweller. They are of beautiful design, and chaste in workmanship. Canon Grout, while pleased to find that Kingstonipns are fond of flowers, is at present regretting that some of them have chosen to gratify. their floral tastes at his expense. The flow ors in front of his house were stolen on Saturday night. There is no doubt, about the R.C.F. A. turning out on Victoria day; offi: cers, non-commissioned officers and men ave in favar of parading. From present prospects the corps participat- mg in the morning review will be: The two field batterips, the 14th Regi- ment, No, 3 Co, C.A.8.C., and High- land Cadets, ei, COMMITTEE ON ROADS, Met With Perth Road Company This Morning. The county committee on roads and bridges met, this morning, in a joint meoting with representatives of the Perth Road company, . in an endeavor to arrive at some settlement in con- nection 'with the * Loughboro bridge difficulty. No agreement was reached, and it was decided that both sides should lay their material before the municipal committee at the Toronto legislature to-morrow, Hon. W. J. Hanna bas promised that some defin- ite action will he = taken. R. H. Fair and W. F. Nickle went up to Toron- to, to represent the company, and the deputation appointed to go from the council was: Warden Sproule, Dr. Edwards, and Councillors Black, Ston- ness, Spoor, Freeman and Franklin, Several of this deputation, however, did not go up to-day. Couneillor Cox Howe Island, has also gone to Toronto, representing the Howe Island council, in matters regarding the colomization. road grant. To-morrow is the last day for the settlement: of the Loughboro bridge difficulty, and it is expdoted by the councillors that some definite action will be taken, Sixty Years Married. ¢ Wilton, May 15.<Mr. and Mes Thowas - Mills" celebrated the sixtieth anniversary of their mwrriage en Sa- turday. A large number of relatives was 'present. Their two daughters, Mrs. Jordan, lord (accom- nied by Mr. and Mrs. Best), and ra. Birdsall, Chiggge, arrived for the anniversary. Rev. R. Wha ttany will exchange pulpits with Rev. Mr. Boyce, Morven, next Sabbath. C. W. Bulloch, Lyn. arrived Monday to as- sist_Charles Neilson in his store and postal s Nise pone Hurd, Sale ook, Miss Lell er and Arthur Baker, Moscow, ore guests of Miss Stella Neilson, Saturday, Miss Annie feels confident that he will be able to |, Y RA ---------- et ---------------------- NEWS OF THE WORLD. OCCURRENCES RECOUNTED IN BRIEF FORM. Despajches and Cullings Telling of Events Tramspiring in All Parts of The Earth. Charles Nurse, the well-'khown Hum- ber hotel man and live-saver is dead. Paul Morton, secretary of the Un- ited States' treasury, will resign in August, 5 Rev, Robert Rodgers, an aged min- ister of the Presbyterian church, died at Owen Sound. Jobin Burns and/ James McManus vent to sleep in the generator room of the Troy, N.Y., Gas company and were asphyxiated. Charles M. Hays, of the Grand Trunk was made a member if the per- nianent commission of 'the Tatemation- al Railway Congress. A terrific tornado passed two and a half miles south-east of Mt. Pleasant, Tex. Mrs. Gerald . was killed, and many persons were injured. At' Los Angeles, Cals A. Brightman shot and killed Mrs. Charles H. Gurney and then - committed suicide. Unrequited love was the cause. Jessie Bartlett Davis, well-known as an actress, died suddenly' at her home in Chicago. The cause was heart disease, produced by nephritis. Charles Thwyng, president of the Western Peserve University, Columbus, 0,, has been invited hy. Mr, Carnegie to spend his vacation at Skibo Castle, Scotland. T.-H. Lloyd, the Newmarket barris- ter, admits that he has lost. $20,000 of his clients' money, but thinks he can make a satisfactory settlement with his creditors. The eruption of more active. There explosions - and emitted produces tacle at night. The auto boat race from Algiers to Toulon, May 14th, has ended unfor Ltunately, all 'of 'the boats participat- ing in the second stage of the run from Port Mahon to Toulon being either sunk or disabled owing to gu heavy storm when still many miles from the finish. Happily loss of life was avoided. Mt. Vesuvius is have been heavy the quantity of lava a magnificent spec ern Get The Horses Ready. Most farmers have little work for their horses to do during the winter scason, consequently, when farming comenences in the spring the farm teams are generally in a very weak condition. This. may cour "through neglect and improper feed during the winter or a lack of sufficient excycise; cither of which is very enervating to the horses. Hence, it is necessary to use considerable cantion in prepar- ing the teams for a full day's work, The shoulders must be hardened as well as the hfrse's general muscular system. This- can only be done by keeping tho collars and the shoulders clean iron, dirt, and the horses work: ed moderately on the start. It is very necessary that the collars - fit properly, as the shoulders are very tender at this time of the year and it is much egsier to keep the shouldeis from getting sore than it is to cure them up after they are once injured. The motto should be to 'make haste slowly." The race horse man takes a whole season to condition his horse for an important race, Few people realize how soon a horse gets out of condi- tion by abuse or lack of proper excr- cise. The Standing Of Leagues. National league--New York, .783 per cent.: Pittsburg, 625; Chicago, .560: Cincinnati, 500; Philadelphi AS ; Brooklyn, .370; Boston, .375; St, Louis, .304, American league.--Cleveland, 600 cent; Washington 22; Philadaphia, 500; Chicago, .500; New York, 500 ; St. Louis, .500; Detroit, 500; Beston, 391. Eastern league.--Toronto, 641 cent; Buffalo, .600; Newark, .562: timore, 500; Providence, .471: Jersey City, 471; Rochester, .162; Montreal, 286. The Parks' Committee. At the parks' committee meeting at three . o'clock this afternoon were Aldermen Angrove (chairman), Meek, Harkness and Carson, , On motion of Alderman Meek, it was decided to have the city engineer make a report as to what repairs to benches are needed, and to advertise for tenders. An inventory of the benches in the parks will also be made for the committee's informa- tion. Three tenders were received for flow- ers. The contract was awarded to T. England and George Lloyd, the form- er for the larger portion. a" Death Of A Bright Little Girl. Annie Edna, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Bews, Colborne street; after an illness of fourteen days, .of spinal meningitis, passed peacefully away on the 12th inst. Two! sisters, Nellie and Isabella, and four brothers, John, George .and William at home, and James, who failed to get home from Vancouver, mourn, She was a general favorite with all. and the many wreaths and flowers testified the esteem in which she was held. -------- Knotty Lee's Team Won. Brantford, Ont., May 15, Knotty Lee's ball team won from Galt here on Saturday. The score was twelve to six, and Brantford had an innings to spare. The batteries were : B and Elliott; Flaherty and Marshall. About 1,000 people were in attend- ance. : Forsyth is visiting friends in Camden East. -------------- Tolstoi On Militarism. Berlin, May 18,--A sensation has | been caused by the confiscation by or der of the publie prosecutor of a German ¢ of Count Tol stoi's pamphlet addressed to soldiers and young , 'The agents of the political police presented themselves at the publishing house. and seired two thousand copies of the work left uf an edition of tun thousand. The i 'near Comber, struck gn the pamphlet. is § Nigorous onslaught on militarism, > George Forteséue, Bank, and E. Birkett, vacation, canosil The total lengt the world is miles. The great dipper couldn't hold half the contents of the milky way. H. W. Visger, Alexandfip' Bay, was up to-day on the steamer Idler. Unie thing you can't start without grit is a santipaper factory. H. Turuball and K. Tarball, Mon teal, are at the British. of the Ontario are spending a down the Rideau. of the railways of stated to be ,000 rophy | A Real Boy That is. a boy that is full of "ginger'! and "ga'" should have the best of STOCKINGS. No other kind will stand his thumping and kicking. We want parents 10 try a pair of our Leather Fine Ribbed Cotton A for boys wear and a lighter make but equally well made for girls. It takes a good live boy or girl to wear them out before they ought to wear out. We can fit any boy or girl' with these Stockings, no matter how small or how large they may put a guarantee back of every pair solq. the larger sizes 25¢. a pair, and for (} ones 20c. and less, be. We Prices for ¢ smaller only remember to ask for CHILDREN'S LEATHER KNIT COTTON STOCKINGS. Summer Undervests ers, 20¢,, 15¢., 25C., 12¥¢., 35¢. Vests with Long or Short Sleeves. Vests with High or Low Necks. Women's Fine Light Weight Balbriggan * Vests, 69c¢., special, - > Women's Fine Union Wool Vests summer, 6gc. and 75c. Children's Summer Undervests, 10c., 18¢c., 20c. Children's Summer Undervests, 33¢€.5 35€.» 39¢C. from. for early 12%¢, 15C., 23 2 4 25¢., Joc, A great variety of makes to choose Men's Underwear ! FOR EARLY SUMMER. Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers, all sizes, 39¢. and soc, each. : % Merino Shirts and Drawers, all sizes, 40c, and 45¢. each. Fine Light Weight and Drawers, 75c. Union Shirts Men's Light Weight Wool Shirts and Drawers, ggc. and $1.25, Men's Sox ! Cashmere Sox, special, at 25¢C. Cashmere Sox, 35c., 39c., 45¢., 492. Fast Black Cotton Sox, 12}4¢, 20c., 23c. Tan Cotton Sox, Fancy Cotton Sox. Men's Unlaundried Shirts ! Men's Laundried Shirts, made by Tooke, of Montreal, and made to fit. Umbrellas for Men! An 8 Ribbed Paragon Frame Umbrella, with good covering; special valve, at $1. Other styles at 75c., $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, $2, $2.50. : Boys' School Umbrellas, 45c., 75¢, $1. Girls' School Umbrellas, 45¢, 75c,, 97¢. + Women's Fine Cotton Undervests ang Dray- -f JOHNLAIDLAW SN} = a Stylish, Cool and Comfor able Velour Calf Oxfords, single sole; fine, light dressy shoes. Velour is a calfskin leather that is soft, pliable, porous and will not draw the feet Takes a shine like a Patent Leather. Wa have it in thre styles and three widths. All comfortable shoes, $350 a pair. W. W. Chipman, Ottawa, was town to-day, in THE LOCKETT SHOE STORE Slater's, $3.50 gn : Wa rX FURNITURE SALE. Betts, 5 pieces, fring- , for pei. % ieces, lar 5 pa Parlos Sects mabogany frames, regular $10, for .... Good Valour Setts, mahogany frames, E from 820 to $35; other setts rang- . p to $160, ng re Are Great Bargains. J. Reid, bt. de ine, -- A "TAN INVITATION. Loop the ensuing 4 days we will be in- A or ow as any of our : and Prionds who may wish see it, the Large Cabinet of Sterling iver wo have prepared for presenta. fon at the end of this week. > SMITH BROS., *"%5 0 850 KING STREET. DENTAL. A B KNAPP, BA, LDS. DDS "140 Montreal St., Cor. Princess St. 652, Siig a. Rabat. | of Dentistry skilfully per _ formed. Nitrous Oxide - Gas used for ex: L graction of tecth. "TAKE NOTICE ER 3 t STOVES, FUR To DELL YOu Clothes ~ and that comes Ss TO1ANS Carpets, Gent's rst buyer 3% the. B and you will find the TURE SEQOND-HAND DEALER Hike, 108 8 SHIDHD am) WANTED. - HOUSEMAID. APPLY, MRS i BoD WAGES. APPLY ro tas OT ara ton St. wo 8 TO SERVE IN IC) IE Apply to T. Petters Co., 184 Princess St. . esc ---- IMMEDIATELY, AN A pir) wages. Apply to Rl EXPERIEN or en, 24 Stuart street. ri A. SECOND-HAND PONY CAR suitable for breaking in a col Apply to Dr. Waugh, Princess St. T RESPECTABLE BOY A A a Meat Market to dri Waggon and make himsell general) useful. 3H AN EXPBRIENCED GENERAL SEI Yant ; no washing or ironing : fami of four. Apply 3817 Universit Avenue. A GENERAL SERVANT: NO WAS) or ironing. References require Apply at Calderwood, Union St. Box X. Whig office. A MAID TO ASSIST WITH GENERA house work. Good wages to a co Patent person. Apply to Mrs. . kett, 109 Wellington St. --- ARE YO! MAKING = $2,150 year? 1% is being done with o ®oods. Work is pleasant, respectal aad permanent. G. Marshall & © don, Ont. GENTLEMEN, TO GET THE Bprin Suits made up at Galloway 181 "Brock street, next to Bibb livery ; style, fit and price guaran ease ; pi ng and rgpairing de promptly, TO-LET. STORAGE, A ROOM IN THE STEA building, clean, dry, rat and wu poly at McCaun's, rock St. etme hee ee A THE DESIRABLE RESIDENCE, Batrio St., opposite City Park. I session May lst. Apoly 'to 3 * Flanggan, 82 Barrie St. eee tears FROM 1ST JUNE, FOR THR Months or longer. Furnished ho Sleven rooms ; modern convenienc Central location. Apply by letter, Xo. Box 82, Kingston. THAT BRICK DETACHED RI Mleuce, No. 488, Brock st. ; heated x aace : Sonveniehies 5 medinte possession. ply A, 'Whig office; or on or, PERTY RABLE PROPE] oh ately" occupied by Mr. as A grocery with archase. Apply solicitors, 1 BUILDING LOT, Sours ¢ stroet, ween treal AN ACHT, a tee id ons, ng : Toor classed in 23 i Won trophy L.Y.R.A. Rey 1s comparatively . and sail J worth more than price ask: boat. A bargain. Apply, } 2 man, 271 King St. West or ington St. Morton, aeronaut, ute's Park, Los Angeles, s:dushed against a tele Md was carried, quite gh Ju Ve air, Hanging