Daily British Whig (1850), 16 May 1905, p. 1

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that is full of ould have the S. No other humping and arents to try r Knit Fine Of for ter make but or girls. It oy or girl to 2 they ought 1 fit any boy tockings, no 10w large they ma °F of every pair sold. y Prices a pair, and for the smaller nly remember to ask for " S LEATHER PON STOCKINGS. We Undervests ! otton - Undervests : Se an sts and Dray- or Short Sleeves. or Low Necks. Light Weight Balbriggan Jnion Wool Vests for early er Undervests, 10c., 12%%¢ / " er Undervests, 25¢., 3oc at variety of makes to choose Underwear ! EARLY SUMMER. n Shirts and Drawers, all 50c¢, each. : nirts and. Drawers, all sizes, ach. ht 75¢ Weight Union Shirts ' ht Weight Wool Shirts and and $1.25, s Sox ! ecial, at 25c. C.. 39C, 45¢., 492. 1 Sox, 12%¢, 20c., 23c. Fancy Cotton Sox. undried Shirts ! Shirts, made by Tooke, of fit. ' as for Men'! gon Frame Umbrella, with valve, at $1. c, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, $2, rellas, 45c., 75¢, $1. rellas, 45¢, 75c., 97¢. % DLAWGSON ter's, $3.50 ds, single sole; fine, lights a calf-skin leather that 1S will not draw the feet Takes _eather. . We have it in three All comfortable shoes, $3.59 T SHOE STORE Opera House, 8 p.m. Betts, 5 pieces, fring- Beautiful Silk Parlor Setts, mahogany . "frames, regular $10, for 00 E [ V. Setts, mahogany frames, Good oO $35; other setts rang- up to $150, ie _ gme Above Are Great Bargains. bt. 3 Reid, St., Next to Opera House AN INVITATION. i the ensuing 4 'days we witl be in- * fapested to show as wmany of our and Priends who may wish {9300 it, the Large Cabinet of Sterling Sliver we have prepared for presenta. at the end of this week. : SMITH BROS, *=%5¥ ans PR 350 KING STREET. Dn BE : DENTAL. B. A B KNAPP, BA, LDS, DDS. . "40 Montreal St., Cor. Princess St. ~~ All branches of Dentistry skilfully per- . formed. Nitrous Oxide - Gas used for ex- E of teeth: "TAKE NOTICE 1 SELL YOMR STOVES, FUR- Carpets, ent's Clothes and to the first buyer Try me, und you will find the 4 TURE, THE SEQOND-HAND DEALER, 398 Princess Street. that comes WANTED APPLY, MRS, St. ; ¥ ool GOOD WAGES. APPLY TO 5 Steacy, 197 Johnston St. ED ct eee [ fW0 GIRLS TO SERVE IN ICE cream parior. Apply to T. Petters & Co., 184 Princess St. - re esr. ae tee IMMEDIATELY, AN EXPERIENCED cook ; g wages. Apply to rs. Breden, 24 Stuart street. A. SECOND-HAND PONY CART, suitable for breaking in a colt. Apply to Dr. Waugh, Princess St. eet mee, meet ten mee A NEAT RESPECTABLE BOY AT McPFedridge"s Meat Market to drive yon and make himsell generally ---------- aes. AN EXPERIENCED GENERAL SER- yant ; no washing or ironing : family of four. Apply 817 University Avenue. A GENERAL SERVANT: NO or ironing. References Apply at Calderwood, Box X. Whig office. WASH- required. Union St. or eee ieee A MAID TO ASSIST WITH GENERAL house work. Good wages to a comy patent person. Apply to Mrs. F. G. kett, 109 Wellington St. ARE YO! MAKING = $2,150 A year? 1% is being done with our goods. Work is pleasant, respectable aad permanent. G. Marshall & Co. on, Ont. GENTLEMEN, TO GET THEIR Bring Suits made up at Galloway's, 181 Brock street, next to Bibby"s Hyer Style, fit and Brice guaran toed ease ; pressi i 0 promptly. © ng an rgpairing one TO-LET. STORAGE, A ROOM IN THE STEARN building, Sloan, dry, rat and roth y aioal, at McCaun's, rock St. ecb nt THE DESIRABLE RESIDENCE, 84 Batrie St., opposite City Park. Pos- session Ma to M + Flanagan, 82 Barrie St. FROM 1ST JUNE, FOR THREE Months or longer. Furnished house, Sleven rooms ; modern conveniences ; Sentral location. Apply by letter, to a 0.. Box 82, Kingston. HAT BRICK DETACHED RESI- sence, No. , Brock st. ; heated by te oder Sonvenishies : as. possession. ply 81; Whig office, or on oe, ist. Apoly 2 PROPERTY AT Si of and Ontario : Et lately" occupied hy Mr. Hen W hl Srotery: ours @ yar aw solicitors, FOR SALE. BUILDING LOT, UTH SIDE stroet, bet: ren and heot. . Asoly 49 NG ¥ v 3 : ain CHT, IN GQOn ne . 25 feet 8 feet bh; fast sailer, classed fn 33 foot 3. YOR trophy L.Y.R.A. Regatta. g and sails comparatively new, Cad worth more than price asked for boat. A bargain. Apply, H. W. man, St. West or 159 % on St. SHR man to King- | a carried, quite uneon- DAILY MEMORANDA, -- Y. M. C. A. directors, 8 p.m. . Hope keeps the heart wholesome. Staying odt late at night gives afris big feet. - Methodist district meeting opens, to- morrow. Victoria Day Committee, 4 nm. Wed. nesday. Your goods have your good. City Property Wednesday. - Theological Students licensed at Chal mers' church, § p.m. Christian ~~ Selente little to do with Conimittas, 4 pm, Lattube, Grand The sun ri and sets at Wednesday at 4.834 a.m, #19 p.m. 1 a woman likes another's hat it is a sign she hates her own. New York .young woman makes a good living peddling fudge.' A man could almost stop loving a real angel if he thought she might have corns. This day in history :--Canadians joined Mahon nmear Mafeking, 1990: Marie Antoinette married, 1770. A girl never knows whether sha likes the first strawberries of the season with thick cream best or a secret Mriguion _|«« TOILET SETS .. You do not have to pay any more to gét ohe of those New Sets. They are of graceful shape, in the best grade of Earthenware and China, decorated for beauty suther than striking effect, and the prices are low. ROBERTSON BROS. MILITARY DANCES OR PARADES If you need anything in shoes for such purposes remember" we are hendquarters for that class of goods Wear '"Allen's"' Military Bootmakers, Wednesday Next, May 17 86 Barrie Street. I AM INSTRUCTED TO SELL BY Mr. Bower, viz i--Two Parlor Suits, one in Black Hair Cloth, and one in Raw Silk B.W., Frames, Pictures, Carpets, Oil Cloth, Marble Top Center, Side ang other Tables, Whatnot, Lace and vther Curtains, Art Blinds, Carpets, Books, Glass, Jideboard, Lounge, Cane dinners, Lamps, Crockery, China and Silverware, Clock, Happy Thought Range, No. 9 and Square Heater, Verandah Kitchen Utensils, large narrow Shot Gun, Bed-room Suits, Bedstends, Springs, Mattresses, Feather Beds, Coverlets, Quilts, Pillows, 65 feet Garden Hose, Lawn Mower, Garden Tools, a quantity of Wood and Coal and other articles too numerous to mention. Sale 10.30. Terms, cash. hairs, J. A. SALTER, Auctioneer. LOOK Crush Fruit Sundae and Soda only 5c. If you want Pure Ice Cream: the best in the city. All kinds of Fruits. Choice Candy from 10c. to 50c. lb. The best boxes of Chocolates-- 's and Ganong's, from 10c. nbc. per box. CALL ON T. Petters & Co. 184 Princess Street, City. PEARSALL'S MILLINERY We have not time to write up a display advt. to-day--we are too busy * * Ladies say it pays to look around--when they want to get a Ready-to- wear or the Latest Shape Hat (untrimmed), or, a Dress Hat with that get-up to. it, they will have to come to . . PEARSALL'S MILLINERY 298 PRINCESS STREET. SWIFT'S INSUBANCE AGENGY FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT, CARGO. Strong reliable companies only represented LOSSES PROMPTLY PAID. LOWEST RATES on approved risks ' of every description. Office, Opposite Ortario Bank. Low- to ------------------------ re | DREYFUS CASE PIGEONHOLED. : -------- Waits Months in Vain for Hear- ing on Motion. Paris, May 16.--The fatality coos to have dogged Dréyfus through, partial teen months . tion was moved. with { complete rehabilitation. 5 After a brief period of activity whole matter justice were being bronght to jg still full of menace to peace. i 'salve will cure or soft corms, Ale air, hanging to the | 15c. ot Wade's drug store. = that all his career persists even alter has been done. Eigh- ago the court of cassa a view to his eb -- "hier applications ol Peck"s Corn GREAT. ANGER UNVERIFIED - RUNOR THAT NAVAL BATTLE HAD ALREADY BEGUN. . ---- Naval Action Shortly Thought Likely--British Using Wireless Telegraphy -- Preparing for Wounded on Shore--Chun- chuses Screen Japanese. Special to the Whi St. Petersburg, May 16 --A action, within a few days, is. regarde as likely in well-informed naval cir- cles. Admiral Rojestvensky and: Rear- Admiral- Nebogatoff joined forces. ...on naval the united fleet will proceed northward immediately. Upon the rumor, an evening. paper, here, got out an extra, announcing that a nav- al battle had commenced, but the ad miralty has" no confirmation of the report, and discredits it. Saw No Russian Ships. Saigon, Cochin-China, May 16.~The Russian fleet, which re-appeared off ankos Bay (a short distance off Kamranh-Bay) sailed northward early on the morning of May 14th, No 'war- ship has since been sighted there. Ad- miral Dejonquires, the 'French naval commander at Saigon, telegraphs from Nha Trang, Annam, that he has visited all the bays as far north as Turin, and found no Russian vessels. None Since May 1st. Hong Kong, May 16.--A trip around the -island of Hainan, revealed no Russian warships in Long Soil, Goal: ong, or Yulinkan bays. No Russian vessel has been reported in Hainan waters since May lst. Much Wireless Telegraphy. London, May 10.--A despatch to the Chronicle, from Hong Kong, says that twelve warships in line were sighted offi Cape Rock, on Sunday, at dusk. Their nationality could not be discern. ed. . The British naval authorities are en Ee oe shat are cruising. Preparations have been completed ashore to deal with intern- ed prisoners or wounded. Anger Flames Up Again, Tokio, May 16.--Popular indignation which has been suitened by France's latest declaration has flamed wp again, more strongly than ever, ow- ing to an official announcement, by the ministry of marine, that the Bal- tic fleet re-entered Hankcde Bay. Through Danish Waters. Copenhagen, May' 10.--The Danish authorities have been notified that the fourth Baltic squadron of the Russian navy will pass through Danish wiat- ers within the course of a week or two. " Chunchuses Screen Japanese. London, May 16.--The Times' St. Petersburg correspondent says that the general staff learns that Russian reconnoitering columns, north-east of Tieling, are gradually retiring before strong forces of the enemy. Large hodies of Chunchuses are reported on the west flank. It is believed they are screening the Japanese movements. A dust storm has been followed by a deluge of rain which has spoiled the roads against the indieation of an ivimiediate impending battle, However, private reports state that the foreign attaches have gone north of Harbin on a fishing and hunting excursion. The Work Of Germans. London, Mav 16.--A despatch to the Reuter Telegram company, from To- kio, says German troops have occu- pied Haichu, a town to -the south of Shantung, China. Shanghai, May 16.~The rumored Janding of German troops, at Haichou and Kiangau, is very doubtful, The rumor possibly originated. from the presence of a German gunboat in the harbor on a surveying expedition. . A Vessel Ashore. Tokio, May 16.--The' steamer Nikuo, a naval auxiliary, is ashore at Fusan, She has nt sustained damage and it is expecied that she will be floated off at full tide. Sure Russians Have Gone. Paris, May 14--In regard to the press dispalihes saying the Russian fleet has returned to Hankoe Bay, the French officials say they are positive the Russians are not within French waters. - ; The exact locality of the fleet is not known, but communications with the the has ~heen completely shelved. It looks as if secret influences bear to pre: went a revival of the question. which internal French naval and eivil authorities in Indo-China, satisfy the officials here that the Russians remain outside the French linits. iii The Busy Burglars. the Whir. Tam BO ad. Ont., May 16.--Early this morning burglars ente the bard- ware store of H. G. Fitagegald, ad joining the vost office, and secured ab- out ten dollars that had been: left in the till. They also foreed & back win- dow into the tin shop, but were scar- Flames Up Against France May 10th, There is reason to believe] {hat strength of 'an untraceable e KINGSTON, ONT dent of the De- yy, died at Cin be persona grata Count Cassini at an manager of 8, died in Liver- Jin Chicago forty: er 'train, for pn open switch at Lafayette, Sor XK, i murder' of George jehung shop-keeper, double personality, of things he does Chicago, is at searchin for Is of outlawry, buried some- ty by his grand ago. Monday's develop- ers' strike, Chi jis predict its speedy pr leaders assert nd will be aided s all over the - = M. Davis, of 'the he staté of New tin the Young mur- fopinion that Nan shot and that she ig to end on the MURDER. | Bnife Into Heart th ay 16D. El Cas- ged fifty years, last ife into the heart "also an Italian, pears, who, wounded (the vard and fell B mid to have been pd, They were em- hich had been inter , and the murderer during the day. The at the supper table joseph Frane, Jessie i elder suddenly drew « the fatal thrust. promptly arrested ile the body of his Cranston's order. Stafford's morgue, in pending the in- victim, by was re where it : ly ass Sanother 0 countrymen at a late hour Sunday night. $ CHINESE WOMAN A DOCTOR. First of Her Nationality and Philadelphia, Pa., May 16.-- Misc Li Pi Cu, of Hing Ghua;, China, who has spenit the last four years in this city, taking a medical course at the Wo- men's Medical College, will graduate from that institution this year with high honors. So far as is known, Miss Li is the first Chinese woman to study medicine in this country. She was born in Hing Ghia, where her father is considered the most prominent man of that community, He is also. the leading spirit in the Methodist church of that province. & | The Chinese maiden has been in this country more than eight years and has spent all of her {time in hard study: She first studied at Herkimer College, New She graduated from that idstitution with high hon- ors and decided to take. her medical course in this city. WOMAN WINS POSITION. Ranks Highest in Examination for Post, : Vienna, May 16.=The post of short band writer in the Roumanian parlia ment has for the first time heen won by a woman. It was a competitive ap intment, and the woman applicant sat all her male rivals. Since the new govemment took up the reins 'women have made great strides in Roumania im the matter of competing with mem, A short time ago the finance whinis- ter had no fewer than fifteen women employed as secretaries in the central offices. There is a great outory against the minister's nities partiality for woinen clerks in his department. Silver Mailed Like A Letter. . Pittsburg, Pa., May 16.-With the address written on a. piece of paper and pasted on one side and two two cent stamps on the other side an Am- eriean silver dollar was delivered by a letter carrier to John K. Skelly, a a ng th comhtruotic dhe {the superi ding the on of the first street railway in that country. The postmaster at San Juan was du- hious about accepting such a "letter," but Mr. McAllister insisted that it go at his risk. 3 of Explo Vienna, May yesterday in the a force of firemen and police assembled on the spot. The were just en- tering the building: Shen a heavy ae osion of celluloi gp - Rn thirty-five fort including firemen, by and employees were injured, some of them seriously. . Celluloid. 6.--Fire broke out of Vienna, and ed off before securing anything. it: At Kenosha, Wis. the Calkins bloek was destroyed hy fire, John Smith, a painter's apprentice, lost his life in the flames. Rr Winnipeg's Valuation. Sheetal to Pia 'Winni, tion of rateable property in Winnipeg time surveying parties out to lay out a new line from Vie: toria Harbor across the north Lake Conchichin This is the C1 froin the west to Big elevators will be erected at Jictorin in steamers will unload there, a Srnsmpakte tion RD The 'water journey from head Lake Supsior to a trifle less than from the same point will cut off 150 miles of haulage, ture into his confidence o change the department of crown lands as, already announced, to the ] folio family. The household expenses one io himaclt, his wife, - ten: children, bis Country. AT. SHARBOT LAKE A JUNCTION WILL BE MADE WITH GC. 2. B.. i Big Elevators Will be Reared at Victoria Harbor--The Run to Montreal Will be Much Short: er Than by Any Other Way-- Torpnto Tidings. . : Special Ys Whig, ay 16~In two weeks' al to oronto, will be sent to. Sharbot: Lakes 8 new" grain route the seaboard. Harbor, and the v tranship for. rail direct to Ronteonl, Victoria Harbor is to Owen Sound, and ¢he new route an immense saving in time, to say no- thing of the elimination of the incon- venionce of bringing the grain south to Toronto, and handling it over the congested Ontario and Quebec divi- sion. back townships that are ric ber and minotals. new line, too, opens up in time isla- Monday. regard to the néw portfolio. will Vromier Whitney took the ie Hi gst sili £ ment of 'lands and mines." To' this he will appoint a New Ontario wish. In addition he will create a new known as Racsident: the council." This Mr. Whitney will take himself. The promier explained that it had been found impossible to sepa- rate lands and mines 'and he had, therefore, decided to ask a New On: tario man whom he would int, according to promise to sh responsibility of lands as well as mines. As this would not nocessitate Be Soxtiol he hat decided to C -------- 5 ™ Newfoundlanders Twelve Days on doce Floe. 8 i) 1m A A000 out making the numbet more than originally intended, s Ross briefly declared that this was not what had 'heen promised by Mr. Whitney, and a lively passage oceor- ed. red between the premier ahd opposi- tion leader, Premier Whitney has introduced a bill incorporating trustees for 'To- ronto University residences, The trus- tees named were E, C. Vhitnoy (Ot- tawa), 8S. H. Blake J. W. Flavelle, 7. A. Lash and W. T. White, He ex- plained that it was the intention of the government to vote $50,000 to university residences. The plen was to ercet foyr residences at g cost of between $50,000 and £40,000 each. The government was to give $50,000 and private individuals the remainder. He understood enough had already been donated for one residence and he was informed by a member of the umiver- sity that sufficient for another would be subseribed as soon as this bill was introduced: ' Tk A three storey rougheast building, on Ontario . street, otoupied Schooley Bros., wholesale lumber mer- chafits, was partially destroyed by fire last night. Loss on building 82. 000: on stock, $4,000; fully covered hy insurance, WAS LEFT OVER Conmee Clauses Will Not Changed Yet. Special to Horonso, May Yon thé 'suggostion of Hon. Mr. Hanna, in the manieipal Smniitte the Jogialaturs, ) morning, Mr. Downey's in effect | B ich repeals the Conmee cluuses of} cipalitios the or electric t or build such for them owning. éompahies Spocial to Whig. Poronto, May 16.-- At Osgoode Hall Boston 160 ay this moming, Justice Magee granted a | Company ; winding-up order under the Douin act, |» Biiee gi for the Canadian Tin Plate company, of Hamilton, the, lishilities or esti ; Tad ated at from A to $20,000, an Frist Ral the assets at the same. B. J. David: While Saying Mass, won, Hamilton, was appointed liquida- Paris, May 16~The Alexandria cor- | {or respondent of Le Petit Journal says the vicar of the little village of Car- v6 ? paneto (Italy) has been the victim of Special ats Tiagzens an awful plot, Montreal, M 10.~Le Semaise, He was just finishing mass when he | (he organ of A ishop Bruchesi, in was seized with terrible" pains and | its issue, this week, discusses the pro: fainted. A doctor who was in the posal to the. school commissions church hurried to the altar 'and ren- | oo of Montreal elective by the : dered first aid, and succeeded if sav- | 40 vote instead of appointive Jo ul ing the priest's life. present. - The article intimates ® that The seizure was caused, it is said, change © t be approached by the presence of strychnine in the change ough to be Sept the 'with : 3 ; church, chalice from which the priest had | 4p. article declares, has always prov drunk during mass. He has, indicated | oq iicolf in favon of progress, it ques the person whom he suspects. tions whether the. ten would STRYCHNINE IN CHALICE. Plotter be one in that di 7 Killed By A Comecert Hall Singer. -- Chicago, May 16.--Fva Dakin, a Mine Manager concert hall singer, shot and killed one | Winnipeg, May 16.--A. of two men who attacked her and at- | Rat Portage announces tempted to rab her. The man she kill- | Pinching, mi of; od was recognizxd later by detectives | thirty miles . from here, as Charles Bennett. The woman was | drownéd in seven foot: of wa locked up at the police station, pend- | yards from his avn dock. O0 ing an investigation. Bennett's com- | day last ho leit. the pd panion has not been found: Miss Da- | 0 Regina Mine, His kin said she had heen singing at a | afterwards 200 : south side concert hall, and was on . her way home when Bennett and a companion . attacked her, took pocket-book and. then started to run away. She fired several shots at the retreating assailants, one bullet strik- ing Bennett in the head. tnt Big Family Bankrupts Him. London, May 16. Arthur Ambrose Weigh, a Blackpool commercial travel- Halifak ler, ascribed hin insolvency at thy bankruptcy court to the size of his 808 ial to the Montreal, May ion of ther-in-law, and his mother-in-law Pasteur. fut ted last year to 81,165, and, as lating the microbe of his salary was only $800, he could not | can tsetse fly. It make both ends meet. He had been com- | diseovery will: pelled to borrow at high rates of in| terest. : We White Rose ang Glycerine soap, Eng-| New. potatoes from Nort in S70" or thirty per eent. in- crease over last year, wy lish. Gibwon's Red Cross Drug. Store. wt Be. a pock, at Ca 5 Fama aa

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