Daily British Whig (1850), 16 May 1905, p. 2

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3 |THE WATER IS. PURE : ~----_ your liver out of on ot ' ry z . || stipation, or your stom OB ey, fire dell in be |REPORT TO [HE WATER:| Working right i 5 and Ee a a aon. be Bunting RKS' COMMITTEE, | flistress which, unheggeq wii : to i i i lead to Ha the shady side of the street. goad trouble--it jg time : new uni- ¢ |. English bath powder is sold at Gib. : smmmtnlonmpme i i Sev Says City | son's Red Cross Store. It Cost $106 for Damage to Pump- | \ : bi Bape Use Sucplus |, J [MAIO he PER | Bouse By Scout Explosion | chamg | L, of Gas Mains-- court of Lennox and. Addington. Hydrant to be Erected at { S sing Tuesday, ! ney. Henry © , piano tuner| . Wellington and Bay Streets. attempts to ex rom Chick: . Orders received al | The waterworks' committee of late gos mains down McAuley's book store, Princess street | hax had difficulty in securing 1 = ds Pon Jb. pefore Thursday, { 1 S n 1905, % i 1 a ABLE | n Uni treet, | A spevial meeting of the board of i bers: & . |. Sold Everywhere, | aw TIME T: skty | tenders be oi on re | education to consider revision of by- and ey o attend o Li -- Boes 25 conty Jeave.. and. arrive City | of the |v ¢, 1 will issue an | laws will be held on Thursday night. | same condition occurred again, only | BE TT tof Johnston Su ; it time set « "Stop to it." Thus | Rev. J. G. Dunlop, son of. William Alds; Sands, . (chairman), and Hark. || RICHT GOING ¥ Arr. City | one had an i Lve: City 3 E , Who is known | ano , Union street, has left Japan | poe being in attendance twenty min- an ex-plderm 253 a.m. 1.27 am. for his ability earry out anything 12.53 a.m anchuria to act as chaplain $0 | oq after the hour. However the 5 Mail 3.05 a.m: ter de- he andertakes. : : > ane i the-ivinions 'of the invading | ohoingn took off his hat and = an IN STATURE gExpress Ra. 9.47 a.m. | The What right the fire' and light a infants 8 Is. at Gibsons Red nounced that he and Ald. Harkness 11 Loca 11 1d12.16 noon 12.46 p.m current rovenue | Cron. nm an <i He] Tre h ne ans would do the business before the com- We H = < Pu of Intern | 21pm. 354 pm, will a tet hem try One of i Williams ple nies mittee, even if their brethren did not | © Yave The Finest * re LB pm. 7.38pm. . of. Loe = J A from the stable at "Sun tome: : - GOING BAST "Arr, City | very: pitigen.; SSeaped | ; hy: . i ) SHOULDER Ee AGE - fot z 1 a second rand til . the and before other walks are touched. | or & Harold's account for sash and hay fur | city is fui ly werveds. But, frst and | James B.-Connolly, the aathor: of (d00T repaire-was £31 umd F. Milo for tender price but even at foremost, to my way of thinking, the | sea stories, will have "in the June glAzing. and painting $75. These re RAILWAY Scribner' Ie i { pairs had to be done at od Th "B i' D tore works should he ample | Scribner's a sow tale in a humorous | I he Me: 8 onog an e es rug S C y IN CONNECTION WITH 6 f rxeith Heason's | 2 X 2.22 a.m. Work ir be _ i Bites an exciting. run, near Gle #1 gical' test of the city water. Since Shown. Ladi. 3.05 a.m. manner, 3 yet +h 25th, ot § + Ladies' of Gems pe hm uw il have to be submitted to the aL the juopie ovhat. you have, a Jars i ported hs ie ou Easy Fitting, ne Perleet, yd 4 m #0 r authority ise ci ) Y yo! it wou OE : hy y 4 29 p.m. | Troe 10 90 the wath: only 'conmumn | © their advantage. fo buy from vou, an, Water, Thin Ta gl { Perfectly : Tan po . ers of and electric light wi and in this way make your advertis- | actory, as the ol 8) 3 Nacal . ... 1: am. am, | asked by Toros alected he wach: a Ho light vill Je | img space most valuable. breaking up of dhe ice jn the harbor | tomiortable on Toon rug daily. Re, Suni tract revenue 4 eontribute wi ol meeting of the officers of the 14th |S the we In the year. ; ! 3 1 . onday. | ¥ east and took | meet a a ne Regiment 1s called for to-night to Five tenders were reeeived for black: Our Trusses are all w, claim for ] rans duty exc it. Sunde tion, Tickets | tion found that { money, but the: .gomsent of the pro- | Mutke arrangements about the church smith work in the department for the | them. 1 hey have perfect contr I ror By tor mation, apply to | in his calcula Perty owners must, be obtained be- parade next Sunday. also about the year, The fontract was awarded to the rupture and vet d ool Bann A BA ts { upply / the mni- | fore the money ean be borrowed parade on Victoria day. Francis Tracy, his tender being the | Hohies SIN Yel €0 not cause tip . Cor. Johnston & h e contract price. | 'Well, having obtained the required | This week, work-on the outer.Union | lowest. - ; j slightest inconvenience. Aré you sgt. 4 tly want te Bt price. | itm, i" ria Oa aine Y Fi A street granolithic walk, to the city Two bills were received for repairs | isfied with the one vou gre wearing ¥ ; -y 3 to be relieved of his | must be selected in whick to extend ! limits, will be continued. Tt will be | to the waterworks pump house; caused | If not call and see our tock Prices : i OL [ [as LS agreement, to which after some con. | the service one year, another section | MPleted by the end of the month [bv the steamer Scout explosion; Hunt | poe rancor 00 E 2 deration, they £ } E 3 E EB 1 ili it. plant at the A or ------ ei the to meet all' "upon it; what | Yin entitled, "The Wicked Celestine," | tenders could not be asked. On mo # CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. committee * to go to Toronto for the | Yould be the use of a merchant go- | "ith illustrations by W. .J- Aylward. [tion of Ald. Harkness, the accounts | HiT CEA aad Optician ee : fms as the firm in question made ling into the w business, 'tak- | A correspondent writes that for | Were ordered to be paid. The bills will | 124 Princess st. "Phone 69, : ! ing possession 'a big storehouse ordinary ~ citizens Sunday was a | be sent to the marine department, the Mitchell's Old Stand. his king of Anilaring {but not having afficient stock 'on j dry" day in 'town; but the clubs | latter having asked for details of all Quick Delivery. meet detnand = ! The consider that hand or facilities - 4 s and canteens were open for special | damage, with a view to paying the | VictoriaDay the citizens h BROCE | from day to day? That is just one classes. He gives the inspector this {amounts. a : . | : for A he dissatisfied irr | way of Yooking a gas nd per, The petition of S.. Anglin & Co.. + Schooner Trade | the way in which they have been pur. | fic plants in their present condition. omen with pale, colorless faces. | Davis & Sons and "the Bajus brewery a» the best way out of the diffi- | When the city "undertakes to ex- | Who feel weak' and discouraged, will {for a hyrant at the comer of . culty i [tend the gas system, the work must | Feecive both mental and bodily 'vigor | Wellington and Bay streets to furnish | re ty is to cancel the order for the by she 4 " by C | : oo 2 da 8 : 1 { Funiforms even at this late date be done on a scale commensurate with | PY Using Carter's fron Pills, which are | better fire protection to theie indus { i . démands for the service; it will not made for the blood, nerves and com- | tries was granted, as water will he | : bd " do to lay mins 'Ih one block here | PleXion. ; consumed by them, this covering the | Going Srd and 24th. Re- gj LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. and another block th that ore of European armies have for the past | cost-of laying the main. 7 | y ay 2 m thing is too costly." few years trained dogs for use in war ri e---- { \wraing UntilMay 25th, 1805 | . What a Rambler Found. | "Hore is anothernatter I want to [10 ®id in discovering and recovering IN OUR OWN CIRCUIT b Kingston, May 15.--(To the Editor) : 'kick' about, Why does the city re. the wounded after a great battle, This | Ju particulars at KX. & P. and C. go 1 a friend took . walk 3 She tain the system of metro rent? A Joost imeresting ork will be described | News of The District on Both 5, R Micket Office, Ontario. Street. 1 northern part e city on Sunday | merchant might .. ji as well m the June Scribmer's.: | : i « A . c TE it Th | lm Coton Si SHE 4h | Sh eo Macnee | Ir, SHH fo pvt | wy yi Ye Eo | DURE POWDERED BO a + om | " > W in io ighi a county men for selli Sun- 7 » & tarmer, at Mcintyre, 'ass. . . s * division line between the city and the eng or ata pound at io The days to lads. Very py ofr a fell dead in a field while sowing roan. i "Tue -- ; county of Frontenac. A few yvars ago | city is selling gas and electricity to | Prosecuting men for selling liquor to | The Campbelliord council will spend Ey OF QUINTE RAILWAY i this street was one of She Pretest o- consumers; therefore, the city is in duly | MDOTS. The case of hoys who be- | #2:000 in cement walks this year. That Pr = in H { cations in the vicinity of city, but | bound to provide; dree of cost, the in. | ouled Frontenac school "steps is a | amount will lay about 20,000 square vr Tos. dor' Tund, Natapes :) 4 what was our = surprise to find the | struments used "measuring the com- | "45% In point. « feet. . i and all local points. Trains | | modity they offer for. sale, The drunken antics of a young lad Daniel _ Campbell, born in Tweed EE Oty. Hall Depot at 8:35 p.m. F arta ein, He he light de. | yo el met antennae on | Ten ot ior for some | ent tor Use tn Any Gunsy. ' Avwat BQ. Ry., Kiomsten. | : ; N t ry ] e a sh Ig . Pelleviile, (is dead. ht net erp a dozen planks of what | of the Ne Worl EE eportment, Varning to the scores of children i He was. a Methodist and leaves \ a ing. id. point. datmiocmg snk. Seas Hw LIVERPOOL snd |! in length | to do so will require at its head o | thereabouts. The authorities should | Widow and one son. drains and for many other ALAN LINE LONDONDERRY | | in a fair | man of unusual excentive ability." ascertain = where the liquor was ob- | Invitations are out for the woddinz A can equals 20 pounds Sal Sods. Royal Mail Steanvers, : : loiued tof Byron Frederick Hudson to. Miss SOLD EVERYWHERE. © From Montreal. From Shviehee. i the police court, thi ing, a | Lela Gertrude Kenney; d hte f May 19, 4 a.m. May 4pm} woman charged or husband. wih Sl Mr. and Mrs. S. oN. Rearor at EW.GILLET LiMiTED ay 26." wi oi 2 i that the late treatment. Tho man was formerly an Maplewood, Belleville, on Saturday, TORONTO.ONT. 8 OF PASSAGR- First | nk a Jer inmate of the asylum and it is thought | 20th inst. : Wpwards, according to' steamer ; | : Bn Ing | that the trouble is due to a return of | The will of E; D. O'Plynn'gives'$3,. | 5 ~ id Cabin. Liverpool and London- bar.» hod fr. |/the old malady. Ho was remanded for | 000 to Albert College, Belleville, 31. | Bvevessvsssssssssaseel le Se, ™ onion © 82.50 extra ; | it (until 11.30 o'clock," pie avied two days for examination .as to his | 000 and $500 respectively to Methodist 3 los, $27 BO~Virginian, Victor: | Ward, the veteran actor who is. now I ra), <oudition, G. a : | $1000 to Sud pats Lita ot und; THE PROSPECTIVE To GLASGOW. DIRECT. | Playing Snel Barhaby, "Babes in ol ans + dance held in the | * poor-of Madoo, legacies Wed, May 17,. (daylight.) oyland."' tells of a : | : hall on Wellington street last ni to sisters, childre 1 grandchildre i ¢ RE. | \ Tisiany , ght | § m and grandchildren ; ANDON & HAVRE. in good re | 4 tA onéo lar oxjticion was a nlost successful event, about | JUNE BRIDE Jos nian To 18% Nat, May 27. | at one time |; 00 LES OAC Ere oily Tt. Seventy-five couples being present. | A Proper Protest. . NEW YORK TO GLASGOW. "| wan in a small western city and on Crosby and O'Connor's orchestra fur-| The Canadian Gazette. If she desires her trousseau to tis Thurs, May 18, 10am. | Clarence Street. Sergt. Nesbit with its fresh painting and decora. DYSOn Whittaker, landlord of the r 1 : nished the music and danci cas| We do not like this sort of thing re ; . particulars un application te | S | account of a railroac the i < and dancing was : R 2 © ? be up-to-date in every ot, FAN LE R. Sd a He ony Tivo Hija bis Bom Rend continued until two hours after mid-| Ported in the Yorkshire papers : ¢ will Ded to visit this store and Rh Agent, O- GILDER. | Sa Police Items i h > night. The hall looked very pretty |. . Ernest Whittaker (20), son of John | # see our magnificent showing of " arising | i 3 x t is off on a few days' from the immense amount of dirt and | jo HY the play want badly. So ! : : : deeq 1 jen- tn rick te ' fulnse which had been deposited in the | bail indend a hak ais acten, | tion. | Salisbury hotel, Scarborough, and the 4 1 an ! # Frame All al g the winter and | "roast." The editor of one Baily The police took charge of a man who | PTOPrietor of a number of restaurants If it be Silks, either in plain | Toad Spring. at long the fence on the in- | paper, however, thought, it unneces. | V®* roaming the streets, this morning, who created a sensation in a crowded or fancy, or Voiles, Eoliennes, t ited the sa Mince grounds are. de | sary to go into. details, so he simply | 7 ® apparently intoxicated condi. | bar of his father's hotel by cutting ete, that«you have in view, we | Whether the stuff or uany sty Yards wrote: "John F. Ward appoared at | O08: When P.C's Mullinger and Cutts | his throat with, a razor, was yester- can confidently recommend our € L "the h X loomed up into view, however, the day before the magistrates, charged # stock, as everything js new and A roeai a, belong to nok Discover. = 3 Jo. Yomder the | von tilation of The thet Tight. he supposed drunk hecame immediately | Xith attempting to commit suicide. ' the Jury latest that is to be the county thortio 7 tenia ange of the celebration | and: the 'orchestra: remtierod --_ sober and went to considerable trou- | Prisoner and his father were each seen anywhere. iy pol 8, Shirty-five Jones: | grounds. Tt would not To se the | plogsing airs." Ward will be at the | hie $0 explain that fact to the police, | bound over in £50 for prisoner's good : ice | i} ¥ 4 He was taken into the stati n d | behaviour for twelve months th Snowy White Linen that I" intoxicated conditio: \ 1 ask the public to assemble at. | rand: ony ednesday night. piven a brief interview with om ar | father stating that he had Prongsed - add tope to the bridal s and sisi la Boing a then il fer. | How To Cure Your Cold He lent, promising -to keep sober and Bay his son's passage, to Canada and ry make gy AH » y i suffer, i ani 4 PD is] L to work, i give hi ' x o with" 0 aste nice is i T oc He was 1 wil be dome throng | Nothing vr wily ge Nerve | 1° °° [Ne Mow mp mot" 8 he we ring ate prices. ope the efforts of uab i en real hot. It i ~ : | have this olla Bi, le § eied -- | warmth all throagh the bod in. two The Farmer Got Even. young Se of this type from having have this once pretty suburban | Minutes. When rubbed on the throat | Saturday last a local hotel proprio BD a duce; hut it should not be | §. looaltty Justored 16 its primitive beau. | 20d chest Nerviline at' once relieves | tor purchased twenty dozen of a chance at Canada's expense. = Eng- Te e\0 WNT 6 Ns Bm =| J i (ra o ty. ER | tightness, coughing and hoarseness, from a farmer. When (the eggs aH | land should const hee own smoke, Curtains ' Pe -------- Nerviline goes right to work on | been comnted out at the hotel. it was {nd agistrates, should be inade to We lead the van in Lace Cur { Bt appear re |. ° PERSONAL MENTION. { coughs and colds, and: prevents little | found there was one over. The pro fo eratand this fast, tain values, so the prople tell } I anc morning, but will -- . ones from getting big. No other rem- prietor tendered payment for the { Police © ot ble De Dei us, and judging from the enorm- § sobered up for to-mor-| Movements Of The People--What | edy has one quarter the power of Ner- | even count, but the farmer asked for a ® Yonstable Driscoll, ous sale we are having, makes ¢ | They Are Saying And D { viline. Its enormous sale proves how | the value of the extra egg, which the | The police 'commissioners met this! # us feel that they are correct in ¢ TI r ] bles JL. Behan is in A d Doing. _ | satisfactory is must he. Guaranteed, | PUrchaser was willing enough « to.| Morning to make an appointment 'to | the statement : ' 0 a a 18 1 Anrprior on busi- | and sold in la 25e. bottlon every. | band over, hut finally the farmer sug- | the police. fores of a policeman in the ¢ noss Santcted with the C.M.B.A. { where; try Nervilime on your next cold. | £25ted, ax a compromise, that the {Place of Police' Constable Diangored Lace Curtains, 25c., 3c. 0c, $ THIS WEEK Alexandria Bay ar left in y Jt { . proprietor and pratt 0 hich | Moa, hae resigned to enter the cal 75c., 9%. a pair and u ! ) ' will spenc G e agreed. In ar room the far- | business for himself. Mav > : a 5 : . 2 the summer. i XU Dd oy oLE Of Deaconess. mer was asked "what he would take," | sis not an Ynyor Hactariane See the line worth $5.50 thai Something new and elegant. mel tt, of Kingston, | official nesting of Sydenhan and made the proprietor "look like | man selected was = P, Pacing Se sell at $1.25. Fit for o (pd This is the n for repairing week with his Ottaw | Street Methodist churel , T. F. Harri- | thirteen cents." Lu ki for. "sh | Prise atrick Michael ace. 4 SEAsOl 0) T ' friend, J, H. Silberg. n { son was elected d te to the dir rand ope." - Y Wriug ler "sherry | riscoll, a man 'of /about thirty years | '@binet work, upholstering, as we have WN. I Breden, of the Bank f Bri | | triet meeting. Thiele to were re- BE i of age, who is favorably known in { : 8 large staff which is at r service ish North America, h oF rite | ported in good shape. A stirring vote { the city. He has, for some time been ¢ Mh ou wa to pie holidays 10 Ota | of thanks was passed to Rev. 5 T The Suggestion Endorsed. employed as a sailor, and came origi- ¢ For housecleaning use "Furniture PAA Todays, t street. | U- Brown for his able work for the | It is altogether likely that the sug-| Pally from Howe Island. He is yearly ewman aw | Bastorer who took suddenly ill at his work in | L two years and best wishes for | Bestion offered by the Whig, that the | #1* feet in height, and otherwise well: A the locomotive works, is having mn is future success. Tho deaconess re- | Military review be 'held in 'the Cric. | Probortioned. The commissioners elso we ~d pd : very serious time. | ported 'mmking 1,400 visits in eight | ket field on the morning of Victoria Passed a resolution expressing appre- -- 1D Cain ra evening the officers of { fudnths, " : day, will be adopted, icers of the | @8tien of Police Constable Diamond's a ES RE 9 ilitary district gave a re. | " local militia force favor this as a °*cellent services, during his seven 2HOOPOLGHLHHLY sebtion to Col Mnsseiind ro! J Wak 5 equal for speedy Eeawll.. place of rondeavous. there being many Tons pier, on the force and regrat at : The Leading Undertaker, G.. ides being a warm welcome | Keatucky lawn grass . Gibson's vantages presented. It is - pointed | MS T° lon. . | Princess Street - - Kingston to Col. Buchan, it was made eu | Red Cres Drug Sore sells it. out that by having the artillery link 1 A ------------ J a Street - - Hingetor casion for a good many felicitions | McDermott Bros. have presented to | UP on Park avenue, the sod iu the Excursions To Kingston. gd "| toasts > md . During. the | the 14th Regiment tho Irish march | Cricket field will not be ent up, while |« The New York Contral Railway com- Portsmout course. of 'the: on Capt. Harrison = and two-step "A.Bit o' B y." the guns will be. far enough away from pany has freely advertised the Vie-| was - 'nted with the long service | ----t 0 Blmey. dwellings to prevent damage being toria day demonstration in Kingston * ' denoting twenly years service. } WASTING AWAY done. by concussion. ; | and is giving very cheap wates from FR ie Rr ------ : rR : ied all points as far south as Svraouse, | And E> BINDER TWINE GOING TO ROME. It's the small but constant Baseball On Monday | Large numbers of excursionists are | : 9 } iop Gauthier to Visit the | 10ss of flesh that indicates | ya a Ae At Chicago, 0: New Fa | therefore expected. A fifty-cent fore is being given on the hoats from all | FURTHER NOTICE BINDE Il be sold at the Kingsto . } - y ton, 2: Cincinnati, 1. ! R to farmers, ch t % ther. 3 ph ical -- sa ual At Brooklyn, 1; Pittsburg, 1. { river points from Ogdenshirg to Capel Barriefield Te desired, an Auch. auant Amderitiod that = His Grace he waste - ; Philadelphia, 4; St. Louis, 0, ~~ + | Vimeent. = : * Hides sprig Bitthine Jotends making o | s Ppiag away of healthy flesh, New Vouk 1 ouirago, 1 Mildred Holland \ Deliveries will be {B00 feet to the Ib) 12% + next November, to pay | pound by pound, which no delphia, 4. At Detroit, 2; Boston, "6. | Mildred Holland, acknowledged us made without extra {B50 fost. 10 the 1b) 104 ordinary food: seems to re [At Clevelgnd, 0; Washington, 6. She of the oes actresses on the Ame: $ ; 450 feet to the 1b) 9 Scott Em ulsi 3 Eastern lea t oo 45 New- age. has o ; har less lots store. S$ Rew on will ark, 2. At Toronto, %; Providence, 7: Somedy and vivacity ony oo Cc ge, contrary to Ad i on aa . restore it. This Emulsion is | (celled at end of seventh, dark). At ™onstrates in the enacting of Cathe. i Aces 4 Sommunications. ith r the Ly builder ob. Rochester, 3; Baltimore, 2. i Hoe the Great, in her latest success. | previous annou Kingston, Ontario. 1 greatest flesh 0D er The Triumph of An Fropress." She ' 0 this notice witho tainable. Scott's Emulsion Prevost's Smoke Sale. Hose 4 AL the Grand Opera @ ments BW aia Coeretor: G DS P's The ki and. fastidi ys Quse of onday, May 22nd. i é Word 7 3 J. 0M. PLAT. WH 5 ths wasting sha ™ ave Surchased 2 their ready-made How To Avoid Catehing Cold. & r é Kingston, May 10, 1905, ard plies S new flesh an : d 'takes i Prevost's smoke Sale he ed voaw roureel!_ta trim dows and " ES SWIFT & ¢ . ~~ " - pl 3 5 1 a col rom tl ret i _ ; normal strength and ne Pe al "this he! that comes your, way. Wadd's fron i Felephone 135, po yi s . |stock and great Assortment, © | omic Pills make vou sold proof by | s another gain | giving vou rich. 'healthy blood, the | i FOR kind that kills all disease germs. Tn | A _-- Boron: -- a dep Tho puller | boxes Zhe. wt Wade's drug store. | SHOS LHL SHO m amet 8 ould | Money back if pot satisfactory. - | TeE-- ] ---- Lule ve ls, which : i sol : ER = : There are sixtydour shops in Berlin Cg ie Sn TT Art aah. Mothing but horsolech $

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