Daily British Whig (1850), 17 May 1905, p. 1

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is full of have the No other humping and arents to try r Knit Fine for } "afty boy toekings, no iow large they ma of every pair sold, pair, and for th y remember to ask fost y be. We Prices for e smaller for it has heen to us. dibwn a live SRESULTS You L ordinary results 5 here, especia ing. Based Jast six years, €Xpec tation. SALES from belief first our I eouragi tands FORM" ol : "Ask those Undervests ! 5 stton Undervests and Dray. he 250 3 an raw or Short Sleeves. or Low Necks. Light Weight Balbriggan or nion Wool Vests for early Eo et Undervests, 1oc., 12%¢,, et Undervests, 25c., 30¢., at variety of makes to choose nr Underwear ! EARLY SUMMER. n -Shirts and Drawers, all class of goods ; Soc. each. E Wear "Allen's" T P tt & Co bust there is no 'proof of identity," he 4 Military Bootmakers . Fetters e | added. 4 : : s 184 Princess Street, City. There are eleven points of agree. rts and: Drawers, all sizes > 84 Brock St. i : ment in the thumb mark on the Sans | 2 bs A SIGN -OF GOLDEN BOOT. { wf Ioax and an -impring.- ; dived ach, : ' TO CONTRACTORS < i 7 i itnebes te mata meme ass in: v Stratton. Inspector Collins had pho- # TAKE NOTICE TEN IERS SLL BE RECEIV Bh, AT tographed both, and now produced en * . the office" of the undersigned (wherd | p,pgaments' from the negatives. ht: Weight Union Shirts BONE SRL YOUR STOVES Shur iia and speeiieoyang nas, ve sen up | TL perience he sa, solemn 75€C Boots' tothe first buyer that comes | inst. for the several trades works ré. | ly, "there is no doubt that the two * done ry me. "wna Vou wil Gnd Go | graf ah sriction und completion of | prints wore made by the. same per WwW 1 LER Burrie and William Sireets in this eity | son. : ht eight Wool Shirts and 4. TURK, THE SECOND-HAND DEA t Hor 'I. R. Lavery Esq. 'eanaril Inspector Collins was subjected to a and $1 25 398 Princess Street. Tet or any tender not necessarily | jon. oni oc examination by Mr. Budden > « © WW NEWLANDS. Architect. | who defended. Phe department first WANTED, Office, 258 Bagot Street. | took up the system in 1895, he said, " ---- et ee ee rent Se sibils Bo : a a pic while the possibility of its use was S S 1 A HOUSEMAID.. APPLY, MRS. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. pointed out o Sealab) Yard a vear Strange, 156 King St CSBALED TENDERS WILL BE RE-| earlier. "Do you call it a science ? OX @ ---- aii ei ceived by the undersigned up to 7 p .w., | demanded Mr. Budden, with a scorn- vt A COOK, GOOD WAGES APPLY TO | FRIDAY, June 2nd, for fuel, painters | fy] emphasis on the closing word, In- > s. Nteac) 7 ston: & von ' for the Boafd ) cial, at 25c. ; Nr Suey, 107 dommston St | work and sinsimighs" work, for the Boat | yu Or Coline could not say, though + 39C,, 45C. 492, WAITRESSES ; © WAGES, $20 PER | Board = Rooms _ MACDONALD, | he thought it probable that he would. | Sox '124cC, 200, 2:C mouth. The Russell House, Ottawa Secy ~T Bo 1 } "Has it got a name ?"' demanded Mr. ' iy vy 23C. estan -- ---------------------- - Budden . ! - § eoe-- pre - | Se ea -- n. . 4 2 ancy Cotton Sox. TO GIRLS ro sEive JN ICEL ewiET'S INSURANCE: AGENCY Again 'the inspector was indefinite. eam bation, Apply ro T. Peuers He did not know, he replied, dogged- Co.. 184 Princess St. 3 »w, he rej , dogg : ; )., 184 Princess St. os FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT, CARGO. ly. "Bat you are an expert, ' you & . BOTABLE BOY AT || Strovg reliable companies only represented know," persisted the solicitor. undried Shirts ! : e's Meat ~ Market to diive LUSSE4 PROMPTLY PAID The literature that has been written hi t . wel and make himsell generally LOWEST RATES wn approved risks on the subject was next in question. air ----------------, S-------- o1.avery.Ces eRption. Inspector Collins admitted that he $ made by Tooke, of FT Office, Opposite Oatario Bavk. Yai s work 1 n fit. . AN EXPERIENCED GENERAL SER : did not know of anv wo dealing ¥ant ; no washing or ironing ; family with medical jurisprudence shat' Yelet: o four. Apply 817 University A red to the finger nrint system. He had a Ngee A ipl Ls Avenue DIED BY POISONING. read, however, Professor Francis _Gal- A GENERAL SERVANT : NO WASH- . ; : : ton's work on the subject and anoth- 5% for Men ! ing or ironing. References required Tragic Death of Miss Olive er book written by Nr. Henry, the i F 3 bly, a Caiderwoad, Union St. or McCaslin, commissioner of police. In addition; he jon rame Umbrella, with ~ . NE ofice. Iroquois, Ont., May 17.--The many said quietly, there had been much ralue, at $1. ANMATD 0 ASSIST WITH GENERAL | friends of Mi Olive McCaslin were wale, shout it that had not got in + louse work. Good wages to a _com- | shogked to ar of her sudden death. | to bodk form. 4) $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, $2, Jatent Py toc re FQ She i Rots 3 the house all even He "did not-*know that the system | -- 2, 109 Wasilincton 5 wow--| ing and retired early to her bedroom. | was received in learfied circles pith 5 'OU ve y ig - | skepticism, or that it was regarded in re ARE YOU MAKING $2,150 A | Liter on in the evening a neighbor I : os eflas, 45€ 75¢, $1. rely L is being done with our | heard. some noise outside his house | some quarters as a positive danger to aS; 45¢ C ods ork is pleasant, respectable z covered. the the public. ' . Cc. eri A N nd on going out discovered the un he | . . 3 7 $97 Don dormant es Margiall & Co, politi ol in her night robes, "When you took the prisoner's fing- , . Z \ 3 een nt - i \. Medical aid was summoned | er prints he let vou do so readily, did | i prostrate, Medicad ar } 418 3. en] gENT; , TO GET THEIR| 44 onoe, but she was beyond relief, as he not 7' asked Mr. Budden. "Yes, i a8 Be 3 [hade uh pt Galloway s the deadly poison had already taken was the reply, excepting that he very . style, fit and price guaranteed | effect. Part of a small bottle of car- | shook violently.' ; ad Bromle - Prassipg 'and repairing dene | jofic acid was found uncorked in her| Here the magistrate interposed, se- -- cee i room afterwards, but further particu verely observing You ought not MEN AND BOYS, TO LEARN PLUME- | lars have not yet come to hand, Miss| to say that. Answer the question, nx trade We snot wap desokng McCaslin was the only daughter of pleage, It = 2 most improper ob- Or graduates. 50 to $5 per day 20) McCaslin, She was about | servation to make. ih Weeks completes course. lar Richard, : flias 2 § age and highly A question being subsequently 'asked While learning. Address for Cata- | twenty-five vear of age an & 5 ted, th \ ) Coyne Bros., Co. Plumbing | thought of. The suicide theory is en-} as to the remark thus corrected, ° oe Cincinnati, 0., St. Louis ined magistrate said it was given on oath, Me ployment guaranteed of tertamed,™t _____ __ . and would, therefore, have to go on \ refunded ws ES rere A QUEEN'S GRADUATE. the denositions. X TO-LET Public interest was next transferred mem em eases He Will Go as a Missionary to | to the notorious masks, rhich yore STORAGE. A ROOM IN THE STEARN Formosa. produced by Knofuctor Wad tage: 8 oy building clo p 4 a y . a are grim lookmng ar a , 4 ® pro or Ar, fry, Jat and 1 "et Special to he ni nv 17.3. GG. Y.| alleged, out of old stockings, rough E Br ; A rt. G. Yi c J r ugh * NER St Ferguson, B.A., M.D., has been ap- | holes being cut for the eves. They LIE nroiiadin mBetDRNOD. | pomted missionary to Formosa by the] would easily cover the face from the ? p. eson He. opposite ity Park. Pos- | foreign missions committee of the top, ot the fgrehend Jo the Jips. Teo = 3 1st. Apply to 8 shvteris hirch. He will leave in| of these masks were JO p e Flan "84 i Preshyterian church. i ¢ . " a . feof 220 07 Barrie St. the fall for his new field of labor. He rows' house on the day of the trag FRO 3 am de ative snfrew éountv, a gra-| edy. 3 FROM 1ST JUNE, FOR THREE | is a natite of Re ire Eounty * ¥: ct cane the #toev of the finding 5 Souths or longer. Furmishod house, | duate of Queen's and under thirty a Er Sargent 3 § 0 rooms ; modern conveniences | J. a of the buried money, § an - ©} gninal location. Apply by letter, to Yeare'ol ope land and Police Constable Gall told ns lox 32, Kingston. Woman Murdered. how they began digging « era ons in ®HAT 'pic ~ n on} Mich.. May 17.--Mrs. Wil the vicinity of some waterworks in the dence RICK DETACHED RESI-| Detroit, Mich, May 17. : carly hours of the morning, and how furnace : 438, Brock st. ; heated bY | iam Hommick, aged sixty, was mur a Mound. wrapped up. dp. black te : & Riad Woders Contes nets : as. dered Monday night in her Shenoy lth two sovereigns and a half None = 31, Whig office, or on premises Trenton, a suburb of Detroit. Neigh- : . 1 : liscl Ey . -~ . pre . y B H : > en. The hiding place was disclosed single 'sole: fine, light, CONF bors, hearing five shots, ran to the wn. of the women who had given : hy SE : is - Hoans ABLE BRICK FARM | house, and found the woman dying. evidence against. the prisoners, Zt calfskin leather that 15 on , Dart) furuishod, well stunted Phere were hie bullet moundsiu hue The wianan whe showed vou the ? : West of Collins. B > breast, one in her arm, and still a of ed "Billy?" asked 0 ace ay. ood stable ' Y . biding place called vou ily ? ask ill not draw the feet Takes Kiommodation. Stage. daily to | other in her forehead. Her husband. } {PB Cor 6 prtice Constable Gall, a; . a2 Ht 0 an ath. Also Frame ho is a section hand, was away} gg 4 ot Nar ind" said eather. - We h it in three | Gottage. Address, H., ©. Rothwell, [ WD , yo bod | Tha officer flushed. "Never mind," sai WWE ave ' *olling Bay Ont. from home during the evening, bu Mr. Baggallay, the magistrate, amid Corner All comfortable shoes, $35° n lly "FIT RE | upon the experience of the the clothes justify the oods that and v with Offers will be re- * for mrchase. Apply to "& Waika, solicitors, King. Tu building up, our business we have anly merited your 'patronage when-the trade has been as beneficial" to vou Our trade has Jy growth, which speaks uch for our stirling methods, expéct more than hought IRM" Cloth The many new customers "that have come ous. this spring en "FIT-RE i that the i spring patterns, are up to-date, who have seen thém; het for Still--come and wee for yourself, B, P. Jenkins Clothing Co. "AN INVITATION. - the ensuing 4 days we will be in- terested to show as many of our - Customers and Friends who may wish fo 568 it, the Large Cabinet of Sterling "Silver we have prepared for presenta tion at the end of this week. SMITH BROS, "WEEE Sans 350 KING STREET. MILITARY DANCES OR PARADES If you need anything in shoes for such purposes remember we are headquarters for that DESIRABLE PROPERTY of Queen and Ontario lately occupied hy Mr. Hen- ri a large 1 as * DAILY MEMORANDA. Cheese Board, 1.30 p.m. Thursday: Board of Works, 4 pan, 'Tharsday. City baseball league mects this evening House, 8 pun. Some men prefer to do their hay-miak ting by wgaslight. The sun rises Thursday at 4.33 am. and sets at 7.20. p.m. Kvery man bas a streak of genius in him--only a stregk, mind you The quarrymad says it's' easier work stonin' raising than raisin' stones, Everybody has a hankering to teach others what he: doesn't know himselr. Curtain goes up at 8 o'clock tonight, for "Babes in Toyland," at the Grand, This day in history Mafeking re 1900 : King of Spain born, 1886 ; rand died, 1838. > Mary had gu little stock On margin, don't you know ; And every way she didn't think The stock was sure to go ved Falley « TOILET SETS .. You get one of those raceful shape, in the carthenware, and China, beauty, rather than striking eflect, the prices are low. Crush Fruit Sundae in" the city. 10¢. to Hoc. 1h. best boxes of Chocolates ney"s and Ganong's, from 10e. he. per box. ¢ CALL ON The Low AT | man was of the murder, unrecoghized, yard | o aped Pry Maple Walnut son's Red Cross drug store, Methodist district meeting continues' to-morrow. "Bhbes In Toyland," Grand Opera do not have td pay any more to New Sets, They are of best grade of decorated for and ROBERTSON BROS. LOOK vd Soda only be. If you want Pure led Cream--the hest All kinds of Fruits, Choice Candy from to returned shortly after the murder. A geen running from the scene and was pursued, but Sundae at Gib- FINGER PRINTS May Go Far To Solve Big Up. Piece After Piece of Evi- dence Against Them--Victims . . Were Killed for Money. London, May 17,--Finger prints, masks, nicknames, and photographs all played a part at the resumed pro- ceedings against + Alfred and Albert Stratton at 'Power Bridge police court yesterday. Both meh were Sommitied for trial "for the murder of Mr. and Mrs, Farrow at Deptford. , \ Befores the principal witness, Inspec- tor Collins, who is in charge of 'the finger print department ®f Scotland L Yard, stepped: into the witness box, Sergeant Crutchett of the criminal in- vestigation ' department gave evidence concerning the care that was taken to preserve intact the finger marks found upon the dead man's cash box. Inspector Collins, a short, slim, keen eyed man, with a dark compléxion and a moustache, gave his evidence with marked deliberation, which suggested that he weighed every word before he uttered it. He had heen associated with the finger print department at the yard of ten digits at the yard," he said, "and [ have had ten years' experience in comparing finger prints." Then came one of the most interest ing statements made duribg the pro- coeds, "When finger prints have four points and upward in common, they always are made by the same individual," de- clared Inspector Collins. "I have had finger prints in which resemblance was found in onlv two points, but in such Inughter, "we have our nicknames," "That is mv case," said Mr, Muir, shortly, as. after this witness had fin: ished his evidence, he resumed bis seat, KINGSTON, ONTARIO, either the office are ab ty ships. "We have a collection of 90,000 sets graph's col forces at advance of 6th 'worded pre ships, an {.=Mhe Times corres Petersburg cables : nor the foreign vel the conflict pondent mvVerted cruisers wore and ten héavily the centre, Tor eattered about. A 8 on either wing. The rd squadron. While passing a collier leet stopped The thin half a mile of agship dipped itz since it was 'first organized, he told : ; a prosperous morchant, and married Mr. Muir, . who prosecuted for the| Sire ed or oteat. Tei 3 life thus began by deception on bath treasury. ~ohvon, -- lhe Daily ele- | sides. ent at Tokio wires: it of the Russian Bay, owing to the apancse army. The says that on ®ay || a third strongly- France on the neu There is : Eainn Oo trality que J ting Them, May 17.--The Russky hat Russia, having # the negotiations for he Argentine war- diary has now ar- and is negotiating St. Pete Stove decls failed to eo the pureh rived in their sale n. upp. tery. May 17. The Daily Tele- graph's correspondent says-that dur ing the last mouth the Russian war ships consumed 120,000 tons of coal, and adds that where « this was ob tained is a mystery. A Norwegian stegner, London, the corres i t § SE4225 449 STILL AT HANKOE BAY. London, May 17.--The Tokio correspondent of the Telegraph says it is con- clusively proved that the Baltic fleet was still an- chored at Hanlkoe Bay, on May 16th. 9 PIES HY pondent says, reports having heard cannonading i from «ight to eleven o-clock on the morning of May 11th, in 83.45 north Jatitude and 120.20 cast longitude and that a Japanese torpedo boat was seen runing in that direction. Purpose Of Togo. Amoy, China, May 17.--It is believed that part of the Japanese fleet is tak ing up a position beloy Formosa and that Admiral Togo has planned to fight the Russians south of Formosa The Japanese get orders from this vicinity at nicht time. Struck A Mine. Tokio, Mav 17.=The Chuvet Maru, while on" her way to New Chwang, struck a mine near the Miao Islands on May 11th. The vessel was beached. The British steamer Includen, and thé French steamer Quang Nam, have | been seized by Japanese warships. The | cargoes and destinations of the two | vessels are not announced. UFA"S GOVERNOR SHOT. | Repressive Policy Made Him Disliked. S| to' the Whig. Rota, Hussin, MagPi7.--Mnj-Gen. Sok. olovsky, governor-general of the pro vinee of Ufa, was yesterday shot, and seriously wounded in the publio gard en, during an entertainment. The as sassin dizappeared. Gen, Sokolov- sky's lile is despaired of. Gen, Sokolovsky's predecessor, Gen. Bogdinovitch, was assassinated on May 19th, 1903, On his appointment Gen. Sokolovosky adopted a repressive policy, which long ago eaused him, io be marked for the same fate as Bog- dinovitch, Badly Shaken Up. Snectal 'to the Whi. Buffalo, N.Y., May 17.-- William Lindler, Tweman, was killed, one 'man was slightly injured and three score or more of passengers were shaken up in a collision that eecurred, carly this moring, at the foot of Mackin aw street, this city, between a switch who is a very handsome men, is some years her junior. 8 : that when about thirty years of age, as on She Jght having saved "a small sum, she ad- vertined for a husband, stating that she had £1,000, be married, but his business in metal trade was not flourishing, and She was led to believe that he was her reproaches his debta how, in spite of bein a life of expedience, her- aficctionately, although allowing her at meeting 3 whom was Sikora, £300." She invited him to their house, | They went together to Sikora's house, MAY 17, 1005. | | ing io, Saigon and "| murder of C, J. Meyers, who, it i Mystery. He 'Rong they say wheth- Murder. | vad, was killed Aor Vath, iy _-- ; Ler Rojestos Shas pone north, or rt { hired by the Carriage Workers' union gr Lemporarily fhe coast of Anna. A {as sluggers, It is eh that the F 2 One of 'the of the naval staf ice paid for slugging Meyers was STAINS ON THE BOX|:Sh cia S86". 5 EACH BLAMES OTHER i ™ = 3 Risjestvensky 4 lowing the confession of Business | . | might reach k with only a Vy od : t Charles Casey and Becretary mmo a ommon wri | ol or conrincron sm wars M, FXemd ol Eat DOUBLE MURDER. Fleets ent Parts. SHE WAS FORCED. 4, Charles Gilhooley, alleged leader of ------ Hong Ko jay 17. ~The German Ue men, who at May pes: broke down 5 : : i 1 steamer Wo "reports that, on| Vietim is Strangled, Keys Taken, |an part in that other Prisoners Remain Silent During | QUE To she passed Back and His House Looted--Love |d¢eds of a similar nature. From his' the Examination--Both Sit | pio id saw BIE Russian fleet leaving or gy i) Hor i admissions, the ter part of which Quietly by While Police. Pile | the harbor, Tliflee: consisted of ff. oF Fusband Actuated | Inspector Lavin declines to reveal at Consenting to Assume Respon- sibility for Brutal Killing. Vienna, May 17.--A great sensation It 'appears from the woman's story Klein was at that time engaged is wo decided to marcy Francesea Draun. Within a week Klein had spent all jis wife's w y, and in answer . to that "he had concealed | retorted that she had algo fed about her fortune, Francesca went om to tell the court driven to hve e fell deeply in husband, He treated love with her time to continuo among the old fame acquaintances, She constantly pestered Sikora for money, until at Jast he promised her and arranged with ber husbabd "to peturn quietly about ten o'clork at night and remain in the-Jitohen, Sikora arrived, and she used every artifice to induce him to redesni his promise, but he put her off by say- ing he would give her the money later on. She described how sho danced before him for an hour, and then left the raom to report to her husband, who had come in, that she could not get the money. "He roughly told me" she con tinued, "that unless I got it he had no further use for me, and ordered me back to the room. It was. now after midnight, and 1 pleaded with Sikora until one o'clock, when he fell asleep on a sofa." Franca returned to the kitchen in =a rage and declared to her husband that she felt capable of strangling Sikora and taking his kevs to help herself to the money in his hous Klein, she said, encoura her, and she: returned fo Sikora, ut' half awoke him in altempting to ahstract the kevs of his safe from his pocket. o to . the kitchen several not being ahle jo Jummon courage to take Siko 's life, anc {nally she gave up the "dea and sob- bed herself to sleep in the kitchen, thinking how wretehedly her marriage had turned out. I'he next thing she remembered was heing awakened by her husband' and taken through the ante chamber, where she saw no trace of Sikora. She returned times ving robbed the safe, left for where they were aftor arrested. The president of the court asked ! I'ranecesta why she confessed, on be- ing arrested, to having hersell cut up ra's body and put it in -a sack er the sofa where it was found. and ha Paris | "It was a false confession," site de dared, "made because my husband had forced me to swear to take all the blame." > ; Klein persuaded her that her life was not of much good, after all, as she was very deaf, and that as soon as she was hanged he could enjoy him elf She was so madly in love with him, that even this brutality did to she said, not shock her, and she consented his plans. : A Now, however, she accuses him direet- of overvthing except stealing the and the money, and swears that the moment she left Bikora on she never saw him again. not lay a finger ly keys from the sola Klein said he did g on the murdered man. Heaven knows, he declared . to the court, "that T am not capable of hurting a fly. On hearing this, Francesca retorted: "Your betrothed was not 'a fly, but yon have hurt her grievously." "The court was further adjourned. eee Married Seventy: Six Years. Montreal, May 1T.--A Montreal couple, Pierre Forget and his wife, have just celebrated the seventy-sixth anniversary of their mrriage. Mr. Forget is 100 years and six "months old, while his wife is ninety-six, and both are in good health. One of their thirteen children will herself celebrate her golden wedding three vears hence, though she is only sixty- now. one with the death of Wallace Goodfellow, The prisoners, fence, were committed for trial, who reserved their de-| at Toronto, were found. guilty. McConkey's bittersweet candies, # fre<h. Gibson's Red Cross drug store. éngine and - a Lake Shore passenger] train. ' The four Christian Scientists, charged with conspiracy 'in connection | Georee 'Lae, aged sixteen. is dead at Fllievill& from a short illness from slsurisy and pneumonia. MAN AND WIE Have To Stand Trial For »¥ al HIRED SLUGGER PAID. nm Se Chicago Toughs Hired to "Slug" Men Chicago, MN 17.4 wholesale ex- posure of the Nxient and methods of the ional "slugging" is ex- by the police to be the vesult revelations connected with the: present, the police clues which | - set them to work mvestigating "'slug- ging" plots in other industries where strikes have been in Ta : 4 | is being caused by the trial of Hpin- 3 > " : | SHIPS # ; rich and Francesca Klein for the mur The police secured Al names of four- 4 (der of Johann Sikora, a wealthy old teen persons, who_have been assaulted # | man of Vienna. » el intimidated by gangs of hired | hh % | When arrested the woman ig full wie working ar ieiking: a ery 4 | blame for the crime, but when con- . Each case v been inves = | + | Tronted By "hor husband "she declared &d by Inspec Lavin's- detectives and | 300 Pairs % | that it was he alone who had com- additiogh arrests are expected at any | hprlc Gloves ' Si dy floated. + | mitted the murder. 2 . > i y * The court was erowded when Fran. GAS PDOY B BXPLODED Taffeta and Lisle 2 in col "s 1 cesca Klein told her story to Q D. : : judge. She was brought up in a con: 2 Tens, Browns, Greys two battleships in| Vent school as a teacher, and is =» | Pwo Government Employees In- | Black. a HC well educated woman. Her husband, jured at Port Arthur. A J Winnipeg, May 17.--John Cooper; the veteran lighthouse keeper, and P. Goo ohio had 'q narrow escape at Port Ar thur yesterday . They were charging 3 put athe 'harbor shennsl, mith sar | A gfeat many were put in arbor y oar: § ere | bide. The: tank was leaking, and when A gk the ean of stuff was poured into the 3 tank an explosion took nw The eard all over town. report could be Yh a 3 Cooper was knocked unconscious and YOUR CHOICE™ had to be taken home in a rig. His face and hands were hadly cut. can was turned inside out. LOCATED BODY. A Chum of a Convict in Peniten- tiary The Special to the Whig. Windsor, Ont. May 17.~Charles Ma- hany has located Stan! Boyd, want- ed in Chatham for burglary, in a pris on, where he is serving a two-year) sentence, A year ago Boyd and Trom- bley, were arrested in Chatham for burglasy; While i esoorted | from | the jail to court, § ? a sudden bredk for: officers, ingston penitentiary, -------- MONTREAL'S MAYOR Keep Up the Fight for Cheaper Gas. ial to the Whig. ontreal, May 17.~Mayor Laporte amounces, to-day, that he has no intention of resigning the mayoralty on account of the recent action of the city council passing the gas contract s ea askin Ad May Blake. a extension measure ovev his veto. The Be olds, city council would be able to ap- | Funeral notice fater. Joint another mayor at once, and he | MARKS. Kin, ke po desire to desert hi Ho i in the face of the enemy. bo Kingston, position will re- tain tho position and keep up the | Funeral took place yesterday to Cu fight for cheaper gas. : P gui_Cem OEY tn -- a A Toronto Man Dead. Special the Whig. v 4 REID. Wuniavile Ont. May The se- ROBT. J. 1 cond sectionmen of the Pacific express Si on the gx, north, found g man The Leading Undertaker in a dying conditi near cotin Junctign, who told he had been run 'Phone 877. 222 Princess over by a train. The man was brought here on the midnight train to go to the hospital, but died be- fore being taken off the train. He gave tho name of George Spilling, No. 1 McAlpine street, North Toronto, be- fore he died. | ---- Tad Fire At Marmora. Special to the Whig. ; NMarmora, Ont., May 17.--A brick block, belonging to J. W. Pearee, M.P., was destroyed by fire last night. | Last Big Hamiin and Mugical Extravaganza, BABES IN TOYLAN The block was occupied by J. W.| 800 nights in Néw' York, 100 nights Pestce, general merchant; the Mar- ! Bogtom 160 uighes fn-Oieago. + a Company « of 95ec., 5O0c., 75¢., $1, $1.50s Seats now On sais. " MONDAY. mora Herald printing office; Charles McWilliams, merchant tailor; William Sanderson, harness maker; John Shan- non, dwelling. Part of the stocks were saved, but Mr, Pearce's loss will be heavy. May 8 -------------- Arrested A Deserter. Special to the Whie Windsor, Ont., May 17.--Joha Dolan, a deserter from the garrison artillery, at Quebec, has surrendered himself to the police here, and Chief Wills has wired Quebec for instructions. Dolan spent some time in the United States, and lately worked his way to Detroit. The Start Mads At Noon, rec th ; . bande Nr May 17.-The Kais- war's éup race will start at noon, to- dav. Conditions for a lively start are bright. We have an extra fine Canadian, English and and Preserves in glass and tins. List No.1 Goodwillie's "Nick" Longworth, the clever, rich young congressman from Cincinnati, is Miss Alice Roosevelt's most constant cavalier. She is out with him two or three times a week, : Sir Henry Mortinier Durand, British ambassador to the U States, will (Made 'in Canada sail for New York May 20th. Pears Plums Peaches 8 Raspberries Strawberries Red Currants ; Red Cherries White Cherries RARE CHANCE 0 pu per cent. pro- a a ferred. | mulative shares in tho Ze. per. Jor "Retail" Company," mated. For prospoctus and appl ications for shares, apply to W. R. GRUNDY & Co.,. 16 Torento . street, Poronto, Importers of Fine' or any bank in Kingston. - Ro rab It-other lah! poi ri We ars pe ---- ¢ . Tt never FOR SALE. Gibson's Red Cross Moth proof bags 'are sold at' Lib- son's Red Cross drug store. Fresh MoConkey's dies. Gibson's. Red Cross 'American Jama hls In glass jars; purity guaranteed. All Jas. Redden @ Co.,

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