RAL APERIENT WATER, RINGS, BUDAPEST, HuNgyay ' ervision of Dr. Leo Licherm, or of Hygiene ang Royal University, Bug, t OLLINARIS CO. Ld, Loge BIBBY'S ng to get you for some time, eve your anxiety sbout your short order if you'll come in. ur starting point on SPRING nally strong on SUITS AT $10, ling smarter, more perfectly tly fashioned. just received are about the ever shown: * humiliate the Suits --that's Our New Raincoats. jal $2 Hats, Newast Blocks, hipment of Fine Negligee Shirts, Nobby. : Price, $l. . BIBBY CO, Victoria Day Specials You will need something natty and taking for holiday wear. To be dress ed you must look after your feet, Nothing is dressier than a pair of our TANS OR PATENTS Ladies' Chocolate Color Oxords, $1.50. Ladics' Chocolate Color Gibson Tie, $2, 82.50 and $3. Ladies' Tan, Blucher, Gibson Tie, Sailor Tie, and Christy Tie Shoe, £2, 82.50, 83 and 33.50 Men's Tan Blucher, Oxfords, Invictus, George A, Slater make, 33.50 and £4.00, r Shoe Store. =RENT critical buyer uses to deseribe tho Lind of on our premises made into the very suit, tl ere: worn out, and-while we are paying more fof ore for them t olsewleres r spring stoek is made right ughty shrunk before it is Canvas and Huiroloth in e t charge our customers any m , inferior work and inferior fi our own Tailor-made Suits, . atest patterns in cloths in our 0 your measure suits, $19, The People's Clothiers Redden's and Crawford's Groceries. rents for HEADLIGHT UNION-MADE a: Ar ree fost hort'] Max. Mudie, who rocontly Mi ities | from Cuba has accepted posiven mer | the topographical survey dep at Ottawa. aberdashers, Oak Hall, { ~-amination of mi em in Our Window: SH omipion Coal Bonds ; ext hl | dr a sxease 2 the mum OpRra- 'tions' performed \upon our More thanthree- tauths ot She n pa Ying * i on SNOW "white beds are women and girls who are awaiting or recovering from tions made necessary by neglect. one, of 'these bas to be paid by a results are fatal. The following letter should bring hope to suffering women. Glenn, of 43¢ Marie St., Ottawa, Ont.,' writes: Just as surely as Mrs. Glenn was eured of the troubles enumerated in her letter, just so surely will Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable every woman in the land who suffers from womb troubles, inflammation of ' the ovaries, kidney troubles, nervous excitability and nervous prostration. Mrs. Pinkham invites all : women who are ill to write her for free advice. Address, Lynn, Mass. DISTRICT MEETING. The Ministers in Session Queen Street Church. The annual meeting. of the Kingston District, Methotlist church, was open od in (Queen street. church to-day. Rev. Dr. Aotlifi, chairman, presided." There were present the mimisters from different circuits and stations, nine- eh in number. Rev. Hugh Cairns, at a visitor, was 'invited to associate with the chairman on the platform. Mr. Cairns cxpressod his pleasure and home feeling in being present. remarks were felicitous pigs. On motion, Rev." E. Lawson Shirbot Eake, was appointed secre tary. On the call of the roll one (Rev. _ John Philp) was 'absent ¥g death; one (0. L. 4 gd mission, work in Japan. The nisterial character be- ing proceaded with, there were objections. esses. George -- 0. Tredinnick and Benjamin E. Kyre were recommended to the conference to be employed un- der the chairman. Revs. and W. T. (i. Brown were to prepare ap obituary for the ference regarding the late Dr. Philp, M.A. Rerjuest was made ant superannifation for one year to ev. Job Roadhouse, who has faithful work for forty-five years. To-morrow the circuit be presented and the meetings will be open to friends. Baseball On Tuesday. National League.--At New York, 4; Chicago, 0. At Brooklyn, 7; Pittsburg 9. At Philadelphia, 8; St. Louis, 11. American League.--At St. Louis, $ New York, 3. Eastern League.--At Bufialo, 3; New ark, 1. At Montreal, 2: Jersey . 8. At Rochester, 0; Baltimore, 2, (II ~Annings), > , o Death Of Young Man. The death occurred at the hou, on Wednesday morning,. of Mac- eouncit' think that the privileges of thie H. Blake. from typhoid fever. He Fapplication should be limited to gra was formerly employed in William Wil i's livery and * was aged nineteen. For the past few days he has been de- Tirious. His parents live on Rideau Street, _ The inquest at 'Gananoque resulted I a verdict of still-born, in the case of the baby found buried in Fernclifie. he Jartios concerned were not tovered, A rs------------ COMMERCIAL, Taaeraphed spe MARKETS. ois specially to the Norman Bimn Manager Hartsho! Bogert & Battelle, Members New Exchange; 151 St. James Street > Stock Wontrea MONTREAL STOCKS. Toronto Rails win City Detroit United oledo Rails htreal Power ile pra NEW YORK STOCK MARKETS. . puwplied by W. PF. Dever & Co., 18 173M, Savare, Kingston. Atchison mal. Copper Baltimore & Ohio Breoklyn Rapid Transit SE adiay_ Pacific ; Bova ' * vi ey : Wey na Nashville "Missouri Pacific | pe York Central PATIENTS WOMEN. Pinkham's Advice -Saves Many Ee Sod 42a Cosy Brerience It is a sad but true every year in that he left or right of the womb, nervous exhaustion, pain in the small of the back, leucorrhees, ~dizai- will make headway until the penalty dangerous tion, and a lifetime of impaired useful- ness at best, while in many cases the Kilboine), engaged 2 9 7 3 1 ad 21 8 Gd 21 22 30% oT i bk pt pt JE AN AWFUL CRIME [WIFE MAKES BARGAIN FOR i HUSBAND'S DEATH. " rin. In Jail for Murder, She is Ac- cused by Associate Who Over- heard Her Try to Hire Assass- in--Attempts to Collect' In: surance. Parkersburg, W. Va, May 17.--On May 3rd, at midnight, masked men entered the residence of Henry' Black- shire at Brookville and shot him dead in "the presence 'of his wife and son. Last night Mrs. Blackshire was in Jail, as are also Robert McCloskey ans bonis Hendricks, all charged with complicity in the murder, The arrest of Mrs. Blackshije was brought about by the statement of endricks. He. said he was at Me- Closkey's home several days before the murder and heard Mrs. Blackshire of- fer McCloskey. money to kill 'her hus band, and she said if he refused she would get some one else to do it. He says he T6ld Mrs. Blackshire after the murder what he had heard, and that she offered to give him $100 as soon as she collected her husband's life in- surance, if he would leave the town. He and McCloskey left together the day following the murder and remain- ed near Parkersburg until McCloskey returned to Brookville, on Sunday. to get his pay, and - while there he was placed in jail. During their absence, Mrs. Black- shire attempted to collect the insur- ance, 'amounting to 81,000. Public sen- timent was so outraged over the ye- ports of case, that she was threat- ened with lynching, but no attempt was made to odrey. the threat out: McCloskey admitied being at the htuse at the time of the murder, and | also savs Mrs. Blackshire wanted her husband. out ef the way. but charges Hendricks with the murder, S------ MUST BE PROMPT ACTION By City Council Ii the Cars Are to Be Got Running. "Would the bondholders consider a proposition from the city to run the street cars during the general assem- bly's stay in Kingston ? was asked Dr, R. V. Rogers, K.C., this morn- ing. "I cannot very well answer that question until the nature of the pro- position is known," he replied, "To run the cars for only two weeks would be an expensive thing. In the first place it would cost about $200 to get them into condition to place on. the line. If any proposition is to be mage, would have to be of such a nature that the bondholders would make some profit. You can see that to run. the cars for merely two weeks when much expense would be involved in fitting them out would not be very satisfactory to the bondholders. Why could the city not give us power at the old rate to run during June, July and 'August, so that we would he re- imbursed for our expenditure." ~.Dr. Rogers denied that any pfoposi- tion had been made to the bondhold- Pers regarding the running of the cars on Victgiiarday, No definite offer had been made by anyone. It 'is understood that it would take probably 'two weeks to 'put the mo tors of the closed cars in the open opes, and then the men would have to work night and day. If the cars are to be run for the general as- sembly, the city council must take prompt action regarding the question of power supply. APFLICATION GRANTED For Affiliation of Queen's to Cambridge University. The London Times of May 3rd, in its University Intelligence from Cam bridge, says: "The council of the senate report that they have received from the registrar of the university of Queen's College, Kingston, Ont, an application for the affiliation of that university to. the University of Cam bridge. The council find that students cannot graduate in arts in the Uni- versity of Queen's College unless they have been matriculated members of the university for at least three years. The courses leading to the degree of B.A: cover a wide range of subjects, but they are of a varied character, and few, if any, of the subjects are compulsory in all the courses The duates in arts 'who have passed in (1) Latin, (2) either Greek or French or German, (3) mathematics in one or more of the examinations held by the University of Queen's College sub sequent to matriculation, or in one or more of the examinations adopted by that university as entitling to ex emption from such examinations. Sub ject to this condition, they are of opinion that the application should be granted." FORMER GOVERNOR SLAIN. His Successor Widely Known as a Tyrant. St. Petersburg, May. 17. The shoot ing of Major-General Sokolovsky, gov predecessor, General Bogdanavitch, having been assassinated on May 19th, 1903. military governor of the same pro Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By ie Carpenter, R.C.R, Loud, "TON IN QUARANTINE. was in the city to-day. : y ; ; son's Red Cross drug store. | Three Steamers, With Immigrants ' N Visger, will 'again run excursions frcm | Sicilian, - of 'the Allan line, from | PY, the carcase, Gr. to 9¢.; choite duts, ing and killing two horses. They will turn out on Victoria day ermor-general of Ufa, yesterday. is the second crime of this nature ®hich has occurred at Ufa within two vears, his General Sokolovsky, who, as vice governor of Orenburg and later as vinee, acquired a reputation as a stern and vigorous official, was appointed to restore order in the turbulent gov- ernment of Ufa and adopted a repres- THE "DAILY W emerts or mmx in ISMALLPOX ONBOARD', =r === Coon Prices At Present Prevailing in Reporters On Their Rounds. | | The City. F. L. Fralick, Madoc, was in town { DOMINION LINER KENSING-' Kingston, May 16--Below will Be | found the prices at present prevailing on 'Kingston market : Grain.--Wheat, Manitoba, No. 1, Northern, 990,; No.2; Northern, 95c.; } Northern, 90c.; white winter, ;. Trusses yom can_depend upon at all | Arrive at Quebec--Forty Will anadian spring, 90c.; soft white, times: Dr. Chown's Drug ra be Deported on Account of In- | ¥0¢.: buckwheat, 52¢,; corn, 356ec. to A teachers' institute will be held at hile o 60c.; peas, 5c; barley, 45c.; oats, the Thousand Island Park this sum- | Whiz : 10c.; rvé, T0c. } mer. Sucial to a 1 lt ix semi-officiall Flour "and Feed--Flour, - bakers' A baseball game is being arfanged or hat our ae Se rip of a Y strong, $2.70 to $2.80; farmers', $2.80 for next Saturday between the St. I \ disgovered. bl. ama hax to "8. Hungarian patent, $2.90' to James and Y.M.C.A, teams. - i ave ie) bier Seeone" $3.10; oatmeal and rolled oats, $4.30 Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Hugo, Water- | Kosi Pusscngielt, - the ag to $4.75; cornmeal, $1.50 to' $1.65; town, N.Y,, are in Kingston to at- i f I verpadl which aon hie bran, $18 to $19; shorts, $20 to $21; bond the funeral ' of his aunt, Miss | ro 4 quart fine rang Tone 1 de- steaw, £6 to ¥ hay. loose, $7 to $9; arks; - StORMIEIS. with immigrants. o ay, pressed, to $10. {or The steamer Idler, owned wv Capt. | bornt: arrived in port this morning, |, Meat.--Becf, live weight, 46, {0 8c; Fresh sweef pea seed, mixed, at Gib- | Thousand Island points to Kingston | GI a with: soventeen | fi 124c. to 1c; veal, 2c. to Bo.: spri . . on G we first-clas s 0 Pc. spring this voling symumer, Ee | cabin passengers, TIS sccond-clons, lanl, Sussans: $1 to 85; by the quar- ry pe facet, N.Y, lightning | and 183 intermediate. -, We. o 81.50; mutdah, hy the car- sir 1 a ar onging to A.J. | SS. Athenian, of the Donaldson line, | S25 "oc live vi POrK, the carcase, umphrey badly damaging the build: | from Ulnsguu, with 420 inunigrants, wy! to 9c. live weight, 35.50 to 36 a g + | of which forty will be deported on | "SY A » x I'he local steamboat inspectors have] account of incurable diseases, and Pavitey Fowl, 5c. to $1.25 a pair; not been given any orders by the ma- | twenty will be sent to hospital. turkeys, 10e. to 150. a Ih; geese, 10c rine department regarding the uvoep- | SS. Montezuma, of the C.P.R. line, to 12. a lb; ducks, | 78e. to 81 a tance of United States' vessel certifi- | from Antwerp with 720 immigrants. pu spring chickens, 5c. to §1 a cates, | ir. The music for "Babes in Toyl a | will Not C P Vegetables--Potatoes, 70c. to 80e. ; . : ylan i 0 arry Passengers. 5 Vic { "oy aad turnips, 15e. k; % 5 is by Yictor Hertiost, a Jompesee of | Montreal, : May 17. The Dominion | 4 . beets, 2 a _ ou: g ame; see the vocal and instiu-| Sipamship company state that owing |e. to 7c. a head; onions, $1.75 to mental hits from the pr- | b : mott Bros.' e opera at McDer- | 44 the case of small-pox on board the a bush; caulifiowers, 200. to 30c.; cel The members 'of the 1th bugle | steamer Kensington. she will not take | ery, 12ye., 15¢., and 20c. head; 40c. to » Montreal to Liver- | = band 3 . n Aver | 75¢, doz.; cucumbers, 10c. to 200. each; are being supplied with a new pool, on her mext departure from this | parsley, 5c. a bunch; lettuce, Se. service uniform with "shorts { putfees" in place of long Ee end | port. The passengers who engaged [a head; rhubarb, Sc. a bunch; berths on her will be sent to Port-| water ovess, 5c. a'! bunch: oys- with the neve uniforms. { land, and Ln Sitcommoration on the | tor plant, 10c.; néw carrats and. new "Fairy floating soap". for the bath wn si h ensiiglon is now at | beets. 10c. 'a bunch. fold at Gibson's Red Cross drug | . one of or second cabin pas- | Fruit--Lemons, 15c. to 20c. a doz; store. sengers having been stricken with |bananas, 20c. to 30c. a doz.; oranges, Joseph Kehoe, who for seveoval | small-pox during the trip out. 2c: to Soe; w doz; upples; 0c. lo months past has been in the em r Sry Yc. a peck.; pines, + 30 WIC, ath, of the Dominion Express Ry ely { STANDS TO SLEEP. Fish- Salmon trout, 124c.; white received notice of his appointment to | ' : fish, 124c.; pickerel, 10c. a Ibs; pike, the position of caretaker. of the post Keeps Up the Practice of Twenty | Se, Ih.; Seattle salmon, 30c. Ih; salt office building. He will assume his «i Years. codfish; 7c. to I15¢. a Ib; halibut, 20e. ties to-morrow, Gleyeland; 0.. May 17.--For twenty | ® Ib.; haddock, cod and bullheads, 10c. At the meeting of the 14th officers, | years Mary Dickerson, a servant in | ® Ib; bloaters, 30c. to 40c. a dozen; hell last evening, it was decided to { the family af Mrs. B. H. Smoot, has smoked kippers, 40c. to 50c. a dox.; have the annual church parade next | slept at night leaning against a wall oysters, 50c. a quart; finnan haddie, Sunday morning to St. George's ca- | While standing on her feet. Her case 100. a lb; lobsters, = 30p. » alb,; thedral, where the regiment's chaplain, | has just come to the knowledge of the bloaters, 30c. to 0c. 'a doze; Canon Starr, will preach. In regard | local physician and has created much red herring, 15¢. a box; blue fish, to the Victoria day parade it was de- | interest. Si 12c. a Ib. sinelts, 100. per Ib; shad. cided that if Col. Gordon, D.0.C., or- Mrs. Dickerson is seventy-nine years | 121¢. per lb. . : ders a parade of other local corps in old, a small woman, -but exceedingly Hides--These prices are given bv the morning, the 14th will also turn | Strong and wiry for one of her years. | John McKay, Brock street: Beef, out. She' informed the physicians that for | hides, 7ic. a lb; dairy skins, T5c,; A---------------- | more than fifty years she was addict- to, Se. such; Yea! Sina, 02 pe: MAY CHEC | ed to the use of morphine, but cured | 8 lb; ca skins, 77c. to . each; XE RAUE SUICIDE, | herself of that habit through becom- | tallow, rendered, 2c. a lb; tallow, Birth Insurance Is The Latest | ing converted at a religious revival. rough, 2. a lb; horse hides, 2° to Proposal "It's this way," she said. "Then 1 2.75, according to size. ig posal, took the dope I had the most terrible -- Warcester Mass., Mav 17.=Aliee (3, | dreams. The more morphine 1 took Butter, \ Norten, wife of William T, Norton, is | the worse the dreams got. 1 found Retail--Creamery, 200. to 2c. a lb; the first. woman in America to take | that when I 300k the dope and went | farmers' prints, 18¢. to 20¢.; in rolls, out a "birth insurance" policy. She | to hed I wold dream of falling into | 17c. to 1%e. : 3 approves the plan highly, and thinks, | hell's fire or going through the worst ------------ for [ihe thaia, that it discourages race | tortures. L ust couldn't stond it, E . suicide, Under this policy: the eom- {and 1d we to get up and take . Lp 0 pany pavs not less than $50 {0 a mo- | more dope. I eouldn't afford that Wholdsale Kresh, ile. Po 12¢. ther at the birth of a child. The "1 had "just money gnongh to buy a a 010 money is to pay doctors' 'and nurses' | little of the stuff at a time and bills, buy delicacies and baby clothes couldn't, afford, to take it day and and defray other innumerable 5 | might. So Marted to sleep in a . onl desrav other innumeruble expens- | SELL job arial to slep in 2 [Performed on a Little Child at "stork J | dreams still came avd so I started to | Newburgh. ' Mrs. Norton is already the wother | Sleep standing mp. Then 1 had = mo Newburgh, May 16.--The fine wea- of two children. Her husband is pri- bad: dreams, ahd Yve kept it up ever | ther has put the roads in excellent vate secretary to the Rev. Dr. Barnes, | Since. 1 couldn't sleep in bed 'now if | condition for wheeling. Rev. J. F. They have a happy home, and both | 1 Wanted to." Mears will attend the district meeting husband and wife agree in approving need mt-- of the Methodist church in Napanee oF Br Te re rae a. BUpRIYI GAYNOR' AND GREENE this week. Mr. and Mrs, G. E. Der surance particularly for American fa- othe, Deseronto, spent Wednesday with milies on account of the rule that no | Judgment on Friday In Their | Mix . Shorey, G. F. Ruttan, policy can be paid unless eighteen Appeal. Napanee, was in the village yesterday. months have elapsed since the birth [Special to the "Thi. George Barighan, Napaneo, was in the of a previous child. Montreal, Md 17.--The court of Village, yesterday, putting a new Mrs. Norton was formerly a pro- | king's bench appeals will, it is an | fence around his property on Main fessional nurse. nouriced, vender judgment on Friday | Street. Miss Eva Shorey, Tamworth "In all mv nursing experiences," she | morning, and among them will be ap P.S. staff, spent Sunday at her home says, "it has been the mother who |peal of Gaynor and Greene from the here. Dr. Vrooman, Napanee, and Dr. has been called upon to save at this decision of Judge Davidson in the Beeman performed a successful opera time. The father has heen glad to superior court in dismissing the objec- | tion on the little daughter of Clancy have his baby, but his feelings seem to | tions raised by the lawyers for the | Moore. The little one is only a year have been that the mother could have ! prisoners respecting the jurisdiction and half old, but stood the ordeal given it to him withoyt expense. In | of Judge Lafontaine, extradition com well, and is doing nicely. The opera many cases the fathef has cited cases, missioner, in the case. This judgment tion was made necessary by the effects where his mother or his aunt, or a | will have an important bearing on of a severe attack of preumoma. Miss woman he used to know, washed and the course of Judge Lafontaine, who | Ella Smith, Thomsonville, spent dressed her baby the third or fifth | will in a few days be in a position to | Sunday and Monday with: Mrs. day. He would not want his wife to render judgment as to whether the two Sharpe. J. R. Sharpe do it, for he thinks too much of her ; | accused are to be extradited or not. | Ph! Sunday with / his mother but babies are 'an awful expense,' -------------- { in Belleville, Owing Lig the absence of "AN this should not. be. but it. ics A MORRISBURG FIRE. the. organist, Miss Thomson, who is: fact," and insurance, hy putting moth ill, Mrs, Mears presided at the organ erhood on a paying basis, will do much | Little River Town Contains An |» the Methodist church Sunday evea A PAINFUL OPERATION tpi do ing. Rev. J, R, Mears' lecture on toward lifting the burden of expense Incendiary. Bos 8" on Thursday evening rove] from the minds of prospective moth- | ! ; g ¥ ors h vail themselves. of its & Special to the Whig. iad {very interesting. Voeal music was fits, WhO aval themseves. of i138 bee. Morrisburg, Ont, May 17.-The!. 'tributed by Mrs. Sharpe and Misses ILS, . . Personally 1h. Sov: tbat. the : | Bradfield brick tenement, at the foot ments of oven 830 yy ne in | of Lock Street, which vas partly des contributed one of his popular violin 4 ~ + me | troved by fire, last fall, was burned to loc W. E. Patterson returned from are very welcome. That is the small- | (ho ground early this morning. The (Queen's University, Saturday est one can get, w hile it is possible, fire was undoubtedly incendiary, the | "7 ain from the village defeated the i one is paying, usseasinenie long en- | fige bug was considerate, choosing a phish school team on Thursday even ough to receive as high as $500." night that was calm and wet. Had the ing in a game of baseball, by a score | conditions of wind and weather been i712 to 9, Prof. and Mrs. Mathe different, the fire might have assumed 5 Kingston, are visiting her father, large proportions. As it ocourred in 8 James Davy. An event which will in Sir Gilbert Parker Met Spirit in | thickly-built part of the town the fire terest "burghers" is the marriage of Neshitt and Briscoe, and F. G. Millar GHOST OF LIVING MAN.. House. "men confined heir efforts to saving ny Edward McCulloch to Miss London, May 17.--Sir Gilbert Par- | the nearby buildings, which they suc: Powell, Toronto, which took place ker saw a ghost in the House of ceeded in doing. Jast evening in Victoria University Commons, and recently told the chapel. Dr. McCullough was one of society of psychical 'resparch abgut EDMONTON THE WICKED. the flying wings of the famous N.H.S. i it x it. He said: - | Invincible football team that never "I wished to speak, but. missed being Rev. C. Huestis Demountes Social .' us beaten, and has many friends here called. As I swung around to resume Life of Capital. | w ho extend heartiest congratulations. my seat | was 'attracted by seeing Edmonton, NW.T. May 17.-- On Miss Geneva Burdette, who spent the Rasch out of his place, 1 knew he | Sunday evening Rev. C. Huestis, last few months in St. Louis, return had been iil, so | nodded my head and | Methodist minister, 'made a most ont- ed home last week, accompanied hy said, 'I hope you are better." He made | (i oken attack on social life here, claim her sister, Mrs. Pomeroy, and family no sign or reply. His face was remark- | ing that the hotels were only dives Court of revision will beheld here on ably pallid and he sat hunched up. | nk soker dens, vidlating the license May 25th. The B. of Q. railway com His expression was steely, and his ap- | law ei day. He also accused prom. Pany have issued an attractive pearance grim and almost resentful. | = oot Pacha loading pamphlet containing information' for I thought for a moment and then | | qi. of dunkenness, and of at. travellers and sportsmen. Among the turned to him again, but he had dis- | tending revels of & mont disorderly feuts is an excellent photo of New- appeared. T was puzzled and went in gl The wermon created quite burgh statjon, one of the finest build search of him. 1 expected to overtake | SAMTRCIAT. : ings on the road. Dr. Beeman is hav- him in the lobby, but he was net | * sensation. § ' ing the ground at the West side of there. No one of the whips or door- ¢ | his residence levelled for a tennis keepers had seen him. I ares about | Death of Meg, F. Reynolds, | court. From the present outlook, it him all over. the house and in every | The death occurred at the General i, likely that the Methodist Sun- corner, but no one had seen Sir Carne. | Hospital, on Tuesd; ~ morning, of 4. sehool will run an excursion this Then 1 heard that Sir Henty Meysey- | Mrs. Frances Reynolds, Vietoria street, _o.. (Gypsies have pitched their tents Thompson had also been inquiring for wife of dn employee at the Kingston 5 1. illage Bogdanovitch. mitted under his administration. were the dispersal of an anti-govern rest of many armed demonstrators. ee ---- Numerous revolutionary socicties were broken up by General Sokolov- <kv and manifestations were not per The last acts of the governor-general hor balls, the strong Kith d t Gillsonis Red Uross drug | August, about the sive policy which long ago caused hint) Rageh, but® without result." foundry. Mrs. Reynolds had been ny . to be marked for the same fate as] | | The story has an unconventional for about eight weeks, but had only Spain's Hing Is Nineteen. ending, for Rasch, who was undoubt- | been in the hospital for eleven day: Special to the Whig _ Sh edly ill at home at the time, instead | Her death was the result of tubercul Madrid, May 17.~Madrid, is in of dying began to mend soon, and is | Ar causes. Mrs. Reynolds came here oj, dress, to-day, in honor of the now quite recovered. from Smith's Falls, was in her forti- pi eteenth birthday of King Alfonso, ---------------- | eth year. and leaves her husband and «ho was born May 17th, 1886, At five children,. the eldest only twelve, present the venthful ruler is absorb Proposal As To Yacht Races. |. um fhe loss of a good mother. of in preparations for his fortheom- mental cub and the suppression of | The Roval Canadian Yacht Club, of Her fight for life was a brave one, ing visit to France and England. It Mav day demonstrations with the ar Kingston club, regarding its proposal could do was dane to aid her. A bro domain and he is naturally looking to have a series of L. Y. R. A. races | ther, William Blair, came from Smith's forward to it with keen enthusiasm. at Cobourg and Charlotte early in | Falls to-day, to attend the funeral. : time the Canada | . * : Wash greasy - dishes, pots or pans un races take place at the latter | W. G. Craig has been elected vice: with Lever's Dry Soap, a powder. It Toronto, has asked the opinion of the| and all that medical and nursing skill will b¢ his first trip outside his own 1 store. James Swift went down. to Mon treal this afternoon. 4 . place. The local club has not RXpross- | proident of (he Wholesale Grocers" will remove the grease with the great. ed an ofan yet. Association, ot ast ease; Sunlight Why do not you wash clothes : the ; . Sunlight way ? : rd ; with hard or soft water,' ht--Give it a trial. _ Your money back for any cause a ts your health consult We guirantes to cure Nervous Diseases, Stricture, Varicocele, Dh vai Tieaott aose 00000 00000000000 oo WE DO TINNING OF IRON, GOP THE CANADY METAL CO, 'TORONTO, y I 'Y ------------------------------ Coston 0 lon, Knol, ime, E.W.GILLETT Sry FALSE THEORIES. Lead to Worthless or Harmful Stimulating the scalp may allay the itching of the dandruff, but that does not cure the scalp. The disease won't vield to quinine or capsicum nor alco hol, because it is germ must be destroyed. dandruff cure, or hair restorer on the market that would kill that insidious J gorm that dries up the scalp in little | Boys, open to bays of 16 years sud open race. Entrance, Free, the vitality of the bair, causing fall- ing hair, and finally baldness. New- bro's Hetpicide is the only really sci- entific preparation to Sold by leading druggists. Send 10e. in stamps for sample to The Herpicide Dyeing At last. Here's a cake of soap that dyes--not a jawder that Maypole yields brilliant colors At last home dyeing is made rvs Mj2YROIE Soap Dyes. roe for Colors--1se. for Black, FERROVIM A Splendid Tonic Builds up the System Strengthens "70 SELL OUTSIDE SINS AND YOUR T WM NURRAY, The Gives New Life Sold by all medicine dealers. Davis & Lawrence Co, Lid, Montreal. Among a pile of worthless crockery at the Marquis of ewer. of rock crystal has been found. Trusses that give perfect satisfac. tion. Dr. Chown's Drug Store. Bealing Fingers. SOLD BY DRUG