a world that Pruita-tives do of people these wonderful little Aicd va Brie For Ten Years. Card by Four otis of Burdock Blood Bitters. Ont., was Cured Two Years Ago and Has Had No Return Of "It Since. eal what 6h says It lenow shout two years since I was cured of a terrible attack of with which { had Hi i MER END WOMEN we Bly a for unnataen ona, emt ands . oF sont in plain Ww ox y+ fod 3 k Hah, NOW IS THE R OF YOUR a DISCONTENT you trying to got good bg ee Sa ee "ohe-ton order will bring you back, .of DRY SLABS A large lot for . old raliable we g " a 1 ork 3 JLidited Head of Queen' strdet, Kins: ou A reba 00) t, Excellent Results, vidual instruction teachers in every department. |S An and. the. United t Edge Hea: Roofing, Shoap. 'Mrs: N. Petsler, of 'Brighton, | conseq { entered and robbed, and several | sons held up and their valuables taken near, their, home on BEST. IN CANADA! X Kingston Business College Fatip- Re talogue fre. No vacation. Enter at RAY HL ETO A Bi Fy Figo iy BEE Principal eT BCIPRL rl CHICAGO A CENTRE OF AW- FUL CRIMES. Canadians Will Do Well to Stay _sHome--Canadian Veterans Will Celebrate Victoria Day--How Our Country Men Succeed. Fr Our Own 'Co ' avenue, shot and seriously wounded Adam Wahl, a baker, ously. his ats lentions to her annoyed and frighten. ed her. Six months ago Wahl had thrown vitirol into Mrs, Grimm's face, nearly destroy her eyesight, be. cause she would not return his affec- tons, and for which she had a war- rant issued for his arrest, but he, eluded the police until now. His con- dition is serious, A funeral cortege was attacked hy a mob of strikers yesterday, and the horses attached 6 one of the car riages hecame frightened 'and dashed down the street. The Gecupants of the SWaying carriage endeavored to jnmp for. their lives, but the horses were caught before they "had 'gone many blocks. "The strike still remains un- settled, and geveral hundred more teamsters, together with paintmakers, have joined the mighty 'throng of strikers in sympathy. Business, howey- er, is transacted in several parts of the city by the large firms havihy their goods - delivered by non-union- ists under protection 'of the police. Rioting is still going: : on, and many are wounded - by fiying shots, some fatally. Owing to the strike which necessitates the entire police. force to maintain some show 'of order in the town districts, several portions of the city are left unprotected, and as a uence many crimes gre commit- Every mght several houses are re from them. Mrs. Minnie Hall of Lake Forest, a | suburb of Chicago, has filed & suit for ,000 datmages against her neighbor, Mrs. Margaret Collins, for slander, It is said that for the last ten years the two women have been at war with , each other, A severe rain storm haa ¢ heen raging here for three days, and {48 a consequence streets are' flooded, and the sewers cannot carry, oll "so i much water at once. Basements are also flooded and much dama, is done 'to property. Some buildings were strigk by lightning. ause h did. not like their child, Mrs, Gertrude Regan, who is only sixteen vears old, deserted the little one," by" leaving 'it 'n° the woods vi ir. he 5 He mwood ge wrapping the 'warn ina cloak, the young mother left it under a tree; and went away. She Hays in order to. retain her husband's love, she did his bidding by getting rid of the child. Henry Chamber, Mrs. Regan's father, has had the hudband arrested for nen-support of 'his wife and child, Peter Newman, a young locksmith, who boards mt Mis. Dummer's, on Huron street; while crazed : with drink, shot .and killed her without provoca- tion the other day. He entered the house early in the afternoon and be- gan abusing Mrs. Dummer, but before she could make any reply he drew ao revolver and shot her, the bullet tak: ing effect. The voung man alterwards committed suicide. Mrs. Mary Hoyer, who is nearly sev- enty years old kept repeatedly declar- ing "lI am God, I can create: every- thing." When placed on the witness stand, yesterday morning, and exam- ed, as to her mental condition, it was f found that thé woman was mentally unsound, and she was sent to Dun- ning. - She lived on Brigham street, fand is said to have no relatives or friends. As & rebult of a collision between a car on thé Chicago & Milwaukee Elec- tric railway, and '& carriage; yestler- day, three occupants of the vehicle were seriously ' ihjured. The three men were J, J. Murdock, manager of the Masonie Temple, J. H, Howard, a wool wierchant, and Arthur J, George. Eczema or Salt Rheum The Most Torturing of Itching Skin Diseases -- Positively Cured By Dr. Chase's Ointment The , skin becomes reddened and in- flamed and pimples are formed that burst and discharge a watery, (sticky fluid, which dries und becomes a"sort of crust or scale. Fa) other cases there may be uldérs or sores. Suffering is always 'intense | "on account of the frightful wtinging, burfling and # X ww Hix The surface of the body should Kept clean by" frequent bathing wi topid water and. cawile De i Chase's Ointment. applied , night, and. 'morning. & The control which Dr. Chase's Oint- (Ment exerts over gozema and similar skin diseases is a wonder to 'all who have tested it. This most extraordin- ary healing power has made Dr. Chase's Ointment 'the standard oint- ment the world over, There is no guess work about Dr. Chase's Ointment, It is applied direct- ly to the diseased part, and you oan , see exactly what it does. By ifs "cleansing, soothing, healing action it allays inflammation and ir- ritation, heals the raw, sore flesh, and leaibte the skin' soft, smooth and na- tural. - Wherever there is itching of the an or a sore that will not heal Dr. pse"s Ointment can be used with thi --- and rR a amous receipt book au box, ed him not to Coroner printer, hiving . - London, Ont. diamond rings, of the civil wer, 10 twen " Be of the "sincert a was unmarredl by Sheuks which er ave: and by the fat. v pug whic car ried henaath het anh tn. Hebd ro ng ou a chis tap ruffled Whe A 3 ere he paint, and the pug stetied to impress alt Suhel Te Slike and with one ageoml youth ; o age stopped deliberately and watched down the street. from Chown's Drug Store, time," William and the "derailed, 'und the passengers well ap, fe A2X ..School children 'Have now gone out strike bocanle © von onion Laan, ! vered iq at the schoo heation purposess.Presi- elt has arrived in Chica to settle 'thie alas. The ptais t, however, says, they nist .ohey the law. Labors fattor have petition send, troops here: The » merits of 'the case, oughly the ts aving 'a note Harry Loose, 'a West Lake street, committed * suicide," yesterday after- noon, by turning on the gas in his réom. He Was found by his landlady, Mrs. John O'Conmer." In the note he explains he is" alone, and tired of life. Thomas 8. Button, 'a former resident of Toronto, digd at the residence of George J n, Calumet avenue, on Tuesday, May 9th. Alderman Walter J.. Raymer gave su address on "Mod- erm at the Municipal Museum, on Friday of last week. Alderman Raymer is a Canadian from Woodstock, Ont. Mrs. Charles H. Ward, wife of a well-known lex, Mont. bvdral unday morming, while on a Pullman Between 'London awd Chicago. The rings are valued dat 10, and were contained * in a purse which i wax missed! ify r the Vidinity- of the tunnel. A number of train hands and passengers werp .spdvribed; but without suctess; re Daniels, 'a Ajanadian, formerly * of Hamilton and oronto, died at his residente oh Erie street. The faneral took place: on Thursday to Férest Houle Cemetéry, He leaves a wife, "three sons and ong daughter, EK. B, onteith, Aylmer, Ont., has successful passed his final fXaminations Ji 'dentistry at the Northwestern University, here, and is now a full-fledged D.D.S. Dr. Mon- tith has been: offered a partnership With Dr. OverméVer 'of this city. and bids fair to have'a most successful career, Hin. brother, | E. G. Monteith, editor of the Avimer, Ont. fun, was in the city this week attending the graduating exercises, y The Canadian veterans will hold a lunch on Victoria = Day, Wednesdal, ay 24th, in the, Pullman Building dining parlors, eo: Adams jtreet and Michigan avery, | A heen formed "and "all, arrangéinen ts have been made fof a good tiie at this annual gathering of the veterans | and their friends; , William 'Bullock P. ard, a veleran v ad for. a, number of years a Prominent aontractor on the uth side, Qied Oh Medneaday, at kis me on « Ny ayenue, from q trouble. Rea pis "born id Canada, in 1998} nobis. in 1857 'séttling in Bloomington. In 1892. he moved " to Chicago wherd hé had since made Kis' Hone. Sunday, May 2M, has ben set apart 'by. Preshyteriany 4]l over (he world for a celebration of the 400th abiiiversary 'of Joh Knox, the' great' + 1t is pro-* Scottish religious réformer posed to hold a dothbitied" celebration in this city, and Rev! David Beaton, of the Lincoln < Perk Presbyterian church, will deliver fn addréss on the occasion, dwelling particularly on the educational and "civic side' of John Knox's work, It ig expectod (he vari ous Scottish sqcieties in the city will join heartily in this celebration, ang they are being comminficated with to this end. The Lincoln Pak church has been selected for the event, and the gathering will be at the evening hour of service. Possibly some of the readers of these letters mav have at times thought the reports set forth were somewhat vivid or tinged with what is, palled "yellow Journalism." The writer wishes 'to say that he has never set.forth a line without. making a careful investiga- tion as to its anthenticity. and many times articles have been discarded he- cause of the horvible details, and not considered, good ,xedtling: 'Canadians should stop and. think for a moment as 'to the size of this great city; and know that there is nearly as much happenings heére ak in all' Canada. The city is thirty-five miles long} 'and ten les. wide... kt. contains over two millions 'of © people, "nearly half as many as all Canada. The con- gestion is fearful, particularly in the foreigns sections, Crimg is rampant, day as well as night, A murder and a suicide each day with a dozen or more hold-ups and robberies are daily happenings. From forty to evenly thousand men are out of e loyment at all times. "Any apadiamiihg man who reads this, and has fpitly re munerative Studion will ult his best, interests *™ hy "Waving 3 home where he is, and many tith 6 writ er has had in mind to convey this view 'Whergdhe depiots the happenings of pl in these columns. W. HARRY SPEARS. fe "Beware ignable mourding,' "it a youth ido oh oa fai dey 0. uk wi 0 ani Mark oo 3 est mourning, » a long crepe veil 'whieh weilrly swept + the rtound, and exhibiting. with [Pacis written all A sad brown over sh Tooked PIABAWIY Sut as if in protest that rid should still move or that diy py when she was no should be hap- ithe ko ad But the effect ghathe soulful, flabce of the 'sad* dyed widow SOP Fw ag vrs wpe SO est Dammituge polish, at McLeod's A successful parden-- if you sow seed 8 have appealed to}. 1 says he ean make ng states] | ment until he has dearned nore thor ed to former ethods of 'Garbage Disposition" |. will be via Chicago, thence. through Council Blufis to. Omaha, Denver, and the party will continue through the and Rio Grande, through. the Royal "designed as a vacation trip for teach. . Committees have, JAcent' 'and Conductor," Bonaventure Hand cate to li put the agh of ond of thesd "Hees "at hawk: and spit, my nose was continu: my system." Grove, N.S, writes" "I 'am more than pleased with the results from Catarrhozone. It. cured me of the worst kind of nose and throat ca- tanth. Other friends using Catarrh- ozone are greatly pleased with it and agree that it is the only sure remedy for catarrh they ever used." ozdne' fails your money will be cheer fully | refunded Complete outfit lasts two months and: costs $1.00; sample sizé Rc. at all dealers or: bv mail from N. C. Polson & €o., Huttiord) * Conn., US.A, and Kingston, Ont. my 1] &, 4 # 34 ce N § Le 4 Fly +E ood . ES ¥ PERSONALLY GUIDED To California and Lewis and} Clarke Exposition. 'A personally . conducted bxcursion to the Pacific coast via the Grand Truuk | Railway System and connecting = hes leaves Quebee, July 5th, and Montreal © and Toronto, July Gth. The route Coloratlo Springs. Stops will be made at each of these places, and side trips taken to Manitou, Cripple Creek, Garden of the Gods, ete. From there famops . scenie "route of 'the Denver Corge to Salt Lake City, thence to Los Angeles; San Francisco, Mount Shasta, Portland, Oregon, Seattle, Spokane, and home through St. Paul. and Minneapolis. The trip 'will ocoupy about thirty days, ten davs being spent on the Pacific coast. The ptice for the round trip, including railroad fare, Pullman tourist sleeping cars, all meals in the . dining car, hotels, }, side trips, eto., is $165.50 from Que- hec or $160.50 from Montreal and 8150 from 'Toronto. This first trip is ers, although many who are not teach- ers will "improve the opportunity of taking the trip at the remarkably tow price afforded. ¥&r full particulars ad- drésg BE. C/ Bowler, General Passenger Station, Montreal. A New Cheese Factory. Sangster, May» 15.» ohm: : Hamilton hes purchated a dine horse from Mr. Whitmarsh, Westport. Michael McPon- ald and sister, Maggie, left; on the 18th: loo, Carthage, N.X., where they intend loeating.. Ours chevse. factory started, last i under .manage- ment. of. W, Barker. The mew factory lgoks very creditable. | Patrick Murphy is engaged beautifying. the. S. ' cemptery. Jobn Bums, Montana, spent a; few days with his aut, Mrs J. Barrett, before leaving for Calis fornia. ; His father, Hugh Burns, sold his farm and stock to James. Fitzger- ald, Tichbome, and has gone to Kingston to reside. Vigitors : Donald Craig, Verona, at T. Young's; Mrs Magnet, Kingston, with her sister, Mrs. W. Ryan; Miss Asselstine, Salem, spending a few days with her sister. Mrs, John Hamilton; Henry Corcoran, Elginburg, guest of George Hamil- ign: "Joseph Smith, Elginburg, at his uncle's, Patrick Corcoran: ~ Joseph Murphy and sister, F. O'Riellv ro Barrett, guests of the Misses Corcorgh on Sunday: T. Young and wife a mother's, Mrs. O'Connor. Mrs. Jakes Barrett visiting friends at Kingston. The Australiun ostrich hen lays an average of 'about fifteen eggs a year. There are now quite a number of large ostrich farms: in 'Australia, and it is expected that some future day this in- dustry will assumes large proportions, The ~ Baobab trees' of Senegambig are believed to Be the "aldest living trees on earth. Some scientists have 6,000 years.™ Filth of Catarrh is Disgusting Cast This Awful Disease From Your = System--Become Clean, Healthy and Well ! In the first place catarrh is inflam- mation. It causes a sickening dis charge which sufficrers must either swallow or spit out. I swallowed, thip putrid matter ruins the stomach, upsets digestion, powons the blood and 'causes a physical breakdown. The effect of TCatarrhozoné is in- stant. "It héals the inflamed surfaces and therchy stops the discharge. It goes at once to the source of the trouble and cures catarrh by quickly removing its. cause. : Nose Was Stuffed Up. MR. L. MURPHY, wellknown in West Medford, Maes, writes: "Ca- tarrhozone. cured my catarrh, after' a score of doctors failed. 1 used to ally stufied up, and often 1 was sick at my stomach. Catarrhozone has re moved every trace of catarrh from Catarrhozone Cured Quickly. MISS FMMA PETERS, Highland YOU : RUN: NO «RISK. If Catarrh- 3 6 Rai & Imperial Oxford Range | because they added to the life of the range, simplified its opétation or economized fuel, Of these improvements the, draw-out a oven rack is one which will instantly appeal to the cook. The handle of this rack is outside the range--always 'cool 'enough to hold with the bare Rand. "By pulling this handle forward anything roasting in the oven may be drawn out onio the oven shelf tobe basted, without touching the hot pan or reaching into the oven. The same applies to the testing of bread, cake or pies. We would like you to s¢é'the Imperial If your dealét' d 't handle it, write us for illustrared Titeratare and the address of the nearest dealer who di | The Gurney Foundry Co. Limited ; g TORONTO, MONTREAL, WINNIPEG; VANCOURER yo hy \ ---- yy ONG ago we realized that the baking and roast. ing qualities of the oven of a range are of greatestimportance to the range user. We 'brought our knowledge, gained by years of experience, to bess op, ifs one point. « The results was 'the Imperial Oxford Diffusive Oven Flue. With this exclusive featare, the Imperial Oxford stands to-day the most perfect baking and roustifig range on the marker, After getting this most important feature of a range to such, a point of perfection we natutally did net neglect aay other improvement which could add to the sworking "of the range, These improvements weve inforporgted in' the vag 3 For Sale by Simmons' Bros., Kingston the workroom® of New York Ci or LX pa. iE ming from the very néwest Rp ™~ interested in our Millinery Department. Some days ago our Miss Quinn yisited the New York millinery 'market and made hat and trimming selec: tions which will delight and please the women of Kingston and vicinity. The lot includes the latest and most exclusive New York and Paris styl § This 'season our trimers, MIE Donovan and Miss Harold, spent weeks in ahi (Torento designing, copying and trim. 0 Rrelion ddels, 80 customers leaving orders with Ra! » 3 Low Ww *% £2) . A 4 i be our saleswomen Will be assured that no hat architect outside of New York en Wabi ry wre pay City is better fitted or more competent to build an Artistic and Up-to-date » Our prices are about. one-half "Miarged "in the large fashion contr . . . . + + & * Me specially invite vous Gidhepocs thera noveltick Yea CRUMLEY BROS. New York Millinery Parlors on Second Floor. Mowers Repaire Lawn Mowers Repai We repait old 'Mowers as well as selling new ones. We:send "for "them, sharpen and do ~ any repairs necessary and return in good time, saving you-all worry and bother. If your Lawr Mower does not require attention, possibly yout teftigerator does, If co, 'phone us and we will put it in perfect working order. MCKELVEY & BIRCH FIREWORKS! Rockets, from lc. to 50c. each. Fire Crackers, from Ig. to 60s. per package. J 3 33 J sbdbl i $44 Yi Pogedoes Je B56. apd at e4 pedagy. ; Batteries, Mines, Wheels, Triangles, Lawn and Floral Displays > Roman Candles, from Te: to 25¢. each. SPEEDILY CURED ci wh eight long years frogi:a ter- den Every Woman Is Interested In Millinery. This 1 i ¢ very y in the city is This is merely avother Way of saying - that every woman in th LU | WITH HUMOUR ne Mass of Sores, Hair and | * ws Fell Out-- Agony for r Eigit Log Years --Doctors Were Unable to Help Her. T BY CUTICURA | 2 fac wp pad sutfered terrible agony and | OC p and face. es were unable to help § © The pit pet a lot of money | fig ne remedies without receiving | pa) for BE at. My scalp was cover che Sh scabs, my was like a piece | an of raw beef, my eyebrows and lashs | fod ing out, and sometimes I felt | wit al ing up from the ter- | eve - jtchiog and pain. I then began | cw sitle myself at home, and now my | off and face are clear and I am en- | ky, Jy well, 1 first bathed my face with | i, oy Soap, then applied Cuticura | {,; Ointment tothe afflict parts,and took | Cuticura Resolvent for the blood. I |) tly relieved after the first ap- hed Hing and continued = of Cuti- | 1} , made a complete cure, -- A F. Fay, Westboro, Mass. AGONIZING ECZEMA |»: Itching, Burning Eruptions | wi Ant Ih Loss of Hair, Cured - by Cuticura. ih the affected parts with hot | ot Cuticura Soap, to cleanse he the surface of crusts and scales, and soften the thickened "cuticle; dry, without hard rubbing, and apply Cuti- - curs Ointment freely, to lay itch- ing. jrritation, and inflammation, and \ soothe and heal ; and, lastly, take Cuti- | ¢! cars Resolvent Pills to cool and th cleanse the blood. A single set is - often sufficient to cure the most tor: | lo turing, disfiguring skin, scalp, and |G blood b umours, with less of hair, of I'p infancy or age, when doctors, medi | ti dune, and all else fails, and Pills are sold hi Ss on, 10 Pr id rope | Shue ln Paix Ausralla, RB Towne & Co. Sy die) o ny Ce Co he Skin, Sean, and Hate ht there is no other a sosuress Pond's Extract ud fondly goctar, Em ney 'Sh. cuts and value it for its to allay inflammation and pain. Eve.y family medi- should contain its bottle ofPond's Extract. Bold only in sealed bot ties under buff' wrapper. A Great Cut. * Tomorrow, Prevost's, Brock street, will receive a case of Scotch tweed for mitings to be made to order at grea nduced prices during the sale, A dramatic version of the life o King David will be performed in sum mer and autumn at Oberammergan by #0 persons. India holds about fifteen per cent of the entire population of th world, ) The Russian prisoners in Japar number 44,100, of 'which 616 are offi ; ors. Are You § Do You Eat ant --Or Are You and Mis SE Has your nerve given out? Jourself ? Has work become st look upon it with horror ? There's just one thing left to O%one and get your system into @ It's quite impossible for any Wes Ferrozone. It contains so n Benefit is bound to result from Ferrozone possesses the pow Vigor where almost a dying con It is an extraordinary and n aetual nourishment and strengt Et at in any other way. As a Sher and appetizing tonie there Of this we are positively sure. It is crowned with the sucees Anyone to health who uses it. Tl Who have actually experienced w You just how beneficially Vo Medicine Ever Did 80 Much y lasting Good as Ferrozone. "It wold be difficult to ex- Pres my thanks for the benefit et 1 have received frofy Ferro Bone writes Miss Eva Wight, of Florenceville. "1 was 0 Week and miseralile that I could SAccly go around the house. My head ached, there was a ruiging weakuneps in wy mbes, 20d I felt as If every spark of Nite left me. PFerrogone im-- | n | Though you spend a thousand more Vitalizing, strengthening tonic Money, combined with sclentific re Wis. world win make you strong Proved its worth. You can easily al energy and renewed youth sit "8 own remedy--a true _food to FERROZONE FOR! Fe box of fifty chocolate-coated 8 Ball trom, N.C Botson & Coo Ho