in Back $12.95, ta Shirt Waist Suits ancy Shot Effects a id White Checks i, - Navy and White hea $14.95 and 16.25, s from a firm of Ame 1ave commence Hit, and their ing stores in M han we are askin f silk, LE THEM and if r. : a selection now aired, Shirt Waists ! 7 hite Japan Taffeta, | 0, 3.75. rican La- d business. jp 'Suits are now ontreal, and at g for the same ory PAR Ot prepared 5 Beautiful Rug and have jt 7 for ... Beautiful Si frames, {ing up to $150. atest de. The Above A . s in Mohair Lustre at $1.49, 292 Princess St., Next to Opera House 2 wr psp : RARE CHANCE § To purchase 7 per ¢ent. pre- y ferred, nocumulative shares in Le § "Retail Company," Limited nr XK 8 prospectus and. applications for shares," apply to W. R. GRUNDY & ¥, 8 Lo 15 Toronto street, Toronto, class of goods Afternoon ' At 2:30 o'clock. WANTED: 3 wii o BY, BETWEEN 15 AN D 18 YEARS & Jpacial Bargain in. White By a yD. 18 YEARS aist Sui i z Thite D uits and Shirt Waists A COOK, GOOD WAGES. APPLY TO ite Dressés. These we will Mrs. Steacy, 197 "Jolnston St. rnoon at 2:30, as follows : WAITRESSES ;: WAGES, $20 PER month. The 'Russell House, Ottawa. RDS WHITE TWO INTELLIGENT BOYS, 14 TO 16 Years, to assist & Steaty. .- JAPAN SILKS ches wide, a beautiful clear , and a silk that will not only T™W0 GIRLS TO Co., 184 Princess ---------------------------- but . : AN EXPERIENCED GENERAL SER- 1 Re vant ; no washing or ironing ; family S easily washed. This of four. Apply 317 University isually sold at goc. and 45c. Avene. A GOOD GENERAL SERVANT, FOR family yg three. Apply in the evens X ing to Mrs. A. Maclean Jr., 50 Earl pon we - St. : it A GENERAL SERVANT; NO WASH- ing or ironing. References required. Apply at Calderwood, Union St. or p 3 Box X. Whig office. AT McFAUL'S, A STRONG BOY, about sixteen, and a junior Dry- Goods salesman. R. McFaul ; é 6 Cuppet Warehouse. § . eee terre $8000 AT 4 PER CLINT, ON A farm worth $7.00 Apply' Box 89, Delineator ARE YOU MAKING $2,150 A all purch ce g year? It fis being done with © P asers of Dress Goods foods, Work Pig snes Tor Ag and permanent. over (not si : (not silks) London, Ont. 's June Patterns GENTLEMEN, promptly. ts for June Free. IDEAW ESO ce ing trade. We ean money refunded. building, clean, som KINGSTO ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MA TWOVICTINS - RC - FURNITURE SALE. Setts, b pieces, fring- ed, regular $40, for. Turkish Rug, 5 pieces, regula TO ¥ Spring Suits made up at Galloway's 181 Brock street, livery ; style, fit and price guaranteed to please ; pressing and repairing done roof. Appl t poet. Shove & 1k Parlor Setts, mahogany regular $40, for od Valour Seétts, mahogany frames, rom $20 to $35; other setts rang- re Great Bargains. Robt. J. Reid, or uny bunk in Kingston. Er ----et MILITARY DANCES OR- PARADES If you need anything in shoes for such purposes remember we are headquarters for that Wear '"Allen's" Military Bootmakers, 84 Brock St. SIGN OF GOLDEN BOOT. parcel desk, Steacy SERVE [IN cream parlor, Apply to T. Petterd'& St. )0, within 13 of city limits, interest paid monthly Whig office aT T next to B ee -------- ee ------------------------ «MEN AND BOYS, TO LEARN PLUMB not supply de J for graduates. $4.50 to £5 per day Eight weeks completes course. Earn while learning. Address, for Cata- logue, Coyne Bros.. Co., Plumbing Sehools, Cincinnati, O., St. Louis Mo. Employment guaranteed = or TO-LET, ee ee STORAGE, A ROOM IN THE STEARN dry, rat and mE DESIRABLE RBSIDENCE, 84 trie St., opposite City Park. on M od a . ¢ . » lanagan, 83 Pais HOT ta. Vin and "her "tommander, Capt. Matthew home altogether, and we have known -- Ryan, and crew of fifteen men have very little of her life since. believe FROM 1ST JUNE, FOR THREE pin placed in prison. "he did get to know some people who months or longer. Furnished house, | Tf ached the. owners | are supposed to move 'in society.' eleven rooms ; modern conveniences : Ihisinformation reached W ners | are subposed to move I at ¢entral location. Apply by letter, to | of the vessel here in a cablegram from it . Lb v 1d - Box 82, Kingston. the agents of thé Balcom sealing flect Swan dod jie, sol. bu d do Rot AT i thin ove had any ng to do wi YHAT BRIC THE sar. | atMantevideo. IE ad anyimng re AT, PRL, DETACHED, PSE "ach ben ping sive | 1 LS, 0 ot wil a ce; modern conveniences ; gas. | 1903, and the decision of the court]: " eloe ns Do hoe a hgdiate possession. Apply Box has just been delivered. The captain tor for years Fo no " g r Nig office, uz on pramises. Bae ed with raidiog the wal { rob betwen them, cither shpwti ul "COMPO! jes i hunting in Uruguayan | P58 affairs or anything elee. i RTABLE BRICK FARM | rookeries and hunting gua) Sines February Miss. Doughty has ouse, partly furnished, well situated | waters without permission. Rd aor toons at ah apartment --ehors 3 Bay of Quinte, 2} igs Now that definite action has been eu ne ae gat. ani) aeonodation. aga Cally to taken, it was said that the Byitish a been regarded as..a "quiet Kingston Jad Path. Also Frame | ;overnment would probably" send war he od it AN ' ool RE pan ddrese. H, C, Rothwell, ships to Montevideo and de mand an She told the people of the houses, oh THA investigation. going there, that she expected to go te PESIRABLE PROPERTY AT abroad in a week's time, but she did re' 0 Steers, "lately er Cn Basetall On Wednesday. not go. and stayed on, paying her 1 ec S * Si%on wg pa grocery with fo go vard Naticnal league--At New York, 4; | account regularly. : ? . outbuildings. Offers mh be re-| (jiiaco, 2. he ordered her breakfast yesterday nt Walkem or waiboreh a AY ne American league--At St. Louis, 10 ; } Morning, as ugmal, Tr shout a glia, . 1 ton. : , . XK, 2 fer to nine. stating that she wantec rds single sole: fine light, New. York, 2. = : gt oh : 2 : ' i Kasten league--At Toronto, 1: Pro- | to leave the house earlier than usual, is a calf-skin leather that ® FOR SALE. * Reidence, 8. At Montreal, 3 Jersey | awd the indication te, ie Pape, 2 : " 5 City, 2. the ragedy was Bey oC | will not draw the feet ~ Takes Soon BUILDING LOT. SQUTE SIDE Ea cupanta of the howe seeived of the "a ow betw Moutreal and afia Leather We have it In three Apply 49 Colhorns street Lake Steamer Lost. So. far as s seen at the house - $ 5 Sores 3 Petroit, May 18-A special to the § rere she lot Miss Doughty had A ISINESS T : ross save the steamer Thomas id bat notes' uted <1 S 3. city, BUSINESS IN THE Pre ave the teamer no male frier ®t n io All comfortable shoes, $3 y ne a" zood, Jrade : vest of ¢ Pelmer was sunk in a collision with | po delivered 1 hand at the door, Whig office x .., r atoamer Harvard off Stannard pick she explained. were from "her 4 : i the No i which, J i t x lock in Luke Superior. No lives: Were y ouficitor Whether he notes were New MoDRL; NO. 44 MASSEY. toot. from Swen is not known at the IT SHOE STOR Be RRA 10% 8M imines holies. Lo tack opined" ion cele 3 Q} Ilia a : 0 1a | \ i. Trg pllars. Bicyele Munson, Toron- Carriog SpOngES: Beg ones at ai Se ay {4 8 Ba raniat Bath TAT cal onl pre mma | 40" Reid, Cross: Prog. Store; J A ah was Said to be goi rpm " : Viliets wan wa going on aah Walker, of the Perth Cour- In Germany certain sorts of fungi i on was too Weak for any "ow $30.00 Marshall & Co., McCann's, 1 sets at 7.21 pam Rummage Sale, Saturday, May 20th. Wilkinson's. Old Stand This day in history :--Magntireal found- ed, 16425 Czar Nicholas II, born, 186%; Napoleon procia med emperor, 1804 30.00 $65, Jo f ICL wiles HEIR ibby's pmand oth 51 Pos- She "YEAR 72. NO. 16. --_-- -- Board of Educat There ond Men must be yushed up. Cupidity are alway easily conscience. * Civic Fire and Light Committee, 4 p. m., Friday. Meeting of Ladies Swimuning Club at YMCA. 8 pm. She would nit we "Twas what she She wed about get one of those graceful sha Earthenware beauty ane rather t DAILY MEMORANDA, Keeps his head combed--the. rooster. lifted ; they The sun rises Frida _-- « TOILET SETS .. You do not have the prices are low. ROBERTSON BROS. i ion, 8 p.m. s plenty of pilots on a cannot be overcomes the easy y at 4.32 a.m, and « the best of 'meh, said at first proved her strength of purpose when the worst. to pe New S y any more to Sets. They are of in the best grade of i China, docorated for han striking effect, and Girl Opens Fire Without Prevocation, ON MAN AND HIS SON AS THEY WALK ALONG THE STREET. ¥ Craze for- Polite Society Unbal- anced Her Mind--On Way to Police Station Tried to Gom- mit Suicide by Taking Lau- danum, But a Physician Saved Her Life. + London, May 18. voung woman's false culminated in a murderous at The tragedy of a ideas of ambi tion, rack, at the. corner of Oxford and South Molton: streets, on ¢ 'harles Mal- colm Henry Swan, a well-known West End solicitor, and his son, Leonard Ladies Army and © Navy Club, met Swan and his son as they were walk other two hit him in the right side of the chest. and the right«leg, and he fell to the ground. . Doughty turned and fired at him with attempt to be made last night to ex- tract the bullet from his chest. Is What the Defalcations Special to the Wh dent, continue the. staple Charles Swan. : x + a FR financial oireles It iv balivved that Florence D ty, the twenty-seven- i : i hobo i us of a West End | When all his Molations of sus Same ng > ' i on of pee court tailor, ynd a member of ahe | to light the total amount of his peeu ing from Oxford street to their office | 12 mark, in South Molten street, and fired at oh 200 them five: shots from a heavy revel NEARLY $500,000 ter: "The first thres shots were: fired at Is to Be Granted to Toromte Swan, Sr. One missed him, but the University. The vounger man, who is about day, that the government proposed {wentv-throe years -of age, started | to grant nearly halt a million, doligrs back at the unexpected attack, and | to the upiversity for new buildings, was about ten ards off when Miss including a hospital NEAR "TWO MILLIONS. Reach. ELOW FRANK ¢ The defaleations the bank presi gossip. In FS AMilwankee, May of Frank G. Bigel lations will he found to be nearer the two million than the one million dol Special to the Whig. Loronto, May 18. Premier announced © in the Jeg Important changes {6 the succession POOR HEALTH ONLY ONE VESSEL OF ANY ' FIGHTING ' VALUE Special to the Whig. from Admiral ROJestvensky, transmit LOOK \ BL x x Crush Fruit Sundae and Soda only be. such_good aim that a bullet the left side of his chest. He fell, and a fifth duties' act are proposed by the pro- vincial treasurer, -------------------- entered bullet whistled If you want Pu in the city. 10c. to Hc. best ney's and G Ihe boxes C 184 Prince: TENDERS WI the office of th to 12 o'clock inst., for the quired in the Five ne 5 Brick Hous for T Lowest accepted. R. Lavery or an) WM. N C SEALED ceived by the un FRIDAY, June work and tinsmit of Education. Rooms Secy .-Treas Oftice, Opposite TAKE DON'T SELL piture, Carpets, Boots to the f along Try difference J. TURK, THE HROWN COLLIT} and chest ¥ Booth Halifax, Scotia sealing Donahoe, with fiscated by the are made into All kinds of Fruits. Choice Candy from THe. per box. T. Petters & Co. TO CONTRACTORS. plans and specific erection and completion of Barrie and William Streets in this TENDERS Specification Board of Education PS ---------------- SWIFT'S INSURANCE AGENCY FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT, CARCO. Strong reliable companies only represented LOSSES Pi LOWEST RATES on approved risks of every description. 398 Princess Street. & Co's CAST INTO A PRISON. England Likely to Send Warships for Satisfaction. N.S, four hundred sealskins re [ee Cream--the best 1b. of Chocolutes anong's, from lOc Low to ALL ON ss Street, City. AL BE he undersigned ations may be seen) up yon MONDAY the 22nd everal trades works re- RECEIVED, AT (where es, the. of city on corner Fsq : tender not necessarily EWLANDS, Architect fice, 258 Bagot Street WILL BE dersigned up to-7 p 2nd, for fuel, paint hs' work, for the Boa the Db, RE- at JOHN MACDONAIL ROMPTLY PAID. ® Ontario Back. NOTICE YOUR STOVES, FUR- Gent's Clothes and irst buyer th comes and you will find the SECOND-HAND DEALER, LOST. 3, WITIT WHITE LEGS indéy please return Lo Coal yard The Agnes May Nova schooner, (i. her outfit and cargo of has: been con- an government, 18, Uruga In a moment police were shouting and rinning "up and Police Constable Wilcox, who was on point duty at the corner of South Molton" street, took charge of Miss Doughty and her revolver. The two wounded men were placed in cabs and driven to the Middlesex hospital. nearly opposite which one of Miss Doughty's brothers has a shop. On examination, both were found to be seriously injured, and were de tained. At was taken her own request, Miss Doughty Marlborough street po- lice station in a cab escorted by Police Constable Collins. Apparently, while lving back in the cab, she fur tively swallowed the contents of a bottle of laudanum, and 'a moment later exclaimed, "Oh, I'm dying!" She 'was carefully treated by a sur- geon at the station, and by two o'clock in the afternoon was sufficient lv recovered to be placed in the dock, where she presented a very wretched to sight Inspector Drew briefly described what had happened, and said that Miss Doughty made no reply when he charged her with the attempted mur der of Swan and his son and with trying to kill herself. He asked that he might send Miss Doughty in a cab to Brixton prison, and the magistrate agreed. The young, woman was at once remanded. One of Miss Doughty's brothers saw her later in the day in prisom, but he was still so ill that she was un able to talk to him, Her brother in Mortimer street said that the likely explanation of the affair was that his sister had he insang most come "We have for time thought that was not quite right," he said e had a kind of mania for 'getting into society,' as she called it, and' she thought her family were not quite good enough for her. "Her ambition was to mix with people 'in socicty,d and the result was that two or three years ago she left some over his head, caromed off a window 4 4 iy frie on the other side of -- Oxford | 3 L i street, and fell harmlessly upon tht | & ROJESTVENSKY ILL. = hat of one of the throng of ladies | 4 eH -. H ' . who were looking on at \ the frenzied | 4 St. Petersburg, May 18.--~ "+ act "in @error and astonishment 4 It is reported that Admiral Until about three shots had been | 4 Rojestvensky bas suffered a fired no one seems to have paid any | 4 nervous breakdown and attention to the crack of the revol- | 3 has telegraphed the Em- 4 ver. A shopkedper just across the | iy peror that it is imposai- + street thought the noise was the "iir- | o° ple for him to proceed. + ing" of a motor car. He looked out | & ' + of his window and saw Swan fall. & - ooo PITH OFTHE NEWS. The Very Latest Culled From Al Over The World. Gen. Maximo Gomez, of critically ill in Havana. It is probable that the teamstors' strike at Chicago will be called off, Nan Patterson has signed an agree ment to appear in a New York music Cuba, 18 hall. Ivan Kaliefl who assassinated Grand Duke Sergius on February 17th, was executed at Moscow. The coroner's jury exonerated the Pennsylvania railway from responsi bility for the disaster at Harrisburg The Marquis of Dufferin has sold Killyleagh, county Down, his estate at to his tenantry under the Wyndham art. . 3 Supplementary estimates for the current' fiscal year amounting to 36, 370.342, were brought down at Ot tawa . A charge against a Dundas county farmer of giving lguor 'to children causing the death of one, is being in vestigated Chemical fur tories in Le stroying the dreds of girl in the factori es in artificial silk fag ium are charged with de wlth and lives of hun employed at small wages Mrs. Laveock, of Lendon, forme rly marchioness «of Devonshire, has 15st her money. broken her and hern taken ill with appendicitis. Sha lost her title by ivoree in 1902 A. divorce has been granted at Los Angeles to Mrs. O'Rielly. who mat riod Edward O'Rielly in Canada sone vears ago. The lady was a Miss Petrie, of Ottawa. O'Rielly syuander ed his wile money. and treated hoc badly. Lucretia Kump and FF. H. Kump had just been united in the "holy bonds of matrimony" in Kanzas City. They have (vice been divoreod from each other. They were first married forty-four years age, antl for the se cond time elve years ago. They say they will stay married this time. They are wealthy and have five chil dren Mrs. Reinh Beuhl, Troy Hill, Pa. made Reinhold sew, cook, serub, w ash and do general household drudgery while she read novels, mauled the piano and went calling. Reinhold en dred for some years until she order ed him ta sleep in the attic. Now he has begun iit for divorce on the ground of cru Hy. John W. Gates Is Fifty. Special to the Whig: mage, Moy 1R--dohn Wy Gates, whoa bold - speculations have kept him in the public eye for several years past, was fifty years old, to-day. Mr Gates, though he spends much oli time in New Yark and eclsewhero, still continues 'to call Chicago his home. at fifteen wa engineer of a threshing machine. At seventeen he was a rail road fireman. In 1880 he had saved Hoe was horn but a short distance from Chicago, at the little town of Turner. He was a farmer boy, and | Y 18, 1905 "Bea, i Whine te x thosands of cupies a proglama- Of The Russian Admiral liom ii he Sorlal ipoctatic Reported. IN FOURTH SQUADRON. sian fect, 1 this consummation fails | Rest Are "Sort . England is Sell. | then it behoves the people to raise | ing"--Rojestvensky as- Indif- | the Standard of open and relentless | revolution, 1 ferent to Neutrality Laws as if Independent--Flague Rages at Harbin, St, Petersburg, May 15.--~The minis- ter of marine has received a telegram ted by way, of Chine, in which the lat- ter declares he is guiltless of. any. in- fraction of neutrality, The despatch is taken as evidence that the Russian fieet is going north, Very disquieting reports are in oir aulation about Admiral Rojestvensky's health, It is said th&t the admiral has sultered a nervous breakdown; and telegraphed the emperor that it is im- possible for him to procged. The. ad: miralty denies any knowledge of Ad: miral Rojestvensky's reported. illness, but it ig well known that the admiral suffered from kiduey trouble before leaving Kronstadt, and throughout the long voyage to the far east he sufier- ed at times togsuch an extent that he had to bie carried about on a stretch: or, : Short Of Coal. London, May 18.---A despatch to the Central News, from Paris, says that several colliers left Saigon, Fren Cochin-China, last Saturday, with voal for Admiral Rojestvensky's ships. Some of the Russian ships were with- out, sufficient coal to carry them from Hankoe Bay to the Pratas Islands, and so were compelled to remain at Hankoe Bay. It is believed that oth- ers are at Shuandai Bay, thirty-five miles north of Cape Varella, Disregard Of Neutrality. Saigon, Cochin-China, May 18.---Ad- miral Dejonquires, the French naval commander at Saigon, who has been cruising along the Annam coast, on board the second-class cruiser, Guich- en, veturned, here, to-day. According to the reports gathered vondbrning the Russian fleet, Admiral Rojestvensky showed as absolute disregard of the discussions on the subject of neutrali- ty proceedings as if his position gave him complete independence. Must Sail June 14th, St. Petersburg, May 18.-1t is an nounced from Kronstedt that Vieo Admiral Birlefi, commander-in-chief at the' Baltic ports, has ordered the com- manders of the fourth divisen of Vice-Admiral Rojestvensky's fleet to hold their ships in readiness to leave for the far east by June 14th, with. out fail. "Sort England Is Selling.' London, May 18.+The Times St. Petersburg correspondent says that the fourth Baltic squadron will include only one vessel of any fighting value, the Stava, which is now on a trial trip. The remainder are what a high official of the ministry of marine des cribes as the sort that Great Britain is selling. The fourth squadron pro- bably will not venture in the Chinese Sea unless all of Admiral Togo's ves- 'sels are badly crippled. A despatch to the Telegraph; from I'okio, says there is reliable infosma tien that a severe epidemic of plague is raging at Harbin. The deaths aver age 300 daily. The hospitals are lillad with victims, and the medical staffs are inadequate to deal with the situa- tion. Not Applied For Relief. St. Petersburg, May 18.-Capt. Zi lotti, the A.D.C. of the master of marine, to-day, authorized the state ment that Rojestvensky has not applied to be relieved from duty. However, the conditionzek the Rus- sian admiral's health continues to be a source of anxiety Junction Effected. Saigon, May 1%.<A junction ways ef fected, on May Sth, by the squadrons of Viee-Admiral _Rojestvensky and Rear- Admiral Nehogatoff. It took place outside of terfiforial waters. The vessels started seaward on May 14th, going in an enstorly direction. Where The Fleet Is. Singapore; May 18.~The Russian fleet was in latitude 18:30 north, and longitude 11:30 east, about 120 miles north-east of Cave Varella, coast of Annam, diring the morning of May 10th Given 15 Years. Owen Sound, May 18. <At the ses sion of the spring assizes, W, Ezard, a laborer, was sentenced to fifteen years' imprisonment in penitentiary for committing a criminal offence ap- on the daughter of a well-known farin er of this vieinity. Chief Justice al | conbridge pronounced the sentence af- tor the jury had returned the verdict enough money to start the 'Sonthern Wire compe of St, Louis, of which he avas pres It was the fore rannor of the Anmerican: Steel © and Wire 'company, sinee mergod with the United States Steel corporation. He was already a very wealthy man, hut that merger gave many additional millions to Mr. Gates. ent -------------- For tired, burning feet, Borated Tal cum Powder, 15¢, Gibson's Red Cross y ehest protectors, Drug Store, of guilty. FERS | Princess Anda Monica Pia ix per | mitted to remain in her mother's cus- tody until May Ist, 1906, The coun: tess will then deliver the princess do a trustee appointed hy the king. Ny untess renounces her Saxon citizen \ehip end is allowed to sce her children lonce » year, Her allowance will be in- { eronsed Lo $10,000 from June 1st. co For Destruction of Rojestvensky's Fleet. tion warns the people uw pil A Ratan which would. life to the au Every liberal the proclamation says, pray for the who and absolutely. Mr. Levy said he no: HOPE AND PRAY volutionatios, calling on increasing the. chances victory in the war ve a renewed legge of. ! acy and burcaucracy. and patriotic Russian, must hope ane destruction of the Rus- ABE LEVY quits, | ® Client's New York, May 18.sAbrabam Levy, defended Nan Patterson during her three trials for the murder of "Upesar "Young, - announces that he has withdrawn from the case, finally derstood that Miss Patterson intended to. mocept an offer from a theatrical manager and that he strongly disapproved of such'an action. "1 wish to annopnce that my con: nection with the case has ceased for all time," he said. "I put in nearly a year of arduous and patient work, and after 1 had accomplished the purpose of my retainer and secured my dient's discharge from eustody my hands cleared. ? nd] ' "1 am through with the Nan Patter son oase. That cannot be put too plainly," ------------------ PASSED THE BILL : To Abolish System of Cumulative : Voting. to Whig. Roronto, dH 18.--The municipal committee, this morning, passed © bill, without comment, to abolish the cumulative system of voting for map: bers of the board of ehucation. Tr. Downey's bill to absolutely prohibit the use of trading stamps or coupons, by a 'provincial act, was amended, so that municipal councils may still leg islate against the system by by-laws. Such by-laws, however, are nob to apply to merchants or manufacturers inning Hickete oT i upon their fpog., the. their cash or merghn D which are redeemable at any a the store or factory where the goods with which the tickets are given werd purchased, A PERMANENT ICE CRUSHER To Be Kept by Government at Port Arthur. Special to the Whig. Winnipeg, May 18.~For the benefit of the constantly increasing grain trade, by way of Port Arthur, the government will be asked to station an ice crusher there permanently. For twenty years the season at Port Ar thur has averaged nineteen days less than at the Sco, and thirteen less than at Duluth, and it is felt this can be obwiated. Tho government will be titioned 80 as to have Tighthouges i ges un- ye rt in commission on the til the last boats clear. EMPEROR OF KOREA. Japan Separating Him From His People, Suggests Russia. St.Petersburg, May 18,--Russia has called the attention of the powers ta Japan's invitation to the emperor of Korea to' visit the mikado, It is in timated that the proposed trip is of the nature of a visit by command in every sensé of the word, which the Ko- rean sovereign must be loth to ac cept. He strongly believes that if once he leaves his country he will never be allowed to return. Russia suggests that Japan is attempting to break the last link uniting the emperor of Korea and his people. A Manager Dead. Special to- the Whig. Collingwood, Ont, May I=. David Lamont, died here, last evening, at the residence of his brother, Heetor Lamont. He was manager and secre: tary of the Stewart Straw Cutter company, and was connected with the Canadian Roller Bearing company, he- siden several other industrial r- prises, He was born in Mavboro, Wal- lington county, and was forty years of age, he leaves a wife and one voung daughter. Interment will take place here. ep -- Message Carried 315 Miles. San Francisco, May 18.--The Pacific coast record for long distance wire less telegraphing has Leen, broken, it is claimed, by a wireless message = re- coived from 315 miles out at sea. The communication came from the vern- ment transport Solace, which left this port Monday, and was received over the magnetic detector. -------------- Sir William Maced has made an additional and fi of $50,000 to- wards the building and equipping of the Students' union at McGill, Mon- troal = == Mw eee [FOR the ensuing 4 days we will be in- terested to shaw as many of gur Customers and Pripnds who may wish to sen it, the Large. Cabinet of Sterling Silver we have prepared for presenta- tion at the and of this week. SMITH BROS., ** VEER ne GE Ont May La _{ in the lot are worth Be. Some upons which bear || hen ad local showers. winds, fair ant ed 8 70 10 0'CLOCK. 980 Fancy Stock Collars of all descriptions. Some wre the was] ing kind, others in Tancy e made of silk. Some are soiled trom counter handling. REYNOLDS In Kingston nol poi} ary Bl , helo of Reis, Ee. he S 0 Funeral ~serviee, friday ing ihe, "so, "2d MELEE C . nas ¥ o Foupacttal y theited" to wttend, os NEW Kinkqeon, May Mary Reid, relict Hatoilton Agnew, aged yiars. ; 4 Funeral = orivatd from ber late 257 Earl St; eet 18th, 190! he la The Leading Lo Yuk a 'Phong 877. MONDA Curtain at 8 o'elo MILDRED HOLLAN N Tn As cathes By Machi Production, THE THIUMPR OF AN El Pricos--Orchestrn, 4 Rows . Sl. Rows $1; Parguette, 78¢. d 75¢., Boc., 85e.; Galiery Seats now on sale "The Crown Jewels worn land will be displayed Ma '8. Drug. ny Misa Pears Plums' Raspberries Straw Red Currants % Red Cherries: White In glass jars; purity 200. per jar. 4 Jas. Redd : oF Fin bY commission, Fresh svidlitz powders, in tin boxes, at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store, 350 KING STREET. ported in a