COLD. S She need PiLLs, WADE FOR OVER 80 vrans. (cavanuisnen eee) W.GILLETT SONA TORONTO, ONT. Barriefield Deliveries 'will be made without extra charge, contrary' to previous announces ments. nr JAMES * ------ A-SEVERE Catching cold and having it settle in | the back is often the cause of Backache-- | a the state co-operation. among farmers the primary cause of kidney trouble. | ce one of the two accessible 'places | has mot spread far in Groat Britain, 'When the back ition warning that. the island. : : In Germany there is on an average e kidine ae to become affected. There is, however, atiother landing | one co-operative iety for every the kidneys ag { check the Back. (Place on the west side of the islan , | three hundred individual holdings. Heed the wa $ farther | Which is only Riacticable in the calm: Great Britain was the piancer not ache, and dispose of any chance of {est weather, eve - thirty policemen, {only in cmpirie methods of eultiva Arouble. AER inder the charge of Inspector Arm- | tian and in - the introduction of im- relief | by surprise, They had 2s us as follows : mY | vers 's Kidney "hatteries ' and received immediate relief from Armstron, of Island of Dursey Tried to gant: Then 'the police, having They 'only. did 'so after a despegate | ed their work, departel, «ncounter with the other ocoupant® of the island some thirtyfive families who. met them on the with a fusilade of stones, and then fought a hand-to-hand conflict, in which fixed bayonets ard the butt ends of rifles were freely used. Hegly, the peasant who was the cause of the extraordinary conflict, owns a patch of land on' which he keeps four cows, his diily source of livelihood. His rent is £9 18s, a year, but he has paid none for four years. The. evicting force of 200 men, charge of a country inspector, ree | © Mr Rl says: "On the mo- district inspectors, and accompanied del of ith riculture, the pre- by a resident magistrate, loft antry | sent prosperity uy the agriculture of at nie o'clock on Tuesday night on Germany and Franee was founded, in- board the government steam Wg § oredible. as, it may seem if We com: Gamecock, . pare the agricultural position of those In the' early hours of Wednesday countries with ours at the present morning the tug stole down on the day. Co-gperation for agricultural island. The police were expéeted, and purposes first sprang up in this coun the islanders had prepared for their try, but owing to the indifference of coming by fortifying the east landing isl ------ BRITISH AGRICULTURE. S---- England Must Now: Learn from : Her Pupils. . 0. Eltsbacher contributes to = the Contemporary . Review a very inter- esting and gestive paper on the Agricultural rosperity of Germany. Germa became prosperous by 'imi- tating Englane: now England must inf go ta school to Germany. proved mpchinery, but alse in mak: ing scientific experiments in matters agricultural, which: proved of indal- culable help to Germany. The great: est mists were, ancl are still, Frenchmen and Englishmen. "The sturdy English race of form- er times is becoming almost extinet, and is hei replacl by a puny stunted], sickly, sterile, parrow- ested, weak-boned, short-sighted, i rotten-toothed race. What Great Britain requires. for the salvation of her agriculture is, in the first place, the gradual ereation wi & substantial peasant class, who work with their own hands on. freehold agricultural properties of moderate size. f. we wish to, possess again flourishing rural industries, we "must begin at the base and must first of all abolish the present strong, put off in boats ahd landed | unknown to the islanders, It was a clever tactical movement, for "this forces covered the landing of the main body at the east dide stuge. - e islanders were completely taken not expected iat the police knew their cove, and thie, powers of . effective resistance considerably neutralized. They woncentratod at the east stage-men, women and children. Every able i in the island had a sart, of police | ap- proached they were met by a fusilade of stones and rocks from the human on shore. Then napmetot 's coveri party at ed the islanders roy behind, They shoved, buffeted, and jostled the des : system of land tenure, fe aa" posi ary aokre trans | act dopa: it bs ear of Cire heeame vicious, The parties fell on one | Mold Properties. SiomL, able another, and the. wildest excitement hing to ers 8 Sable, followed. The men in the boats shout. Co bpp fetien oust. be ol Pr vo witintied, aa ot multiplied, and markets created to eliminate the middleman. "The German housewife goes to the market for her supply. In this coun: try she has to go to*the shops, un- loss the shopman 'calls for orders,' and as the turnover of the average green grocer is very small, and gs the s arc easily peribhable, the shop- man has to charge, two, three or four times the price, which the pro- ducer receives,' have a bad time before could they The. men fought the police qn shore with their fikts, while the women and children kept up a running fire of &lones on the men in the boats. The police fought at first with their bat. ons, and aid about them vigorously, Some of them fixed bayonets and used them, while others used the butt ends of their rifles. One man jumped inte the sea and swam along the shore to escape the batons of the police. Another at. tempted to grapple with a policeman, and received a terrible blow from baton on the temple. After this his assailant lunged about him with his bayonet, and the half-stunned man, in attempting to ward off a thrust. with his bare hand, received. a terrible gash, At last sheer weight of numbers told. The islanders were overcome, and they were allowed to disperse with aching heads and limbs, hen. the rest of the force was landed, and the all-conquering 200, having vanquished the oianders, advanced to evict Dan- ealy. Who Has Rheumatism ? Those who have rheumatism in any form should not delay in curing it. These troubles never get better . of thewselves, and become stubborn and chronic w neglected. It is of vital importance that an effective remedy be selected. Most romedies fail. Dr. Hall's Rheumatic Cure always cures. It is easy to buy, easy to take, and ompt and certain in results. Suf- ferers will save time, suffer; , and needless expense by securing this re- medy at once. It is endorsed by all who have used it. This is the pre- aration that cured Thomas Todd framers Mills, and 'hundreds of others. In bottles 50c., Pl Wade's drug store. i The actual eviction was a pitiful af. fair, unrelioved by a touch of color. y i an old man living with his his son and daughter-in-law and |For Spring Debility You Should Restore Richness to the Blood By Using Dr. Chase's Nerve Food Habit is one of the strongest forces | San. *: of nature. It is like a rut Int which ro. "But, man," expostubated the east- is eagy to run, but which 100 often | ener, "why in the name of common leads to misfortune and calamity, sense don't you dig a well # J Tho habit of dosing with salts and | ' Stranger," replied the farmer, with ite, A Case Of Sixes. William Allen White says that dur- ng a severe drought that once afifict- od the stato of Kansas, a visitor from the east was one day driving across country in the direction of Topeka when he met 4 farmer hauling a wag- gon load of water, A desultory con- versation ensued between the two. 4 do you get your water?" asked the man from the east. * "But seven miles up the road from " was reply, "What !"' exclaim the stranger, "do you mean 16 say that you haul water seven miles for your family and stock A : do," "I shore answered the Kan- sarsaparil| i + + a grin, "out this direction it's jest much to fat, inthe ti doing as far one way -- the other." present generation, rg p------ In the spring the blood is thin, the The June Smart Set. Sistem run down and the body weak | "On the Newport Road," is the at- and _enervated. t you need is gq | tractive title of the novelette which tonic and restorative, such as Dr. | opens the' June Smart Set. Sewell Chase's Nerve Food 4 : Ford is the author, and he has writ- M you have been a slave to the hab- and swimming devotion of the oudls the the dlord ; set.| Matters That Interest Everybody Beat Of Boat Loads of the | 0 ore And Remembered. Polite." atv {4 The highest watefal in the world ; : a lis pi in the Sierra Madre moun- hlisk dd he Puily Espfon r hat set | tains in Mexico. The cascade of Basa- accomplish- They left a foree of thirty men in charge of the , { murder. Both "'--Notes From All Over--Little «Of Everything Easily Read seachie falls over 970 feet g the mother gathered her at one To Ja cradle, while a kindly { drop. iL is : r charge of the other| Joseph Leiding, of Chicago, is ac- ailing mite of three, wha had | ®wsed of pouring kerosenc over his and i il for time. The melan- { Wife and infant child ad they slept ary an a bleak speck in, the out of thejand then burning pom to deuth, He ntic, sixteen my : tle- hit , while one by one | 5a¥s a stove accident was responsible. nt Raven: Fa Cork, aL their aug italy. thrown after | Governor Douglas, of Massachusetts, The two: a icemen - were | them and scattered in the rain round © was appointed referee in the set. sent ta' eviet' Dani Healy, an aged | about the house. " lement of the Fall River Textile strike of 1904, has decided that ga partial restoration of wages is not warrant In the celebration of Empire day at Woodstock, Ont., the Daughters of the Empire will present a British flag to each room in: the public schools. Its history and the correct manner of making the flag will be taught. Mr. and Mrs. George Westinghouse gave a dinner at Washington in honor of the vice-president banks, followed by a large reception, at which Mme. Nordica Sang, receiy- ing $5,000 for her services. "Jack the Snipper" searing Pittsburg women. He is an imbecile who catches young girls out late at night and cuts off their hair with a huge pair of shears. Incidentally fear of hin helps parents keep girlies home at nights, Lord Northcote, governor-general of Australia, has forwarded an urgent plea to the British colonial secretary or. acknowledgment of validity "in Great Britain of marriages contracted in the commonwealth with a deceased wife's sister, Ella Miller sues Augustus $100,000 for breach is Trippe for of marriage. Both belong to first fami- lies in Brooklyn, N.Y. ¢ of promise softy just Jike other men in love. Alice McCormick, New York, wha has just fallen heir to $60,000, re fuses to give up. the small eclerk<hin by which she has supported herself and her aged "mother for several years. Says she just dotes on wark and doesn't care to be idly rich and luxurious. The Canadian government steamer Lady Laurier has returned to Halifax from Sable Island with the Marconi wireless party on board who had vis- ited the island to select a site for 5 station to be ereeted by the govern- ment. A site was, selected half & mile east of the main light house, Millionaire W. H. . Donner, Shady- side, Pittsburg, Pa., a steel man, has signed articles of separation from his wife, who has gone to her home: in Indiana, the father keeping the chil- dren. Mrs. Donner says the amount settled on her is $60,000. Mr. Bonner refuses to speak. No divorce will be asked for. :_For kidnapping the wife and child of Judge Ford J. Hess, Belmont, Mo., and holding them prisoners, covered with a shotgun, with trigger cocked, until a ransom of $600 was paid, Rob- ert Weatherspoon, a negro, was wrest. ed fram a. posse which captured him, swung from a telegraph pole by mob, dnd riddled with bullets. Eight mining leases, all in Rainy River district, have hoen cancelled by Hen, : J. J, Foy, commissioner of crown lands. In "every case the rea fon assigned for depriving the holders of the concessions is that they have neglected to Pay a portion of rental which is payable in advance every year for a period of ten years, Ninety days' {atacs is allowed. { In a drunken frenzy, Mrs. Carew killed her husband, while he was sleeping, by throat with a razor, in room house at Newark, tinving the debauch, she | fornd dead in | Oranve before a Bridge Timothy, slashing his a furnished N.J. Con- was herself a prison cell in Kast the police knew of the were known to the po- lice as having taken to drink and de- serted their children. One of the children of C. E. Haverhill, Mass., had a large fish globe filled with water. The globe was left on the rear Steps; and the rays of the sun were refracted "toward the side of the house, a large being burned through the elaphoards. The flames spread upward in the par- titions, and 'the fire 'was burning briskly when discovered. The rear por- tion of the house was gutted and the roof. partially damaged. Ee -------- HERE IS A CURE FOR Sleeplessness Weak, Listless, Sleepless Men And Women Cured Every Day By Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Cate, vlass hole and Mrs, Fair | CHLOR CALOR CHLORD Wholesale Agents, LYMAN 8RO. & co., : Fireworks! and Oxfords : the money. elsewhere. The Better Way Fomatug pn EOPLE used fo eb cinchona bark until the quigine capsule was invented. € used to take riy cod liver oil, t00, until Scolt's Emulsion was jp. troduced." The perso Wha wold-take ray c= Ijver oil now would, no doubt, also use a spirit lamp and gp. ning-wheel. 'The redsoh Scott's Expulsion is so vastly superior to the raw cofl liver oil and the use so much more satisfactory is because it is perfectly adapted to weak conditions of the body. The stomach can dceept and retain it even when vitality is low agg the furictions slow. Sqact. 1 'Scott's Emulsion enters the system almost entirely Gigested. It puts no strain on the stomach or weakened organs. The 'Hourishment it gives passes quickly into the blood. Its goodriess reaches the seat of weakness quickly, easily and without effort." An improvement begins at once. There's nothing in the world like it for thin, weak people or pale, delicate children. Consumptives and those affected 'with chronic colds, coughs and bronchitis are invariably helped by Scott's Emulsion. Scott & Bowne, results of jtg | 122 Wellington St., West TORONTO, ONT. DR. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S Ws smys she threw herseli at him and he refuse. . 3 . to catch her: She says a trunkiul of letters will prove that Cus played| i. (THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE). Colds, Coughs, is admitted by the profession to he the most wonderful and valuable rem edy ever discovered. known for COUGHS is the best remed UMPTION, BRONCRI COLDS, CONS TIS, ASTHMA. acts like a charm in DIARRHOEA, and is the only specific in CHOLERA, and DYSENTERY. DYNE BYNE DYNE CHLORODYNE CHLORODYNE Always ask for "DR. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODY of spurious compounds or imitations. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE" bottle. effectually cuts short all attacks of A HYSTERIA, PALPITA- - "PILEPSY, TION and SPASMS, is the only palliative in NEURALGIA, RIOEUMATISM, GOUT, CANCER, TOOTHACHE, MENINGITIS, ete. NE," and bewars The genuine bears the words "DR. J. on the Government Stamp of each Sold in bottles at 1s. 134d., 2s. 9d., and 4s. 6d. each. (Overwhelming Medical Testimony accompanies each hottle.; Sole Manufacturers :--J. T. DAVENPORT, Limited; £ONDON. Limited, Toronto. Decorations! Decorations ! The largest and best stock of Fireworks in the city. Flags of every description. Banners and Wreathing. Fancy Goods, Toys, etc: Fancy China. White Cnina for decorating. Fruits and Confectionery. = J. HISCOCK - 160 and 162 Princess Street. See eee O00 OOOO Choc-lat Shoes We have just received another lot of Ladies' and Girls' Chocolate Shoes Ladies' Chocolate Oxfords--81, $1.50, $0, Girls' and $3. Chocolate Shoes and Oxfords-- 81.25 to $2.50. These goods are made of high-class Vici Kid .and cannot be equalled for ten av sprightly a piece of fiction as health ran down and I was unable to it o the system with salts or has. recently sopeared. The poetry of | sleep. I had headache and pains. jo similar purgatives you will | the June issue is unuswally meritori- different ats of my body. In the Dr. 8 Nerve Food, | ous, Bliss Carman tells a charming | morning I' was weary and exhausted i ofming | story in verse, 'Across the Court: | ne rest or comfort . came from the yard the longest and most import-| snatches of sleep I got. [ant poem from his pen in over two | "Dr. Hamilton's Pills braced mo _at vears. Other verses are by Theodosia once. Alter the "first night I got re- in | Garrison, Clinton Seollard, Wallace freshing sleep, that extreme weariness Nerve | Irwin, Arthur Stringer, Froest Me- | left me and recoveted very fast. other | Gafley, John Vance Cheney and Char- "No medicine I ever used gave such : da. lotte Elizabeth Wells, The Smart Set tel results as Dr. Hamilton's Man. She heart | improves steadily. drake, and Butternut Pills- Hive § -------- ve St supplied with the a ---- Where Money Is Useless. crazy; take Dr. Hamilton's Pills and wh 08 heonssary to healthful diges- | On Ascension Island, in the Atian- | get well. You will increase in flesh Son, and every organ of the body is | tio, is quite The is- | your appetite will be vigorous, force Yo carry out the duty im- | land is property of the British | and energy will be instilled into your posed on'it by nature. S admirelty, and is governed by a cap- | nervous system. Dr. Chase's Nerve F S0e. a is no private property in | By Bourjshing and purifying the box, at all dealers, or Bdmanson. lends 'so are no rents, rates, or | blood and by stimulating the action & Co., Toronto. Portrait and taxes. The flocks and hords are pub- | of the kidneys, liver and stomach. Dr. ture of Dr. A. Ww. Chase, the ie propurty, and tie cont is issued = ton's Pills 3 lish onder 1 receipt book author, in rations. Sa are vegetables & Mc. box, or five boxes for $1, Losey bow. = A von a The Da at all dealers, © i 4 - "The Secre of a cup of Tea "in pe inthe use of delicious "SAL Ceylon Tea which received lighe: : ead packets. 25c, 3 ---------- -- ---- CURTAIN STYLES We try to . tar changing Are in : Voy importing direct rom hee Up-0708 v mills. Our sto Js want, Lace, Swiss Net Prices range fey special quality' at $2 to $33. re taking well ; they are $8.50 are ta y ood 1ouble ally BOR CURTAINS, lined or dout VELOUR Cl RT) in tone and draping 4 eC hest to any size and shade « We mak a "Phone 90. red , 1 F. Barrison Co. I CALLING CARDS ENGRAVED FROM COPPER PLATE wd Whig v 4/3 ak dads BF ak ® The 6 NO NEED TO SEND OUT OF TOWN FOR ENGRAVED CARDS WHIG WORK 1s GOOD WORK ear. 3 ® WE ALSO DO STEEL DIE EMBOSSING 3 TE RE RE 4 200009 10PPDE PID DOE QODDE BEST IN CANADA! A Modern and Progressive School | The old reliable { Kingston Business College On Thome 0 ent Results. Thor¢ Graduates teachers in States, Catalogu fay time. Day 4B. MeKANY Presider rrrcccracsacccccses@ ' NOW IS THE ¢ WINTER OF YOUR DISCONTENT ah you are tryin to get good t out of poor co Ours is band-screened and unis form. A one-ton order will bring you A large lot of DRY SLABS for mle. Booth & Co. Phone 188, RR a. J eae e anes ane The Polish that won't wear off. Only at Stiachan's Hardwan Fuel Fuel Hard Coal and Egg for your furnace: Chestaut 'and Pea for 'you Stoves. . Soft Coal foe pre Smithing Bae' Also Cut & Uncut Woo te. grates and enginés. ST P, WALSH, BARRACK -- NEAR KI¥ Try Myers' for . Fine COOKED EATS.