ID | Complete Manicure | Joine... An inspection of our line of § oure articles and Preparations i convince you that we have every au needed for beautifying Shi and 0 the finger nails--that up, erving is really complete, REO, We unconditionally manicure article we --_ les very satisfactory. tutirely Nail Clips, Nip, : pers, - 8 Files; Orangewood Stick he B ay Boards, puffers," Blea hes: ery Pastes and Creams, all Powdery, prices. at reasonable SEE OUR MANICURE The "Best" Mur Sto, L. T. BEST, Chemist and 124 Princess St. Phone gp, Old Stang. - Te -- NOW IS THE - WINTER OF YOUR DISCONTENT If you are trying to heat out of poor ry get good Ours is band-screened and unis 7 * one-ton order will bring you A large lot of DRY SLABS for Booth & Co. 'Phone 188, Presses sssnsecsccccsng Wood's « The Great English Remed, "a positive ou cure for all Tora AND Basar Ariat Bell Worry Eom Manta) Zwisvions. Sen Ercan aif of which re ons to a tion, hs and an ear] ve. rie h TA for id one will fone. , Six for. 1 druggists fkaonree of price. W Write for Pam Pier ° fewses Mad cine Coss Windsor, On N LOOK Crush Fruit Sundae and Soda only 5. H you want Pure Ive Cream---the best in the city. All kinds of Fruits. Choice Candy from 10c. to 50c. Ib. The best boxes of Chiovolates Low- ney's and Ganong's, from llc. to 75c. per box. CALL ON T. Petters & Co. 184 Princess Street, City. 1, 2, 3 ON| SATURDAY: NO. I--6"dozen of Ladies' Print Wrappers, samples, in a var iety of patterns and colors, all this season's goods, 32 to 40 bust measure, well made and cheap at $1 and 31.10 For a big Saturday be we mark them 69: NO. 2--A new lot of Ladies' Un derskirts, made of fine lus trous sateen, fast black, a big bargain at 21.25 and 81.35¢ Our. Saturday pri will be vv lan Hose, colors, sold at NO. 3-20 dozen of Ladies' and Black Cotton Hermsdorf dye, fast sizes 81, 9, 94, always 25¢. a pair. Saturday only, per pair Piles of other good away down in price, such as Lace Cur tains, Bed Spreads, etc, «t Newman & Shaw ; Buy Coal Now Swift's $ Scranton McLeod's antiseptic tooth paste. ™ collapsible tubes; hardens the gui sweeteps the breath. McLeod" Drug Store, 13¢. per tube, i going Tuesday," May 2 2ard, 5 he w BE mat or before Thursday, yy 2900, 1905. pn BRANCH TIME TABLE arrive City 0a d Biro Heston Street. Mr OING WEST Lve. City Arr. City C am. 127am » Ble ¥ am. 305am " 1} Local 5am: 9.47 a.m. « qintern'l 1 td 16 noon 12.46 p.m w EB Mail wy 3.19 pam. 3 a 15 Local TW 03 pam. GOING JEAST Lve. City . 14% a.m. 2.26 am. 3.05 a.m. f16am. 847p.m. " Ce 00pm. 1.29 pom. " A Fast Exp. 1.00 p.m, p.m « 19 Local 7.08 pom. 7.38 p.m, ily. No. 5 and o oes oats 3 and 4, run Say All other trains daily except Sunday. a For Pull ih EO, and all other « i ion, SONYA * Gor. Johnston & i Sts. She th---------- EC J | NE LTR RAILW i "|X CONNECTION WITH CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY, \ rd et Yictoria Day Single Fare Going May 23rd and 24th. Re- turning Untiifiay 25th, 1905 Cc. Full particulars at K. & P. and P. R, Picket Oflice, Ontario Street. P. Agt. F CONWAY Gen, Puss BAY OF QUINTE RAILWAY New short line fer Tweed, Napanee Dessronto, and all local points: Trains "uve Oty Hall Depot at 8:28 pm. PF CONWAY, Agent B. Q. Ry., Kiagsten. ALLAN LINE "vesrogiens ONDONDERRY Royal Mall Hor as) From Montreal, Bavarian, May Virginian Tunisian, RATES £0 and upwards, Second Cabin, dry, $42.00, ig to steamer Third, Class, $27 jan NONTRE® AL Pretorian A. FOLOER Gen, JR Supt. London accord $2.50 extra ; Victor London Virginian, TO GLASGOW, Wed, May 17 TO LONDON DIRECT. (daylight.) MONTREAL & HAVRE Pomeraniay Sat. May 27 NEW YORK TO GLASGOW. Numidian May 18, 10 a.m. Purther on ap Bis ation to Agent City Passenger Depot. J.P. GILDER- BLEEVE, Clarence Street. . Thurs. particulars IANLIEY MONEY AND BUSINESS. LIVERPOOL. LONDON AND GLOBE Fire urance Company. Available Resets $01,187,216. In addition to which the policy holders have for security the 'unlimited liability of all "the stockholders. Farm and city Property insured at lowest possible rates. Before renewing oid or giving new business get rates from Strange trange, Agents § &8 . ) i icmsnr wissen ssimp------------ 'OUR POLICIES COVER MORE ON buildings and contents than any oth- & company offers. kixamine them at Godwin's insurance Emporium, Mark- ot Square. o ARCHITECTS: WM, NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT, OF- , second floor over Mahood's drug stots, corer Princess . and Bagot Streets. Enterance B treet Teléphone B08" on agot stre treo messes labile ARTHUR ELLIS ARCHITECT, OF- fit site of New Drill Hall, near cor- Mer of Queen and Montreal Strects. POWER & SON ARCHITECT, MER- Sars Bank Building, corner Brock Wellington streets. Phone 212 HEGRY Pp. SMITH, ARCHITECT, ote. Anchor Bil ilding, Market Sauare 'Phone 2485. This Week Baby Carriages and Go-Carts Sunshine i the Specials best, tonic for hahies. this week | at close-out a : \ arior Setts and Couches Ha. Your | Tee Overed, 1 Ames REID, Undertaker, Try Myers' for - Fino COOKED Restorer to help you aud { | ONLY BUT THERE IS ONE MAGIC BAKING POWDER "Nie Pure Whiboree ang SOLD'IN ALL SIZES. EW.GILLETT TORONTO, ONT. COMPANY LIMITED 'Burdock Blood Bitters} 4 t | i Was Not Able To Walk For Three Months. Was Given Up to Die, The Dector Said-Se,,. Saved Her Life. "Read what Mrs, Wm, Castillonx, New port, Quebec, has to say about Burdock Blood Bitters ;-- very sick after confinement. "Last December I fell I was not able to walk for three months, and was given up to die by the doctor. My hus band read of the many wondérful cures made by Burdock Blood Bitters, so pro cured me two bottles, After using. it for about ten days, I was able to get around, and could mind my baby without help from anyone, and am now well, and able to do my own wor x. 1 told a lady friend of mine who was troubled in the same way, and she used it with €qual success, I cannot too highly recommend your medicine, for I know just how good it is, and hope and wish that anyone suffering wa I did will give it a trial." ar ¥ groes strong Cases, $8 per fos. quists. The Cook Medicine Cou, Cons Cotton Root The only safe fect ual monthly medicine on w. Sold n two degrees of for ordingry ich Ask for Wind: women an Yor Special Sold by all Cook's Cot- on Root Compound ; take no Tahatitute: sor, Ontario. Grand Union Hotel Rooms From $1,00 Per Day Up Oy ite Grand Central Station PRE New York BAGGAGE. Live To and From Station Lobsters Frésh Whitefish. Fresh caught Lake Ontario canght Haddock, Fresh caught Lake Cod, Halibut, etc. DOMINION FISH CO. FREE Ontario Pike. Steak CURTAIN STYLES Are constantly" keep up-to-daté iby importing direct Tron the best European large in Notting! Irish Point, et to $25. £3.50 are taking aly good changing. We try t urills: Our stock is m, Jace, Swiss Nett Prices range from Our special auality wel ; y FLO R CURTAINS | faced, are very rich in We abe og 10 winged ¥ IF Harrison Co. $ Nowak | prog Store. grass ton they lined in «and "Phone 90. * MeLeod's gred; at 82 are unusu- or double a draping shade dé THE FARMERS BE ENFORCED. Use to Cities and Other Stated [.,¢ #8tables where thiy Points--The Decision on 'the would yo to residence pro Coupon ~Question--Benevolent perties. . Work. A UWIQUE CONCERT. The greatest "scrap" of the :Omtario a legislature. thiz session "was in the | gi Geographical Contest--New rmunicipal committee, apon the bill of It ~~ Formed Jnemipr Tucker to enforce wider sleigh Baseba I Tne, runoers. The northern counties made Canifton, MaFRF- Text week the a great complaint because of the nar- | Epworth § Had theic annual row tracks leading . to crowding of meeting for fon of officers, with teams and to unsteady travelling, | the following dresults : President, Mrs, stoppages, delays. and injuries. The | Charles Call Mice: presidents, Mrs. avy snows of two wintérs past. ins (Rev.) Wilson, Fisy Watson, Mrs. Bed creased the troubles. dell and Mrs; Frivzell; treasurer, Miss The bill proposed that in all coun: Oallery; secretary, Miss Laura Foster, ties, and in cities under 50,000 peo- The new offices g@ve a box social in ple. no one after December lst, 1906, the Epworth JAsegue room: Thursday should wseaa sleigh less than dour feet . night, which Was & success I'he pro- wide on outer eg penalty 'from 85 gramme was ally good for a to S10 single rr . and pleasure social. AH the mumbers were well giv vehicles exempted. The rural mem- | én, but the solosi hy hittle Graee Fos bers were wild for its adoption, hav- | ter deserve espinal mention. Miss ing brought the bill up session after Watson gave we recitations in her session and been exp side and in or upon packages of goc legislature vesterday. = Its s widened by enlarging the pm the institution. fned to sailors it is enlarged families, and to permit of we Tell of Torpid, of Kidney-Liver Shortne of breath. Gas on the stomach. mon indications that the liv ing to filter proven worth. box, at all dealers or Bates & Co... Toronto and-signature-of Dr. A i Fm famous recéipt book itor, every box. THE. DAILY WIDE SLEIGH RUNNERS TO Narrow Tires to Be Restricted in sperated hy feats. Hon. Messrs. Hanna and Mon: attraction of the evening was a geo teith advocated extengion of time in graphical contest, in which nearly ev- the date of institution of the change. | ery one Was & @OBbestant. The prizes But this was stoutly resisted, and the | were won hy "the following : 1st, argument was fast and furious." The | Herbert Wikony 3 Zod. Miss Latta: 3nd, counties west of 'Brant and Oxford | Miss Fraser. 1s just the begin claimed exemption, as they had only | ning. of a_se yr) social gatherings voTew days GIs ghing Vearly and and the you peopl: may look for rarely faced snowed-np highways, ward to a jolly good time during the while the changing of sleigh widths stmmer months. would cost from 86 to 825 for | each The young. men "of the, village have vehicle. The farmer members were in © organized a baseball teani, which will lat majority and the measure was = be ready for oo in a_couple of ried by ecomsent; with eities of all. weeks. They ex to play Belleville sizes exempted . oh protest of eity on the 24th on their own members, and with the option given grounds. The followss is alist of to ant county also to exempt itself the offienties nt, George Kerr; from the, operation, of the act. This = captain, iit Wllawight ; manager, J velieves the wist 3 Edward men reasurer, Herbert The situation is thid: The manm- Wilson] wecrel R. Nrgent. Miss facturers mnst prepare to issue 'Wide | Duncan, Re WW afisiting at M, CO sho , for tenpy use, and meanwhile | Haight's. GeorgeidThomas, Peterboro, % of nargow® sleighs will be ré- spent a few days with his parents last stricted to the west and for exehisive Week: Our popular teacher, Miks Wat city use, When a dweHer in town | =on, spent her; wo with her sistey drives into, a country cast. or north at Webbwood. Bryce is spending it must be in a wide sleigh. This & fow days with Mr. Roblin, Sydney measure. was looked. upon, when pro. | Mise Grace Moorman and Miss Fria posed, as a vote promoter, and be- | Watts, graduafessof the 0.B.C., are came a perennial joke, but it had a getting ready $0" go to Rochester serious now sets in a vast work in the line of trading off and al. Henry French and family have re terations. But the benefits to teavel taried ta Cathiftoh, after spending the within five years will be inestimable winter in the 2 ------------ pi. The Coupon Question. NAPANEE NOTES. The rival interests were heard ggain x i Ri the municipal cofiniitiee of the Death * of "Aged™ Resident--Under- islature on Thursday,~and not having went Operation. reached a compromise it was resolved Napanee, May IhsPhe funeral of upon wation' of Messrs, Dargavel and | the late dobnt$E Miller took place, Pense, that paragraph 41, of section yesterday, 'from his late rvsidencr, 553 of the consolidatéd municipal act, Dundas strect, te the: family plot at 1903, he repealed, and this substitut: Morven. The deesased was abot ed : sixty years of agesand until a couple No such law shall apply to any of years ago followed, farming near merchant or manufacturer who places Morven. He came 4 town about two years ago to spend the remainder of livers to purchasers of goods sold or [his days. He svapewibioly kpown and, manufactured by him at the time of highly! respected. J¢ Pwo mothers, such 'purchase, tickets "ar eonpons, James Miller, Morven, and George which bear upon their face the place | Miller Nargnent a widow and two of delivery thereof together with the sons, Fred E. Miler and Cyrus Mill cash or merchantable value of the or, survive, same, either in cash or merchandise, A quiet wedding took place last and only by the merchant or mann- Saturday at Morven, when Fred York. factirer giving them, and only at the Napanee, wus marge te Miss Nellie store or factory where such goods Kirkpatrick, Tamworth. Miss Craw were sold or purchased." ford, Deseronto, will leave Saturday This efiectually stops combines or lo spend the summges fn Winnipcs Mr, illicit companies, without restricting and Mrs MeBnight and two the merchant or manufacturer in his | children left Ton or Edmonton, individual * rights. The license and Alberta; where they will reside. Wal pedlar ¢lanses were referred to sub. ter Coxall is movimg nto the Lrick committee composed of Messrs, Han: house, corner of Mill and Robert na, Preston, Pense, Duli, Dargavel, to Streets Mrs. W. . R. .Gorlanier is report next session, spending this week in Bufiglo, the -------------- guest of her daughter, Mrs. Brown Benevolent Work. Maurice Madden, Chicago, is on a The bill to incorporate the Sailors' | Jit to his parents, Me, and, Mrs. R : 4 J. Smith, South Napanee. Miss Win Snug Harbor, Kingston, under the nie' Grange, voungest daughter | of ulrecton of 'the Upper Canada Re- John T. Grange, is in Kingston hos ligious Tract and Book Society, pass pital where she underwent a serious ed the private bills committee, of vhe operation. She is very 'low. The Instead of being con- neighborhood of Snug Harbor, mak- ing it an evangelistic and improving DIED AT CLINTON. N.Y centre. meg? 1 : In the supplementary estimates of ghe Was a Former : Resident of o logis + $250 is v s the legislature 5 is voted as gra Bath, Ont. Clintons N.Y. Couriers ar - Mrs. Charlotte S. Rogers died on Impurities in Saturday, May 13th, at the residenc of Mrs. W. M. Carpenter, on Utica the Blood street, aged = sisty-three. years, She ¢ Sluggish Liver Action and Indicate the Need Dr. Chase's ing. Mrs. Rogers was a daughter of Russell Gridley and was bom and There is no getting round the fact reared in this town. She married that the liver is responsible for the Charles Lister Rogers, Bath, Ont., impurity of the blood in the spring. who died some years aga. After his Awaken the liver fo action by the death, Mrs. Rogers lived with her use of Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills daughter in Rome for a time, and and vou at once remove the cause of about two years ago came to Clinton the ills and discomforts of this time * 0 reside. She was a woman possess of yer. ed of wany admirsble qualities of Coated tongue. mind and heart and was generally be- Ritter taste in the mouth, loved and esteemed by all who knew « number of young pupils Dru, sick yeadachie. during her stay in Clinton. She was Trregularity of the bowels 3 Jogular avivndant of the Methodist Ee olin: . church and was president of the La- Gal lings. : Trritable temper, discouragement ie Aid. Society. Her funeral, tn t i ] uesday | afternoon, was held in the and "despondency. church, These are some of the most com- the poison waste matter from the blood. Washington, D.( May 1%. Returns Pr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills to the chicf. of the bureau of statis- cleanse the Sys stem thoroughly and tics of the department of agriculture well, by causing a free action of the made wp. to the first of © this month howels. : show the area under winter wheat in tv their direct -and certain action cultivation to have been about 29, on the liver they purify the blood and hring about a" good flow of bile into + 44 per cent. less than the area the intestines--the only meant by own last fall, and 2,555,000 geres, or which constipation can . be actually 10.4 per cent. more than the area of cured, 3 winter wheat harvested last year. Of Dr. Chase's Kidnev Liver Pills are an indispensable family medicine of Ome pill a dose, Hl portrait ! tuity to e b Summation st Kingston ir insane, $30,000 for sarees os file ranging, promis- ing lots nis; pedestal for WN statue Sir to owat, $2500; for Tamworth road, $250; for furniture and ries at. Kingston hospital for insane. The legislative eommittee on muni cipal law an anmeridment givin, R,. pe. the power to pre de. usual pleaxing manher The greagest where they hope to secure situations wis, or de- cope was of Royal hotel is undergoing extensive repairs; 'a modern front isvbeing put in and other interigr improvements which will greatly add te the appear ance of the place irpose 1 to their rk in the was stric ken with paralysis on Wednes day night, but was commcious to the last and died very peacefully. Her only child, Mrs. Kingsle vs Chie ago, was with her at the last, she having come on to take her mother to her home in Chicago. All preparations for journey had been made and they were intending to leave ou Thursday mom Pills. her. 8he was quite an' accomplished musician and gave instrnction on the plano to er is fail ------rit Less Winter Wheat Sown. Special to the Whig. TEN aeres. This is 1LA32.000 acre the area abandoned or plowed under, 356,000 acres are reported Jrom Kan sas, 205000 acres (ine cutting for hav) from Calilormia, and 102,000 acres from Midluri. 25¢. a anon & 'hase, fre on the NEWS OF THE WORLD. OCCURRENCES R RECOUNTED IN BRIEF FORM. pe Despatches and Cullings Telling of Events Transpiring in. All Parts of The Earth, Orillia ratepayers voted a bonus of $30,000 to the James Rav railway. Plans for the new C. N, R. depot, Winnipeg, will be ready within ten days, The break in the Welland eanal has been repaired and looking resumed "on Thursday, afternoon. I'he London county council will buy and electrify the North London team: way at a cost of $60,008,000, Rev. Dr. Cushing, president of Ran- goon Baptist College, was stricken while at St. Louis convention, and died. In Andalusia districts = the harvests yielded next t6 nothing and laborers ar everywhere deserting the parched ds. The long talked of amalgamation be- tween the medical faculties of Bishop's and McGill will come into effect on June 30th, A. resolution endorsing' Chamberlain, the British empire league, in on Thursday. An apparatus said to be capable of photographing from a balloon 'an area of thirty square miles, is being tedted in St. Petersburg, A riot occurred in the Philadelphia city council chamber when the oty's gas works were leased to the United Gas Improvement company. The 53rd Regiment of Sherbrooke, Que will ogo wo Portland, Me), about June 0th, This trip ie being taken as an outing for the regiment, The Duke of Abruzzi, who has been Prepssing a great expedition to exe plore Central' Africa, expects to be readv to start in the autumn. A large number of cases of trachoma are reported among the passengers of the" Athenia at Montreal, and "several of the immigrants will be deported. ° At Philadelphia, sNan Patterson fixed her signature Toronto, af to a contract with Hurtig. & Seamon, proprietors of a Harlem mu¥ic hall, 'at a salary of [2,000 a week, She will load six girls, Pala, the outlaw Moro chief, who has-been pursued -- the past twa weeks on the 4sland of Jolo, by thé troops under the command of General Leonard Wood, has been killed, of ghe most horrible murd- ers ever brought to light in this state Geeshan Marx, the seventy-dhive yemr old farmir of Colchester, was executed at the state prison in Wetkersfiold, Conn, A despatch from Gen, quarters in Manchuria, the rail way i& operating as far as Tie Ling, Thousands of junks 'are careving sup- plies up. the Lino river from New Chwang. Major States For one Okn'e save head of has the United heen courts Carrington army, who public fund to his own ase While. in the Philinpines, has been convicted and dismissed from the serviee, Rev. W, J. Southam, formerly cur ate of St Ottawa, hut for more than five vears doing. missionary work in Hong Kong, farewell recention Canela on furlough, behalf of the He loft hranches of the George's, was tendered before a leaving for and his work an Y. MC x. milogizd, two firmly established ara. has Opening Summer Hotel. Wolfe Island, Mav 17.-A. Me('laren is about to take charge of the summer hotel at Marvevitle, JJ. S. 1. Bricvland in at home helping his father to finish seeding. Frank Connelly is spending a few days with PP. Van Ness. M. Ma loney, Clayton, N.Y., spent Sunday with J. J. Connelly. James O'Rielly has returned to Kingsfon to resume his studies at Regiopolis College. Mrs. E. O'Riclly has moved into the new residence the village, Me Allister, a guest at the home of Mr. Sunday. Miss K Kane, who i filling Miss K. Hunt's position as teacher in the village school, took her pupils for a trip to Howe Island last week, on the steam er Wolie Idander. Commissioner Spoor left for Toronto on Monday. in James Jr, Greenwood, was How To Ward Oft Old Age. The most successful way of warding off the approach of old age is to maintain a vigorous digestion, This can he done by eating only food suit ed age and occupation, and when any disorder of the stomach ap- take a dose of Chamberlain's stomach and liver tablets to correct it. If vou have a weak stomach or are troubled with indigestion, you will find these Tablets to be just what vou need, For sale by all druggists. to vour pears, We carry a complete stock of men's tan military boots also genuine Eng lish pigskin army leggings The Lockett shoe store. I'he death occurred on Tuesday, at the Union, Prince Edward county, of Robert Welsh, farmer, °° fifty-four He leaves a widow and Deceusclh was popular. "Cannot Do Well Without Them." Bengal, Ind, Ter. "Please send me two more boxes of Smith's Buchu Lithia Pils, for which you Will find en- closed fifty cents, as cannot do well withous them. They bave done me more good than all wt ic die Cones. 1, have got ou 5 anew years of age. nine children. SMITH'S BUCHU LITHIA . PILLS. SICK KIDNEYS, der Rhea "A CURE at the PEOPLE'S PRICE. My Kidney hook and Srl W.F.SMITHCO. 15% Ot, James O%., Mestreal Wok KTON. To care Constipation, Sick Headache nt Billions. pestin one might, uss Smith's Pineswpple and Batteraut Pills. Osly %gentsat dostors. Sale of dip bin. corms, Bc. Satur day at the New York Dyess Ketorm. was. passed at the annual meeting of martialled on a charge of conyerting THAT 18 THE To: the eritionl to dmb the in glothes we ake. pv of our So R right on our y men tai thorou; ly shrunk before it is made into | it, and we are putti Re oi sn whi ve it, fore it will hold to the the ing of these § will pay for 1 JUST HAVE A hLo at our own Tailor-made Suits, S12, $13 and B14 ' You Can See Them in our Windo You can alsgsee see the latest patterns in cloths in our window. Made to your measure suits, 35 $16 " $18. A than yi " JOS. ABRAMSON, The People's Gloth 180 Princess St, Between Redden's and Crawford's Groceries. N. B.--We are. sole agents for HEADLIGHT UNI OVERALLS. ain HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS : Any even numbered section of Dominion Lands in Manitoba or the Perritories, excepting 8 and 26, which has not been ho rovide wood lots fdr settlers, or for other nn be by any person who Is the sole head of afamily, any ole over 10 the extent of one-quarter section of 160 acres, more or less. ENTRY A ie Entry may be made personnlly at tie. local land offies for the > istiiek which the land to be taken is situated, op if the homes! upnlication to the Minister of the Interior, outa, Col gration," Winnipeg, or the Local Agentfor thé strict situated, rocelvo. authority for seme oneto make entry for charged for = homestead entry. HOMESTEAD DUTIES. A settler who has been granted wun entr, yg provisions of the Dominion ds Act, an or the conditions connected therewith, nde one of (1) At lense six months' residence upg year during the term of three Vears. It is the n settler to bring 15 wcrés under cultivation, a stock; and 20 head of cattle, td he ao tuntle his ow ropert. 4 2 their accommodation, will be accepted 1 x Ey Fi (2) If the father (or mother, if the fat fo who ia eligible to make a honiestead entry unde AA « o farm in the vicinity of the land Suttrd requirements of this att as to to obtaning. Patent Soay be i ERE RE 8 act as hn Hirst hi tead 0 or opaaint a: nestea as his permanent residence upon farming land owned by him homestead, the rehirements of this act as to residence E he satisfied hv residerite "pon the ual py darm, f Sicinity he meant to indicate the same township, deiane nering settler whe avails himsal! of the brs som 81 i Hist 30 acres fh » h@meatoad, or Hyite /- a wi or thei accommodation, and ncres tant; 53 law to how ar only whe tent on or vilege of a mecond entry is ra thie duties wpon their t homiteads oemtivie them pu mestender who fa ls to th the able to have hisentry cancelled, and - the land roi co prio. by such person residibg w th the father or (3) If & settler was entitled to Andie the requirements of satisfied by residenc vicinity of the first (4) 11 the settle in the vicinity of hi 2nd June, 1889. Fv ithe homsetead law afin thrown open fo Should be made at the on three yeark, before the Local Agent. Sob Agent or or the Homektead ore jon set. vive sfx months' Ate f A to the chor of Dominion Hr a "ttawa of his intention to do so. INFORMATION will 'recoiveat the Im is in Manitob& or the int bre open for entry, and from the D{ftoars in 4 Tmasistance (nsecuring Iandg' to mt thaw. y Bait in Beisioh mineral laws, as well i tish Columbia, Newly arrived {mmigran' or at any Dominion Lands formation as to the Janis | tio Office in orthe Want Taeri mation Dominio! application to the Seo Commissioner Lmmigr Lands Agents in Manito NH. <n Wddition to Pres' Grant ed refer. {houstinds of acres of most domrable lands purchase from railroad and ather corporations and privals the s ath and es Shtohic th case. hy a us a ress p iafuly wi torine wi Do 'not hesitate y bf h success we with honest vent Bd Because They're Right! id That 'is why we carry the HEYWOOD SHOE for men. That is why we like to sell HEYWOOD SHOES. Every man who buys them gets fit, style and wear, s We are now showing some very swell styles of HEYWOOD OXFORDS in Tan and Black, with the newest: toes and shapes, at $4.50 & $5 . SEE OUR www. . J. H. Sutherland & Bro. THE LEADERS. gees eoessscsce A © WE DD. TINNING OF IRON, COPPER, THE CANADA METAL. co, TORONTO. 1 El ETO. ea AT . Bo wie = 5 g: inns ' Fk Fama AT ha el 3 BE ar sious wg 5: