Daily British Whig (1850), 23 May 1905, p. 1

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fohair ustres And icili These practical 4g ) yet dainty and Is are Just the thi wear. Their crispness d dust and damp and ag r gh indestructible. We have r almost every class of 0s. t, the shirt waist Bui the rocks for children, ¢ Browns, Navys, ll reys, etc, 25c., ust sheq. stylish ma- ng for sum. in 35¢., 49c., w_designsTand mixed color. vys, Greens, et: $ 39¢., 45¢., how so popular for Skirts s Sailor Suits. We haye 5 pane at q9c. yard, full 4 pir Serges. air Serges. Mother 5 3 to dress should al AN Leady-to- & = )artment Ji s you will find there and at e you of the saving of time, buying from us rather than Dresses. owns, . Skirts. ty White French Dresscs in rimmings. I Girls' Summer Hats .and ash Goods 1st Suits. otton Voiles. ress Linens, 3 in Blues, Pinks, Greens, oiles, very preity effects at Suitings, 15¢c., 20c., 25c. d Waistings, 12%c., 150, ills for Skirts, 15¢c., 200, c.,-18c., 20¢., 25c., joc. r Wash Materials at , 25C. D DLAWES! ) TON TON HOSPITAL TIRED [ way of saying LOCKETT'S rth in this celebrated Hospi dl re months for $2 to $3- VIPRESS SHOES er esis tiiead IT SHOE STORE BRI DAILY MEMORANDA. s published on Wednes sports at Fair Grounds, 2 sun rises Wena sday ¢ 5 best comedy of the season, ' ictoria Da vents. PARLOR FURNITURE SALE. Victoria Day Event 5 Bea Syl Rug sats 5 pieces Iring. Gtod Valour Sets, hopany | frames, from $20 to 335; other setts rang- The Above Are Great Bargains. Robt. J. Reid, 292 Princess St., Next to Opera House DENTAL DR. A. B. KNAPP, B.A, L.DS., D.D.S. 49 Montreal St., Cor. Princess St. All branches of Dentistry skilfully OBE RNHORE FER'S «« TOILET SETS .. do not have to pay any ipper Brock Street. ies eres ------------ 3 than striking effect; and the prices arc low ROBERTSON BROS. Keiller's (Dundee; Scotland) Kingston Hosiery Co, JN £30,000 BE CUR IY, Raspberry Jam, Strawberry Jam, Blackberry Jam, Gooseberry Jam, Steady work, good wages. Orange Marmalade. Givens, 81 Brook | All in 1b. glass pots. Price, 25c. Jas. Redden @ Co., Importers of Fine Groceries PEARSALL'S MILLINERY On Victoria Day Spring Suits made up at Galloway's, ; style, fit and price guaranteed ; pressing and repairing done legitimate busi Ls | PRARSALL'S MILLINERY 228 Princess Street. TO LEARN PLUMB- as ete, Ahead weeks completes course learning. Address, supplemented our Cut Glass and Silver 5A ROOM IN THE § NCE opposite City Park. | SMITH BROS, * 350 KINC STREET. TO MILITARY MEN: We make every kind of Shoes required, lally FINE WALKING-OUT SHOES or WELLINGTON Wear '"Allen's"' Military Bootmakers, ay ron 3 82 Barrie St. ried house, modern conveniences ; Box Ba. Kingston. modern conveniences ; ouse, partly tray ett Siunted on shore of Bay of SIGN OF GOLDEN BOOT. Life Policies Bought | UNLIMITED CAPITAL i: ance. For suitable policies will pay mote , than ve as surrender Shue. sp a JE at lowest rates. BE ENCE. rT King a OB THAT DESIRABLE PROPERTY AT let by Mr Fon: TAKE NOTICE _ ga' BUILDING : Lor. souTH SIDE| poN'T SELL YOUR STOVES, ADDIS 4 49 00 Colborne street d. TURK, He SEOOND. HAND DEALER, wilh new Morrow DH ke. 398 Princess Street. lars Bicycle Munson, Who FOR SALE. lars at 211 Queen St. an "lass seaboat A WATCH, TO THE PUBLIC Victoria Day May 24 TABLE BOARD, AT . Kavanagh' 8 148 King St. HE 1§ TE Rojestvenshy Is Trying To Gain Time. SEEN ON FIRE BY A BRITISH STEAMER. Russian Admiralty Knows Noth- ing of Baltic Fleet's Move- ments--Linevitch Says He Dislodged Japanese Force of Cavalry "and 'Infantry. Snecial to the Whig. Hong Kong, May 23.-The British steamer, lseworth, which sailed from Saigon, last Wednesday, reports that she passed more than: fifty Russian transports; several of which were on fire. The burning vessels were laden with coal. There is no definite news of the Baltic fleet. The belief grows 'that Admiral Reojestvensky is feinting for the purpose of gaining time-to clean and equip Admiral Nebogatofi"s squad- ron, ¢ Not In Secret. sharg, May 23.--There is an air of expectancy at the admiralty which indicates that news of import ance regarding Admiral Rojestvensky's fleet may come at any moment. Offi- cially me information regarding the admiral's whereabouts is volunteered, the officers makine no concealment of the fact that they are not in the sec ret of Admiral Rojestvensky"s plans, but the majority entertain no doubt that the Russian fleet is now steaming towards its ultimate destination, St. Pe Dislodged Japanese Force. St, Petersburg, May 23: Gen. Line vitch, in a despatch from the front, dated May 21st, announces that two Russian detachments occupiod the valleys of the Kaak and Khanda rivers, westward of Nanshentsi, ¢n the Mandarin Road, after dislodging forees of Japanese cavalry and infan try: The despatch adds that Gen. Mertynofi's detachment, from Tadlu, also drove back the Japanese = ad- vanced cavalry outposts. Gen. Line vitch also reported fighting near Sha hotse, May ISth, hut did hot give the result, mi Japan's Terms Of Peace. A despatch from Tokio names Jap- an's terms of peace to Russia. The principal clause reads thus Should Russia ask for peace we shall insist on an unconditional armistice, and when negotiations are opened we shall require Russia to return Manchuria to China, recognize our suzeraintv over Korea, cede Saghalein to us, remove permanently the fortifications of Viadi vostok and pay an indemnity of $1, 600.000. Such liberal terms will afford no occasion for intervention. The des patch goes on to sav. however, that the time has not yet come to talk peace, Bazaar Pictures England's Kings. Special to the Whig. London, May 23.-Queen Alexandra presided, to-day, at the opening of the great historical bazaar in Dean's Yard, Westminster, for which prepara tions © have been going forward for many weeks, The affair is one of the most elaborate of its kind attempted in recent years. It is intended to il lustrate the manners and costumes of all the periods of English history from the reign of William the Con queror'to that of King Edward VH Notable among the participants are Mrs Bhonts, wife of the American am bassador; the Duchess of Marlborough, My Patrick Campbell, the Duchess. of Norfolk, the Duchess: of Sutherland, cet, and the Duchess of Westminster. I'he proceeds of the bazaar, which will continue until the end of the week, will be donated to Westminster Hos pital To Blacklist Millionaires. Sioux City, la., May 23. Great fin- anciers who achieve wealth by oppres sive and unserupulous methods will be Gladden, who was interviewed at be rejected when tendered, Empire Day In Toronto. Special to the Whig. it is anticipated that quite of the monument to Queen Victoria. King Peter's Cabinet. Belgrade, Servia, May 23.--The Pa court. intrigue Sth. MeAnlev's hook store, Princess gtreot fitted by an expert, at Dr.{ J" ADU FS ai they are eh cuter: approbation. 4 SUESDAY, MA SOME FIFTY COELIERS| Well known author, Blgrade May Hee how that a eriticdl of Sump the early double what ital to- Sauiatrow of the memorial Unable to render attempt at rescue, ant also ed took place on Frid ay evel at A seven o'clock, wére in bed and Mrs, Hendrickeon was he dping to unload the family i » from a stove hee her Bl o save his children and * aperture and beat hini hae k from his frantic efforts, SLAYER OF NOBLE BLOOD. English Wife Muxiderer Scotch Baronet. + druggist-dentist, who is lv on the charge of mur into a tin trunk h grandson of a baro Mrs. Asquith, the Duchess of Somer- i wip vhich the I ae Eu genie s grand linther was desce ded. Kirkpatrick family sent to Paris for first to introduce the bonnets of the period. blacklisted and no more funds will be sought of them by the Congregational church, according to De. Washington en ma MAKE PAPER OF BOG PEAT length on this theme while attending the state convention of his church here. Dr. Gladden says their money will not only not be solicited but will Large Deposits 23. ~Paper manufactur land are to-day discuss & manufacture paper loronto, Ont., May 23.--In the cole- bration of Empire Day, by the To- ronto school children, this afternoon, 13 'nedordirie 19 the LATEST NEWS Despatches From Near And Distant Places. EVENTS OF THE DAY GIVEN IN THE BRIEFEST POS. SIBLE FORM. Matters' That Interest Everybody --Notes From All Over--Little Of Everything Easily "Read And Remembered. Premier Balfour is said to have pur- chased a large estate in Manitoba, Six men were Rilled by the explosion of, a railroad engine at Columbus, Ohio, Mackerel have struck in on the No- va Scotia coast and the fishermen are active, The bye elections in North London and North Oxford will be. held on June 13th, Negotiations looking to the ending of the teamsters' strike are again in Progress, Unprecedented disorder reigns in the British House of Commons over the subject of colonial preference. Arthur Caron, Montreal, fell under an cloetrie ear, and had both legs amputated. Hix life will be saved. iss Margaret Jalonick, the nurse who disappeared from St. Luke's Hos- pital, New York, last Weadnesday, is in Buffalo. When the legislature meets at two o'clock to-day it will sit = right through till the business of the ses: sion is completed. It is reported that Dr. Judson F. Clark, provincial forester, will be made professor of forestry at the Uni- versity of Toronto, Robert Shaw, a negro, supposed] insane, has killed Deputy Sherift Ww ¢. Brown and wounded seven other men near Wailman, Ky. Berry G. Jackson, colored, the slay- er of Charles F. Ames, Rochester, N.Y., was "sentenced to. serve nine vears and six months in the Auburn i prison, Lord and Lady Strathcona will at- tend the unveiling in St. Paul's ea soldiers who fell in the ol Ria dy was by a hoiler explosion, and Ralph Welsh was killed, Engineer Robert Fisher fatally injured and several other employees received less serious hurts. H. Clay Grubb, acquitted, Saturday, on the charge'ofl murdering his broth er-in-law,. was ambushed with a com- panion in a buggy, one of his chief witnesses, yesterday, nine miles from Salisbury, N.C. Both were wounded. Grubb recognized one member of the party of ambushes IS FATHER AT 72. Indiana Man Convinced Dr, is Wrong. Petersburg, Ind., May 23. --~When Henry Coonrad, 5 carpenter, aged sev: enty-two, went home for dinner yes- terday he was presented with a pair of twin hoys by his wife, After look- ing at them for a moment he gleefully aid to the neighbors present : "Those two little cooing kids give the direct lie to. Dr. Osler that a men ain't worth a continental after he is sixty vears old Tramp"s Reward A Kiss. Philadelphia, May 23.--Miss Blanche Failey, of the Belfield Country Club, wae driving her brake through the outskirts of Germantown, yesterday. tn Old York road the horse got be- vond her control. Mise Failev shriek- ¢ Out of the woods ran a tramp, ut, through again to a short cut, emerged in the road ahead of the rom- way, and stopped it. His dothes were ragged at best, but they were worse when he finished. Miss Failey offered him money, she ave, "but he just quoted Bvron ard other poets about my hair and eyes," said she to-night "Then he said _n kiss from mv ruby lipe would amply repay him. Well, 1 hesitated, but finally T just kissed him quick, Jumped into the brake and drove away quick, 1 think he deserved it ' Likely To Be Settled. 3 POC Whig, Stasia) Ee "ic h Mav 23.--Ru- mors gro afloat that a settlement of the difficulty between the Grand Trunk railway and the machinists may be wiade this week. Some of the men want to go to work, but the union 5,000 children will take.part. The governor general will witness the march past from a position in front af the Par- liament Buildings and aftetwards will receive the flowers for the decoration 'more than twénty 2 rocess digeovered by. of making bog--méld of "peat" into result of long studv Plo. the test near the famons Bog of ¢ics minisirv has resigned," The cabi- Dress Reformer In Trouble. net formed December 11¢h, 1904, under the premiership of M, Pasics, resigned February 6th last, in consequence of against the premier, King Petér requested the ministers to form among women, snd' Edward Beck with, manager ot a Chietro publish + been inflicted by federal grand ry on & charge of us retain office he had conferred with the politicdans, and the cabinet resignation was withdrawn February which is forbidden by the statites liste: to the federul cials, Cash bail wes furnished. and the case Will Soma in the United States Henry Cunningham, piano {funer from Chickering. Orders received at Kingston shoe merchants do' not give credit ir allow goods out * on It is understood nmed to-morrow, It is said that a umber of outside machinists applied foNwork to Master Mechanic McGrath _tha{ he turned thém away sayin that "he would rather give the former employees a chanee if they would come back. does not dgree to it Baseball Results Yesterday. National league--At BoSton, 6; St Louis, 4. At Philadelphia, 4; Cincin- I nati, 5. At New York, 2; Pittsburg, Lk York, 3. At Cleveland, 1; Philadel phia, 6. Fastern league--At Bufialo, 6; Jer soy City, 4. At Toronto, 3; Baltimore, 0. At Montreal, 2; Newark, 6. Rochester, %; Providence, 7. i race tracks, - American league--At Detroit, 0; New - The Municipal © Reform Association | wilt wire the Toronto members to vote, | against the proposed amendment to , \eriminal code legalizing betting oh SENT 70 CANABA. Ore of the Best Best Grade for Our Furnaces. Special to the Whig, Detroit, Michi, May:23--~An Ashland, Wis, despatch says: 'During the, pre- sent season at least one hundred thous sand tons of Brotherton Yale, and "from New Era ore will be Ashland 'to the Algoma 8 Co., at the Canatlian- Soo, Considerable ore | will go to the Canadian Furnace com- pany, at Midland. This port has never before shipped over one-third' this am- ount to starting in 1902, with a half dozen cargoes. 'The quality of ore being sent "anadian ports, the business to the Canadian furnaces is of the very best Bessemer, valued at $4 per ton. The Canadian ships Iroquois, Leafield, Stratheons, Monkshaven a "Paliki- "arf, are now engaged in the trade." NOT OUT YET, Bat His Release Will Soon Oceur. Special to the Whi Belleville, Ont., Noy 28. There seems to be no doubt that F. J. Rielly, the ballot box expert and ex- -college pro- feasof, will be released from custody in a day or two, Dr. Farley, jail phy- sician, has recommended to the auth- orities that Rielly be released on the ground that his health, both bodily and mentally, is suffering severely, and that his detention for the Tull vear would result in the gravest conse quences. Rielly id still in jail here, but it is believed that his is only a matter of a dav or two. , A WHITE GIRL Being Brought Up---By Indians : Moor Orillia. "hie ity ie Seon lia, ne 23 --Parties near Orillia have written to J. J. Kelso, superin- tendent of néglected children, stating that Indians near there have a White girl, about seven years of age, they are bringing up as one of Hen. selves. The department of Indian af- fairs, at Ottawa, has been asked to look into the matter. After An Ex<Employee. Special to the Whig. Montreal, May Ha warrant has been issued by Judge Desnoyers, for the arrest of John White, a former employee of the American Express company. Police officers have been ty- ing to execute the warrant, but so far have not succeeded, Theft of is the amount mentioned in the war- rant but, it is understood, the am- oi ount, miming is considerahl is considerably larger, id The G. T. R. G. TX. Appealing. hod Whig. Toronto, oh 23. ~The Grand Trunk railway company is® appealing to the court of appeal against a ent making it Hable for one-third of the cost of the Yonge street bridge. This work cost $12,080, and the city and Canadian Pdeific each paid one-half, pending the result of the getion against the Grand Trunk. No Birthday Honors. Spocial to the Whig Ottawa, May 23. There will be no birthday honors on May 24th, Accord ing to a cable from the colonial secre tary the honor list each year hereafter will be published on the dav observed as the King's birthday in the Old Country. This anniversary is usually set for the last week in June. Hope Is Abandoned. Special to the Whig. St. Servan, rane, May 23.--All hope has been given up here for the safety of the sailing vessel, Cousins Reurtig, which' left this port eighty days ago from St. Pierre, Miquelon, having on board 128 fishermen, ---------- Perfect Soda Water. Ours is perfect because we manufac ture it with scrupulous care, Every- thing we use i# pure and fresh. Our soda water is as cold as ice can make . Wa use nothine but pure fruit juice es. Pure ice e¢féam and large, thin glasses. Wade's Drug Store. | The Sunbeam In Race. Spécial to the New York, May: 98. --TLord Brassey's vacht, Sunbeam, a contestant in the trans-Atlantic cup race, wos passed, yesterday, by ' the steamer, Kron Prince, 817 miles from Sandy Hook. A Steamer Released. ial te' the Whig. vokohoma, May 23.--The steamer, Lineluden, which was cap- tured several days ago by the Japa- nese, has been released, Take a box of McConkeyfs or Hi ler's candies with. vou on the ho i day. Sold only at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. TT TT SE -------- Lake Ontario and Bay of Quinte | Steamboat Co., Limited, 1000 Islands-- Rochester Taking Effect May 28th Str. North King Leaves Kigaton on Sundays at 10.15 a.m. for Alexandria Bay ed a, Jsnanoque. Re- turning Stanian lea at 5 p.m. for Rochester, " po at Bay of Quinte wR Leaves Kingston daily except Sunday, ®.m., for Picton and intermediate tay i ite ports, calling at Deseron- to an oh Tuesdays, Thurs " t Ro Full infor tion from J. I. Hanley, J. PC Gilder e, Jus. Swit & Co. u. E. FE. HORSEY, Trafit Manager. iv HN MACKAY & GO. eq Grade High Ore Issues a TE Sk knicker pants and : Misses' Dresses ron ra Tan Hose from 10c. to 286, FEE Go gt his son. De. nr To videnty Ax 31 wite fo of aL aria Aon Dix. |My rind The pendous AL of:

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