Daily British Whig (1850), 23 May 1905, p. 5

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R TABLE wy TERS» pollinaris Spring, Neuenahy, its Own Naturg Gas, vith Stiff Shirt in sight as good and hot. : Rn 's when a Man's Shirt is the is make-up, both for looks g that's good in Summer ; the master-pieces of the makers with a reputation, Great $1 Line. ew one and many of them recial 69c¢. Line. Hat on Victoria Day. 'w shape that's going that's few Neckwear, ete. . BIBBY CO, \berdashers, Oak Hall, eh A a i haan The hi B+ to sciel controlled in this country by the I" any, a concern which has the hi standing in the al wedd. This wreatment has cus thousands of men, rad old, when the best known remedies have 1 are suffering from diseases of the generative organs t manhood, exhausting drains, nervods debility, Sd se, this remedy can and will cure you to stay headache, pimples, varicocele, pain in the back and | memory, disappear completely in the worst cases la Ine to two week's treatment, We make the bonest off ire or return your money. Thousands of testimonial 2 treated strictly confidential. FIVE treatment sent free with a book of rules for health, di d . r greatest successes have been those who have th other treatments, This remedy is regularly 4 h and German armies, and the soldiers in these are models of strength and vitality, Write fof # Sent securely sealed in plain wrapper, CO., P.O. Drawer L, 2341, Montreal -- -- r th you going to celebrate a cool summery fashion, so come of our Stylish Suits would be just the $5 to 812. OOF Homespuns, Tweeds, ete. © ls, Ties, Hats, Thin Underwear, cic, to 815, $16, and $18. le store. Come in and get a swell out ur store on the 24th, as we have apecial (EL he People's Clothier Redden's and Crawford's Groceries. --------------0 Victoria Day Specials You will need something taking for holiday wear. ed you must look after your feet. Nothing is dressier than a pair of ou TANS OR PATENTS Ladies' Chocolate Color Oxfords, $1.50. T™ natty and To be dress Ladies' Chocolate Color Gibson $2, $2.50 and $3. Ladies' Tan, Blucher, Sailor Tie, and Christy $2.50, 83 and $3.50. = Men's Tan Blucher, Oxfords, Invic*t George A. Slater make, £3.50 and $4.00. Gibson Tie, Tie Shots ----y Shoe Store. 24th Let This Understood" "SAL AD A" urse you | this | { ses adjourned to chambers from the ....Gaylon Tea possesses cup-drawing qualifications assessed by no other tea. | 25¢., 30¢., 40¢., 50¢., 80c. per pound. Be . Every Individual 5 {Bold in the .. Guwilight} {+ Mrs. George Mahood and Mrs. Allen Stephens (Montreal) chaperoned a very jolly little dance at the Whig "hall last night. The terms impromptu and dnformal wan most fittingly | be | applied to it, as the half dozen young {men responsible for it made all their arrangements in a very short space of time. The hall Jooked extremdly pretty with coloured lights, and much Leaf is Absolutely Pure Two . Ontario leaders. Lemmon & Lawrenson, Sole Agents) bunting, and the cushions and rugs ! whi ; > which many a home yielded up to the decorators furnished several sitting- out. places in the various rooms, in a | most comfortable way. Mr. Hambrook | made his first appearance in public as | a caterer, and the viands set out by | him, and the capital way they were | served met with high praise. The | music from Crosby & O'Connor's -or- | chestra was very good, and altogether | "there's no use talking, it was a swell {Jittle dance,"" as an enthusiast re { marked this mornflig. A feature, and | a most commendable one, was that the concluding number on the pro- gramme, "God Save the King," which | came about two in the morning, whs { waited for by the whole assembly, the | sixty people joining heartily with the instruments, and singing the national anthein with fervour.' Among the out- of-town people present were Miss Brown and Miss Hunter, of New Miss < Perry, of Napanee; - Mr. York; { Williams, Mr. Lapum, Mr. Dafoe, and { Mr? Allison, Napanee; Mr. Alguire and r. McMurtry, of MeGill, n - - - - . | There is another successful au- , % | thoress in Kingston, this time a very {| voung one, Miss Jean Young, daugh po pular | ter of Mr. Archibald Young, Johnston | street, The little girl. won first prize | in story competition in "Aunt Janet's j Corner for Boys and Girls," in the {| April Number of - the Woman's Home | Companion. The prizes were a volume { of Emerson's Essays, a_pretiy copy of | "Rab and His Friends," and a pho- togravure, The little girl's story was a 'really truly one,"' and was called { "A Tramp Picnic." The scerie was the point near Macdougall"s woods, a | short distance. below; Picton, on the { Bay of Quinte shore, gnd the dramatis | personae four little girls,' a big, good- | natured ex-policeman, and a. pony, { and, of course the tramp.; The local colour is so very good that a person who knows the lovely trillium-haunt- ed woods in question, and the pony and the little girls, and has a very Som oe of (4 "MEATS THAT SATISFY" | \ LARD COMPOUND -- the finest' Compound . ART AE : __ Lard obtainable. '¥fade' of "the purest ingre dients and low in price. or PURE LARD--Maide from Leaf i York. have been in town for a day or Lard'mig Perle Trimmings. Pure | and good. Certain to give entire satisfaction. KETTLE LARD -- Made of the " finest Leaf Lard and rendered in open had. Your grocer probably has grades. that you are supplied. Mrs. George A Robinson, Alfred The Laing PacKing @. Provision | strc, who has been seriously ill, is now very much better. Company, Limited... Montreal. | Mrs. Fred Folger mid her little Se -------- -------- IN JUDGE'S CHAMBERS. Hearing Begun in Divisian Court 6} Cases To-Day. In the judge's chambers, Tuesday morning, before Judge Madden, hear- | hg was commenced of division court | Previous sitting of the court. In the fas, estate of Delos Grimshaw vs Henry and Bert. Grimshaw, an action for the recovery on notes, accounts and real state, with counter-claim hy the defendants, the hearing was very lengths, ahout fourteen witnesses being Glled, and necessitating an adjourn went. T. J. Rigney appeared for the plaintiff and W. F. Nickle for the de- endants, These judgments were given in fas where judgment had been re served frop, previous hearing : Martin vi. Redmond--Judgment for plaintin, fr 860 and costs, Harkness vs. Allan--Judgment for and costs. $2.50--R ochester. And Return. Steamer North King leaves at 5 Pm. on Friday, May 26th, for Roth- ter. Returning, leaves 8.30 p.m, a pturday, A ing home Sunday ring. A: fll day in Rochester. Pon £2.50. i = To Recognize Faithfulness. we Bank of Montreal is about to tribute the usual bonus to its toe 5. Last year the gift was seven- bank Per cent, of the salaries. The follows this course in apprecia- : of the faithful service of its em- Vees, ) ------------ 2% Frost Causes Damage. A he frost of Monday night resulted . a derable damage to crops in Sustriet. Howe and Wolfe Island ig suffered severely, Tomato a, un cabbage, celery, corn, re badly nipped, 4 -------- » = Can, Gallon Apples 15c. 'fa fine apples i " i pe ge co, x -------------- - : election was held at Me- ana. \ + at which it: was voted to i 10.000 for the plant of the Me- ap ater work ny. by candies," McConkey 's TE Gibson's: Red Cross A special Lard that sults all requirements is If not, let us know and we will see mS ee warm spot for the big 'policeman too, | says she will watch the small maid's | literary career with much interest. It | is quite possible that Miss Young's - story-telling power is inherited, for ! her father is a first cousin of the late | Mr. Archibald Forbes, one of the | greatest of the famous English war correspondents, whose letters from the | battlefields were like thrilling tales of ! adventure couched in the most perfect | English. - - - The Misses Templeton, of Napanee, have:been in town for 'a day or so. Judge and Mrs. Co¥ne, of New = so. They will spend the summer at the Yates farm, having rented the ! house there. Mrs. Coyne, who has a | beautiful voice, sang "'O Rest In The | Lord," from the Elijah, after service lin . George's cathedral on Sunday | evening. Dr. Carl Y. Ford, who has paid a | kettles. Nothing finer can be flying visit to town, has gone back to Dansville, N.Y. Mr. Stanley Cunningham is staying with Mr. Frank Lavell, at Island Park. . these three Thousand | daughter Laura, came home, on Fri | day, from Toronto. The little girl is -------- | atmost well now. AT THE FOIICE COURT. . iW -- Mrs. James Third will leave town Twp "Summions Cases Up Before { about the first week in June, and will . the Cadi { spend the remainder of the summer in nn Campbelliord, and in Toronto. I'wo summons cases were ,argued be- . * ow fore the police magistrate this morn- | y : . ; Mrs. Herbert Grout remained longe ing. Solomon Gesshenowitz, a Jewish | a nges in Prescott than she intended, but butcher, who lives on Ellis street, | ill come up to town to-morrow. Her pleaded "not guilty" to the charge father, Dr. Jones y 0 RY of infraction of a city by-law in re- | por ! i es, RY. accompan) gard 'to the .sanitagy condition of the Mrs. FF. Rees and her daughter vard in connection with his house. | [rene, left for Syracuse and Bing Three witnesses gave testimony. con trary to hie plea, and their evidemce | was sufficiently convincing to procure a fine of 81 and the defendant. | James Nolan was charged with tear ing up a phink in the board-walk at the corner of King and Queen streets, on Saturday evening last. He pleaded not guilty to the charge, but admitted somewhat humorously, that he might | possibly be guilty. He explained that ! on the night in question, he was in a costs against Some. Good People still follow antiquated methods of raising cake, somewhat "tearing" mood. and was | 1 1 not entirely accountable for his ac | biscuit, bread and pastry tions. He claimed that he has been in. with home-made mix- farmed since Satuniay night, | tures of what they sup- man who was with him on®Saturdav night, that he (his informant) had pose to be cream of tartar been guilty of the misdemeanor. On and soda. this account, he was granted an en They do not know that these articles as now sold in the groceries are almost anything elsebut cream of tartar and soda, The best housek ers use the Royal Bak- ing Powder instead. Its scientific composition in- largement until Fridav, when he pro mised to produce his companion at court: pre Progressive Covenanters; New York, May 23.--After an agity tion lasting "Tor" several years, the general synod of the Reformed Pres byterian church, has decided that in strumental 'music might be used in the services oi churches of this denomina- | tion. Thi¥ body of Presbyterians, who gi on generally. known as "Covenan.|] sures uniform results. ters," is one of the less numgrous | Only by its use can the branches of Preshyterianism jn this) pe country, but it is notable Bor its finest flavored, 'most stern adherence' to ancient ideals. The wholesome cake, biscuit new moderator, Rev, Samuel Panisey, and pastry be produced os Angeles, Cal., presided. : 9 Loe Ang te Su I Toany housekeeperwho has not used the Royal Baking Powder we would like to send our Cook Book, free. Mark your request "For instruc. One Ounce Of Prevention. You know the rest '"'better' than a pound of cure." All serious kidney dis- | eases can be prevented. Attend to lit- tle symptoms, such as headache, back- ache, ete. Peck's Kidney Pills prevent the advance of all kidney jroubles..In {THE DAIEY © ' he 4 'a severe attack of to visit Mrs. Recs' 'sons fobl month: 5 at ge and Mrs. Donald Caldwell reach: | Sunday, after hei | 1 ed the city on two days' drive from Appleton. They will be in the eity about ten days. Mrs. Harrington, who has been nding a few days with Mrs. George | Sears, t for ifax last week, { Miss Edith Mills went up to To- | ronto, to-day, 6 spend a fortnight | with Mrs. 4. Es Starr. She will also ay a short visit to her sister, Miss abel Mills. A Nir. Huycke has gone up to Brighton | to spend Vic day with Mrs. | fluycko and their little boy, who are coming down from Toronto to join him there, ° : : At the races in Toronto Mise Mar- jorie' Jones | Yery attractive in a blue gown, with a white hat, trim- med with flowers. | Mr. and Mrs. Jack Osler, of King-/| ston, are the guests for a few days of | Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Osler, of "Craig. | leigh," Toronto. | The Misses. Smythe, of Kingston, | daughters of the late Dr. E. H. | Smythe, K.C., will be visitors in the | Cipital during the month of: June. | Miss Smythe he the guest of | 'Mrs: Seonge Rupe: of Metcalfe street, and Miss y Smythe will visit her | aunt, Mrs, George E. Perley, of 125 | Henderson * avenue, Ottawa.--Ottqwa Journal. ¥ i - - - - Mrs, Hyland, Barrie Street, has gone to Port Hope to visit her daughter, Mrs, Montgomery. Miss Beatrice « King, Alired street, | has returned from a visit to Chicago. Mrs. Putnam, and her family, who have been visiting friends in town, have gone up to Picton' to join Mr. Putnam. . : i Myr. John Macpherson, who has had | thoumatiom, has | taken a holiday from his bank work, | and has come up from Amherst, N.S. | to Ottawa, to stay with Colonel Pen: | nington Macpherson. Mise Carrie Fdmison, who is now visiting in Toronto, having come down there from Parry Sound, a week or =o ago, will come. down -tb Kingston, ahout the fifth of next month. Miss tha Low, nurse-in-training at Brooklyn hospital, who has been at | home for two weelts, left yesterday for | Brooklyn. _ 1S - . - Mrs. Arthur Cotter, who has been in town for a few days, has returned to Brockville, anf "Miss Annie Cotter has gome baék with her for a little visit, . Miss Daintry Yates intends leaving for Montreal and'Quchbec at the end of the week. Miss May Sm has taken a twin for the better. Everybody is very sorry that this bright girl has been so ill Mrs. Allen Stephens has gone down to Brockville. to spend the holiday. She will return te. Miss Mitchell's on | Thursday. v | Miss Mollie Cartwright, who has been getting "The Maples" in readi- ness against the home-coming of Sir Richard and Lady Cartwright, about the end of the first weok in June, will return to Ottawa on Thursday. Miss Constance Hora is still suffer- ing from. a sever attack of broechi+ is. { . - "or » The Star Euchre Club will meet at Mrs. Bates', Hales' Cottages, to-night. . . . . Mr. and Mrs. David Bovd and fami lv, of Syracuse, N.Y,, will spend Vie toria Day with Mrs, George Mills, University avenue. . Ce . Mrs. Drury will peturn to Miss Mac donell's on Thursday, after her little visit with Mrs. Kent at "Somershy House." . '. . The engagement is announced of Miss . Lillian Victoria Landerkin, youngest daughter of James Lander kin, Esq.. Bradford, niece of the late Senator Landerkin, to Mr. William J Hambly, of Deerhurst. The marriage will take place early in June. The Military Programme. The military review to-morrow morning, will bo at Barriefield, where the 14th P. W. 0. Rifles and the Royal Canadian Field Artillery will meet at 10:20 a.m. At 10:30 o'clock, the R. C. F. A. will commence to fire a roval salute and the infantry will fire a feu de-joie. A royal salute will then be given, followed by three cheers for the king. The force will then march past, artillery at a walk and trot, infantry in column and quarter column. At the conclusion of the march past, the force will reform om the original ground and advanee in review order and give a royal salute, Column of route will ed, infantry in fours, and the force will march info the eity along On tario to Brock street; up Brock to King: along King to Clarence; wn to Wellington; along to Princess and up to Montreal street, where the corps will then turn off 40 the right and march each to its private parade. Cheap Fuel In Kingston. The price of coal to the consumer in this city is cheaper than anywhere else along the line. This condition of things so benclicial to eitizens is the direct result of Messrs, James Swift & Cg.. one of the leading coal dealers; gdopting a strictly cash system. They sell as they buy, giving the pur: chaser the benelit of the market, Speaking to a reporter, a member of this firm says : [It would surprise you if you knew how few people interest themselves enough to take advantage of this condition. Most 'consumers wait until cold weather is here again, and all other expenses of the house hold are much higher, before giving the conl question a thought." mms. Canadian Won First Game, Special to the Whig. London, May 23.-George 8S. Lyon, the former Canadian champion, won his first game, today, in the amateur golf championship now jn progress at Prétwick, Scotland, defeating E. WM. Smith by two up. one to play. Lyon and Swith are competing against the aggregate record score of 145. The competition will occupy five days. ------ Buy Lydia Pinkhatt®s Compound' at Gibson's Rea Cross drug store, Fresh there. of Gallon cans apples 15¢. Crawford, hoaxes , 2c. at Wade's. Money back it) tion." : . got satisfactory. | POWDER CO., NEW YORK, Gallon cans apples 15. Crawford. { ROYAL BAKING » Gallon cans applet 18¢, Crawford. | and Waggon Makers' Inion, have been | identified bv several persons as one of | executive committee. The president of | ganizations | ed, | wife of Capt. Joseph Dix, passed away | very suddenly. Mrs. Dix | health" and not till nosing | any indication of illness. H | or | physicians were summoned, but | short time death came to release the | of Capt. Thomas J. | and | wife and mother. A then be form: THE SLUGGERS HELD) ARE ACCUSED OF MURDER- ING A MAN, The Wife of the Slain Man Took Out the Warrants--The Attack Followed a Strike 'Called at Wagon Works. Chicago, Tll., May. 28. Charles Gil: hooley, Edward Feclgy. and Marcus Looney, alleged ~ professional '"'shig- gers,' charged with the murder of Charles A. Carlson, of the Carriage held by Judge Prindiville without bail. The warrants charging the men with murder were swom out by Mrs, Carl son, Githooley, alleged leader of a band of "sluggers,"' said to have been en- gaged to disable union men, has been the men who assaulted: Carlson. The attack followed a strike called in the Meckel waggon works by the Carriage and Waggon Workers' Unien on" the question of an opén shop. Only three of about forty men went out, and Carlson described as one of the best workmen in the trade, headed a committee which called on the proprie- tor of 'the waggon shop and told him that the men were not in favor of the strike. When Carlson left the shop on the evening of April 13th, he was met near the door of his home by three men; said to be the "entertainment" com- mittee of the union. He was hit on the head with a club and the "'enter- tainers' jumped on him. evinding their heels in his face and body. Recovering consciousness the next day Carslon described his assailants, He died within-two weeks, and the police arrested the secretary of the union and onet-of the members of the the organization could not be found. One. of the alleged "slugpers" is said to have told an officer of the union that he had been hired bv other or to "do up" mnoh-union workmen, accepting $2 as a retaining fee and $13 when the job was complet: A Sad Death. On Monday morning, at her home 211 Nelson street, Martha A. Jones, retired on usual « good was. there or daught- relief and in a Sunday evening in her hastened to her sufferer. The deceased was a daughter Jones, Ottawa, who was master and owner of a steamer plying between here and Ot- tawa in the early -days. - liv: Marek, 1873, she married Capt. Joseph Dix, came to reside in Kingston, which has since been her home. Mrs. Dix 'wars kind neighbor and a good loving husband | and one 'daughter together with the | aged | pirepts and several rothers 'and sisters femain to 'mourn her loss. Medical Examinations. The results in Queen's Medical Col loge, summer session examinations in | bacteriology, have been announced as follows : James Reid; L. Lo . Patterson, equal; J. R, Stewart, H. 0. Redden, equal; J. F. Brander, -W. R. Patterson, G, KE, Carto, B.2G. Dingwall, C. TP. Templeton, B. A. Sandwith, F. E. Lowe, equal; R. K. Patterson, ('. W. Graham, 8, 8. Shar man, G. L. Cockbum; T. F Saunders, A. Y. Thompson, equal: M. A. Car michael, G. F. Cliff; b. M. Young, E. (i. Twitchell, equal, : Playfair, W, B ------------ Chamberlain's Cough Remedy the Very Best. "I have been using Chamberlain's (Cough Remedy and want to say it is the best cough medicine I have ever taken," says George Li. Chubb, a merchant of Harlan, Mich. There is no question about its being the best, as it will cure a cough or cold in less time than any other treatment, It should always be kept in the house ready for instant use, for a cold can be oured in much less time when promptly tredted, For gale by all druggists. A Pleasant Dance. successful dance was baseball team in the Hibernian Hall, Brock street, last ev ening. There were about one hundred and fifty present. The dance music was supplied by Arbuckle's orchestra, each number being much enjoved and heart ily encored. At midnight, refreshments were served, after which two more hours dancing was enjoved, and the happy gathering disperse A most given by the Emerald The Attraction To-Morrow. Visitors well as citizens should as soe "My Friend the Enemy," at the Opera House, to-morrow affernoon and evening, It will be a fine diver gion for the celebration, being a real ly good comedy, Kingston And Ottawa. The Ridean King leaves for Ottawa every Monday and Thursday at 6 J. Swift & Co., agents. a.m. Buy Burdock Blood Bitters at Gib son's Red Cross drug store. Fresh there At Bellport, L.I., while defending his mother 'from the attack of his father Joseph Connell, aged eighteen years, shot and instantly killed his father, John T. Connell, State of Ohio, City of Toledo, ! ~ Lucas County. 5 Frank J. Cheney makes oath thal is senior partner of the firm of ol. Cheney Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, County and state aforesaid, "and that said firm will y the sum:of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and very case of Catarrh. that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY. | Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of December, A D. 18886, (Seal) A. W. GLEASON. Notary Public. Hall's Cata¥rh ©ure-is taken internally, and acts directly om the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for imonials f wstime & CO. Toledo, O. t he J ree . J. CHENEY, "Sold by all Druggists, 75¢ lace, from' all the 10 Sizes and Patterns to Choose From A nice one for $7.50 If you cannot call to see our assortment write for Catalogue. McKELVEY OPEN FOR CRITICISM. Browett's Studio Free to Visitors. The work of the past winter im Mrs. Browett's - studio, Princess street, is now on the walls for eriticism, and though she has to be out on business connected with the music and art sto- dio, the doors are left open for callers. Wholesome criticism in art is valved, according to enlightenment of the student, the teacher's appreciation rating highest, of gourse, Occasionally more particularly with those from rur- al districts, pupile are apt fo get "stuck" just 'a very little stuck on the paint their own hands have put on the canvas, just as may have bap- pened in the case of the chairs and floors in the hom¢ where their prim- ary practice began. Criticism, though adverse, helps out of the ryts in which self predominates conspicuously. The studio does not profess merely to tench students to paint a picture. The aim is higher, and the range wider. Eyed of pupils must open wide engurh to spare a glance at the "Landseers," the: "Ross Bonheurs," the '"Ftians," and the " Austons." At the com: mencement of a course the pupil is plainly given to understand that all work 'accomplished, suitably framed, must remain on the studio walls for five or six weeks before removal, for Mrs. art are roquested to call and eriticize freely, An Emergency Physician, - You ars sure to save uasdipte sons fering a you may save li av- ing at hand a bottle of rh Wate Liniment. It .is of vital r that pain or injuries be promptly. Here is a remedy that re lieves pain in an almost w and . Da) strains alist, magica) wan ote., quicker than yA ' other remedy we know of. In . bottles at Wade's. Could Not Decipher Names. A bank money order was recsived at the Board , of Education rooms. this morning from the Imperial Bank, St. Catharines. No one in the offices at the time could decipher the name of cither the manager or the teller, at tached to the order. In view of the demand for good writing made . by bank managers, this item will prove of some interest. ------------ + 15¢. Can, Gallon Apples 15¢c. Extra fine apples in gallon cans, on- ly 1c, Crawiord. . a -------- "Don't moglect your furs." Moth It + Pak all's Family. Fills for consti | pation, proof bags aid strong camphor balls are sold at Gibson's Red Cross drug pstore: i. i i. The Shirt Waist Store of * - far : The climax of Shirt Waist selling was reached Saturday, when upon hundreds of ladies crowded to the Blouse Department to buy those beautiful dainty White Muslin Shirt Waists. Every Blouse us is marked at prices that sell them quickly. | Lis :: WOMEN'S WHITE BLOUSES, in lawn, India linen, trimmed with broidery, ete., large new sleeves, prices range from t i) WOMEN'S SILK BLOUSES, in white, some mide with tucks, others with wto., new. sleeves, 'every one a gem at the price mark Another new lot, both Ladies' and Children's wear, Children's Hi a Specialty. Refrigerators 69 and 71 Brock Street. ~~ criticism of capable judges. Judges in | { stumal ov ed, RE Hats. 4 latest New Vork styles. re KILLED A CANADIAN, Herder Stabbed Robert Moore, Elma, Ont. : Bellevue, ldaho, ' May 20.--Robert Moore, Elma, Ontavio, brother of Dr. Moore, of Listowel, has been mi dered at Picabo, where he ot of train for a few minutes, an sane Halion herder 4 fe people with a drawn A others tried to pacify but the struck | up M arms and stabbed him throughs throat. Another passenger 'shot Italian down, The train was qu backed here, but "as came too late, Mr. bravely donul Ey howd heen a tor at DIS have been saved, but he day. A Canadian lady, who came from Listowel, porticulurs to the dead levying the hou levying tl se tax om | the old foreign econo A, bunal holds that exempt.

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