Daily British Whig (1850), 23 May 1905, p. 6

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x " dant purge, don't hen, don't ffritale, nor upset stomach, and the little valves that e Juices with Food. sy strengthen these Bowel 8 by sxercising them action, pr i ood oducing "The time 10 take a Cascaret is the very minute you suspect ~~When your Tongue Ia cocted a little, . =When your Breath is not above havo drank more than was for your digestion. -t you boye a touch of * Heartburn, Gas-bolching, Acid-rising- 4, or 8 Corn old, Ls or dhe rouble that should be checked on 3 h fore ple booklet, ""The Curse of Con~ on bes ges eine on. he Cy. $745 Paul Sta Me eal. ¥ LACTATED hh Tes SAVES BABIES LIVES! | means prolonged strain whithér these have, guns and search lights, If they have, they may eontri- bute effectively to the protectioh of the battleships from under-water at- With a numerical supériority 'in' tor- pedo vessels, which approaches * Huity, the expectation is justified that Togo will use them with a vigor and: resolution emulating that displayed in ' the first three months of the war, in the attack of February 8th, 1904 'and in the subsequent repeated at ts to block the entrance to Port:Arthir. Bojestvendky advances shortly, seondi- tions' will be' favorable for "night at- tack; for the moon is waning, aadowill | have little power before May 10th. | Should such encounters follow, theim- | partial military observer 'mast i that the tactical precautions and steadiness of the defence may equal | pected in the offence; for so only ean an instructive military lesson be af- pede of confusion and disaster. While open; I hope, to conviction, and des- .Pite the impressive potentialities of the torpedo vessel, I believe in 'its es- sential inferiority, if resolutely met. Historically, the effects of its anteces. sor, the scarcely less terrible fireship : were almost always wrought through Panis; not by itself, but the fear it in- spi , I should certainly. expect the Japan- se admiral to withhold his armored vessels of every kind, till he has fully tested the possibilities of his torpe- does. Should unsuceess there gompel him to bring ge armored farce into Play agamst the undimini ian ly it, even if pursued with minute and tedious de- | tail, ifr, like most fieete in an age of pr w ts area t scratch lot. To Say four against seven is mis leading, if mention is omitted that 4wo of the four are superior to an two of the seven, and two of the sev- en inferior to the worst two of the four. In armored cruisers also, the Russian two are by no means equal to the kest two of the J ede eight. To the layman, unless specially interested, there is no occasion to pursiie inquiry into details of compari- sons in conclusions upon which pro- fessional opinions will not agree, but a warning may be given against the misleading rough estimate, based up- on a count of all the guns of the same weight on both sides, irrespec- tive of the details of the ships earry- ing m. That is a not infrequent kind of computation, in former days as now, and has sometimes been used in 4 contemptible mamer and spirit ; but it is radically inaccurate. : Should Togo have to fight thus, two principal methods of action are open to him. He may try by rapid move- ments to "out manoeuvre the Russi- an," thereby either effecting a prelim inary reduction of force, or ereating an opportunity "to close" at advant- | Jage; or he may, under such disposi- tions as may seem to him most suit- 'able, at once, throwing every- thing on hazard of the die. The last is the easier course for the admiral, as it is the molt imposing; hut for the same reason that it is easier it is not suited to the circumstances of Japan. It is easier because the battle once joined there is left ta the admiral lit- nf responsibility till the ont. eciae is settled; but it abandons . all the of a melee. If the Japan- ese fleet possess . adequate manoeuyer- ng power, its superiority in numbers and the inferiority of most of its un- its to several of the single vessels gnemy, appear to.me to require that it exhaust all the possibilities ex- | tended to it by inferiority of speed, and the facility for combination due numbers trial the corherstone uy ich rests the near future of he np Thee and anxiety; but from the devotion Japanese offic. ers we Super-| petrict in the precautions and heroism to be ex- | forded by an incident which otherwise ' will present only. a miserable stam- | off before exposing to final | only for sure it} finest quality . of ont oF Kingston. wor good; but there ly; in boxes; j, Savor and ap- improvement is of maevellous. When 1 first m 1 came in contact ot' ity of cheese 1 WW have ever . It is equal to any made in Capada, and 1 will back it against: that manufactured in any other district. 'Makers want to' con- continue their. and" soon: Kin, ton will be 'sj it as the leading Canada. It is enc i to shippers to-see this vast improve: ment. Salesmen may be assured of extra good prices lou a lang as they | Mav' 25th. 1903. ; tinue t er so fine uet. Aw------ : 3 5 SSW he reaton Jor. this improvement ? | LOCAL BRANGH TIME TABLE * The Soir. one Liaw of is the efiort | Trains will Jouve and _grrive City t forth by als to "educate pa- » Foc Street. trans as. 40. the Handling and pure' of . GOING WEST © The Day We Celebrate Hh 5 A Lve. City Arr. City milk, and to ine he Khowledge of No. 5 Mail ... .. 1253 am. 1.27 a.mas Ts, e ~ r. i 1 "» . yeoman pipnese Work in this respect, | 1, 3 bar 2% em ian @ How Are hope | and, Yiez Hart Built upon the ground | we *} Jogorni'Lid13.16 noon 19.46 pm (@). . work: Ipid by his subcpssor. But to my | « Mail". 3.1% p.m. 3.51 p.m. © Y Fixed gay of ng, hae. bern. loft, fol % 15 Local... 7.08 pm. 7.38p.m. ® ou x ? * GOING EAST 08 am the farmers and makers. ST nr 2 and he taken. a : pride. in. imparting | nv 5 ya Te Sky oe hy F or Shoes . i knowledge. In this commendable 'work Ce 2 Fast Exp. 2.96 am. 3.05 am. . ol L ve i assy 3 SON, " . & 4% choose "instrustags They ape 0 good | + 'gyst! yaeam Sion l@ No man, woman, boy or bster pair, as result show." a A Fas Esp. jo pom. I 3h. S girl can enjoy 'the holiday Lo S S mi " 12Local ... ... 703pm. 7.38pm. |! . c "4 Ontario THE PEOPLE A ALL Nos. 1.2. 3 iHa 4 rity dally' No. 5 and without comfortable shoes. : Fresh caught Lake On - As daily, Monday. Ali other | (@ . . i : oe ied, Give Us News A Sully a Hany a o er & - . ® Whitefish J In Chorus Ww : 2 bro's Herpicide. abn Pullman Actommodation, Ticksts {Let us fit you with a pair of Tan or Choco- @g fresh caught Lake Ontario Pike. This word oF late has 'boen in every- Chk: Soman BANLEY late shoes and be strictly up-to-date in your Pub' caught' Haddock, Steak Olle's Moth, atl navy. are irondering on : = = @ footweat for this glorious holida Cod, Halibut, ete. what the word "$ighifies, though no | Bem or ootweat for this glori y. ; ; thei NF <n fo i a SLUR CUT RE: EOI ! ® B I0MINION FISH CO ok tae RAILWAY ; All Styles and Prices. ¢ ' tion. of thousands of people - " ® ® 'PHONE 520. who | like "40 "know . all about IN CONNRCTION WITH ® ® a good thing, Would say that HERPICIDE means, a destroyer or] CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. J H S h d & B HRRPIOIDE mali Lo "destroyer or : ¢ J. Hl. Sutherlan ro. the family name ; r grows.:: Sold ple to The He County Prizes At Anpual Exhibi- tion in Toronto. The Ontario Fruit Growers' Assotia- tion has on hand a scheme for de velopment of the (apple industry that should meet withica hearty sesponse. It is proposed to secure .a grant from each county in Ontario of $25 or more, to be divided into three , of four prizes, to be competed for - by growers . within the county offering tho prize, at the Fruit, Flower and Honey show, which has become a fix- od feature at Toronto, The : associa- tion will pay oxpress charges on fruit to Toronto, and hold fruit in cold storage. till: date. of the show, about. the middle: oft November, =o that exhibitors can show as easily at Toronto as at a local fair. A delegation will; wait upon county commcillors at their June meetings, This exhibition offers a splendid - op-~ portunity. for bringing prominently ore the public.an industry that must assume iminense propertions co- incident with the filling up of the North-West. With co-operation in packing and selling les and in: creased skill and' intelligence in the care of the orchagds the industry may become a very important isource of revenue in almost. every coualy in Ontario, A a. disease caused by. various w le; Parasites. . A ; 209® COIOIO0) COO] 0©0ee®080 SEALED TENDERS ADDRESSED lar siises dandruff, itch- ° ° J et ert eet ite ee ------ fo the undersigned, and endorsed "Ten- ing scalp, and falling hair;, this is the wp der for Post Office at Vancouver, B.C, microbe that BRO'S HERPICIDE | #ill be_received at this office until Fri- romptly . destroV®; 'after which the by leading drug- gists. Send' Jc." In stamps for sam- : specifications to be seen at the Depart : : : i ks, Ottawa nt., and cide Co., Detroit S i F Bak ot Pac Worcs vont. and ich. G. W. Mahood, special agent. ngie are {0 Vancouver Armoury. Va ) : v Tenders will not be considered unless AIDING FR GROWING. lo CIES COVE! rhéuma- lana ad coor re offers. drug ray! Tiers |e, Firat 0 pat ar pict | "8 PN Use SUNLIGHT SOAP and SAVE THE COUPONS, .. The Coupons are the same as ash because they. can be fexchanged for Toilet Soaps for which you have to pay out money every week. ! Users of SUNLIGHT and CHEERFUL SOAPS can get their TOILET SOAPS for nothing. : Ask your grocer for patticulars or write us for Premium List. A gift is of little value if it consists of something you have no vise for In exchange for Sunlight Soap Coupons you can use every day, This Week |. Baby Carriages -- get somicthing you necd ang Hh --_-- and b le land Go-Carts LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED, TORONTO, CANADA ahve the SHEERS To nic - ds " og vO Specials this : week at: close-out EE -- pie. vour parlor Setts and Couches hii ae 5 > CeOP9® @P00@V0@ ©0000% pean ire Restorer to help you a AM JAMES REID, The Leading Undertaker, Princess Street - = Kingston. Victoria Day VICTORIA DAY Return tickets will be issued at FARE SINCLE FIRST-CLASS FAR Goo wlng Tuencay, May 28nd, and Wns Tatura hr before Thursday, . ® ® ® ® ® ® ; ® ® ® ® ® 9 fay, June 23, 1905. inclusively, for the erection of a Post Office building at Van- euver, B.C., according to plans and Fancy Vests turning UntilMay 25th, 1905 Full particulars at K. & P. Very Popular This Sori FIERA A Ie a I~ Are ery opu ar # pring SS ctoptod cheque on a chartered s payable to the order of the Hon- and OC, » orable the Minister ot Public Works, 1 Q ual to t er cent. (10 p.c.) o e P. R. Ticket Office, Ontario Street. A Fancy Vest worn now and then gives your suit fl to ten per cont. (10 p.c.) of th + tompany each tender. This check F. CONWAY, F. A. FOLGER, JR. a different appearance and makes a pleasing contrast. ¥ill be forieited if the party tendering Gen. Pass. Agt. decline the contract or fail to complete Cen. Supt. NO good dresser can. get along without a FANCY J fesem'sosradty "or and SI'S: BAY OF QUATE RAILWAY VEST, single and. double-breasted--with and without The Department does not bind itsclf to accept the lowest or any tender. By order. ? FRED. GELINAS Secretary. Department of Public 'Works, Ottawa, May 16, 1905. New short line for Tweed, Napanee, Oeseronto, and all local points. Trains @ave City Hall Depot at 8:26 p.m: F. OONWAY, Agent B. Q. Ry., Kiagsten. collars--silks, worsteds, wash goods and all sorts of combinations. . : = 4 4 v N I 1 - - Come, see them anyway. We can show you the shirmepers * insorting Oils advertise ALLAN LINE ""Y®52000d xorruy . ment, will not be paid for it. nicest range in the city. don't know it. Prices Range From 90c. to $3.50. >erhaps vant. one and Royal Mall Steamers. Perhaps you From Montreal. From Quebec Bavarian, May 10, 4 a.m. May 19, 2 p.m Virginian, May 26, 9 a.m. May 26, 7 p.m, Tunisian, June 2, 3 a.m. June 2, 2 p.m. Tunisian, June 9, 8 a.m. Jupe 9, 6 p.m. RATES OF PASSAGE--First Cabin, 75 and upwards, according to steamer : cond Cabin, Liverpool and 'Iondon- derry, $42.50. $43 and $47.50 accord: - ing to steampr, London $2.50 extra : O h Third Class, §27.50-- Virginian, Victor. pen I O=nl t. inn $28.75. MONTREAL TO GLASGOW, DIRECT. Sicilian. Wed. May 24 (daylight). MONTREAL TO LONDON & HAVRE. Pomeranian ... . won Sat. May 27. NEW YORK TO GLASGOW. Parisian ,. Thurs. June 8, 2 pm. Roney & Co. 127 Princess Street. No ee ERNEEY "armas SA Baasenger Depot, «<P. GILD ------ {| SLEEVE, Clarence Street. MONEY AND BUSINESS. ee Credit The Polish that won't wear off, Only at Strachan's Hardware _-- staat i ------ ur L. LONDON AND GLOB ° NOTICE. | assole €O1187.215, Tn addition te N A r b tio Ww | which &s os jholders have tar oO PP O a . G. F ROST, ari un! : ari and ats ' Faia 2 aah Proprietor of the at low fo wish to inform the public that Kingston Shoe Merchants do nov new, business vine oo xiving give eredit or APE Ition et Ope think that this rule has fallen CITY STORAGE Strange, Agents. ] through, but we wish to state that it 18 just as strong as ever 1 GOODS MORE ON Please remember, we "GINE NO CREDIT AND NO k OUT ON APPROBATION. ALLOW slhes to announce that he bas com- Be modern elevator, ome of the 1 Bering Co. | Laure. Vehicles, Pianos, etc.. Metin with care. are ready to re- Pabsand, | turn out finst class jobs of Et notice inds of Vehic)*a at short- | "Phone 524, "st Souars. - ARCHITECTS: WAL AN. ARC. | over 299 yueen St. es ees ee mer = | Wines and Liquors 1 our large and new assorted | j Hoek of Ales, Wines, Liquors and CT, OF- 's HR snopes or EPENDABLE | SHOES Quean_and Montreal Strects, : Building. comer Prod : E 90a, we think that we have ellington streets. 'Phone 213. i tn mt t-------- Weything to meet the 'demand. Ss i WY guarantee entire satisfaction "10 prices and quality. ARCHITECT, Markit . ARI ICE CREAM AM ! Our Ice Cream is made from Pure Cream, un- surpassed for quality and flavor. Served by the dish or delivered in any size bricks required. 2 t. - A: J: REES, rincess . Agent (or the well known '"De- Bath" Scorn Whiskey. AS. MCPARLAND ay 341 King St. Emperor | of Japan has sent the army 'branch "of the ee 7 i Sor J : a "powder Th with the great: dishes, bir remove the grease

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