Cracker' Proof 3 Doubt all we've said don} MOONEY'S PERFEC. | TION CREAM SODAS | i i Mooney's Perfection Cream Sodas Complete Manicure Joine... An inspection of our line of Mani cure articles and - preparations will convince you that we have everything needed for beautifying and preserving the finger nails--that our assortment is really complete. We unconditionally guarantee every manicure article we sell t ) satisfactory. Nail €lips, i be entirely ] Nippers, Scissors and Files, Orangewood Sticks, Emery Boards, puffers, Bleaches; Powders, Pastes and Creams, all at reasonable prices, . - SEE OUR MANICURE CASE. L. T. BEST, Chemist and Optician, 124 Princess St. 'Phone 59, Mitchell's Old Stand. Wood's ae Great English Remedy. positive cure for all forms Sexual Weakness, Mental AND i RG Worry, Emissions, 4 ion lency, of all of which fead to Consw ty and an earl mat Excess, eh ot by alldr ste or mailed in Summer {Dress | Materials In an store. Everything that is be, had here and in most endless variety at this ew can cases at prices much less than most stores ask for same line. For instance .--= | Fine sheer quality Vict | Lawn, 40 inches wide, extra | special at 10c. 5 yard Prints in very dainty patterns ¥ for Shirt Waists, etc., at 10c. and 12§c. a yard. Perfect colors Cheaper Prints at 6c., 7c, 8c. a yard. 4 Fancy Pattern Muslins, imita tions of higher priced materials for only 10¢, a yard Challies in and figures various colors to Friday special at 12}c. a yard The swellest range of While Goods in the city at 15c. and 18¢ a yard, including spots and figures in Piques, Mailings Basket weaves, etc spots cho ) { Newman & Shay £750 will buy a seven-roomed single ' frame dwelling on Pine street. dwelling $2100 for a detatched brick on Earl strect. $2400 will buy a row" of three brick dwellings on Bagot street, 6 room®: $2500 for a single brick dwelling of Earl street; furnace and bath. pl Rear-Admiral Hichborn] The "Best" Drug Store, , Sper Infirmity, ve. Bi por ple six for $5. One will Please, SLX YH} are. Shewosd Madicing. HN iodo, atari " mini Praises Pe-ru-na. . W HURSDAY, = [SPORTS OF THE DAY ¥ { ) -- | AQUATIC SPORTS HELD IN THE HARBOR. | James Conway Won the 'Single Cylinder ZIaumch Race--The Horse Races . at the Fair Ground Were Quite Close. {| The programme of ports put on hy celebration | the tee was not | sufficiently long 26 ecome tedious; { but furm excollent amusement: to large crowds during the dav In the | morning, the! chief place of attraction | was the water-front, re the aquatic sports wore held, the buoy off Folger's "wharf being the starting and finishing point for most of the races. A large crowd assembled 0 witness these | sports, which were all well competed, e fast launch raves being a much appreciated novelty, and furnishing most thrilling sport. In the 'double | cylinder = class, two. of the launches | struck a gait which is seldom seen in | these waters, and acaident which {caused the breakdown of the So Long, {in the third lap, was most regrettable | as the two Jaunches looked like mak- fing a close finish, The entrics in the skiff races were fairly large and: the rowing fast ideting the choppy {sea and the high wind. During the morning, the visiting bands from | AT 7 - A { ADMIRAL'S WORDS CARRY WEIGHT. | RECOMMENDS PE-RU-NA. Gandhoque and . Deseronto, played | some Very fine music on the K. & BAR-ADMIRAL HICHBORN -is one of the besi R known admijrals of our navy. His statement concerning Peruna will 'have much weight as it goes dut into the world. "1 am convinced of Peruna's curative qualities and I unhesitatingly.recommend it to to al! persons suffering from catarrh."--Commodure Somerville Nicholson, | railway lawn; where a large crowd of people was gathered The official re { sults of the various races in the morn- ing, was: " Skiff Race, Junior, half wile. K. G. What he says is echoed by many other naval officers of FROM HIS OWN EXPERIENCE. - Martin, 1st; Harold Powell, Jud; W. | Moran, 3rd. bigh standing. "WHAT THE ADMIRAL SAYS. | Philip Hichborn, Rear-Adiniral Unifed States Navy, writes from Washington, D.C, as follows: wAfter the use 'of "Peruna for a short period, | "The use of your Peruns as a remedy and cure for catarrh by many of my friends who hive been benefited by the same, | 3d, as well as my own experience as to its efficacy and good tonic properties, causes me to"fecommend it to all persoms."-- |miles.--Tezpi, Ex-Liecut. U. 8S. Navy, James M. Morgan, Skiff Race, open, one mile.--A. Rob inson, lst; Chapman; 2nd; Bilodeau, Launch Race.--Single cylinder, five Janes Conway, King: ston, lst; "8. 1." George Roat, Cape Vincent, 2nd; Rathy OJ. Roat, Cape can mow cheerfully recommend your valuable remedy to any one who is in need of an invigor- ating tonic."'==-Philip Hichborn. [ AN EVERPRESENT FOE. | - df cases. I also consider Peruna a grand tonie,"--Admiral The soldier and the sailor are especially subject to | James A. Greer. eatarrh in some form or phase, 4 ------ In Exposed as they are to constant changes, subject as they FOR COUGHS AND COLDS. 8 : tind . are lo various vicissitudes, and all kinds of climate, wet | FoR cc -- porting activity was the fair grounds sad dry, night and day, they find catarrh to be their most fnsidions and everpresent foe. Ia the barracks and on the field, Peruna is equally efficacious. | PE-RU-NA CURES THROAT CATARRH. | Q "1 can cheerfully recommend your remedy, Peruna, to my «7 have used your Peruna with satisfaction and can cheer fully récommend the remedy as an effective remedy for coughs and colds."--Rear-Admiral J, A. Howell. Vincent, 3rd. Time 34 min., 11 secs, _ Launch Race.~Dowble cvlinder, four times. around five-mile: course (twenty friends and other sufferers as one of the best remedies I have mil 5 Radium, Campbell, Alexandria ever t:'~d for catarrhal troubles of the throat and kindred ,"Y: °° Long, Hunt, Alexandria Ray; : Teal, Johnson, Clayton. Time 1 hour. At The Fair Grounds. the aftermoon the scene of the where a large arowd of spectators was kept. interested for several hours. The horse races, although the entires were not largely filled, Wore the best con- Taken in time, it will absolutely prevent catching cold. [PE-RU-NA 'AN ABSOLUTE SPECIFIC. After a cold has become established, Peruna will break itup quicker than any other'remedy known to man, Even after a cold has become settled In some organ of the body Peruna can be relied upon to promptly dispel it. Peruna will éure catarrh, whethér actite or ehronie, but afew doses taken in the first stages of 'the disease will be pose effective than when the disease has become chronie. if yor enrffer froin: catarrh im sny form, do not neglect ff. Take Peruna st once. Delays in such matters are results. Corps, C. J. Porter. as Peruna. | USED PE-RU-NA IN HIS FAMI "JY have used Peruna in my family with the most flattering « | can recommend your valuable remedy as a most efficient | remedy for coughs, colds and catarrh."--Col. U. 8. Marine No remedy ever yet devised has received such unstinted | 8. Macfarland, Wa n eulogy from so many renowned statesmen-and military men. pouq Henry orerichelil | I of the 15th We have on file thousands of testimonials like those given' | Regiment, Belleville, ®! were welcome above. We can give our readers only a glimpse of the vast | visitors in the stand. © tested races seen in ton for many Y. vears, the finishe®"in the different heats being alwhye olose and the time very good considering the condition of | the track. The officials in the judges' stand' were Starter, W. J. Gibson, | Gananoque; ju | Belleville, and . Whitney, Kingston; 8. Hark- Capt: anl Tient.Col. H system of state, is to have a conference at Hanburg, made the other entry classed. The record by heats was : Paris next week, with M, Delcasse, the French foreign minister. I'he Canadian section of the Interma- | timers, A. N. Parke "Gananoque; W. | | grounds all during the afternoon and supplied excellent music. The local and , William Carnew, | dence. some close finishes, being somewhat out MAY 25, some good work, The work in the field was also good considering the rough nature of the grounds, and the erowds of soectators interfering. The Gamodks led at the end of the wo cond innings; when the locals went in and commenced "doings" taking the lead as a result. Dorie and Ormiston, the Gananoque battery, are promising young plavers, who made a, good im: pression. Hunt, Corrigan and Lappan contributed two-base hits to enliven the proceedings. In the last innings for the visitors, McCammon took no The Man Who Selects Now chanced on a crazy streak and fanned chooses his summer Suits from complete 4 the first two batters the last being : " x retived-on a nice catch hy Easton, stocks. W. Varngy, umpired the game satis: : factorily to all. The players were: 1 Gananoque. ~Dorie, e.: Ormiston, p.; Hunt, lb; Corrigan, 2bh.: Davis, : Tilton, 3b.; Loughern, of; Willis, c.f; Meggs, rf. Orientals. Every style of distinction--eve staple and novelty--every Fit-Reform importation--is now being shown. = Moore, e.: McCammon, p.: Lappan, 1b; RB. Derry, 2h; Eas ton, se; J. Derry, 3b. Appleton, Li; Hartrick, c.f.; Muckler, r.L The Deseronto; Gananogue, and 14th bands were in attendance at the [fair Many 'patterns have no duplicates on this side of the Atlantic--and cannot be replaced when these are gone. i i and visiting cantons of the 1. 0. O. ¥.. paraded in drill regalia and exe It is always a pleasure to show Lt ented their drill before the grand tand. : ea ns Fit-Reform garments, whether you buy Sporting Notes. ih Fo . : Pillard, who has been bought by or not, ? Montreal, has been sold to Provi Bill Dineen, of the Boston ball tram, was injured in a street car collision at Cleveland. John L. Scholes and Terry MeGov- ern, two former ex-chumpioms of the 'world, met in a friendly eontést in i Toronto recently. who refused to be weighed, looked to weigh 134 to 136 pounds, Manager McAleer, of the St. Louis 3 array of endorsements Dr. Hartman is receiving. | Tn the 2.30 class there were four en- | An intended cocking main in Mon AN i | rice, all well qualified to make the Pen] lust Sunday afierioon in which, s >" " ---- SE pmmmmm--en | mile in good time, Pretty Nell, owned | 11 18 alleged, ingston, birds were in Bsc . 3 . ada i . EE -------- RE a ic panied Re - by MeCue Bros.' and driven by John | terested, was stopped by the police. Only one Fit-Refor m Wardrobe in $s Cl , rr | PIT OF TEE KIWS. | Hart, won three exciting heats in! Aubrey, who was recently refeased Trae. L/ - | handy fashion, the others of the field | VY Providence, has accepted terms E P J ki ; Ki The Very Latest Culled From Al {being close up. The score by heats frum Mpntrenl, With him gt Moniival . . Jen ns, -i ngston. 'as : : will have nineteen men on the salary é Over The World. was : Til - ------ : i Pretty Nell, McCue Bros. Ist. \ E ' Sa iE John Leizert, was committed for [1rd Bandam M Borkey ? i 1 i Alfredo DeOro, of St. Louis, won 3 % E'S trial at Brinston's corners for giving {Queen of Spots, Smith Tain. 3 1 2 | back the title of pool champion Sat. . . \ J I'Herman Farrell enough whiskey to je Dan Crenves Harrow ., |urday night from Jerome Keogh, of ¥ wr : | cause death. : : : Best time, 2.35 Ten ornare Bufialo. The final score was Keogh 4 i Gs Sid oR FN Dr. T. B. Kilpatrick, ND. Mant | The 2.50 class, halimile had only | 36%, Dedro B00 3 i \: 4 y ova Loupe, has accepted the chair | three entries, but so close were the Battling Nelson got the worst. of A | \ : Te TRAN theology in Knox Col- | finishes that the entire five heats were erin Found ght with Abe Ausil, at iy B { lege, Toronto. requi . sa iladelphi n Monday night. Atte Our defence 3 7g | John Hay, United States secretary Tequite] to he run off to decide the : EN ha «126 henpdd nd Nelson | « : » winner. Sydenham Girl and Lady | Weighed in al 120} $n i 3 | 1 { against 7 pa i) P M<Clary's London, Toronto, Montreal, Winnipeg, Vancouver, St. John, N.B. -- $ Lemmon & Lawrenson, Sole Agents { Sydenham Girl, Joseph Brow. 2 | mission into the 3 tional Waterway 'Commission was wel- ley, Sydenham espn) 21:3 13 comed by President Roosevelt, in | Lady Hamburg Hartford : Washi on Wednesday Ashley. Belleville 1342 i 2 a Merr, 1 Ww. . Ambassador Choate unveiled a me ih Veiaald,_ R Acton, aaa | morial window | 1 | i St. Saviour's church, Southwark, as a to John Harvard in Best time 1.114 One of the best races of the pre parting gift to Great Britain, gramme was a special 2.25 class trot | Chiriva, owned by the Daltons, of this Marie Louise Boucher, seven years of | (half-mile), put on With two entries, | city and the Kulota, of Montreal, age, living at Point St. Charles, was! The two horses were hoth fast and | which wintered here. These yachts 3 killed by being run over hy a fire! well driven, the finishes heing close to both raced in the bweniy foot class at aid truck, while on its way to a fire. dead heats. Little Hele ., 'OWne the L,Y. R. rendezvous last vear. 8 ) Four hundred dollars of the 8500 | MoCue Bros., put ee Dilated bo However, the Kulota's owaers oft oa in athmitied- Ly "the profession to be ctolen from the Grand Central Hotel, | but the visiting trotter Head Light, | Tuesday on a cruise to Toronto. the most dortul wag valuable om at Listowel, was thrown into the resi-lowned by W. R. Acton, Gananoque, ------ A ¥ over denee of A. Péffers of that town, was too strong andigofetietl off - the Aré You Pale And Sallow ? is tho bent for IH J. B. Young, president of the failed | honors, Only three heats wore neces It's blood you want, more blood and COLDS, CONS ON Sovcus: Goldfield Bank and rust company, of sary, the Gananoque horse winning | better, Wade's Iron Tonic Pills make 4 TIS ASTHMA. A X acy A Goldfield, Nev, and Francis L. Bur- | cach. Best time 1.10. purify and enrich the blood, changing : ' Bly mn. have been arrested in San Fran- In the centre of thé tretfing ring a | that sallow face into one of beadty. acts like a charm in DIARRHOEA, Faw 1 Bros' . large crowd were kept Busy watching | In boxes 25c. at Wade's drug store, ond is the onl ific in CHOLER. A dward Dros' grocery store and | apn interesting baseballs matoh between | Money back if not satisfactory. and DYSENTER i Abraham Abouds general store, at Orientals and Gananoque. 'The home ' Fa 3 Carleton Place, were burned with fe | taam had a very notioswhle advantage | C.D. Bell, wo has for the pact two ; testually outs short all attacks ; os pix dwellings. Loss $15,000 or 820.-| and won out handily By fen to four. | years been superintendent of he sugar [ | \ EPILEPSY, HYSTERIA, "PALPITA- £5 ! The Garnocks when thev arrived were | factory at Berlin, Ont., at a salary of TION and SPASMS, X The arrest and prosecution of par- ents and children connected with. the echool strikes in Chicago' has aroused bitter feelings among the members of labor unions. Seventeen persons were Killed Tués- day in Austria in a fire-damp explo gion in the railway tunnel being bor ol through Rosruk Mountain in con- ern, two local and Moore, the winning battery valiant service, the excellent "control. "Jack" short two men, and Hunt and Lough players eompleted the team, both playing well, MoCammon did former keeping the hits well schttered and exhibiting Lappan made his bow from first base and did American league team, has announced that Dick Padden, second baseman, and captain of the team since its ad American league, had been unconditionally released. There was to have been a matched sailing vacht race, yesterday, between %5.400 a vear, has resigned. A Fg No risk run in getting a truss from IV is the gly. palliative & Dr. Chown. He guarantees satisfac RHEUMA' GOLT, L tion and a perfect fit. TOOTHACHE, MENINGITIS, ete. 4 Hon. Mr. Emmerson has approved Es location plans for the Grand Trunk Always ask for "DR. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE," and , Pacific terminus at Kaiwan Island, Jof spurious compounds or imitations. The genuine bears "6 word "DR. south-west of Port Simpson, COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE" on the of e nection with a second railway to Trieste, Water In Crops. battle. eA & So Sold in bottles at 1s. 134d., 28 ody and qs. 64 "And we will be pleased to show you the extensive | Tange of TWEEDS we are making to order for $18 T0 | An especially close purchase of SCOTCH AND ENG- USH TWEEDS enables us to offer these splendid British, All the new shad Overplaids, ! a¢ the nitrogenous and Eds at these remarkable prices. 80d mixtures, Brown, Greys, Checks and He. made up in very latest style to your order. MATCHLESS VALUE. $23. It ic interesting to reflect that as it pointed out in an American = paper, more water is sold by farmers than any other substance, and brings - a higher price in proportion to cost than any other maferial. A erop of | green clover contains 1,600 pounds of water per ton, and when a ton of clover is carted to market as mu as 200 pounds of the load consists of | water. Every 100 pounds of milk | contain about ecightyv-seven pounds of and the farmyard; manure walter, eg farmer sellz this water, and the" more » fistedihy De SOND como om 3 ¥ 5 which is spread over the fields is more | than one-half water. No matter' how | dry the hay crop may be from the | farmer's point of view, thére is a con- siderable' quantity of water in it. The water he can sell the larger his profit mineral mat. ter taken from, the soil by the plants | is a direct loss the price at | which the erop is sold is sufficiently {targe to reimburse the farmer. for his EL well as. affond' him a'profit. emg | "Fairy floating: =oap,' Hern eke Gibson's Red Cross Dring 'Stove, | Truss comfort hy yerring unless «WHY YOU CAN'T SLEEP. It's just like this, Somewhere in the brain cells or blood vessels that sup ly the brain with blood, there is SOME- THING WROX 8, That wrong must be righted or you'll go to smash. wii Your physically exhausted body needs building up, needs more nutritious blood, needs tone and vigor. Your only hope is FERROZONE, which completely overcomes LY ness. - ; --FERROZONE=--| IS GOOD FOR THE SLEEPLESS. Every FERROZONE Tablet contains more concentra® ted ness than you'll get in quarts of liquid medicine. It benefits instantly. . FERROZONE fairly fills the blood with nourishment. Feeds it with iron oxygen, invigorates as nothing elde can. The refreshing sleep of a little babe, the restfulness and comfort of childhoods days will come every night of your life by using FERROZONE. Avoid substitutes! sD GRATER dnd #3 (Overwhelming Medical Testimony accompanies sach bottle; PRESS AGENT STORY. ot a James' theatre has not been very, ov wimp 3 cessful, and ah Sued | h 2 C paragraph which was i Ghost Was a Man Who Got in on quotation should be placed to * a Bet, dit o an ingenious press agen New York, Hay 25.~The Sun has the following cable from London : The mystery of the 'house of commons| ( ghost is explained by a morning pa- written per as the result of a bet which was Fla, has brought ubbut durisg a' discussion of the possibility of a leading incident in the novel and play, John Chileote, M. | oq I. The bet was whether a member's | sholera 'morbas b; double could enter and sit in the house | gp of commons without being found out. The tion- was settled in. the affir-}ig mative by some; one made up to re present Sir Carne Basch gaining ao- a seat' in the house and inci v causing: Sir Gilbert Parker's) now famous ghost story, oy Thid may, be- the solution of he. Es