, declared the game off when the fough stood 11 to 1 in" favor ot Wek fington with two more innings to {The races were fast, but not as as those held at the meet here ast winter. One book-maker was in lay but did not do 'an exgeptional usiness throughout the afternoon. Named race--Zac Medium, WW. H. McDonald, (Westlake); Axeta, P. Me {innis, (Marysville); Lord Minto, 8, Cook, (Brighton). Best time for three eats, 1:10]. Could Not Walk | Ten Yards Without Resting. Ont; was Troubled with Weak s | what . Ho § you years of suffering if you take her odvice -- Sh Fr "1am now the best of health, after having used Milburn's Heart and . Toi sleep at night, and it was im: 3 me to walk ten yards withou! pote Lo reer 3 ve ever can recommend them to oll sufferers." 'The price of Milburn's Heart and Nerve: | Pills is 80 cents per box, or 8 boxes for $135. For sale by all dealers, or mailed ' direct on receipt of price, : Tun T, Musuay Co, Lirens, SH ip Ji endeavored ..8 minute class--Maude H:, C. Wil liams, (Picton); Frank C., C. Caver- ly, (Madoc); Tassie Medium, E. M. Herrington, (Picton). Best time for four heats, 1:00}. aaa | 2:15 class--Maud Wilkes, D, 3 (Napanee); Natel, Hayes, (Water ony. Best time for three heats; | Starter William Mofati. Gate re foeipts $425. There was a much larger crowd on the than . | William Gerow, of Bloomfield met with a very painful accident, durin, the afternoon, while crossing. the a at the upper end, one of the racers ran into him, the shaft of the sulky running into his head. He fainted, but quickly regained consciousness and was taken to a doctor's. It is not thought his injury will prove ve serious, In ithe last heat of the 2:98 class Miss Breakaway, the Watertown mare, ool: tided ut Bessie P's. 'sulky, owned by eese, bury 8 i ty, tely smashing , During the 'afternoon the Deseronto pnd leno to enliven the in- " als, bn CIF music was far from being good It was a pretty si t to see the shildven of the public 8h marching to the Bj house, on Tues day to join in the Empire day exer- cises. hall was' well filled /and the | Programme to mark the day both .in- h ny and a utes (rns wi e Maple ."" E. Garbutt, of the school acted as chair- man. Patriotic were given by Mayor G. M. Farrington; . J. Rae, Rev. Nr. Whiting and P, C, Macnee, barrister, Interspersing the 'addresses choruses were sung by the entire school; "God Save the King" ing myself, I cannot speak too highly bringing the afternoon to a close, i Richard Cowan, butcher, has built a new slaughter house on the Hadden farm on the Greenbush road, just out of town. Mrs. D. M. Farmer is visit- fing in Otlawa. Mrs. Church, left yes- terday, for a several months' stay with Mrs. A. D. Cotter in Brockville, 'E. A. Bog has returned to Toronto. - a -------- | Why Suffer From Rheumatism ? . Why suffer from rheumatism BONE AND MusOLE 'Jouly for a short . jrarely finds actually when one application of Chamberlain's' Pain {Balm will relieve the pain ? The quick t alone is worth many times its cost. Many who have used it hoping relief from suffering have been happily surprised to find awh the relief became 'that after il ---- Wisdom's Whispers. A woman pretends she likes to | contradicted by a man so "= to find out what his ideas are. | Men dislike to be told story with the accompanying. 0% PA a won: to attach a fla- vor of mvstery tot t rd xy e most common: Most othe show their diplomacy in a wav that gives it th iv foi it the appearance be an interesting injunction of secrecy direct The man who feels he i capab) doing something rarely pablo, of time to to work a 3 hoa get w and Women dole out monev as though it grieved them to part with it, Some men always think. they have immi mds and relatives of acting - sat down to a x n' breakiast, after Which the bridal ha same to Rings. ton, gasoli unch, took t! noon un for Ottawa, where the groom a delightful Pre for he f the bride e way wn of the bri was ¥n 'ene! ith. with silk blouse, and a blue, Tuscan toque to match. <TH bride was the recipient of many handsome and costly presents, showing 'the esteem in which she is held; silver prodoniinated, and the gifts came from many places, includ- ing Brandon, , Montreal, Ot- tawa, Rochester, Kingston, ete. The groom's present to the. bride was a pearl crescent pin and spray, be also presénted 'the groomsman and bridesmaid with pins of the same de- soription. Mr. Raymond is a graduate of the Whig job room, having been employed there for a number of years, until he took ip a position in Ottawa with the Rollo A. Craine company. His Kingston friends and Whig employees wish him and his fair bride continued success and happiness. After Ten Years. G. L. Stephenson, of Peterborough, says: "For over ten years I suffered constantly with Piles, first itching, then bleeding; pain almost unbearable; life a burden. Tried everything in vain till I used Dr. Leonhardt's Hem-Roid. : "I had taken but a few doses when 1 began to notice an improvement. I de- i to keep on, and now after using three boxes I am glad to say I am completely cured: My general health has also greatly improved. Tt gives me great pleasure to recommend Hem- Roid to all sufferers with piles, and 1 feel convinced that what it has done for me it will surely do for them," A $1,000 guarantee goes with ever box of Hem-Roid. Rice, $1, all drug: gists, or The Wilsgn-Fyle Co., Limit- For sale at' "The Best Drug Store," L. T. Best, Chemist and Optician, 124 Princess Street. . home pre- An Energetic Officer. Canadian Freeman. John J. Behan, the energetio grand secretary of the C.MB.A., in Canada is putting ; t life and strength into this Srganization. thoughout the eas- tern western parts of this pro- vince, When his onerous office permits it he makes a trip {o some town or city for the purpads' of stifring up special interest and of forming new beatighes in ihe difictont districts, Last we e pai mpior a visit and ddressed a a very large meeting the result being that 3 new branch will be inaugurated there in the near future, The grand council j certainly to be cohgratulated on having such an effi- cient officer as Mr. Behan to look af- ter its interests throughout the coun- try. Age Adds To Its Popularity. Fifty years ago Putnam's Corn Bx- tractor was introduced. Its sale has been enormous, Why ? Because its the only painleds remedy for corns, warts and bunions. Doubtless, you've proved this yourself. The latest souvenir Kingston at Wade's. ' Richard Edmund Tyrwhitt, of the hydrographic engineering: staff of the marine and fisheries' department; died on Sunday at Ottawa of typhoid fever. His mother and young wile are left to mourn. 1 was a son of the late Lieut-Col. Tyrwhitt, M.P, for South Simcoe, was a nephew of the late Archdeacon. Whitaker, and a graduate of the Royal Military Col- lege. Was Blinded i By Eczema Suffered Intensely For Years and Was Horribly Disfigured Skin Now as Smooth as a Baby's Thanks to Dr. Chase's Ointment, view books of Three * Such cures as the one described be- * are what have given Dr. Chase's Dinttneut a world+ tation as 4 3 i i "af FeT i fig EH months, and the dis- so great that she could not FE { ih if h every time you Earning capacity. Go and take a Ten Mile Walk, Haven't time? Too Lazy? Well,--there is another Way. That's --CASCARETS. One Came Out After The Other. m-- Suffered with Boils for Six Months. Mr. Eli¢ Braizeau, Meadowside Station, Ont., tells of his ex- perience with Boils and Burdock Blood Bitters. He says: -- "In the Spring of 1889 I was continually troubled with boils--one coming after another for about six months, 1 suffered terribly, and was in 4 very bad conditiox. In August I got a bottle of Burdock Blood Bitters, and began to feel better after taking it. I kept on until I had used five bottles, and can truthfully say that I was cured, and have remained so ever since, boil." There is nothing like Burdock Blood Bitters for bad blood, boils, pimples, dyspepsia, indigestion, Stomach, Liver, Bowels or Blood. MAYPOLE SOAP Made in England, :s0ld everywhere, roc, for Colers--z1sc. for Black. THE FARMER WITH HIS SCYTHE Manages to cut the grass quickly, but he doesn't leave a velvety-like lawn behind him--and the poor lawn mower does much the same work. The grass has the appearance of being chewed off by a cow. Don't be fooled into buying that kind. When question THE MAXWELL High or low wheel, ranging from $3 to $7, a¢dording to size. : |W. A. MITCHELL'S HARDWARE LOOK Crush Fruit Sundae and Soda only 5¢. yin the city. All kinds 'of Fruits. Choice Candy from JO. to 50c.' Ih. The, host boxes of Chocolates--Low- ney's and Ganong's, from 10c. to 5c. per box. ? : CALL ON' i| T. Petters & Co. ani®S Erincess Gurest. City. w . )- : A ning Sly Smet on the Maynard Tota. 1 two milks from Cape Vineont, J eiver dhofe, 12 oly ' I have not had the least sign of a | or any trouble arising from the | of Mower comes up, we have the best : If you want Pure Ice Croam--tho best } on the p< "Look inside your Cover and See, HAT'S bad business, Bill! . What you been Eating ? What were you Drinking? t kind of Lazy air did you. take Exercise in? Now don't think it 'doesn't matter!" p it's your Bowels that talk now, open: your Mouth. That does'nt help your Popularity, nor your Besides, a man with bad Bowels is in a bad way. And, a Coated Tongue, or a Bad Breath, are sure signs of bad Bowels and poor Digestion. for Exercisel ! Finest thing in the world for Constipation, Indi- gestion, or Dyspepsia, --Ten Mile Walks. Take Artificial Bxerciso for your Bowels, cad transform it in 0 Blood, Brawn, Brain 30 makes to. choose from, B-&-C models Fiteze ; B-&-1 Bias filled ; Alba- ! ni; Lady Curzon ; H-H. Batiste ; Crompton models ; A la Grate; D &-A; Crest; other favorites, Girdles from ¢ Corsets from 50¢ to0/$2. S ENCE"S, ™ I ---------------- Watch re nis They ousg the Bowel . : Musclw, just as Bath frechens Athlatic Muselos. -- iss. 'Wakens thera up, Strengthens tiem + tract end Ezpand the Bowes licalthy aéfive manner. Thot's how thess Muscles work the Food through your thirty foet of Intostines v to its Pinjsy », & ~ ~ Gactri : 3 * That's-how they sgucesc Gastric Juice into the food, to Digest it. That's how they make the millions of little Sucks ers in the Intestines draw the Nutrition ous Cascarets act lii:e Exercise, --harmless simple, convenient, but sure as Shooting. The thin little T»a Cent Box, carried in Pocket constantly, iz sure protection against the results of -- hele Suppers --Slow Walking ef Boozing --Fasy Chair --Rapid Ealing --dAnd Lazy Liver, Cascarets are" Warranted io Cuze Constipation, Indigestion, or; your money back. Ten Cents, at all Druggists. Yi hn: Cascarets FREE before Wa hs Slap and booklet, 'The the subject, Address Sterling Reme®y Company, 374 St. Montreal. Constipation," best ever printed on ] kr S89 +2323 rrre ITI RAR CITRLTIVITLT RATT Tangy Y CORRECT CORSETS The Corset section is a d-e partment in which we take partic- ular pride. find a stock so judiciously select- ed, so thoroughty up-to-date. In few stores will you B-C Batiste ; E*T madels ; and 35¢. to $1; 088 +r rrr sss sranmcsesdrrrccsssssssracacasse 9 they Cons and Intestines jg 4 and Bone, ng Millinery and Mantle Store. tlong, of Food, pleasant, your Vest Athletics you buy, Ce Paul St., 660 the city. Decorations ! Flags of every description. Banners and Wreathing. Fancy Goods, Toys, etc. Fancy China. " White Cnina for decorating. Fruits and Confectionery. Decorations ! Fireworks! 'The largest and best stock of Fireworks in = J. HISCOCK - 160 and 162 Princess Street. ® BOL LERIRERANORREE 000000 00000000000, Wo wish to inform the public that Kingston give credit or approbation. Some people think through, but we wish to state that it is just as strong as ever Rg Our Ice Cream is made fram" Pure Cream, un- surpassed for quality 4nd flavor. Served by the dish or delivered in any Size bricks required. A.J. REES, Princess St. No Credit No Approbation Merchants do not this rule has fall Shoe that ! I { i ' ] Please remember, we "GIVE NO CREDIT AND ALLOW NO GOODS OUT ON APPROBATION, i; $ cffervescent You knew 1] li am, ufferers fr A. - Te full ir a gl; Te TINDALL SSeS LOGAL BRANCH TIME TABLE Trains will leave and arrive City Depot, Foot of Johnston Street. GOING WEST Lye, C City Arr. City am. 127 am. 3k 3.05 a.m. " 11 Local ... .. 9.15 a.m. 9.47 a.m. « J'Intern'l Ltd12.16 noon 12.46 p.m « Mail ... ... 318 p.m. 3.51 p.m. " 15 Local ... . 708 pm. 7.38 p.m. GOING. EAST Es = Lve. City Arr. City No. 5 Mail ... .. 18am. 22am 2 Fast Exp. 2.26 a.m. 3.05 a.m. " 16 Local - ... . &1Gam. 8.47pm. reco Mail Lo. 1.00 pm. 1.29 p.m. " 4Fast Exp. 1.00pm. 1.20pm. " 12 Local ... ... 7.03pm. 7.38pm Neos. 1,2, 8 and 4 run daily. No. b and 8 run daily, except Monday. All other trains: daily except Sunday. © For Pullman Abcomanod ation, Tickets Il other information, apply to ad J. P. HANLEY Cor. Johnston & Ontario Sts. | NEESER LLG | RAILWAY IN CONNECTION WITH CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. TRAINS LEAVE KINGSTON :-- 12:39 p.m. --Express, for Ottawa, Mon- eal, Quebec, St. John, N.B.; Halifax, Boston, Turonto," Obicago, Denver, Rens free, Sault Ste. Marie, Ouluth, St Pad!, Winnipeg, Vancouver, Seattle, P d, and San Francisco. 8 pm.--Local for Sharbot Lake, tounecting with C.P.R. east and west %10 a.m_--Aliz»d, for Renfrew and in- termediate points. Passengers leaving Kingston at 12:80 \, arrive in Ottawa at 500 p.m; eterboro, 512 p.m.; " Toronto, 7:30 pm; Bosten, 7:30 a.m.; St. John, NB, 11:55 a.m. Full particulars at K. & P. and C. P. R. Ticket Office, Ontario Street. F. CONWAY, PF. A. Gen. Pass. Agt. Bay of Quinte Railway New short line for Tweed, Napanee Dweronto, and all local points. Traine Mave City Hall Depot at-8:25 p.m. F OCNWAY, Agent B. Q. Ry., Kiagsten. FOLGER, JR. Gen, Supt ------ LIVERPOOL and ALLAN LINE LONDONDERRY Royal Mail Steamers. From Montreal. From Quebec. Bavarian, May 19, 4 a.m. May 19, 2 p.m Virginian," May 26,9 a.m. May 2 Risian, June 2, 8 a.m. June Tunisian, June 9, 8 a.m. June 9, 6 p.m HATES OF PASSAGE--First Cabin, $75 and upwards, according to steamer : 'ond Cabin, Liverpool and London ¥, $42.50, $45 and $47.50 nccord- ig to steamer, London $2.50 extra; third Class, $27.50-- Vieginian, Vietor: fan $28.75. MONTREAL TO GLASGOW, DIRECT. Sicilian Wed. May 24 (daylight) MONTREAL TO LONDON & HAVRE. Oeranian. ... .... .... Sat. May 27 . NEW YORK TO GLASGOW. Parisian Thurs. June 8, 2. p.m Purther particulars on plication to J. P. HANLEY, Agents GTR. City t. . P, GILDER- Depot. SLEEVE, Clarence Street. WEALED TENDERS ADDRESSED a undersigned, and endorsed "Ten- me 0st Oglice at Vgncouver, B.C.," day, 2%; received at this office until Fri- dion le 23, 1901, inclusively, for the - on of a Post Oifice building at Van- Secity B.C.. according to plans and fications "to be seen at the Depart- ry of Public Works, Ottawa, Ont., and BC ancouver Armoury, Vancouver, magnders will Jot bo considered Jiese Signed Pri form supplied, an With the actual signatures of ten- AB accepted 0 Bank, able leas on a chartered Hon bara Mis che order of the Ho (10 p.c.) of the jo ten per cent. of the tender, must ac- each tender. 'This. check forfeited ir the party tendering the contract or fail to complete contracted for, and will be WU case of non-acceptance of Department does' not bind itself 19 aceept the lowest or any tender. By order. FRED. GELINAS > Secretary. tut of Public Works, Ottawa, May 16." 1905. Bent withouy Inserting this advertise Bent, wi) i Sthority from the Depart SANITARY PLUMBING you | i of Public Works, 1 i i SAE Gi aw SBA S JAMIESON J. tom