: World--The Markets. It in said much replant' Jn Jansas, and many An oWa on account of continued wet, cold weather. . are calculators who estimate that the Canadian Pacific's agricultaral and nargistnt ad- ng the demand. for its ets. Factories have Leen h year since 1898, in ae was about ceoning 16 the Petrol Heview, the of petroleum throughout past year wus 28.57%, The Cheese Markets --Offerings, 897 box No sales SAE are to be noted in every garment WITHOUT 'HIGH PRICES which usually accompany f the silk, the extremely full widths, ed accordion pleated, black, brown, 5.50, $6, 86.50, $7, $7.50, $8.50, #0, 810. you buy a skirt from us you obtain something decidedly y mixtures of greys, fawns, ete, $2.75, $3.50, TR SKIRTS-New designs in blues, black, grey, S450, 85, 6. : $C, 87, $7.60. Ww LUSTRE SKIRTS--Very offectively trimmed 1 burton. 8, § Baw KIMONAS, WRAPPERS--Plain and fancy muslin wide, the wear-well rd ~- WAISS BULIS Blue and white, brows and PETA SILKS. Fouch manufacture, best dye, manufacture, "double thread, R--Correct style for summer ch ka ---- Arthur Horror. WERE BEING TRANSPORTED TO ODESSA, RUSSIA. Go Home Under British Flag-- Vietims Are Some of Those Long Confined in Hospitals Surrounded by Terrible Scenes of Beige. . Che Foo, May 25.--~Forty-four hmatic Russian sailors and soldiers from Port Arthur, including a violent insane Heutenant, who was on She Se. bastopel Fin, e siege, arriv ere and were intely transferred to the Russian improvised hospital ship Whampol, under the British flag, for transportation direct to Odessa. The party is accompanied by a form- er medrol member of Alexiefi's staff and other officers and attendants, ex- ceeding in number the patients. The condition of the insane men varies from a mild melancholy to the violent stage. The majority are sufiér- ing "from hallucinations réndefing them in a condition that demands an attendant for each one. The officers in charge state that many of these cases are the result of the long incarceration of sick men in hospi during the terror of the siege, . a cases gre the result of scurvy; and the condition of others is due to the terrific nervous strain . of con- tinuedk bombardments and i t servige, All those afllicted are appar- [ently physical wrecks, e scene gvas extremely pathetic as o. chattering imbecil ted 'the decks of the steamer and entered cages which enclosed the main hatches and surrounding deck spage provided for. their liberty and comfort during the passage through tropical zones, BIG FIRE IN LONDON. $50,000 Loss in That City's Factory District. Special te the Whie. : London, Ont., Hay 25.Flames from the. hig frame box actory sdon com- | munioased to Bonsors' turning factory one door to south. By 3.30 Bonsors' was beyond hope, and the fire travelled east through streets threat- ening the London Tools company's works, on Bathurst street. The brick section of the Dymen Baker factory followed, and the flames sweeping through and over the building to the aorthward, attacked the lumber piles between the M. C. R. and G. T. R. tracks. Fer some time the G. T. R. freight sheds were in imminent danger, hug at 43 the building was reason- Three cars on the M. C. R. track were almost totally destroved. One was lpaded with Deering implements, and the other two were filled with miscellaneous goods, Their total value in estimated at 810,000, The loss to sors will amount to $50,000, stock and machinery. Tambling and Jones lose a shed con- taining over $2,500 worth of sawn oak, a total loss of $3,000. Mr. Dy- ment said : "There were a million feet of lumber in the yards, but most of the stock was insured. As to rebuild ing I can't say. 1 hardly think that the fim will rebuild, although we will carry on business the same as usual. The loss will total more than $75, 000." The Dyment Baker company stand to lose $50,000, building, lumber and ma- chinery, 'both their planing mill. and box factory, mostly covered 'by insur- ance. The origin of the fire is suppos- ed to have been a sky-rocket, which was seen to fall in the yards about midnight. At eight o'clock, this morn- ing, the fire was still burning fiercely in. the lumber piles. APPLICATION MADE For Winding Up 20th Century Ht -- Mining Company. S 1 to 2. getio on ay 25.--An .application was made in O de Hall, this morn- ing, by Mrs. Elizabeth Selby, holder of 154 shares, for the winding up of the Twentieth Century Ming com- pany, which was organized in 1901, with an authorized capital of $2,- 000,000. The company has gold lands in Algoma, and copper properties in Arizona, About one-half of the share- holders are in the United States, and the applicant claims that these are sueing the company for the return of the money they paid in, and that if they are successful, it will be to the prejudice of the Canadian sharehold- ers, At present the company has $30, 000 in available cash. STILL STEAMING NORTH, But Still Fails to Meet Togo. Special to the Whig. : St, Petorsburg, May 25. Admiral Avellan, head of the Russian ad: miralty department, confirms previous dispatches, saying Viece-Admiral Ro- taney is steaming north to give battle to Admiral Togo, He considers it possible that news to the effect that the two fleets have met may be re- ceived any day. Admiral Avellan re affirms the official denial of the re ports that Rojestvensky has broken down, and has to be relieved. Will Set Aside. | Soecial to ernment has decided to set aside a Ibe held for ever by the crown, wsed as public parks, New French Professor. in t ere Made Mad By Port!" IV CAGks ON DECK . Bidding was opened at 9c, by F. a. Toronto, May 26.~The Ontario gov- number' of islands in Lake Temagami for publi¢ purposes. The islands will The appointment. of a French.Cana- THURSDAY, MAY 25. il Picked Up By emer or even THE SESSION ENDE 8 On Their Rounds. N. W. Everetts, Smith's Falls, was 'or ready-made, every York Dress Reform, Syracuse, N.Y. was in the city, on Vie Stanley with his toria day. Mrs. Neil MoCnaig, and iwo daugh- , Bertha and Louise, of Rome, N. + @re visiting friends and relatives i in the iy AP allon; who left here several weeks ago, accepted a position in the circulation tia of the Buftalo Courier, ) isses Laura Gunyou, and Emma Fills, Deseronto, and Charles Lowney and wife, In. , spent the holiday with Mrs. A. E. Hunt, Princess street. On Tuesday and Wednesday nights, male and female vandals destroyed flower py us parts of the ty, Prine those on lawns in front of Youses, . One of the prettiest decorated homes in the city yesterday, was that of George W. H. Comer, SO Division street. Over forty flags, designs, etc, were displayed, the whole being artis- tically h Announcement is made of the marri- ages of Andrew Lorraine, Watertown, N.Y., and Miss Mary E. Giddy, Odes- sa, and Alfred T. Howard, Water town, NY. antd Miss Marv A. Carle- ton, Hartington, Ont. Many people imagine W. H. Allen, thé Rochester aeronaut, to He an ama- teur on aceount of his fall vesterday. He is no amateur, having been bal- looning fourteen years. He was train- ed by his father, who retired recently after a rgrord of thirty three vears. + Moré of the bogus ten dollar Amer- ican bills were presented in the city yesterday, mostly by persons from the country who have been victimized by the persons who have heer®passing then. there, City people were on the alert, however, and none were ac tod, L ills & Cunninghanr have won their suit- against The W.- F. Burns Co., of Chicago. The latter firm infringed the patent held by Mills & Cunning- m for "Home Savings Benke" One bank alone in Chicaso has out sixty thousand savings banks that are an infringement of the patent owned by Mills '& Cunningham. iT FRONTENAC CHEESE BOARD, Attendance of Salesmen Bettor-- Price Was 9jc. " Kingston, May 25.-The attendance of salesmen at tyday's session of the Frontenac cheesé board was the lar- gest of the season, though many pre- cent failed to register their holdings and sell in the open matket. The offerings were H boxes, of which 410 were colored and 372 white. Alexander, but quickly jumped to 9jc. by J. Gibson, who bid in the entire otfcrings, securing only 315 boxes, the make of these tories : Cataraqui, Glenvale, Gilt Edge, Thousand Is- land, Siiver Spriggs, St. Lawrence. These factories had cheese on sale : Colored--Glenvale, 50; Glenburnie, £0; Elm Grove, 50; Gilt Edge, 30; Howe Island, 30; Pine Hill, 90; Thow sand Island, 60. White--Cataraqui, 65; Hinchinbrook, ; Moning Star, 35; St. Lawrence, 35; Silver Springs, 30; Glendower, 25; Collins Bay, 75; Cold Springs, 70. The buyers in attedance were: I. J. Mackinnon, L. W. Murphy, F. Alexander, R. Thompson, M. Everetts, J. Gibson. A short discussion took place upon the old theme--the failure of salesmen to board their holdings. Mr. Mackin- non was of opinion that the evil would not be overcome un'ii such time as patrons of factories could )e directly addressed and the fact point- ed out to them that they were losing moaey by not having the clease of the factory they patromize sold in open competition on the board. Last week Kingston paid the same price as Brockville, which is slightly better than the Brockvills rate, freight rates considered. A PRETTY WEDDING. Miss S. A. Clarkson and J. M. Ward, Married. The marriage of Miss S. A. Clark- son, Beadle, Yorkshire, Eng., to J. W. Ward, Leeds, Yorkkhire, Eng., was solemnized in St, George's cathedral on Tuesday, 23rd inst. The ceremony was performed by Canon Starr. The bride looked charming in a costum of creme de soie trimmed with ol valenciennes lace, and veil attached with orange blossoms and carried 4 beautiful bouquet of white flowers, The bride was attended by Miss Bar- clay. Little Miss May Gibson, as flower girl, looked very dainty in a white organdie frock. The groom pre- sented the bride with a handsome gold chain, and locket and gave the 'bridesmaid a gcld brooch. J. Gott at- tended the groom. After the ceremony the bridal party and invited guests, numbering about forty, retired to the home of J. Gibson, Earl street, where a sumptuous repast was served, after which the remainder of the ening was spent in speeches and music, which lasted until the early hours of the . morning. Mr, and Mrs. J. W, Ward will be en pension with Mrs, J. Gibson, Earl street. Among the wedding presents was a solid silver tea service from Mrs, Ward's late employer in the old land. Will Go To Utica, N.Y. There was plenty of 'dust to-day. SPEECH FROM LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR. Visit, of Earl and Countess Grey Appreciated--Desirable Exten- sion of Time for Land Grants ~Provincial Interests Will be Safe Guarded. Special Whig. aronte, Tien Bs. After a sitting lasting two months and three days, the first session of a provincial legis- lature, held under a conservative ad- ministration for - thirty years, was prorogued by the licutenant-governor, at three o'clock, this afternoon. In all 134 acts wero assented to by the lien- tenant-governor, « to-day. Hon. Mr. Clerk drove up to the Parliament Buildings, escorted by a body-guard of 100 men of the Royal Grenadiers. The galleries of the house were filled with interested spectators of the proceed- ings, which were short, the lieutenant- governor simply entering the chamber and reading the address relieving the members of their duties. Mr. Speaker and gentlemen of the legislative assembly : : In relieving vou from the. labors of gession, | thank you for the attention you havé given to your public duties as well as for the beneficial legislation I have just sanctioned. Sinee the opening of the session the provincial government ha€ been honored hy two vigils from their excellencies the gov- The evident interest taken by both their excellencies in all that touches the prosperity and well-being of the vrovinee and its people has heen high: ly appreciated, and the grace and charm of her_excelleney have endeared her to us all. Public approval will, no doubt; he given to the act amending previous legislation in the interests of our veterans. The extension of the time in which claims may be made was virg desirable, and this fives good ground for confidence that the othet provisions of the act will bring aba.t good resulte. it has given me much pleasure te assent to the acts respecting the University of Toronto. The passing of this act i= the second great event in the history of our provincial univer- sity. The situation had becoro in- deed acute, and the cffect of the wet will, undoubtedly, be to place the finances of the university on a sound, stable and permanent footing, re lioving all anxiety as to its future, and by means of it we will be able to do our manifest duty towards ths youth of the country, and to hold our own in an educational sense among the other communities on this con- tinent. I have noticed with satisfaction the interest' you have displayed with re ference to the possibilities which the fature may have in store with regard to electric power, as well ay the do- termination on your part that the in- terests of the province in this impor- tant question shall be carefully safe- guarded. 7 I observe with pleasure the various amendments you have made to the statute law, the municipal law, and the succession duties' act, all of which itself will be found to be beneficial, The activity in business circles, to- gether with the increasing wants of our people, are shown by the grow- ing volume of private . legisla- tion." Some of this legislation is of the most important charaét and bears evidence of having received that careful supervision which, alwavs de sirable, has become, for several' Fag S0NS, Very necessary. I thank you for the liberal appro: priation you have made for the public service, the supplies granted by vou will be expended with economy and in the public interest. In closing the session 1 desire again to commend your zeal in the public service, and to join with you in expressing the hope that God's blessing will continue to rest upon our country and on our people. -------- Death Of A Clergyman. |, On Wednesday died at Ottawa, Rev, LJ ; Christie, seventy-four vears. He was a native of Scotland, and sought a home early in life in Newfoundland. He entered into mer- cantile life and advanced to the sor- vice of the Bank of Montreal, at Pet- erboro and in Kingston, as account- ant, In this latter city he entered church life earnestly, and studied for holy orders. Qrdained priest in 1874, he served successively at Wolfe Island, Amherst Island, Metcalfe, Madoc, Bear- brook, under the original diocese of Ontario, and at North Gower and Hintonburg, under the bishop of Ot- tawa. He was of sterling character, and loyal to his church as well as faithful to duty. His widow was form- erly Mrs. Rothwell, of Amherst Island. The executive committee of Ontario synod passed a resolution of regret and condolence and appointed a dele- gation to attend the funeral from Kingston station on Thursday after- noon, 'composed of Archdeacons Carey and Maanorine, the lay secretary and Areasurer. A Good Time Assured. The advertising carnival and dance in the city hall to-morrow (Friday) promises to be a "swell" afigir. Every: body come and bring your wives. Re- freshments served during the dance at 1905 prices, It is understood that Hon. J. J. Maclaren, justice of the court of ap- The 14th Regiment has decided t, accept the invitation . of the 44th | sbparate . company, of the New York National Guard to visit Utica, N.Y, on July 4th, and participate in the | celebration there. e regiment will leave Kingston on Sunday morning, July 2nd, and remain in Utica till the | following Tuesday evening,' Monday being a holiday in Canada, on ae count of July 1st being celebrated on! that day, instead of Saturday. | The Manchester Courier states that a nunfber of artisans, including col- liery workers, who recently emigrated to Canada, are now returning to their former homes, ! Mayor Weaver, Philadelphia; has dian professor | Halifax cdllege to the professorship of French i Royal Military College, has been an- * nounced, been restrained from discharging offic cials. 4 : : Miss Hertfelder, Berlin, Ont.. drop. : pod dead at g picnic at Bloomingdale, | pat ; TH tea peal, will be made president of the International Sunday School Union at the meeting of the latter. body in Toronte.. Nartin Amy aid Charles Friddell were run over by a train at New Tor- onto and instantly killed. TE ---- ---------- 100 remedy and Isa ly vegetable headache ly must not be con- founded with the drug cures, which in almost every instance, contain opium, morphine or Zutoo isa harmless. Cure for Headache: A ernor-general and the Conntess Grev, | 3 tume--t vw B, 8 Cream, Browns, Mohair Lustre, Greys, etc. O98 78C. These practical dus; sh ding yet dainty and stylis terials are just the thing f, mer wear. Their crispne -- fies dust and damp wear they are well nigh 'indestructible, designs and effects for almost every cl tailored suit, the shirt w travellifig coat, smart frocks for children, etc. hed. h ma- r sum. SS* de- and as for We have { ass of C0s- aist suit, the Nd Navys, Blacks i, 35¢., 49c¢., -- Fancy Mohairs, in new designs and mixed color. ings, Browns, Navys, Greens, etc, 49¢., 63c., 75¢. Cream Mohair inches wide, Navy Mohair Serges. Black Mohair Serges. visit our Children's Ready-to- Wear Department y NOW So popular f and for Children's Sailor Suits. particularly good make at 4qc. Every Mother With small girls to dress should - 39¢., 45¢., for. Skirts We have a yard, full 44 / wih! ES Woe 3 Ne eS. » _ Some of the things you will find there and.at prices that will convince you of the saving of time, strength and money in buying from us rather than making at home. Girls' Wash Dresses. Girls' Nightgowns, Girls' White Skirts. Small Girls' Dainty White French Dresses in Lawns with fine lace trimmings. Babies' and Small Girls' Summer Hats and Bonnets. New For Waists. For Skirts. For Shirt Waist Suite. Plain Shades in Cotton Voiles. Plain Shades in Dress Linens, Wash Goods Scotch Chambrys in Blues, Pinks, Greens, Navys, etc. Fancy Canvas Voiles, very pretty effects at 1284¢, 15¢., 18¢c., 20C. White Mercerized Suitings, 15¢,, 20c., 25c. White Mercerized Waistings, 12%c., 15¢ 18c¢., 20c., 25¢, White Satin Drills for Skirts, 25c. White P. K.'s, 15¢., 18c., 20c.; 25c., 3 And many New Wash Materials at icc, 12%c., 15¢., 18c, 20c., 25c. Another New Batoh of DOROTHY DODD SHOES 3, Just received from Boston a fresh su Ply of LADIES DOROTHY DODD SPRING TANS. ( JoHLAILAWESON That pretty $3 Chocolate Tie, light sole. That swell $3 75 Tan Tie, Goodyear welt. A $3 Chocolate Lace Shae, light sole, a sensible and stylish shoe. |THE LOCKETT SHOE STORE I YEAR 72. NO. 12 : iP Jenkins Clothing Co Black Cat Brand Chicago-Kénosha Hosiery Company Kenosha, Wis, Are putring pretty loud. Custom sav there is nothing like them. Th are fast black. They will wear ol but are longer and will wear long than any other line we know, The knees are almost impregnal boys. can bust almost ar anil thing; 25¢., all sizes, some =a lit more Get your supply hefore. sizes broken. B. P. Jenkins Clothing C NOTICE. i ANNUAL "MEETING OF T Stockholders of the Cataraqui Cemet any will be held at the Office kpatrick, Rogers & Nickle, Onta st, on SATURDAY, the 27th day Moy, ht 4 o'clock p.m., fon the elect of directors and for general purposes jating. to the management of the cc "any G. W. MAXWELI Secretary-Treasuré May 20th, 1905. WANTED. A DRIVER. APPLY. LEMMON A Lawrenson, King St A COOK TO GO: TO TRIEMO Park. Apply to. Mrs. Drury, Kk BY YOUNG LADY, SITUATION hook-keeper or oifice assistant dress, 'G., Whig office: A BOY ABOUT 17 TO WORK store, and attend soda water, Ap Mahood's Drug Store $13,000 ON Fstate AN EXPERIENCED GENERAL S vant ; no washing or ironing ; far of four. Apply 817. Luiver Avenue. SUMMER COTTAGE on IA house, for the summer season. ply to Givens & Givens, 81 B) St., Kingston. WOMAN COOK: MUST BI FII rlass, for Suinner Resort Hi Cool -kitchen on water front. $ per day. Address, Box D.D., car GENTLEMEN, TO GET TH Spring Suits made up at Gallow! 131 Brock street, next to Bit livery ; style, fit and price guarar please ; pressing and repairing omptly. BIG WAGES FOR AGENTS. ag women make handsome w selling our household specia family needs them legitimate by start in withe Marshall & MEX AND BOYS, TO LEARN PLU ng trade. We canfiot su der for graduates. $1.50 to per weeks completes course learning. Address, for ( Ooyne Bros. Co., Plun Cincinnati, O., St. 1 smployment guaranteed money refunded. . TO-LET. Ee es STORAGE, A ROOM IN THE STE building, clean, dry, rat and b Apply at McCaun's, frock St. THE DESIRABLE RESIDENCI Barrie St., opposite City Park. session Ma, 1st. Apply ta Flanagan, 82 Barrie St. ------------------------------------------ FROM 1ST JUNE, FOR TH months or longer. urnished 1 eleven rooms ; modern convenie central location. Apply by let P.O. Box 82, Kingston. YHAT BRICK DRTACHED 1 « , No. 438, Brock St, ; heat furnace ; modern conveniences Immediate possession. Apply 81, Whig office, or on promises COMFORTABLE BRIOK I House, partly furnished, well sit on shore of Bay "of Quinte, 24 west of Collins Bay. Good accommodation. Stage daily Kingston and Bath. Also Cottage, Address, H, 'C. Rot Collins Bay Ont. ------ THAT DESIRABLE PROPERT) the Corner of Queen and O Streets, lately occupied by Mr erSOn uy wg and outfuildings. Offers will ceived for purchase. Apply Walkem & Walkem, solicitors, ston. rr ---------- FOR SALE. GOOD BUILDING LOT, SOUTH Queen street, hetween Montrea Bagot. Apply 49 Colborne 8! NEW © MODEL NO. 44, MA! $47. Comfort Tires, $2 ec CONTAINIYN at roviow, on Vict by Officer of the 14th RR Reward for its return to thi Ee ar i------ A SMATA, PURSE, ON MAY fontaihing 5 sun of mone st Mundel's * | Reward for turn to this office The Llgokborry is extensively Naled in America.