Daily British Whig (1850), 26 May 1905, p. 4

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ET Coverings wold by yard 8s requiced. Furniture polished jrito new, 0. |T. F. i "Phane gt ChE Ea ERE ing CARTER MEDICINE CO., New York, J Al fod Des Spall Prim Doctors Said That Swellings Would Turn to Running Sores, Mrs. Jacob Kachler, Burdock Blood Bitters Saved Her from Many Years of Suffering. Zurich, She writes :--** Now imagine how joyous Get order in as carly as possi- Harrison Co. ferences with regard ""Opifer per Orbem Dicor." ~ ofllien Labour Lav. officials who are covered by the. re port of Judge Winchester. He recently investigated the complaints that were laid before him. He found, after tak- ing evidence, that thirteen officials who were Canadians, and competent to discharge the duties that were as- signed to them, had been removed and their. places filled by Americans. Se far as the judge could see there was only one purpose in the changes, namely, to make way for the favor- ites who were aljens' and could not be employed without a violation of the law, } . The report to this effect has been sent to Ottawa, and the result, ac- cording to reason, should be tiff de- portation of the offenders. Against 'such a proposal the St. Thomas coun- cil is opposed. It passed a very pe- culiar resolution. It did not object to the action of the government, or to the enforcement of the law. Tt did, however, say that it hoped the dii- to the employ- ment of Americans would be settled, and why ? Because the Pere Mar- quette railway company had dealt with the city ina very satisfactory manner. There is not much force in that argument, whatever there may be in the personal interview of a de- putation with the premier and the minister of labour. There is only one. thing for the gov- ermment 'to do--carry out the law, im- partially and fairly, or repeal it. These enquiries of Judge Winchester are expensive, and it is simply absurd to continue them without applying the remedy they are supposed to in- vite, Gambling On The Track. The raid recently upon. a gambling joint in Toronto Junction, a place where betting was conducted upon races. as information was given of then by the telegraph, has led to the suppression of one obnoxious institu- tion. Tt had long been complained of but it was argued that the 'law 'was defective and that the provincial au- thorities could not successfully cope with it. But the raid was made and the 'defendants seem to have decid-| ed to aecept the consequences rather' than invite the exposures which a spirited . defence involved. Now * atttention is devoted to the race track, and it is felt that somie- thing should be done to put an end to the book-making which is carried St. Thomas has taken a peculiar position with reference to the alien labour law." That city is the home of some of the Pere Marquette railway i some kinds of or later there will be an explosion. Editorial Notes. The light and power company offer to pump the wafer now used in Mont- real for $7.88 per million gallons, and later . for $5 per million gallons. Cheap. $ Mr. Maclean is not so much in evi- dence. Is he, like Rojestvensky, . a nervous collapse, now that there is more to do than talk. The London election is on, and Maclean is missing. The lieutenant-governor's residence in Ontario is not ideal, and the gov- ernment has an eye on the late Mr. Gooderham's for state purposes. The Sun protests against the expenditure of $20,000 a year upon an official resi- dence; There is no adequate return for the money. The Methodist conferences are about to begin, and already there is talk of the ruled against amusements. Is there anv rule against card playing, dancing and theatre-going ? Or is the restric- tive measure only a foot-note, the en- forcement or Observance of which is optional with the church member ? The city is said to have spent nearly $7,000 on improvements in the last five months, apd reduced the bank overdraft by $10,000 on gas and elec trio light accounts. It is a good show- ing, and a further proof that lower rates should prevail. Electricity should not cost more than 10c. per kilo- watt, | ---- The Weekly Sun is opposed to the issue of anniiities so that money may be raised by the Whitney government for the "Toronto University." The Sun is opposed to additions to the provincial debt, 'and every annuity; that is authorized or sold becomes a mortgage on: Ontapie's resources. Japan "demands an indemnity of $1,000,000,000 from Russia. It is a big sum, and tallies with the indemnity which Germany detanded from France at the close of their war. But Japan wants no land. In addition to the in- demnity she only insists that Rus- sig give back to China the land that belongs_to her. Kingston is one of three places may not. be "the he looks for, but there reaction against the trusts, will affect the stocks, atleast them. Every one is in- in the announcement that a is smoking and 'that sooner wy when @& friend | ©0 in connection with it. It is remark- ol. siiige me _p Burdock Blood | able, by the way, that there is before Bitters 1d cure me, so that the Inmpe. the commons a bill which proposes to and external swellings, which the doctors | make this book-making legal, and if told me would turn to running sores, | it pass, as it may. a serious blot 1d disappear. I took her advice, apd | will be put upon the statute hook, can say that I have no doubt but that | Perhaps the commoners will hesitate Burdock Blood Bitters has saved me from in time to avoid the scandal. Perhaps years of suffering It is with the greatest | some one will call attention to the of pleasure and with a thankful heart fact that the bookmakers have been Hat I give this testimonial, knowing that [driven off the race track of New York, Burdock Blood Bitters has done so much | that the Metropolitan Turf Assoeia- for and you are at perfect liberty to | tion became wearied of the trafficking ha for the benefit of others similarly of the bookmakers and cancelled afflicted." their privileges though it meant a Bitters is the best Joss, in the franchise, of $1,200,000. ee l,i 1 ace warran 0 pay. Sofupoted wirely of roots, baghe, barks ment of such a premium. The million : and a fifth which the bookmen had to - , pay was only 'a fraction of their ac cumulations, Under the circumstances, how can the Canadian parliament leg- alize book-making on the track !. Let us hope we will hear no more about the proposal. -- oA Volcano Is Smoking. T. W. Eawson, of frenzied finance fame, has addressed a letter to the 23,000 editors of the United States and Canada, and invited them join him in an attempt to wreck the "system" which is made up of the men who © control the money market, headed by the members of the Stand- ard Oil trust, A year ago Mr. Lawson commenced his exposures of the "system" and-he declares solemnly that he js poorer by a million dollars in his education of the people. His story of the Amal- gamated Copper crime is told in Everybody's Magazine. This magazine is limited in its circulation, He wants to chisel his story in the minds pf an hundred and fifty millions, and he in- vites the editors to become co-part- ners with him in this prodigious service. "No man," he writes, "can fool theMpress of America. Any man Who tries to had better take a trip through hell before starting in." Then he tells what his scheme i. It is to induce every investor to sell out his stock at present prices, and when the "system" is loaded with bil- ng the raiving illion i he ng of en -- us fund to Kons of theiriown stocks to have the Wan people take their money out of the; charging the Lighest rates for water and Toronto is the one place charging so low au average as 85 a year. But Kingston's plant is paying its way, and meeting general improvements, while the Toronto plant is a heavy tax upon the people, outside of the water rates. me -------------- SPIRIT OF THE PRESS. The Very First. Toronto Globes Mr. Balfour is the "prisoner the dock' he is the first that position who want extended. in 'rsonage in his term Look Out For Us ! Hamilton Herald. Canada doesn't want to guay; but, by Jingo, if she do, she'll ask her dad to send his ships and sce the trouble through. ht Uru- Property Named. Toronto Star. Wall street is said to be unable to figure out whether Tom Lawson is a bull or a bear. Wall street is wasting valuable time. Tom is a bird. Business Rivals. Toronto Telegram. Thirty-five people had their pockets picked at the Woodbine, Saturday, and the bookmakers are complaining loudly of this infringement of their copyright. - druggists. Send 10c. in stamps for Broken Out. sample to the Herpicide Co., Detroit, Ottawa Journal, » bi Mich. G. W. Mahood, special agent. ity to see the Rriti Howse of =r eee ton. that wherneerier, one bod i | Hams & Bacon idea that whatever other legislative bodies might come to, the ohe at Westminster bad sure dignity. In Mumici Ownership. Brockville Times. There i is alw this: great atdvan- E J . 500 1 Sugar - Cured Hams, 1 tage in a municipal light or water Smoked, 13¢ Tb. Ls ha. nicely ant : If the sefvice is poor or bad- | 300 Ibs. Roils Bacon, 12¢. Ih , it lies in the hands of fault and get rid of the incompetent administrators. With a private cor- tion there is little or no redress It Matters Not. How large or how small may be, we have your size. re is not a head we Rauinot Str with vue of our nev hats. Campbell Bros, the monby. centre for men's hate, "For bald: spots" on your lawn Kentucky lawn seed has no equal, 'happy results are sure to be obtained y managed the people themselves to remedy the {1b ern "Beef, Veal, and everyt your head class Eggs, Fruits Prompt delivery and Corteous treat- ment. Holstein, Ayrshir her with bony head and strong jaw long broad muzzle. bright, protruding eve. I want a cow can hang my hat on her eyes: Why ? Simply on account of her brain pow- er. It means strong nerve foree, and that means action later on. I want a thin neck lines above and below must straight, or she will steal from vou. I shoulders with sharp chin; I don't want too straight a back bone. Sh must have large organs of production --you don't want a cow with a straight back; I want her wedged ; I want two wedges, large in rear, and large heart girth, i.e., wide between forward legs, sharp on shoul der. This gives large Wart action and the' strong arterial circulation wanted. Then last, but by no means least, she must have a good udder, for one-half the value of the cow is in her udder. She should have a long udder from front to rear. Then she must have a good handle on each corner of her udder. And why ? Because if she gives two pails of milk a dav it is a mat ter of some labor to milk her, Ethical Doctors Advertise. Medical Talk. The ethical doctors advertise on the sly. They arrange it hy getting their names in the papers as having per- formed operations, or taken part in some public debate on sanitary ques- tions, or in some social event. This tendency on the part of the doctors who pretend to be opposed to adver- tising, is becoming so great that the New Orleans Medical Society has taken action against it. They have a a scrap-book in which is pasted all of the public notices which the doe- tors of their society receive. This scrap-book: is kept in their rooms for the inspection of the other doctors. Of course, this scheme will not accom- plish much. Doctors will vertise whether they are ethical or umethi- | cal. It is only a question of whether they dare to come out square and advertise in the open 'and pay végu- lar prices for the same. The ethical doctor does his sly, for which he does not pay. The unethical doctor does his advertising on the square, for which he pays in good dollars. -------- Fine Two Dollar Hats. The finest 'assortment of young men's fineg up-to-date two dollar hats' ever shown in Kingston may be seen in the big wholesale and retail store of George Mills & Co., 106-108 Prin- cess street. "Pi 22 If you are going to preserve any, this is the t me to do it, as the price will advance soon. This week we offer them at $1.50, $1.75 and $2.25 a dozen. W, J. Crothers, "Phone 141. ------ Perth will submit a bylaw to the ratepayers to authorize a cash bonus of $25,000 to the Wampole Medicine company, Philadelphia, which desires to open a Canadian agency, employ 200 hands and pay annually in wages 000, "A mechanic's or engineer's friend," Cuticline for reinoving stains from hands. Sold at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. 15c. Henry Cunningham, piano tuner from Chickering. Orders received at McAuley's book store, Princess street Kemptville juniors defeated Spencer- ville at baseball by . a score of thir- teen to nime. Grand Union Hotel Rooms From $1,00 Per Day Up BAGGAGE %:=FREE ------------------------------------------------ HAPPY RESULTS OBTAINED. By the Use of the New Scalp Antiseptic. . It wouldn't take long to number the hairs in the heads of some people, the reason being they haven't many to number. In most instances, however, the fault is their own. A germ at the root soon plays havoc with the most luxuriant growth causes it to fade and fall but. A remedy for this has recently been discovered, called Newbro's Her- picide, that acts by destroying the germ that does the damage, besides removing all impurities from the scalp. In addition it permits new life and vigor to enter the scalp, and from its use. Try it. Sold by leading Anderson Bros. Saturday Only 400 Ibs, 100 1bs. Shoulder Hams, 11¢' Ib. 300 Ibs. Salt Pork, 10c. to 12¢. ib. 300 Ibs. Pure Lard, 12c. Ib. 200 Ibs. Pure Sausages, 3 Ibs. 23. Balonga Sausage. our own make. Sugar Cured Corn Reef, choice Wost- Spring Lambs. Mutton, ng to be found in a first English Breakfast Bacon, 1dc. market. ' Also a choice lot of Butter, Fresh nd Vegetables of 'ull kinds. "Phone, 438. Anderson Bros. Only sold at. Gibson's Red Cross drug store, Cor. Princess ard Division. or whatever she may be. You will find bétween the eye and nose, with] ¢ She should have a - and retreating brisket. Tie be want her slightly depressed behind the advertising --on--the Patterns to Choose From our assortment . write for Ce Catalogue. (Fe McKELVEY & BIRCH & WE DO TINNING OF IRON, COPPER, ETC. 5 FINE CLOTHES £5 A swell young fellow said to ys the other day: My friends always ask me what tails makes my clothes ? When I tell them I pb, them of you, they seem inclined to doubt, A course it's hard to see the difference for the ¢ reason that there's no difference to see. Wher it comes to prices, we save about one-half tke | tailor's bill. : - Spring Suits, $7.50, $8.50, $10, $12, $13, $15, 1 Summer Vests, fancy, in neat effects, $1, $1.2 $1.50, $1.75, $2, $2.50 to §3. New Straw Hats, New Belts, See Our 26c. Hosiery, something special, See Our 69c. Soft Bosom Shirts. See Our $2 Barrington English Hats, THE H. D. BIBBY CO ¢ ).E | Clothiers and hers, Oak Hall, : ay & ~ ® »n tent | | mb siestmt-------- NOTHING LIKE THEM! There is nothing in the trade to equal our Popular Priced Men's - Suis We will sell you an up-to-date suit of clothes for $1.50, $8.50, $9, $1010 $2 Which are positively as good as you will readily pay elsewhere $10, $12 and $15 for, and you won't get nearly the perfect fitting suits you get here, nor will you get thé style, finish- or that up-to-date appearance that our suits possess, We have hundreds of Suits which we sell From $5 Upwards - But the Buits on which we quote prices above are exceptionally good va- lue, and we guarantee them to guve perfect satisfaction or money refanded. Jos. Abramson, The People's Clothier 180 Princess Street, Between Redden's and Crawford's Groceries. They Are All Right Our Ladies' Chocolate Oxfords, a b Gibson Tie, $2. "Our Ladies' Chocolate Oxfords, $1.50, The Sawyer Shoe Store. 'Phone i59. - ! Refrigerators 10 Sizes and A nice one for $7.50 If you cannot call to see ---- 69 and 71 Brock Street. - AR ---- 2 00 00000000000000000 00004 ' THE CANADA METAL CO., TORONTO. » SOLPRORERLOELS BEIOIT such a successful wife, to r¢- | yy Jobe love and admiration of her be - to inspire him to make the [tra of himself, should be a woman's | bu constan' dy. 1: Hs hong finds that her energies x flagging, that she gets easily tired, il ue rs appear under her eyes, a aan backache, headaches, bearing- | 1 he pains, nervousness, whites, irreg- 1 A the blues, she should start | la once to build up her system by a | Pe 3 with specifie 'powers, such as |an wus E. Pin 's Vegetable Com- | S: owing we publish by request a a young wife: Dear Mrs. Pinkham: |E va Sines 4 fered, 58 ing-do { fammation, y."--Mrs. Ainsley, | Street, Tacoma, Wash. ' ydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable | d did for Yrs Jiney it will | . ick and woman. |b 8 vou have symptoms you don't un- u derstand write to Mrs. Pinkham, at |= Lynn, Mass. Her advice is free and » always helpful. |» ARRANGE A CEREMONY in W For Affixing Coat-of-Arms on Sir ih Jolin's Monument. . Ie Capt. Gaskin's possession is a |; at-of arms, which oid pe {a p » late chased for the monument of the la fr Sir John A. Macdonald, after it had ir been erected in the City park. It | was got in order to make the statue wuplete, and the late Principal Grant was one of the prime movers in regard to its purchase. The coat- | been almost | t t t darms seems. to have ' fgotten. It is still stored away at | Capt. Gaskin's house, in the box in |) whieh it was shipped. The captain | od to come across it, and | pn it to a Whig representative. | He thought that it would be most | ftting if a demonstration was ar |, ranged to take place here on Domin- | jon day and have a at |, the monument as a the | day's proceedings. afialr | would be doing homér to one of t e | fathers of - Confederation on .a day | when two portions of the dominion | are to become provinces. coremony portion of Such. an ! ! S---- The Greatest Smoke! Sale. RN 0f readyy made clothing 'and gents fumishings' is astonishing the public vith the greatest bargains ever offer- ol in the eity of Kingston. If you are in need of the above goods and want to save money, go to Prevosts, Brock street, near the market square. | Remembered Them. The congregation of Knox church, Iroquois, took advantage of the thir- tieth anniversary of the marriage of Rev. J. M. and Mrs. Macalister to anifest their appreciation and affec- on for their minister and his worthy wife. The good will of thé people found tangible expression in a well filled purse of gold, accompanied by many words of appreciation of eighteen years of faithful ministry. F. Norris and J. McMullen, Ot tawa, fishing at Kemptville, landed a | maskinonge weighing fifty-seven bounds. Good Health | and Success Go Hand in Hand When the Blood is Kept Pure and Rich By Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. -- Red blood means health, strength, Sourage, cheerfulness, power of en- durance and a well-nourished brain that likes to accomplish things. = Secret of health is, after all, in the blood, for with an abundance of red blood the nervous system is and sustained, the lungs, beart, stomach, lier and kidneys are filled with the To and ener ne- SSeary to lish their work, and there is no room for weakness and Dr, Chase's Nerve Food builds up, and invigorates the "hole human body, because it actual: I forts rich, red 'blood. leséness, nervous ity, ness, kek of energy and strength, and' fai lure of the bodily organs to perform fimotions are almost invariably We result of poor, weak, water) The use of Dr. Chase's Nerve Foor tely overcomes these symptom: 2nd by filling the whole system wit MW vigor gives new hope and confi dence and replaces weakness and dis *&% with health and strength. Dr, Chase's Nerve Food, 50e, a bos 8 boxes: for $2.50, at all dealers, © Edmanson, Bates & Co., Toronte The Portrait and signature of Dr. ! Chase, the famous receipt boo Sabor, are on every box.

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