Daily British Whig (1850), 27 May 1905, p. 9

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IUMPH ature's Secrets. sician tried to change char. oal into he tried to change fruit Juices so kly and surely an stomach , liver, that the combination of apples, prunes contained the medicing] her fruits and in a more marked <y.chance just as he was about 1p ucceeded in changing the atoms nal action was intensified many ves are not a mere cathartic or lax. owel tonic. Where fresh fn! on the liver, Fruit-a-tives to; " the best medicine s of a severe kind for of them, ote suffering froin blets are exceedingly R, Ottawa, Ont a -- supply so there is plenty for the nstead of the dose * number of Fruit- dily diminished. to one--then one nd so farther and tomach and liver ong and healthy rther CATALOGUE us free on stint u of 410e, in ol hy stamps to Be or ye OF summer or and cheaper, as we make 1 prices og rey sell you almostascheapas some KLE, Guns, SLES, aud And ual ies, S450 : 'Toboggans, aI, Amn Ne ME STREET, MONTREAL, P. a.' CALL AND SEE The new stock of Plumbing and Heating Fixtures, Gas Stoves and Incandescent Gas Lamps. GOLDEN LION BLOCK OHN M. WHINTON, "Phone 339, RESCENT WIRE WORKS T. PARTRIDGE Manufacturer of Ornamental Fenc- ing, Railings, Flow- er Stands and Wire Works of all kinds; also agent for Wire Edge Rea dy Roofing, cheap- er and better thas shingles. 2756 KING STREET. NOTICE louse-Cleaning Season is Here. Get your Carpets and Ruge Electric Thorough work at moderate Call or *phone 542. ARVEY MILNE, 272 BACOT STREET. NITARY PLUMBING ! hen you are in meed of plumbing of ting work of any kind, we can ive what you want at prices that will , you with workmanship and material manteed to be the very best. We make charges for estimates om plumbing of ling work. obhing work solicited and promptly ded to: & J. JAMIESON. HONE 287 _OOK sh Fruit Sundae and Soda only & ou want Pure lee Cream--the best in the city. kinds of Fruits. Choice Candy from 10e. to 50c. Ib. best boxes of ney's and Ganong's, 5c. per box. CALL ON Petters & Co. 184 Princess Street, City. rates Chocolates--Low- from l0c.' to ofessor Paul Goode, of the Univer of Chicago, declares: that the iy mountains are the breeding » for disease microbes, which are minated over the country hy the . # REASON ©. WHY YOU SHOULD USE Red Rose Tea Because it is Ecohom Red Rose Tea is compose: trade as *high-grown" Ceylon and Indian teas. teas are grown at high altitudes on the mountain slopes, where the tea bushes grow more slowly and are more carefully cultivated than in the valleys, where the climate I is warm and humid. High-grown tea is not only a finer quality, but con- tains much more tea juice or tea. This can be easily proved by comparing a draw- ing of Red Rose with any other tea. will find that a pound of Red Rose Tea will spend as far Ne 36 ical. d of what are known in the ( These « Rev. E. ( the te Pr bent of the parish of Glencoe. extract than valley-grown ing 5,700,000 held in London in July next. By doing so you as 1% to 13 lbs. of other t AS 1A eee The saving is most apparent in the Blue Label and better grades--buy a pound and make the-test. T. H. ESTABROOKS, St. John, N. B. BRANCHES : TORONTO, WINNIPEG. eas. FOR THE LADIES Who want Footwear we have secured a line of That are extremely light in weight handsomedin appearance, but wonderfully light and durable. daintily attired from head to foot in: your selection here. i, JENNINGS, King St, NOTICE. 4 W. G. FROST. ! Proprietor of the CITY STORAGE Wishes to announce that he has com- Jeted modern elevator, ome of the flalo Ban Bering Co. ture, Vehicles, Pianos, etc.. bandled with care. his workmen are ready to re- tive and turn out figst class jobs of Painting all kinds of Vehic)*a at short- If you wish to am ar ke st notice. 'Phone 526. 299 Queen sr. [ YPEWRITERS |: BOUGHT, SOLD, RENTED, REPAIRED. All Makes, New and Second-hand J. R. C. DOBBS & CO., 171 Wellington St., Kingston 8000000000000000000008 Bross vraasssvesrarenenth Dr. Brock's £59700 Female Periodical Riis Appear for the first time in Canada. The * Drug Dore has secured sole agency ~ Ris great edy. $1, mailed on Jedeint of price. iy Princess St., Kingston, O Sufferers willre vice to learn that ingonsit have jelded in time. No opera yg danger, or time work to be One. CURED. amany remarkable cures per formed is that of Mr, Jno, Eves, 8 Mar ket Square, Kingston, Ontario, whose Appears. He was ruptur! "to tur further introduce this wonderful cure S62 jToronte, Ont. Trial, r. Ws 8. Rice, 2} East Queen} "The World's Best Spring Medicine--- Paine's Celery | Compound Paine's Celery Compound is the only spring medicine that the best, phys icians are now recommending; because no other remedy can so quickly bring new and vigorous health to the ailing and brokendown. Paine's Celery Compound cures dis easn by first puriiving the blood and strengthening the nerves. It makes the weak strong and keeps them in good health: Seeing that the experi ence of "tens of thousands has proven that Paine's Celery Compound is the best of all spring medicines, it is fool ish and suicidal to defer its use. One or two bottles used at this time will quickly banish all symptoms of dis- ease ane fit you for the work and duties of spring and summer. When : you ask for Paine's Celery Compound sce that you get the genu ine with the name PAINE'S and the STALK of CELERY; other celery pre- parations are deceptions, "7 "No Breakfast Table complete without EPPS An admirable food, with all its natural qualities Jmact, fitted to build up and maintain robust health, and to resist winter's extreme cold. It ia a valuable diet for children. COCOA The Most Nutritious and Bconomical. WILLIAM K. VANDERBILT, Will Uphold the Name of the Family. Special to the Whig. ew York, May Vanderbilt, Jr. is to representa tive of the New York Central rail road in the jpanagement of the trol ley concerns of which the big system has actpuired control in the Mohawk Valley About vears ago this voung man chiefly through his dangerous exploits with speedy decided it «time ta dake life more seriously king an office in the Grand Central sfation,. he went through uninterest ing reports. read books on the seience of railroading, and saw just how one of the bi the world Was #%m, est details. He really did not have such a hig opening in the New York Central. as all the good places 'were already full. But the trolley lines gave hig the chanve he wants, and it ix said he intends to help to up hold the name of the Vanderbilts for industry and efficiency. William K two who was distinguished automobiles, wt railroads in even to the small Keep your ehes open and be. sure that when you ask for Perry Davis Painkiller you get just that and noth ing else. Use it promptly to cure cramps, diarrhoea and all other howel complaints in summer. ; The way to make your wife have confidence in you is to tell her that the other woman is rather pretty ex cept for her hair. eyes, mouth, teeth, nose, complexion. and figure. NEWS {OF CHURCHES THE VARIOUS DOINGS IN THE Items That appointed to take charge of St Phil- ip's church, Rev. Canon Downie, r with two thousand members, Roman Catholic and Anglican bishops in Victoria, Australia, are protesting against the extravagance of costly flowers at funerals, RELIGIOUS WORLD, Will Interest the Church-going Public Gleaned from Many Fields. Rev. H. J. Leake, M.A., has been Hamilton, The Bishop of Huron has appointed Watford, to be ector of Port Stanley. : Rev. William R. Harvey, Point St, 'harles . Congregational church, has} accepted a call to Rock Islgnd. At the Brazil National Christian En- leavor convention, sixty two societies, were re- yorted. The Bibop of Huron has appointed . Dymond, Stayner, son of ipal Dymiond, incum- from of the world represent communicants, will be A great conference of Baptists wery quarter REV. ANNA H President of the American National Woman's Suffrage Association, which meets in annual convention in Portland, Ore., on Juné 29th The First Methodist church, London, has invited Rev. Dr. Hannon, of Exe ter, to take charge of the Richmond street and Kensington missions. The London Congregational SHAW, Union had 875,000 to use in its work last vear. It will soon open a third central mission in South London Rev. S. W Phelps, Ph.D, Ovid, Mich., has been called to West Bay City. Dr. Phelps is a Woodstock College and versity. Toronto Japan the Y.M.C.A purse The emperor of . %5 in recognition of the vice rendered by it to the Manchuria. Rev. F. A. of Guelph, with the Canadian to become church in Japan. Rev. D. 0, army . ix Cassidy, MA, has severed his connectior Methodist churel Crossley has acceptec ent conference year. A recent communication W. M. Young, of Kentung, dred and twelve since the among the Mushos begdn. movemen gregations is about thirtv-five, engaged as assistant will undertake the tian Japanese soldiers, English missionary : church, Lindsay, has received vitation to thodist church, Regina, of having accepted an Port Hone, he Plans r tent work dor the coming summer Chicago are made an a lar scale. Tt will about, $400 month to support the work in single tent, aside from the cost of tl tent. 3 A few Christian suburbs of Melbourne, money being cost in one of t Australia, ra to be exnend men ed a sum of graduate of Uni- Rev. Clement Williams has been ap- point] by the Bishop of Qu'Appelle | Williams" Pink Pills saved me from a to appe. al for funds on behalf of a | consumptive's grave, and 1 feel very rial to the late Ar hbishep | gratefal." Ladras. Now, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills build There are 440 families in connection | vp the strength in just one wav--thev with the Smith's Falls hodist | actually make new hlood. That is all church. The membership is 6 show- | they do but they do it well. They ing an increase of thirty-seven over [don't act on the bowels. They don't last year. bother with mere symptoms. They has given 00 from his private great ser- formerly presiding elder of the ME. from Rev. Burma, re- ports that he has baptized seven hun- Rev. Charles P. MacGregor, for nearly five years pastor of the Berge Point church, Bayonne, N.J.| has bee to Rev. Dr. R. wrote to an "I think it would be a good thing for the army. if all became Christians." Rev. (i. W. Henderson, pastor of the. Cambridge Street. Methodist an fin- the pastorate of the Me- but in view invitation to could not entertain it. for outdoor preaching and in paving for the publication of relig- joits intelligence in the two gréat M bonrne dailies on certain days of the week. list, at the invitation of Christians of various = sects, conducting revival meetings in Constantinople. Interpret. ors make 'the message of Mr MeNeili known to his Turkish, Armenian and other hearers. - The oldest Presbyterian niission in China is at = Ningpo. It was started in 1885, and is exerting a great in fluence . throughout Centra! China. In China fifty years ago there were only '300 members in the PYotestant church. To-day there are 100,000 mem- bers. The 'Taberndele ' Chapel, Penarth, Wales, has now entered upon the nine teenth week during which revival meet ings have been held every evening. The number of converts is over six hun dred, and ei ye seven of them have been baptized by the pastor. Open-air meetings are also still held DIVORCE IS ASKED. -- Gives Wife Black Eyes. London, May 27.--Alleging eruclty as one of the grounds upon which her marriage should be dissolved, Mrs. Ann Cross said in the divorce court, that her husband, who in 181 took a public house at* Kilburn, had given her more than thirty black eyes. When she complained about him playing hil liards with the barmaid he tope her hair out of -her head and threw it on the fire, The judge postponed the granting of the decree, as there an error in the Marriage certificate, but said that he was satisfied as to the cruelty and misconduct. Husband Thirty was WEAK LUNGS. Made Sound and Strong by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Af your blood-is weak, if it is poor and watery, a touch of cold or influ enza will settle in your lungs and the apparently harmless cough of to-day will become the racking consumptive's cough of to-morrow. Weak blood is an open invitation for consumption to lay upon you the hand oi death, The only way to avoid consumption and to strengthen and brace the whole sys tem is hy enriching your blood and strengthening your lungs with Dr. Williams' Pink" Pills. They make new, rich, warm blood. They add resisting power to the lungs. They have saved scores from a consumptive's grave-- not after the.lungs are hopelessly dis "eased, put where taken when the cough first attacks enfeebled systom. Here is positive proof. Mrs. Harry Stead, St. Catharines, Ont., says: "A few years ago 1 was attacked with lung tron ble, and the doctor, after treating me for a time, thought 1 wae going into consumption. I grew pale and emaci ated, and had no appétite," was trou bled with a hacking cough, and 1 felt that 1 was fast going towards the grave, Neither the doctor's medicine nor other medicine that I took seemed to help me. Then a good friend urged me to take Dr. Willams' Pink Pills. By the time I had used four boxes it was plain that they were helping me, I began to recover my appetite, and in other ways felt better. 1 took six box- es more, and was as well as ever, and had gained in weight. I believe Dr. won't cure anv disease that isn't case by bad blood- But then, nearlv all | W, J. Fair, Esq., District Manager of common diseases spring from that one the North American Life Assurance 1 | cause-- anaemia, indigestion, bilious (o., Kingston, Ont. : headaches, kidney trouble, 1 | keiatica, neuralgia, nervousness, cener h | al weakness and the special secret ail ments that growing girls and women do not like 1 { dottors, ness, sideaches, backaches, But vou must get the venuine the invitation of the official board of [with the full name, "Dr. Williams' | charged by any co-operative society Whitby Methodist church to become | Pink Pills for Pale People," on the | for carrying the risk on 'my life dur- their pastor at the close of the, pres- | wrapper arommd each box. If in doubt | ing the last. twenty years, that the in send the price--60c. a box or $2.50 for six boxes, to the Dr. Williams' Me ne Co., Brockville, Ont., and get pills by mail postpaid. t They Must Match. Rev. J. J. Rae, First Methodist : ..'| quently 1 am forced to admit that my church, Picton, asked his congrega d An Midorwaring, oF tier white won't dealings with the company have been ' em y re n re 2 tion for a thank offering of £1,000; at Fo any ony : mera pre say the very satisfactory indeed, and the re " knowing, mu ' he waist, un > von far in exces » close p eve Orvice » : . sults of my investment ar in excess the close of the evemng service $1, pink taffeta waist demands a pink 1 " Jov (120.51 had been contributed a pi of my expectations. There is a steadily, increasing num taffeta corset cover; a black bodice, Wishing vourseli and the company I eof rations he pny an underwaist of = black muslin and |. have the honor to represent con- : : lace, Only the white wai ave coos i terian church that maintain a foreign a white nain ook ot Ty on rtued Slee rams - rv. The pe vere L , « 5 Y missionary. The number of such eon even that appears half the time over (Signed) C. YOUNG; pink or blue silk. n Must not be confounded with com "| mon catharti or purgative pills Carter's Little Liver Pills' are entirely 2 NueArthur, of the Calvary church, | vr 5 in every respect. One trial | Atlanta Constitution ew Yorl © will prove their superiorit, I Rev. P. C. Parker, M.A: formerly of Poon a rr NY . ure ice | What's the uge in sighin' if your soul First avenue, Toronto, spending the re. } fruit svi pe can sing a song ? winter in Winnipeg, has accepted the 7 am, 1 pure A "val : he. : a Bree Rainy day, or sunny, you've got to pull extends sh . vin glasses a e's soda fountain, Vion . call * extended Yo him by the Logan One hundred and eight police sta- | Hurricane a-blowin', or tide, a-runnin avenue church of that place to become : strong their pastor tions have hen closed in Ireland with Fire LR iyin' =a aiflyin' 1 Qt. ia . ; in a year, The only counties in which 1n St aul"s Preshyvterian church, Ham +s f thew 4 ) no reductions of the constabulary have | use in wishin' fer the dead itn has notified. Dr. R. P. MoKay. [1S De n hat u Me ¥: | taken place are Derpy, Antrim and i dusty years ? secretary for foreign missions, that it Didn't have crosses? Didn't they Down. support of J. G. have cares ? + Ferguson, B.A.. M.D., who will go to What's the vue in weehin © Work wo ) ever heed your tears Formosa next fall. LL Time is a-fivin'--is a-fyin' ! The Universgalist Japanese mission is 11 nearl. fifteen years old. It has thirty Take the rond contented--an' the old six churches organized. 'Over $100,000 Bab world at its best has been given to its work sines it es I'ravel S008, is Sheed there'll be time ; : An OY or res was, organized, and an effort to raise Won hes shadow comes ani scatters £15,000 for it is now being made, a: Tr ve dust an' ashes o'er the hreast : Japanese officer not a Christi L Time is a-Ayin'--is a-flyin' ! LB Jape pn able bearing of Chris. on Nesti's Food, be- Time is a-Ayin'--is eAyin' ! g cause it contains all meme ---- : in ze a he 00 he 1 th ol y babies, ol: 'on request. lumbago, rheumatism, to talk about even to their the food properties of rich, ereamy cow's i milk--in a form that The tiny babies can as- | for R the bot- tle ond or 8 water | the oa Be alk Ted. the \ per twenty-five per tion in the value makes sturdy, heal- FREE SAMPLE (sufficient for 8 meals) sent to mothers From East % West Red Feather Ceylon Tea isa wiribute from the Orient" "J to the palates of Canadians who know a good tea. * Red Feather Ceylon Tea leads/in the quality race. It is inspected and blended by experts--and hygienically packed, never in lead, but in air-proof parchment. Black, Green or Mixed, at one price per pound--joc. 4 * STABLE RULES. w---- Suggestions as to How to Obtain Best Results. The milk of any animal suffering from disease should not be used for food in any form. The milk from fresh animale should be rejected until after the ninth milk- ing. Ensilage, turnips, etc., should only be fod immidiately after the milking, so as to allow time for the elimina- tion of the volatile prgducts. of these feeds from the system of the animal, The quantity of above feeds should be limited, so that the animmls will consume the entire ration at once, The milking stable should be as free from dust as possible at time of milking Feed dry Hodders alter milk is removed from stable. Brush. udder and flanks with a \ still brush to remove dirt and loose hairs. Sponge off udder thoroughly with clean water, leaving it moist but not dripping wet. Use only elean tin, milk-pails. Re ject all rusty or patched tinware in the milk business, Unless seams and joints are extra well soldered, it will pav to have an extra coating over all seams and the joints well flushed. Just before milking the milker should wash his hands thoroughly with soap and water. Under no con ditions should the hands be wot during the milking. Milk should not be left in the barn during the milking, as it can absorb odors even when hot and become con taminated | with bacteria from the air. Milk, even when warns, should be strained through several layers of cheese cloth, This strainer shold be first washed in tepid water and boil ed after every milking and then dried Milk should be aerated immediately after being milked. Milk shoul be immediately cooled after being drawn from the cow. Where possible use ice or cold run ning water. A quick reduction in temperature checks the development of any bacteria that may have fallen into: the milk during milking. A Splendid Investment Cornwall, May 9, '05. It is with pleasure I ac knowledge receipt of "your company's cheque for $2,409, in full settlement of my policy, No. 3028, which matured Dear Sir, on the 5th inst Je I find, after crediting the company with a rate much less than that vestment has netted 1 over € per cent. compound interest, 1 wh find that the cash return is much in ex cess of the return paid by any other compmny doing business in Canada on a similar policy at my age. 'Conse- Proprietor The Freeholder, Cornwall, Ont, Got To Pull Along. Half The Herd. extravagant 'economy' to use a poor sire The aduge "The bull is half the herd' is everlastingly true < and to reduce standard of the bulls is to reduce of the herd by the same percentage. For example, to reduce the investment in a bull twenty five wight save say 250, hot cent. resulting redue: of the herd would a reduction 'or loss amounting probably to hundreds of dollars: Too most a breeder is value cent mean VERY woman who has stewed and fretted and worried at a hot oven door, shifting a roast to the top shelf and back again to the bottom shelf 'and turning it over in a vain attempt to get it properly cooked, will appreciate the evenly distributed heat of the Imperial Oxford dven. This even distribution of heat is secured by our diffusive flue--an ex- clusive featuf® of the Imperial Oxford Range. and bottom, sides and corners, th perature of the ova is equal and steady, Imperial Oxford Range The oven of the Iniperial Oxford Range produces light, dainty, pastry, evenly cooked, tender, juicy roasts--in fact, perfect baking and roasting. : Ask your dealer to explain to you the many exclusive features of the Imperial. Oxford Range. write to us for our booklets and we will let you know the nearest dealer who does. The Gurney Foundry Co,, Limited 18 TORONTO, MONTREAL, WINNIPEG, VANCOUVER x If he doesn't bandle it, a rian? weary Tesitiese and melanc no solace Ferien pas guaranteed ou run no risk "I am 33 years of Pe. urd daerefod's d y home ua {rate t £5 it ano up J tke a man ia ol roope skilful and responsible Re actaaey s%8 #3 can be cured by reliable doctors. A For ™ Warm Season Refrigerators, Ice Cream Freezers, Lawn Mowers, Garden Hose, Sprinklers, Soreen Doors, Window Screens, etc. ( many dairvmen are so whort- sighted that they can only see the 850 saved on the purchase of the bull but can- not see in the succeeding seasons why the outpart fails in value by 8500 orf £1,000 under what it"would have been with a first-class purebred sire at the head of the herd: Rev. John MeNeill, Scottish evange: * THE LEGMNS, BLES CO, Lie, .onTREM, The latest souvenir view books oi z We have a large assortment :of the above goods and at the very lowest prices. Kingston at Wade's, 0) _ The barley used in 7. Carling's Ale is grown in the most favored barley growing sections in the world, and selected by Carling's own experts. Every pound is put through a machine which separates all im- perfect grains and foreign sub. stances. The same expgnse and care is given to every part ogess- --~the result is that Car- ing's Ale is popularly known as Canada's favorite beverage. Sold by all enterprising dealers. Carling s Ale Noted for its Purity, BARS and Uniformity. «« ELLIOTT BROS . 77 Princess Street. 5. the Carling SINFUL HABITS oN N_ YOUTH us, foll WEAK at THE RESULT o figurines and Toft y u youth, 0 CURED WHEN ALL ELSE FAILED. Ho pamos id ton IY CORES GOARANTEED OR 0 PY. ys Kae

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