Sannin Strong Baker's.) (fresh.) ite and bituminous.) opetbar wih ! - on appl 1 OF ; - y rT or" inatitulions, 3 en RY - Fe res p gf a tice without a on Printer will 8 STEWART, .. W. DAWSON, ta ors of Penitentiaries, ttawa, 10, 1905. a ngston quanti- at the , in such desired, for cash, (600° feet Lo the 4 12%c. {500 feet to the Ib) 104c. (450 feet to the th) De. Pound less on ton lots. Wb. Kip, CE ig 4 n, Ontario, ioe without not, Ly the ing's Printer will Paid therefor. ail. Albert JaM. eaders wil be received for | e following classes of sup- J sonal propert; 000, They ae. | physician, states | ments that in all EE ---------- "ONE BOX OF _DOAN'S KIDNEY PRLS CURED DROPSY. ! WORLD'S RICHEST BABY. John Nicholas Brown Has About $12,000,000. - Special to the Whig, New 'Y » May. 27. Counsel for John Nicholas Brown, known as the wotld's richest baby, will be the first to. make formal protest against the thising . uf personal property valua- tions the tax assessors of New: port. The child, now nearly four years old, received practically not only all of the estate of his father, the late John Nicholas Brown, but neatly all that of his uncle, Harold Brown. His father 'and uncle died when he was on- ly a few months old and left him an estate valued at many willions, The tax assessors of Newport put his per- down as worth R125, now raised it, hut to what extent has not been divul 5 | The child's personal property has been y estimated at $10,000,000, Some persons have placed the value as "high as 812,000,000. : De: William ~~ Henry, an English 'as a result of experi- insects 'included, exists the taste for al ¥ The pope is greatly interested in a project for establishing a museum in St. Peter's, containing urt objects and documents relating to that church's history. ~ ; One test 'for distinguishing dia monds from glass and paste is touch them- with the . The dia- {mond feels much" the colder. Patience is mot paralysis. forms of animal kie, } to | by 23 test Decision. Ww heen abolished. '} American lady gollers were beaten in England. J Hobart College, Geneva, N.Y., 6 to 3 on the holiday, "Montreal secure - Hofiman, of Chicago alichale. In twenty- The Victoria College ladics played the Whithy College girls at lawn ten nis at Whithy, and won hy 5 courts o Ames leads the National League itches: with 'seven wins and no fo Two of his games were shut- ots, kK Travis 'and Byers were knocked out in the mote itan golf towrnament. Fitzsimmons claims the heavyweight championship. The Boston National League Club has made an offer to President Drey- fis, of Pittsburg, of $10,000 for the release of Hans , agner. In a match with the McGill Cricket Club, played on the Rideau Hall grounds, the Ottawa Cricket Chub won on the first innings by two runs, Frank Goteh claims "that Jenkins illegally used the strangle hold in their recent bout at New York. He claims to be a better man than Jen- kine-at clean wrestling. The new boat, built for the defence of the Seawanahaka cup, was taunc hy ed and christened at Dorval, Aloxandra was the fitting title be- stowed upon her by Lady Drummond. "Knotty" Leo's Brantford ball team got beaten for the second time this season in their league fame with Woudstock on the holiday, Scere 5 to 4. Woodstock now heads the league. Delhi, last voar's champion "miler," carried the Keene colors to an easy victory at Gravesend in the Brooklyn handicap, The speedy son of Ben Brush 'thereby enriched his owner in the sum of £16,000, The Aberdeen Baseball Club, of Woodstock, city league champions, visited "Dundas on Victoria day, and wore shut out by the Dundas team in the game at the park played in con- nection with the C.0.0.F. picnic. It" now develops that its proper name is "spitz" ball. It got its name from the canine because it's hard to tell when a spitz dog is in a playful mood or getting ready to bite; there- fore, you can never tell what's to happen. So says Rube Waddell, The Montreal Hockey Club joins the MAA A. on the same terme that are given to the Montreal Lacrosse Club and the Montreal Football Club. The club has for years been affiliated with the MAA A. but has. run its own finances." Now it turns over its small surplus to the MA AA. and is going to be financed by it. President Harry C. Pulliam, of the National = League of Baschall Clubs, has sent to the umpires of the Na- tional League gn order to enforce the two league rules which provide that captains only shall have the right to protest against a decision of the um- pire, and that the accuracy of the umpire's judgment -- shall be ungues- tioned. Prosident Pulliapny also warns the umpires to recognize no one as captain unless he is a player active- ly engaged in a game, and declares that the manager will not be allow- ed to question a construction of the rules unless he be also captain and playing in the game, # -------- Penetrates And Heals. When you buy Smith's White Lini- ment you secure the most penetrating and healing remedy on the market-- for sprains, swelling, neuralgia, in- flammation, lumb, and aches and pains. Every drop filled with utmost curative power and the re- medy never fails to cure promptly and thoroughly. In big bottles, only at Wade's. ( ----n. An Interesting Game. Any number of persons may play this game, It requires no prepara- tion, but the wits of the players must be bright and alert to make it a sue- cess, 5 The leader asks each player in turn what he planted in his garden, and the player may name any article he chooses, but the thing that "came up" must be some plant that has a connection with the article. The an- swers, cannot, therefore, always he given instantly, as a little thought may be necessary to make the answer good. That, however, will make the game all the more entertaining. ere are a few answers that show how the game should be played : "I planted some steps, and they came up hops." "I planted w ball, rubber plant." "I planted a calendar and it came up dates." "I planted a watch, a four-o'clock." "1 planted a ship, 'and it came up in IC . and it came up a and it came up S-- Man Wants But Little Here Below. Chula (Mo.) News. C. 8. Young, of the Milwaukee rail- road, is so much pleased with a piece we printed about his road that he wrote: "The editor of the News can have anything he wants," Runs--Delhi, Last Year's Champion . Won at Graves- End--Captains. Only Can Pro- Svinity | College' won from Lindsay cricket. : : The Busters League salary limit has 9 1 The "Varsity lacrosse team defeated The, oing | "yetailer in busi that of the the idea that he his individual store. He is not oblig- ed to sell whose merits are prac- tically to the purchaser and guaranteed only by his personality. The retailer' is in business for a living and for profit. For this reason it does not matter whether Las a $ e a retailer, sell one" manufacturer's line of goods or another's. It is entirely a question of whether my trade calls for the goods I have to sell and the goods when sold give satisfaction and couse. the purchaser to remember my store in the future. In the past three months I have probably called on a hundred retailers mn order to find out why they sell one brand of collars in preference to an- other. The answer received from prac- tically every one of these dealers has been © "I sell "The Jones' collar bes cause it is advertised and because it is known and called for by name. 1 sell it because of a trade which 1 have established for this particular line of goods, and 1 will continue to sell them as long as the majority of my calls are for the collar I have in stock." : Many retailers havo. told me that they have increased their collar trade every year for fon and twenty years. + Retailers selling various brands have 461d me the same thing. Why is it that practically all the dealers in each town have increased their collar business ? One important reason must be that collars have heen advertised. This advertising has been such that consumers have been educated to be- lieve that a neat collar is an import- ant part of proper dress. For. this reason the collar consumption of to-day is hundreds of times larger than it was but a few years 3 | The situation among retailers, then, is that they are doing a larger busi ness now than ever before because of the educational feature in the adver- tising by the manufacturer for the {| various articles they sell. , There is possibly not so large a profit now as there was ten or twenty years ago, but the retailer finds that advertising has practically already sold the goods when the prospective buyer comes to his store, where formerly it was neces sary for him to ereate the demand and make the sale when the prospective buyer called. Wg now find the con- dition such that the consumer prac-| tically knows before he ever comes into the store just what he wishes. As a result, eveli though the profits are smaller, the sales dre more quickly made, more people want to buy and hence larger profits come to the re- tailer. You can, as a retailer, however, make use of the personal trade-mark to good advantage in connection with the goods you sell. My suggestion to any energetic retailer is to have a trade-mar and put it on every article he sells if he can possibly do so. Do not make this trade-mark the only one; do not try to make it pre- dominate, hut use it in connection with the trade-mark of the manufac- turer. If your selection from the ad- vertised lines of manufacture are first-class, you will find the manufac- turer's trade-mark will assist you in selling the goods, provided the con- sumer has Rn taught through ad- yerbising the individual merits of your goods. You will also find that your own trade-mark in connection with those popular lines of goods stamps your business as most staple and reli- able. If the trade-marks of some of the goods you sell are not already pop- ularized by the manufacturer, vou can use your own trade-mark on them to advantage, since the same confidence is given to buyers of the un-advertis- ed goods, that is already given with those lines advertised. By following out these suggestions it does mot mean that you are less individual in your retail business. Your personality in the retail trade can be strongly impressed through your advertising copy; in the manner Catarrh Causes Deadly Diseases Root It Out Before It Owns You. In the Worst Cases "Catarrhozone' Always Cures. To destroy the seed of Catarch you must inhale "Catarrhozone'; it repels the onslaught of the di with lightning . swiftness. The germs are instantly killed, the sore membranes are healed. The antiseptic vapour of Catarrhozone effects a complete cure-- does it quickly, too. Proof of Cure. MISS "HELEN BROWN, of Annan, N.8., writes: « "I have used Catarrh- ozone and always lowid it satisfac- We take you at Your word, Me. Young. Wo want a pass wood for all the hotels, railroads, barber shops, clothing stores, banks, street cars, ! grocery stores, shoe stores, restaur-| ants, theatres, livery stables and sa- loons in the United States. Pleats | make the pase good for sel and wife and son and mother and two sisters and one brother-in-law, Blobbys--* 'Why : don't you get a job ¥" Slobbs-- 'Business = men prefer to hire married men." Blobbs--"Then why don't you get married *"' Slobbs =A girl 'won't marry a fellow un- - less he has a job." A many people are down on Wipjary sidewalks, i lie Virtue becomes a vice as soon as You are vain of it, 4 ' surest and most convenient tory. It gives immediate relief to coughs and colds, and is the cleanest, cure for catarth I ever met." No matter how chronic the case, tarthozone al i cures. rect treatment that attacks the s the disease and consequently can't fail to be successful. Once cured by Catarrhozone you stay cured. Ca- tarrh will never bother you agai. You run no risk with Catarr e. been gradually following. out i jobber, coming subordinate to the vies given his trade by the uso s, instead of giv- is having goods made especially for mey and Bladder Troubles, 2 inp i Tr te en a" » you will voluntarily buy Gin Pills until a complete curé is effected. 100,000 Boxes Free of In order to show our confidence in this remedy, We have implicit confidence in their power to relieve and eure all know that you have only to try them to believe in them Gin Pills Never Fail to Cure. All over Canada, Gin Pills are known as certain and speedy cure for Inflammation of the Kidneys ; Gout and Rheumatism, caused by uri acid in the blood; Catarrh of the Bladdér ; Pain- ful and Suppressed Urination; Urine; Gravel or Stone in the Bladder ; Bed Wetting ; Pains in the Back, and all other Kid- Each Gin Pill contains afl the medicinal pro- Use a post card, ask for a free "this advertisement, and sign your BOLE DRUG CO., Dept. |. Winnipeg, Man. 2s and' . " - box of will you 30 much goog We intend to give Charge = that » a Don't Delay---Write To-day, " Don't put this off, If you have any of thegy troubles, don't ran the risk of Bright's Diseag ." Burning ™ sample of Gin Pills, say in what paper 'rw name and address. 'Write to-day--mnow--te * -y expense ? in it. ---------------- in which your clerks wait upon your customers; and in the general appear- ance of your store. In your advertisements see that your trade-mark is shown from time to time and see that you tell the readers of your local papers just what vour trade-mark means and why it is used. At all times remember that the best for the money is none too gopd. for your trade. Remember that it is much easier to work along lines of least resistance; that every article of value known to your trade has cost the manufacturer many dollars in pub- licity. Remember that you want a pleased trade and that the cesicr way to satisfy customers is to sell them what they want. By combining your local mark with that of the manufacturer in the man- ner suggested you will be establishing a confidence in the minds of your local patrons in a much stronger fashion than you possibly could by using either your trade-mark by itself by selling without a trade-mark at all, or by trying to compete single- handed with advertised brands. -------------------- Pleased With, The Road. Lord Hawke is a judge of comfort in travel if an man is. Last week he returned frou. India and Japan by way of the Pacific and Canada' and we can well believe how every: Cana- dian Pacific railway official will blush as he reads what the famous cricketer has to say in the Sheffield Daily Te'e- graph : "I have nover known such a company as the Canadian Pacific rail- way," says he, "the travelling is luxury. Everyone on the whole line is civil, kind and willing to de, every- It is guaranteed. Two months' treat: ment, $1.00, trial size 25c., at all N. C. Polson & Co., | ., U.B.A., and Kings- Mechanics, Farmers, Sportsmen !-- To heal and soften the skin and re- move grease, oil aod rust stains, paint oath pes ET ter a 8 ar * t Toi a ba Ho | second, 'scenery is wonderful. thing to add to oae's comiort. As tg the journey across the Rockies, it was superb. Once © we had 'a rare experi- ence of one engine at the front of a with a third pushing its hardest at the rear. We . shouldn't have got up otherwise. I was with Lord and Lady Castlereagh on that art of the wip. and we conldn't have had a Goer time of it. The Don't Sift Ashes; --ruin your clothes, injure your hands, > raise a dust, the meanest, dirtiest job a man can do--and no work for a woman. What then ? Waste good coal ? Increase No, use a furnace that burns all the coal, that does not shake down some ashes and a lot of coal. Use a furnace with a grate that drops ashes, but holds the coal -- a furnace with such perfect combustion that ali the coal is burnt and gives off ~ That is the Sunshine Furnace made by McClary's --_the only furnace that's built to burn all the coal and 5 shake down nothing but ashes. « Built with an ash-pan, no shovelling, no sifting, no dust, pot . . A) no spoiled clothes, no exasperating, expensive waste. * The most modern furnace built, the best burner and best heater-- the easiest furnace to manage--the very best. Write for our furnace booklet, it is worth reading, The Sunshine Furnace is sold by all enterprising dealers. M<Clary's LONDON, TORONTO, MONTREAL. WINNIPEG, VANCOUVER, ST.JOHN, N.B. JAS. McPARLAND. | all the heat that's ------ LEMNON & LAWRENSON, Sole Agents. Auto-Shine A' Non=Explosive Metal Polish Absolutely free of Acids, Naptha or any injurious subst: ance, and for this reason specially suitable for steamships, yachts, automobiles, hospitals, hotels and public institutions Will produce a brilliant and lasting lustre on all kinds 0 metals; Such as Brass, Copper, Zinc, Silver, Nickel or any wetal where a "high 'class polish is desired. Put up in one half piat, pint, quart. and gallon cans. McKelvey & Birch, 69 and 71 Brock Street. > LABATT'S ALE & PORTER The real merit and superiority of JOHN LABATT'S ALE and PORTER are well known. The claim is 'made, supported by numerdus - medals and testimonials, that they are pure, wholesome rages, superior to any *__, made on this continent. $ 5 | Ct Pp AGENT. King Street, Kingston. bul two an Fre by gre lit Hair Grower GREW THIS HAIR th th us ra th fri he tr NAOMI SUTHERLAND, i is but one among the thousands who it a benched by the 7 Sutherland Seters Hair Grower and Sca p Cleaners but the fet that she fs one 'of the Sutherland Sisters, and vl known, her experience, and the manner in which she recommends these valuable preparations tothe public; cannot fail to Invite the attention of sllwho are interested in the culture and preservation eT Sutherland Sisters have devoted many Jui has important subjgst-< the structure of the my the cause of its decay, and means by whi be preserved or renewed in all its original depuce. The 7 Sutherland Sisters can be seen and |. cenlted without charge, and the magnificence of tetown hair is the first and yquestionable proof of ments of reparatio manufacture a = i Be 1 Sotherland. Sistem Hay Grower and From Ch the Conn Sixt) le ) e thou, m foun some hous dam; row 1 a star tle child caus Joh drea ther vear fath on at in flam sh on | Py Mrs. gl 8] Mr. ue Cleaner, For 7 Sutherland Sisters | gov a gists. Price of HAIR GROWER, 81 | © bottle, SCALP CLEANER, the only Dandruff | t1 For shampooing it has no equal. Price 50 | will Sle Manufacturers and Proprietors. | Sttgrland Sisters, |: let] CANADIAN OFFICE: io ICOLBORNE STREET, |i. TORONTO 23 | tho where all letters of inquiry and orders can be | bef. siremed. The photograph of the Seven Suthers | wi) bad Bisters (group) must be on every box § ) J. H. BAILEY, Foreign Manager. ' Recommended and Sold by Ste Geo. W. Mahood, druggist, corner of | ¢ Bagot and Princess streets. All those suffering with | Boils, Scrofula, Eczema | will find Weaver's Syrup and Cerate invaluable to cleanse the blood Davi; & Lawrence Co., Ltd., Montreal. er ---- Wrisg renovation hy Al i 1] 2d every one who pu a iitends to build or MNJ pre- Now Is the time for 8Xpert advice and detailed prices material is first class and our are skilled mechanics, David Hall, k £t., Kingston. Phone 53 (ARRIAGES and BUGGIES ~ FOR SALE 1 Kensington, second-hand, in good order; 1 Makedo, second- hand; } Phaeton; 1" road wag- 800; also new Top Buggies, abouts with rubber tires; 8 few sets of Harness left. and see for yourself. IAMES LATURNEY, 390 PRINCESS STREET. Look at the Cream -- our first delivery Milk - The second delivery is just ag = good, only the Cream is ot yet raised. - ; Our Creamery Butter is always and good, Li) a Kingston, Milk Depot a 1