Daily British Whig (1850), 27 May 1905, p. 12

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, opm 7:80 0 Kad ae a Sai Ty, atin oi LL tT © RL : Tx - Kingston h King 10.18 Leaves on days at x © man. for , eal at Ale: ne pad Gi que. Re: tor, +Yoy thes 48 y Tot ports. ; + Str. Aletha Ki as Kingaton daly skcent Sunday. Ho, iis porn, Cie 4 pro p, "Dierave Tun. Sain aed: Arepta HORSEY, Traffe Manager. jon 50 extra ; 17.60 Virginian, Vietor- TO. GLASGOW, DIRECT. vo. Wed, May 24 (daylight). INTREAL TO LONDON & HAVRE. Pamerinian ais pannus tains: BY ay 27. BW YORK TO GLASGOW. Parisian... Thurs. June 8, 2 p.m. od. FP :. fajore, un asgiisation to oe HE : AND BUSINESS. Torturing Raw Raw and Scaly Eczema-- Grew Worse Under Two Doctors' Treatment for Three Months -- Face in Terrible Condition, ANOTHER MARVELLOUS »- CURE BY CUTICURA 3 SabY was afficted with 4 Jonthi eczema. Two doctors three months, but he e and his face was « si We then started to use es, and noticed an at once, 'Within a fort- n had ceased the | ment, as I should like all to know of fhe hey Wo, Re" ¢ irk, No, 1 West En tages. A Road, N. Southampton." ter, N.Y. Famous for over a century for its delicacy of flavor, Of highest standard of Purity. it is especially recommended by the Medical Profession on account of its peculiar "DRYNESS" FERROVIM A Splendid Tonic Builds up the System Strengthens the Muscles Glves New Life Sold by all medicine dealers. \ Davis & Lawrence Co., Lid., Montreal. Letter From Greater New York. CAPITAL AND LABOUR THE ALL-ABSORBING TOPIC IN THE STATES. A Paternal Government May Yet neirates every fiber of our national ife, reaching from the great umpire, who holds his great seat at the nation's head in Washington, to the ragged tramp who begs a nickle in the street to save him from Starva- tion. Bo far no master mind has ap peared capable of grasping in 'its en- tirety, the whole of the vast interests involved in this great question. A great life insurance company has for wecks been engaged in a life and death stupggle, which, when it ends in wvic- tory or defeat, we might let pass un- noticed, if it were not for the mighty interests involved. The questions to be settled are great and far reaching: a few men claim the special guardian CONGRESSMAN FRANK RB. BRANDE- a GE Who has heen chosen by the Conneecti- cut legislature to succeed Orville Platt in the United States. Mr. Brandegee is a native of Connecticut and a graduate of Yale. He has served in the legislature of his nat ve state and also filled two terms in Congress. + ship of 8500,000,000. 1s there a hu- man being whose virtue can resist the temptations of such a sam ? The uestion which presents itself is this : 'Wn any man's services for any pur- pose whatever be worth £100,000 per gnnum. Failing to find an umpire to settle this = absorbing question, both jarties turn to the president of the Phitea States and ask him to act as umpire. Only two weeks ago it was suggested that Mr. Cortelyou, our postmaster-general, take the presi of the Equitable Life Insurance company; his success in life during the last few years would seem t6 mark him as a man who could settle the vast question, involved in the present pevilous fight. There has always been with a certain class, a fear of having a paternal government ahd it certain ly scems as if we were drifting that way when the president of the United States, with the tremendous responsi- bilities. of the nation resting on him i» asked to adjudicate the business matters of a private corporation no matter how great its interests, or how vast its capital. To pass the or- deal wow préssing on him he would need to he as "wise as a serpent if not as harmless as a dove." The trouhle 1 alluded to at the beginnine of this letter, the strife between capi- tal and labor, is difficult of solution to the satisfaction of both parties. Capital feels that it has the right to the strongest protection that t © gov- ernment can give, and labor is but- tling for the principle that it does OUR _IOLIVIES COVER MORE ON olor Hamme ten EERE porium, Mark- Live Lobsters Fresh caught Whitefish. Fresh caug! ht Lake Ontario Pike. Fresh caught Maddock, Steak Cod, Halibut, ete. _ DOMINION FISH ©O. 'PHONE 620. Sam. NOW IS THE WINTER OF YOUR ISCONTENT you are trying to 4et wood n CT und unis one-ten order will bring you large lot of DRY SLABS for sale. Booth & Co. Lake Ontario not receive a sufficient reward for the things it creates. The clay in the bank is worthless; but molded by rude hands of machinery into a brick, it becomes a potent factor in our BAD COMPLEXIONS Can be Covered up With Lotions, Washes and Powders Containing Arsenic, Lead and Mineral Poisons. But These Always Make a Bad Matter Worse. How to Obtain a k nonsense to attempt to cover hi Fy complexion of a ied onc) in a remarkable degree. They act ety oa the liver and bowels, cleanse and the blood and in this way quickly ime jor the complexion. When you consider Satisopic sud that Duieent 1s Sneonicg ue t ut is aneq ne R can quite understand and Butternut Pills me--Of such machine should be used ii).ig Co eusive - Disvlay of | ci' limites and he moc hive $200, S00 Capital--Mighty Dzfference in | chauffeur put his hand in his pocket, Punishment of Rich and Poor. and drew out a roll of bank bills as Special Correspondence Letter, 1,461 big as a guart measure: selected a New York, May 26.--The all-ab- | hundred bill and threw it con- sorbing question of the hour is the temp taoys) dawg, on the clerk's desk, struggle between capital and labor; it The magistrate gave a disgruntled fine of $1 lives, as thedvast building rears its summit toward the cl sso labor demands a more equal division of the and # for its equities in di t hope w "the lion shall lay down with the lamb.' One of the offensive displays of capital fook place in one of our last week. The chauf- i K. Vanderbilt was arrested for driving his raciue ma- chine ote of our most erowd- ed streets the rate of thirty mil hoi ty rate irty miles first class machine was one of the competing: racers; it was ssid to be geared up to seventy miles an hour, and the Rsutur gave ay an excuse that his machine could not reduced to lect than thirty miles an hour, The judge was so exasper- ated that he thought the excuse was worse than the get of racing, and he indignantly. cautioned him that no "* and the chauffeur walked out of the court laughing. For the chauffeur it was fortunate that the magistrate did not know that this was his second offence, or he would undoubtedly have been given the full punishment that the law allows, which Was two years in state's prison and a W000. The rapid running - of these motor machines through crowd- ed tharoughfares is assuming the char- acter of a calamity, and right here YeSt8 a point ih the equities of the law, as it stands between the rich and poor. Take itin the case of Mr. Van- devinlt ¢ - chaulieyy. he Fepresenis capital of 82,000 a dav or more; what to him is the hundred dollar bill, that he threw downy eontemptuously upon the bar of justice ? It deprives him of little or nothing: and he goes free, The poor man, for a lesser offence, ig fined $10 he cannot pay, so he works out his dale by so many days in the penitentiary. This is a mighty differ- ence in the punishment of the rich and the poor for which no mortal wisdom, up to the present time, has found a remedy. Among the classic literature of oth: er days, I recollect reading the ac- count of Alexander, a stern warrior of iron mould, who, having ' subdued every nation he could reach, wept be- cause there were no other worlds to conquer. The unconquered Jim Jef fries, the king of the prize ring has not yet shed tears becanse he cannot find anothet rough to fight him. He has sounded - his slogan east, west, north and south, for some new cham- pion to appear to relieve him of the lewelled belt, the reward of super- eminent pluck aud hard: earned prim- acy, so now he retires to the shades of of private life; his father is a minister of the gospel and he may devote the rest of his life to cutting off the cou- pons from his United States bonds and, as we hope, he may enjoy the experience of saving grace and deposit his riches in the bank '"'where the rist doth not corrupt nor thieves break through and steal." A case of ruin and moral degrada- tion came up in one of our own po- lice courts. Last week a miserable tramp, foul from the gutter of the street. and sickening to look upon in his dire misery waa brought before our police court as a drunkard and a vagrant. Before the judge pronounced his sentence the tramp asked the indge's permission to speak; it was given him, and he told the following story : "Your honor, five years ago I was a barrister in the Temple Court, London; I had a splendid law prac- tice, a delightiul home, a wife and children that any man might be proud to struggle for; mv income was sufficient for all the wants and luxur ies of life, but in an evil hour drink got the better of me, and I sank down till nobody wished to ackowledge me or own me, and I hecame a beggar in the street, soliciting a farthing to keep me from starving, I have slept in parks or in ruined buildings with sufferings known to no one but mv- self and God. Now, vour honor, do with me as you will." He was sentenc- ed to six months on Blackwell's Is land. Could any sober man indite a stronger temperance advocate ? --BROADBRIM. Men Who Carry Policies. King Edward VII. is one of the most heavily insured men in the world. No one can estimate what amount the insurance companies will be called upon to pay at his death. Lord Rothschilds premiums are about, $40,000 annually for a total in surance cover of about one and a quarter millions. Thé Earl of Dudley is insured for nearly a million dollars. George Vanderbilt's assurances ay gregate about five millions. The late King Humbert, of Italy, cost the insurance companies seven millions and a half at his death. It is said that the present king carries $3,- 500,000. The German emperor is a participa tor in life assurance to the extent of five million dollars. The czar of Russia is known to carry four millions, but he is also a continual "risk" for temporary assur ances taken out by panic-stricken Russian stockholders. His eldest daughter, the Grand Duchess Olga, is insured for two and a quarter mil- lions; the czaritsa for g million and a quarter, . Many distinguished ladies carry big policies, Lady Curzon has about half a million. ----_---------- Brady's Irishman. When James 7. Brady, the celebrat od barrister of New York, first opened a lawyer's office, he took a basement room which had previously been oecu- pied by a cobbler. He was somewhat annoved, says the writer of "Famous American Jurists" bv the previous #10 used by #0 many to keep their and skin and clear of pim Blotches and nose little are never or | Faken, and always cure si eon sspation and biliousness. in one night. » | "The cobbler's gone, 1 ocoupant's callers, and irritated by the fact that he had but few of his own. One day an Irislanan entered. see," he said, "I should think he had," tartly re- sponded Bradv, "And what do you sell?" asked Pad dy, looking at a few law booke. "Blockheads," responded Brady. "Faith," said the Irishman, 've must doin a mighty fine business. Ye ain't. got but one left." -------- 1G, SATURDAY, MAY 2, WINNERS OF 350 PRIZES 1. v. oucery oo P.O here given, are among the foremost athletes | "o" "hose & s Bi : is famous as a mile runner and walking Cham janada, ay o held the hurdle championship of one. °™ 40d My. Sr n drio, ~~ TRAINED ON Mr. Geddes Write; - oh 1S with mye, easure | mend Spy. com. did food. Have used it for years and found it Toten ing for Atliletic Sports. It is VERY NUTRITIOUS. EASILY pagTaine and is a fine bone and muscle maker. All my far Dlagsrep, Mily use it daify.s yh CANADIAN SHREDDED WHEAT co, Niagara Falls, Ogt. + LIMITED Toronto Office, 32 Church Street THE SUCCESS OF SMITH He Got Ahead. in South Dakota. 1t is said tha has made $1,500,000 in fourteen vy methods of soil culture are emplo but unlike ten years' standing. I had t till 1 used Hem-Roid. "1 had blind bleeding piles and suffered everyth Ointments and local treatments fa but Dg. Leonhardt's me palbicetly. Hem-Roid is a tablet nally which removes the cause piles. $1 all drugg Fyle Co., Limited, Niagara Falls, ( For sale at "The Best Drug Sto L. T. Best, Chemist and Optician, Princess street. There is a lot being married in vour honevmoon the girl vou love and all the rest vour life to her family. Some men are so lucky that w who makes her ¢ a seli-styled The = woman clothes may be succes vear MAKES MEN Detroit Specialist Making Me Diseases a Specialty for Year it Individual Treatment, You may Use itin the Privacy of Your Own Home. A Detroit Specialist who has 14 diplomas fence in doctoring diseases of men, is positiy DR. 8. GOLDBERG. 'The possessor of 14 diplomas and certidc who wants no money that he does not.ca n order to convince patients that he has th ty to doas he says, Dr. Goldberg will a ase for treatment, and you need not sermy until a complete cure has been 1 wants to hear from patients who have bee ® get cured, as he guarantees a positiv dl chronic, nervous, blood and foubles, Iebility, lack of vitality, stomach trouble, c: ms m ares you, and when you oré cured, hs feels ave lost faith write him, as you have everyt The capacity of an inn is nol its in capacity. f . Farmed With His Head and Another Smith owns a sizeable farm most farmers he never hesi- me of a very bad ease of piles of over everything but got ng permanent cure Hem-Roid cured taken inter ts or The Wilson- of difference between they lose their, purses there was never | anything in them * Grecee exports 60,000 tons of cur- Grand Union Hotel rants a + SOUND AND STRONG Will Accept Your Case, Giving You May Pay When You aro Cured, certificates from medical colleges and state board of medical examiners, and who has a vast exper san cure a great many so called jucurable ca dre condition itself, but likewise all the comp' dons, such as rheumatism, bladder or Kic blood poison, physical and nervous The doctorrealizesthat it is one thing to make Jaims and another thing to back them un; so © ita rule-not to ask tor money unless The Canadian North Weep HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS Any eves numbered section of Dominion Lands in Manit +Ferritories, excepting 8 and 26, Which has not been homes he provide wood Jots for settlers, or for other purposes '¢ 1 by any person who is the sole head of afamily, " to the extent of onesquarter section of 160 acres, Ma o t ears may € or any male ¢ more or S out of the soil. When 1. DD. Swith be ENTRY gan farming he had only a few hun lh Soin luay be made personally at the local land _ ate. Wi . 3 v h te land to be taken is situated, or if the homest, dred dollars. With it he made a. pa; apolication to the Minister of the Interior. Ottaw. to" ment on an Hlinois farm and then gration, Winnipeg, or the Local Agent for the Distric earned money from the farm to pay | Situated, receive authority for some one to make entry off "the debt. Then Tie hight another | *Pareed for a homestead 'entry, f is farm and earned money with the two HOMESTEAD DUTIES a {0 Pav olf the second deb A settler who has heen granted .an entry for « TI 0 pay of sec lebt. brovisions of the Dominion Lands Act, and the herety. 128 bY the I'he success of Smith, of South Da- | the conditions connected therewith, unde one h Ty kota is the success of a man of pro-| oo Si At lease six months' residence upg and cult . o gress. Not only the most advanced | Yo2F during the term of three years. It is the practice a Settler to bring 15¢acres under cultivation, but stock; and 20 head of cattle, t their accommodation, will be nc if he pre e actually his own pro ted instead of the ved, ; s (2) If the father (or mother, if the fa her is dece tated to make investments if they | eligible to make a homestead entry unde the provisi( would save expenses, He farmed with a farm in the vicinity of the land' entere for by such pero i the same 'systém that the manufactur requirements of this act as to residence Prior to obtaining pa na or uses in his plant. He says : «A by such person residing w th the father or mother 7 er uses mn his plant. t : g (8) If a settler was entitled to and has obtained entry for third of my meney 1 earned with my | the requirements of this act as to residence prior to obtair masta hands, the remaining two-thirds with | Satisfied by residence upon the first homestead, if the second home . head." One day Joel Harris, one | ViCIty of the first homestead. Shu my eat, Line cay « a , * 1 (4) If the settler has his permanent residence upon farming | of Mr. Smith's tenants who had never | in the vicinity of his homestead, the requirements of this get failed to pay promptly and had kept | be satisfied bv residence upon the saidland. 'The term 'vic 1 his fo ad t rood: vopair, -reesived i meant to indicate the same township. or an adioining of ¢ A a 118 lences in go epair, MIVed | settler ¥ho avails himself of the provisions of Clauses (2) " through the mail a deed to the farm | tivate 80 acres of his homestead. or substitute 20 head of stor : he occupied. for iheis a and have besides 80 acres substantial ) TA be . yilege of a second entry is restricted by law to those ttlers or He took it to My. Smith's home, the duties upon their first homsteads to entitle 'them to pero "Here is something yon sent to me | 2nd June, 1889. Every homesteader who fa ls to comply with tr : by mistake," he explained. the homsetead law is liable to have hisentry cancelled, and. the Bil ay} "ey on i f NH d nt il y man again tirown open for entry et yn io on, yout fool do ark ac y RMORLIONE." wis The saoly : APPLICATION FOR PATENT jie ) Shopld be madé at the end of three years, before the Loi n { h her hav. ¢ 1 t Since then two other tengnts Wave | the Homestead Inspector. Before making application for pa t fared equally well, five six months' notice in writing to the Comunissiomer of Don Ottawa of his intention to do so. $1,000 Pile Cure. Newly weeived, inptaotnie wa TR MATION ? v arrived immigrhints wi coive at th nigration Offica W A thousand dollar guarantee coes | or at any De ipinion ans Often I Heat a . Immisrs 5, Fi y with every bottle of Dr. Leonhardt's jormation as to the lands that are open for entry, and ¥ Hem-Roid--the only certain cure for | free of exp » advice and assistance in securing lands to : y only 1 OF | mation respecting the land, timber, coal and mineral laws every form of piles i ' very form of piles. he Dominion Lands in the Railway Beit in British Colum ia sorge Cook, "St. Thomas, Ont., application to the Secretary of the Mepartment of the terio writes : Commissioner of Ijunigration, Winnipeg Manitoba or to any of "Br... TLeokhardt's' 'Hen Reid cured Lands Agents in Manitoba or the Norti-West Territories . W. CORY, Deputy Minister of the N.B.--In addition to Free Grant Lands to which the ed refer, thousands of acres of most desirable lands are nil purchase from railroad and other corporations and private firms in and | 4 - = = ICE CREAM iled Our Ice Cream is made from Pure Cream, un- surpassed for quality and flavor. Served by the dish or delivered in any size bricks required. 4/2 A. J. REES, Princess St. PAARARRARARARAAARAR FARRARARARAAAARR AAARAAY ried of Int, re," 124 2] hen | wn I COROORE 2 90@G ©Ieee CALLING CARIS COPPER PLATE R.ooms From $1,00 Per Day Up i Opposite Grand Fentral Station BAGGAGE: FREE n's 8) 4 Niiyg / relies, and eh r8es le. NO NEED TO SEND OUT OF TOWN FOR ENGRAVED CARDS This Week Baby Carriages and Go-Carts Sunshine is the best tonic for babies, WHIG WORK IS GOOD WORK $ deeded deed die ob bbb HE $ i WE ALSO DO : % STEEL DIE EMBOSSING § 4 fede deb dep bd Specials prices, Have your Parlor Setts and Couches recovered. Fuel Hard Coal this week at close-out I Si Grate and Egg for your furnace Use Furniture Restorer to help you] Stove, . Chestnut mud ea for ¥ house-clean. Stoves. Soft Coal Cannel for your grate . : Select Lump for grates and endlo® Smithing Slack. Also Cut & Urc it Wood ------ [JAMES REID, Leading Undertaker, Princess Street - - Kingston. eee TH RIOR STON MUSIC! MUSIC! MISS BLYTH BARRACK ST. 0 crveq sn RLY OF WaATRBHAES © WALSH, NFAR hat you will willingly pay him a small fee AORMERLY OF WATERTOWN, N.y., P. Lt wens, 'herefore, thatitis to the best i -torests of | Fill open a studio for music at her home, sveryon. who suffers to write the doctor ¢ 140 Union St.. on May 11th, A limited fentially and lay your case before Fim, which « number of pupils desired. Call Thurs. THE FRONTENAC feceive careful attention, and a corrcet diagnos days CIETY of 'your case will be made free of charges if + : =| LOAN & INVFSTMENT SO A nt © gain and nothing to lose; you must reme YACHT FOR SALE. (ESTABLISRED:1863.) Sot one penny need be paid until you are eure STEAMYACHT MARGARET. OW NED : d Cartwright All medicines for patients are prepared ia | by the late William Gokey, Brooklyn, | President--Sir Richar wn laboratory to moet the requirements of ¢a 55 feet long. 10 feet beam, 5 feet sity end Fer individual case, lic will send a booklet on 1 tepth ; Brst class seaboat: used oniy |. Money loaned on CIS Gcoats subject, which contains the 14 diplom : i 3 I, a milan hl erties. Municips ha ficates. entirely free. Address him simp! pve months Sneed, twelve miles an IXaonerties. Mortgages towed r: 8. Goldberg, 208 Woodward Ave , Roar 115 fompound engine ; well furnise 2 "received and interes Detroit, Michigan. Medicines for Canadian , « fartind, in execllent condition. For | Depasits re ine Director: tients sent from Windsor, Ont. consequently Jur her : particu! rs 1 3pDly, to J. A. 8S. C. MeGill, Managing Bere is no duty to be paid, soedearie of Csipt. John Geoghegan, 'Box 76, Kingston, Ont, ~ J Office. 97 Clarence Street. Kingste YEAR 72. NO. I Em ---- TT B.P Jenkins Clothing C OUR BLACK CATS Are purring pretly loud. Custom or tere is nothing like them. T are fast black. They will wear ¢ but are longer and will wear lon than any other line we know, The knees are almost) impregns and. the boys can bust almost a thing; 25c.," all sizes, some a li more. Get your supply before sizes broken. B. P, Jenkins Clothing ( WANTED. GIRLS TO SPLIT MICA, AT KF Bros' Mica 'Works, foot of Prin Street. A MIDDLE AGED WOMAN AS HOI "keeper for small' family. Apply, Alfred St. ee ee eee A BOY ABOUT 17 TO WORK store, and attend soda water. Ap Mahood's Drug Store. $18,000 ON $30,000 S URITY, RF Estate, 5 or 10 years. Apply tc A. Gardiner, 151 Wellington St. AN EXPERIENCED GENERAL S vant ; no washing or ironing: fa of four. Apply 817 Univer Avenue. YOUNG WOMAN TO ASSIST IN CA of invalid' lady, one willing to n herself géncrally useful. Apply, Johmston St. SUMMER COTTAGE OR FA house, for the summer season. ply to Givens & Givens, 81 B) St., Kingston, QOLLECTOR 1 actounts ; good sa Address Manufact Phila., Pa. INSTALLMEN merchandise and expenses >. 0. Box 1027, AN Ci hat ST BREF AN FRE osort TTT Vovl ' kitchen on water front. $ per day. Address, Box D.D., car Whig. GENTLEMEN, TO GET TH Spring Suits made up at Gallows 31 frock street, next to - Bib livery ; style, fit and price guaran to please ; pressing and repairing promptly. AGENTS. 1 handsome w BIG WAGES FOR and women make i selling our household special Every family needs them. thoroughly legitimate business you can start in without a cer capital. G. Marshall & Co., Lon Ont. MEN AND BOYS, TO LEARN PLU ing trade. We cannot supply den for graduates. $4.50 to $5 per Eight weeks completes course. } while learning: Address, for ( logue, Coyne Bros. Co., Plum Schools, Cincinnati, ©O., St. L Mo. Employment guaranteed money refunded. TO-LET, Sk from office FURNISHED rooms, near © Ist. Address, HOUSE OF City Park, W. H., Whig ---------------- STORAGE, A ROOM IN THE STE building, clean, dry, rat and | oof. Apply at McCann's, rock St. THE DESIRABLE RBSIDENCE Barrie St., opposite City Park. session Ba St. Apply ta Flanagan, ie St. FROM 18ST JUNE, FOR TH months or longer. Furnished h eleven rooms ; modern convenie central location. Apply by lette Box 82, Kingston. YHAT BRICK DETACHED R dence, No. 438, Brock St., ; heal modera--conyeniences ; possession. Apply 81, Whig office, or on premises. COMFORTABLE BRICK F House, partly furnished, well sit on shore of Bay of Quinte, 24 west 'of Collins Good 3 hingdatiod. aS n an otLage. Address, H, C. Rotl Coll\us Bay. Ont. ---------------- er THAT DESIRABLE PROPERTY the Corner of ueen and Or Streets, lately occupied by Mr. erson as a grocery with large 5 outbuildings. Of ved ers i. 1 fo urchase. y Walker © walem, po Wy LOST. DOLLARS, A TWO "AND Friday afternoon, be McKelvey & Birch's Store, Wellington to Hay Market. 1 Please return to Whig office SMALL BLACK PURSE, (ON ing less than $4, on Union © between Court House and Li ton Avenue, Saturday. Rewa ' leaving same at Whig office ------ PURSE, CONTAINING $5 BILL some loose change, Saturday ing, on Princess St., between | ham St. and Laidlaw's Store Ward if 'returned to Van L Grocery FOUND. COPY oF WILL AND OLD | ments. Same can be had at office by paying for this add ment eee BOATS FOR SALE. LESS THAN $50 WILL BI Y A safe, comfortable open cockpit ¥acht. Telephone, 545 for p lars: Now life and strength in eae of Bland's iron tonic pills, 1 2c. Gibson's Red Cross drug

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