las ! ill do good but out a varied as- ellas that ought rag bag. There Ing to get along. / that leaks or that oa ill aol - la for every member "of the Ss man ought to hay ie line. ¢ Two, AL SALE OF -- es' Umbrellas To-morrow ality English 1 frame, good qu y, stylish handles, not ope In less than $1.25 Aorning for om 9 to 11. 7c ted fiom a manufacturer who ked and was willing to part ofit to secure prompt cash. Ladies' Umbre!las Good serviceable make, 50c., 75c. Ladies' Umbrellas, good serviceable ake, $1, $1.25. Ladies' Umbrellas, fine quality, guaran- teed covers, $1.50, $2, $2.25, $2.50, $3. Many with odd and ~N fancy handles you ) will ro: find matched in Kingston. Umbrellas 5c. and $1. 1.25 and $1.50. to $5 in a great variety be- brellas, 50c , 75c., $1. REA SEP En Py allas ve a good frame or ex- ou would like to save | we re-cover it quite as new. All qualities of plain union up to the ilks, - Umbrellas ust received. Come and sce red to buy, if makes no dif- ne that strikes your fancy until required. Price from DAWES New Batch of DODD SHOES , Boston a fresh supply of DODD SPRING TANS. olate "Tie, light sole. n Tie, Goodyear welt. ace Shoe, light sole, a sensible 3 T SHOE STORE and many Ee -- -Cover 1 : fu SECTION. s IN Dressers and Wash Stands Solid mahogany Dresser and Stand, resular price 865, now 850, large peir INIErors. Solid Mahogany Dressers, $15, for $35. Prass and Iron Bed to Match from $35 to 22.50, Solid Quarter-cut Oak Dresser and Stand, from $40 to $25, polish fin ish. Robt. J. Reid, 99 Princess St., Next to Opera House Telephone 577. WANTED. free A- DRIVER. APPLY. LEMMON AND Lawrenson, King St. ere eee GIRLS. TO SPLIT MICA, AT KENT Hros® Mica Works, foot of Princess Streat ee eee. A COOK TO GO. TO TREMONT Park. Apply te "Mrs. Drury, 167 Kine St. ---------------------- BY YOUNG LADY, SITUATION AS hook-keeper or office assistant, Ad- dress, G., Whig office. ree tet ee A "BOY ABOUT 17 TO WORK IN store, and attend soda water. Apply, Muhood's Drug Store. $13,000 ON $30,000 SECURITY, REAL Estate, 5 or 10 yedrs. Apply to J. A. Uardingr, 151 Wellington St g-- i AN EXPERIENCED GENERAL SER- vant ; no washing or ironing ; family of four. Apply 917 University Avenue. ------------------------------------------ YOUNG WOMAN TO ASSIST IN CARE of invalid lady, one willing to make herself gencrally useful. Apply, 189 Johmston St. ---------------------------------------------- SUMMBR COTTAGE on FARM house, for the summer season. Ap- ply to Givens & Givens, 81 Broek St., Kingston. ; WOMAN COOK ; MUST BE FIRST class, for Summer Resort Hotel. Cool kitchen on water front. $1.50 per day. Address, Box D.D., care of Whig. vant; no washing or ironing; city references required. Apply in the evening to Mrs. J. M. Campbell, Cor. Sydenham and West Sts. YEAR oT NO. 123. ------ Special Sales ON ------ DAJLY MEMORANDA, ALL BASELE introducers of new styles im rises Sunday at 4.1 A girl feels terribly if her hat All who buy Hats for boys his country und refus have a new and particularly hand- sume display of dec 1 They will please you without a doubt, and the prices are very RTSON BROS.. Auction Sale Household Furniture MRS. YATES, 64 Willlam St. May 3ist and June lst MAHOGANY gFURNI- i Madras Curtains, 3 mariellod Badroom Suite, ge, Kitchen Utensils, Preserves, nd other articles too mifierous rm ttre ee EXPERIENCED GENERAL SLER- STENOGRAPHERS CAN LEARN extra money during spare time (limited number only.) Enclose addressed stamped envelope for reply. Pilot Ribbon Co., Rochester, N.Y. GENTLEMEN, TO GET THEIR Spring Suits made up at Galloway's, 131 Brock, street, next to Bibby's livery ; style, fit and price guaranteed to please ; pressing and repairing done promptly. eee tee BIG WAGES FOR AGENTS. MEN and women make handsome wages selling our household specialties Every family n them A thoroughly legitimate business that you can start in without a cent of capital. G. Marshall & Co., London, Ont. MEN AND BOYS, TO LEARN PLUMB- ing trade. We cannot supply demand for graduates. $4.50 to $5 per day Eight weeks completes course. larn for Cata- while learning. Address, loghe,, Coyne Bros.. Co., Plumbing Schools, Cincinnati, 0O., St. Louis Mo. Employment guaranteed or money refunded. TO-LET. A TT STORAGE, A ROOM IN THE STEARN building, clean, dry, rat and noth proof. Apply at McCann's, 51 irock St a a Ae----_-------------- THE DESIRABLE RESIDENCE, 84 Barrie St., opposite City Park. 08 session Ma 1st. Apply ta Miss Flanagan, 82 Barrie St. i --a--co------f------------------------ FROM 18T JUNE, FOR THREE months or longer. Furnished house, eléven rooms ; modern conveniences , central location. Apply by letter, to P.O. Box 82, Kingston. ---- a I YHAT BRICK DETACHED RESI- dence, No. 438, Brock St., : heated by furnace ; modern conveniences ; gas. Immediate . possession. Apply Box 81, Whig office, or on premises. SAILING YACHT "GEISHA'™ 25 foot class ; in good ocoamdition, new sails. A bargain at $350--cash. For further particulars apply, to J. C. U COMFORTABLE BRICK FARM House, partiy furnished, well situated on shore of Bay of Quinte, 24 miles west of Collins Bay. 'Good stable accommodation. Stage daily to Kingston and Bath. Also Frame Cottage. Address, H, OC. Rothwell, Collins Bay Ont. ---------- rt ---------- THAT DESIRABLE PROPERTY AT the Corper of Queen and Ontario Streets, lately occupied by Mr. Hen- erson as a grocery with large yard and outbuildings. Offers whl be re- NT purchase. Apply to k , solicitors, King- Walkemm & Wal ston. FOR SALE. GOOD BUILDING LOT, SOUTH SIDE Josen strat, between Montreal and poly 49 Colhorne street. ES ---------------------------------------------------- KEW MODEL NO. 44. MASSEY, £47. Comfort Tires, $2 each. New Rear Wheel, "with new Morrow Brake, Jour dollars. Bicycle Munson, Toron- n. LOST. A SMALL PURS turn to this office THREE DOLLARS, A TWO AND ONE on Friday efternoon, between McKelvey .& Birch's Stare, down NeHinglon to Hay Market. Finder we hill, return to Whis off store, Fresh there. SMITH BROS., Jewellers, 350 King St. able for June wedding pres J. S. SMITH, Issuer of Marriage Licenses. TO MILITARY MEN: We make every kind of lally FINE WALKING-OUT SHOES or WELLINGTON Wear '"'Allen's"' Military Bootmakors, SIGN OF GOLDEN BOOT. r Household Furniture At No.2 Frontenac Terrace, Division St, on Monday & Tuesday Afternoons, May 29th and 30th. TAKE NOTICE DON'T SELL YOUR §TOVES, FUR- J. TURK, THE SECOND-HAND DEALER, Almon, Bank. of Montreal, Kingston. teem it Stefi epee 308 Princess Sweet. "SWIFT'S INSURANCE AGENCY FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT, CARCO. Strong reliable Companies only represented LOSSES PROMPTLY PAID, LOWEST RATES on approved risks Office, Opposite Untario Bank. EXPLOSION ON A LAUNCH. Five Men Blown Through Windows Into the Water. Oswego, N.Y., May 27. wire seriously injured by ar « the naphtha launch Charles Wright, Of the injured Edward Sadler was terribly burned about the arms and his condi men were blown throu 3, ON MAN 24TH, containing a sum of money, on Brock : from Dr. Mundell's to St Mary's cathedral. Reward for its ro Jannch was badly damaged managed that the ae dental deaths with Lever's Dry Soap, a powder | will reineve the grease with, the great- Buy Gin Pills ut Gibson's Red Cross Ear trumpets and conversation tubes No Truth In Rumors Of Nav- al Battle. REPORT OF ILLNESS OF ROJESTVENSKY WAS ALL NONSENSE, Russians Entirely Ignore Order to Leave - Chinese Waters--Loca- tion of Togo's Fleet Unknown --Try to Draw Off Japanese Fleet. Special to the Whig. = London, May 27.--The Shanghai cor- respondent "of the Standard says the recent reports of a naval engagement are baseless. The erpisers Rian. and Smolensk, according to the corres- pondent, conveyed the Russian trans- ports to Woosung. Officers of the Smolensk said the Russian fleet. was in good fighting trim. The stories of Admiral Rojestvensky's illness were grotesque, exaggerations. The Morn- ing Post's Shanghai correspondent ro ports that the entire Russian flect was ofl the: Saddle Jdslands on 'the evening of "May 26th. The Daily Express Shanghai © cor: respondent says: All «tho Chinese cruisers in these waters cleared for action, today, and the Taotai went td the Russian consulate, and de- manded that the Russian ships leave within twenty-four hours. The Shanghai correspondent of the Daily Mail says that President Roose- velt has wired the viceroy and Tao tai, commending the steps taken by these officials to preserve Chinese neu trality. w------ ~ Flying Raid Possible. 8t. Petersburg, May 27.--While a flving raid of one or two commerce destroyers in the eastern sea is ad- witied as a possibili by the naval authorities here, these anthorities are loath to believe that any division of tojestvensky's squadrons, in any in portant sense, has taken place as reported from Shanghai. They prefer to assume the unspecified Russian ships reported to be outside of Shétghai like the six, which entored the port of Woosung, are units of the transport fleet, 'without special fight- ing value, and-that perhaps they have been sent thither to confuse the scent for Togo. Russians Ignore Order. Shanghai, May 27.--The Russian war vessels that were off the Saddle Telands leit last night. The Chinese authorities ordered the vessels of the Russian volunteer fleet which were an- chored off Woosung, to leave within twenty-four hours. The Russians, thus far, have entirely ignored the order, To Draw Off Fleet. Tokio, May 27.--1t is believed, here, that the action of Russia in sending gome vessels to Shanghai is a part of a decided plan to draw off part of the Japanese fleet. It is thought that possil¥ the Russians intend to intern the slower craft, but the visit and with- drawal of the faster vessels gge re- garded. to be without purpose, unless as a diversion. The location of Ad miral Togo"s fleet continues to be a secret, Will Cross To Mongolia. he has learned at the foreign office that Russian troops will eross into flanking movement, which, it is believ- the Manchurian diplomatic negotia tions to enable Gen, Linevitch to move in this direction. without viola tion of the nentrality began at Pekin three weeks ago. Sabbath Observance. Toronto, May 27.--The Jr oyineial government is moving actively in co + operation with the Dominion govern- ment and the Lord's Day Alliance of Canada to secure from the judicial committee of the privy council an au- thoritative and final decision which will settle the disputed question of jurisdiction in the matter of Sabbath observance legislation. Next month Canadian counsel will go' to England for the purpose of making application the two goyernments join in the ap- plication and as an important con- application will probably be granted, November sittings, John Leigert To Be Tried. trial for manslaughter, ---------- The Busy Burglars. 9 broke into Pinnone of -all kinds. ('hown's drug store, of perfumes aud cigars, - -- . creme RDAY, MAY 27, 1905. Fair Yankee Ev Parisian urn about is s 5, and after 80 y surprises id hats this hat an fair play; Sven in fal rican woman she herself to even up th erican novelty that tion in the Kitz in I worn by Mrs. Petee sisted of a boa of Howse. As she ap peared with it throw Am- ed a sensa- k rocently was , and con acelully. aver garland reaching almost to boa summer wear, and midst Moth balls and to conduct h the opera- Mr th z Taft is g brother of he Begrotary of war, | Tt was owing to the efforts of his wife that the doctor was eventually THE EXODUS ALARMING. Adsoa on the Movement to | Mm. The European residents, who Montreal, May 27.-- eral agent of the Dub of Michigan, Wisconsin and Minnesota to the Cunadiah North-West, would be ever before. the farmers PRESIDENT PLACES BAN of lands in the west ; up to cross the | On Convict Work Under Federal He added that the Throughout these states many were packing northern border, exodus was composed largely of bitious young men, and the extent of it had actually become alarming. am 3 4 $ +9 SAID TO HAVE MET. +e 1 rumored here that the Jap- anese and Russian fleets Vice-Admiral Togo and Vice-Admiral Rojest- vensky have engaged in the Korean straits. SESE ES FEVIBE IES Japan Looking Ahead. London, May 27.--The St. Peters- . showing great activity of late in buy burg correspondent of the Times says : ing up second-hand merchant steamers, in the market for more, 1t is evident that the Japanese Mongolia, shortly, 10 eheck-mate a] are looking forward to a great the war is ovet, and ship-owners who have | in the east have consid erable expectations, od, 'the Japanese have taken beyond from inguiring through their agents in. London and 2,000 to 3,000 tons ---- eighties, which, | Out Growth of World's Fair being rather below the standard for Congress. European trade can be picked up very | gpectal to the Whig. ; uch have changed hands Chicago, May 27.-- Representatives of in | many churches and creeds are gather s seen quite @ number of | ing in Chicago for the tenth general teamers transferred to Ja | meeting of the Congress of Religion, pan. The disposal of these steamers is | an outgrowth of the great religious ridding the western freight markets of | congress held in this city during the a good deal of old tonnage which can | world's fair. . The congress will be very readily be spared," and will, if it formally opened to-morrow morning, present rate, produce | at the Abraham Lincoln Centre, and the sessions will continue until June this year, and the present month a demand for new boats which will be r ' very welcome to American and Euro- | 2nd. Among the subjects to be dis- 1 cassed are The relations of the woman's club movement to the com- ing church, institutional work .as a means of church salvation, the coming church and commercial criminals, and the kind of a church that will enlist of | the sympathies of the laborers. In its cosmopolitan character and range of subjects the approaching congress promises to outreach all former ses for leave to appeal from a decision of the supreme court of Canada. As |pean ship-builders, icati . mp Russian National Council. stitutional question ix involved the Special to the Whig, May 27.~The capital ' . to-day, in celebration ary of the ezar's corona- | vate buildings day was gen- in which case the appeal will be argued before the committee at the were decorated and t erally observed as a holiday. Special services of thanksgiving were held i I'he only official recog- nition of the day was the gazetting of the manifesto, recently announced, fix- 17th as the date for the! of a "Zemsky Sovyet," or Council of the People, which is to consideration of great problems aficcting the public welfare, | W8* sent to Kemptville, Ont, May 27.--John Leizert, of Hainsville, will have to stand his trial for manslaughter, The inquekt, held at the instance of Coro- ner Blacklock of Morrisburg, decided that the late Herman Farrell, aged six vears, came to his death from aleohol poisoning. Immediately after the ver- dict of the coroner's jury was brought in F. Bradfield, Morrisburg, represent- ing the 'crown, had Jobn Leizert ar- ¢ | rested and brought before Magistrates | Mullen and Smith, who committed the prisoner' to Cornwall jail to stand Julia Ward Howé's Birthday. Special to the Whig. Mass, May 27. Surrounded | her children, grandchildren great-grandchildren, Mrs, Julia Ward noted anthor, celebrated her ecighty-sixth birthday at her home in Beacon street. There were numerous ed, callers during the day and quantities of flowers as well a8 messages of con and Prescott, Ont., May 27. Thieves it's photo studio through' an npstairy window and took three hundred dollars' worth of rare coins and stampa. Recently Orange's barber shop was rifled of razoes and Birks' drug store, entered and relieved health for one "of ! Howe continues take an active interest in social Enjoying excellent hile Little Br8thers and Sisters of Wife. poisoning, Dr. Urbino de Freitas, one of the most, distinguished of European physicians, had his sentence - of twen- tyfive years commuted by King Charles to simple banishment from Portugal, . Throughout his long * confinement, the doctor is said to have jealousy guarded a secret he di an assured cure for - leprosy. Avcom- panied by his devoted wife, he is now on his way to Berlin, where his arriv- al is eagerly awaited by all German medicine, When: the doctor was first arrested, Lisbon society received a shock. The charge against him was of poisoning the five little brothers and the sisters of his wife, who stood between him and a large fortune, The evidence ngainst Dr. de Freitas was mostly circomstantial, but a nesses and the obvious interest he had the jury of his guilt. punishment, and his head was eon- stantly enveloped in a coarse bag, with slits for the eyes. transported to Loanda in Portuguese Wost Africa, where she was reunited to {had heard of his fame, gave him an almost royal recepiion. »_Ben- | During Holy Week, the ki signed 0th Shore | the commutation of his ig gna 4 flices at | the doctor i now Agee to pursue his the he Coimbra, in Portugal, on dine ot that Dr. de Freitas, shortly before his arrest, cured him of leprosy; / Contracts. Roosevelt has issued the following or der : {a matter of public poli | States of America ; | "It is herplsy ordered, that all con- | tracts which shall hereafter bg enter $ ed into by officers or agents of the United States involving the employ- Whie ment of labor in the states Sopoe May 27.--Japan has been | WK the union or territories of the United States contiguous thereto, shall, | unless otherwise provided by law, con- re- | or municipalities, having criminal jur- isdiction," suitable vessels, chiefly CONGRESS OF RELIGION. | sions, in elt | Brecial to the Whig. ozoff, once a notorious to | ed through the governor of the Cau- af- | cans a punt' of woney which enabled { fairs though she writes but little nowa- the anarchist to set up in business in 'What FT tell comes true , i : a small way, QUEER STORY Singular Tale Of A Cure t upon For Leprosy. A CONVICT DOCTOR lh | HAS 'HAD SENTENCE COM- womam «present who MUTED BY KING. didn't wontler why a Hindn't thought : of this idea herséli. Not svery woman, however, even though she have the in Man Who Says Dr. de Freitas clination, has the face for this adorn- Cured Him of Leprosy -- Martin's worst ené Accused of Poisoning Five Tied would have to SHR: 5 point to 8 say that it was anythitlg but becom to her. Doubtless the floral § extremly: popular for |. Lishon, May 27. --After ten years fur Stoles will be | imprisonment in the great penitenti- ary here, following a conviction for Chefoo is interrupted and i swntd has been cut. stidents of the higher branches of number of incidents related by wit in the death of the children =onvinced Utter silence was part of his prison | bered nothing more un | eperation, He is recovering rapidly. Washington, May 27. President "Whereas, by an act of congress, which received executive approval on | February 23rd, 1887, all officers or agents of the United States were, as , forbidden, | under appropriate penalties, to hire or contract out the labor of any crimin- als who might thereafter be confined in any prison, jail or other place of incarceration for the violation of any laws of the government of the. United tain a stipulation forbidding, in the performance of such contracts, the | einployment of persons undergoing { sentences of imprisonment at hard la- bor which have been imposed by | courts of the several states, territories Kindness Converts An Anarchist. St. Petersburg, May 27.--Matvei Mor- ist, has had his murderous revoluti ry ideas killed by kindness. Three years ago he ¥ Siberia for hurling a bonib at a police official in the Cau- casus. When the little ezarevitch was born the anarrhist's mother, an aged woman, sent to the czarina, a little woollen coat, which she had spent many months in making. With her present the woman enclosed a petition praying that Ler son might pardon- The czarina prevailed upon the czar to grant her request, and Moro zoff was allowed to return to his were ment to Mes, Howe, | home. Hearing good reports of his : 1 conduct the czarina recently forward- o 5 ------ > Battle Between Rival Fleets Ex- pected Howrly. Special to Whig. St Peterabning, May 27 The tension in naval circles 1s at t, News of of the Russian and Jape- | nese ols In ex £ A The ih from Toki y that the fleets had already engaged the Straits o Kore aroused intense interest at the admiralty, hut nothing confirmatory had been received there. The majority of the officers were in clined to doubt the acourapy of the report, : War Tidings. * His physicians declare him fit for the crisis, Rojestvensky's united squadron is believed safe, Reports of nearness of Russian fleet hate disos i Si i shipping. e. on between ai snd is pre All Japanese steamers arriving. a Cheloo, have been ordered pending instructions, A telegram received at Tsingtau Russian: fort hax left "age that the Vladivostok, going south. qt is the French government's inten- tion to send to Indo China six tar- pedo boats and two A despa tch from Tokio, says that Russia, ing elbowed out of Man- churia, 'How designs on Mongolia. A suspiciow s-Ipoking Souset WAS si y a Japanese A followed the latter near to N i. re oh ag pat i at i for ve been 'detained under ji or the government, . Portu a have rel , thorities at \ he hi cleteo to have been hired Ger- | man newspapers to follow the fleet. Her destination: is given as Manila. : STRUCK BY COAL. And His Mind a Blank for Months. the he Windsor, Ont., 27.~Five months iy m; Speelal to ago William Murphy, a Grand employee, was found, in an uncon- scious condition, near the coal shutes in the Grand Trunk yard, with a bad cut on the side of b remoyed to the Hotdl Dieu where Le. wound 'healed in time but M in head. He was not recover his veason. Dr. Ai trephined Murphy's skull and a clot the brain. Mer of was on phy s ming. NOW, coal, "whieh oy as he was after "the | TO BLOW UP BRIDGE, The Attempt Luckily Was Un- successful, Snocial to the Whig, New' York, May 27.--A desperate, but unsucceesful, attempt was made at 1.30 o'clock, this moming, to blow up tha new, Pennsylvania. railroad draw bridge, over the Hackensack river. The atte followed the re ceipt of several letters threatening President Cassall's death and threats to destroy Proper, of the road he cause of the val of the company to engage iron workers affiliated with the Sam. Parks gang. Thos. Mackie's Estate. Toronto, May 27.--It was stated at the provincial tregsurer's department that the late Thomas Mackie, ex-M-P., Pembroke, left an estate Valued be- tween $700,000 and $800,000. By his will the estate is left to the widow. Had his death nop ocenrred before royal assent was given to the new suceedsion duties' aet, the province would have collected an additional £30,000 from the estate, as succession duties, as by the new act when an estate is bequeathed to the widow alone the succession duty is three per cent. more than under the old get. Windsor Is Growing. Special to the Whig Windsor, Ont., May 27.-Commis- sioner Black says the assessable values of Windsor property, this year, is approximately nine million dollars, The spulation is a little over 14, 000. The city will at once issue bonds to the amount of £140,000. au- thorized by* the * Ontario "legislature, to pay for improvements, mostly ving. In addition bouds for $20,- 0 will be issued as guthorized by the by-law carried on the 12th inst. Arnprior Man Died During Night. Arnprior, Ont., May 27.---Harey Webster, a young man twenty-seven years old, working as a tailor for the past two years, was found dead in bed on Friday, at Dagenais' hotel, where he boarded. The young man was around that night rent- ly as well as ever. Coroner will. hold am ingwest.» . Andrews Gets Five Years. Winnipeg, May 27.--Leo Andreas, tiwhewas tried at the Port Arthur as- sizes on the charge of shooting C. P. R. engineer Towl with intent to mur- der, was found ty and sentenced to five years in penitentiary. -------- ; Gallor cans 18¢, Crawford. Commissioner Coppolani, governor- general of Mauritanie, French West Arica, was assassinated at Tijikja, May 12th, by disaffected Moors. « Arthur Brown, a farmer living near Elba, N.Y., drank a quantity of laud- anum and chloroform and died. He was sixty years old. Cucumber cream is sold at Gibson's Red Cross drag store. cans apples, 15c. Crawford. AL. PERSO! YOUR FORTUNE TOLD FROM THE cradle to the grave ; matters of husi- ness, love and marriage made clear. Ste. Cunegonde P.O. . Send birth- date and 10¢c. Brat, Lpvan. Box 16, AN sizes, eitra value fron Tn Colors and Wik, Children's Parasol © White, Blub and Pink, from So ee ) a ------ Ma. early. t nA 'his ribs and partly is y foribly sadn C