Daily British Whig (1850), 27 May 1905, p. 7

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Children and-Mep, Black Cotton, 10¢., Black Cotton, ne a, = i Thread, 35c¢., 3 ' « 39¢C., 'y C Lace Ankle, 25¢c ho J Lace Front, 35, 390, 43c, Fine Cotton, 2 i 5c. Lisle Thread, 25. ine Cotton, 15¢., 20c. Lace Ankle and Lace ny ner Cashmere Hose--This isa se as fine as a Lisle Thread mmer wear, bed Cashmere Hosiery, osiery, Tan - Cotton" Hos; y, Black Lace Ankle and 35¢. » 35C. 45¢, and fine ery, also Boys' "Leather Knit" F Black Cotton Stockings. This isa make of remarkably strong stockings for boys' wear at a moderate price, 20c., 23c., 25¢, according to. size. 4 Boys' Strong Ribbed Cash- mere, all sizes, 20c , 25C., 35C., 39¢., 45¢. Men's Cashmere Sox, special. Others. at, 3sc., 45¢., 49¢. ton, fast colors, gool weight, or rt Waist Suits e, Navy, Brown, Black Silks. y n ack,Cream Silks. Silks. 1 Shirt Waists ! 3. A great assortment now he latest New York designs. d tempt you to come and see 25¢,, 39¢, Appers RCALE. WRAPPERS. gns, just received. ['S, in fine White Lawn and ns. IDLAWESIN lr 2 New Batch of DODD SHOES n Boston a fresh supply of DODD SPRING TANS. colate Tie, light sole. in Tie, Goodyear welt. ace Shoe, light cole, a sensible eens ---- 'T SHOE STO a - RE (K' MOONEY BISCUIT & CANOY Ei: ce Ovens to You We bridge distance | with -our moisture-proof, * dust-proof packages. Hali- fax and Vancouver are to the Farms and small brought ovens' doors. towns are put on the same plane with the big. cities. Mooney's Perfection Cream Sodas are packed in | & 3 Ib. air-tight packages fresh, crisp. delicicus-- and reach you in the same con- dition, no matter where you live. AT ALL GROCERS Wants of Infants." Professor of Chemistry, R.C.S Ex President of the Royal Coll Surgeons, Ireland. For Infants, Invalids, GOLD MEDAL, London, 1900. "We have already used Ne Manufacturers :-- JOSIAH R. NEAVE & Fordingbridge, England. o & Co, Ltd., Toronto and Montreal. STRATFORD "CANADA Ea "IN EXCELLENT FOOD. admirably adapted to the Sir"Cras. A. CAMERON, G.B.; M.D., Neaes And The Aged. WOMAN'S EXHIBITION, DR. BARNARDO says :-- | co. Wholesale Agents: --THE LYMAN BROS. RIDICULED. London Mail kifty years ago spected gr_the lord mayor, their +fogarded as an interesting and credit able portion of pers' were written mostly for and out them ; all laws were made wit due regard to their comio™; railwa companies, shops and the builders « houses vied with one another for save their souls. Alack | on what evil days have thes marchioness tl} An some as to whether she will pay her bill Are not railway companies daily tel first-class pas rs that they public' nuisance : approval of a mew with positive are law vexation "hy its maker natured and pitiful artists consent to devise dishes for will sti them, an to soothe away recollection of world's chilling contempt, the Englis wl, plundered or ignored, The newspes headed "Court from' which "there corner is no escape unles one of them is I and the late J. * their R When one looks round for possibl methods of advertisement \ | section, one perceives i . y ible methods of drawing attention kind of person was the London, and came to the poorest two of our Homes (Babies' ¢ 1 conclusion that a man with £5000 a Vil tome), I have no h ation year was-about the poorest nerson in saying it has p 1 very satif » London under the onli v circum ve 27th, 1901 stances of family life--i. e., if he were sr married and had five children. USED IN TH It is at this precise point of the . ' financial scale that things are "ex Russian Imperial. NUpsepy. | ewica" of a bowshold" Vou mas mot live in Battersea, with a parlor maid boxes of theatres, and vour di ner guests cheap claret on such ¢ mnecome. You must give have a house in Mayfai Made of finest Doeskin -- washable and soft. Perforated backs--and button. ed on back. - " Reinforced on Palms; more comfortable and last better than any other make. , For sale by Glove and Sport- ing Goods dealers. When you want a good Glove ask for a P "PERRIN" , : JOHN: LAIDLAW & SON.; Sole Agent for Perrin Gloves. Wines and Liquors In our large and new assorted Stock of Ales, Wines, Liquors and Cigars, we think that we have everything to meet the demand. We guarantee entire satisfaction as to prices and quality. Agent for the well known "De- | Spatch' Seotch Whiskey. - 4 339 and 341 King St. © "hone 274. Fi JAS. MCPARLAND | which is just a little bevond wine, OF of expensive, afford to begin with, and all wantir constant renewal. Then comes the man or woman wit an army of hands and estate office bailiffs, corps ¥ clerks, wi State of Ohio, City of Toledo, ! Lucas County. . § Frank J. Cheney makes oath that is senior partner of the firm of F. heney & Co. doing business in the Ci | of Toledo, | and that said firm will pay the sum | ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each a I" vory case pf Catasrh that cannot | enred by thir use of Hall's FRANK J and subscribed CHENEY THE UPPER CLASSES] IN ENGLAND ARE NOW DAILY They Have Fallen Upon Evil Days --Nobhody Seems to Care Any- thing About These Poor Folk, the English upper classes were a popular and highly re institution. Like Stiakespeare doings were British life. Newspa- ab the honor of tending. their bodies, and the church was quite Kind about trying to uneasy wonder And would not ducal be regarded and profound distrust by its victims? Except in a few restaurants and try palaces, the total of which would hotels, w here. the v are forced to hide | buy a moderately comiortable coun themselves, where one or two good- | try house in any cheap part of Eng- an orchestra will amiably do its best the upper classes are daily flouted, ridicul pers have banished them into a little and Society," 'run 'in' by the police; Green has banished ancestor out of the history | wealthy men, and declined" unanimous books, so that in a modern history of | ly without thanks, the English people if is the height of The sober fact is that nowadays no rdity to mgntion a Howard. - Only | man has means or leisure to live-in the commitices of charitable societies | one of these vast palaces, with its ave left to care about them in life" or| huge halls and staircases and intermi- death nable corridors, - where<it is ten min and seli-as- immediately that now is the precise moment. Pov erty and lack of work are the fashion- to one's seli to-day, and where are 'ther to be found in more aggravated form than in the class which we are consid ering ? It was but a short time ago, being in the company of two financial experts, we fell to considering what unanimous and a ponv trap, and go to the upper vour more housekeeper to look after. them, and gardeners, farm head gardeners and estate ag EE ------ County and® state aforesaid Catarrh Cure h v of THE CROWN PRINCE = ee KINGSTON, ONTARIO, LW WiLL PERFORM WEDD 4 CEREMONY SATURDAY, THE ING ' DUCHESS CECILIE poor folk fallen now ! Who cares two- | - A pence for them, body or soul ?.' What -OF GERMANY OF FIECKLERBURG SCHWERIN Indes curate would cross 'the road The Crown Prince of Germany a nd Duchess Cecilie of Mecklenburg- Fon i he wete on | gop werin, whose marriage takes place on June 6th, and German ils way to a weekly meeting of a} court Chaplain Drysander, who w ill perform the wedding ceremony. thieves' club in the slums? Do voa suppose. that one of the vast modem | = pr Sha TE EE ewporiums in Oxford street or Ken | ents over them, and a firm of solic CRADLE OF TEARS sington has any other feeling about ators in command, . The man wants a secretary, his wife wants another; they "may not want, but' they hoth have a vacht, motors v a | and hotel bills on the Rivera, and at Claridges while the family "house in London iz shut up. And once every s | two" or three years comes a hill for ?| strirotural repairs to oné of the coun- 1 d land. I'he story is almost too well known to heat of how an attempt mad? by the late holder of a famous was h | title to let his enormous and his toric house © in - the Midlands. The i-| terms were that any tenant might have the house free of rent on condi tion that it was kept up properly, and s | toward this upkeep the duke would pay £10,000 a year. The offer was in vestigated by one or two moderately lel utes' fast walk from the library to In Which Are Placed Griefs World. Theodore Dreiser, in Wat's Magarin There i8 a cradle: within the door of one of the great institutions of New York before which a constantly recur ving tragedy is being-enacted. It is ¢ plain cradle, quite simply draped in white, but with such a look of comfort about it that one would sear cely suspect it to. be a cradle of sor row, And this cradle is the most useful and, in a way, the most inhabited cradle in the world: Day after day, and year after year, it is the recipient of more small waviaring souls than any other cradle in the history of the race. In' it the real children of sor row are placed, and over it more tears are shed than if it were an open grave, It is the place where annually 1,200 foundlings are placed--the silent wit of 'more. truly. heartbreaking scenes than, any other cradle since the world began. For nearly thirty-five years it has stood where it does to- day, ready-draped, open, while as many thousand mothérs have stolen shamefavedly in and, after looking of cozy ness in = n AD r, The new Albright Art Gallery to be dedicated at Buffalo on May 1st. Comm-------- eee means with a butler and footman to : match, and more luncheon and dinner| one's bedroom, and the footman need parties than you can afford, in order | motor trieveles to bripg hot food to give these pdrsons something to do. | from the kitchen to the dining room Lancleon guests mean x white | down a passage more or less the length of Grosvenor place. a What is to be done ? Clearly it is famous photc comp , the | impossible that a great and respecta guest takes one glass, and the butler ble institution can be thrust out of drinks the rest. Dinner means cham-| sight, and can live on, alive, but huri- pagiie, and entertaining in general | ed, for another century or two, while means flowers, silver, glass and table | public attention devotes itself exclu Tine all costing more than vou can|sively to tramways, and penny steam ors for the million, and improving the morals of Shoreditch Combination, advertisement and WW h re the charitable. subscription list, the | solution, as has heen said, must come the petition for your name as "'stew-| into play. No longer must democratic ard" of a charitable dinner, or pat-| France and America have a monopoly ronness of a bazaar, where every one | of lordly "trains-deduxe" for first below the rank of countess will be | class passengers only, running at pre plundered, and those above it be the | posterous fares through the country, most resolute plunderers, so that the | while the rest of the traffic is held up name of "patroness" in your case isa to let them pass. The trains must be rand and a delusion. brought into England, and if the pam The family man with £5,000 a vear.| pered and hanghty second and. third | and his financial affinity, the bache-| class passengers in this country ra { lor with £300 a vear--are certainly, | ther decline to sit in a siding while as 1 sav, the poorest people in Lon- | they ro bv, as will now probably be don: but t , is another class who, | the case, extra lines mst be built for without being as oor, live through- | them out their lives in what is known as Curates, vicars and a bishop must "embarrassed cirenmstances." This is | he retained for the exclusive purpose a duke "or similar personage with | of attending to the souls of these ne- L50.000 a vear. glected folk: and when the curate ab- Is. there a man in London more] andons his business to spend a hap- habitually and hopelessly unable to] py evening with a burglar. who has pat his hand on a £10 note without | just broken into his congregation's defranding somebody ? Hig palaces ind house, he must be sternly fetched back | England, Scotland and Ireland, and] to his work. , | family house in London, must each As for the history of the English have a regiment of servants with alupper classes, which has been sa shamefully and ridiculous) derided by Mr. (Green, and his followers---well, for a small consideration, 1 will write it th Automatic Baby Nurse. An ingenious Swiss mechanic claims he | to have invented an automatic baby J. | nurse. The apparatus is attached to a ty cradleg If the baby cries, air waves of | cause specially arranged wires to op nd be erate a phonograph, which sings a lullaby, while simultaneously dlock- work ie released and rocks the cradle, When sos the wire fails the on in { | Sworn to before me i rving | mv presence; this 6th day of December, | citrate and the cradle stops rock- 1 Y. 1888 . a . i Pishal) A. W. GLEASON ing : Notary Publfe -------- | Wairs Catarrh Cure is taken ntertially, In choosing a ham, pierce through {an ts directly on the blood an tw : ife and acts Ce of the system. Send for | the thick' par ith a meat knife. and MUCOUR i» free if the blade domes out clean it is" a r. J. CHENEY, & CO. Toledo, 0. | goad ni. Bat if there is a fatty a by all Druggists, 75e : oc ie 4 latiy id Hall's Family Pills for consti- | substance or the knife blade, chubse pation: another hopelessly about, have laid their help less ofispring within its depths For thirty-five years, winter and summer, in the bitterest cold and the most stifling heat, it has seen them tome the poor, the rich; the humble, the proud; the begutiful, the homely and one by one they have laid their children down and brooded over them, wondering whether it were possible for human love to make so great a saci fice. and vet not die, Still the tragedy repeats itself, and year after year, and day after day.the unlocked door. is opened and dethron ed virtue enters--the wvietim of ance and passion and affection, and a child is robbed of an honorable mor home Perfect Soda Water. Ours, is perfect because we manufac ture it with serupulous care. Every thing we use is pure and fresh. Our soda water is as cold as ice can make it. We uce nothing but pure fruit jui es. Pure ice offam and large, thin glasses, Wade's Drug Store. A lemon bath © is the latest fad Several lemons are sliced into the water and allowed te lie for half an hour. A remarkable sense of fresh ness ix given, to the skin by th aci dulated water FLESH BUILDER The liver of the cod fish produces oil that isa won- derful flesh builder. No fat or oil can compare with it in that respect. Togetthe best out of it, it must be emulsified and made like cream. In Scott's Emul- sion it is prepared in the best possible form to pro- duce the best possible re- sults. - Thirty years have proven this. We'll send you a sample free. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, Toronto, Ost. MAY 27, 1905. NEWS OF DISTRICT: LOCAL NOTES AND THINGS : ER IN GENERAL. The Tidings From Various Points In Eastern Ontario -- What People Are Doing And What They Are Saying. Dr. Connerty, Swith"s Falls, has purchased a runabout automobile. Almonte has a mew ofganisation known as: The Light Harness and Saddle Association. The new Metropolitan Bank being erected in Picton will cost in the __" o. vicinity of 812,000, rs LLL The house of B. A, Hubbs, Picton, od ? was entered hy daylight burglars, and some money amd lemons stolen. Mrs. Henry Smith, Row's Corners, is dead, after an illness of several months, aged thirty-five, She was a Presbyterian. M. F. Beach, Iroquois, and son, B. C'. Beach, Winchester, have left on a trip to California. They went by way of Chicago and will return via Van couver, The Dominion Concrete company, Kemptville, received an order fog $1,- 000 Worth of concrete "culvert pipe, for use on the Temiscaming ay North: ern Ontario railroad. Mrs. William Peterson, of Thomas- burg, was presented with a gold: plated elock by the: Presbyterian congregation at :Fuller, as recognition of her work as organis The ratepayers of Iroquois will vote on a bylaw, June 3rd, granting free rent, light, power, water and partial exemption from taxation to the Dom- ¥ 8 : Fog, LGN a a ei The Man Who - - 3 . 3 + inion Roller Sereén company. Selects Now Archie Rosamond, Almonte, left . : ; last week for New York, where he Y a will enter the American Academy of I Dramatic Art to dovelop his talent chooses his summer Suits from complete tor dramatic expression. . . Mrs. Margaret Ruttan, reliet of stocks. 5 Abram Ruttan, Piéton, died sudden- es Sh ly on Sunday last of peralysis. She : * AAC SRY Every style of distinction--every AY i + a Dn a was a sister of Lieut.-Col. Lighthall, Bloomfield, and was sixty-five years 3 Sl > of age. ' novelty--every' it«Reform <> pretty wading took place at staple and ' ys . Fit 850 Smith's Falls on May 23rd, when importation--1s n being % Samuel Truman Chester, and Miss oY Lucy Bell McCrea, daughter of the 2 late Alexander NeCrea, were united in marriage. Un the 2th inst, in the Methodist church, Lombardy, lizzie, youngest daughter of Thomas Millar, Elmsley, and John Gardiner, - a prosperous voung farmer of Kitley township, wore married. W.! Howard, an. employee of the Malléable Castings tompany, Smith's Falls, was instantly killed by a C.P. locomotive; he attemptod to cross « tracks in front of the moving train. A widow and four small chil dren survive. Henry Jackson, West Lake, engaged ploughing in a field, without warn ing. fell dead from heart failure, His body was found in the furrow with the lines around his neck. Deceased was a brother of James Jackson, Picton, and Thomas Jackson, Wel lington, and was somewhere about seventy vears of age, R. I Smith, Portage, Cal, form erly of Prince Edward, and brother of the reeve of Hillier, is home fora visit, accompanied by R. C. Kul more, sherifi of Montezuma county, Col. The latter, who is en route to his home in the Isle of Man, was much impressed by Picton and Prinee Edward The <hotel keepers of Dundas met at Many patterns have no duplicates. on this side of the Atlantie--and cannot be replaced when these are gone. It is always a pleasure to show Fit-Reform garments, whetliér you buy or not: $15, $18, $20 up. Fit-R Winchester Springs and organized a Decorati | county in. F. FMC losky, ons Chesterville, was elected president, and W (. McGannon, Morrisburg, . socretary-treasurer, Freo stabling af- g " ter June 15th will be aholished, and I eWwW Ol y the price of wine and whiskey will be hg increased to ten cents a glass. A defective joist, whose cross-grain was not visible, yielded under pres- aire at a scaffold in Findlay Bros' new extension, Carleton Place. Four hen tumbled from the second storey to the cellar, twenty-five or thirty feet. Six others got off with only «ight feet, having secured a grip at the first floor. The injured were: John Lewis, William Splane, Richard Clifford and Charles Devlin. Happily broken The largest and best stock of Fireworks in the city. Flags of every description. Banners and Wreathing. Fancy Goods, Toys, etc, Fancy China. ; White Cnina for decorating. Fruits and Confectionery. ; ed. HISCOCK 000000000 00000000 VO see E 0000000000000 no bones were Chamberlain's Cough Remedy the Very Best. "I have been using Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and want to say it is the best cough medicine 1 have ever taken," says George. L. Chubb, a merchant of Harlan, Mich, There is no question about its being the beat, as it will cure a cough or cold in less {ime than any other treatment. Tt should always be kept in the house ready for instant use, for a cold can be cured in much less time when promptly treated, For sale by all druggists. YOO 000000 Re YO O00 Kansas City Journal, Within recent years people have learned more of the effieacy of fresh air than was ever known before. Time was, and not =o long ago either, when sick rooms were shut up so tight that they were in effect hermetically sealed and the unfortunate patient's recovery was retarded, and sometimes made impossible because of his being com- pelled to breathe vitiated atmosphere over and over again. The gospel of fresh air and sunshine now has adher- ents everywhere, The seeking of the ont-of-doors has becogme a mania, and tent life and sleeping on open porches are often prescribed for pulmonary af- fections; - The Air We Breathe in home, office, store, factory--or in church--should be PURE AS IT IS FREE. "Walls to be healthy breathe." Wall- and kalsomine obstruct wall re tion. CHURCH'S COLD WATER 3 ALABASTINE is a POROUS CEMENT WALL-COATING that han with age. No close, stuffy smell in rooms the walls of have been decorated with ALABASTINE. ALABASTINE is made in twenty beautiful tints white. Sold by Hardware and Paint Dealers : Packages only. Vou will please us if you will inquire more particulars about Alabastine, and we will send b free. Address : Re The Alabastine Co. Limited, P A ce as------ Peru, though situated in the torrid zone, possesses such a variety of ele- vations and climatic' peculiarities that it is possible to grow' there al most any product knows to man. On the hundredth anniversary Sehiller's death 115.000 copies of a special edition of his poems will be "wiven to the school childrén of Ber: Ta. of

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