wear, that for good value ever offered before. Also h of May Celebration ear traie «0 80 this week, so as to have new turnout for the 24th, of May. BAY o full line of MeLaughiin ah = NG IS BELIEVING and see it We have mot got the 'and best assoftment 'of Buggies Harness in the city, "Cer- t Si Mug. Was the tipster would starve to ~~ Bla | Ly ry MOEN! Removed by the New Principle, De Miracle It is better than electricity, beeanse it does | Faeries Bol ms one ery ERE nn fo har rar ats De N ignot, It is the po. dor Roa. medical hy sian, ck--Mixed-Green \d packets. } o 60c. d. a Highest Award Bt Toute: soos" THE ONLY PERFECT STITUTE 1S | Superfluous Hair Rens SIMPSON furs. BIG TIM SULLIVAN. -- Does Not Like Washington's Social Life, Special . ew ae a. 27. --Congress and Washington generally, will miss the Presence of "Big Tim' Sullivan next fall. He has lot before sailing he will make & next fall he will leave Wa Rood and accept the nom for Europe it become known that next month inal announcement 'that shington for ination for State senator in the Eleventh senator. rial distriot, In making "Big Tim" is yielding urging on the part of his co as Sullivan has never cealment of the fact that like the social and Washington. When he was to accept the nomination f in the Eighth District in der to defeat Perry Belmo ported that his answer Washington is too far from ery." He consented to tak nation, but in Washington halls of Congress was out of his element, go had eriough of it. In Alba will find a more congenial official life for the display of his pecu -- this change to persistent onstituents, made any con- he does not of first "asked or Congress 1902, in ore mt, it is re was: "No m the Bow. e the nomi- and in the the Bowery leader nd he has nv Sullivan atmosphere liar talents, Population More Than 82,000,000. Director North has comy timate of the population « ed States at the present ti ures that there are now in try 82,518,020 persons, an L3M,680 over the populat and of 0.214.983 over New York still leads all st union in the matter of followed hy Pennsylvania, Ohio. -------------- hat's sure. i removes that and In N SLEEP. JORNING energy into worn-o restores th nine tons of wood. the system is better hat need is a nutritive tonic like FERROZONE, vitalizes toed enriches the blood, fortifies the nerves, ut organs. At once you ter. Your spirits improve, and day by dayiyou gain 'RROZONE=--- - ALWAYS CURES. = e, iamied Joking like An every case it completely cures the cause and e sufferer to robust health sleep will be as reutful and you'll feel capal L Don't ose 'the sound, sure to bri you of substitupes: that of EE ---------- IREDNESS poe Tuer LT leted an es f "the Unit- me, He fig n this. coun- crease of ion of 1904, 1900, ates of the population, Illinois and For overy ton of coal Russia 1urns -- weak nour- vig i AND PLAY HOUSES. This Season--' "Hamlet" Played in Four Londo, 3 tres. Bernard Shaw's "You Never Tell," has been successfully revived the London Court Theatre, were produced in New York, plays and 89 revivals. Sucosss less than a dozen, America next season, "Hemlet" is now Forbes Robertson, H. Martin Harvey are the "Leah Kleschna,". in Fiske made such a notable success duced in London by Lena Ashwell, George Alexander's production London, of "John Chileote, MP." novel published i x : : fort to save a canonical finger, He [ Mrs. LeMoyne will play in "A Blot injured his thumb while fishing, and "1 have much {in the "Scutcheon," the role of Gwen. blood poisoning set: in. He refused to 1 ever used for Cons | dolen Tresham, originated in 1843, at | pave it amputated and thus lose his NE hath er {the Drury Lane, London, by the great | right to say mass until it: was too Constipation, Helen Faucit, late to save his life. hirteen thousand five hundred | "The. . Jesuit missionary, Father pounds have been promised for 8 na: | Isaac Jogues, who it is expected will tional repertory theatre in. London, soon ; be canonized. as New York's You know and the Promoters of the scheme are first saint, had his thumb and four "ack now. hoping to amalgamate with the | fingers hacked and bitten off in the act, Shakespeare Memorial Committee, Jacob Adler, the Hebrew character actor, appeired in a Broadway house | last week in "The Merchant of Ven ice," playing "Shylock" and intgusity. credit. The large American colony in the City of Mexico is to have an Englich- speaking theatrical company among it | amusements next season. Miss Berv { Hope will take | the autumn and open the Renamicien | to Theatre, Mrs. Charles Calvert, bert of the London brought over pressly 16° play all-star revival "the Mrs. Gil stage,' of minent in the Booth and Mary Anderson. {ing of the Gods" have . THE DAILY WHIG English Speaking Theatre Com- pany for Mexico--Plays Pro- duced in New York During Can | which alone During the season just closing there 224 new | Lewis Waller and Evelyn Millard, now appearing in "Romeo and Juliet" r in London, may be persuaded to' tour | ever celebrati B. Irving and which Mrs, | Other priest will New York, this season, has been pro- I Masqueraders, has failed ignominious ily. with power | hands, Miss Percy Haswell was | the Portia, and acquitted herself with | a company there in was by Liebler & Co., ex- Mrs. Hardoastle in the "She Stoops "to Conquer." She has, however, been pro- companies of Edwin | POPE GRANTS PRIVILEGE. the Whig. | New York, May 27- { has been received here | that the [ Rev. Luis Martin, general | Jesuits, the extraordinary rivilage {still celchrating mass, although h | right arm has been | of the strictest rules of the | Catholic church is that in regard t are i ted the from w 2 | fim at | blessed sacrament. These are | priest is ordained. As stated in the r ion : the effects he said that "so beloved a four London thea! ces, Beerbolm Tree, priest should not be deprived of the n- consolation of his daily mass." \ have to assist hi at the altar, however. Of all the York has had twg ™ | "canonical fingers." Lady of Good dians. He escaped vity and returned Urban VIL, from their capt to Europe. Po; sation to celebrate mass. -- APPROPRIATED GOLD BAR. ; Got in Prison, 3 Released. 1 Speeial to the Whig. New York, May 27.--Accrued royal ties amounting to about $100,000 o | a gold cure preparation are involved get Joseph Haas, alias of Sing Sing in a fight to "Harry Claire," out prison. 'Haas was convicted of burg | lary in Queen's County gbout a yea just set should not have presided at the trial | 4 as he was, previous to his election, 4c | pany after nearly 1,100 performances; | | The play will now go into retirement ra season at least, but like its pre- decessor, "The Heart of Maryland," which is now in season, it is. likely to still have long and prosperous career in the po- pular play-houses, roval box at the R London, recently, to see Miss Maxime Elliott's performance in. "Her Own Way." The house was packed. His majesty lod the applause throughout the evening. At the close of the plav the king said he wished to see Miss Elliott, and she attended the royal box. His majesty complimented her on her performance, and expressed plea- sure at seeing her in England. He also spoke in flattering terms of the tal- ent America is sending to England this season, ---- Acts Like Magic, Peck's Kidney Pills are simply a wonder, they act like magic in 'the cure of kidney and bladder troubles. For lumbago, pein in the back and urinary troubles they are unequal- led. They cleanse low them to purify the blood, instill- ing new life and vigor into the entire system. In boxes 23c. at Wade's drug store. Money back if not satisfactory. -- Coughed Up A Snake. A very remarkable gtory comes from | Migic. A young man named Sears, | who has always been strong and rug- ged, scarcely having a sick day in his life, recently began to fits. No one could account: for them. His general health seemed" to give away all at once, and his friends be- | came very uneasy. Now comes the re- markable part of the story. One day this week the young man was doing | some light work in the barn near his home when he felt one of these fits coming on. In a moment he felt some- thing in his throat and nearly stran- | gled him. He coughed © and strangled with this obstruction, until finally he | was freé to spit it out. He was horri- | fied to see that the object was nothing | less than a small green snake. have? peculiar | The | reptile was alive and wriggled off across the floor, The people in the | vicinity are of the opinion that Sears probably swallowed the thing while drinking water. It was no doubt very | small at that time, but has been growing in the man's stomach, The | young man feels much better already land his friends gre 'of the opinion that he will soon regain his former robustness, ---------------- Busy Burridge, May 28 --School has clos- ed for a few days, as Miss Bradshaw is attending the teachers' convention in Kingston. Mr. Mustard is erecting a wew dwelling on his premises. A few excursions went to Kingston on 2th inst, and a gala time was spent at Christie's Lake that evening, to which place many of the young people went. Mr. O'Neil, Perth, possed thro here searching for horses. The illustrated concert held in tur ridge Methodist church was A success, Arrived, at the home of Sheldon Barr, | a girl, and a boy at John MeGowan's, | Mr. and Mrs. T. Hempton, Tichborne, ssed through here eu. route for | We ort, ahd other points® James Fitzgerald lost a valuable horse last week, May 28th, is children's Sunday | in the church here. Dr, Spankie visited | the school. Visitors: Messrs, Taylor | and Jones, also Miss Blair, "at €.{ L. Bateman at Mr. Mus | Essie Edward! Barr's; Frank Barr in Westport: Alice Swerbrick at James Swerbrick's; Nel- lie Stinson at home, i its ninth consecutive | a | King Edward and suite occupied the | in | the kidneys and al- | Sackville, N.B., Put ! i mess, shortness of | kept the bench, counsel for an accomplice of Haas, Haas has been " conviete twice in Queen's county, and his first conviction was set afide on the ground of irregularity in the trial. | first arrest was due to his appropriat- ing to his own use a bar of gold valu- ed at $3,000, given him to be used in | his gold cure preparation. | years ago, his lawyers have been mak- {ing a hard fight to get him out of | jail, so he can institute | alties, as Haas has not received a cent since he appropriated the bar of | gold. He says he took the gold be cause his royalties were held up. The prisoner is only twenty-seven vears | old, and for months before his capture in Long Island City, private detec- | tives were hunting for him. They were employed bv the manufacturers of cer- tain medical preparations which Haas had imitated, and he had flooded the market with his preparations, ---- | Inspection Of Dairies. | Inspection of farm dairies is new { legislation that has been proposed in Michigan. A score card has been sug- gested as a guide in inspecting the animal's quarters, dairy utensils, ete., | which contains the following items as | principal heads: Health of herd: . clean- liness of cows and their surroundings; | utensils, attendants, and the handling of the milk. The standard | of perfec- tion is 100 a score of 94 is excellent; | 90 is good; 80 is medium, below 80 is { poor. The average man's idea of a joke is something over which he splits his side when he is planning it and no- body cracks a smile when he does it. ASTONISHED THE DOCTOR. Mrs. Eaton Recovering, Although Her Physician Said She Might Drop Dead at Any Time. "The doctor told me I had heart dis- ease and was liable to drop on the street at any time," says Mrs. 'Robert Eaton, of Dufferin, Ont. "My trouble began four years ago with a weak heart. I was often afraid to draw my breath, it pained Mrs. Robert Eaton me 80. I was both- with - hervous- breath; di of appetite, smothering aid: ing spells, and I could not sleep. "Sometimes 4 great weakness would seize me and I would have to lie down to keep from falling. 'My hands and feet would seem to go to sleep and a sort of numbness would come all over me and perliaps immediately after the | blood would rush to my head and a series of hot flashes would envelop me. "I took oa inde of medicines; hut adually growing worve umti about Seht weeks ago, when 1 began using Dr. Leonhardt's Anti-Pill. From the start I improved until now my 3 petite has returned, I can sleep well, and have no nervousness, dizziness, palpitation, faintness or any of my other troubles, They have all entire- ly disappeared. I feel much stronger, look better, and altogether Anti-Pill has made a new woman of me. "I am entirely cured and cannot say too much for this wonderful remedy. I would most heartily recommend | Anti-Pill to anyone suffering as I did. i All ists or the Wilson-Fyle Co, | Limited, 'Niagara Falls, Ont. For sale at "The Best Drug Store." L. T. Best, Chemist and Optician, 124 | Princess Street, : . di & Injured Priest May, Still Celebrate NOTES ON PLAYS, PLAYERS |Sesctat to Information Rome will accord to the Very agen of the amputated. One Roman to 'canonical gers" of the prigsts. These are the | thumb and index finger of each hand, are allowed to touch the espe cially anointed with holy oil when the cable despatches came to | some time ago, Father Martin, owing | to a cancerous affection, had to have his whole right arm amputated. This cities of the world New notable instances of the ecclesiastical value set on the a Father (Rielly, 1 rector » Church of Our in America as "The | the late rector oe ag ue teenth street, 'lost his life by his ef- barbarous manner by the Mohawk® In- hearing of his mutilated sent him a particular dispen May Now be ago, and sentenced to. Sing Sing for] | twenty vears. The appellate court has aside his conviction on the : 3 ground 'that County Judge Humphrey Miss" Blanche Bates and "The Darl- |£ i . e X parted com- Haas is an expert chemist, and his Ever since his arrest in Long Island City, four proceedings | to get possession of the accrued roy- | . 'SATURDAY, MAY 27. of is cure. m i | would ordinarily have prevented his are the charcoal. wass agnin. When Fraita. the pope learned of the operation and diamonds g beitig played in | that Father Martin was rallying from ruil A diamond is pure carbon. Chemists say the difference is due to the atrangement of the atoms. Fruit is good for you. Fruit juices help to tone up the stomach--act on the liver--keep the bile flow- ing--make the bowels move regularly. disease comes--when Constipation poisons the blood, when indigestion upsets the stomach, when the kidneys are not working right--fruit juices in themselves can't Fruit-a-tives aré fruit juices in tablet form. Fruit-a-tives are the diamond tives get their wonderful power just as et their brilliancy and value--by a peculiar arrangement of the atoms. ~--fresh fruit juices A MEDICAL TRIUMPH An Ottawa Physician Unmasks One of Nature's Secrets, So is charcoal. But when properties of all degree. times. Now, Fruit-a-tives are not 'a mere They are a bowel tonic. only aslight action on the liver, Fruit-a- ative. and invigorate, An Ottawa physician tried to change ¢ diamonds--that is, he tried to change in they would aet quickly and surely an sto; bowels and kidneys, First, he found that the combination of ary oranges, figs and prunes Then, by a lucky. chance give up his tests, he succeeded so that the' medicinal action harcoal inte uit juices go mach, liver. 1 Pples, contained the medicing] other fruits and in a more marked just as he was about 1, in changing the atoms was intensified many cathartic or lax. Where fresh fri as tives tone up tipution and Biliousness, time, but after taking ** Fruit-a-tives," y confidence, récommend Billousness or Headaches--and more es; or Fruit Liver Tablets. ating that I have found ** Pruit-a-tives ™ the best medicine gltusure jn tating 1 suffered from headaches of a severe kind for 1 have become entirely free of them, . ta any one suffering from pecially that the tablets are exceedingly U Fruita-tives mild in their action--without producing 'any griping or distress,' Mrs. M. E. DEWAR, Ottawa, Ont next day. how "liver pills,' calomel, salts etc. They gripe, purge and flood the intestines with bile, cannot return to the liver, is lost. There is none left to move the bowels the That is why one is consti- Pated for two or three days after taking a "purgative" or common cathartic. tone upliver and bowels-- strengthen them so they can do their own work" This bile, which Fruit-a-tives help. without any help. They make the bile flow freely but Manufactured by FRUIT-A-TIVES LIMITED, OTTAWA. do pot exhaust the supply so there is plenty for i next day's,work. being increased, the number of Fruit- 7 a-tives may be steadily diminished. From two at night, to one--then one every other night--and so farther and farther apart until stomach and liver and bowels are so strong and healthy that" they need no further Cure yourself with Fruit-a-tives, soc. a box or 6 hoxes for $2.50. At all druggists, or * sent to any address on receipt of price. ie Instead of the dose r aris, May 27. \ that it may hav and commercial foreign affairs Spanish official be the young kin yond the dom. From * the French peasants most every static On arriving in | President and Mn deputies, the along the logne, through and Champs de add its thunder come. Between King Alfonso, French president will drive to the be lodged during of his stay. be received at the FRANCE AWAITS EAGERLY. The Approaching Visit of King Alfonso. ,] Shecial to the Whia. Because of prospect e important political results, u's confines of have m, daria aris sidents of the senate awaiting with eagerness the ing visit of King Alfonso, companied by the Spanish 'minister i and other distingui 8, will cross the Freneh frontier on Tuesday morning. I¢ approach who hed Francp is will first journey he rai his own king frontier until he reaches Paris King Alfonse and his entourage will see decorations, in «cluding the entwined arms of France and Spain, which the enthusiastic sed at al his majesty will Loub and and other high officials republic. French soldiers in striking uniforms 'will surround station and stretch in two long lin flag-bedecked B the Muy et, the pre chamber of of their the es ois de Bou Are de Triomphe, Elysees to the de la Concorde, where Place a battery will to the official the lines accompanied and wel troops by the me. Loubet, of palace of the minis » where he wil] | try of foreign affairs the exquisitely furnished, will sleep poleon. in will dine the president's nesday he will streets of Paris, Spanish ambassad aide-de-camp, colony at the In the evening performance at th some of the most distinguished artists will appear. There will be military the Chalons school on Thu the The king will visit th in France a reception at at Saint Syr, and by way of Versaill the Bois de Boulogne. ence will or embassy there grea The apartment and the bed u On the day of his arrival the at the Palace of the residence, drive th will © opera, will es, Francaise, which he M. Loubet. ing the and ministers Spanish ambassador. pany President Loubet races on Sunday Delcasse at the at midnight for fwill receive salutes assembled there, LEla., has written that. much better results bm the use es of cholera morbus by er as hot as can be taken in this way t in rapidity, right spot instant] from the v,"! sale by all druggists. Mrs. Mary Elysee at night. e cavalry school return by road Saint Cloud and A ga be given at ti On Saturday there will be of fhe Paris garrison and in the even king will 'meet the at a dinner given by the He will accom- to the Auteuil and dine with M. Quia d'Orsay, leaving Cherbourg. where he a squadron -------- A Good Suggestion. C. B. Wainwright of he ---- Clark Thompson erected a memorial chapel at Williams- ton, Mass. in honor of her husband, Frederick Ferris Thompson, costing £500,000. It will be dedicated at the Williams College commencement in | 505 | June, when President: Roosevelt will be a guest, - Little courtesies. are 'the wayside flowers of life, . through accompanied by subsequently, exercises attend with Lemon City, manufacturers are obtained of Chamberlain's Colic, holera and Diarrhoea Remedy in cas- pains in the stomach, colic and taking it in wat- drank. That when he effect is double "It seems to get at the T portion s have heen the king sed by Na On Wednes- the the and M. Loubet's receiving railway station by | | | | | | © Spanish | be a galg in which at reday, and la perform: ie Comedie a review presidents says. For has T. W. BOYD * & SON, MONTREAL. We send our 300 page--illustrated pay postage. No matter your { , Targets, SKATES, Hocke: GLOVES, Camping Equipment, --~------ a SPORTING GOODS CATALOGUE catalogue free on receipt of 10¢. in stamps to what sport is I should have 5 ith it you can choose your equipment for field or indoor ter, just as well as by calling at any store, and cheaper, as we make for ouf catalogue goods and our trade is $0 Ia we can sell you almost as cheapas some dealers pay for their s. Here are a few ng lines : BICYCLES, and sunidries, BASE- Lacrosse, Football, GOLF, Tennis, Fishine Guns, ic) . o'- W. BOYD & SON, 1683 NOTRE DAME STREET, MONTREAL, P. Q. RIFLES, Revolvers Ammuni- 'Toboggans, Punching Bags, MAKES YOUR CAKES LianT. MAKES YOUR BISCUITS jan. MAKES YOUR BUNS LIGHT, MAKES YOUR LABOR . MAKES YOUR EXPENSES LIGHT . Order from your Grocer, E.W.GILLETT iran LiMiTED TORONTO.ONT. 'When accidents happen in the Quickly get the bottle of Pong ne tract -- 's Ex- Jamily doctor, Al tions are Teak watery, worthless: Pond's Ex Is pure, powerful, priceless, Sold only in sealed dot. tes under duff wrapper, KIDNEY-WORT TABLETS LEY (A110) BRIGHTS TC A J V:N33 98 0K) AND ALL BLADDER TROUBLES LANE Rucgrss Wood's Phoerhodine, The Great Englis Remedy. Meni A itive cure for all f Poa Weak; ICALL AND SEE The new stock of Plumbing and Heating Fixtures, Gas Stoves and Incandescent Gas Lamps. GOLDEN LION BLOCK JOHN M. WHINTO), "Phone 339, GRESCENT WIRE WORKS T. PARTRIDGE Manufacturer of Ornamental Fenc- ing, Railings Flow- er Stands and Wire Works of all kinds; also agent for Wire Edge Rea dy Roofing, cheap- er and better thas shingles. 276 KING STREET. NOTICE House-Cleaning Season is Here. Get your Carpets and Ruge Cleaned by our Electric Carpet Cleaner. Thorough work at moderate rates Call or 'phone 542. . . . HARVEY MILNE, 272 BAGOT STREET. SANITARY PLUMBING ! to oF u are in need of plumbing © pan wor of any kind, we a wire you what you want at prices t as suit you with workmanship and Jy arial guamanteed to be the very best. a Wake no charges for estimates on plumbing work. x En Sor: solicited and promptly tended A & J. JAMIESON. PHONE 287 LOOK Crush Fruit Sundae and Soda only i If you want Pure lee Cream--the bes in the city. ; : tem All kinds of Fruits. Choice Candy fron 10c. to 50c. Ib. The best boxes of ney's and Ganong's, from llc. 5c. per box. CALL ON T. Petters & Co. 184 Princess Street, City. Chocolates--I oe Professor Paul Goods, of the LImive sity of Chicago, declares i Rovky BOA ae are the Yorording place for disease microbes, which bri disseminated over the country by winds, 3 : REASON © WHY YOU SH Because it is Ecohom Red Rose Tea is compose trade as *'high-grown" Ceylo teas are grown at high altitud where the tea bushes grow | carefully cultivated than in the is warm and humid. High-grown tea is not on tains much more tea juice or tea. This can be easily prow ing of Red Rose with any o will find that a pound of Red | as 14 to 1% lbs. of other t AS 1A eee The saving is most appar better grades--buy a pound ar T. H. ESTABROOK BRANCHES : TORO! FOR THE LADIES OXFORDS TIES weight That are extremely light in handsomedin appearance light and durable. If you wish daintily attired from head your selection here. fi, JENNINGS, King St, ~ T NOTICE. W. G. FROST, ! Proprietor of the CITY STORAGE shes ounce that he has com- Wo, ho elevator, ome of the Bitte Ban Bawilg Co. but wonde to am to foot ma ture, Vehi Pianos, etc. i re. ale hg workmen are ready to re- tive and turn out figst class jobs of Painting all kinds of Vehicle at short- st notice. "Phone 526. 299 yueen St. 000 O08 TYPEWRITERS ! BOUGHT, SOLD, RENTED, REPAIRED. All Makes, New and Second-hand J. R. C. DOBBS & CO., 171 Wellington St., Kingston Frees rrrasrsarcassrenend » Celebrated Dr. Brock S Ene 11s h Periodical S appe: Rae Parigsic The 'Best Drug Siore has secured role agency for tuis grea remedy. §1, mailed on receipt of price. ¢ 13 Princess St., Kingston, Out. d ecascssescscseccy Sufferers will rejoice RUPTURE toads cal Science bey last triumphed in producing # positive Cure for this agon (zing and dangerous ailment, The results We astonishing the Medical Profession as wel as all Ruptured. Cases that have defiled human nuity have yielded in ings me. Ro opera tion, pein ger, k to be Sime = One . ofthe amany remarkable cures per: tormed is that of Ontario, ured 13 "ge Farther amirdtion Tol wonder ure *. W. §. Rice, 2} East Queen (Block 562 jToronts. Ont. a Trial,