Daily British Whig (1850), 30 May 1905, p. 7

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is not only ab. ett breakfa st foc 1-day food, nourishing, palat \ Try it ki BStion Colt Book, _postoaid: ce, 32 Church Bt Falls; out. | i -- LVATION / ut the upper part of a shoe? s that¥wore as long as U ur shoe bill? Phen t-- " Quick-Oak " Sole leather, almost as light as cork, ir four steady hours and it won't ited regular Oak leather in the ill be entirely water-soaked in the safest sole leather that ever ry sole of it can be relied istance every time. big co contract to ¢ontrol " Quick- ja, so that it can now be bad Slater Shoe." ade by the Slater Shoe Corpany, the lining a slate-frame with the 50 or $5.00. :" hasalways been a pretty safe thing to buy, but *'Quick-Oak" Soles now make it safer, longer- lived, more damp- proof than cver, upon GOODYEAR PROCESS r Shoe Sole. Local Agent BARGAIN Yards ured from a Wholesale Silk yains of the season. 1,864 d Shirt Waist Suit Silk in patterns and colors; the all pure silk; some are in ocade Shot Effect Surabhs. ite, Navy and White Pin nd. Grey and White Strip- hs are in Red, Black, Blue, hot Effects. 5c. and 75¢. a yard. ng, June Ist and Uniil Sold c. a yard. 'Y BROS. 00000 Decorations! . orks t stock of Fireworks in SOCOREEOEEE lescription. 'reathing. oys, etc. r decorating. fectionery. COCK = incess Street. 28¢c. Per Pound. gr. YOUR GROCER FOR IT FUSE SOSSFRTES YOUNG MEN Pon't neglect your pe rsonal appearance when , good clothes. een 1o hovght at such low. figures. We can show you some stylish singio and double breasted SACK SUITS For business wear, that for good value peat anything ever offered before. Also a line of fine Trousers, Fancy Vests, ete. 411 of our goods are honest bargains and your close inspection ig. cordially invited ISAAC ZACKS The New Store and the Old Stand 271-273 Princess Street. 94th of May Celebration Any person who intends getling a new Top Buggy or Runabout this should do so this week, - yu fine new turnout for the 24th, season so as to have of May. We hava a full line of McLaughlin Buggies, Runnbouts, Surreys and ons, also a large asortment of and double Harness, which we will sell at very close figures. SEEING IS BELIEVING .. Come and see if we have not got the largest and best assortment of 'Buggies and Harness in the city. Hay & Wilson, MASSEY-NARRIS ACENTS, : 132 CLARENCE STREET. Wag- single JN YEE) LACTATED FOOD THE ONLY PERFECT SUBSTITUTE Va VON: MILK. MAKES BABY HEALTHY HEARTY ano HAPPY ASK YOUR DRU FOR IT IST CALL AND SEE The new stock of Prambing and Heating Fixtures, Gas Stoves and Incandescent Gas Lamps. GOLDEN LION BLOCK JOHN M. WHINTON, "Phone 339, 80000000000000000000 TYPEWRITERS ! BOUGHT, SoLD, RENTED, REPAIRED. A Makes, Now and Second-hand J.R. C. DOBBS & (0., 171 Wellington 8t., Kingston -O-O-000000 NOTICE. W. G. FROST, Proprietor of the CITY STORAGE annoyance, NO JAPAN N SEA IN THE AN 'COMPARE. WORLD SEALED LEAD PACKETS ony, A WOMAN'S SRATITUDE) A Mouatain Woman Writes in Praise of Newbro's Herpicide. "For several years 1 have been trou- bled with. dandruff, gausing me much and my Kair became very thin. I have used Nebro's Herpicide for a month and the dandruff has entire ly disappgared and my hair is becom: ing much heavier than formerly: New hair is growing where there was none and T am very thankful to you for the henefit 1 have received from New-! bro's Herpicide. Very truly vonrs, MRS; ¢. B. FOSTER, | No. 985 Utah Ave., Butte, Mont, | Sold by leading druggists, Send 10¢. | in, Sump for sample to The Herpi- | ide HFALED TEN to the undersign JERS ADPRESS and e ndor: wod der fof Postal Station oF atone. | New York, that with the exception of Ont." will pe received at this olive un. , the subway we were behind the times, til Tuesday, June 20, 1905, inclusively, "Central Park, which is' owned and for the construction of Postal Station ! i : ¥" Toronto, Ont ; managed oy the city, seems to me to _ Plans and specifications can he scen and be the best condficted of any of your forms of tender obtained at this Depart- | public institutions," he said. "Why ment and on application to #1 i i u Hamilton, Esq. Resident Engineer. 14x. | Not place your transportation lines on . : er, Hy | winning Warchouse, + ronto, Persons. tendering are notified that ten- ders will not be considered unless made on the printed form supplied, and signed with their actual signatures Each tender must be accompanied by an hecepted cheque on a chartered bank, made payable to the order of the Hon- ourable the Minister of Public Works, equal to ten per cent. (10 p.c.) of the amount of the tender, which will be for- fefted if the party tendering decline to enter into a contract when called upon to do so, or if he fail to complete t work contracted for. If the tender be not accepted the cheque will be returned. The Department does not bind itsolf Lo accept the lowest or any tender. y order. FRED. GELINAS Secretary. Department of Public Works, Ottawa, May 27, 19005. Newspapers insorting this advertise ment without authority from the Depart ment, will not be paid for it. ER -------------- PROF. CARSON APPOINTED. Selected for Important Position in New College. Prof, W. J. Carson, ber of the stafi of the Kingston dairy school, but at present with the Wis consin College. of agriculture, has been appointed professor of dairying in the recently a mem- nw Manitoba agricultural college, Winnipeg. Prof. Carson, was selected from among a seore or more appli- cants. . Of his. appointment the Winnipeg Free Press says yal Manitobans, however, need not that an alien has secured the coveted position, as Professor Carson is a Canadian by birth and training, and all his schol astic attainments have been achieved in the land of the maple. "Although considered by to be one of the strongest men in the United States, Prof. Car son received his early instruction and groundwork of his present knowledge in Russell county, Ontario, where for nine years he occupied the position of manager of a large cheese factory. Entering the Ontario agricul tural college, he took course under the direction of Toronto University, from which' seat of learn- 'ng he graduated bachelor of agricul tural science in 1902. Prof. Carson subsequently was appointed dairying inspector for Eastern Ontario dairy association, and also instructor in dgiry chemistry and milk in the King ston dairy school. His reputation as a dairy authority spread beyond his native heath and ghout two vears ago he was selected by the dean of Wiscon- <in dairy and agricultural college assistant Prof. Farrington, fame as an investigator and writer authorities dairying eastern a two years' as to whose on dairying subjects is known through out the world. Prof. Carson has also been closely associated with Dr. Bab cock, inventor of the famous milk tester, "It_will, therefore ibe seen that the new college is securing the services of a very capable man, and the province is certainly to be congratulated in the prospect of having at the head of this important department, w» gentleman of «uch wide attainments gs Mr. Carson. The professor will assume the duties of his new position on December Ist next." A Good Suggestion. C. B. Wainwright of Lemon City, lag has written the manufacturers that much better results are obtained from the use of Chamberlain's Colic, holera and Diarthoea Remedy in cas- es of pains in the stomach, colic and cholera morbus by taking it in wat er as hot as can be drank, That when taken in this way the effect is double in rapidity. gan, who has returned from a through Western Canada, was what people out theres thought the autonomy hill. Well, he didn't know that they thought much about it; indeed, he did not know that they thought about any bills except dol Har bills. trip asked about Co., Detroit, Mich. (. W. Ma-' JAMES DALRYMPLE. hood, special agent. | Who Comes to Post Chicago on Public i 2 Ownership: { New York, May 29.--James Dalrym | ple, general manager of the street | railway lines of Glasgow, all of which are owned and operated by the city, Ont. 3 "It seems to get at the right spot instantly," he says. For sale by all druggists. The Feeling Out West. Toronto, May 30.--Rev. Dr. Milli SO SAYS DALRYMPLE ABOUT NEW YORK. Man Who is to Advise Chicago on Public Ownership and His First Impressions of American Enterprise. said last night after a hurried inspec- tion of the transportation facilities of thesame basis 7 What we have accom plished in Glasgow in carrying pas- sengers at a profit for less than a 2- cent fare proves that the end would justify «the means." Mr. Dalrymple reached New York on the Canarder Campania and will leave for Chicago, where he will give Mayor Dunne; who was recently elect ed on a municipal ownership platform, the benefit of his experience' in muni- cipality owned and operated street railways, The Municipal Ownership League of' Greater New York, with Mayor | Punne's permission, cabled Mr, Dal- | rymple and the lord provost of Glas gow some weeks ago with a view of | having the guest of Chicago stop] long enough on his way to receive aj little of New York hospitality. Mr. Dalrymple seamed both surpris- ed and pleased at amount of public! discussion and interest that has been invoked by his visit. He is a typical Meotchman, sturdy and rugged, and has a frankness that adds force to all that he says. "The City roads, | of Glasgow owns the collects an average fare of less than two cents in American money, pays better wages and allows shorter hours of labor than privately owned roads," he said. "Besides this, the roads pay the interest and provide a sinking fund for indebtedness and contribute to the public treasury more I than $1,000,000 annually. We give em: ) ployment to 4,500 men. Asked as to what he attributed the success of the municipally owned owned street railways of Glasgow, Mr. Dalrymple replied : "To the simple and - easily understood fact that the management of the roads are not striving with the sole aim of creating dividends. "Every that citizen of a municipality its own public enterprises a self-constituted - inspector," he continued. *"'In this way it is not dif ficult to learn of any defects in the service. In addition the employees work with a better will and strikes are unknown. "The Glasgow owns lines cover an a An half' as large as Chicago. The fare, paid by the passengers depends en tirely on the distance they ride. The most recent figures show that one third of the passengers pay bul one cent, and that two-thirds pay two cents, "The residents and business people of Glasgow have been accustomed to this reduced fare for so long that I am sure they would stop patronizing the lines if they were asked to pay more, as it has been shown that this sufficient to maintain any street railroad. "We abandoned the When Kidneys Fail, Health Declines Dull, Aching Back Pains, Scanty and Highly Colored Urine Headaches and Insomnia In- dicate Diseased Kidneys. svetem of giv- After experimenting for nearly 20 years, Dr. Hamilton discovered an ab- solute specific for weak Kidneys. His pills of mandrake and butternut cure permanently. Can vou afford to delay ? No, your interest compels you to use this cer- tain cure now--to-day. Only take Dr, Hamilton's Pills, and an absolute re- covery is guaranteed, In thousands of cases relief has been instantaneous. Such wa% the experience of James G. Gordon; of Marysville, Headaches and Insomnia In- "My kidneys bothered me for twenty years, 1 had gnawing pains in the back and my limbs ached with weari- ness all the time. My digestion was poor and I had specks before my eyes. "Dr. Hamilton's Pills helped me from the first day. Relief was immedi- They restored me and my health Eyeglasses that are secure, com- | ate. n es to table, tty, with lenses that are is better than ever. Pred Ban pe a ove, Hie_has f the Sortable _ to suit th eves. Dr.] All complaints kindred to kidney di- Fu, Bering Co of Wie guaran, Drig Store 2 sense are prevented hy Dr. Hamilton's RET oo Shiels, Pianos, etc. Chowne Te Yors water, pure ice Pills. Their use insures you against e Vv € , . : Het workmen are read cream, pure fruit syrune and larce. Diabetes; Soghve disease and liver a wu in out first class jous Tot thin glasses at Wade's soda fountain. trouble, No house should be 'without u Vahiei= a hore Three applications ol Peck's Corn such a valuable medicine. Sold every- o Zeert on salve will cure hard or soft corms, where by druggists, 25c. per hox, or 299 yueen St. 15c. st Wade's drug store. five for $1. THE DAILY [HE GREATEST VALUE BEHIND THE TIMES That Capital and Experience Has Ever "SAL AD, A NATURAL LEAF CEYLON GREEN TEAS WHI PRIZE TO THOSE SENDING | IN THREE COUNTS (SEE CONDITIONS) A TOTAL OF CONDITIONS entitles you to $50.00 prizes given to winners of the three counts. See below. $50.00 PRIZES sure to hitit. Toe winners of first pri ove THREE COUNTS AND WIN YOU AWARDS Will be made giving correct giving best plan for counting dots. TIME PRIZES polis, is chairman Our offer wil carried out to the letter. ° In the each person s Dest to im rst prize, next best next, etc,' UNDERSIAND TiUS 1S LY IN CASE OF TIE IN PLAN, WHICH 18 NOT AT ALL LIKELY. No one connected with MADAME will be allowed to 1 Wyte your count, name and address very plainly. closes July 1, 1905, but get your counts in 2. Sav just what your count and plan is, without any "ifs" ut Ume prize above, ANVIODY HAVING or "ands' --make it plain, " 3 ENTERED MAY ENTER ADDITIONAL COUNTS . ------ - - EE Sa ON AT 25 CENTS EACH. BE CAREFUL TO GIVE YOUR PLAN OF 3. Besure to state whether or not you are taking MADAME. COUNTING, as the best plan used will decide all ties. 4, Counts must be accompanied by subscription. 50cts. 8 for six months subscription and one count. $1.00 pays for wr! PRIZES GUARANTEED We will sar prize worth oue dollarat least, to every person who sends a: correct count and $1.00 for a year's subscription to MADAME. OFFERS YOU $6,000. COUNT OUR SUBSCRIBERS IN THE UNITED STATES them you should win. 50 cents pays for six months sub- scriptiontoMADAMEand one free count: $1.00 pays for one year and entitles Jou to three counts and Tales you eligible for the rst prizes if they have ae -- We believe everyone should have three counts so they can have ong each side of shat they think is correct to be more rage this we will give $50.00 extra to # if they have three counts. if you have one faci you get first prize oxLY, GET $50.00 EXTRA. as follows--The person * or nearest correct count will get first prize. Next nearest correct, second prize, ete. In case of 4 tie for any prize it will be awarded to the person We feel early counters should be rewarded and will give $50.00 to the person sending besteountand plan by June 1, If you send best count and plan by June 1, you get $50.00 extra. The awarding of prizes will be wholly in JUDGES The awardi of disinterested judges Hon. John W, Holtzman, Mayor of the City of Indiana- i the Committee of Judges. BOUND OUR CONTESTS MUST BE ABSOLUTELY FAIR. Our Financial Responsibility ,, . whether we are abundantly able to do as we say, we refer to any Bank or Trust Company in the City of Indianapolis. ent of more thah one person submitting the same plan and it being considered the best plan by the judges » tying will be asked to tell in fifty words how rove MADAME. The onemaking bes IN PRI 00 -- is a magazine for women who think and is the only m zine in the world endorsed by OVER THRER MILLION WOMEN, be the : Official Organ of the National Council of Women. It is full of bright stories, clever articles on i music literature, with beau! Walore, o fT Sat in this map stands for 50 subscribers.: Count them carefully and then say how man we have in the Uni States. : EE a A Iotiery, Fucssing of cxlimating contest. It Io ahaciatern b west of skill. There 18 no trick or deception about \ = er whatsotiver. The dots are visible to the naked eve and can be counted. If you can count the dots dots correctly and phoned pon of counting Je - Your chance of winning is as good as any one's. s gai i p gets destroyed: Duper wil be t LIST OF PRIZES. 1st Prize, Piano with Mandolin and Guitar attachments, value.. 2nd Prize, Piano,.. -------- .00 3rd Prize, Diamond, WA, 00 4th Prize; Diamond,.. 00 Sth Prize, Solid gold Watch, - .00 Remember Next 100 Prizes, 100 Beautiful Chatelaine BUT IF YOU Ladies' Watches, eee 1,500.00 < Next 100 Prizes, James W hitcomb yEhe list Tist Siprizes tn is large. They are worth 8, Vi Riley! ¥ Works, 3 vol.. $3.75 375.00 Ee rt ut If You dom rt pre the SEE AT upon you. %. pe! prizes worth having. Next 100 Prien Yio Sets Sha espea bir unt and os Complete Works, 1 12dalnty ~~ 1,000.00 Two Special Prizes of 50.00 each see Pls ou dre ROLY towim. Money Must, Accompany All Subscriptions. 1 conditions 100.00 Next 100 Prizes, Marion Har SUBSCRIPTION BLANK Book, $2.00 each, .......... 200.00 Conte Debar FORD PUTLISHING Next 100 Prizes, 1.50 Book, late: fiction, 150.00 par ment, THR LL EO. The Next 50 Prizes, Choice of Any $1.00 "ito Indianapolis, U. 8, A. WE ARE Magdzine........ -- -------- ) 2 eNCIORE seins JON mmasiien th .an ton J ri anon! becrip Next 100 Ee ears 100.00 to MADAME, in accordance with your offer in the.....n Next 100 Prizes, Hand Pulled Proof of the Famous Picture by Walter N Tittle, entitled 'When Shep- Name herds Watched Their Flocks AGAREBE.......... chs ies ivonssrpiumiee sams inset aptin aan ast by Night,' $1.00 each,.. 100.00 Total $6,000.00 DIRECTIONS. ¥ yords lw | tastier A YE aus aniston the eset northern Are you taking MADAME (Ves or NO) owe cnioieronisin one years subscription and three counts. If you have three counts entered you may enter additional counts at 25 cents each. You get $50.00 extra if you have three counts win. It will pay you to have three. See conditions antee to ing transf several years ago, Hut our oars @ not operated half way through the city and then turned back, requiring of the passengers tl inconveniences here already and west and north and south, started from minus goes te that 1 have observe A car an extreme northern ter the end of that 1 Our tracks will run east | | before it stops, and Passes through | ¢ the centre of the ity. "On the busiest of, the fines the cars are operated on half-minute. schodul and we have avs maintained That a seat is provided for every passenger The only secret to thik is in running a sufficient number of oars, Nery man ntithid to a pension of halb-pay if disabled after fifteen vears of service The employees are selected from all | lines of industry, and men who have established trad: ftem come to us hecause the work is remunerative and they know they will not be discharged nnless for cause. The wage seale runs from twenty four to thirty-one ghil lings per week, the men are ad vanoed according to efficiency only. "We pay a.casualty insurance com- pany 875.000 vear, and they assume the city's linbilities for accidents. "There are but few people in Glgs- gow now _ who are not advocates of municipal ownership. There are some. it is true, but they "can he confined exclusively to those whe have mercen arv reasons for makine ooposition. "The ity now owns, besides its street railway its was plants nnd the telephone Ging is farnished at a bier profit for less than Md cents ver 1.000 cubic feet. This wlant pro bably gives a greater profit than any lines, ston of the others, and is entirely satisfac tory." Chown's headnnt nowdars | olive evick relief from all kinds of headache. 25¢. hox. Only yrs fenit a at Wade's soda fountain. used I | | who works for ug in| i i -------- " " SE PERSONALLY GUIDED creen = 00r'S nd; To California and Lewis and Clarke Exposition. A personally conducted excursion to + Pacific coast via the Grand Trunk lailway System and connecting lines leaves Quebec, July 5th, and Montreal and Toronto, July 6th, The route vill be vi® Chicago, thence through Council Blufis to Omaha, Dever, and Colorado Springs. Stops will be made at each of these places, and side trips taken to Manitou, Cripple Creek, Garden of the Gods, ete. From there ° the party will continue through the ° famous scenic route of the Denver and Rio Grande, through the Royal indows Gorge to Salt Lake City, thence to goles, San Francisco, Mou Portland, Oregon, Seastle, | : ; S wokane nd home through St. Pau py . " :] and Minneapolis The trig will ecu For pretty designs and substantial doors we about thirty days, ten days being ey ¢ a . spent on the Pacific const. The pri have the best stock in the city to pick from for the round trip, including railroa > fare, Pullu tourist sleeping cars, # 5 on all hn the dining car, hotels, and before you buy, it would be worth your ete, is 8166.50 from Que- hee or $160.50 from Montreal and £150 from Toronto. This first trip is designed ns a vacation trip for teach ers, although many who are not teach- ers will improve the opportunity of taking the trip at the remarkably low For full particulars ad- side trips, while to let us show them to you. Wealso have a complete stock of all sizes in 1 Windows. price "afforded, dress E, C. Bowler, General Passeng FLEES LEMMON & LAWRENSON Station, Montreal. '381 and 383 King Street. eee 00000000000000000 © WE DO TINNING OF IRON, COPPER, ETC. Kidney Losses Stopped. rem-- The escape of albumen from the sys- tem is most dangerous. The trouble is vou may not know it. Get to the root of the disease--~the kidneys-- by nsing | Wades, Pills. bu boxes 5c., at e's oney back if not 3 satistactory. * THE CANADA METAL CO, TORONTO... Jay moth proof i bigs. at Gibson's seeee 000000000000000 ¢ Regd Cross Drug Store.

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