Daily British Whig (1850), 2 Jun 1905, p. 1

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'ash Goods vitnesses something new jp 'ON FABRICS. This year eater advance in the produc. n wash materials than for of the latest 'novelties have ercerized effect that jt would listinguish them from silk, her materials when made to tell them from woollen every thread cotton. Many e one or at most twd dresses nens fancy patterns in all the latest Just the thing for a serviceable ist at 15¢. and 20¢, ght after this season, being and serviceable, and especially r suits, 20c. - dine ome sheer material with a ty finish, They make pretty esses, 25¢. and 4oc. yulards ality of cotton gocds, with a trous finish. The patterns are es of silk designs. We have black and white, navy and | brown and white, at 15c, bray checks and plain colors. at > I5¢. and 2o0c. y of cords, at 15c, 20c., 25 range of qualities: 18s 5C. IDLAWESON at 12%c, 15¢C, 20C;, pecially low prices this moutt: ispection Solicited. IT SHOE STORE ; $13,000 ON $30,000 SECURITY. REAL vant ; no washing or ironing ; family of four. Apply 317 University Avenue. GENTLEMEN, TO GET THEIR Spr made up at Galloway's, oo - 0 "mext to ~Bibby's 1 i , fit and price guaranteed BIG . a YEAR 72. NO. 128. B.P. Jenkins Clothing Co. nln Three things that bring the costumers our way for clothing : Individuality, Style and Merit The wonderful advance in Canadian manufacture of clothing during the last five years has received its ideas and stimulus from "Fit-Reform.""" What they pave done they arc continuing to do, and to-day possess those three character istics that put it so much in advance of all good competitors. Any one of these is good, but all three combined make its appeals convincing. The double-breasted suits meet with great favor' amiong the young men. Fit- Reform costs a little more than. poorly tailored. garments, because they repre- gent the highest attained excellence in clothes making, but the wearer is always justly proud of his suit, $10, $12 and $18. B. P. Jenkins Clothing Co. WANTED. BOY. APPLY TO R. H. Ontario Street. TOYE, 193 A YOUNG GIRL, TO ASSIST IN housework. Apply, 134 Earl St. A YOUNG LADY TO PLAY PIANO. Apply, H. Jervis, 220 Princess St. HOUSE-MAILD, ONE WHO CAN DO slain sewing. Apply at the Orphan's fiowe. GIRLS TO SPLIT MICA, AT KENT Bros' Mica Works, foot of Princess Street: A COOK. APPLY, IN THE LEVEN. ing to Mrs. Howard 8S. Folger, 45 West St. TWO TINSMITHS, IMMEDIATELY, Apply to McKelvey & Birch; 89 to 71 Brock St. Estate, 5 or 10 years. Apply to J. A. Gardiner, 151 Wellington St. AN EXPERIENCED GENERAL SER- to please ; pressing and repairing done promptly. a ---- WAGES FOR AGENTS. MEN nd women make handsome wages selling our household specialties. Every family needs them. A thoroughly legitimate business that you can start in without a cent of capital. G. Marshall & Co., London, Ont. « Campbell Bros., E DAI WARTO GO ON Czar Yields To The Sycos phant Majority. : CONTINUED STORY DAILY MEMORANDA, - | Best by test, Hats. Ciyic Finance Committee, 8 p.m. Horsemen meet, City Buildings, 8 pan The sun rises Saturday at 4.21 am. and sets at 7.35 p.m. Moe men would marry only for love if they tould afford it : For Hats, at hali # dollar, One dollar, two or three George Mills & Company, ap always Suit. me Tt is dead e to keep up w $10 nearhnce on an 8 salary He said she was a deer She, with a bashful In tones that spoke of Said he was such a' be ap 7 rei DECORATED CHINA We have a new and particuldrly hand- sone display of decuraie DINNER SETS TOILET SETS They will please vou without a doubt and the prices are very reasonable. ROBERTSON BROS.. SATURDAY SPECIALS wtp Tes VAN LUVEN'S Mediterranean Sweets, TEA SETS Naval Bananas, Orange Pineapples. Silver Prunes California Pru Nice Cooking I Olives, large size, per 1b. 10¢ large size, Sc, s, 3 Ibs, 25¢c. bottles, 15 Fresh Herring, 10c¢., tins, be Kippered Herring, tins, 10c Pork and Beans, tins, 5c. and 10c Pure Unfermented Wines, bottles, 25¢ Grass Butter--We have a quantity Choice Prints, 20¢ Green Onions, Radishes, Lettuce, ete. F. W. VAN LUVEN, 246 Princess St. 'Phone 417. SMITH BROS.. Jewellers, 350 King St. Take pleasure in showing their new go ls, just suit- able for June wedding pres- ents, in cut. glass, stirling MEN AND BOYS, TO LEARN PLUMB- % ing trade. We cannot supply demand silver and plated ware. for gradpates. $4.50 to $5 per day. Eight weeks completes course. Earn while learning. Address, for Cata- J S S M logue, Coyue Bros. Co., Plumbing » ® » Schools, Jincinnati, O., St. Louis, . . Mo. Employment guaranteed or Issuer of Marriage Licenses. money refunded. = TO MILITARY MEN: A SE . THE DESIRABLE RESIDENCE, 84 We make every kind of Barrie St., opposite City Park. Ap ply to Miss Flanagan, 82 Barrie St STORAGE, A ROOM IN THE STEARN building, . clean, dry, rat and moth proof.. Apply at McCann's, 51 Brock St. ------------------------------------ 27 SYDENHAM ST. AT PRESENT occupied by. "Prof. John Waddell ossession July 1st. Apply to Mo- (elvey and Birch, 69 to 71 Brock St FROM JUNE, FOR THREE months or longer. Furnished house, eleven rooms; modern conveniences : central location. Apply by letter, to Box 82, Kingston. COMFORTABLE BRICK FARM House, part oa shore of furnished, well situated ay of Quinte, 24 miles west of Collins Bay. Good stable accommodation. Stage daily to ings! and Bath. Also Frame Cottage: Address, H, OC, Rothwell, i t. ete ee ee ete THAT DESIRABLE PROPERTY AT the Cormer of Queen and Ontaric Streets, lately occupied by Mr. Hen- erson as a grocery with large yard aad idings. Offers will be re- ceived for _ purchase. Apply to Kalken & Walkem, solicitors, King- ston. street, Apply 49 Colborne street. NEW MODEL NO. 44, ASSEY, $47. Comfort 'Tires, $2 each. New Rear Wheel, Be pew Morrow Brake, Jour dollars. Bicycle Munson, a Toron- THE ROUGH CAST HOUSE, ON Brock St., being No. 161 adioining Dr. B. Ryan's residence. Tenders re- ceived hy Kirkpatrick, Rogers & Nickle, up to 6th June. ; YACHT FOR SALE. STEAMYACHT MARGARET, OWNED by 'the late William Gokey, Braokivh, leet long, 10 feet beam, 5 fee at clas saahont.: used only two months, speed, twelve miles an hour ; compound engine :* we}l furnish- ed und in. exeellent condition. For furt'rer particulars apply to J. A Bordantle or apt. John Geoghegan, Bax 76. Kingston. Ont. LOST. A CAMEO GOLD MOUNTED BROOCH, on Sunday afternoon, in the vicinity of City and Macdonald Parks. Will finder kindly return to Whig office FOUND COPY OF WILL AND OLD DOCT. ments. Same can be had at Whin , by paying for this advertise- SAILING BOAT FOR SALE. Shoes required, ecspec- ially FINE WALKING-OUT SHOES or WELLINGTON BOOTS. Wear '"Allen's" Military Bootmakers, 84 Brock St. SIGN OF GOLDEN BOOT. TAKE NOTICE DON'T SELL YOUR STOVE Ss, FUR- niture Jarpets, Gent's Clot and Boo to the first buyer comes along. Try me, and you will £ d the difference. J. TURK, THE SECOND-HAND DEALER, SWIFT'S INSURANCE AGENCY FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT, GARCO. Strong reliable Companies only represented LOSSES PROMPTLY PAID T RATES on approved risks LOWEST every description. Office, Opposite Ontario Bank. IF YOU WANT A HOME OR INSURANCE, Have a Talk With GEORGE ZEIGLER, &fhsurance 57 Brock Street. New Monumental Works All kinds of Cemetery Work promptly attended to. Engraving and Re-gilding JAS. MULLIN, 372 Princess St. Opposite Yo M. C. A. Building. AUCTION SALE SATURDAY, June 3rd, ™E5i5re. (KETHEN ALLY N i Crostadore Bay vy yom Apne i v specialty at OF THE London of 'the Tsarskde majority, to czar arguments of es festo may be burden of 4 the survivors the Osliabia flagship on Beidovy, wh met, on the Donskoi, to sell. The Osl survivors, h struck at th three in the stroyers sink tle. at noon makes five R the cruiser 1 Capt. Baron admiralty th squadron vostok. Jap of coal, he reached Via night. The 1 the darkness men ashore, to save her Times, from i recei Admiral Neb and either t captured peror Nicola paid no atte and other J met south Saturday. 1 Admiral meet an Straits, havi Rome, Jw and persons offer to me Russia. Had London, J Manchuria, had twenty- the en hal that were fc men, A despate Wa rervoms 167 P « Powell Photo Studio A Win Every Day. A FIN ' : he reid is orn. x Booth Our colebrated 82 derbys are win® LALLA LN nine nes customers every' day. They Ni 3 are of extra fine quality, e fitting N toilet soap is sold at Gib-! hed very light. Campbell Bros., the ) Store, i ed a Japanese ar offensive me Japan New ounting to the electrical tools, have house of quality, JAPANESE VICTORY.! Izumrud Blown Up to Save from Capture--4,000 Naval Prison- ers--Two Russian Battleships Will be Put in Conumission At Once. Speciul to the Whig. 2 June 2.---The correspondent vacillated but quickly reverted to the view of (the sycophant majority. It is persist ently reported that an imperial mani manifesto will proclaim the immediate convocation of a natienal assembly to which the question of peace or . will be submitted thereby shifting the ers of the emperor to the whole na- tion. Another Of Togo's Reports. Tokio, June 2---Following is the eighth report from Admiral Togo, received May 31st: "Commander Ka- saga returned, He reports that the morning of May 29th, keelson valve, board, including the survivors landed at Urleung Island. the Buiny took and staff before the sinking of 27th, and also 200 frgm the Osliabia, but finding navigation difficult, trans ferred Rojestvensky and stafi to transferred, and the Buiny sank the battle of May 27th, and Admiral Voelkersam was killed, and after a succession of shots, she sank of the Bonsko' say they saw two Fate Of Izumrud Known. St. Petersburg, June 2. and him. To avoid them, and being short possible to refloat her he ordered his His Sailors Mutinied. London, June 2. leave overboard, or hound them in their cabins, after which a white flag was hoisted. Battle Ships Repaired. Tokio, June: 2.~It is now known that the Russian naval prisoners num ber 4,000, including 100 officers. battleships, aged that they have been assigned to them, Captured service Imm officers stat vensky desired battle, and to reach Vladivostok with the least loss Rojestvensky expected inferior Japanese fleet had been divided, "and his fleet formation, consequently, was designed to deal with an inferior force. Want It To Mediate. parliament asking the government to correspondent that according to private letters from executed. The officers were shot and onsed of distributing graph company, from St, Petersburg, says that the general stafi has receiv- despatch York, Jane 2, shipment with equipment, OVERWHELMING asserts that the 'council Selo. decided, by a large continue the war. - The before. the eloquent Grand Duke Viadimir, expected shortly, This war decision 'from the*should this aftexnoon, of the with Dmitri Donskoi. Donskoi, on the opening its sank, and those on from destroyer Douinvi, It appears aboard Rojestvensky the May and the afternoon of the hile running northward morning of May 25th, the which all aboard were her iabia, according to ether ad her conning tower e first straight shot of about afternoon. The survivors de in the thick of the bat of May 27th, this, if true, ussian destroyers sunk." The fate of zumrud 'is finally known. Ferzen telegraphs to the at he separated from the tried to reach Vladi anese cruisers pursued altered his course, and dimir Bay on Monday zamrud ran on a reef in Seeing that it was im and blew the vessel up from capture. 2.--A despatch to the St. Petersburg, says that ved from a trustworthy little doubt that Viee ogatofi's sailors mutinied, hrew him and his officers The Orel and Em slightly dam will be put in active sediately. Crews already I., are 80 e that to Admiral Rojest avoid a decisive possible. He therefore ention to the Chin Yuen apanese cruisers that he of the Straits, early on he officers also say that to force in Tsushima ng been informed that the ie 2.--~Three hundred thous- have signed' a petition to liate between Japan and Them Executed. une 2.--The St. Petersburg of the Standard says Gen. | Linevitch, recently five officers and 300 men ged, The officers were ae- proclamations mind in possession of the h to the Exchange Tele- annofincing that the my has commenced a creat wement, Orders Equipment. Contracts am- Japanese firms. The F installation in the ent ship building the inauguration of from five per cent. on various foreign Japan after July f orders call for ship- the Pacilic woast. People's Vi To Guide Csar. St. eg, June 2.---St, Peters- rg is full rumors of the most oon ehnracter regarding the prospects of pele, but in the best in formed | the Associated Press was told that Bo definite decision had been reached. Nevertheless porfed that may be Kuroki XE: Greater Victory. Headquarters ® Gen. Kuroki's Army, via Fuasan, Jus There is every rea son to believe t the next campaign of this army Will be even more sue cessful than Ie pa The soldiers have the and discipline of vet erans, ol ing is lacking in equip ment pplieds *No engagements have ocourred cast © the railway for more than a fortn y and the only shots is persistently. re imperial manifesto shortly fired .are whe the cavalry patrols of the armies brushes. ~~ HG 4 St. I June 2. Lieut Dournova, Rofl Admiral Dournovo, p_ council of the em u| and telegraphs und@ » minister of the interior, Whe 8 the commander of the torpedo boat Mestroyer Bravi, has telegraphed Wom Vladivostok to Grand Duke is, the high admiral, an account of Ris advemturous voya after the tion of his destroyer from the fle the evening of May 27th. of the afternoon he ¢ and men of the The destroyer ble damage from a le and was able to miles an hour, The lowered and the fun fiite so as to render the vessel less Bpicuous to the Japan- eso torpedo te, several of which were seen. the night of May 29th a steam pipeBurst, reducing the speed speed only @ main mast nels painted to five miles $n hour. Lacking coal all the wi it parts of the destroyer were burned fuel before she reach- ed Viadi St. 2. Maxim Gorki summoned to before the n ra E425 of bigamy. The charge has been made by a woman claiming to be Madame Gorki, who charges that the novelist, though married to her, has married another woman, an actress, - with whom Gorki has been living for a long time The novelist denies the charge, and says the woman mentioned is not his legal wife, and that in consequence the charge of bigamy has no foundation. It has been charged that Gorki and his wife have been separated for the last several years, the novelist having refused to even see his legitimate wife during the time he was in jail. It is also charged that the woman in the case is Gorki's eollahorator, a majori ty of the novelist's Dest works having been written by her, Friends of Gorki declare that the whole proceeding is simply a plot on the part of the government to dis credit the writer as leader in the lib eral movement, ene -------- IN OUR OWN CIRCUIT. hb FRIDAY, JUNE 2, 1906. LATEST NEWS Despatches From Near And Distant : Places. GIVEN IN THE BRIEFEST POS- SIBLE FORM. Matters That Interest Everybody ~--Notes From All Over--Little Of Everything Easily Read And Remembered. A prominent New York Baptist pas- tor attacked John D. Rookeleller and his gifts to the church, Auditor-General Joseph S, Beek, of Fredericton, N.B., celebrated his ninety-first birthday on Thursday. Ferdinand Brunet, Bonfield, has been t-appointed returning officer for the On- tario hye-election in East Nipissing. A new penny liberal paper called the Tribune will shortly be started in London, Eng., with a capital of 81, 500,000. Earl Derby told 'u~gathering of Eng- lish agriculturists the Canadian farm- ers were far in advance, especially in co-operation. / W. G. Gates has resigned from the staff of the Ottawa Journal to as- sume an iniportant editorial position in the 'west. : The Frick reports on the Equitable Life Assurance society severely cen- gures the officers and recommends a change of policy. Captain John Barolay, for over for ty years superintendent of the Allan Line Steamship company, died at Montreal. James Bogne, Peterboro; has the contract for construction of the grano- lithic pavements in Amprior. Raogne asks nine cents per foot for sidewalks, thirty-five cents for block crossings, and twenty-one cents for drains. Town to supply cement. The Canadian government is corves- ponding with the imperial authorities with regard to the seizure of the Ag- nes M. Donohue by Uruguayan officers on the ground that the Canadian sea- men were poaching and caught seal within the three mile limit. Work Of Vandals. Saranac Lake, N.Y., June 2.--An at- tempt to destroy the lock between upper and lower Saranac lakes was made by parties during the night. Dy- namite was used, but owing to ignor- ance in using the explosive, only one side of the lock was blown apart. The damage will be considerable, but na vigation will not be affected. For vears similar attempts to blow wp the locks have been made by a class of guides who represent the tough element of the woods. Their object is to stop the steamboats from running through the lakes with freight. As no one dares to investigate, no at tempt has been made to punish the guilty ones. Camp owners along the lakes are indignant. Royal Gems To Be Sold. New York, June 2.--Jewels original ly the property" of the late Queen | Isabella, of Spain, valued at $1,000, 0 were left _by Mrs. Leland Stan who died in mysterious ocircum- ws in Honolulu from arsenic pois The gems were given in her will to Leland Stanford, Jr., Univers. itv in California. In a few weeks they will be sold and the proceeds will go toward a library bbiMding for. the university, ta oning News of The District on Both Sides of The Line. Miss Bessie Ashley, Foxbero, and A G. Longwell, Hailevbury, wers mar ried, in Belleville, on Thursday The 11th annual reunion of the 35th Regiment of New York Volun teers will he held in Watertown or June: 20th The 1 sand Island house at Alexandria Bay is to open June 20th Men are now employed in improving the grounds J. P. Copeland, Delta, has purchas ed the residence of Peter Fergiuson on Church street and will move inte Brockvilie shortly, J. W. Doran, thought to be unbal wd, in Brockville, to start a hennery at anced, is cl obtaining g« with Maitland, not paving for them The new addition to the Sisters hospital in Watertown will cost #20 000 and the additional sum of $16 000 will he expended for the enlarge ment of © Patrick's Orphanage Dust will il the streets of Smith's Falls this immer, becans: property to pay for sprinkling, cholders think they should. r carts have been taken I spri off the strect Howard, Smith's Falls, whose Mrs. husband accidentally killed last week by u CPR. train, has received 1 8100 fr. the railway company, though tl} any Mrs mpany was not in ble for the accident 1 organizatior Young and that they years 'ago tc the tcamstors buck & (o., a Ward & Co. They said that they re fused the money and that the strike was nover called, fully $5,000,000, calling for all despatch, of machines and been placed in this mar® Spruce Up. Our hats will make you look stylish '{Siyle and comfort! are our light y weight, 32 derbys. Pz ket on Japanese accotint. The orders | bell Bros., the style centre for men's © were mostly closed by the New York hats, : La nay rofhor 0 heen properly treated by thase under) Howard also roceived' $1,000 life 'in him in the Guards, and that _ there Butante has been a gros: breach of military discipline on the prt of his subor- or Offered A Zete. ihocy dinates, They will certainly not re Chicago Jur ot Barges of bribery move him from the command. against « A Pp mp log es ------ Teaming company, were made before a : eran fury hv President Shea of the] Gardiner Was Exonerated. 3 Teamsters' Union, and by Albert Comwall, Ont., June 2-H, W. Gard Young, formerly president of the same Shea said wore offered £10000 two |at bring shout a strike of ) ciphoved by Sears. Roe |ing known the dead robber was: re- rival of Montgomery, combined in Killed As He Crawled. pecinl to the Whig, |" Winnipeg. June 2.--<Richard Paul | lost his life under the wheels of a | work train, last night, in the yard of the C.P.R. Mr. Paul was a foreman carpenter and while on his way home attempted to crawl under a train of standing gravel cars. Just then a vard engine shunted the ears. man was caught in a stooping position, Houbled up, and terribly crushed " uniortunate Baseball On Thursday. National League.--At Boston, 2; New York, 8. At Pittsburg, 4; Chicago, 0. At Brooklyn, 2; Philadelphia, 3. At Cincinnati, 3: St. Louis, 9. American League.--At New York, 18; Boston, 5. At St. Louis, 2 Detroit, 5. At Chicago, 9; Cleveland, 5. At Phil adelphia, ; Washington, 5. Eastern League. --At Providence, 8; Montreal, 1. At Newark, 5; Buffalo, 2. At Baltimore, 0; Rochester, 4. At Jer- sey City, 3; Toronto, 1, " The Case Of Colonel Roper. Toronto, June 2--A fr Ottawa states that the mil Sn thorities are said to entertain the view that 1ieut. Col. Roper has not ner, son of Rev, J. W. Gardner, Prince Edward Island, arrested as--a vagrant, the time of the Lancaster bank robbery and held on suspicion of hav- ently released. Tt was established that | there was connection whatsoever | between Mr. Gardner and the gang op- | erating in Lancaster. WY no hast {evening the liquor license com- missiondrs met and authorized . the transfer of James Thompson's shop licemse to' George Thompson. 1 A splendid stock of new, strong A Bump Bump on the Back of Is" z y Pe several to stop. could get up the stairs to no : mother the child fell to the pa below. The attention of the who is a clerk in the Surprise 8 across The strwst from his flat, been called to danger od his baby and he when the kttle one tumbled child had risen to its feet the father arrived, ang at menced to smile. It was carried stairs and Dr. Brown called. A care ful examination failed to reveal - broken bones or other injuries bey a bump on the bagk of the head, Rodent, Tried to Gnaw His Way sult of swallowing a live rat while eating oats out of his trough, the not- ed trotting horse, Corinto, son of On- tario, 2.13, ied, Thursday, in + agony at his stable in this city. hile the horse was ing of his feed, his groom noticed that he was queerly, but before medical aid be summoned he having convul- Mr. | Its Head. i 3 is i gi which started if gi Bip up- TROTTER SWALLOWED a Out. Lexington, Ky., June 2.+Ag the re " the been lacerated by the rat in ils efforts to gnaw its way out of Veterinarians who at al say it ie the first case on redord, so far as they know, where a horse ex- perienced such a peculint death. WAS ORDERED AWAY. The Police Magistrate Has Got Busy. . Srecial to the Whig. Toronto, June 2.--~Claude King, one of the small army confidence men who came to camp, in Yorento, dur ing the race , was ol police strate to leave the city this Ape.» i his wife a at King Edward Hotel, | 3 Deloithehad ger to work the police had ' -------- SIR CHARLES IS ILL. / ---- He is Not Allowed to Visitors. Whig. Detroit, wen pI 2.--~A Chicago despatch says: "Sir Charles Rivers. Wilson, president of the Grand Trunk railway, is ill at his room in the Auditorium Annex. It is not thought that his indisposition is serious, but he was too ill to receive any visitors yesterday." Hee Special to Hamilton, Ont., Robinson, pastor ' Street athedint church, was elected president of the Hamilton conference. Rev. H. G. Livingstone, pastor of the Barton 8 Methodist church, Ham- ilton, was secretary. . Listowel, June 2.--At the London conference, on the first ballot, Rev. Joseph Philp, Kincardine, was elected president, receiving 106 votes oat of out of 200 cast." On the third ballot Rev, E. A. Fear was elected secretary and Revs. I. B, Wallwin, B.A., and William McMullen, B.A., were elected assistant seorclaries, Picton, Ont,, June 2.--At the Bay of Quinte conference Rev. 1. Scott Houck was elected secretary. Three young men are to he ordained this year---Revs. D, E. Johnston, D. R. Clare, S. A. Kemp. Three ministerial candidates were received, not at all equal to the number wanted, Sandwich To Get It. Sete ey ne 1.-A mornihg aper says that it is stated, on what in belioved to be the best authority, that the United States Steel com- yany's big Canadian plant is to be built just low Sandwich, Ont., op- posite this city. The plant will tum ont structural steel. It is believed that extensive rail mills also will be built as with | the railway building now planned in Canada, there wil be demand enough to keep both the steel company and the Clergue mills busy. -------- Will Contest Is Imminent. Watertown, N.Y., Jane 2.--~The heirs of the late [Hiram Remington, the wealthy paper * manufacturer of city, have gotten into a dispute over the will and =a contest is imminent. The principal difference seems to lie between the two brothers. Fred. H. and Edward W. Remington, who are the executors of the will, It in said that the trouble grew out of the for- mer brother objecting to the latter being an executor. i ras Offer Withdrawn. ' Philadelphia, Ji 2.--Without a dimen O¥s srinoies" of the city council yesterday withdrew the ordinance autho ring the extension of the ® xd to the Un- ited Gas Impre efit company for seventy-five 'wears, lor which privilege the company was to pay $25,000. The Cash Rolls In. Peterhor . Ti t . Ee 2. ~The succession duti vived already by the pro- vincial govesnment, this year, amount to $385,000. Fhe estimates for the 3 were calculated on a basis of A larpe assortment of trunks, suit cases and valises at The Lockett shoe trunks at The Lotkett shoo store, : * Ladies' Lace Hose Bishop's (Los Angeles, Calif: Preserved Figs, per jar . Spiced Figs, per jer Guava Jelly, per pot ..... Importers of ©. 4 Tenders for Eles -- THE HARBOUR COMMI OF MONTREAL invite offers them four . VATORS for Canal Boais to construction, hour and how Fhe price to be for the elev. Uversd in the Harbour of Mon the offer to state when delivery © «Offers sealed and endorsed Grain Elevators,' Mdressed 10 dersigned, will be received up 'to Monday, 12th June, 1905, { Montreal Tat' June, 1805. "t. "MAPLE LEAF" | Deseronto" Man 'Fell Special to the Whig. Marie, Ont., . Sault Ste. Charles Bartlett, watchman on , fell ove Db. store. Rolls of butter, 18c, Crawford,

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