Daily British Whig (1850), 2 Jun 1905, p. 6

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Gas Com. Rio Janeiro into hands of a * g Ww in Inatler , ings. Vietoria Day, the Toronto earned $11,101.95, which was 's5,000 in excess of the tuking of Montreal Railway on the same day. coming crop of in C Er RR 2 a over from "J 2000.00 hounds. The total 1904 eron was unds, with a o pe Bs of hi vices fro a s P00 Sloctrit tomatic charging zation all the railways the United States is abouy $18,000, L000, and iii Ja ave 10 be In creased, the ournal. at the rate "Jot nea v 30 per cont for the next few Nears to keep vace with the railway pro- gress in Canada, The Cheese Markets. 'Montreal--Recoipts, 11,186 Loxes. ~ | Market , ranging from 4c. to Bic, cdr ce 1 Yor finest Ontarte make, and: Yfe to 9c. : v for Quebec. asrrenceville, SQue.~Qfferinas, 419 hoxes. t Dic. : Po depo 4,250 boxes. suits that is § No sales at 9 1-16¢. 4 3 k: rings, 4,200 hoxes. - We sell more pea cherie, refused ; Nhewise and there's a fc. ia on erings, 880.boxes. All sold for you met | ot 9 1-16¢. Liverpool--Finest white, new, 48s ; finest colored, new, easy, 19s, ---------- PERSONAL MENTION. Movements Of The People--What They Are Saying And Doing. Hon, F. R. Latchford is at the Brit. ish-American. : Dr. Coutlee, Sharbot Lake, was in town to-day. : Dr. C. H. Bird, Gananoque, was in the city last night, nw] Dr. 8. H, Simpson was in Toronto + flor a tow days this week, Several dents of Port th easy, ® | BY THE NEWS OF THE NAVAL DISASTER. Troops in Revolt, Reports Line- " viteh--Emperor is Said to Be Still ior War--Japanese Learn of Vietory. 4 Special to the Whig. St. Petersburg, June. 2.--Prince Obolonsky, who had an audience with his majesty, found him resolutely de- termined On the prosecution of the war. Various rumors as to the re- sults of the council are current, all ing, however, that a continuance of the war was the first yuestion taken up. The 'peace party offered a strong line of 'argument, which was supplemented, it is said, by a do- apaith Jom Lieut.-Gen. Linevitch, in whic! at commander expressed a fear as to the demoralizing effect of the naval disaster on the army, the news of which had already reached the troops from Vladivostok and was rapidly spreading. : : ugh the city is tranquil Gov.- Gen. Trepofi is continuing his precau- tionary measures. Two further Don Cossack regiments have arrived, and the police reserves are held on duty. Alarmist rumors are afloat as to disafieotion song he marines and sailors quartered here, and the work- men are again threatening a general strike. Persistent rumors are abroad to the effect that the protected cruiser Jemtchug has arrived at Vladivastok,. and private messages from that ves- sel are said to have been received hy he relatives of her officers here, but he admiralty as yet: does not include her-in the list of oa) vessels which es- Men Learn Of Comrades' Victory. Headquarters of Gen. Kuroki's Army in the Field, May 30th, via Fusan.-- A detailed report showing tho extent of the Japanese naval victory reach- ed the army to-day. The soldiers re- ceived the pews quietly. Gen. Kuroki's army has attained to a higher degree of efficiency than at any time since the war began. A Smart Trick. Nagasaki, June 2.--Russian torpedo boats from Vladivostok captured the are to be married in the month of June. W. J. Carmichael, architect, Mont- real, was in the city, to-day, on busi. ness, > EB. T. Corkill, B.Se¢., provincial in- spector of mines, is in the city for a few da; M. Be oven, Toronto, is spending his vacation with his aunt, Mrs. John Dwyer, Johnston street. : Miss Katie Brennan, after spending a few days here with her parents, has returned to Smith's Falls. Mr. B. Mendels, travelling salesman for the Canadian Jewelry Importing company of Montreal, is in the city. C, F, Stanley, wile and child, Mont- 'real, spent the day in the city. They are taking an automobile tour west. Miss Edith Green, of this city, re- "meer | Jgraduntal from the training _ {school of the Ottawa general hospital. Miss Nellie Cooper, Bay, ateeet, =r Wednesday for twa months' vacation with her sister, Mrs, J. W. O'Driscoll Ottawa. Archbishop Gauthier is in Trenton. Sunday he will conduct confirmation exercises in the Church of St. Peter- in-Chains. : Joseph Forsythe, Portsmouth, the plumber who suffered by suffocation gas : Feri £ sE7Ei0s HE E "il ae' = » MONTREAL STOCKS. liam Bennett and Thomas Reid, will on spend several days on. a canoeing and shooti trip up the Rideau. ) Rov, W. >" Jolliffe, B.C.L., Poter- baro, has been eleoted president of the Bay of Quinte Methodist conference meeting in Picton. He was formerly pastor at Gananoque. LA Miss Adelaide Lonergan was pianist for the advertisement carnival in the city hall. She has closed a successful season as pianist with Merritt & Pritchard Biograph company. Top Notch Novelties. : We just received this morning 'a large consignment of all the latest novelties in summer hats, from We. to $3. Campbell Bros., the style eon: tro for men's hats. 12}c. Pineapples And 15¢c. Large quantities of pineapples, 12§c. and "Fo. py and fme. Crowford. fe will have on Saturday a bargain table of old ladies' comfort leather iter, all sizes, 75c. a pair. The | tt shoe store. : If the earth were equally divided among its present inhabitants, each of us, man, woman and child, would of f get twenty-three and one-half acres. 8 Pineapples, cheap. Crawford, J Daishen, 700 tons, of Hokkaido and placed a prize crew of thirteen men on board, with orders to take the vessel - to port. By mis- take, the Russian' commander of the Daishen headed for Gensan (Korea), and met a Japanese transport. The latter, seeing the Russian flag flying from the Daishen, intended to recap- ture the vessel, when the Japanese captives aboard the steamer, on see ing their compatriots, attacked the prize crew, recaptured the vessel, and eventually took her to Gensan. The: Russian prize crew have been taken to asebo, Losses In Recent Battle. Tokio, June 2.--The necessity for secrecy no longer existing, the navy department = confims the loss of the Japanese battleship Yashima off Port Arthur, in May, 19M, and announces other naval losses heretofore with- held. The list is as follows: Battleship Yashima, sunk by a mine, May 15th, 1904, while engaged in blockading Port Arthur. Torpedo destroyer Akatsuki, sunk by a mine in the blockade of Port Ar- thur, The gunboat Oshima, sunk in col- lision, May 17th, 1904, while co-op- from gas, yesterday afternoon, was erating with the army off Liatung June ha able to retum to work to-day. . | peninsula, : LB Carl Gardiner, James Hutton, Wil-|" The torpedo destroyer Havatori, a8 sunk by a mine, September 3rd, 1904. while taking part in the blockade of Port Arthur, The gunboat Atago, struck a rock and sank, November ith, 1904, while taking part in the blockade of Port Arthur, The protected eruisor Tashika, sunk by a mine, September 3nd. 1904. while taking part in the blockade of Port Arthur, Losses In Ships. Tokio, June 2.--The Japanese losses in the recent battle of the Sea of Ja- pan were 113 officers and men killed and 424 officers.and men wounded. The losses were distributed as follows : Mikasa, 63; Adzuma, 39; Shikishima, 39: Asashi, 31; Fuji, 82 Tdzuma, 926; Nisshin, 27; Otowa, 20; Kasaga, 9 Tsushima, 19; Asama, 15;Nanuwa, 17; Tokiwu, 15; Yakumo, 11; Chitose, 6; Idzumi, 10; Kasuga, 9: Hashidate, 5; Niitaka, 4. The casualties on the des- troyers. and the torpedo "oats were eighty seven, The Jemtchug Sank. Tokio, June 2.--The reported sink- ing of the Russian' cruiser Jemtchug, in the rocent naval battle, has been confirmed. 3 Three Warships Sighted, Manila, June 2. Three warships were sighted at two o'clock, and three more at three o'clock, this al- ternoon, steaming slowly, and head- od for the Gulf of Lingay, -- To Discuss Situation. Washi , Jume 2. ~Count. Cassini, the Rtn than has made an ap- pointment with the president for 2% o'clock, is afternoon. It is under- stood the eastern situation dn the light of recent disasters will be dis: cussed, People Should Decide. St. Petersburg, June 2--The Russian press, to-day, is talking more vi ously than ever, as to the su of a national assembly. Even 'the ~ tion of peace or war. -- i Is In Seventh Place. Washing June 2.--Figures, pro- -- by bis navy department, show that, ol result of the battle just J , A , has dropped from third to seventh from goventh to sixth. The naval powers are now in this order : , Germany, United , Maly, Japan, Russia and Aus- £8 ob wia. {All Were Guessing. New York, June 2.--The Sut Wael» ington correspondent says Takahira, FA Japanese: minister, said yesterday, that all peace talk is mere guessing, and that Japan has not fixed upon any terms. ¥ ------ War Tidings. is confirmation from 'good sources that the Russian government suspects the temper of the troops in Manchuria and at home. M rumors in reference to the comll at Tsarskoe-Selo, are to. the effect that the council considered the possibility of the Japanese sending an Xhedition to the Baltic, The * J, navy, without loss, gained one of the greatest victories ever won. It was not altogether stra- tegy or altogether gallantry, but the , was" won by a. splendid com- bination of beth. ' Almost "every Japanese shell 'told. The Russians made unavailing efforts to break the ring of steel, and at night they concentrated a fearful fire on the Japanese torpedo flotillas. Togo estimates that he thus com. pelied them to wee an enormous quan- tity-of ammunition. Two features of the naval disaster have particularly wounded the pride of ssian naval officers, namely the slightoess of the Japanese losses and the surrendersof four battleships. The Russ thinks the offi sof i ships must have lost' control of- their men, who were demoralized by the lack of ammunition: The paper quotes from a letter sent from Madagascar, when the Russian fleet was there in which it said: "We have projectiles for only one battle and we are restricted even in gun practice." As the battleships remaining in the fight were still in squadfon formation when cut off, this increases the deep resentment felt at St. Petersburg at the surrender of the ships, the Novoe Vreiitya even declaring that the offi- cers ought to be court-martialed and shot down for hauling down their flags and turning over their ships to the Japanese, The paper cites arti- cles of the naval regulations forbid- ding a commander to surrender; ex- copt as a last emergency, after taking measures to destroy his ship. The saddest note for St. Petersburg was struck by the destruction of the battleship Alexander III., which was manned by sailors of the Guard, and officered "exclusively by men prominent in society and court. Her crew served during the winter time as a regiment of the Guard, of which the dowager empress was honorary commander. The facts have proved that the Rus- sians were completely ignorant of the exact whereabouts of the Japanese fleet, which lay concealed in places kept striotly secret. There was no fog, but the movements of the fleets hampered by grat waves, a------n pr ---- INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. -- were Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters On Their Rounds. Rolls of butter, 18¢, Crawford. Miss Ida Prevost is the guest of Mrs. W. H. Jessmore, Montreal. Dr. Dickson and Cyril Knight left today for Northern Ontario. on a prospecting tour. . Special bargaing in corsets, over fifty tyles to choose from. New York orm. During May there were registered in the city clerks office 38 births, 8 mar- riages and 27 deaths. The prospegts for a ball game be tween the Orientals and Lakeviews look to be very slight. Pineapples, cheap. Crawford. The Wolfe Island council is to meet on Monday * to consider the ferry steamer Wolfe Islander captain epi- sode. . A. Shaw, T. F. Harrison and W. H. Godwin, have gone to Ottawa, to at. tend the | Methodist conference meet- ings. John Davis, of the Davis Dry Dork company, was in Picton yesterday, adjusting the new machinery of steamer Varuna. Some splendid tan $1.25, $1.50 and the boots for boys, $2, at The Lockett shoe store. A telegram last evening from Lon- don, Ont., announced the serious ill- ness of Joseph Sissions. His mother, Mrs. John Sissions, and sister, Mrs, W. J. Paul, left for London, on the midnight train, At a meeting of the LO.F., last evening these delegates were elected to the high court meeting at Peterboro in August : R. W. Allen, Thomas Lam- bert, W. H. Godwin, C. H. Bramhall, George Wilkinson, John Comper, J. B. Ashe, We will have on Saturday a'bargain table of old ladies' comfort leather gaiters, all sizes, 75¢. a pair. The Lockett shoe store. GOT SIX MONTHS For His Attempt at Suicide in Toronto. Special to the Whis. : Ttomte, June 3. Hokute ingdon, who, representing himself as the son of Byron E. Walker, general manager of the Canadian Bank of Commiree, drove round town all day, the day 'before yesterday, and - then when called upon to pay, drove to Mr. Walker's house and took a dose of rough on rats in the parlor, was sentenced, by the police magistrate, to-day. to six months for attempted suicide. Hillingdon was formerly in the British navy under namo of Vinning, but was discharged. To Meet In Toronto. Special to the \ Owen Sound, Bt. June 2.--The grand Orange utled its wes- sion at four o'clock, this morning. Toronto was chosen as the next place of meeting, os S------------------ , JUNE 2. stone ; cat ; coal ; feather ; street railway bondholders had done ened yesterday and found empty, Dr. long, at Carnovsky's. NEWS OF THEWORLD. OCCURRENCES RECOUNTED IN BRIEF FORM. niin, , Despatches and Cullings Telling of Events Transpiring in All Parts of The Earth, ) It is said that Sir William Mulook will sail on 'the Oceanic for England on the 10th inst. There was an ea ake through- out Montenegro. Several houses fell and one person was killed and several injured. It will not be possible for Mr. Bor- den to attend the Macdonald decora- tion services at Cataraqui cemetery on Tuesday, - A government commission to inves tigate alleged violations of the alien labor aet is asked for by the Toronto Dittrict Trades council. The house in Verona of the Capu-, lets, where Juliet lived, has been of- fered for sale under a decree of the courts to satisfy the creditors. It is stated that Jacques Bureau's. amendment to the criminal code to make it clear that betting on a race track during a race meeting is not gambling has been dropped and will nor be passed this session. TO MAKE EXPLORATION -- Into Portions of New Ontario-- Men Engaged. Special to the Whig. Toronto, June 2.--The Bureau of Mines has made arrangements for car- rying on, during the present season, a sympathetic exploration of certain por- tions of New Ontario. Parties will be sent into the Michipicoten mining dis- triet, into the region of Lake Abitibi, into the district of Abitibi, into the istrict near Chapleau, on the Cana- dian Pacific railway, and into Loon e region, near the township of Mé- Gregor, East of Port Arthur. Prof, W. G. Miller, provincial geologist, will continue the examination of the rich silver cobalt area on the Temiskam- ing and New Ontario railway, and also will institute a thorongh enquiry into the clay and shale resources of the province being assisted in the latter work bv M, B. Baker, Queen's Univer- sity, Kingston; and FE. T., Corkill, .in- speotor of "mines. The bureau also made special provision for procuring particulars regarding the important developments now going on the pet- roleam and natural gas areas of south-western Ontario. -------- JUDGMENT RENDERED. The Nickles Win From K. & P. RR. Company. Nickle vs. 'Kingston & Pembroke R. W. Co.--Judgment (R) in action tried without a jury at Kingston, -Ae- tion to recover $1,010 lent by plaintiff to defendants, and interest thereon. Plaintiff, Mrs, Ellen Nickle, is the sis- ter of B. W. Folger, who was the sup- erintendent or manager of defendant company, and he procured the loan from plaintifi. The only security was a draft drawn on defendant company by Folger, and accepted by defendant, T. W. Nash, as secretary-treasurer of the company, and endorsed to plaintiff by Folger. Folger and Nash were made defendants to the action, and Folger allowed judgment to go by defaui Defendant company set up that the transaction was with Folger, and that they had repaid him all that he had advanced, eld, upon the evidence, that the money was lent to defendant and not to Folger. Judgment for plaintiff, against defendant company for 85,654.16, with costs. Action as against defendant Nash dismissed with costs, Popular Similes. As wet as a fish--as dry as a bone ; As live as a bird--as dead as a As plump as a partridge--as Foor as a rat; As strong as a hotse--as weak as a As hard as flint--as soft as a mole ; As white 'as a lily--as black as a As plain as a pikestafi--as rough - as a bear ; As tight as a air ; As heavy as lead--as light as a drum--as free as the As steady as time--uncertain as weather, Position Of Bondholders. When asked | this -afternoon if the anything since the tender box was op- Rogers said they had not. They had met with a disaster ae Rojestvensky had. They had made all possible re- quests to the city council, and until the aty did something, it was hardly likely the bondholders had any more suggestions to make or favors to ask. Ontario Diocese. wit, SKIRTS For dusty days and those outing trips that will soon be so popular, there is po skirt that wears as well, looks so well a5 a tailor. ed Walking Skirt. A shake or brush and they look as fresh as if just purchased. Ney. est styles, perfect fit and best workmanship give them an appearance that is appreciated and sought for by the most particular women, Walking Skirts : Made of Faocy Mixed Tweeds newest pleated effect, 475 5-50. Walking Skirts In a fine quality of Black and Navy Che- viot, the new pleated effect, with double stitching and six rows stitching round the bottom, at $5.50, 4.99, 399, 3.75. New Skirts In Black, Brown, Navy and Cream Mo. hair Lustre, all made in latest pleated effect, at $4 05, 3.50, 2.73, 2.50 and 2.23, in the at $3.75, 3-99, 4.50, i Japanese ilk Blouses Not the least important feature of our Mantle, Department is the Silk Blouse Sec- tion. Among the many styles shown waists made of Japanese Tafetta or Habutai "Silk have been to the forefront. They are servicea- ble and dressy and suitable for wearing on all occasions. Come in and see these Blouses themselves. They tell their own story. Japanese Silk Blouses In Black, Brown, Navy and White, with pleated front and lace trimmed and all made with latest sleeves, at $2.25, 2.75, 3:59; 3-75: 4-50. JOHN ADLAWSON) Rev. Stearne Tighe has resigned] the rectorship of All Saints', Kingston, and in all probability the parish will be merged with St. Luke's. Rev. R. S. Forneri, rector of the latter church, has 'ome an annuitant, from seniority, of the Clergy Trust Fund, guaranteeing him $400 for life in addition to parochial stipend, ------ A Grand Passage. The Allan steamshi Victorian, one of the new ships with turbine ma- chinery," pussod Cape Race on Wed- nesday afternoon, due for 'arrival at Montreal on Saturday. This is a re- markably quick passage. She left Livarpaol on Thursday, Shih, Moville, - Buy Bananas On Saturday. Two dozen for a quarter all day Rioting Resumed. Lodz, Russian 'Poland, June 2. There was a' venewal of rioting here this morning. A crowd of people ston- ed a detachment of Cossacks, and the latter fired, killing two and _wound- a yn place in naval powers and Japan has v for pines, LOO to choose from at, Carnovsky's, "on the corner,' i t TRuations. Preserving 8 . ussian railvays are the most dan- Now ia the hest and cheapest, time' gerons in the world. Thirty persons in every million passengers are cither killed or hurt. oe ------------ Natives of the Andaman Islands, the smallest people in the world, average three feet eleven inches in height, and under seventy pounds in weight. There aro' nine crematoriums in Great Britain, and i Trunks at present, is the largest and most complete assort- ment we have ever shown in Kingston. desiring a Trunk can see twenty different styles at Prices. ranging from $2 to $20, and as we have in stock four different sizes in each trunk we think we can suit everybody. Especially Trunks Our TRUNK STOCK, Any person n> > low prices this mos S A Call for Inspection Solicited. THE LOCKETT SHOE STORE EE YEAR 72. NO. 1 S-- Special Sale s IN 3 Dressers an Wash: Stand ain Solid mahogany Dresser and Sta regular price $65, now $50, la peir mirrors. Solid Mahogany Dressers, $15, for § Brass and Iron Bed to Match from to $2.50 Solid arter-cyt Oak Dresser lid Su from $40 to $25, polish ish, Robt. J. Rei 222 Princess 5t., Next to Opera Hot Telephone 577. WANTED. serra ---- TWO EXPERIENCED SALES-LADI Apply to Steacy & Steacy. YOUNG GIRL, TO ASSIST io vn ots Apply, 18% Earl St A YOUNG LADY TO PLAY PIA Apply, H. Jervis, 220 Princess S A COOK. APPLY, IN THE LV ing to Mrs. Howard 8S. Folger, West St. . $13,000 ON $30,000 SECURITY, R} Estate, 5 or 10 years. Apply tc A. Gardiner, 151 Wellington St. AN EXPERIENCED GENERAL S vant ; no washing or ironing i fa) of four. Apply 817 Univer Avenue. FINED YOUNG LADY TO a . mn country, for July and Aug to nurse invalid gentleman and v herself generally useful. Apply, S.T.; Whig office, ENERGETIC WORKERS where to distribute circulars, sam and _adyertising matter. Good No canvassing. Cooperative Ac tising Co,, New York. EVE STENOGRAPHERS CAN OF extra money during spare (limited number only Fone addressed stamped envelope for Pilet Ribbon Co., Rochesier, N GENTLEMEN, TO GET TH Spring Suits made up at Gallow: 5 oo street, Fare to Bil i 3 and. price guaras {ai aie. ok a and repairing promptly. BIG WAGES FOR AGENTS. and women make handsome w selling our household special Every family needs them thorougifly legitimate business you can start in without a ce: capital. G, Marshall & Co., Lor Ont. eet --------------------. MEN AND BOYS, TO LEARN PLL ing trade. We cannot supply der for graduates. $4.50 to $5 per Fight weeks completes course. while learning. Address, for ( logue, Coyne Bros.. Co., Plum Schools, Cincinnati, 0O., St. L Mo. Employment guaranteed money refunded. TO-LET. THE DESIRABLE RESIDENCE Barrie St., opposite City Park. ply to Miss Flanagan, 82 Barrie STORAGE, A ROOM IN THE STE building, clean, dry, rat and roof. Apply at McCann's, Brock St. FROM JUNE, FOR TH months or longer. Furnished b eleven rooms ; modern convenie central location. Apply by lette P.O. Box 82, Kingston. COMFORTABLE BRICK a ouse, partly furnished, 4 on shore of Bay of Quinte, 24 west of Collins cocommodation. ingston and . Al Cottage. Address, H, C. Collins Ray Ont. Rot THAT DESIRABLE PROPERTY the Corner of Queen and O Streets, lately occupied by Mr erson as a grocery with large and outbuildings. Offers, wil Seived for urchase. Apply Walkem & Walkem, solicitors, ston. a -------- FOR SALE. ING LOT, SOUTH Goop Da between Montreal t. Apply 49 Colborne st MODEL NO. 44 MAS $47. Comfort Tires, $2 each Rear Wheel, with new Morrow | four dollars. Bicycle Munson, 0. ROUGH CAST HOUSE Brock St. heing No. 161 ad br. B. Ryan's residence. Tend ceived hy Kirkpatrick, Roy Nickle, up to 6th June. BAILING YACHT "GEISHA" foot ae' in good condition fila. A rain at $850---cash rther particulars apply. ' Almon, Bank of Montreal. Kir BEST LOCATED BOAT-YARD Livery, in the éty, doing a ing business, with plenty of ahead. Boat houses and s) occupied ; also about 20 skiffs, f in price," from $25 to $75. Ten and three 14 ft. Dingies. 3 { stall * Gasoline Launch, fast also sell one * of my sailing Winnona or Verona. Reason f¢ ine business : have not the attend to it. Apply to D. Black, City. . INFORMATION WANTE GEO FROST, HASTINGS Would like to learn of his ! John Frost, whose adid:es Years ago was Kingston, On information will be greatly . ated. EE ------ LOST. A GREAT DANE noc color, from R26 Princess Sire person harboring sane . aft notice will be prosecuted. - SAILING BOAT FOR SA A' FINE LARGE SAIL BOAT 0. quire o & Co, toot of West St. Rolls of Lutter, 18e, Crawtor

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