SECOND SECTION. THE DAILY BRITISH YEAR 72. KINGSTON, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, JUNE 3, 1905, fs Your sd Clr? DRIVEN 10 DEATH] mms |ANTENUPTIAL FETE of your Liver and yoy need a -- corrective. You will be sur- | WOMEN RESPONSIBLE FOR rised to see how quickly your . es will clear and how much MAN'S DOWNFALL. better you can work after taking P---- Handsomest Man in the World 3 9 ° Beecham S Houpded to Death by Infatu- utif ated Women--Forced to Fly eo ! From Their Advances. Pi S Boston, June 3.--Vietor Mazzoleni, the handsomest man in the world, lov Bs - Sold Everywhere. Inboxes25cents. |ed by over 1,000 women, killed him- an e ud ee | self because his beauty led to ruin. S The man over whom women of three uther an continents raved, the , man who fled from Clicago ten years ago'because a . heautiful and wealthy woman--a mar: ist r 2 + |ried woman, sought him, and would - have abandoned all for him, killed himself in the hall bedroom of a Boss x ancy of decorations. ton' boarding house, cursing his beau- Hair Grower on' boarding hou ursing his beau Groat silken flags, with red and ty. : A ? \ W THIS HAIR | The fatal curse of beauty led the ---- Th a 8 . - black streamers, pennants of silver GRE man to flee from Italy, abandoning and gold and. festoons of cedar, choke -- his post as an officer in the imperial | Captain Richmond Pearson Hob son and his bride, Miss G. m, | 'he air, resolving the sunshine into army. It drove him from Lendon, | Hull, whose wedding took place this week at the home of the bride's partial night. The decorations hang OF GERMAN CROWN PRINCE MOVES ON A PACE. Bride-to-Be Has Arnived in Berlin --100 Young Women of Lead- ing Families Give Her Flowers. Special to tho Whig. Hertin, June 3.~The erown priney's antonuptial fetes whirl along with'be- wilderingt impetuosity. They have converted Berlin into a city diffused with rainbows. Pieturcs of the crown prince and his future consort gleam from almost every wall and window, The patriotic Germans are making bedlam of the streets, and visitors agree that never before have they seen such extraordinary wealth and brillis cffervescent know 135 skery pmo nes Re io : here he was amassing a fortune, it | parents at Tuxedo Park, N.¥. thick in every thoroughfare and drape Ak dll able fabrics rato Lo eh Tr Tre, ortamey ; overy public square. aspeen na for Suggmer cago, and finally, broken bv theoursé.{ TTT eT mr ------ To-day's link in the chain of regal of wate r in The in gs embled for our i . he settled in Boston and became the | © love them. of that quarter adored hiny, but he festivities was the erival in the ap y 1nspectiop, head waiter in an hotel. It was in London that he found the | had nothing to do with them fal, of hy Fido be . Plena tH fe . Even in that position women, view- | ideal--the one woman in the world] io sought employment and found it | uChss Leerlie ol Meckienhurg-Sehwer: 10N a few of the lines : ing 'his majestic beauty, which artists | Vom he met and failed to win. as head waiter at the fashionable |™ Tho crown prince, with a er as well as women raved about, sought The irony of his life was climaxed | Hotel Somerset. Tho position there | O08 Suite. met the due te, WHO Wh black, brown, white, gre him out, and, throwing modesty to the theré. The man whom 'a thousand wo- {became impossible, Rich women of SRompapie by het mother and a 5¢. 3oc, Ys navy winds, begged for a smile of him. men loved could not win the love-for J the Back Bay district. heircsses, « so- Bulag wr a > tendants, veceivad atithe w- rr ------------------------ ' » 49C., 69c., 75¢. ard Women in China, in Japan, in Afri the one woman he desired. She was jeiety women, actresses sought him Br hy a ea a. th oh iet bu o- ca, in. India, in Paris, in Rome and in kind to him. When she dismissed him with the same fervor that the ltalian Fancon uly Late by tis io > master and the - city fathers, nd 100 young. women of leading Poe To who presented flowers to their future empress. The girls were dressed alike in Gretchen costume, with their hair Vienna adored the man, and they--and she gave him her photograph, and belles of the north end showed: He their husbands and sweethearts--made | When he shot himself in in a | resigned and became steward at the him an Ishnmel in part, for though Boston boarding house a few days ago | University Club, seeing only men, and his hend was raised against none all that photograph was clutched to his Jior a time had peace tres in a large variety of pat- ings, at 39c., 49¢., 69c., 75¢, men's hands were raised against him. heart, But his beauty could not be hidden in braids down the back. 1 And despite his great beauty, des- The last letter he wrote was a re- [nor his gallantry suppressed. What Behind the crown prince and his white, black, grey cham pite the adoration of women, he re- | Quest that her photograph be buried ever a woman asked except love he bride rode deputations representing all pagne » with him, gave. He spent his carnings for flow i 1 )C., 75¢. and C. mained heart "free, holding women at " Li tl dh \ Ne | trades and occupations. There was ood § ' 99 bay by 'his coldness; "although alwavs Re oy ho letter for Jy woman fun Cl i wguen to whom he re- ges a mumerous military escort, "eon- bi > FT 3 courteous and gentle. He died longing | ® hen he sent himself on the last jour. | fused love. ) sisting of picked men from all of the L k f Proof. : newest shades, at 75c., 99c. for the love of one woman whom he |P¢Y, but left a note to two of his The n i og head waiter at the crack regiments' quarters in the cap- . 00 or . never found during a life in which | men friends who knew the pitifulriess Berkeley. here an actress came into a---- Jo-------- ¢ hin Rt 2 Yio 2 3 4 ital and its vicinity, ge in the latest colorings, at beauty, wealth, and' cleverness bowed | of his life, and asked them to tell [bis life=a beautitul and talented wo- | op WU UR VISES qin at this hia : Pr--1 one know who she is. |man, who loved him wildly and re wing 79 15¢. VICTORTA SUTHERLAND. © him and pleaded for a kiss. Be gis To Tos ro Sow oH ae Fi fused to be refused. Gently ho (ve | ¥2* tr bo the. only Aponte la Pred : é ap = : rs ; Beautiful as a Greek god, amiable as i ot Were as Bothing lo [| fod ePeand: sent her gifts of Cow. § ture of the wedding festivities which Every genuine Fit-Reform Suit ack, c a vislady joitut one among je thous nds whe | the softest hearted of his countrymen, | MM: 2 : He did. not love her. bat Tie } eveyone would be, permitted to see ig » Cream, navy and brown, I Grower and | Viotor Mazzoleni, who might have been Mazzoleni was Practically driven 1d Larter I be ade the turned out in enormous numbers. I'he and Overcoat bears the Fit- < fact that she is one of the Sutherland the hero of a thousand romances. died | from London, by the curse of his fa- 1 could matiburt her, anil he made cavalcade moved through Unter den o label ? rien 1 he manera ) , - ] : Reform i the oe munser de by his own hand and turned the ro nm a rn ---- - Lindon. from the Brandetbyrg Gate to . ees e-- 10 the public, cannot fail to Invite the attention of | mance into tragedy. ' he Bellevue Palace. we route was all whoare interested in the culture and preservation Te was a , prince among men--but bus Hux veuasien of 3 Juile long and The 7 Sutherland S s have devoted many | men refused him; and a god among as a rol « » | Jeato that impert the structure ci the | women, whose homage he refused to wat filled with Sho crowds, Windows It is your guarantee of perfect air ; the cause of its id means by which it | oon, and oven: single nea commande ' ' : a 3 acoopt Jungle sf may be preserved d in all its original ! : : : os. while ' n satisfaction----your protection against ° elegance. The 7 Su nd Srsters rin Tot hors arid His hair was 'white--white from Inbulows prices; while Nousdiops: re P 1 § y a P g consulted without ¢ Py = magnificence of 2 . 3 8 and othe in of var b Were | : the own Ra 1s Uh fist snd unstionable proof of | (110% TRO SWI 8 Sates acoupied by pervons desirous of sewing aulty fabrics and tailoring. e merits of the pre ma fact ire an SS 8 S ° Pe O the procesgion. sive. The ed a Silk Season and as a use, the 7 Suther it Grower and | a god--strong, tender, expre Scalp Cleaner. For g 8 ] 3 YAR ~ a Sutherland Sisters | oven were, the ead on The Duchess Cocilie, riding in a mp 4 : A is of HAT COWES eves were the most beautiful of all, state carriage drawn by eight snow- 1 « Caps Reform accordingly. You will find per bottles six Jo for $5. 3 The. filled with charm that none could re- white ponies, with ati Ih royal Always k for the Fit eform CLEANER should always be used in ion | sist--except men. His teeth were white with the Hair Grower. For shampooing it has no 3 livery, wa grec ted all along the F and perfect, his complexion superb, route with hearty ovations, which she label in every garment you buy. acknowledged by graciously bowing to right and left all slonip the way. No lest enthusiastic was the reception ac . . corded the crown prince. Make your Suit and Overcoat prove its Large numbers of mounted and un : : + : mounted police and troops drawn from identity by showing the Fit-Reform label. every part of the empire pitted their ' strength against the masses of specta- The United States battleship Missouri, which recently won the | tors who struggled for positions in ths ual. Pri en ment a large assortment of ul, Price ces, and his form that of Apollo. f nt he was a spendthrift. Money he nl fanc atter 3 lavished upon others; and sometimes y P ns and plain upon himself. No beggar asked that Sole Maaufacturers and DISIETS, did not receive; no friend strove to horrow in vain. He spent. money with CANADIAN OFFICE : lavish prodigality, entertaining sump in all the wanted shades, at COLBORNE STREET, |!uously nd 49cC. TORONTO 2 to_dine Mazzoleni was born beautiful. In and as often as he found one with him. wh 1 lett f inquiry and orders can bh : i West Indies to .the North At- streets, There was little or no disor: a re St, in ne ¢ Se or ee | Lombardy, in Italy, it is said he was | ocean race of battleships from the der, however, and it was ovident that This tradetnark iden. issortment of shades. land Sisters (groap) must be « box the most beautiful child that ever was | lantic. the people have entered imto the eeles if : i J. H. BAILEY, Foreion Manager. carried to the sacred font for baptism ---- ot Ee Ee bration of the happy national event Fit-Reform lack and white t d Recommended and Sold by He was of a moble house and his fa misls of forgetting that he was thn | With intense enthusiasm, Singing so. ment, y at 75¢. an Geo. W. Mahood, druggist, corner of | {her was wealthy. Before he was fif- | tal beauty Re was an extravagant f HEE W ot the count that | cieties, workmen's soe ietion ant}: Cthes Bagot apd Princess streets. teen his career of conquest hegan, and | entertainer there, striving to return Bd en en os Hoe to Ar yrganizations, "with bands of music, when he was in school the olive check- | the favors of Choos > Woplthy a noble 4 hotel proprietors resented his | marched past the Bellevue Palace in 1 \ hte i ve ¢ » rsons o, because of his beauty, \ the flernog id carly evening in lack - ed daughters of his native land adored | persons wi ! ) a forgetiul ant he lost his position ie afternoon and ening and white, at 75c. and him and sighed for his favors. invited him to their houses. The opon | IRC CEL ofp g bey" gop No «per. | honor of the bridal couple. The crown ll Then his father sent him as agent | and flagrant attentions of a noble - i eve ORR 4 PV : vas | prince and hig: future wife, with the . to Tous A rey and his beauty be woman to the wonderfully brndgorie on hit Hy: 2F Loi Na emperor and empress and other mem- E. P. Jenkins, - Kingston. : i ¢ attention, ) to PPIRQIY A A p > ek ily i ks and stripes and plaids, i ina go a i Sows In Jadia wives of Halil stivactod 74 orevent a rave of Mr. and Mrs. George Killam, 1479 be rs of The imperial family avd Se English officers, and the women of na- | 58% 1 ame 2 g " Washington street, who loved th inguished guests, sho mselvel lors, at 69c » 75¢. and 9oc., tive princes fell in love with him, and sandal be loft. London and came to handsome, gentle Italian, as + father I the balcony and were loudly ac ed al his beauty. In China, i e States . I claimed. black and hi rave] about his be aly n China, Jn It was in 1596 that Mazzoleni ap- | antl moth ; } a will a great daitiwn from now n white, at 75¢. and Japan, in Africa, in Vienna, in Berlin Phil ) 1 : Ihe operation was only "partly suc L womankind proved the same. They peared in Chicago. He ha gd cessful. During bis sickness his room | until the wedding day, though the gen- ate ln ; ' more than $50,000---with him, but it Bn Ath 4 ; v , | eral public will not be permitted to : SW ihe by ou of fu 30 form sod was not his money that attracted at- | Was-filled ih ture Bowers hare in much of the En Ex- I the water used 10 raring of the. young e a : vi hob s admires, , peat ? ale bast vanted shades. ater him ' - tention His remarkable beauty, kis a te co them, or to be disgust cept for the numerous court oquip- in impure, 4 8 | There were storie " ip, angry distinguished carriage, his brilliant, od with them. He > wrote a lk ne let | ages and uniforms which will be keen of equipment, skilland conversational powers, his easy grace men--although it is declared Victor . i ter the weal and a short reply [10 the treots and the princes going other ingredients cans 3 at entertaining, attracted attention wd coming from every hotel, there duce ° never encouraged any of the women | TT Fe an ) ; 1 wil nen oF arg ting he for the ah not produce 'a pus, Mme a en] tn is mime | Women swarmed around | him: They | 01 100 Jaialeni fated up 0! [lic to see, as the festivities will be health-giving beverage. ee Line i I oo ra N lon po ag begeed his favors, pleaded for a | written to hi by hundreds of wo | private, and only members of royal The water used in Carling's : ing determined to love no wo e : . itten ! wh y ? SY og : Sa Vi: Wea) simile; showered gifts wpon him He | Ho i stroyed them hy fire for families, ambassadors, officials, and a brews is taken from Carling's ' i entio o the ' is : . . sther impo: py rh i Perrin" Black Suede | | "Hl. Tura Lombaniy, anit vi | pat otimtion to the, but bor four te ome might bon on fon, ule moranty Jena, i private springs. at a depth of Gloves have all the falar fearing the fintion of women ei es TIT er. ieauss ial -- woman's reputation migh breil Sr Boni wl ol wok fc ie one thousand fect, and pever wouk rum Ws andsome » u Jd, turned away. The man spent He sadly to Mrs. Killam, | there will bo a special service at the tested less than gg.08 degrees pure him to London to take char IDLAW SON "Perrin" perfection of op thousands in entertaining men and nat f the story of his | new cathedral, and a dinner, at which by Government Analysts. ¢ : : mmense silk establishment th : y fot a tellir ay of Lhe o obo: 0 % "a fit and finish, while the Hy ion proved the same as the ttle on wollen, hr tv Shun life, and he wrote . ghort request to dhe Hobe olen - prog rid Carling's plant is eqtipped with : . them, for he emory o p ides thiu ol o kid used is of remark- Indians, the Japané¥s, antt Chinese id tnd Lor hadk ypon" him uy Mithila. It was | Princon of whom ther. are' nearly every modern facility. for producing He was invited evervwhere, he" was was fresh in his mind. | birthday. He sat a | three score, will be present. king at the portrait of pure, wholesome dle, Sold everywhere by.all enterprising denies able softness and per- Yet the women, swarmed after him, hE rauty, or rank. . 5, fect dy a, meh of wealth, of x py i ah one | He wae a well known figure around | {he th wad first girl, and then, | gust What Everyome Should Do, sought after day .and night by wo : the hotels and theatres, and the men lver from his trupk, he TN Becks CE . Ask your dealer for season, Refosing scores ot Hivitations who hated him because the women he mirror, gazed for the wae paren, of lewinyille. Gi. ak Perrin Black : Be fo 1 wo BC on 2 Hing, ine loved him helped spend his money. n his beautiful face, ani {voli cholera and artis roid at, Suede (loves he went, and everywhere wom we In' less than a vear he was "broke." | joetroved his fatal beauty hy firing a | 00s 0008 0 Ct A hy & 3 his favors and pleaded with Mazzoleni said then that the day he | bullet to his Brain. hard read ¥ or instant use, Attacks of art i Tl cnt" ape of" ae a sie, Sales give, il imhcty : happiest of his life. He believed then . ) ) a are is no JOHN LAIDLAW & SUN., pt ith money gone, women would Periect Soda Water. time fo hunt a doctor or go to. the . aa Solo Agent for ~ - a yi Quietly and Ours is perfect "because we manufac: store for medicine. Mr. Barber says : Perrin Gloves. without sense of shame he sought a | ture it th sorupuloud care. Every-|"l have tried Chamberlain's colic, . Be ------- position and « was appointed head | thing we is pure and fresh. Our | cholera and diarrhoea remedy which -- v waiter in the dining-room of a hotel, sods water is as cold as ice can make is one of the best medicines: 1 ever 2 where he had entertained lavishly. | it. We use nothing but pure fruit juic- | saw. 1 keep a bottle of it in my room When Y Think of Yo B i i I iny Babies The men sneered openly and - were | es. cream and large, thin| ad I have had several attacks of colic uggies 3 uggies glad, rejoicing over his supposed | glasses. Wade's Drug Store. and it had proved to be the best grow into big, rosy, sturdy downfall, but as head waiter © his medicine 1 ever used." Sold by all Any person who intends getting a new 1& Food. charms appeared to have more pow A new church edifice was built late | druggists. and what it will best to do with them al Top Buggy or Runabout this season children on Nestlé's er. He saw more women, and to soo | jy for the Congregational church al . about Church's i should d8 so this week, so as to have If agrees with baby's deli- women was to make a conrpuest with | foi In, South ( hinese mission, cost Needs Bread The Worst Way. pr a n fine new turnout for the 24th, of May. cate stomach -- nourishes him ing $6,000. There wero bet ween 100 Fessenden Advertiser. We have full Ni t McLaughlin baby's fragile system--pro- Perhaps Mazzoleni felt the sneers of | gnd 500 baptisms in that field in the | Ig iy reported that one of Harvey's Buggies, Ru ao - Se ol Wag- tects baby against colic and the men. At any rate he seemed af- | last year. fastidious newly married ladies knoads ons Fa nabauts, Mrreys an ingle cholera infantum --and ter that to cease to resist the women . . bread with her gloves on. The incident os ro a large asortment of sin 3 h and to take pride in his conrpuesta: {may he somewhat > peculiar, but there ap i vou. don't bout' it - and the rtistic. off ublé Harness, which we will sell brings baby safely throug He never spoke' of them, but when are others. you don't know about it, a a c effects ab very close figures the dreaded "second sum- women invithd him to their homes he mer," went, sometimes. He was the guest at a fashionable Michigan avenue ' house one hight, where four society Come and ses if we have not got the | eh is hostesses and all largest and best assortment of Buggies | oenl: co ad their love for him. and Harpess in the city: Servants to » 'master of the -- i i house. The women, fearing a sean: is 2 perked) Sobstirute Bor | were Dank stricken and for thir || regular medicine. A strong * mo! . saket Marzzoleni quietly resignad is i- Hay & Wilson. Write fora FREE SAM- { | position and dissppesred arom. fy NY ad a ol Is. | cago. leaving a score of aching hearts. . MASEEY-IARRIS AGENTS, PLE--enough for 8 mea A aptered in Boston, settling in| hard colds, severe coughs, pecially low pris 8 this month 132 CLARENCE STREET. THE LEEMING, MILES CO., Limes, the Italian quarter in the old north H oroup, the grip, bronchitis, Carter's Littlo. Liver Pilla will eure ™ MONTREAL. end in North Square, under the sha neu i 0. vou. Dose ittle 'pill. 8 ta A man seldom loses his = confidence dow of the Hotel Taly.: The 'women | vou. Dose one little pill. Small price, : IT SHOE £ STIEE, mE el ia i can get with it, at less cost than with wall-paper, paint kalsomine, write us for booklet *' The Alabasti Deca Aid," sent free, Remember, too, that ALABASTINE will' ot antioy § rubbing and scaliug off, which is characteristic of all mine preparations, Sm ALABASTINE is bandy to get, as it is for sale by hardware and pdint dealers everywher ALABASTINE is mixed with Cob WaTeRr, and IMMEDIATELY, ALABASTINE is easily applied. ¢ no one cau rub it off. (All communica "The editor of this paper needs bread with his shoes on, he needs bread with his shirt on, and he needs bread with his pants on, and unless some of the delinquent subscribers of this old 'rag of Freedom' pay up before long, he will need bread without a - thing on, and North Dakota i» no garden of Eden in the winter time." Do not suffer from sick headache a moment longer. Jt' id not necessary