Daily British Whig (1850), 5 Jun 1905, p. 4

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| This Week Furniture Thess are a few specials we ing out. » 3 iz Yours, {JAMES The Leading Undertaker, ! you're stock up to ey, don't ine Jo to ality, as well as t means you use im--for your pock: e. | Felt Weak and Nervous. "Had Faint and Dizzy a Spells. | MILBURN'S HEART AND NERVE PILLS '| Will be found an effectual remedy, | 'Through system, a strengthening and restorative influence to every organ and tissue of the body. hausted, or overworked men snd women to perfect constitutional power. » Miss Maggie L. Cleveland, Bayswater, N.S., tells how she was cured in the words :--~ "I was sick for the past yeer, and be thoroughly down, I hed faint tnd ay NI and nervous time. I tried numerous - remedies, but no help. I then read in the pe pane be 'and Nerve! and got a box of them, Before I had' used one-half the box I began to better, so got another one, and by the time the two were finished I was as well as ever." Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills, 80 cents per box, or 8 for $1.95. All dealers, or T. Musuan Co., Lnvaran, an one. LOOK Crush Fruit Sundae and Soda only Be. if you want Pure Jce Cream--the best in the city. All kinds of Fruits, Choice Candy from "100, to 50c. Ib, The best boxes of tes--Low- " Chocola ney's and Ganong's, from 10c. to 95¢. per box, CALL oN T. Petters & Co. '*ineess Street, City. Try Myers' for Fine COOKED MEATS. Fos MISS BLYTH WAT) AR Dining-room | ~Bolid Oak Polished Sideboards. © =Solid Oak Polished Extension | =Bolid- Oak Polished Dining are clos- REID, J second vice-presidents ® enfeebled, enervated, ex- | Then they adjourned ELL pa Bl RE : not forthcoming _ "Opifer per Orbem Dicor." Crisis Not Over, ' The Frick committee, which investi- surance company on behalf of the dir- ectord, appears to have done its work ed last week a candid criticismi was expected. But there was more than that, The committee, like the. skilled physician who finds disease in a mal- Jignant form amd presumes to remove it, made a sharp attack on the man- agement of the Equitable and de (| manded its reform. Just what thy report contained may never be known in detail. Tt was a confidential document, printed it is true and. circulated among the direc: tors, but when the meeting adjourned and handed it in, and upon the Tips of each was placed the seal of secrecy, In spite of these precautionary measures, however, it has leaked out that the management was severely condemned. It was held that the officers were lax or loose in methods, that they were extravagant, that they had unduly increased their salaries, that there was waste in every branch and depart- ment, that the president, the first and should resign, and that with the selection of new officers there should be a-complete re- organization of the society and its business, - High words passed at the meeting, medium' of the nervous | and according to the New York Her- ald, some mien glared at each other, and others, in the heat of debate, shook their clinched hands menacingly, until Friday, then the Frick report was rejected. But it had Jeft its impressions. Though Mr. Frick 'left the board in disgust, and the officers screened them- selves for the time being behind their friends, there began a new epoch in the life of the society. A chairman is to be selected--with powers exceeding those of the president--and a new exe- cutive committee, and they will Hegin the reforms which the scandals and quarrels of the Alexander-Hyde party have shown the need of. The crisis is not over vet. It will only have passed when there is a com- plete sweeping away of all old offend- ers when the trusts which have fatten- ed upon the Equitable's patronage have been cast off when the moneys of the company have been withdrawn from every scheme of a speculative character, and the policy-holders and they only, get the benefit of all the earnings of the prisoners. Noisy Tatk Of Office. A discordant vote was heard in the commons! on the question of appoint ments, A conservative member, in the innocence of his heart, complained that there . was some discrimination with regard 18 the employment of men on a certaip public work. The finance minister acknowledged that when a conservative and a liberal applied for employment, and they were equally qualified, he had no hesitation in giving 'preference to the liberal. George Taylor, of Gananoque--the whip, and a sort of pet lamb with his Party--was simply horrified. "It is not business," he gasped. Dr. Barr was afraid that the finance minister was laying down a dangerqus doctrine, "to the victors belong the spdils."" He was reminded of what Mr. Whitney has been doing in Ontario. Dr. Barr assured the house that Mr, Whitney dismissed no one without » cause, Mr. Campbell, speaking perhaps un- der inspiration, replied that the lib- eral government at Ottawa had shown the greatest forbearance with the partizan officials whom a conserva- tive government had appointed. The Whitney government had not been so considerate, '"The liberals," said he, 'are not squealing about this. If Hon. Mr, Whitney wanted to do business 'this way he would have to take the consequences." It is significent to note that a cor- respondent of the Toronto News, sign- ing himself "One of the Mob," has re- iterated the suggestion that the con- servative office seekers should hush their cl for favours. He isnot willing to admit that the News did so very much, nor the independent - re the late election. The men who defeat ed the | "the vol hungry office-seekers,"" and * are going to have the legi- timate fruits of their labours." And this' boisterous person offered, The threat is this: "We, (the mob Lula _ | hypocritical plaints of grit partisans, te - by 4 i: itive att ces of] s | newspaper: editors. We ask only = for py sehing legitimate recognition, and that THE DAILY WHIG. gated the affairs of the Equitable As too well. When its feport was present. each man wrote his name on his copy' formers nor the temperance voters in | Ross government were the in.conclusion, a threat which comes | inopportunely for the party at Ottawa. aforesaid) will not be silenced by the extent. the. present administration will | thrive on opposition support four years from date;" Perhaps after that 'the government--referred to in one place in the article somewhat irrever: ently as "the swelled heads," will hesitate 'no longer about reforming the civil serviee in Ontario. But Mr. Campbell says, "Beware." . -------- There will be no more $100,000 balls, at the expense of the Equitable Life Assurance. Soviety. That point has been settled, 'The Frick committee has been heard from in the Equitahle's case: Now watch for the report of the state in- surance commissioner. The Hyde party cannot smother it. A township jn New Ontario has been named Camey, after the man from Manitoulin, Eater on some one will be moving that 'the name be erased from the map. ** A Hamilton ficense commissioner ap- peared at the laymen's meeting (Meth- odist conference), and suggested that it endorse the Hanna plan of cam- paign. The request was emphatically refused, ---- 8 The Ottawa police magistrate -has decided that vitualling houses, licens: ed as such, can sell ice-cream. soda, fruit and ecamdy on Sunday. Mr. O'Keefe is not the first to see the weakness of the law in this respect. A great steel industry is about to be started with American capital at Sandwich, Ont. The Detroit News says that, - despite the flurry over alien. labour, the-bulk of the employees will be drawn from the American side. Will they ? That remains to be seen, The great objection to Hon. Frank Cochrane is = that he is a mine and timber owner, and cannot do any- thing without seeming to aot in his own behall, Had Gamey betn chosen for the office he could have said that he owned nothing, not even a good name, As predicted, the Manitoba registra- tion of votes was a great failure. Hundreds of electors did not get their names on the list. "The general op- inion of non-partizans,'"' says a tele- gram to the Toronto News, "is that the general elections cannot fairly be held on the lists for which this regis- tration took place." Mr. Greenway had reason in his complaint, there fore, to the House of Commons, ------------------ SPIRIT OF THE PRESS. ' Matter Of Taste. Montreal Herald. English papers spell the name of the Russian admiral Rozhdestvensky. Others spell it Dinnis. Money Tallds. Montreal Herald. . . New York man who has just given $30,000 for his old love-letters, must rather fancy himself as a writer. Sure Of That ? Ottawa Free Press. Frank Cochrane is included among the cabinet timber. As a lumberman he has now doubtless reached . his limit. A Discovery. Toronto Star. It seems that some misguided (fe- males are using jibbahs. Although it sounds like a mixed drink it is merely a bodice without a waist. Surely The Same. . Detroit News. The Russian officer who saw two Jap battleships sink was probably the same man who was first to dis- cover the torpedo boats among the trawlef's. $200,000 FOR A DIVORCE. Inherits Property by An Ingeni- ous Method. Geneva, June 5.--As the sequel toa curious romanee, two lovers are now impatiently awaiting at Constance the lady's divorce from her husband. " Some eighteen months ago an Ita- lian trader in rubber named Gurati died in Mexico, leaving a fortune of £160,000 to his daughter, on condi-' tion that she married an Italian liv- ing at Milan. But the girl had al- ready plighted her troth to a Swiss named Jossi, and hit on the following way of extricating herself from an embarrassing position. AF Approaching her Milanese suitor, she offered him £40,000 if he would bid himself to divorce ber at the earliest opportunity after cir mvar- riage. The man aged, and a few Hon ago the ing took place in Milan, the bride leaving her usband at the church door and starting at once on a journey with her lover. ---- 300 VOLUMES COPIED. ---- Canada's History from Paris Documents. Ottawa, June 5.--Enough matter re- er. a ugh Canada has of documents in Paris MONDAY, JUNE 5. ; | there PITH OF THE NEWS. e------ The Very Latest Culled From All > Over The World. Thomas Shea, the leader of the teamsters' strike at Chicago, has been arrested, char with libel, The University of Toronto lacrosse ship of America at Swarthmore, Pa. The C. P. R. imperial limited daily summer train service between Montreal and Vancouver, was inaugurated on Sunday. The British battleship, Caesar, col- lided with & sailing vessel, and it is believed that twenty-three sailors were drowned, H. Cliff was smothered beneath 6,000 bushels of wheat while assisting in loading the steamer Wahecondah at Fort William. American barque Apache, one of the contestants in the international cup race, which was thought to be lost, has been spoken, R. L. Borden, conservative leader, and R. B. Bennett, M.P.P., of Cal gary, spoke at London, on Saturday, in: the interest of William Gray. The liberals of West Nipissing have decided to contest the riding against Hon. Frank Cochrane. They claim he can never carry the constituency, Hon. Frank Oliver and E. M. Mac- donald, M.P., Pictou, N.S., addressed a large meeting at Woodstode, in the interest of George Smith, the liberal candidate, on Saturday. The governor of Hiroshima province telegraphs that the earthiuake Which took place on June 2nd, killed six people, wounded: seventy-nine and de- stroyed thirty-three houses in Hiros- hima and Ujina. The report is in circulation that H. E. Henderson, of the firm of Hender- son, Matheson & Ingram, Brandon, will be appointed to the Manitoba court of king's bench, succeeding the late Judge Bain. dren Jake Gaudaur, proprietor of the Vie- toria house, has disposed of his hotel property in Orillia to Tommy Wilkin- son. Guudanr will return, to the scene of his boyhood days, near Ather- ley, and for the present live in vetice- ment, eee. REMOVED MANY COFFINS. Search for a Body Buried in Montreal Cemetery. Montreal, June 5.---A remarkable case of identification is afforded ' by the experience of a young man, the son of a prominent engineer of Ly- ons, France, named arent. This young man came to Montreal recent- ly to search for a brother who had efteFrance eighteen months ago, and who had been reported dead. He learned that a lad named George Laurent, who had charge of the ele- vator at the Bath ay in a success- ful effort to prevent a little girl from entering the moving elevator had had kis head crushed between the floor of the lift and the top of the door frame. The body had been buried, with hundreds others, in the public trench at Cote-'des Neiges cemetery, After. satisfactory representations had been made, Justice Davidson gave i permit .to have it exhumed and taken to France to be reburied. There still, however, was the great task of finding the right coffin, as coffins in the public trench bear no inscription. The under- taker said he could identify the coffin, and the brother said he could -identify the remains by the gold-filling in the teeth. After a search of a whole night and part of a day the grave diggers having removed 278 coffins, came upon the right one, both means of identi- fication being taken as conclusive evi- dence of its correctness. -------- CHURCH NOT DOING WELL. Disciples of Christ Regret State of Affairs. Bowmanville, Ont., June 5.--At" the convention of the Disciples of Christ, Pastor W. C. McDougall, of the Col. lege of the Disciples, St. Thomas, in speaking of the condition of the Dis- ciple: churches = in this province, said that thirty per cent. of the Ontario congregations are without pastoral care or supervision by the provincial board; that fifteen per cent. more are without spiritual life; that thirty- eight per cent. are favorable to the short pastorate and are active for a time after the new man arrives, and corréspondingly inactive too soon af- terwards. Only twelve per cent. are well equipped and progressive churches; eighty-eight per cent. are be- low what they should be spiritually, one-third safe, and the other iwo- thirds illustrating the weakness of our methods. They may be death to us, and may kill the third that is now safe. He favoured educated and trained pastors, endowed colleges, and supervision by the provincial board of all churches. -- A Union Depot. Winnipeg, June 3.--Negotiations be- tween the Canadian Northern railway and the Grand Trunk Pacific for the erection of a Union depot, are still progressing and the announcement is expected within a fortnight, It is un- derstood that the Northern Pacific are also interested in the project and the recent visit of the officials of the rond is said to be directly connected with the scheme. It if expected they will return and meet ' Sir Rivers Wilson and Mr. Morse here in the near future, when the decision will be reached. The arrangements will also include the es. tablishment of local and through freight yards. : Cancer Removed. Perth Expositor. or some time past George Charlton of Maberly, has been suffering from cancer, and quite recently he was ad- vised to undergo a treatment of poul- ticing with a dpecial preparation, the formula of which is known to a wo- man residing at Forfar, He went ¢ and was under treatment for some time, at the end ci which the cancer was completely removed and Mr. Charlton is now as well as ever. By this treatment of poulticing a number of patients have been perm- anently cured, and the fame of the woman is travelling far and mear. "Wash greasy pots or pana with Lever' Soap, wder. It will aon fre pany with Ahe great: Witch. Hazel soap leaves the skin club won the intercollegiate champion. | i 4g yExtra'Trousers add old suit, This season's bin the tailoring pe Hi longevity to ap styles are'y, 3 1s simply per. 8 in trouser making. PY pr He fabrics are Worsteds, Serges cotches, Homespuns ang Cheviots . 10ts : New. patterns. 5; We've trousers for $2, Trousers 4 $4.50, or at many prices in between, We think our $3.50 trousers are world-beaters. lege will do well to come here for trousers. Fancy Vest Fancy and White Vests will be very 'popular . with smart dressers during the coming season, 'Nothing looks so genteel as a Vest That's Different. Plain White, Fancy Figures, medium or dark effects, in handsome patterns. Prices, $1, $1.25, $1.50, $i 15 $2 to $3. { See Our Great $1 Shirts. THE H. D. BIBBY CO, Clothiers and Haberdashers, Oak Hall, They Are All Our Ladies' Chocolate Oxfords ~ ibson Tie, $2. = v Our Ladies' Chocolate Oxfords, i. 81.50, Your neat and The Sawyer Shoe Store. 'Phone 159. The Bridge of Size! That's the bridge the successful clothier must cross. He must be able to fit men of every build and size-- big men, little 'men, slim men, broad men, and he must be able to fit every, one of them with equal accuracy. Ifyou do your part by coming to us, you can'tbe anything else than fitted and suited here. See our tailor-made suits, $13, $14, $15. . Our stock of Gents' Furnishings, Hats. etc., is now complete and at reasonable prices. « GIVEUSA CALL Jos. Abramson, The People's Clothier 180 Princess Street, 'Between Redden's and Crawford's Groceries. ------1 -- Ng ABATT'S ALE & PORTER The real merit and superiority of JOHN LABATT'S ALE and PORTER are well ff - known. The claim is made; "uevrgwpported by numerous medals and testimonials, that "they are pure, wholesome -. -beverages, superior to any 'made on, this continent. JAS. McPARLAND, AGENT. ; King Street, Kingston. p-- WE DO TINNING:OF IRON, COPPER, ETC. 'THE CANADA METAL CO., TORONTO. soft. Gibson's Red Cross drug store sells it, 4 5 sl of ladies and drudge: I Soarn, Right True economy of Muslin Underwear. ¢ ro ) ¢ means rather that you offering, with its heaps of well-me - Chemises, Drawers, Skirts, and just right for shrewd bargain buy e TEN DAYS our reliable CRESC] or -_c WEAR will be sold 'at a reduc- tion of Trimmed | Millinery Floor is a veritable Our : { the world's 'best milliners pass in n ol : men. Every hat has an individuali wo . " : York Hats, Hats from our own workr and see them, whether you wish to by the styles. CRUMLE v ~8 NOW IS THE INTER OF YOUR WI DISCONTENT 1 you are tying to get good heat out of Be Crecreened aid unis form. eten erder will bilag you back: es lat of DRY SLABS for sale. Booth & Co. Phone 138, Pranenssssansassiesesd Fuel Fuel Hard Coal d Egg for your furnace. Sten." Cnestaut and Pea for you Soft Coal Oannel ur grate. Select Lol gp 8 erates and engines. Smithing Slacks Also Cut & Uncut Wood nnn P. WALSH, PARRACK RT. & kv The Polish that won't wear off. Sold Only at Strachan's Hardwar Grand Union Hote Rooms From $1,00 Per Day Uy Opposite Grand fener Station BAGGAGE}: FRE] ="MAPLE LEAF" 7 BES _CANNED SALMON packs THE FRONTENAC LOAN & INVESTMENT SOCIETY. (ESTABLISHED:1863.) President--Sir Richard Cartwrigh praoney loaned 2 aT es, nf Donte ecatyad Moras arest esto 8. C. McGill, Managing Director Ofice, 97 Clarence Street, Kingston. Far Count An International Alliance. Special to the Whig. Washington, DA June 5.--For th first time in several vears Washingto Society, to-day, had an opportunit of Witnessing a Li nabe wedding according to the. rites of the Gree ¢hurch, The occasion was the mar Mage of Miss Alletta Van Reype only daughter of Rear Admiral a Reypen, formerly surgeon-general the navy, and Baron Serge Alexande Korff, gentleman-in-waiting to hb Majesty the Emperor of Russia. Th ceromony was held at the home of th bride's 'parents, with the archbishe of the Greek church in New York, th Rev. A. Hotovitzky, officiating. - Tt Greek coremony wis followed} Mading of the Episcopal marriage s Vice by the Rev. Dr. Roland Cotte Smith, of St. John's church. EE ---- J. Humfrey Ange: opinion of the Ne The following letter from the deep knowledge Dr. Anger time very complimentary to the New Scale by possess: t a tone'is well and even y Fre ship of the highest class. As |s become erally nc instant success. lieve me, ye J. HUMFREY ANG THE WILLIAMS PIANO

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