VERYWHERE ene, iets ide. Inn finds it in necessary to 5s become so popular that jt is at the smallest Inn as well clubs, cafes, restaurants ang e from water which registered ernment Analysts, 19'S Ale NIFORMITY N Oo Atos Bison" Fire Pot The fire pot in the' ot water heater is built sli Bison" nical to preverit ashes sticking § it. There is no lodging place the fire pot for ashes. Flames e thrown up and against the apting wall of the firé pot-- le side draft drags them against --burns all the coal evenly om side to side. That is one ason why the " Bison' heats nickly, effectively, economical- $ --it is one reason out of ten hy the "Bison is the best eater. IE H. R. IVES CO., Limited, Montreal, PeReReicasiceesessisiciss Tand BEST in BOARDS, tentifi'cally con- L néw basis, An of the crimping vill coffyinoa the il that m asirg yarde the "VENY, [8 can Ye dha : LEAST POS- 13 rocer hese give LIMITED. HULL, CANADA. GENT, KINGSTON. D-O-O0-0-0-00000000000 ----------_-- 3 |oooo FE BRIDES ts, Vases, Jardinie.s, ts, Bread and Butter and Saucers, Choco- ts, Marmalade Sets, or Decorating y-Carts, nocks. onfectionery. rm th 3 COCK - Le + incess Street. TeX LS Viocopedes, [ BROS « ss Street. 20000000 00000 RON, COPPER, ETC. : L Co., TORONTO. , a pA, OOOO TCOUOTOOOOCOOOOOOM INSURANCE. -- G. A. BATEMAN |SSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES, LIFE and FIRE INSURANCL BROKER. BR GARDINER'S Insurance: and Real Estate. Bight Companies at Lowest Rates. Money to Loan on Real Estate, 151 Wellington Street. FOR REAL ESTATE OR INSURANCE Consult with Geo, CH before SACK SUITS Cut along graceful, Jong coats and well Made of guaranteed ALL WOOL, SUITINGS Sewn with silk and with every litth detail carefully planned to give these suite an air of distinction and ele stylish lines fitted trousers gance. Our prices are convincing. Gents' Furnjshings, Hats, Caps Boots and Shoes, at rock-botton prices. ISAAC ZACK? The New Store and the Old Stand. 271-273 Princess Street. W. G. FROST, Proprietor of the CITY STORAGE Wishes to announce that he has com. pleted a modern elevator, ome of th: Buffalo Ball Bering Co. Furniture, Vehicles, bandled with care. While his workmen are ready to re eelve and turn out finst class jobs o Painting all kinfls of Vehicle at short est notice. 'Phone 526. NOW Is the time for shring renovation { and every ome who rode to build or _ Pianos, etc 299 yYueen St should write or call on us and see our modern hath roo with expert vies and detailed prices All our material is first class and our workman are skilled mechanics. David Hall, 88 Brock St., Kingston. Phone 5 NOTICE House-Cleaning Season i ? Here. Get your Carpets and Rugs Cleaned by our Electric Carpet Cleaner. Thorough work at moderate rates. Call or 'phone 512. HARVEY MILNE, 272 BACOT STREET. CARRIAGES and BUGGIES FOR SALE 1 Kensington, second-hand, in good order; 1 Makedo, second- hand; 1 Phaeton; 1 road wag- gon; also new Top Buggies, Runabouts with rubber tires; alo a few sects of Harness left. Call and see JAMES LATURNEY, ___ 300 PRINCESS STREET. for yourself. This Week Dining=-room Furniture --Solid Oak Polished Sideboards. Solid Oak Polished Tables, Extension --Solid Oak Chairs. Polished Dining Thess are a few specials we are clos- ng - out, Yours, Are You In the Rush and Bustle? While wa join in the rush and bustle of this busy world, overtaxing our energies and paeking o our systems, many of us are morally culpable of reckless disregard of bodily ronath and fitness, Then per- haps he Bealth be eaks down, and we seem doomed to lon, yuk So of n 'depression. Qur A life en ad YET THERE IS A REMEDY AT HAND Hundreds and thousands of ailing and women have found that med BEEGHAM'S PILLS verily * make life worth living." They Purify the Blood, set right the arouse tho Sluggish Liver, dispel Siok - ache, bulld up the Nervous and repair the damage caused ay overwork and brain worry. Ln ho euuise worth and never-failing "BEECHAW'S PILLS have been fully proved during a period of nearly ad years, and they are recog- nized as the Best SateguardaAgainet Bllious and + The most satisfactory evidence of the universal esteem in which BEECHAM'S PILLS areheld is found in the fact that the Sales Each Year Increase Marvelously. Prepared goly. by Thomas Beecham, St. Sl crite in. Canada snd and U, 8, America. In boxes, 25 cents. 5 .~ Prightful Dreams. Dull Headaches. TERRIBLE PAINS AND A FREQUENT DESIRE TO URINATE. Such were the troubles of Mr. Joseph Leland, Alma N.W.T. He happily found relief in DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS. Here is what he says :--*'I was troubled, with dull headaches, had frightful dreams, terrible pains in my legs, and a frequent desire to urinate. Noticing Doan': Kidney Pills recommended for kidney trouble, I decided to give them a trial [ procrred a box, and was very much surprised at the effectual cure they made. [ take a great deal of pleasure in recom- mending them to all kidney trouble sufferers." Doan's Kidney Pills help the Kidneys to drain off the poisonous impurities which have collected, thus oleansing out the kidneys, bladder, and all the urinary passages. They correct inability to hold the urine, and thus obviate the necessity of getting up many times at night to urinate, Their good results will be im- mediately felt in all cases of kidney trouble. Price 50 cents per box, or 8 for $1.25. At all dealers, or will be mailed direct, on receipt of price, by Tam Doaw gmoney Piri Co., ToroNTO, ONT, WILLS ENGLISHPILLS QUICKLY CURE CONSTIPATION. @ HEADACHE #° ALL DRUGGISTS. WELLS g RICHARDSON (0. LIMITED MONTREAL, P.Q. Co's Cook's Cotéon Root Compound. The only safe effectual monthly ®. 'medicine on which women can i depend. Sold in two degrees of gtreneth--No. 1, for ordingry cases, $1 aon No. 2.10 de. fron er for in Eaves, 38 per bax. Sold by ail ie Pe ARK for C oks Cot- t Compound ; take no 'Windsor, Ontario. ree em -- The Cook Medicine Co. » NOW IS THE WINTER OF YOUR DISCONTENT I? you are trying to get gUod heat out of poor coal. hand-screened and unis orm, wv one-ten erder will bring you ry large lot of DRY SLABS for {Booth & Co. ! Phone 183, Fuel _ Hard Coal Qrate and Egg for your furnace, Stove, Stoves. Soft Coal Qannel for your grate. Select Lump for grates and engl Smithing S| "DENTAL JAMES REID, The Leading Undertaker, Stroet - - Kingston. 19 Montreal St., Cor. Princess St, * "Phone 652, All branches of Dentistry skilfully per- Onyx used fir ex formed. Nitrous Oxide Beescesscsscsssressressancal Fuel Chestnut and Pea for your Also Cut & Uncut Wood P. WAISH, BARRACK SEAR KIYG DR. A. E. KNAPP, B.A, LDS, DDS. rv --- SPIKED ITS HEAD 5 A CRUEL ACT BY BY UNKNOWN PERSON. The Marriage of a Young Couple --Capt. Flynn of the Steamer Gull Found Dead--Lack of Brick for Building Purposes. Special to tho Whig. Picten, Ont, June 5.-<June claimed her first bride to-day, when a happy marriage was celebrated at the home of the bride's father, M. F. Hawkins, DAILY WHIG, ------------------------ Rochester is in town or a short visit ! with Mrs. Jo W. Hamly, before return ing to her home in England. T. Owens and E. A. Pearce, Rloomfield, return- ed Satyrday from a business trip to Rochester. The launch Ullacululla, owned by | Mr. Turner, Campbelliord, has been in | the harbor for the past few days. Mr, | and Mrs. EH and their family in- tend soem ding the amios touring the Bay Quinte and River St. Law- rence. A prominent society mui: tron of the town was the subject of much gmusement early Saturday even ing, and as a result won a- "chegue for $25. %Dared' she walked Main street crowned with her sister's hat, young Fast Lake, uniting Miss Mabel Haw: | the back being turned to the front, kins and Frederick A. Hubbs. After the | a bunch of mbbon: dangling down wedding breakfast the happy couple | over her face. "I felt 4 perfect goose, drove to town, taking the steamer ,but 1 won the wager" she trium- Alexandria for a honeymoon to Mon: phantly declared after it was all over, treal. 'Why every ome thought it a new Recently Mrs, D. Macdougall, of style, direct from Puris," was the re "Hillside," met with a very painful { joinder. ' . {i ------------------ ARCHBISHOP RYAN OF PHILADELPHIA ascident which all but proved fatal. She tripped and fell down a steep, winding , stairs, dislocating her shoulder, breaking her collar. bone, ond severely bruising' her head. Under the doctor's care Mrs. Macdougall is progressing as favorably as may be expected. A valuable thoroughbred colt of the stables of J. H. Allan, night, recently, the victim of supposed foul play. On going to the stable in he morning the groom found a hole in the horse's head as from ga spike nail. As there is no way in which the ani mal could have damaged itself, it is evident some vicious-minded outsider must have done 'the cowardly deed. There is every hope that the animal will not be lost. Coming in from a- short "after-dinner walk, on Saturday, Capt." Flynn went to his room for a rest. Less than an hour after, his Wife found him, lying on his bed, cold in death. Capt. Flynn was aged about seventy years aud well known around the bay ports, un- til this year, he having sailed the sloop Gull, which carries lumber for the Rathbun company, Deseronto, He i his widow, son and was one leaves beside one a daughter. The funeral took place this morning, requiem mass being said in St. Gregory's church, At the Sunday morning services in the First Methodist church, Dr. Clare, D. E. Johnstone and 8. A. Kemp were ordained into the ministry of the Me thodist church Building operations about tewn are being considerably hampered by the non-sapply of bricks. In some in stances work has had to be left off at the foundations pending a wait until August hefore the loeal brick vard can cope with the than prdinary de mand. The Metropolitan bank has had to import from Belleville, Mrs. Wilson, Detroit, has sold her brick residence, on Mary street, to Mr. Sheriff. J. F: Rowland, manager, Standard bank, Brighton, was in town , over Sunday. Dr. Couch, Detroit, spent last week in town. D. J. Barker, sécretary to the inspector of the Bank of Mon treal, now touring the province, who hasbeen visiting his parents, Mr. aad Mrs. D. J. Barker, "Old Grange," leit last night. A. W. Hepburn and Dr. W; G. Tyner, returned to-day from a trip to Virginia. Mr. Hepburn is much im- pressed with that part of tke U.S, and expects to go there, soon, to reside. Mr. pnd Mrs, D. Ross, Brock- ville, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs, more W. F. Ross, "The Gables." Miss May Ringer, who spent the winter in Madoc, has returned home. Mrs. Mayvbee is visiting in Toronto. '| Miss Burton, who spent the winter in Ea RR a a a Colds It should be borne in mind that every cold weakens the Jungs, low ars the vitality and prepares the tyson for the more serions dis- eases, among which are the twe greatest Sesisoyen of hasan Wa poe Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has won its great by its prompt cures of most common silment. It aids a re lieves the lungs and epens the secretions, effecting a speedy and permanent cure. It counteracts i any tendeicy toward pneumonia. «> Price 2sc. Large Size 50c. A i En ol nat traction of teeth ARCHBISHOP RYAN. Intijmated He Will Be Cardinal. Rome, ~ June 6.--It is positively as- serted that, last Tuesday, when Mon signore Ryan, archbishop of Philadel- phia, was received by the pope in pri: vate audience, he was given official in. timation of his coming promotion to the sacred college. The American pre late is staying at the American col lege, the guest of Monsignor Kennedy, who returned from the Unite States with him, Ever since his arrival the Philadel phia prelate has been the recipient of many attentions, which go far to prove the high esteem he enjoys in the! Curia, and are also a certain sign of his impending promotion, Nearly dll the most prominent pre lates 'and a great many cardinals have called personally upon him, a compli ment which is never extended to an ordinary hishop. The large amount of Peter's pence, which he presented to the pope. nearly $30,000, has been the subject of much comment here, because it is felt that if every archdiocese of the United States coild make the offering as the Philadelphia archdiocese the. financial position of the vatican would soon be assured It is not * definitely known if the nomination of Monsignor Rvan as a ardinal of the church will take place at the consistory toshe held toward the end of this month, as there has been « hitch in the promotions to the sacred college which were ed by the pope, and it is possible that because of thi= the mew appointment will have to be delayed to the consist ory of Septem or even perhaps t that of Decem Care Of Young Turkeys. Made a same The first fow weeks of a turkeys life is the critical period, If 'the brood i tended carefully through this stag only a few | will occur, A boar pen 10 x 12 feet should he provided for a brood of twenty or thirty, [It will not do to bt them yun at larg with the mother when first hatehed and weak, Fven free from gras drabble themselve to roost is « e enclosure must by n which thev might A good dry plac ntial, A water-tight barrel, laid horizontal on some planks makes a good crop. A nest of straw is necessary, also precaution against ver min, It iz best to feed them in the COOp on rain days. Baked corn bread, erumbed into a pan and sprink lad with pepper a good Yoo for young torke But elabber cheese, mixed with black pepper and onion tops eut fine, most excellent, The little turks | it better than anv food you might prepare for them. If corn meal is fe put in plenty of pep per and onior To See Sun Eclipse. Special to the Whig ashington. 1. of the expediti June 4--The first to be made under American universities ttutions to observe wun which will oc next, is scheduled to York to-day. Three ex 'made to various . where the eclipse and gpientific the eclipse of the eur August | sail from N peditions are parts of the we will be total Cortwright, Labrador, to Northeast ern 'Spain, and 10 A point near 'As sonan, Egypt The treasury depart ment has made arrangements to faciii tate the shipment in bond of the sp paratus to he carried by the expedi tions, in cluding a large quantity of lenses, prisms, mirrors, telescopes photographic apparatus, mechanics tools and other asarios, Three applications ol Peck's Corn anlva-will --enra hard or soft chan contemplat- Vv, to a point near |, TUESDAY, JUNE 6. FOOLED THE JAI JAILERS ALIFERIN MICHIGAN PRISON GOT AWAY, A Dummy Was Put in His Cell and it "Completely Deceived Everybody---He Had Five Hours Start, Jackson, Mich. June 2.--Ever since ho was received at the prison in July. 1908, Thomas McGrath, of De troit, has been looked upon by, the prison officials as a "bad men." and yesterday he justified their opinion of him by waking his escape, He fixed up a dummy in his cell which completely deceived everyone passing through the corridor until about 10 pie, wheh the keeper's sus- picions were droused by noticing that Mc(wath had been in the same posi- tion all the evening. He unlocked the cell and went in and found the dummy that McGrath had left. It is thought that McGrath fixed up the dummy in his cell and got away himself about five o'clock. He, there fore, has five hours' start 'of the offi- | cors. The entire prizon force is scour- ing the country hercabouts for him, and the police in Detroit and other cities within 100 niles have been" noti- fied. « McGrath is a lifer, sent up in July, 1903, for the, murder of Hotehkeeper Warren, in Detroit. BROCKVILLE CHEESE BOARD. New and More Stringent Laws Being Formulated. The re-organization of the Brockville cheese board is being effected on - a better basis. At Satirday's meeting; which was very largely attended, a special committee presented a report, submitting a revision of the by-laws, several clauses of which were adopted in committee of the whole, and the remainder held oyer until the next meeting on the 10th inst. One of these 'provides that the offerings shall be registered on the board and sold there. Sales shall be made only on the regular weekly sale day, nor shall any be offered conditionally under a enalty of $25 in each case. Default in payment will exclude the party in default from the privileges of the board Another clause reads : "Members using the public board for the sale of cheese shall have the factory or factories identified hy registration un- der the Dairy Act in Canada in 1897, and cach box of fine choege must he identilied with this board by the use of the Brockville brand." If the Frontenac board is to be made an effective and influential or ganization, similar steps to those taken by Brockville must be followed. Certain it is, the loose manner of doing business which has heretofora characterized meotings of the local board, must no longer be tolerated. -------- Just What Everyone Should Do. J. T. Barber, of Irwinville, Ga., al- ways keeps a bottle of Chamberlain's colic, cholera and diarrhoea remedy at hand ready for instant use. Attacks of colic, cholera morbus and diarrhoea come on 80 suddenly that there is no time to hunt a doctor or go to the store for medicine. Mr: Barber says : "I have tried Chamberlain's ealic, cholera and diarrhoea remedy which is one of the best medicines I. éver saw, I keep a bottle of it in my room as | have had several attacks of colic and it has proved to be the best medicine 1 ever used." Sold by all druggists, ---- ct------ Those unhappy persons who sufier from nervousness and dyspepsia should use Carter's Little Nerve Pills, which are madd expressly for sleopless, ner vous, dyspéptic aufierors. Price 25c. In nearly every street of the cities of Japan there is a public oven, where, for a small fee, people may have their dinner Dr. Chown's special iron tonic pills builds vou up quickly, 25¢. and 50. A man can make or lose a fortune while two women are saying good-bye to cach other, cooked, Comfort even in the cold shades of is M<Clarys London, Toronto, Montreal, Winnipeg, Vancouver, be Lemmon & Lawrenson, Sole LAWN MOWER: After all there rains your lawn will > need trimming and before you buy a LAWN MOWER it would be worth your while to see our styles and get our prices, Where quality and always give price counts we can satisfaction, LEMMON & LA WRENSON 381 and 383 King Street. % SOMETHING EVERY WOMAN SHOULD KNOW. Are You the One Woman Neglectiog a Mother's or a Wife's Duty, or Are There Countless Thousands, Many women formerly fall of robust vigor, »ith clear complexions and bright, vivaci ous spirits find themselves slowly losing their good ooks and strength, fading under the influence of an unknown cause, ignorant of their real ondition. Just when 8 woman should be ner best she becomes depressed, frstful, norv- us. And why? You ask. She has been so vusy planning, has been so absorbed is ner social duties, her work has been continuous, that she scarcely allowed oN « moment's relaxation. She has neglected ber beaith and, where her food formerly seemed to nourish, now she has but little roe tite and even what she does eat Goss not see tc do any goed. If you should ask her -- the trouble is, she would say, "I am just tired out.'" Butthe real cause is constipation snd its resulting condition--bad blood. Just thick what habitual neglect of the bowels means, sickness instead of good health; mer- vousness lustead of vigor; cheerfulness re depression, happiness by misery. A week's wee of Smith's apple and But. ternot Pills in these cases will work wonders, They wil will | rule he the functions -of the liver unlosd the conges- id = gish ts have been sorbed Keep the bowels reg- glar by using Smith's Pineapple and Butternus Pills. Never allow constipation or 8 torpid liver to develop. A stitch in time will save mountalas of m , of bad feolings and de- Sale of Ladies' Muslin .» UNDERWEAR I ! True economy of Muslin Underwear does not mean that you should sew and drudge. It means rather that you give careful attention to this Under- wear offering, with its heaps of well-made, prettily teimmed Gowns, Corset ' Skirts, and White With the prices just right for shrewd bargain buyers vavess, Chemises, Drawers, Lawn Aprons. For TEN DAYS our Seablef RES GENE BRAND MUSLIN UNDER. WEAR will 20 PER CENT. tion of . Trimmed Millinery ! Our Millinery Floor is a veritable art gallery, where the best products of the world's best milliners pass in review to be admired by style-loving. women. Every hat has an individuality of its own. Paris styles, New York Hats, Hats from our own workrooms--decide between them. Come and see them, whether you wish to buy or not; you're welcome. Examine the styles. CRUMLEY BROS. CHOCOLATES! Canong's Canadian CG. B. Chocolat Are High Class. Only 50c. per Ib. be sold at reduc- Ihc. ot Wade's drug stors,