Spring "Hines have' heen GREW THIS HAIR where all I of inquity and orders can be photog, of the Seven Suther- © land oh iaiaph of the Seten 3 4 air Grower : NAOMI SUTHERLAND, This lady is but one the s who and beeo benefited by the ¥ Sutherland Grower and Scalp Ci ; but the that she is one of the her i and manner in these i " cannot fail to Invite 1g trenton of are interested in the culture preservation rs sad Fro it COLBORNE STREET, TORONTO 23 J. H, BAILEY, Foreign Manager. Recommended amd Sold by Geo. W. Mahood, druggist, corner ef Bagot and Princess streets. " PETTINGILLS LTA E114) TABLETS A CL RRAAVENIL BRIGHTS DISEASE, DIABETES A 'We Nave 'a full line of McLaughlin Bugel Riinab Surréys and Wag- ons, also a | > and double Harness, whi at very close figures. t of single we will sell Come and see if we have not got the largest and host assortment of Buggies and Harness in the city. Hay & Wilson, | freely, and became [two of thegs were instantly killed. The iy to From Our Own Correspondent. °° : 2 , June 5.- About ninc o'clock i two robbers entered n street, and se: of dia: monds and other jewelry and 800 of money. 'The two robbers went to the house apparently to familiarize them: selves with 'the huilding, spent money ; with the inmates, then hurriedly left; only to retin' a short time later, 'and after pinding two women and wounding Joseph Nickola, who ran to rescue the two women, they escaped; but thd police are searching for them. This is the boldest robbery committéd in that section for seme time. Frank Wal- ters, Orchard street, committed sui- cide carly, yesterday morning, 'by turning on the gas. Walters went into the bath-room and was gone so long his wife became alarmed, and tried to open the door; but found it lucked. She: then procured assistance and had the door forced open when they found him sitting on the floor with a rubber tube attached to the gas pipe in his. mouth. A doctor was summoned; but found the man dead Despondency is thought to be the cause. A party-eof five girls hetween the dges of seventeen and twenty-tw started for a walk the other day, and just as they. were crossing the tracks of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul railway near Forest avenue, they were struck by a north hound train, and other three escaped. There: was a freight train passing also at the time and it made so much noise they did not hear the 'approach of the north hound teain until it was on them, then they all jumped to get out of the way. The dead girls' names are Dagmar 'E. ang Dora Twnburg. } Little ten-year-old Della Frame has been forced to sleep in a dog kennel many nights by her mother who is so addicted to drink, it is said, that she is under the influence of intoxicamwts the greater part of the time. Judge: Mack, of the "juvenile court, is mak- ing a thorough investigation of the case. Attempting to board an east bound train on the Chicago & North- Westerd railroad, while it was in mo- tion, Rex Lange fell under the wheels, and bis left leg way severed above the knee. Lange is a laborer, employed in elevating. the tracks at Oakley avenue, » Two little boys, Halden Roblin and John Coveling, aged eight and fopr- teen years respectively, were arrested; last Monday, for 'burglary. The lads broke. into the grocery store of Frank Kosticke, on Wall street, and attompt- ed ty tarry off sixty pounds of cheese, The younger boy was let off on sus- pended semtonge, while the elder was Id in the juvenile court, Mrs. Huldg Hood, only seventeen years old, at- tempted suicide = by drinking ecarbolic acid in: Garfield Park yesterday. Her young husband, Clinton Hood, had left her soveral months ugo. Mrs. Hood had attempted several times to regain her hushand, but without sue- cess. It seems the pair met in the rk by appeintment and that Mrs. vod begged her husband to return to her. He, however, repulsed her, and walked rapidly away when she raised a bottle to her lips, und be- fore anyone could: prevent her, she had swallowed some oi the contents. Ber condition is serious. Two hus- bands attempted to kill their wives yesterday. One, Charles Peiplo, be- cause he was discouraged with iil. health and poverty, detided to end it all for his wife and himself, and the other, Michael Pabst, bocafise his wife remonstrated with him for, drinking 8, heavily. Both men afterwards took their own lives, but the women will recover, as. neither was fatally shot. Revolvers were the | weapons used in each case. The other day a little four-year-old child; Carl: Anderson, Franklin street, while attempting to cross the street fell, and was crushed to death under the wheels of a heavy waggon:: The geccident happened © in front of his own home, and in the presence of his mother and others who vainly attempted to resene him. The body of a man was found hong: ing to a tree near Grant's monument in Lincoln Park, yosterddy 'morning. A pawn ticket for a watch was found on the body. The police believe from this that the man became t because of financial distress. The body was taken to undertaking rooms on Hells et. i Pron cause of old age and ill-health, = Adolph Wentrhoes six- Ee ---- Rev. 8. A. Duprau, Belleville, Ont. Has Been Cured of a Violent Form of Itching, Bleeding Piles by Dr. Chase's Ointment. Rev. 8, A. + Method 'minis- levi ter, residing in , Ont) states: "I was troubled with i ing and bleeding piles for years, they ulti- mately attained to a wi vy violent form. Large lumps or rm- ed so that it was with grea} difficulty and consi ble pain that { was able to stool. At this severe Crisis 1 pur- chased. a box of Dr. Chase's Ointment, but I had. little or no faith in it. as] had tried various remedies 'before and 10 no purpose.' ° J'Now, imagme how ous was my the one box cured disanpeared . and | external swelling. I feel like a different man to-day, and have not the least doubt great and joy- me," so. the lumps Jat Dr. Chase's Ointment saved me rom a very | and painful eration and many years of fet Tt is with a, heart that I give this knowing that" Te stimonial, kno; Chase's . Ointment has done so auch NEWS ties "Na other day but has been -| elothing, - -ing the kitchen range when the rag surprise to find that just | beer for me. g _Dr. Chase's Ointment, the only posi- 1 ly enough tive EEE ERE fourth: Baltic: squadron andes Noto: A , 'committed suidide in ke on Sawyer avenue "by shooting himself. Woosterhosen is a private watchman, " lled to remain away from duty for some time owing to his il th, Andrew J. Sea- 213 North Paulina suicide, last Friday, by inth the river while: despon- to throwing - himself had weighed him- attaching weights to his dent. As the result of burns received from the explosion of 'gq bottle of stove olish. - Saturday afternoon, George man, ei months old, died in the hospital the next morning. Mrs. Ne-! an, the child's mother was polish- she was using became ignited. She dropped it from her hand and it fell on the bottle of polish beside the stove. The contents of the bottle ex- ploded, and set five. to the bed.doth- ing of the cradle in which the child was lying. Charged with stealing the property of a woman who is dying of her and then broke into the room of Margaret Winters, who went to the hospital for comsumptives at Dunning three weeks ago. She said he broke three truks belonging to Miss Winters and obtained worth 'of clothing and other' valuables." Hilma Larson, twenty-one years old, employed as a domestic at 107 South Oak Park ave- nue, died yesterday, as a result of be- ing' burned severely several days ago. The young woman was working in the basement of the house . when --her dress caught "fire from a lighted stove, Thomas Bergen, Wallace street, was struek and severely injured by . a north bound railroad - train on the Chicago & Northwestern" Indiana tracks at Fifty-sixth> gnd Wallace streets day before yestérday morning. He was taken to's ital, bit Ris condition is cons 'Seriond. The strike has néw spread to the Tamber distriets," and over = 10,0004 teamsters for © the lumber companies have joined the vast number of other teamsters on dtiike, "and the situa: tion is getting moped Serious. 'Diring the two months 'the striké has beén on, twolvis 'perkond have k Killog, and nearly' thrée hundred seriotely wounded, . va bat 3 "The home of the Misses B.C." "gia Lucy Brehnan, Ashland avenue, viving daughters of a wealthy tractor, Patvick ~Brenvan, who died a short time ago; was entered by robbers and $900 in money and jewel- ery valued at $1,500 stolen. The two vouny ladies had been away on ga vis it and had left the house in charge of sur- con- relatives who daily inspected the place. It is thought . the house had been entered shortly after the daily inspection, Saturday, as the two la dies returned Saturddy evening, and found the house in disorder and their valuables missing. "They immediately reported the bery to the police, Reports of this kind come in every day from unprotected districts, as the police force is engaged on strike du- ties in the down town district. --W. HARRY SPEARS, FELL A THOUSAND FEET. Terrible Ordeal of Scottish Minis- ter on Ben Nevis. Rev, Mr. Robertson, of Edinburgh, a prominent member of the Scottish Mountaineering Club, underwent a ter- rible experience while descending' Ben Nevis, April 6th. The dav was a most unsuitable one for climbing, there be- ing 'an almost continuous fall of snow, accompanied by thunder and light- ning, but nevertheless, Mr. Robertson set out alone to make the ascent of the: mountain; He succeeded in reaching the sum- mit in safety, and started on the re. turn journey. All went well until 'he was near the edge of a precipice, and, holding on with his axe, had com- menced to negotiate a dangerous slope of snow. . Then came a vivid flash of light- ning, which Mr. Robertson thinks must have struck the axe, and he was al most 'immediately precipitated over the slope. Mr. Robertson calenlates that he must have rolled nearly a thousand feet before his progress was stopped, and how long he remained unconscious afterwards he cannot say, He must have dragged himself to his hotel in Fort William in a semi- conscious condition, for he recollects nothing from the moment he began to fall. He arrived at his hotel in a ter- rible condition, his face and - head seamed with large gaping wounds, and hie arms and legs ope mass of bruisés and wounds, He was immediately attended to by a doctor, and now lies at the hotel making satisfactory progress. How Mr, Robertson escaped death is '& mystery to everyone in the town who knows the spot where the acci- dent occurred -- MAMMOTH RAILWAY STATION. -- Leipsic Taking Ten Years to Build the Record Depot. The townemen of Leipsic, Saxony, boast that in ten years they will have the biggest railway . station in the world. It will be spanned by seven immense arches, each 140 feet wide, and its thirteen train platforms will he more 'than "1,000 feet long, while twenty-six different lines will run into it It will cost £63500,000 to build. Marble, granite, bronze and steel will be' lavishly used, the waiting and fe freshment rooms are to have gigantic frescoes of famous German landscapes on the walls, and the beer-taps are t6 dispense twenty different sorts of ------------ Holland's Cure For Laminess. Philadelphia Record, The Hollander are not fond of lazy ople, and they have a good way of Ww yf Srions he. can a You's . If a pa who is al to worl 1 1 put him in a estern, to which a pump is attached, and turn on a stream of water. The stream flows into the cistern just slow- . Pu water getting up over his head! ---------- consumption, John Crimmons was fined fifty dollars by - Justice ¢ the - other day. Mrs. Lillian Gessie; who keeps a boarding hinse on West Randolph street complained that] Crimmons had rented a room ~ from BRR PURITY, BRILLI SOLD EVERYWHERE pu---------------------- § Even the roadside Inn finds it necessary to stock Carling's Ale: ; This beverage has become so Popular that jt ig asked for gverywhere--at the smallest Inn as wel as the grand Hotels, clubs, cafes » restaurants ang private homes. Carling's Ale 15 "made 'from water which registered 99.08 degrees pure by Government Analysts, Carling's Ale 'NOTED FOR ITs ANCY and UNIFORMITY tian ---- rr TT | MILLIONAIRE MISER. Lived in' Tiny Room, but Left Over a Million. New York World. . It has just' been learned that Alex- ander Russell, 'a bachelor, who - died atone and unnotieed "ina Brooklyn boarding hovse last October, left 'an estate valued at something more than FL000,000. The extent of his holdings became "known through a search among the banks in Manhat tan, when it was found. he had securi ties and cash on deposit: He came fram Dumfermline, Scot land, Andrew Carnegie's old home and David D. Blair, his exeeator in that country, save that his holdings there amounted to- $560,000. He leaves 'ghinost his entire estate to his sister, fo bp held iy trast for, her until her "death, when it is to be distributed among certain charities' which he has named. Co Mr. Russoll dis suddenly sand © his effects were taken: in charge by Public Admigistrator Bristow, of Brooklyn. He did not suspect. that the dead maw was wealthy until he reedived a letter from © the public administrator of St, Louis, saying that the estate there was worth £200,000. Mr. Bristow and his attorney, Charles H. Kelby, thin began a search of the down town benks, which resulted in the finding of securities in the vaalts of the Colonial Trust com- pany worth $340,000, and cash = de posits at the Chemical Bank of S84, 000, { PERSONALLY GUIDED To California and;lewis and Clarke Exposition. ' A personally conducted excursion to the Pacific const via the Grand Trunk Railway System and connecting lines leaves Quebec, July 5th, and Montreal and Toronto, July 6th, The route will be vig Chicago, thence through Council Bluffs to Omaha, Denver, and Colorado Spriags. Stops will be mage at each of these places, and side trips taken to Manitou, Cripple Creek, Garden of the Gods, ete. From there the party will continue through the famous scenic route of the Denver and Rio Grande, through the Royal Gorge to Salt Lake City, thence to Los Angeles, San Francisco, Mou Shasta, Portland, Oregon, Seattle, Spokane, and home through St. Paul and Minneapolis, The trip will occup about thirty days, ten "days being spent on the Pacific coast. The pric for the round trip, including railroa fare, Pullman tourist sleeping cars, all meals in, the dining car, hotels, side trips, etc., is $166.50 from Que bec or $160.50 from Montreal and $150 from Toronto. This first trip-is designed as a vacation trip for teach ers, although many who are not teach- ers will improve the opportunity of taking the trip at the remarkably low price afforded. For full particulars ad- dress E. C. Bowler, General Passeng Agent and Conductor, Bonaventur Station, Montreal. Had A Chance To Find Out. Cleveland Leader hile in Texas not long age James Barton Adams, the author, fell in with an old cattleman, who sang with- out praises of the Lone Star State. "You are not of the same opinion as regards Texas that Sheridan was," ohserved Adams, "What opinion "was that ?"" enquired the cattleman. "Why, he said that if he owned a farm in Texas, and one in hades, he'd sell the Texas one as he would rather live in hades."" No, I ain't. of that opinion," observed the cattleman, thoughtfully, "and I'll bet Sheridan has changed his mind by this time." Dispels Aches And Pains. There is nothing else to be bad that will drive away aches, pains and sore- ness so quickly and keep them away so surely as Smith's White Liniment. It is one remedy that never fails to cure sprains, swelling, inflammation; neuralgia, rheumatism, lumbago and all deep seated aches and pains. Big bottles only 25c. at Wade's. hE + A wife and several small children have kept many a man from "squand- ering his hard-earned coin fodlishly. A good assortment of car trumpets and conversation tubes at Chown's drug store. A young married couple could pro- bably live. on wind if the bride's pa- would. raise it for them. ET ---------------------- Beware of Ointments for Ca- tarrh That Contain Mercury AS mercury will surely déstroy the sense of. smell and completely derange the whole sistem when entering it through | the mucous surfaces Such articles should never used excépt on prescriptions from reputable physicians, as the damage they will do is ten fold to the goed you can possibly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, menufactured by F. J, Cheney & Co. Toledo, O., contains no mercury, and is taken intertaily, acting directly uvon the blood and mucous sur- fa of the system. In buying Hall's Catd¥rh 'Cura be sure you get the qenu- No Ashes - In the "Bison" Fire Pot The fire pot in the " Bison" hot water heater is built slightly conical to preverit ashes sticking to it. There is no lodging place in the fire pot for ashes. Flames are thrown up and against the slanting wall of the firé pot-- the side draft drags them against it--burns all the coal evenly from side to side. That is one reason why the " Bison' heats quickly, effectively, economical- ly--it is one reason out of ten why the 'Bison' is the best heater. / THE H. R. IVES CO., Limited, Montreal, LILI LR SRL aes ee Reel | $0 0000000000 VOBODU SOO00O0000VCUQO00 OC ER : ind Sint Theee are the NEWEST and BEST In WASHBOARDS, They are selentifi'cally con- strucled on a néw basis. An examina jon of the ertnping of the sing. will coliyinos the Most #keriichl that mm asire these Washhe rds the 'VENY, BEST RESULTS ean Me dhta ined wih tie! LEAST POS- SIBLE LaBon Ask your Grocer for one of hese brands and give 'It a triaf, THE E. B. EDDY COMPANY, LIMITED. HULL CANADA. J. A. HENDRY, AGENT, KINGSTON. $00 00000000000000000ICOV00000000000 OOOO COUOOOOOCOOCOO0OO@ OOOO OV00 OOVVOOLOVCOVVVVOO00 > OOO LE SII se OEE 08 :FOR JUNE BRIDES ® Fancy China Tea Sets, Vases, Jardinie.s, 3 Salad Sets, Berry Sets, Bread and Butter 2 Plates, Fancy Cups and Saucers, Choco- 8 late and Cocoa Sets, Marmalade Sets, 2 etc. Fancy China for Decorating § Go-Carts, Waggons, Carts, Viocopedes, Hammocks: Fruits and Confectionery. % = J. HISCOCK -| 160 and 162 Princess Street. BOI PERE ESERIES ES: For the Warm Season Refrigerators, . Ice Cream Freezers, Lawn Mowers, Garden Hose, < Sprinklers, p .' Screen Doors, Window Sereens, etc. . We have a large assoriment of the above goods and at the very lc wast prices, .. ELLIOTT BROS 77 Princess Street. -- WE DO TINNING OF IRON, COPPER, ETC. ine. It is taken internally and made in Toledo, Ohio, Cheney. & Uo. Testimonials free. Sal by Druggists. Price 75¢c. Only" pure frit' syrups used at onto. % Wade's soda fountain, Ps a battle. : ».. Take Hall's Family Pills for consti- «ation, se00e 000000000000000 000000 0000 00000000000000600 esseq o ® THE CANADA METAL CO., TORONTO. PE -- G. A. BATEMAN {SSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES, LIFE and FIRE INSURANC BROKER. Office. 61 Clarence strest. GARDINER' Insurance and Real Estate. Bight Companies at Lowest Rates. Money to Loan on Real Estate, 151 Wellington Stree! FOR REAL ESTAT OR INSURANGE ' Consult with Geo, CHff befo: SACK SUITS line trouser stylish fitted Cut along graceful, Jong coats and well Made of guaranteed ALL WOOL. SUITING: Sewn with silk and with every litt detail carefully planned to give the suite an air of distinction and gance. Our prices are convincing. el Gents' Furnishings, Hats, Cay Boots and Shoes, at rock-botto prices. ISAAC ZACK The New Store and the Old Stand 271-273 Princess Street. W. G. FROST Proprietor of the CITY STORAGE Wishes to announce that he has co pleted a modern elevator, ome of t Buffalo Ball Bering Co. Furniture. Vehicles, Pianos, ef bandled with care. While his workmen are ready to celve and turn out finst class jobs Vehicl~a at sho Painting all kinds of est notice. 'Phone 526. NOW Is the time for shring renovation { and every one who intends to build or remodel their pre- sent bath room should write or call on us and see our modern hath room furnishings fg and receive helpful practial suggestions with expert advice and detailed pri All our material is first class and workman are skilled mechanics. David Hall, 688 Brock St., Kingston. Phone NOTICE House-Cleaning Season ' Here. Get your Carpets and Rugs Cleaned by our Electric Carpet Cleaner. Thorough work at moderate rates. Call or 'phone 512. . . . HARVEY MILN 272 BAGOT STREET. CARRIAGES and BUGGI FOR SALE 1 Kensington, second-hand, in good order; 1 Makedo, second- band; 1 Phaeton; 1 road wag- gon; also mew Top Buggies, Runabouts with rubber tires; also a few scts of Harness left. Call and see yourself. JAMES LATURNE ___ 300 PRINCESS STREET. for This Week Dining=-roon Furniture --Solid Osk Polished Sidcbo Solid Oak Polished Exter Tables, --Solid Oak Polished D Chairs. _ Thess are a few specials we are ng out, JAMES REI The Leading Undertaker Princess Stroet - - Kings