Goods ¢ fabrics ; for Summer bled for your inspection. 1 2 few of the lines : k, brown, white, grey, fiavy 30¢, 49c., 69c., 75c. and Bin a large variety of pat. 8, 'at 39c., '49¢, 69c., 75¢. nite, black, grey, champagne 75¢. and goc, west shades, at 75c¢., gg, in the latest colorings, at t, cream, navy and brown, pers SILKS! a Silk Season and as a cordingly. You will find ent. a large assortment of fancy patterns and plain n all the wanted shades, at I. 40¢. sortment of shades. ck and white, at 75c, and ack and white, at 75c. and s and stripes and plaids, in a ors, at 6gc, 75¢c. and goc. ack and white, at 75c. and anted shades. Save Yourseli WORRY AND TROUBLE journey with proper baggag®: 0D TRUNK travelling, lock of very strong Trunks and ases, Hat Boxes, etc. Very Low. EAR 72. NO. 152 B. P. Jenkins Clothing Co. French and English Natural Wool UNDERWEAR | + All siges, from 34 to 46, 5c. and $1 each. ; / This is just the time to change your, Underwear and there is nothing quite- as nice as these French Natural Wools. B. P. Jenkins Clothing Co. e-------------------- +» WANTED. A COOK. APPLY, IN THE BY ing to rs. Howard S. Folger, ob West St. rere ee eee $13,000 ON $80,000 SECURITY, REAL Estate, 5 or 10 years. Apply to J. A. Gardiner, 151 Wellington St. [RRA AN EXPERIENCED GENERAL SER- vant ; no washing or ironing ;: family of four. Apply 817 University Avenue. AN EXPERIENCED GIRL TO DO general housework, wages $15 Ap ply, Mrs. B. W, Folger, 143 King St. West. Y A GENERAL SERVANT ;\NO WASH- ing. Apply between seven and cight in evening, to Mrs. H. B. R. Craig, 197 King St. SERVANT GIRL TO ASSIST IN general housework ; small family no washing. Apply in the evening, 81 Frontenac Street, IN A FORTNIGHT ; GOOD GENE + Servant, who can cook ; good wages; no washing or ironing. Apply im- mediately, Mrs. Knight, Alice St. FOUR GIRLS. AS SHAMBERMAIDS and | Waitresses. $15 re month. $ 4 both ways, Good peferefices required. Apply 'S.," Whig Office. A RBFINED YOUNG LADY TO GO to the country, for July and August, to nurse invalid gentleman and make DAILY MEMORANDA, -- Cheese Board, 1.30 p.mi, Thursday. General Assembly opens, Grant Hall, 8 p.m. In the pin drop. . This day in history :--First Congress, 1765 ~The theatrical lawyer is always look- ing for a show-case. If a wan has but one shirt he never owes a big wash bill. The sun rises Thursday at 4.19 am. and at 7.88 p.m. Meeting of Committers of Kingston ©ld Boys' Association, Thusday worning, 9.30, at Whig office. He used to think her "long and lean,' But, though she has not changed at all, Since they're engaged he hath not seen A creature so inely tall." bowling alley, wou can hear American DECORATED CHINA We have a new and particularly hang- suing. display of decoraced DINNER SETS TOILET SETS They will please vou without a doubt, and the prices ure very reasonable. ROBERTSON BROS.. Beware! TEA SETS Of poor Tee Cream. We have the best in the city for 4bc. per quart. Icé Cream served with Crushed its, also Ice Cream "Soda, de. a per pound. Ganong's and Lowney's Chocolates from "10c. to 75¢. per box. T. Petters & Co. 184 Princoss Street. "Phone 649. ------------------------------ TO MILITARY MEN: We make every. kind of Shoes required, espec- tally FINE WALKING-OUT SHOES or WELLINGTON BOOTS. AAR TRV Wear '"Allen's" Military Bootmakors, 84 Brock St. herself generally usctul. Apply. voX| gign OF GOLDEN BOOT. GENTLEMEN, TO GET , 4 THEIR A ----------S----. bring Suits made wy ut Gangmars. || SWIFT'S INSURANCE AGENCY livery ; style, fit and price guaranteed to please ; pressing and repairing done vromptly. eee eee ee: ACTIVE, BRIGHT, HUSTLING agents wanted to se! eas, Coffees, Spices, ete. Over 000 a year is being made by agents. G. Marshall & Co., London, Ont 5 ® FOR SUMMER MONTHS, A FU R- nished housd, on the St. Lawrence, or Lake Ontario, suitable for a family of four. Please. state location, give dae- scription of house and rental asked Address. Frank S. Harris, The Union League Club, Philadelphia, Pa. ---------------------------- MEN AND BOYS, TO LEARN PLUMB- ing trade. We cannot supply demand for graduates. $4.50 to $5 per dav. Eight weeks completes course. Karn While learning. Address, for Cata- logue, Coyne .Bros. Co. Plumbing Schools, Cincinnati, O., t. Louis, Mo. Employment guaranteed or WANTED FIRST-CLASS PLUMBERS AND] ro: oie i STEAM - FITTERS 50¢. an hour to first-class men. Cotter Bros. FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT, CARCO. Strong reliable Companies only represented LOSSES PROMPTLY PAID. LOWEST RATES cn approved risks of every description. Oftice, Opposite Untario Bank. Fine Fruit Stock and Grain Farms ALSO CITY, TOWN AND VILLAGE Properties in the Niagara District, "'On- tario"s Garden Canada's Natural Gas Field, Wonderful developement, New 'Trolley lines. for our De- scriptive lists, i ves Ed. GONDER, Western Real Estate Ex DON'T SELL YOUR STOVES, FUR- piture, Carpets, Gent's Clothes and Boots to the first huyer that comes along. Try me, and you will find the difference. J. TURK, THE SECOND-HAND DEALER, 398 Princess Street. CAUTION. THE UNDERSIGNED WILL: NOT BE responsible for any debt contracted by his wife, from this date. -- Power Write er land Ont CARR YACHT FOR SALE. STEAMYACHT MAI GARETT, by the late William Golkey, 5b feet long, 10 feet "beam, § depth : first class seaboat : used only two months, speed, twelve miles an hour ; compound engine well furnish- ed snd in excellent condition For further particulars apply to J. A Goedearle or Capt. John Geoghegan, OWNED 3 Box 76. Kingston, Ont 278 Main Street, Winnipeg. -- er -- teady wor LOST. k to first-class men. ON SUNDAY EVE, . COLLIE EE Black and White, answers to nat TO-LET Paddy will be suitably w same Lo Sma warded by ety x u ne THE DESIRABLE RESIDENCE, 84 Crumley. Orumioy arric St., opposite City Park. Ap- Ply to Miss Flanagan, 82 Barri St. FOR SALE ' STORAG N THE STEARN | OLD STONES AND MORTAR, AT & he Roo 18 ThE and moth cents per load. Corner Farrie and roof. Apply at McCann's, 51 R. I rock St. COMFORTABLE BRICK FARM House, partly furnished, well situated on shore of Bay of Quinte. 24 niles - mmuantsy gigs au, 13 | 2008 BUILUINALCT, Stl TS Kingston Aad Dad Alsop othwell, Bagot Apply 49 Colhorne street. io iw : : « Sr a. NEW MODEL NO. 44. MASSEY, $47. Comfort Tires, $2 each. New THAT DESIRABLE PROPERTY AT and Ontario the Corner of Queen te, lately ecupied hy Mr Heat to. She suid her stepfather put the ar and outbull a cs will bo re Em---- senic on oysters and in beel tea on ceived for urchase. Apply : to Mammoth Locomotive. several occasions, and that he told her alien & W . solicitors, King- Scheneotady; . N.Y. June! 7. The | what to say to the dptectives, if there Baldwin Lacomative works has nu : Nas 2 mauires pe Psd her. mother's . BOA ¥ finished for the Oregon Railroad and }death. Lhe grown department was no ROOMS TO LET, BD. OR WITHOUT ri eation company one of the big- | satisfied with the acquittal. and beg: board: Front bedrooms, with all} oat locomotives ever produced It {further investigations, which led to modern conveniences. Apply to 160 | Tc) 000 600 pounds. The weight | the confession of Rosina Hubbard. Kise: St. he drivers is 111,000, as against | She declared that she loved her Geo is dead in Brockville, aged fifty-three He belonged to the Church of Englan and leaves a widow, six sons and tw ters: -- One box of the x cured. her, in Red Cross' on Pills Gibson's drug store. IT SHOE STORE Seekings, born in England, "Had been ill five years" was very genuine Plaud's , said a customer: William Streets. T eee A PHAETON IN Goon has been but little used, Can be seen at 147 Ordnance St CONDITION, Rear Wheel, 110,000 on the 100,000 or engine of éastern roads. passenger d 0 tint said a customer, who had tried it it rubber tires. with new Morrow Brake, four dollars. Bicycle Munson, Toron- average Conti Castile sopp as good as Pears, INTHCK OFT Togo Seemed Tireless Dur- ing Great Battle, RUSSIANS FIRE HIGH MIKASA, TO0GO'S FLAGSHIP, READY FOR ACTION, Russians Trusted to Superior Strength of Fleet--Linevitch Wants War--Czar Not Ready to ¥ield to Peace Proposals. Special to, the Whig. London, June (~The Telegraph's Tokio cobrespondent says that the Mikasa, Admiral Togo's flagship, was in the thitk of the battle. The Mikasa received most of her hits on the star- board side, 'and in the conning tower. Little damage, however, was' done, The masts and funnels were hit moré ~than-any other part of the ship, show. ing that the fire of the Russians * was hizh. The Mikasa is now ready for action again. At the beginning of the battle Lieut. Matsumura was wounded in the head. Two other afficérs, and thirteen non- commissioned officers were also wound- ed. The Mikasa approached nearer to the Russian fleet than any of the oth- er largd varships. While Admiral logo was in the conning tower, giv- ing' orders, a splinter from a shell wounded a lieutenant by his side. Ad- miral Togo went on his knees, and tenderly Lifted the young. officer. Throughout the battle * he never left the bridge; and seemed tireless. Ad miral Togo quitted his ship for the first time after the victory on June 2nd, when he went ashore smolely to visit Admiral Rojestvensky. Trusted To Strong Fleet. Tokio, June 7.-~A Russian officer, who is a prisoner at Sasebo, states that belief in the superior strength of thé Russian fleet made the crews ex- tremely confident of victory. The Rus- sian officers attribute the rat to de fective recommoitering on the part. of the Russians, and the important disposition of the main Japanese fleet, Admiral Rojestvensky is making sat- isfactory progress towards! recovery from his wounds. to Linevitch Wants War. Headquarters of the Russian A u | Godizy " defeat, . i " dismayed by Rojestvensky's and full of confidence as to the out come of the approaching battle, Lieut.-Gen. Linpvitch is for war to the bitter end, and he believes that the Manchurian army is now strong enough to assume the aggressive, Peace May Come. Paris, June 7.--A despatch to the semi-ofticial Temps, from St. Peters. burg, says: "It is learned from an authoritative source that the unani- mous cfforts of the ministers are di- rected toward peace, and they hope to succeed shortly." It is the understand. ing, here, that Germany and the Un- itl States are now taking the fore- most part in the efforts towards peace, with the other powers lending them strong moral support. Lamedorff May Succeed. June 7.--The Times' St. Petersburg correspondent asserts that there is some hope that the peace of- fers of Foreign Minister Lamsdorfi and his colleagues, will not prove al- together barren, He claims that he is assured from a very trustworthy source that carly peace is no longer without the bounds of probability. London, v Czar Not Ready To Yield. Petersburg, here, are not sa result of the negotiation at Washington, as there i# evidence that Emperor Nicholas is ready to yield Foreign Minister Lamsdorfi laid Count Cassini's cabled int of his conversation with President Roosevelt before the emper- yesterday afternoon, but the lat- ter's reception of it is not known. A hich official of the foreigm office, how- evir, again distinetly declared that Count Cassini's conversation with the president was informal, and did not necessarily involve a response, St June 7.--Diplomats, guine of the practical i proceeding #till no or, Can't Get Loans. London, June 7.---A 8t. Petersburg despatch to the Exchange Telegraph company - says the negotiations for new Russian loans in Paris and Ber- lin have proved unsuccessful. HAND OF LAW IS TIED. Confesses to Slaying Mother After Being Acquitted. Melbourne, June 7.--Rosing Hubbard, a dwarf of twenty-seven vears, acquit: ted last month of poisening her moth- er, has confessed her guilt, During her trial she alleged that her steplather administered arsenic to her mother in order that she might not come be- tween him and herself. stepfather, and did not him to suffer, as he was innocent. As she has al ready been formd not guilty, the po- KINGSTON, ONTARIO, 2) The Very Latest Culled From All Over The World. Admiral Enguiste and his three war ships will remain at Manila. Canada will 8ot be asked to recruit men for t this season. H. B. Ames' election in St. Antoine cost him almost cight thousand dol- lars. The Mexican Light and Power com: pany, has sed all the light and power plants in Mexico City, A now forest Fescrve has been map: ped out sumeunding Lake Nipegon and abot Swenty miles inland. Archdegoon Roddy, Toronto, died Tuesday aftefioon after a somewhat extended illness." He was eighty years of age. : A 'contract has been signed for the eroction of a mew £30,000 opera house with a seating capacity of 2,500, at Peterboro. Nearly two hugired thousand dol: lars have a i by churches of the Cong? Union, of Oritario, and ny off church debits, At sulmnorgea, one of mo, while six persons were a g machine, and' while 'The Canadian government will as sumo from the first of next menthe the responsibility of the financial outlay for keeping up the garricon at Esqui- malt. For the second time lightning struck the city hall tower, Toronto. The elec tric flash shattered the southwest ridge and also the west roof of the tower. C. Castle, warehouse commissioner at Winnipeg, estimates the total acre age under all crops in the Canadian west at 5,800,000. Last year's acre age approximated 4.500.000. The strike of the firemen of the steamer Ultonia = during the voyage, ended in a farous encounter between the Austrian and English sailors. The officers, who are Englishmen, had to force the strikeps, revolvers in hand, to do their dw The House of Commons, on Tuesday approved Sir Feederick Borden's plan for an increase the permanent force = minister also ex: Lp in the active militia was only temporary and the council werc considering a new plan of defence. The second yacht designed for the defence of the Canada's cup this sum mer off Charlotte has arrived at Char lotte, and will be launched immedi ately. This boat is the Iroquois, de signed by C. F. Herreshoff and built in the shipyards of Lawley & Son, Boston. It is not expected that the Rochester, the third candidate for the defence of the Canada's cup, will be completed for two or three weeks yet. The Kee Lox II. has already had a trial spin. reep---- TERUST INTO WELL. Farm Servant Attempts to Murd- er His Mistress. Brussels, June 7.--~A farm servant bas just been arrested at Wolverthem on a charge of attempted murder of his mistress by throwing her down a well. He had a dispute with his em ployer and threw hér down the well, which is fifteen feet deep and contains gix feet of water. Notwithstanding the cries of the woman, the laborer's de sign was to kill her. Seizing a long pole,he pushed her body under | the water. Fortunately, her cries - were heard by workers in the fields. They ran toward the well, On' seeing them the laborer made off. The woman was saved. An hour after the would be murderer was arrested by the Wolver them gendarmerie, REVEALED MURDERER. Camphor Odor on Stolen Notes Brings Arrest. Oporto, Spain. June 7.--Sentence of twenty-eight years' imprisonment been passed on a flour degger for murder 'of 1v old women who were found stran in their house last October. Fo mg time the author of the cfime remained unknown. The guilt of th r dealer was finally leet brought home to him by a clever Portuguese dete tive, who learned that he had changed some notes which sawlled strongly of camphor. The murdered women kept the drug in all their boxes, including the or from which the notes were stolen. The ar- r dealer quickly fol rest of the fl ' guilt was clearly lowed, and Jus proved. EERE 88 MILES AN HOUR. to Eclipse Highest Speed Record to Be Madeg Berlin, June 7 The minister of pub- lie works has just invited the manage ment of the Berlin railways to resume the expgriments in increasing of trains on Effort cently made. The aim will be made. lice are unable to take proceedings against her. -------------- Gibson's Red Cross drug store he cakes in box for 10¢. McLeod's Dru Store. y Armout's witch hazel toilet soap, © al "Just like McConkey's of Toronto™ jhe joe cream at Gibson's drug store, 400 vards after the brake has been ap plied, Sidney Ruttan has been appointed bailiff of the the eawnte of Prince Edward. For high clase soaps the the Berlin-Hanover line, on which several trials were re- It is expected that as a result of the forthcoming trials the | their arrest, today, on a of speed of express trains, composed of a | attempting to defraud. locomotive and three carriages, will be ---- : j increased 10 cighty-eight miles an'| The death of Muriel Bernice Clarke, hour. Experiments in stopping trains ) is to bring | E. these fast trains to a standstill about tachment. HEAD GONE. ing account of the ture of a pow- erful chief named Yambio. he Lieut, Fell = offered to talk with Yambio 'if his -men would lay down their spears. This they agreed to do, but took them up again as soon as caught, and brought in by Capt. Car: ter, 1t appeared that he had heen bad- ly wounded in the wrist and knee, Everything was done to save him, but either through shock or fear he died the same altemoon. | It was evident that he had been the mainstay of the ole revolt, and that from the first his le wanted to come in, but were kept back by him. He ruled his people with extreme severity, Lis only punishment was death, and this was' meted out' fre quently for the slightest offences, Large numbers of women and girls were found closely confined and jeal- ously guarded in' his village. All were released and sent back to their Wil ages whenever possible, mong the trophies captured was the sultan's great war drum, It stands four feet high, is out of a single - tree trunk, and is carved to represent a buffalo. At Yambio's funeral there was no great display of grief. When this was pointed Hut by a British officer, an Arab speaking native answered : "No; they are mot sorry, fot if Yambio had died a natural death and had been buried hy his own , at least 300 of them would have slain at the same time." ria Actording to the Niam-Niam custo the body was tied in a sitting posi tion, with the hands closed and brought up to the chin, and the legs carried slightly to the left. It was placed in a circular grave, Salem News. Salem, June 6.~The recent rains have improved meadows and pastures, and the apples and plums give promise of an abundant crop. The Rose Gault Comedy company, passed through here en route for Fermoy, after spending a week at Westport. The friends of Mes. Knapp are pleased to see her around after her recent illness. Miss Elma Kennedy returned to her school at Caintown, after a _ few 'weeks' holi- days. Our cheese factory is running full blast now, under the management of W. C. Taylor, with ¥. Green, and D. Barr, as assistants. Miss Alma and Omer Palmer went to Perth, Thurs- day, to attend the funeral of the Inte H. B. Wright. Rev. Mr, Pletts, of Sutton, Quebec, took charge of the service "th our church, Sunday, in the absence of Rev. G. Stafford. Our school is progressing favourable under the management of Miss Nellie Scanlan, J. Payne's two little girls, visiting their grandiatheor, G. Tryon, returned to Smith's Falls on Thursday. Miss Lizzie Jones is able to be out after a men were in Fermoy, Saturdav night, | attending the show, Visitors: Miss | W. Taylor #t Burridge; C. Saunders | at W. Blair's: W. Taggart at Saunders'; Mrs. James Ewing at Knapp's; Miss Ethel Taggart at! home: Miss Nellie Stintson. at W.| Qickler'ss Arnold Conklin and Herbert | Brennan at J. Myer's. ---------------- Richest Boy In The World. New York, June 7.--~The American save: By the terme of the Ziegler will, filed yesterday in the surrogates office; fourteen-year old William Zeig- Jer will come into the possession of £10,000,000 or an income of $125,000 a month. By the time he reaches his | majority this immense fortune will | no doubt be very much larger, and he will be a factor in the financial world. Young Ziegler is the adopted son of the Jate William, the million- aire haking powdér man known as the backer of several North Pele expedi- tions, and who died recently in his country home at Noroton, Conn. Are Under Arrest. Montreal, June 7.~Hyman & Wil liams, who have been conducting a tailoring amd clothing bugdiness on St. Catharines strect, as Bros., recently had a demand of assignment made on them at the instance of their creditors. This has been followed by infant daughter of Mr, and Mrs. W, Clarke, late of Picton, occurred at Los Angeles, California. The Ontario government, it is un- first divigion court in and perfumes | its prepared from the same formulae. I go to Gibson's Red Cross drug store. derstood, has extended the time for establishing houses of refuge from 1906 i to 1908, . "Those unsightly pimples will go" take Burdock and Sarsaparilla Com- bet He Was Taken By A De- sone con! Balti i ouly in swimming tights, ond with a Joly. 110 miles, passing through tion a t : ham, who has done all the NATIVES GAVE INE: mms AFTER THEY FOUND THEIR emante for Sie bo, wt the othr 34 Account of Ruler"s Power Over: smell J Holo ids at i iar the Tribe Given by First Detach- | and race hong to' a point a ~ ment of British Soldiers Back [mile blow. Hn are sow fn : From Niam-Niam Expedition, hard training fon the Son vic AE Khartoum, June 7.--The first detach- Bhi 2g a. timore he ment of the Niam-Niam expedition, | Cot The" date. has not been fixed. which has returned, gave an interest but the race will be swam bither 'dur ing the Shriners' conclave or early in the British soldiers approached. . On -- ay . their Song ia the second time, and i to he i - |after full. warning two or three vol- | Spectn ae \ Movs 'were fired wid Whe aemy bolted, Quebec, June 7A Os Pan A couple of days later some prison- | Proposes te vontinue: the fine ers undertook to show Yambio's hid- of the QR.L.-& P. Co, from St ing place. He was surprised and Joachim to Tadousac, s stretch of a of 35,000 | of A on is great development and that is why government aid is asked. The estimated at $1,014,000 and the road t electric line in Gouin seid that Id do its share if the dominion did its. . he would be the Lk the country. P: the province woul cost is FALSE USE OF PASSPORTS. Writer and Actor Committed to Stand Their rial. London, June 7-H. N, Brailsford, a writer, and A. H. MoCulloch, charg od with conspiracy in obtaining pass ports for unlawful mitted for trial, consisted of corr statements. The defendants mitted to bail. McCulloch were ad is under: stood to be an actor, and the explosion of one of his rte found on the the b manufacturer killed b hombs of Hotel Bristol, S{. Petersburg, * on March 11th. ao RE acai 5 Court House and Ofty Hall Consumed. Special to the Whi Bate St. Paul, last night, which started i shed, destroyed the eourt City hall. i, June 7.-Fire, | n- a wood: house and In the court house d- ing were the post office, the office and also the private ) of the postmaster, Charles Cimon. It is supposed the fire was started by tramps who © lighted match threw away a in the woodshed. losses amount to about $0,000; court house held insurance of $3,000, ALDERMAN ROBBED. Westman Charged With $700. Stealing Toronto, June 7.-Ceorge Westman, who gave his address as chester street, 105 Win- described himself to the police ns a hardware clerk, was arrested, on a charge $700 from Harold derman, from B of the famil of stealing M. 'Dyment, an al- attie, and a member ily of the well-known horse. man, It is said that Westman picked up Mr. Dyment's acquaintance at the Iroquois a few ago. Quebec Tidings Special to Quebec, ceived a te the 'governor-general rive o Quebeo to-morrow, on Tuesday ith inst. 1. | vigned by all 'the merchants J. | ing business men of this city, ing the$ the charge of five cents per register ton enacted from shipping at this port, under heading dues be abolished, has Ottawa. Speclal to the Whi ithe Soo : through the canal during Canadian, history, freight movement being 5, of which 4,686,527 American side tal of 205,534 tons were record for a day. Noble, of death by Seaning. several drain for a heavy rains the river etary ume T. The Association, on August th. Thomas wident of Halifax, and Ta ai -- store, pound, 7c. Gibson's Red Cross dwg North British Society, is - N last evening, sovere illness, A number of our young | gl, H. Williams, informing him that purposes to ar Sag Xr Parent ro- the largest for one single A Youth Drowned. al to the Whiz. Ba Ont., June 7.~William the twelve-year-old son of North, Jonth, London of this city, ita ammual excursion to from Thursday. M. Shillington and T, Goulden at T. | 7he ball to be tendered to their excel: Seanlan's: L. Bateman at EB, Mver's:|j.ncies will be given, in the city hall, A petition and lead- request. of hai been handed in to the board of trade to be for- warded to the proper authorities at ---------------- The Canal Record. Detroit, Mich, June 7.--~Reports from indicate that the tonnage May, was month in 775,787 tone, tons were on the and 1,088.9) tons on the Canadian side. On Hay 2nd. * de SMITH ' i To Have An Excursion. dead. y ] al the Noble, David met his ; y with ys, he went into the Orton bath, but owing to th fn awllowe will Ww don; Rockport neral from. SOMERVILLE ~1n Kings 6th, 1905, Franels eighty-one Funeral Prive day, to Cata VISITOR! To the city call and see. cess St. Drop in and look will see a first class Grocery 8 a complete stock good store your town. Any information 'We can the country. J. R. &°