for Lot Dunn & Com- menber of the Mon- ok an unexpected tr Cre 35; 3 yellow, $4.7 hi & also some talk ¢ ubt on that point, Lt --tiin | the secret - Fehe big: commons: -. The . proper authorities at Ottawa have been notified of the presence of ison over reserve across the , which will make camp denger- on is anticipated. sfaction in every article We buy direct from | acturers. Send our buyers st _marksts and avid all : n and agents. This decreas- es 8 cost to ue, and therefore to you. @orsets the first time they are worn, never allowing th retaining their original shape to the ol a WAI STYLES--For slight and full , 0c, Aon STYLbS. figures ET WAISTS AND STAYS---Large range of styles and . v Jigting wished pearance. They look more LENGTHS--All- shades, $4.95, 85.75, $7.50, FULL 12.50 in GE ¥ o- Wear Skirts ol iver 00 to select kom, All of the very 'latest i Justine, Plain Mohairs, Cream Lustres, White Piques; y viots, We alter r Skirt free of © 83, $3.50, $3.75, $1, ¥1.50, 5, $5.50, # , $8, 89, ese Silk hes wide, nothing to equal it for wear % "Brown Green, Grey; Sky, Cardinal, Cream, . lish designs, neat effects, 45c., 50, 60c., Bu buted promiscuously over | coneludeq "1. "1 ROBERT E. PEARY, South Portland, Me., June 7.--"Sup- posing that I succeed in finding the North Pole, what goad shall avy Fond from it, said Lieutenant-Commandey Robert E. Peary, as he digseyssed his plans for leaving New York, on July th, on the steamer Roosevelt, in an- effort to reack the pl he has ous to and horses, and some vig- | 1 ah 1 BI 8 teou ht for several years. ""L don't suppose there is any money in it, an although there is 'a possi- bility so remote as to he hardly worth considering. But there are oth- er reasons, "We may quite possibly take sound- ings which wiil-determine the general features of the great polar ocean, and then there - are 3,000,000 square miles of unknown land and sea. A new land may 'exist theré, a continent contain- ing human Ueings as intelligent as ourselves. Lisutenant Peary has completed all his plaps for the trip and he will sail from the Maine coast not later than June 18th, for New York. He will re {main in New York until July 4th, when he starts on his cruise north, The first and only stop will' be at St. John's, Nfld, where his supplies will be replenished and his crew of Esqui- maux will be taken on. His route from St. John's will be. directly through the Gulf of St. Law- renee to the Labrador coast. From there he will proceed to the west coast of Greenland as far as Cape York. There his sledge-dogs will be taken on {and he will then sail to the shores of Great Land, on thes southern extiemity of the Northern Polar sea. : By that time it is expected it will be September, beginning of the 'long polar night. During the period of darkness Peary will establish various | depots for provisionsg and when dawn comes he will start * north with his Fsquimaux and endeavor to cover the remaining 500 miles of unknown land and frozen sea, which lie between the northern shore of Grant Land and his goal. Tt is in that territory that he expects to find an area of 3, 000.000 squure miles at the pole where the foot of man never trod, "For myself T doubt the existence of {human heings there," Lieutenant Podry says, in a letter to President Roosevelt. "But it is claimed in a scientific work, that the Garden of Fden ariginally existed at, the pole, Perhaps I may find it now, and, some prehistoric people in it. For me, how: lever, there is a sentimental reason for greater than this. My discovery of the \pole means additional prestige for my country, and should 1 succeed in my migsion.....shonld an American be the first to plant the stars and stripes at the summit of the frozen north...,.well it means that 70,000,000 of my coun: trymen and countrywomen would feel a thrill of oride worth all the hard: shins and all the sufferings my trip is going: to cost." Every modern appliance which science oan = construct will be "at Peary's service. Mrs, Peary, by her own carnest desire, will accompany him, as will also their daughter Mil. dred, twelve vears old. Neatly all the fur clothing which the Americans will wear on the trip has been manufactured in Maine, The pur- pose of the trip to New York is to load the Roosevelt with provisions. MONTREAL WEDDING. Miss Mackensie and Mr. Beard more Married, e to Whig, A 15 ah The marriage of Miss Evelyn Mackenzie, sister Lady Mont Allan, to Lissant Beard- move, Toronto, took place at Christ church cathedral this afternoon, Rev. Dr. Symonds officiating. The floral {| decoraticns at the oat and at the home of the bride's mother, on: Sherbrooke street, were of * the most » e character. The bridesmaids: weve Miss Alice Shaughnessy, Miss Ae Horries, Miss Kate Reford, and Estelle Holland. There was a large contingent of Toronto people | present. The groom had for his best man his brother, E. Beardmore, murder trial, in the court * of! | king's bench, of Arsene Pharon, was luded, to-day, and resulted in th | acquittal. of the prisoner without the: Some of causing the. South E -cpusin th of a named Cadonrette, whose body a. | found: in. the. river... under ions fei stances, The evidente was pu '}ly circumstantial, A o 3 | The | district, o | Fa The Very Latest Culled From All Over The World. the czar, disease. orally "A. C. McKay h ac- ---- ~ chancellosship of McMaster Univer the Otiawa house for Levis, Que,, by . five hundred volun- foers wil, into camp at Niagara- on The C.P.R. has refused the terms offered by Stratford city council for the railw, entering that city, : | 1 4 of onion head office in milton. will i h, voveral storeys therwise i oved. Moscow i proteatig gamet further postponement of a convoea: tion of the representatives of the na- tion. : At the tario H is werionsly ill of Bright's al meeting of the: On- ase tien} Dr, CG. A. advocated the appointment division, Oita has just ; al on, Ottawa, h word g serious frost in t Britain, May 23rd, which is 10 have a marked offect upon the t crop. - is understood that the 2 3 late James Cochrane, trea | Trust co y, of will Be Poms of les of politn of" the : post eer of police. 3 Caue has mn crea by an im: erigl decree, which also allots to the f the province the sum of yearly for a ®ecret te of Sa Seas doh KING CEASES TO ACT, rsiatiaza, June Lo orthing, to-day, A clared the union between Norway and Sweden, un- der ome kingdom, to be dis- solved and that the King had ceased to act as King of Norway. EH rr $LEVEL FES Ny ai SA panes Kae G FEEL TY MARRIED THIS MORNING. Miss O'Riely Becomes Wife of Staff-Sergt. Bailey. At half past eight o'clock this morn: ing, the marriage took place at St. Mary's cathedral of Miss Evelyn, datighter of Thomas O'Riely, 313 Johnston street, and Wilfrid George Bailey, stafi-sergeant to the officer commanding the eastern militaty divi- sion. The ceremony was lormed by the rector, Rev, Father Kehoe, in the presence of the immediate relatives, also a considerable number of friends, who came to see the wedding of this populdr yo couple. The bride logk- ed very sweét in a dress of white silk, trimmed with chiffon, and the bridesmaid, Miss Loretta O'Riely, sis- foe of ¢ he bride was likewise attired. "divard Byrbe suppor the groom. After the ceremgny the. bridal party partook of a wedding breakfast at the home of the bride's father after which Sergt. and: Mrs. Bailey, left on the moming train for a short eastern honeymoon tour. Both the bride and groom have a large number of friends in the city and elsewhere, who spent many tokens of esteem find Sumgratiintjons. Stall Sergt.. Bailey, dur is term of fice in local min circles has won the esteem of all with whom he is of ficially connected, and they will join with others in wishing the young gouple all the joy of a happy wedded ile, AIDS TO CIRCULATION. Matter Discussed by Men. Special to the Whig. Toronto, June 7.--The business ses- sion of the National Association of Circulation Mana, of newspapers convention, this morning, was devoted largely to a discussion on the ques tion of what adds to the ulation ex] of a newspaper. e disous- sion was taken pe by D. M, Beardsley, Inter- , Chicago; Geo, M, Rogers, St. Louis, and R. L. Mec Lean, Bulletin, Philadelphia. Newspaper Charming Japanese Women. Until the war hospital nursing in Japan was undertaken almost entire- ly by men, but the little Jap woman has recognized her vocation. Sir Frederick Troves, the great surgeon, in 'his recent work, says that the Ja- nese women, 'when she has been suitably trained, makes a splendic nurse. Her ncatness, quickness and dexterity arc marvelous to sec. What her small hands can do with a pair of forceps only the prestidigitateur ean mimic and only a lifelong use of chopsticks can explain. She has that passion for cleanliness which is a fea- ture of her race. She is quiet and tle, she is perfect in discipline and, ast but not = least, she has the ex- quisito soft voice which is common to all her ecountrywomen."' But, not contented with ninistering to the men themselves, they on communi- dations with the families of the wounded, sending out bealth bulletins of the condition of each sufferer. ---------------- Deserters In Watertown Jail. The two artillery deserters from Kingston, who went over the border last Thursday, are in jail at Water town, N.Y., having been arrested yes- terday," at the instance of Immigrant Inspector Lewis, whom: they escaped at Cape Vincent, It is likely the men will '| be deported, as they must produce im- migration certificates before entering the states. - Entered Protest. Stockholm, Sweden, June 7.~King a to Premier : Michaelsen as follows : "Have received {| the communication of the council of i| test against the method and action 1 of the government." ; annual meeting of Kingston No. 40, L0O.0.¥., will be held in the city this evening and will be cendueted by D.D.G:M. Denison. Dele tes from ue, Lansdowne, sham, Snow , Harrowsmith, and Kingston; are here to attend the & 3 A, # KK The Grand Dike Viadimit, uncle of HIS RE Carrier 3a bon eledied. fo} 'these painful incidents. | of Frontenac §& a3 x 3 2 VERY IS PREDICT. 'ED IN TWO MONTHS, A Russian Torpedo Boat Destroy- er Has Been Intermed at Shanghai--Russians Said Have Acted Badly. Special to the Whig. Tokio, June 7.--Admiral Rojestven- sky is gaining strefigth and his re- covery is predicted He greatly' attention of tl attending him. He was asked if he Nisha a way on one of the captu i ships to nurse him, and he replied that it was 'un as he could not be better eciates the skill and nurses, Russian Colliers At Woosung. Washington, June 7.--Consul-Gene- ral Rodgers, at Shaughak, cables the state department, under to-day's date, as follows : : "At Woosung are now anchored seven Russian colliers which will, douhtless, be interngd. It is reported that there are a number of Japgnose vesscls off Sutzlaff, The Russian tor do boat destroyer Bodri has been interned at Shanghai. Disgraceful Behavior London, June 7.--A despatch to the Telegraph, from Tokio, says that while the Japuneso wer convoying the surrendered battleship Orel some of the Russian officers and sailors begs haved disgracofully. Capt. Yu Nick was lying in his bunk seriously wounded. They fired a fuse under the magazine near the stern. When it was found by the Japanese a disorderly seene occurred. Eight of the ring- leaders word immediately shot. This was: the reason the Orel was taken to Maizura instead of Saseho, as was intended, ' The correspondent asserts that the reported barbarity of the Russians in throwing overboard their wounds is exaggerated. It was done without knowledge of the officers. While, the vessel was being taken to Japan, about twelve sailors, unable to bear their wounds, cried to their comrades to save them from pain by killing them, and in the absence of Japanese escorts the Russians were thrown in- to the sea. The Japanese on board romonstrated and the captain of the Orel was greatly agitated by the cruelty and tiny f his crew. He apologized to #h€ Japanese, is death thirty minutes before the Ore! reached Maizura was accelerpted by Are Resentinl. St, Petersburg, June :7.--~The Rus- sian press, notably the Novoe Vremya and the Russ, the latter frequently re- flecting the views of the foreign of- fice, display a great .deal of resent- ment against the United States for 'enforcing the twenty-four hour rule in the ease of the three Russian cruisers at Manila, ! Do One Thing Or Other. Manila, June 7.-At eleven o'clock, this. morning, = President . Roosevelt's order was delivered to Rear-Admiral Enquiste directing the latter to sail within twenty-four hours, after neon of June 7th, or intern, The admiral is perniitted to take coal and supplies sufficient to reach the next port. He has asked for. further time pending advices from St. Petershurg. Affected By Lighting, Rockport, June 5.--What might have proved a. serious accident occurred on Friday last. As a number of men were employed doing road work, lightning struck and destroyed eighteen feet of wire fence and stunned Alexander Kirkwood, Albert Ferguson, Dewitt Williams and Z. Beaubiah. The teams on the road grader started to run away, but were stopped before any damage was done. Mrs. Charles Corn- wall spent Saturday = last in Brock- ville. Miss Minnie White, Alexandria Bay, is spending a few weeks with hee mother here. Charles Dollinger and sister of Gouverneur, N.Y., were the guests of Mr. and Mrs, Charles Corn- wall for a few days. Mr. Reid, Pres- cott, has purchased the steamer Ellen owned by Fred. Huck, Mrs. Edwards returned to Algonquin after spending a few days with relatives here, There have been ten resignations from the board of directors of the Equitable Life Assurance Society, of New York. The cotton factories in Lancashire spin enough thread in six seconds to go around the world. Alex. Arthurs is visiting friends Marmora and is doing and shooting. NOTICE T0 CREDITORS In The Matter of Patrick J. Howland and Michael J. V. Howland, Trading as Howland Bros., of the City of Kingston, in the County of Frontenac. NOTICE 1S HEREBY GIVEN THAT, Putrick J, Howland and Michael J, V. Howland, Tradin as Howland Bros., of the City of Kingston, in the County carrying on busi Merchant Tailors & etc, at the said City of Kingston, hans made assignment under RS.0. 1807, ¢. 147 of all their State, Sed its aad effects to Richard Lee, 0 y of Toronto, for general benefit of their creditors. A meeting of their creditors will be held at we of. the Assignee, 511 McKinnon wading in the City of To. ronto. on WEDNESDAY, the Tath day of June, 1905, at the hour of 3 o'clock at some fishing claims : proofs and particulars thereof required hy the said nct, on or before the day © pg furth 4 notice is further given, that after' he, Sth day of July, 1905, the A ce v on, and that he will not be liable fo 'the assets or any part thereof so dis tributed, to an: on or persons of Bhase claim he shall not then have had otice. _ RICHARD LEE, Assignee, Toronto. R. WEBSTER, HAS. Solicitor for Assignee. C Kingston, Pre Dated at 1903, . Toronto this 6th day of June, to | in two months. | surgoons and nurses | necessary treated than he was by the Japanese | RAINCOAT The popularity of the Cravenette Rain. coat is attested by the many women who haye bought them this year. Constructed on ney lines and with an element of style peculiar to themselves. This is an indispensible garment, being both dust and rain proof and is especially useful when travelling or on an outing trip. The best styles and the latest shades are shown in our line and every woman should have one of these important attributes to her wardrobe, Women's Full Length Raincoats, made of good quality of Cravenette Cloth in Fawn, Oxford, Olive, tight fitting with pleated back, $7.93, 8.50, 9.75, 8.75. Women's Three-quarter Length Raincoats, io the newest shades, in tight and semi-fitting, with pleated back, and have the new sleeve and belt, at $6.75, 7.95, 8.50 and 9.75. Women's Full Length Raincoats, in high quality of Cravenette Cloth, in the latest shades, made with belt and new sleeve, tight fitting with pleated back, at $10.50, 11.50 12.50, 13.99. Women's Tourist Raincoats, made of Black and White and Brown and White Check Craven- ette Cloth, tight fitting, with the new sleeve, pleated back and belt, at $9.50. Women's Silk Raincoats, in fine quality of Rain- proof Silk, in the new sheered effect, full length with the latest sleeves, at $14.05. e 3 "YEAR 72. NO. 18 ---------------------------- Special Sale: s IN 3 Dressers Wash Stand: Dresser and Stan now $50, lary BNC Solid mahogany Dr regular price $65, peir mirrors, Solid Mahogany Dressers, $45, for §3 Brass and Iron Bed to Match from § to $2. olid arter-cut Oak Dresser ar 5 il Su from $40 to $25, polish fi ish, Robt. J. Reid 222 Princess 5t., Next to Opera Hous Telephone 577. '. WANTED. JQOK. APPLY, IN THE EVE A oon rs. Howard S. Folger, West St. A YOUNG | GIRL FOR GENER, - housework, Apply to rs. Hend son, 49 Clergy St. tlt eet $13,000 ON $80,000 SECURITY, RE/ state, 5 or 10 years. Apply to A. Gardiner, 151 Wellington St. ~~ LX] SPRAY GF AN EXPERIENCED GENERAL SE vant ; no washing or ironing; fam of four. Apply 817 Univers Avenue. N EXPERIENCED GIRL TO a general housework, wages $15. J ply, Mrs. B. W. Folger, 148 K St. West. SERVANT; NO WAS hetween seven and ei B. R. Cre A GENERAL ing. Apply in evening, to Mrs. H 197 King St. ---------------------------------------- YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST genéral housework ; small tamil no washing. Apply in the evening, Frontenac Street. IN A FORTNIGHT ; GOOD GENER Servant, who can cook ; good wag no washing or ironing. Apply mediately, Mrs. Knight, Alice St A REFINED YOUNG LADY TO to the country, for Julytand Aug to nurse invalid gentleman and m erself generally useful. Apply, | T., Whig office. FXPERIENDED FIRST CLA dressmaker to take charge of sb Must be reliable. State salavy pected and experience to Mrs: Garvin, Sydenham ACTIVE, BRIGHT, . 1] agents wanted to sell Tea Spices, etc. Over $2,000 a yea being made, by agents. G. Mars & Co., London, Ont. GENTLEMEN, TO GET TH) Spring Suits made up at Gallowa 1951 Brock street, next to "Bib! livery ; style, fit and price guaran to picase ; pressing and repairing « promptly. ip a------ FOR SUMMER MONTHS, A F nished house, on the St. Lawrence Lake|Ontarip, suitable for a famil four, Please state location, give scription _of house and rental as Address, Frank 8. Harris, The L League Club, Philadelphi Pa. MEN AND BOYS, TO LEARN PLL ing trade. We cannot supply den for graduates. $4.50 to $5 per Eight weeks completes course. ] while Jearning. Address, for C logue, Coyne Bros, Co. Plum Schools, Cincinnati, O., St. Ls Mo. Employment guaranteed money refunded. b TO-LET. THE DESIRABLE RESIDENCE Barrie St., opposite City Park. ply to Miss Flanagan, 82 Barrie eet irioiaomsia---------------- RTORAGE, A ROOM IN THE STE, building, clean, dry, rat and ] roof. Apply at McCann's, Brock St. eee etc eeeetere COMFORTABLE BRICK F House, parti furnished, well ait: on shore of Bay of Quinte, 24 west of Collins Bay. Good s accommodation. Stage daily WORRY AND TROUBLE By starting on your journey with proper baggag® A GOOD TRUNK Is half the battle in travelling, We have a large stock of very strong Trunks 8° a large variety of Suit Cases, Hat Boxes, etc. Prices Very Low. d Kingston and Bath, Also F Cottage. Address, H, ©, Rot Collins Ray Ont. THAT DESIRABLE PROPERTY the Corner of Queen and On Streets, lately occupied by Mr erson as a grocery with large and outbuildings. Offers will 1 VA for urchase. Apply Walkemm & Walkem, solicitors, ston. FOR SALE. OLD STONES AND MORT/ cents per , load. Corner karri William Streets. T. R. Lavery .. PHAETON IN GOOD CONDI has heen hut little used. rubber Cun he seen at 147 Ordnance ! coc BUILDING LOT, SOUTH ueen street, between Montreal Bagot. Apply 40 Colborne st NEW MODEL NO. 44, MAS £47, Comfort Tires, $2 each Rear Wheel, with new Morrow | four dollars. Bicycle Munson, ° 0. LO Lome eee me A BLACK SATIN BELT, WITH buckle, yesterday morning Please return to Whig office. edt 4. Sete ON SUNDAY EVE, COLLIE Black and White, answers to n "Paddy." Finder will be suita warded by returning same to Crumley, Crumley Bros BOARD. ROOMS TO LET, WITH OR WI1 board. Front pd-rooms, Wi modern conveniences. Apply .-t King St. FEE SR Tidal Wave Swept Away I Michigan City, Tnd., June S.- wave four feet high swept ir Lake Michigan, washing the f the docks for. one-fourth of a from the harbor entrance. Th Was the heaviest on record here "Shynol," the world's Best po soap, at Gibson's Red Cross Stove, *