7 of the Cravenette Rajp. he many women who have rear. Constructed on new lement of style peculiar to an indispensible garment, rain proof and is especially ling or on an outing trip. the latest shades are shown ry woman should have one ttributes to her wardrobe, th Raincoats, made of good nette Cloth in Fawn, Oxford, ng with pleated back, $7.93 arter Length Raincoats, io s, in tight and semi-fitting, k, and have the new sleeve » 7-95; 8.50 and 9.75. th Raincoats, in high quality th, in the latest shades, made lew sleeve, tight fitting with $10.50, 11.50 12.50, 13.99. aincoats, made of Black and nm and White Check Craven- fitting, with the new sleeve, belt, at $9.50. coats, i in fine quality of Rain- » new sheered effect, full length seves, at $14.05. Save ~ WORRY AND TROUBLE : journey with proper baggeg® JOD TRUNK travelling, nd tock of very strong Truaks & ases, Hat Boxes, etc. 5 Very Low. Special Sales Dressers : w ash Stands Dresser and Stand, Solid Mahogany Dressers, $15, for $35. Brass and Iron Bed to Match from $35 $2.50. lid aiternt Oak B Suan, from $40 to $25, polish fin- Robt. J. Reid, 232 Princess St., Next to Opera House : Telephone 577. Howard S. OM nose ork, Avy to er e------ $13,000 ON $30, 000 SECURITY, EE 151 Wellington St. GENERAL SER- ; no washing or ironing ; "housework K, Ww ages 1s 5. between seven and eight a ---------------------------- Apply 'in the evening, 81 S-- IN A FORTNIGHT ; Servant, who can hai vy, for Julytand August to nurse invalid gentleman and make experience to Mrs. ------------------------------------ ie -- wanted to sell Teas, Suits made up at Galloway's, er style, fit and price guarantoed to please ; pressing and repairing dont IR " shen house, on a St Lake Qutarig, suitable of house and "rental usked. ing trade. Wo cannot $4.50 to pid per day weeks 'completes course. learning. Audrets, DESIRABLE RE SIDEN Cl 2 ply to Miss Flanagan, er erie ar =m iat mm---------- STORAGE, A ROOM IN Lig STE ARN ate tbe Bay. Sood stable THAT DESIRABLE PPOPERTY Al Q a grocery with jatke yard SPECIAL T0 TOURISTS MME. ELDER, from New York, and Carriage Custumes Ttoly occupied by Mr. Yon. ang outbuildings. Offers will ceived m, solicitors, King 4 io William Streets. T. R. 1 NEW "won, NO. 82 each. New orrow Brake, with fee dollars. ith nev Toron- 0. wi ITH GILT HLACK SATIN BEL T, Finder Please. return to "Whig office. Yourself etn ON SUNDAY EVE, Pup Bia ck and White, 'answers "Yo name of Finder will be suitably Te ie by returning i. 8 Crumley, Crumley Bros Ropus To Lk dar, wih OR WiTHOY T hei ok Oar: ADbly I i Tidal Wave Swept Away Docks. | Specin! to the Whiz. " : ; oticligan City, Ind., June S.A tidal Halifax, N.8., June 8.--At Invernces A Wide Turning Movement. feet high swept in from eonl jues, this - ichigan, washing the top off | sion © the nin for. one-fourth mile wax the heaviest on record here, Sheol, ** the world" § best polishing Drug DATLY MEMORANDA, Board of Education, 8 p.m General Assembly, Grant Hall, 8 pn A musical festival must be a sort of a "piece" jubilee, This day in history :--First ParliGment at Ottawa, 1866 1 rises Friday at 4.19 a.m. and a 39 pan. College luncheon Friday, one p.n., at Old Arts Building. . The menagerie man goes right out and captures the woll at the door. A man's good deeds live after him, When he departs this life But if they're deeds for real estate In court there may be strife. Some people are bored 'to death, and yet there is a Board of Health There are ten million babies in the world, and each one is the cutest, ! Keep your head In fashion, comfort and economy, By wearing one of Camphall Bros Nobby New Summer Hats DECORATED CHINA We have a new and particularly hand- some display of decorate DINNER SETS TEA SETS TOILET SETS They will 'please you without a doubt, and the prices are very reasonable. ROBERTSON BROS.. Beware! Of poor Tee Cream. Wa have the best in the city for 4c. per quart. Ice Cream served with Crushed Fruits, also lee Cream Soda, Se. a glass, Full line Candies from 10c. to 50e. per pound. Ganong's and Lowney Chocolates from lOc. to 7c. per box. T. Petters & Co. 184 Princess Street. 'Phone 649. ---------------------------- FOR SALE. by A. H. Coal, Ardendale This has been listed and consists of : Dry Goods and Clothing U2. Hardware and Wallpaper 2 Hoots and Shoes Crockery, Glassware and Fancy 4 or es There also accounts receivable valued at 8.69 Tenders will be received till 12th inst, inclusive for above stock and book debts together sep 1 at #o auch on the dollar. 'T or any tender not necessarily a The stock can P.O. Box 112, Kingston We make every kind of Shoes required, espec~ lally FINE WALKING-OUT SHOES or WELLINGTON BOOTS. Military Bootmakers, 84 Brock St. SIGN OF GOLDEN BOOT, ee a-- SWIFT'S INSURANCE AGENCY | FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT, CARCO. {ahle Companies only re; presented 1 ES PROMETLY PAID. LOWEST, RATES cn approved risks f every description. Office, Opposite Ontario Bank Dinner, Evening : I'atlor-Made ns I'rousscaux, ¥ Waists, All orders ¢ with dispatch prices Parlors 251 cess St., enham, Kingsto "hi| "QUEEN'S REUNION GOOD CONDITION, has heen hut little 3 Can he seen at 147 invited to attend. orem te G00D BUILDING LOT. SOUTH SIDE | 0 a TR IRA I A intention te atte Tickets Hoc. Pagket 2 J. M. FARRELL retary attended to. Engraving and Re-gilding a speciality Opposite Y, M. C. A. Buliding. § Refrigerators, from $2 to $5 ea Gus Range, Also Gas Stove Chairs, Summer Kitchen Stoves Badly Injured. guns powder occur Attractive Stock of General Goods At present in the store lately occupied 82,148.07 en at the above store. Terms cash W. J. NEILSON, Assignec (70 | MILITARY MEN: Wear '"Allen's"' Secretary of your ee ent h Veranda morning, an explo : 2 «1, about Moscow, June S.--It is reported that , aby cm KINGSTON, ONTARIO, THUR Straits; hes been received from miral Rojestvensky. Russia Wants To Hear From Japan. PRESIDENT IS BUSY THE SITUATION IS EXTREME- LY DELICATE. The Rumors Seem to be of the Spread-Eagle Character for London and Paris Have Noth- ing Confirmatory, But on the Other Hand That the War is to Go on, Special to the Whig. St. Petersburg,.June 8.--As a result of the meeting of the council of min isters, held at- Tsarkoe-Selo, on Sa turday, instructions were telegraphed yesterday afternoon, to. the Russian ambass adors, at Washington and Paris, to the eficet that Russia is de sirotis of learning Japan's peace con ditions. President. Roosevelt's efforts to bring the helligerents together en tered n a distinctly new phase on Tuesday night. Foreign Minister Lamsdor(i. had an audience ith the emperor in the afternoon Fon the Ambassador Cassini's com and - at eleven o'clock, that wight. United States Ambassador Mever called upon Count Lamsdor(i, at the chancellory, and remained with the foreign minister for some time. wounds, when he fon his flagship. STATE TERMS 2 Japan's Big Contracts. equipment in this rushed' to the far ant sible dispatch. al the Forty thousand tons already been booked conunental roads, which will ean an expe neliture of upward of £700,000 for ohtatied a contract from "the Taran in capacity from seven gondola type, steel awarded by the Japan 0 government one for 120 I anititives through One hundred additional locomotives have just heen ordered. Tt is estimated that within the few months. the fot facts Placed this country on Japanes ment gnd machinery for arsenals shipyards and for for Japanese, Korean Ran Manchurian onds exceeds 15,000,000 ussian Ships Are Interned. quiste received at morning, the fullowing ol dh h "Remain at Manila at i American government fect repairs AF much as possible," Train to arrange the disposition of the i ships and their officers and crops, Will Act Independently. to-night that the Russian government has informed its diplamatio re "the ambassador at i the time for Russia to conclude when it does arrive Russia will open peace negotiations with i pendent of foreign intervention, SAVED THEIR NECKS, Mob Threatened to Lynch Robbers sf oman. mols | 40 in which coun he led a | Tn Aa i Bog Rit + or . two youths who had knocked down the Williamsburg section of Brooklyn, i stones and decayed g to a lamp post | witnesses bei ing a gente duke and a and was apparently. preparing to hang { representative of the Roumanian gov- clothes line when the were | The newly wedded pair settled | in John Be cher. and. , each | Switeerland, where they lod a peace "aged gsevenly-two { held out, and a little daughter was was nrrying a big basket on th oc longed eee eee eee et embassy, whence ticonce is observed Nothing Heard Of It. esult of the conferenee, partizans of pes they have been cha Is Not Supported. FRIDAY at on o'clock Air London, June 8 I'he statement luncheon "will be held Jn the © td Arts Horst Petersburg, that Rustin gd ich graduates, alumni ane in Building a oy Roxas Association are | anxious to learn Japan's conditions yree in Paris or elsewhere troops to reinforce Gen, Linevitch, All kinds of Cemdtery Work promptly The St Petersburg correspondent of the Times says there is consider able speculation over the mysterious incess visit of Mr. Mever; the Amerian JAS. MULLIN, 372 Prin St. ambassador, to Vsarkoe-Selo, yester- n. The stories of Arneri- ee Het Weather can ,mediation are revived, although, Weather] according to the correspondent, For the Hot foundation for them is thus far ape parent Snapicion of Germany is growing. The Russ publishes a re- markable article, showing that Ger * many fomented and éontinues to en- TORK'S "SECOND HAND ~ STORE, | men TIL, With the sole aim of oi 398 Princess Street. 160 dav aftern weakeninig Russia, thus acquiring } free hand to settle the destines Austro-Hungary and the Balkans. anteed). Dr. Chown's Drug Store. TT SHOE stoi 8 © 2 40 o'clock Ax a result sixteen 'are 3 Gen. Kuro, who commands the right 40 o'clock. As a X % of wrehal Ovama's y. The re | injured, a large percentage seri usly, § wing of Mar al ti¥aima § army, 2 Nan m badly that they are unrecog making 'a wide turning' mbvement. nizal]e. He Was Unconscious. Am ides truss, an. ideal fit" (giar-] St. Petersburg, Juno 8.An official T don of a visit to ar to insist on "the war being pro- % Sherhardt's screams attracted a crowd | when suspected of a large bubgiesy. which overtook the boys, Ome person | He finally accumulated nearly $200,00¢ i » erowd called out that they de . The crowd took | tablished himself in Berlin under the had {name of Prince Lahovary. He started a lamp post when police | again to rob hotels, There is reason to believe that this was in obedience to instructions from Washington conveying a personal com munication from the president" to the empero¥, tendering his good offices The result was that. yesterday, Mr. Meyer went to: Tsarkoe Selo, in full uniform, and was received in special audience by the emperor.' Upon his return to St. Petersburg, in the af ternoon, Mr. Meyer hastened to the sent a long cipher despatch to Washinzten. Hall om hour later he was closeted with Sir Charles Hardinge, the British ambas sador. The present situation is ex- tromely delicate and the greatest reg coured a rope and HAD NARROW SHAVE. Occupants Raced Out in Swimming |, Yinacial to the Whig. splendid |i, fa ing the Windsor hotel, y , as it . -- » to extent of $15,000 | Matrimonial Tangle Following a firemen got through with Divorce. Paris, June X.~The Temps' Sts in the lower part of [yhonial tangle has developed here as Pet tershurg correspondent says that as t Tsarkoe- oare con able discomforted, A war to the bitter end is foreseen. The British and American ambassadors deny that ged to take eny steps towards opening negotiations was the most dam. of used as lodging quar was vith suffocating smoke cupants had gone to plinge and had to make Dominion Square with To Have Larger Powers. Spoetal to the Whig. of peace, is not supported from any Cr g of responsible govern an tins with impor in the regulations fore in 'Barred From Pleasures. Furope. On the contrary Russia's de- termination to continue fighting at all costs is reasserted, coupled. with a report that the whole western fron- a ---- New Monumental Works tir of Russin will be denuded Sir Wilfrid Laurier, Tio th a {eling of security, ro. » house eaived al Campbell: Bros', Retrenchment Ordered. Special to the Whig. 8.~There have been + direc At a meeting a resol , com Sale on Ratt urday oD n and A report. of the 'battle, in Tyushine JUNE 8, 1905. Continent. SAID HE WAS BOTH DUKE AND But All the Time He Was Engaged in Wholesale Burglary--He will Try to Reform--A life has just published his memoirs, which are of special ingerest bhecans they announée his intention to reform, and to start a new life in America, to by a person who has undertaken the work of his reformation. The author; whois only thirtydour years of age, has been known under Prince do Padua, but is, in fact, a Roumanian named George Manoloses, His father was an officer in a Rou- manian cavalry regiment when G vil at the ago of sixteen, was expel od - over from the naval academy, and: took refuge in Constantinople, with the Turkish police, and had to scok refuge in Athens, where he, ap- lied in vain to the Roumanian @n- assy for his fare home. He at- tempted suicide with a revolver, and was taken seriously wounded to 'the Denmark, on a charitable visit to the institution, took an interest in him, paid for his care, and furnished him with sufficient money to retum to Roumania, © ; His family sent him to Paris for a university education. Notwithstand- ing the fact that they supplied only svon living the gayest 'of lives in the magnificent villa, and even race horses. man was 'the author of many burglar- ies of Parisian jewellery shops, thirty- six of which were credited to him, with a net profit of half a million, He was sent to prison for four years:Ac- cording to his confession, on being re- leased ho spent several in Japan and America, and -afterwa in 1 ne Lén- He soon returned to Paris, where he met and married a beautiful German ifr 1taly by an archbishop, among the Jernment, ful life as long as the countess' funds and sent. to 'prison. Released, he went to America. In San Franeisco he turned detective and returned to Europe, where he ex- The Berlin police caught him and nt hin to the asylum at Herzberg, lle escaped and t8ok refuge in Aus- tria, Tore he is now. He tells how lost nearly half a million dollars at Monte Carlo, He now intends to let gambling alone and start a new WILL BE A TEST CASE. Portland, Me., June B~A matri- the result of the second marriage of H. M. Kilborn, Portland representa- tive of a wholesale grain broker in veedings in 1903 against his first wife, Mrs, Kilborn contested it, succeedi in 'securing a decree for herself. Kil- she is trying to have the decree de clared invalid, in order to invalidate his second marriage here to Christie Kirkley, Castleman, Ont., and pro- poses to carry the case to the New York supreme court for a decision. The.case will be an important preced- one in which it is granted, Albany, N.Y., June 8.-While her employers were attending a wedding young Winifred Keeler, despondent be- the { cause she was obliged to stay home tor he | and work while others enjoyed them- knows he has hoaght the best hat he |selves, committed suicide. When the ton for the money. | people whose house servant she was new straw | returned from the wedding festivities i they found that she had locked herself in the kitchen, turhed on the gas and suffocated. To Wed British Princess. 17th, ---- , Perfectly pure soda water, pure ice . "lenses guaranteed." : cream, pure fruit svruns. and laree. thin glosses at Wade's soda fountain. din Buy tooth brushes at Gibson's' Red NORWAY STRIKES. BLOW, REAL RAFFLES" 25m London, June 8.--Had Russia not been involved in a difficult war in the far east, a go doubtful Whether Nor- way wou! ve en tl He is Now En Route to This | yuuld Have --_-- hi t is nowhere t that Oscar will consent oat ---- her of he -- Acoma Junior mer POSED FOR HONORS foes i wi En, gestion is impracticabie. The consular difficulty is supposed PRINCE rf so be only an oy an outward minitoutaSion 2 . of the separatist a ? tions of the a of et ping tipn makes express provision for the It is pointed out that the constitu- . TREE overruling of the zoyel veto in cases a e whéfe it can be proved by thie se- go . : will | parately olectod Storthings to be in Person Mutervated in Him antagonism to the national will. Wy ome Along. Therefore it cannot be assumed that : Berlin, Juno 8.--~A Raffles in real | the king opceeded his powers. sympathies' to be r strongly on oh the side of Kwan and : E which country he will be accompanied Fhgtish who is in direct Hino of succes sion to the Sweioh throne. OUT OF HARMONY. the names of the Duke d'Otranto and Churting Costs Currier Position Natertoun, N.Y., June 5.--The little of Belleville, about fifteen miles west of this-eit; ont much excited In a short, time he was in trouble | tending d te] About a , ear ago the principal had os gan prod nn Too not been as harmonious as f - an _infri nb on the rules. ey laid a pla ve him a of his visits the pupils, who were lay- ing in wait, jimpo out at him and n the next few minutes one of the boys was shoved against the principal. Prof. French capital, where ha owned a | Currier hed the rested on' the charge of assault -- It did not take long for the police | the case will be tried before Justice to discover that the brilliant young Williams. ter the affair the board dispensed the professor's services. R60 a month for his expenses, he was |i BLOODSHEAD IN STRIKE, naw Valley a ie morning, oocur: Vain Deputy Sheriff Fred. countess. The wedding was performed Harris shot and Inatty t killed Henry | Jr., a Peré and wounded Toronoe Kelly and Wallace A. Douglas. Both -of > lat- or were shot through the left leg and heir injuries are not likely to he seri- us, Harris was immediately arrested, The three men shot were, it is said, members of a group of men who were of thorn to them. Manolescu returned to | jeering at the non-union crew of a car , when the | his ancient trade of robbing hotels, one snatched | and was caught in a coup at Lucerne her purse from her hand while the oth er knocked her down with a blow of his on which Deputy Harris was riding as TO NAME TWO MEN. Fill Offices Held by Mr. Special to erty, 3 deo: 8.--The provincial government, shortly, will make two intments to the Consolidated e Superior company, one the gov- the judges decided he was insane and | La the second, that of governinent agent in connection with the Sapalidated THE "ENGLISH companies, The resignation of N. W, Rowell, who, at present, holds both ok the offices and i is, also, solicitor for the com y, a# agent and director, is in tha hands of C, 0. Warren, presi- dent of the Consolidated companies and Premier Whitney announced, this morning, that he would act upon not later than Saturday. ONLY FOUR SAVED. Explosions on Montreal, Kilborn began divorce pro- | Special to the Wh Plymouth, Bae June 8.--While the Constance, at Ogdensburg, N.Y., and | submarine A, 8, was manoeuvring off x port, today, three explosions occur: and the boat sank. Eighteen men horn being forbidden to remarry. Now | were aboard the vessel, of whom only four escaped. The other fourteen were drowned. Divers are now at work oh the sunken vesscl, To Construct Water Tunnel. Toronto, June 8. ™ board of con- trol awarded to M. Haney, the nt in establishing the power of a | Montreal and Toronto' lr the ah court decree in another state from the | contract for the construction of the 178 Princess Street, | proposed water tunnel under thie biny, eu to take the place of the present. con. duit. Mr. Haney's tender was $269, , the lowest SWORE the five re. constructor of public worke. He 48 at present building a bridge across Hillbare River, at Charlottetown; P Special to "held he Sostrday. on was he re, of Chatles Sranklin, was drown od April 13¢ The jui full investigation, came to the clusion. that Franklin's drowning was purely aceidental ('hristinia, Norway, June 8.--The eldest #on' of the Swedish crown prinee, Gustavus Adolphus, (born in 1832), is tnsur- | betrothed to the eldest daughter of the Duke of Connaught, Princess Mar- in | garet Vietoria (born in. 1882). They Sherbrooke, Que., June 8--Rev. T. a complete R rerviion are to be married in England, June B. Waitt, recor of St. Jude, Bristol, England, has accopted = the pri ip of Bishop's College, Lonnoxville. Ho will arrive in Canada about Ist of September, 2 pi than that of any other coun- = , Now York !Crs« Drug Store. Won't-wear-ont § kind sold there, = nowspapers is that the sug- especial ah. profes about iy wos as Principal. Principal Currier ts, jorge ofl was paying attention to a 8 were required to be in at seasonable hour and regarded he was pod from one lad, Walter Vol, ar: ! Rowell, director on. the board, and Mr. Haney Was Accidental. ty tn 8.--An t he body ry, after a con einai Bishop's College Call. the ------ | 's cheese consumption 18 Fancy Muslins of from ening faculty and the at kinds. inciden to 25¢. professof was public hospital, where th i langhter of one of trustees and an hospital hi © queen of a IE pot Sg Bory hing Sale Price MARRIED. tte ay pes eX 10.000, Life-Like Us fet Latest Illustrated Songs. 3 BEAL of "10-16 25 1 Matinee Wedneadny, Shildren, it jo Fd row sale Lo pi June 78th, Mentistia Crosman Boat." sem VISITORS To the city aré cordially requested and see us at .our hone, 178 cesn St. Drop In ook around. would be "ent it you P.S8.--Our Teas and Coffees far and wide. We ship 10 the country. J. R. & Co.