Daily British Whig (1850), 8 Jun 1905, p. 3

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AE ga ra sm -- eee ee es ------ | OMETHING NEW ° tad : . to perform te labor, while others free roads, instead of clinging to the OMETHING oop yon' g (BUY-UP Tou OADS {or iter, 10. cht pi som, Hot t of na days, set apart | maintains six tol ), ing a G SOOTHING \ ge a good #ime and to sit around pa of thirty-five mile all includ: ISSUE « LY and talk polition, Such tactics have | ed in the three front 'townships. WILL CT IS THE ADVICE C OF COMMIS- od to a prostitution of the law, un- | the event of the county Ea Jomeseekers' EX Excursion Tickets T SIONER CAMPBELL® i! now it is the worst and most un- | these toll roads, the provincial goy- 00 (1) er just system: comoeivable. ernment will pay one-third the coss, we Compoung Camphor 1 pari sitobn and the West i efm-- iy speaker had a good word to | and in addition will pay one-third the Coasdien North St i masters who re" original cost of extending these Is y wing rates from Kingston: ovinge Will: Pay Ome-Third the §say for those pai a ginal ng roa | ream At the {0TIOCR 2 wetovan {mo Cleanses and beautifies the Cost And One-Third Original Sompetout, a and who ) fet the best re} to those townships wherein toll roads . (BEST) nw : Sion Vw and puriles the breath. Cost of Extend Th e a genuine in- | do not oxist, but which will be called Pelocaine { 81 %0 Kegioa Used by y people of refinement ° x! i ng ese a in the wi Thus in all town- upon to bear a portion of the financial | A scientific Toilet propary pour" aes { BB for over a quarter of a century. Roads to Outlying Townships, | ships will be Jound stretches of roads | burden involved in the purchase of skin, softens and refreqp.. OP fOr the RBrapao! " i eaciaw Lin uw Very con It should not be assumed that be- | Which are well up and always in | those now existing. The couneil wonkl For: Rentiomas.. +. 3 Juskmonn oh nw venient for tourists, cause there was a small attendance at | first-class tion, - "while other | have to extend these roads by taking shaving it cannot 1. APplication apg ios, Tens Yanie cleod -° - - Re PREPARED BY the meeting announced . to take place stretches are quite the reverse. lnsome over certain roads in outlying town Cool and 'soft t Pives the arg Joosomin © - na % Ary Lam at Hutswmhizh Wednesday morning districts road Rewiring is le ah until | ships and maintaining them as coun: . oS Arcols = © * strathcona = «40 50 FIX eZ. I to consider' the question to take part | the autumn, and he roads are | ty roads. Arbitrate the value of . these UD Jide, this ide et Prepa Going __ June 18th, returning until of toll roads, ete., the movement is | found to ho in Shaking cond: ition of | toll roads and take them over, Get the W We will give Paras pugust 14th. 7th. returging | sti Ly {upopalan, Quife the reverse is the | irrepair, and ratepay 4 of that cont: | township reeves to come together and n Large regul As a Going sant a, . case, The inclement weather alone was | munity then run to : to the council and | talk the matter over and formulate a $ for 25 gular 50c. size botgeg Augvet 2 28 uly 15th, returning until 1 -- | responsible or the small assetubluge demuind & Rent | or, he work Siu sche me. Yo compansnte back Yet 28¢. nt. 16 i | of farmers. The morning open wit) Of performed. § ships, a cas! onus towards roa Bl nc Speer will be gliawed Sh apnlieation showers, which continued A elily all | Thus the money. of the people is mis- | could be made hy the county, Hr the yf THY itand the pleasure wil be youn to Conductors 8 termediate Stations, and day, and those who braved the - ele | used and the roads kept up indifier- | county could assume certain of the Prepared and sold o "ls . a". * Winnipeg, Or _ any point west ments and reached Harrowsmith in a ently. township roads and maintain them as k i thereof. ixtetision, of tise Pret. of hali drowned condition are to be In the avgrage towns ip. sixty- two county roads. The council has the | The *Best" ors ca J» "htedned op gavin of Commended Jor heir enthusiasm in | Pathunasiers are APPOIMc| cach year, | right to borrow money wp. Lo. Aw rug Store, 32 raat 'car accammodation, ticket and behalf of a good cause. and these ave turned loose on the per cent. of the total taxable value of , L. T. BEST, Chewfist and 1 olichap. all other information apply 2 Sy. he meeting Seas anton ie take rhode without wity Jets ue done i ftom Rroperty in the county, to purchss ; : 'Phone 59 Johnston & Ontario Sts. place at ten. o'clock, bit at the .ap- al plan before } these roads, and a direct appeal n These ars F Lor quick delivery, A pointed hour not more than a half: them of performing work. Consequent- § not be made to the pave for per the NEWEST and BEST In 4 chell's Old Steng, EE dozen interésted persons had put in] lv a diversity of opinion exists as ta# mission. The colinty could purchase RE EICL LA EMB Kaha an appearance, Half an hour later | the best meth, road nigking, and | two or three sets of road making ma: WA SHBOARDS, PACKED CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. ties to horse racing and hog. raising. sult is no system, Bo unity, no con- | use in the spring. If sich a system is ---- J USE 64 the number had increased to about no twe pieces of d are made alike. | chi i - | chinery and Joan them to t yn . MAPLE LEAF" ® bod i RAILW \ i dozen, and these gathéred po} a hotel The following and Ww per yen. of Ships, who would have 10 pay es BIST and digeussed every subject in the | these pathmas rasare changed, and [only of the * expert roadmakers in ' CANNED SALMON IN oof on calendar from bad weather and poli-| POW ideas come into force, and the re- charge. Crush stone in the autumn for i % 2 Among the early comers was Good | tinuity of a general plan and the out- | followed, the county would have bet- " WILL SELL MOST PERFECT MADE. Roagls Commissioner Campbell, he oie is a pichwork Fond Ki macadamized, drained and improved the eating time by taking ake wp ¥ n of makings every | maint®ihed - for ~ the present income, ' Homeseekers | Jeursion Tickets a drive with J; L. Gallagher, M.P.P., | man pay taxes according to his in- vithin fi : : : A SR \ h gher, and within five years the tax -for : THE 2 end inspecting some roads surround. | terest in the community, and if the | yond making could be reduced. : H Ww ST sO\D ano USED {ing Harrowsmith, and incidentally money is | judiciously expended, the re- Applause 'was extended the speaker NOR U {getting a drenching in the heavy sult will be that in five years Fron: | ag he congluded his interesting ad d Wiuios 0 bye EVERYWHERE rainiall, Finally, it was decided tp | WDa® will have he best roads in the | dress. it a trials FoR : Bi -- A . ity . satintiy 4 ; » Torkion ® postpone the Wecting until one o'clock} country. Un the present system, it} | county k i : How, ] g1%0 | Sheho - - - 8350 and after partaking of a hearty din- | 1% the duty of every man to perform Ea counts a Top THE B. B. EDDY COMPANY, LIMITED. HOLL, CANADA. : Souris f ong | sm E COMPANY ner, the dozen or so interested per- | his statute labor so as to give thea pecessity, and the people wero J. A. HENDRY, AGENT, KINGSTON. . Brandon - - - 3155 | Muosedaw - 3400 VV NTO on ee sons repaired to the town hall, where | best results, in order that his beat | standing in. their own light in toler he [rien 1 22 00 ye Tl Bx errr eR ONTO ONY ommend] another hour was spent in the favor- Tay. be the equal of a others in the ating them. -At present thirteen fami i Nisios J a *| Mteleca. 38.00 ; ite pastime of the immortal Micaw- owen, aud a abo should be ex- | lien are being maintained at that num- Binscarth B= Oalgary r: 2a ber, "waiting for something to turn Wh nt - m hi ovine a plan general in | hor of existing gates, Computing the a oh : Moosom Res a up." By this_time it had been pretty | the township. 8 same system of | fyi ¥ y A en ; 3 living expenses of each family at th : . y Arcola gt . v" 4 yn oJ . Boing June 18th, returning until ' ; x well decided to postpone the meeting foudmaking shituld he gatentied. to ad-1 jow figure of $200 a year, gives a Rr J. This Week August 14th. tira ia X ro Some Hay next week, to take in a a ra re a kind to | total of $2,000, and that sum expend sent i mt N Oo T I C E place in the court house, Kingston, 3; to nt " an Ine ofl od on roads would %e most beneficial : . : \ August 28th. while the county council was in ses- | roads the adjoining township may 7 iS t p farmers, re "fiv k Dinin =roo | Sona. July 15th, returning until Sept son, have as long as yours ave good, as o the fa mers. In Ye past twenty-five : .. = m Ol - : Nora ) vears more money has been expended : i ha puticulars at K. 18 £. ana ©]. seaLep 're NDERS Te wirL ne | Thomas Sproule, warden: of the coun- | there are men in your township who | in folls than 'would pa: off the con: i i PB Ticket Offica, Ontario Sureet. ceived at the > County Clerk, | tv, ascehded the platform to offer this | Way have to use the roads in = the | oo jidated d or i n urn ur F. CONWAY, F. A, EOLGER, JR. | Mure Hous Bryiaist 500 \ \ x H ndiviniog. townshi Ye if TAR solidated debt of the county. Fronte i J € ; Gen. Pass. Agt. Gen, Supt. { 150V" T0015 A om apn | apesticn to L1e audience, which now | ndioining township more than those of | nag should adopt the same svstem as : x ) ---- from' pe Ti to Trai 100 numbered thirty-two persons all the township within which he resides. | gautines. where 'there are maintained - --Solid Oak Polished Sideboards, . » of Scranton Coal tv be delivered at the | told. The proposed adjournment was | "%0F certain roads in outlying townl | about 400 miles of county rdads. In il Gaol. Registry Office, and Court House, [received with favor, but it was sug- If found impossible to get men tog fi 3 al Soli » : in Kingston, as may be required up to 3 k hei \ our or five years the consolidated ) ~Solid Oak Polished Extension I eT A IY i igested that, for the benefit of those | Work out their statute labor as in the | debt of the county will have been i Tables, New short line fer Tweed, Napanee |#00d quality,' well ' screened and free "ho had braved the bad weather, and | earlier days, Shen change the system | paid off, when 3} mills will . from dirt. m re e . 1 to a tax, a N SALE $ o a Deseronto, and all Iccal points. Trains Ol Cords of Hardwood or mom { Bo ay not have been able to at M compel each man to} then be available for the maintenance a --Solid Oak = Polished Dining Mave City Hall Depot at 8:35 p.m. F | roquired cofuposéd of maple, beech, hicks | ¥04 8 second meeting, Mr. Campbell Sontbuie to Oe, township treas- | of county roads, ERR 8 hai wood, $0 o : 0 s .. | ary accor wrest i 4 : Jin \ 5 Chairs. QONWAY, Agent B. Q. Ry., Kisgsten. ory nd Jronwoo 4, und and of ood ig nt Lo uke a hort address, A orang Th he interest in the At the conclusion of Dr. Edwards' If youl want to . rors CTEAMSH P Oh rr---- i ae TI ome ali & en € 3 id solunissiouee wie him Vs ad ha e he notice fui address, a vote of thanks to Mr y These » AW cials we ol EBEG STEAMSH P OMPANY half before and one half witcr 1st Jans agreeable, arden Sproule formally | ©1ousiy expen ec roughout the whole | Campi ol w 3 da are, a fow specials we. are clos J ALY netore and. : "9° introduced Mr. Campbell, but before | township. The plan should be to ex phell \was-moved-by-County Couns to-date in your, s | ing out : P i citlors Pillar and Stoness, and in re- s . LIMITED. Wood and Coal subject to the, «approval doing =o took occasion to point out pend the money through the agency | turning thanks, Mr. Campbell he must wear C hocolates, or. an Y tes of County" Property | the need of free roads throughout the | of some wise, level-headed commission: | would come 'at any w-----ha Jud ist Shoes : )- ALY : 4 ) das Oe is ours, Tenders to state price of Coal per ton |country. Toll roads, - he said, were | °r, who has sense enough to know | the county council in at Tan Shoes for men, \ JAMES River and Gulf of St Lawrence and of Wood per card.' glee a necessity, ut that system had that » road in ax good only as the | 'wheme for the expropriation of the \ EID i JOSHUA COX. ' ong since outlived its usefulness, The | Worst spot in it, It does not require | (o)) rp, . Brg h The R ' Summer Crulses in Cool Latitudes Chairman Co. Property Com. | people should own and maintain the the Sepvice of a civil engineer to deter: oN of James Keeley, Rail newest s $3. 50 to $5. 2 J. W. EDWARDS, County x. roads » 'benefi Aner i i ' . ley, Rail: il, sading Undertaker, Malin Screw". Tron BH: Compra" oun ode for the benefit of the general ge] oH ob Pies of wagon ond ton, seconded by Dr. Edwards, 'it was Choco ate and Tan Shoes P- h electric lights, electric bells and all ey « s s or the . : Incess Street Kingston. ir da Td By eltpiric bos ania Wood's Mr. Campbell began by saving that | exercise of common sense. Ai present Sevtded. vo vill: mucho Pubie The ting for WOMER, newest Styes, . : ood he fount Frantinac a sv where si : gston, on § aa a a SAILS FROM MONTREAL ON MON- The Great English Remedy. | 1« ound in. Frontenss 'a system of ere sixty-two pathmosters are ap | hursday, 15th inst, at 2 pam, Mr. '10 $3. 75: ! 3 PAYS at 2 p.n., Sth and 19th June, T toll roads, the abolition of which the | pointed in. a township, there are six- | ( i y + ann Weakness. Montel people, were more interested in than | t¥-two systems of . road makin; Campbell will be yr t and deliver Weakness, Mental dnd, 17th Sd 81st July; 14th and 28th . The Pros ective fut, Au Lb 1 apd, Jath Grotembes, ov rs abu Arrys. Train Worey, Stns Hons, Sper: good road making generally, He had |Ployed. A general system shoul 4 ip ing wh 1d id Chocolate and 'Tan " tou, ' N.S, calling a pebec, Gasp mato 4 h . s p sake! rho ressol i ¢ Pp Mal Bay. Perce, Cape Cove, Grand] Excess, all of which Yond to Consumption, made a short tour with Mr: Gallagher | adopted and : applied. to all portions meeting were: ante a! i " for misses, $1 to $2. 25. : River, Summerside, P.E.1., and Char-| Infirmity, Incanity'and an early grave. Tried an! had 1 a'n-d something about the | of a township, and . all townships. | Si ness. F Pring nel ors Ch lat Sh fo! chi ldren . lottetown, P.K.I1. $1 por phe, six for 85. Ono wl please, sx wi local roads, the system of making | There is so' much nonsense about the |: I, onal, ringle and Pillar, ocolate oes for 1 v + 8 3 N » or r jo ' ent v June Bride -- sackage on receipt of price. Write for Pam phiet. them, the spans employed in expend- | present statute labor system, that it ouds: but wer SppFoved of free 75¢. to $1 50. 0 fhe Wood Medicine Co., W! ing money fdr maintenance, and the | has been reduced to'a mere farce. f bh. Ve hot avor the purch. iE cli I i 101 a em results obtained. The question of how |. Representatives of townships should ase G > he to ok rats until the county 4 ¥ Is making a very wise CARRIAGES d BUGGIES to make and maintain good: roads | get. together, talk over road making i - of debt. Councillor Freeman f g y Summer Excursions, $35 and upwards, an was¢ an important one, in which every | and devise a plan that will give re tous X Wi ground that if the county 4 # y move and cne that shows Be ihe ol re Ta ora FOR SALE ratepayer was directly interested, more | sults, so that each year's work will Has ied W take over the Lough: i ans | I ans ls [ans | d good judgment on her frou New York, from' 7th June, to 11th tartans 0 whether wsy and | add a step towards perfection. Farm be that ovens | £0 he TY hold, : ober. Temparature cooled hy sea Sumi . . abor were we expended. There was | ers cannot allord t ighe : yg. s¢ Lhe Perth road, : Ek Prive serdom risés above 80 degrees ! Kensington, second-hand, in not a better ten than that of hn then pi bik i a contituitg toll: gates until 'such time Wear them and be up-to-date. TN i part wken she buys her Mcess~Hotel_open the yer round. good order; 1 Makedo, second tute labor, properly enforced. The | Look over the cost of road making in) the present consolidated debt is is Li ns, Cottons and other he Snest trips of the season for hand; 1 Phaeton; 1 road wag- speaker did not know how the roads | the past ten years, and compare it wiped at. " + v 'ne . lth 'and comfort. gon; also new Top Buggies, throughout the province would have | with the results obtained. In that ' Soneliar Pilla considered the ad: > furnishings at this store. ARTHUR AHERN, Secretary, Quebec Reabouts with rubber ites; been made had it nt been for the | period 169,810 days of statuta labor $ier Live wy Hr. Comphell very timer to A pioneer system of statute labor. These | have heen-txpended on the roads, and | ¢ hd no vault il. the county only s TRIS WEEK WE SHOW Beane ty v8 i PE oh alsh 2 Tow sets of Natvess Joft. roads are, for the most part, not as | in additior municipal rN leh follow out his suggestions, good roads e SLEEYE, Ticket Agents, Kingston, Call. and sce for yourself. good as could be desired, and every | spent $102,105; the twp combined re would xoon prevail and in a few years taxation would be reduced Special values in 72 jdch Iicach- Ont, user of them is anxious to gee im- | present y . A o ent an ¢ ditnre 'of over a quar i al ed Sheeting, at 25 nd 28 . i . : Ju Councillor S 88 eXPIe image! PS hating, a : x -- | JAMES ~~ LATURNEY, |irovoments made it the cont is mo | ter of million dollars. Brobably tty | "50" oae™ il wohl mo gs greater than at present. The statute | per cent. of the expendi cithi as' a but would not go HOMBATRAR | REGULATIONS a e expenditure within the | J " 72 inch Satih Damask Table Daily Line 390 PEIN PRINCESS STREET. lator system was one ta. be revered, | past ten years was wasted If the pre-| " far as to purchase the toll roads at Any even numbered section of Dom Lands in Manitoba or an Norit : Ljpen. 21.2 quality and ---- -- | because it had" given good results in | sent. method of road building is con 1RYy* price. Turritories. excel 3 ) Go, Shih har not hoes hoi be h tan id $ quality for 75¢. a v my 1: A = . ! pa irovide w sol rposes, may omaes' ! bs : - ALLAN N LINE LIVERPOOL, EurooLand egy | the past iy building roads through the | tinued, the same condition: now exist rrr by any person ol fer ray or aay Teale: over 18 years of x8. 4 sruble. Napkins in & and 4 Ryn) Mail Steamors. prinsidive Jaret 3 it Zsa bio ng will remain a hundred years| (MONTREAL CONFERENCE. to the extent of one-quarter section of 100 hed, , more or less. ha 8 designs Frm Montreal. From Quebec. . el . " £1 Spi Too, Charote, Thobtuad flan, | icon TiS. TERPS | co thos, ol fe Snbih Dar | Com main shld pe he iat con Rev. 3. 8. Ticks tor Princes | smoke Bild da, ant, he oc und ol, Ut SEH 8 5 hite ochiet i ¢ Ju . » « y er ( n : : ' rd S80, Loe oe _ Bruckvile, Present and Montreal, |e Sai 18 BS Souk I: ews; ot Jn nthe days he, seiitand | ideation of tvnaipy and county Street Church. Tis ie Elerion? Tn 8c Now KINGSTON & TORONTO AR oF 3 MAIS Tawt Cabin, or ol: It was marvellous to con- vounsils. Not mote | oy. 18 required, The following changes wore made in situated, receive authority jor some one te make entry for him. A hohe and A amers* $76 and upwards cording to steamer ; = | but a better system of expending the | i ion charged homestead en Pillow Cottous, in circular or LEAVE KINGSTON : Second Cabin, Liverpool and London: | template the vast amount of good | money p ilabl h ] the first draft by the stationing com arg or a DUTIE! plain, in widths 40. 42. 44, 46 GOING LAST ! * derry, 50. $45 and $47.50 accord: | work these pioneers performed fo noney at present available. What is | ittec of the Montreal Methodist con HOMESTEAD u S inches, 15¢. a yard and uf ary EAST--Daily, except Monday, |i." Any London 0 extra; | Tl tute Re = Toro med Neder needed is the employment of men who | forone A wottler who has beon granted an anil for a homestead 3 required by , : 3 Third Class, 50--Virg , Victor- 3 ; ysham, * Bame i vi '. » ow i provisions of the Lands Act, amendments oro! perfor , he omuiiet ohe. Tickine, 8 JEONG WEST--Daily, except Monday, | inn $28.75. B= Vigginlan, Vietor- | oo 0 tn be dons to-iny, the ques will mak it a ; Isiness " See that the | Montreal district--Mountain street | Yio conditions connected therewith, undo one of the following plana '; . inches wide. Our spacial price this 2 baw. MON' L TO GLASGOW, DIRECT. [tion generally asked .would be "How ro is properly done Take one-half | 11. 8. Osborne, B.A, B.D. Montreal (1) At lease six months' residence upo wnd cultivation land in each 8 week, 20c. a yard . Se -- Ionian Wed. June 14, (daylight.) b or mile 'will th is © WV. | the money at present 'available: and [ Woot, W. PP. Boshart. Three Rivers, | Year during the term of three years It is the practice of the Tee to require t The New Ste. "MONT! EAL" MONTRIEAL TO LONDON & HAVRE much per in wil the, roads cost ? pay it to one wl man to expend the | Rg Robi Hud Daniel vy * | settler to: bring 18 ueres under cultivallon, but if he prefers he may substith amer R ; + 4 "| In olden days the pionper road mak " h I tobinson udhwen, Deniel Wy- | woe; and 1°20 head of cattle, to be actually his own Property. with buildings OUR GOODS : J her half, and Ii f oh NOW running between Montreal and Sarnia So aa 0 Ln ynight "| ers did not have money at their com ol rh alt py he wil Yuadruple the man. Arundel and Ponsonby, E.R. their ascommodation, ih le Secthled Satie a a perso bo uebec, lo, ¢ " lind results, r vinpeten ste OW ( if the fa her is n wi a , ARE ALL NEW. dates ip Savoy Montws) on we even | parisian Thurs. June 8, 2 p.m. | mand; they had only their labor to Tou Talay rt ig Nl ah See Howes d listriet--Vri eligible to mi Fahd gia il unde the provisions of TY resides a ) Quebec on the alternats dates. aving | ©, Pp. HANLEY, Agent, G.T.R. City | give, and of this they gave freely and | a0" 0 five VOARS YI MN be ingston . digtrict--] fincess stroet, | 4 farm in the vicinity of the land entore for by such person as ho mestead, e 1 Passenger Depot." J P. GILDER- | cheerfully, They selected from. among oa s : Be in fis i w } a (Kingston); J. B. Hicks; Elginburg, Feauirements of Suis ect as to Teside nce prior to obtaining patent ay be aa t i a SLEBVE. Clurence Street . kan astonished at the results, and will | W. K. Shortt; Batterse Joh A hy such person ing w th the father mo Ham hemselves o pv OOR= y 3 a, ohn . > ; ] ilton, Toronto, Bay of Quinte and | smm------------------ | the mse ves a foreman whom the Vv SON- | wonder why vou had not taken up the | Waddell; Gananoyue, William Timber (8) If a settler was entitied to and hal shinined 4 min for a second hom: CHITECTS. idered best adapted for the position ' } 3 the roquireinonts of this act as to residenc® pri ining potent ma ma; h | Montreal Line. AR ist + } system years befor lake; Gananoque East, J. Cornell, by Tesidence non tho rst. howeslead, % the second Momestend 18 tn : ; DOING | ExT . wa wir Jaen tt d plo ERIE RE A id wer, hie wpervisicn they 'work- At present ston spread this vear Brockville distriet--Mallorytown, F of the first horiestead i) fas and Sunday, equusaays sna Yr: | yu, NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT, oF. | °, frithfully and well, = and washed off next, It is absolute | H. Sproule; Lansdowne, G. €. Wood: | in db vicky of hs mane rerioanent retidenos upon forming lund land buied by 4 GOING fice, second floor over Mahood's dru A little later came municipal coun- RT ) in the vicinity of his homestead, ments of this r c and g EST, Tuesdays, Thursdays store, corner Princess and Pe eile, which were able to create a little hohsense and a waste of money io Algonquin, F. W. A. Meyer; Elgin, bo satisfied bv residence u ; a 11.80 p.m. oe. ERIS oo 1 4 continue the present system, but do | W. Crane; Mordisburg. W. Howitt; Mo meant to indicats the same township, or LE 5 streets. kinterance om Bagot street | fund from taxes collected i th | ' 1 TANLIY, J. SWIFT & CO Telephone 608 ' >. ARC en tatute Jobe 1 { tilda South: J. Bo Howe: Inkw settler whe avails himself of the provisions of Clauses (2). (3) or (& Ticket A Sri Re the ratepayers beg sking for grants | Pot commute statute labore until a sat- | tilda Sou L Howe; Inkerman, | tivate 80 acres of his homestead, or substitute of Agent Erbight. Agents. | comme em mee---- pa) gan asking gra | Ry Lak ARTHUR ELLIS ARCHITECT, OF-|t0 help along road building. Then infactory system is worked out that | I a Halll; aware I. Roy; Corn-.| for their accommodation, and b a | asides in thom Setiars only © Onta, T "nen . or 0 Te io} 1 | will provide ior the expending of | wall, George Edwards vilogo of a rl on: in rostrh v law I only rameter Care | "Ee Bo LIAL RE | i LT Bh Ber Hy Be ES do 1 SER EE rN i SE a -» - embetter 1 T | the best results. There is ap amount Eason! a Corners, W. Perley; Wolford, | the homsetead ta is liable to have hisentry led, | R: er ToT ign a struct all the roads, and who refused V y POWER & SON ARCHITECT, MER- of first-class material for road making | W. Williamson again thrown open for entry. 1000 Is} 1d -- Rochester] a weiington streets. "hor tty {in Fronte q . Pembroke distriet--Braoside, TF. W APPLICATION FOR PAT p) ' mac, I county council embroke digtrie t racside, ¥ . ; Tals an S== 0C este and Wellington streets. 'Phone 213. Mrs. Hurst, should own a rock crushing machine | Armstrong; Shawville, W, 8. Lennon, Should be be made at the snd of thres Sears. heto before aking Effect May 28th ANRY SMI" A -- and other roa! making machinery. | Ottawa district--Ashton, Andrew ice in writh co pean tor 8 s HENRY Rh TL nah CHITECT, Pi St e t Farmers could Bile up. stones at in Fairbairn; Manotick, Dr. Larmour; Alters tation to 4 or w atm mer of "or" Dominion . tr, North King Square 'Phone: 245. ine r e ¥ | tervals along tie road; and the erush- Mateahe: g n hahiwia, ps H pry es. Kisirston on Sundays at 10.15 | Smtr er could Vong and reduce these uehee district--Quebee, George H. Newly arrived immigrants 3 will Dmmigration Offies in Sn. for Thousand Talands, calling at EDUCATIONAL. Tells: of the Great Change Dr. id, come alo Williams; Windsor Mills, George HH. [er at any Dominion Lands Office in Se the Narth- Alexandria Bay! and Roe Ch y N Food to macadam, then fnrmexs would have Poh Cookshive. ER. EK Ty Bast | formatio to the lands that are Ming steamer lehves dt 5 1 ases"s erve o Has | some material with which to work in | Fisher; Lookshire, TL. 7%. CAeHy; SE | free of - dvice and assistance p.m., for or ee pen: Qochestar, N.Y., calling at. Bay of | » MUSIC | Brought About in the Con- | making repairs to roads. A barrow- Angus, D. W. Pomeroy; Ulverton, G. | mation respec timber, ® Ports, dition of Her Health full of stone here and there now, will Ah: i Bateies Stanptacd Dominion Lens ln the ig 4 of ' . ro fall ov Stanstead district Stanstea: Str. Aletha MISS BLYTH | xe ums Huet, 18 Fine ste, | Save mueon 01 1c two barafter | GELS! Giomiumin Bebe loin: | (S00 Rit a Sonobacph he BOREREE Heit Leaves Kingston daily except Sunday. | | FORMERLY OF WATERTOWN, N.Y, Kingston, Ont., states : "I frequently | GCE SORE (0 "00 Se dhould be | Manly Brondaige; Goorgoville, David | © oo elo puts Sd Shit inemen op p.m. PD) si her hom = 3 ull. y fh: EVERYBODY Soro ds Picton and intermediate | will. open a studio for music at he me, had, distivaring dizzy fodiings n my good man, B Il tibis 1 1 ed Nn dain LEA FS pr ATS aval A : . . when they 10 ang arte, calling at Deseron- 140 Union St. on May S05 x "hai head with pains in my ck, About "he-drinage of 'ondiil ipperative,. Waterloo district Waterloo, J. W, purchase from railroad and other: H 5 Who is wise comes to us whe Y aYs and Sapo e on Tuesdays, Thurs- | number of 'pupils. desir a two months ago | began a treatment | . i \ ar tHe a. e of a | Davidson Knowlton, Willian Smith; ---- doom - . want to buy or sell any prul. information. from J. P. Hanley, J dnys. : with Dr. Chase's Nerve Food and it a pe 4 o ie the wi " Cowansville, W. T. Brown; Brome, A. . By ) ' Cildersieeve, Jas. Swift & Co. was not long before | noticed a great an OR, owe y ug i th ounda ide Galley. W REAL ESTATE . HORSEY 4 change in my condition. I rest and itening each Mori] on nthe Huntingdon district---St. John's, W, 3 po dp . : Trafic Manager 4 een well now and get up refreshed in | Outlets for these ditches; grown the |," 4, der. Kensington, Marvin 8. ia We have a well established reputd MONEY the mornings. The pains in my head roads so that the water will flow into { posi, 0 Ormetown, E. W. 8. Contes 3 3 » . : : Lo! 0 i v Sie . 3 , ' y, Many ab aX AND BUSINESS. and back do. not bother me any more. | the ditches, and crown with a coating 7 § 7 dri Hon for succeasful u ming 1 Rents UVER; tix 2 For Teachers and others during I am firmly convinced that this pre- of material impervious to, rain. Six w, wd : Le eS tractive offerings at present. - Fire, Oe LONDON AND GLORE July and August in oroughl i inches of stone properly spread, is Perfect Soda Water. Ae : Company. Available aly 8 paration is thoroughly and perman- LOOPY; K he collected, Estates Managed, ete Resets $61,187,215. addition to ently curing me and that my system | much superior to sixteen inc hes| Ours is perfect because we manufac: . B. pré : oe, policy" holders have for KINGSTON BUSINESS COLLEGE is much benefitted by its use.' thrown on loosely. Do not. think of | ture it with scrupulous care. Every- Cano gs Cana ian 00¢ A. F B oO N D, the stockhoiere. Fain EL Use Dr. Chase's Nerve Food regular | raising more money, but of adopting "thing we use is pure and fresh. Onr - pis Buon insured = at oe west ng ey LIMITED Iv. and it will not be long befors the | ® &ystem for the better expending of soda water is as cold as ice can make pid ro fieh Class. oly 506. pein. | Insurance and Real Estate. renewing oid of miving | Head of Queen St., Kingston, Ont. | wasting process will be overcome and | that at present available. | it. We use nothing but pure fruit juie- 63 Clarence Street - Kingston oT aay a aru bul Bianee All commercial subjects taught.' the work of reconstruction begun. The speaker expressed mirprise at ef. Pure ics. ereati | and large, thin QQ . . TT iin-------------- Students admitted at any time. : Note your increase in weight as | finding wo manv (ll ad uit Ryonte | Elasses. Wade's Drug 8 'rinces i p DUR PoLrcres ] p yeolession ors | h strength and vigor are being restored, | nac. With all other roads in the conn | S----------]------ ) Steamer North King Tears ed con and Pro Alig? Mops TE ---- Be . ile Siluad -- bre |r. Chase's Nerve Food, 50 cents, at | ty free, why should a few be toll ? The | High grade candy, Huyler's and Me. , hi dave at 10.15 a.m. Jor, AS py Slee. Examine ti Sham at KAY IF. METCALFE, | oll dealers, or Fxdmanson, Bates & Fim ald pounty of -Frontenat shonhl Conkey's. Gibson's Red Cross Drug ¢ Bay and Gananoc ue, and at 3 Fo : togw rance Emporium, Mark- |v" ", nt prigeipal. | Co., Toronto, have bee sof the first to lead Store, . : are, " President rigel] o., Toronto, have been one of the first to lead in for Rochester, N.Y., via the Bay : Quinte.

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