Daily British Whig (1850), 8 Jun 1905, p. 6

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| Dead Ashes Cost + Money to Heat. Kost hot water heaters have a Center draft only--also 'most center draft hot water heaters Bave a wall of dead ashes next to the water jacket, because _thoroug} bustion with center draft only 4s net possible<-coal burns principally in the center. The Ashes must be heated before the water can be heated, __._ Ashes are hard to hicat--they are to heat, they absorb the heat which should go into EE ---- The ** Bison " hot water heater i | 'bas side drafts, draws the heat and fire tothe sides, up the sides, ~--against the water jacket. It heats the water quickly, economi- ecally. THE H. R. IVES C0, Limited, MONTREAL. of Peck's Corn TOF : 's drug stores. ig Store for fine toilet sol- There Has Been Good Work Ac- complished During the Year-- Excellent Addresses Delivered. Napanee, June 8.--The annual meet- ] ing of the Woman's Auxiliary of the on Wednes- ration of the holy communion in St. Mary Magda- lene's church, and sermon by the Bishop of Ontario from the text *'Go work to-day in my vineyard." eo business part of the meeting was be at the 'board meeting in the a hall, on Tuesday evening, when committees were struck, and reports had a preliminary hearing. The thank- {offering presented at ay morning's service totalled 8615, and several amounts have come in since. "The chief feature of the Wednesday afternoon session was the address . of Miss Wilgress, missionary at Hay River, diocese of Mackenzie Riger, now home on furlough. Her story ¥ of the largest diocese in the world was simp- ly tald, and deeply interested her hearers, 3 The reports of all diocesan officers 1 diocese of Ontario day morning, by a TRE Ta at an annual rental of $45,000. -- A TEMPERANCE VIEW. English Workers on Public House The debate in the senate ¢n "Pub lic. House Trusts," and Earl Grey's public and private utterances, are just what English temperance men feared, bringing this scheme for the control of in Canada, "The British Nati- onal Temperance Federation' publish- ed a manifesto, addressed The federation temperance societies of Fngland, Ire land, Scotland and Wales, and inclades the large bulk of the working forces of this great reform. The president is A. Cameron Corbett, M.P., and amongst the vice-presidents are the Countess of Carlisle (president of the Foglish W. T.C.U.) and twenty-seven members of arliament. Let the manifesto speak or : itself : 'Dear Friends,--~We hear with deep "regret of a disposition on the part of some in Ontario to favour the crea- tion of setting up . of a so-called "Reformed Public-house Trust System': or, 'in the" creation of a state, or municipal or 'other public monopoly in or for the sale of intoxicating : drivks--whereby the enfire community become implicat- BEER Whitelaw Reid, the new Ambass ador to England, and Dorchester House, in Park Lane, which he ha s leased for his London residence were most satisfactory, increased membership, . generous contributions in money, bales large and numerous, and leaflet subscriptions largely increased. Great pleasure is felt that Mrs. Bux- ton Smith will retain the presidency. The missionary meeting in the even- ing was presided over, by 'the bishop, who is such a warm friend of the W. A., and who made a brief speech full of inspiration. to the auxiliary workers, and congratulating them on vesults, : A most fascinating address was given by: Mr, Ben-Oliel, born in North Africa, whose childhood was spent in England, boyhood in Rome, , and early manhood in Palestine, and is now taking a theological course at Wyclifie College, Toronto. He is the son of a Jew, converted to Christian- ity, who later led his whole family to embrace the faith. His accent has all the culture of + Oxford, and his dic tion the grace of the east. His ad- dress. was given in Bedouin costume. and was an illumination of the vari- ous parts of the Fible upon which he touched. A number of boys and girls were. dressed by him in the costumes of the natives of Palestine, and added to the interest of the address, Miss Wilgress supplemented her ad- dress of the afternoon by a short talk, which was much appreciated and called forth the highest praise from the bishop. . The number of delegates is large, and all are enthusiastic, and are very grateful for the warm reception given them by the hospitable people of Na- pance. . An Emergency Physician. You are sure to save needless sul- fering and you may save life by hav- ing at Nang a bottle of Smith's White Linimént. It is of vital importance that in or injuries be treated promptly. Here is 'a remedy that re lieves pain in an almost magical way, and cures strainy bruises, lame backs, eto., quicker than any other remedy we know of. In 25c. bottles at Wade's. Community Of Thieves. New York, June 8.--Officials of the Public Service Corporation, which operates the trolley line in Jersey City, Hoboken, Bayonne, Gewark, Elizabeth and other cities and towns in Northern New 'Jersey, declare that the corporation had been defrauded within a year hy the illegal vse of transfers of more than £105,000. There has been rovealed a conspiracy be- tween conductors and clerks now in the Soishuny's employment and form- et. employees. Employees of depart- ment stores at Newark are also im- ticated. The headquarters of the --~ Jersey group of covspirators is in Paterson, where a school for 'edu: cating conductors to cheat their em- ployers exist, A Bilious Headache. Is one of 'the meanest things in the To Jruvent biliousness use Dr. Hamilton's Pills, which kwep the sys- tem clean and pure, regulate the bow- els, give tone to i and liver. You'll never have a e, you'll never have 'a sour stomach, you will have Sigarous bracing health by taking pe. amiltony ills, Your uggist sv . Hamilton's . Pills, Hu per box, or five boxes for 5 Reported To Have Resigned. Ottawa, June 8. It's Feported that hk oughty, Hutrinion archivist, hos i may be succeed p Or. Fumay, of St. John. 4 ds i ---------- $ i i Those 'unhappy 'persons who + suffer from nervousness and dyspepsi haul use hers Little Nerve FT which aré v for sleepless, ner- I v ic sufferers. Price 2%¢., dishes, pots or pans with Levers Bey Soap, a Powder. It -- w--- ---- -- ed in the liquor: traffic under the idea of improving its conditions and per: haps of applying part of its profits te Counteractive agencies. "In the interests of the sacred cause of temperance, and of the good name the motherland and 'other countries, we, on behalf of the emarmvus hosts of temperance people--grifrent You to give o encouragement.' tad any such idea, hut to protest against and oppose it: no matter from what quarter &uch evil may come. We have had of years, and the int position grows with . our increased wnowledge of its evil tendency. We enclose for your perusal 'pamphlets ' on the question, and trust that every hranch of each temperance organiza tion will adopt and publish an expres- sion of its unalt the setting up of any state, municipal or other public monopoly whereby the whole community would hecome 'a partner in the ever deadlv and des- tructive traffic in intoxicating drinks, "The alleged successful results fol- lowing the creation of a state liguor 'nonopoly in Russia have been cited but the «Russian National = Medical longress meeting this vear in St. Petersburg has ventured to pass following resolution of remonstrance : "The spirit monopoly not only does not check alcoholism in Russia, but it actually favors its growth, because of its. value in filling the coffers of the state. An active and successful con- fiict against alcoholism, which is in Russia a social 'evil of the nitude, is. only possible il we had full guarantees of liberty for o and words, and free and public meetings. It js only under these conditions that it would be possible to spread widely among the people instruetion as to the injury caused by alcoholism, and the real causes of its development. For thus exposing the evil consequences of this state liquor monopoly of - the medical congress, we learn from the Vienna Der a astinent, that 'many of the soientists were promptly seized banished to & ey me . sd "A year ago the great United King- dom Alliance had this subject of a proposed public liquor monopoly be: fore them at the annual meeting, and unanimously resolved : "That council discountenances al} proposals to erate a municipal or public mono- poly for the common sale of intoxi- cants, involving as it would the im- plication of Jocal communities in the carrying on of the traffic and in the drunkenness. and other evils resulting therefrom; amd thie council the prospect of the people, especially Christian and temperance rmers, being led to look to the profits on the sale of liquor as a means for origin- ating agencies to counteract the evils ir creates,' : . "This year it has unanimously re- affirmed the above. and the National Temperance Federation has also unani- mously endorsed the same. We com- mend the same to you for endorsement and publication," ensity bf our . op ur persons dom of the press To hold an unusually attractive church fair, have prices that deserve the name, the drink traffie before the Canadian | People. 'Just aont the time Earl Grey | to "The | Temperance Urganizations of Canada." | ¢mbraces thirty-three a publi¢ liquor monopoly, | whereby philanthropic and religious | people may be induced to join in the | , (faetory. J. | Blair is at ho McCullough at H. Blair's. of your country and its influence upon | a similar agitation to face for a series | erable epposition to | the | first mag: | this | deéprecates | bod WHAT WHIG CORRESPOND- . ENTS TELL US. | The Tidings From Various Points In Eastérn Ontario -- What People Are Doing: And What + They Are Saying. . Young Man Dead. Calabogie, June 6.--Jokn Smith and: | fainily, Mattawa, are visiting relatives here. Death has again visited: our quiet little hamlet and claimed a | bright young person, Allen Yuill, he : having undergone a critical operation | for appendicitis, which proved fatal. {Of a quiet disposition, he was loved by all who knew him. He leaves to | mourn his father and mother, four sis- ters and five brothers. Miss Mary Ar: |nott left Monday for Sturgeon Falls, | Miss Minnie Legume, visiting friends in | Renfrew, has returned home. A Sudden Death. Junetown, June €i--El Tennant is preparing to move "his barn, and will build under it a concrete wall. W. B, Warren, Lansdowne, is doing a good business here with his portable saw { mil. Lane Trusdell, Rockfield, was calling on his cousin, Miss B. Herbis- | on, recently. Patrick Ryan, who ' for | some. yeats lived with Malcohn Scott, {died suddenly May 31st of apoplexy. | John Steacy, Yonge Mills, spent Sun- {dav last with Ross Purvis. Mrs, Chas. { Trusdell, Mallorytown, spent a few days last. week at James Purvis'. On Thursday evening June Sth, Willie and 'Edna Summers will entertain a number of friends. : Visited The School. Blair Settlement, June 7.--Meadows and. grain: are looking well and pros- | pects are good for an gbundant har- vest. Little Roy Derbyshire, who went | to Kingston General Hospital for | treatment, has = returned, much im- | proved. Dr. Johnson visited our school | last week and: found everything safia- Blair has returned Lome after _ visiting friends in Kingston. Mrs. D. Laidlaw, ill for some time with pneumonia is recovering. Visit- {ows : Miss Nellie Stinson spent Sun | day the guest of Miss D, Sickler. Eva her wnele's, in Newboro; { Mr. and Mrs. S. McCann at Verona ; Toledo News. { Toledo, June 7.--Miss V, Ivy, | Jand, was the guest of Mrs. {for a few days last week: Mrs. | Donald, Portland, visited friends here {last week. Mrs. S. Dodds, seriously ill, is not recovering as rapidly as | friends would desire. Mrs. H. N. Beech er is visiting friends in Brockville, Mrs, Chester Sliter, Brockville, is the "guest of her mother, Mrs, C, Tallman, this place. -J. Foster dis- posed of the Commercial house, of { whch he has been the genial host for the past ten years, to Mr. Jones, of { Morton, who has taken possession, . Percival is contemplating a trip to | the west. Mrs. W. Murphy, is the guest of her mother, Mrs. P. McGuire. Thomas Murphy has leased his meat market to Katon Bros, who = will conduct the business. Port- . Foster Mc- Committed To Asylum. Arden, June 7.--The late have been of great benefit to and the pastures are good. (i. Thornfon, merchant, has moved into his new store. George Gerhard, for- merly proprietor of the Queen's hotel. has sold his business in Toronto and returned with his family to Arden. | The Bishop of Ontario passed through | the village last week, on his way to Harlowe to open the new Anglican church there. Court of revision was held in the town hall yestebday, Work- men are employed in fnishing the new English church in this village. A. Hadis, late of Montreal, has come to reside in Arden, and is building a new store, on the lot adjoining the showers crops, new church, Rev. A, C. fluffman is expected to stay at the Methodist parsonage another year. Mr. Heath as gpoved into the new building late- ly occupied by W, W. Pringle, the latter having moved to his home on the station road John T. Clark, several times an inmate of Rockwood hospital, but who has been at liberty for some months, has again' been Committed as a dangerous lunatic, by Thomas Andrew, J.B. The dis- pute between Messrs. Detlor and Barker, over a piece of land in the village, has been amicably settled by arbitration. Fdward Mouck, whose house and contents were recently de- | stroyed by fire is building a new re sidence on his farm. Might Have Been Fatal. Morven, June 6.--W. R. Purdy is remodling his barn, What might have been a serious accident was averted just in time. E. Kayler's hired boy | was drawing out manure with a | young team and stopping to shut a | gate the team left him. Miss Bertie | M. Smith and Miss May Leonard com- ling down the York Road saw the | runaway team in time to rein their | horse into the ditch and leave the rig, when the crash came, smashing | one wheel off their buggy, and up- | setting it against the fence. The |' young ladies got off without any | injury save Miss Leonard got her face ! scratched a little and one wrist | bruised. The horses struck a telegraph | pole, leaving waggon and crashed in- {to Mr. Foyster, wife and daughter, | Bath, who were behind the ladies. | Mrs.. Foyster was bruised badly. In | the absence of Mr. Boyce, away at | tending. conference the pulpits of both | ch es were filled by Rev. Mr. Wichet, Victoria road. Wedding bells are winging. Invitations are ont for the of Miss Lottie Bell, twin ad: | Not Milk for Babies Don't risk baby's life by feeding city mille. Be on the safe side,' Give Ds iA & 3 > ¢'sFood | are made for the blood, nerves complexion. daughter of Mr. and Mrs, John Albert | Bell and Clarence Sharpe, oldest son of Lucas Sharpe, both of this place. The end is not yet; there are more to follow. Mrs. D. R. Hicks returned on Monday from a weveral days' visit with her mother at FErinsville. D. | Parks, Odessa, called on his cousin, Miss Bertie Smith, at' Maple Corner, {on Tuesday. Women with pale, colorless faces. who feel weak.and. discouraged, will receive both mental and bodily vigor [by using Carter's Tron Pills, which ------------ i -- 'NEWS OF. NEIGHBORS | a Lemmon & Lawrenson, Sole Age Glass Shelves BISCUIT Contains a) the = nutritive elem of the whole Wheat Kernel, cooked and drawn ne light, porous shreds, MaKing it easy to digest. : Soild for the ** Vital Question Cook Book," postpaid CANADIAN SHREDDED WHEAT SospLizmtecd, Niagara Falls, Ong, The duties of { Minister to the Interior M¢Clary's London, Toronto, Montreal, Winnipeg, Vancouver, St. John, Ii.B. WAR a fal Holders for Soap, Sponges, Brushes, Tumblers, etc. These gcods are latest stvles and of very best quality McKelvey & Birch, 69 and: 71 Brock St. -- nts _-- BATH ROOM FIXTURES our goods. In Buying. Shoes It will always pay you best to visit cur store and inspect and SPOON PEE SRC EEEPINDE IE OESE SE SP eCOEEICEROREEOLLEOee OOOO TFO avi IDES JUNE Fancy China Tea Sets, Vases, Jardiniess, Salad Sets, Berry Sets, Bread and Butter Plates, Fancy Cups and Saucers, Choco- late and Cocoa Sets, Marmalade Sets, etc. Go-Caris, Waggons, Carts, Viocopedes, Hammocks. - Fruits and Confectionery. - J. HISCOCK - 160 and 162 Princess Street. You will find them a little better in quality than elsewhere and our prices are always a little below all others. Call and see our Tan and Brown Shoes, also our Canvas Footwear for summer wear. Tea-H Red Feather Ceylon Tea sterilized packages--air- Black; Green or Mixed-- always in sterilized parchm in Oxfords With Snap, | Style and Comfort. Our New Spring Lines have been universally admired and grent We have them suitable are trade winners. for all occasions. Ladies' Shees at $2. f, JENNINGS, King St, See our range of TENDERS undersigned, and endorsed Toronto Island Breakwater ADDRESSE SEALED tension,' will be received at this ¢ until Tuesday. July 4, 1905, inclusively, for the construction - of an extension to the Breakwater on South side of Toronto Island, City of Toronto, in the County of York, Ontario, according to a plah and a specification to be seen at the office of the R nt Enginéer, Confederation Life Building. Toronto, at the 'office of C Desiardins, 'Esq., Clerk of works, Post Office, Montreal, and at the Department of Public Works, Ottawa. Tenders will not be considered unless made on the printed form supplied, and signed with the actual signatures of ten- cooptad cheque on a chartered bank, payable to the order 'of the Hon ourable the Minister of Public Works for seven thousand dollars ($7,000.00) must accompany each tender. The cheque will be forfeited - if the party. tendering deo- dine the contract or fail to complete the work contracted for, and will be returned in case of non-acceptance of tender The Department does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender. By order. y FRED. GELINAS Secretary. Department of Public Works, Ottawa, June 3. 1905, Newspapers insorting this advertise ment without authority from the Depar? went, will not be paid for it. Breve cscssresesseceses| NOW IS THE WINTER OF YOUR DISCONTENT I you are trying to met good heat 'out of poor coal. Ours is band-screened and uni+ form. A one-ten order will bring you cK. A large lot of DRY SLABS for sale. Booth & Co. Phone 183, Berevaissssecscsssersesies ----e-------- THE FRONTENAC LOAN & INVESTMENT SOCIETY. (ESTABLISHED 1863.) President--Sir Richard Cartwrig] Money loaned on City and Fa Properties. Municipal and Cour purchat es interest allow 8. C. McGill, Managing Directo Office. 97 Clarenca Street. Kingston NOTICE House.Cleaning Season Here. Get your Carpets and Rugs Cleaned by our Electric Carpet Cleaner. Thorough work at moderate rates. Call or phone 542. . . . HARVEY MILN 272 BAGOT STREET. tures. Mortgag Deposits received and The Polish that won't wear off Sold Only at Strachan's Hard $000000000000000000 TYPEWRITERS BOUGHT, soLp, RENTED, REPAIRED. All Makes, New and Second-har met Rove evons nmin am J.R.C. DOBBS & CO., 171 Wellington 8t., Kingste »

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