Be 'of the Cravenette Ram, le many women who haye ear. Constructed on new ement of style peculiar to an indispensible garment, rain proof and is especially Ing or on an outing trip, the latest shades are shown 'y woman should have one ttributes to her wardrobe, --- th Raincoats, made of good nette Cloth in Fawn, Oxford, ng with pleated back, $7093, arter Length Raincoats, in s, in tight and semi-fiiting, k, and have the new sleeve » 7-95, 8.50 and 9.75. th Raincoats, in high quality th, in the latest <hades, made ew sleeve, tight fitting with $10.50, 11.50 12.50, 13.99. aincoats, made of Black and rm and White Check Craven- fitting, with the new sleeve, belt, at $9.50. coats, in fine quality of Rain- » new sheered effect, full length eeves, at $14.95. , IDLAWGSIN Se = PULARITY vs no de- They are others for that we than can ike good k Tan welt- eels, a Pair. TT SHOE STORE YEAR 72. NO. 134. g P. Jenkins Clothing Co, French and English Natural UNDERWEAR i All sizes, from -34 to 46, 75¢. and $1 each. This is just the time to change your Underwear and there is nothing quite as .nice as these French Natural Wools. E. P. Jenkins Clothing Co. SWIFT'S INSURANCE AGENCY FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT, CARCO. Strong reliable Companies only represented LOSSES PROMPTLY PAID. LOWEST RATES on approved risks of every gaescriptivn. Oflice, Opposite vitario Bank. WANTED. A COOK. APPLY, AN THE EV ing to Mrs. Howard S. Folger, West St ee eb ee et A YOUNG GIRL, FOR GENERAL housework. Apply to Mrs. Hender- son, 49 Clergy St. ee eee $13,000 ON $80,000 SECURTPY, REAL fistate, Db ox 10 years. Apply to J. A. Gardiner, 151 Wellington St. AN EXPERIENCED GIRL TO DO general housework, wages $15. Ap ply, Mrs. B. W. Folger, 143 King St. West. pete ere A GENERAL SERVANT NO WASH- ing. Apply between seven and cight in evening, to Mrs. H. B. R. Craig, 197 King St. YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST IN general housework : small tamily no washing. Apply in the evening, 81 Frontenac Street, IN A FORTNIGHT ; GOOD GENERAL Ser t, who can cook ; good wages: no washifg or ironing. Apply im mediately, Mrs. Knight, Alice St. LADY TO GO July and August, A REFINED YOUNG to the' country, for to nusse invalid herself generally S.T., Whig. office gentleman and make nox useful. Apply, EXPERIENCED FIRST dressmaker to take charge Must he reliable. State salary ex pected and experience to Mrs J Garvin, Sydenham eee ACTIVE BRIGHT, HUSTLING agents wanted to sell Teas, Coffees, Spices, 'etc. Over $2,000 a year is being 'made by agents. G. Marshall & Co., London, Ont : ee ------------------e ent So INTLEMEN, TO GET THEIR Spring Suits made up at Galloway's, 131 Broek street, hext to Bibby's livery "style, fit and price guaranteed to please ; pressing and repairing done promptly. EN AND BOY TO LEARN PLUMB- ing trade. W annot supply demand for graduates. $4.50 to $5 ver day ight weeks completes course. arn while learning. Address, for Cata- logue, Coyne Bros.. Co., Plumbing Schools, Cincinnati, ©O., St. Louis, Mo. Employment guaranteed or money refunded. TO-LET. THE DESIRABLE RESIDENCE, 84 Barrie St., opposite City Park ply to Miss Flanagan, 82 Barrie einmia---- STORAGE, A ROOM IN THE STEARN building, clean, dry, rat and woth roof. Apply at McCann's, 51 jrock St. COMFORTABLE BRICK FARM House, partly furnished, well situated on shore of Bay of Quinte, 24 miles west of Collins Bay. Good stable accommodation. Stage daily to Bath. Also Frame tage. Address, H, C. Rothwell Collins Ray Ont. ---- see THAT "DESIRABLE PROPERTY AT the Corner of Queen and Ontario Streets, lately occupied by Mr. Hen erson Bas a grocery With large yard and outbuildings Ofers oa be Te: Celved r urchase. poly Walkem % walkam solicitors, King- ston. E----------------------EE FOR SALE. DAILY MEMORANDA, To Be well dressed Wear of Campbell Bros'. New Hats. Love leads to likeness Richest joys There can be no truth without liberty The sufi rises 4.19 am and sets at 7.89 Yacht: Race for the Carruthers Saturday aflterioon Baseball, ¥B cricket field, S This you hear "For Nobbiest Co. This day in history destroved hy "fire, Payne, horn, 2 novelist, died ane are often notarest. Saturday at Trophy eralds VS Artilleries urday afternoon where ere vou go, Hats, Geogge Mills & :--St. d-hn's, Nfld. 1846 : John Howard ; Charles Dickens, DECORATED CHINA We haved a new and particularly hand- some display of decoraivd DINNER SETS TOILET SETS They will please you without a doubt and the prices € veryareasonable. ROBERTSON BROS.. 42 TEA SETS CHOICE MEAT ray McFedridge'S Is the place to go when vou want something tender in the Meat line, and don't cost you any more than the stringy, tough sort You will also find here a full line of Fearman's, Matthew's and Fowler's Celebrated » Cooked and Smoked Meats, Poultry, Eggs, Butter, Cheese, Lard, Canned: and Bottled Goods and Vey tables of all kind Phone your next order to M F d idge'S The People's Meat Market, Cor. Bagot and Johnston. Phone 564. --e eee CARD OF THANKS. 1 DESIRE THROUGH YOUR columns to thank the Mannigement of the General Hospital and the who so carefully waited on my wife during hor sickr in their Ins tion. No , words of mine could adequ ately repay them for the great kK p they showed towards her 1 . to ~ thank the attending physician HH Bell and ir 1 Wood who vim for the skill they exercised i " y the difficult operati ary in order to bring at cellent health Mrs. Tryon now MITH BROS., Jewellers, 350 King St. Take pleasure in showing their goods, just suit able foX June wedding press new ents, in cut glass, stirling silver and ware, J. S. SMITH, Issuer of Marriage Licenses plated Goon CONDITION, little used, rubber tires at 147 Ordnance St *. PHAETON IN has been' but Can he seen GOOD BUILDING LOT, SOUTH SIDE Queen street, between Montreal and © Jouse of the Kingston Yacht Bagot. Apply 49 Colborne street the Tut ISIAY, duns 20th, 1965, 5 Naop.m, gs NEW MODEL NO. 44 MASSEY, |v tr J. 1H. MACNE} $47. Comfort Tires, $2 each. New sec Tren Rear Wheel, with new Morrow Brake: four dollars, Bicycle Munson, Toron- to. ---------------- NOTICE. MB THE ANNUAL GENERAL ing of the Kingston Yacht Club Assaci: ation, Limited, for the election of direc- tors amd other business, will be held 'at "NOTICE. 'WILL, THE PERSON WHO PICKED a : . . LOST. up a Pair of Gold Rimmed Spectacles on | pri io the month, "are youl in jt?" Expecting to see the Savrgent ssc GLADSTONE VALISE, PROP} Y | the lawn in front of Dr. Kilhoro Sur if so we are waiting to see you, and | ment of nobby hats and yon won Je Sf Dr. Murison, Toronto 1t wastgery, kindly return same ft orn . di sointed. New derbys $1.00, $2, given to a eabman, at Grand Trunk - ome - | show the class of work we are Aum ral M fine straw hats, be, to Station, on Wednesday for BOARD ing out. No occasion (0 go outside of | 32-90. Mer ! 8, Wu, delivery at Prof. Jorda A ROOMS TO LET, WITH OR WITHOUT | the city. Our wedding onkes are equal | $3 at Cami I Bros., the style contre take ved the 7 ) I. Front bedrooms. with alllto any made and the decorating we for men's hats. to the Whig office. : ode conveniences. Apply to 10001 00 van to be the judge. We invite . a "" Bh -- -- ees inspection of our display = window. Tires wallows. 'a "Th . ROOMS TO RENT. ey . "Plone 141. W. J, Crothers, Sir John Power and Son's ree TWO BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED Bring In The Childre 4 Swallows" Irish Whiskey, famous for rooms, with, or without board. at And trv on some of our new straw Panama Hats. quer a century. Of highest standard ATT Kine St. gne of the prettiest} =. aach hats, or new tams, LE i: of purity. . Distillers to His Majesty Spots in Kingston, both for health | Dats, The finer grades are only procura®le and water privileges. ela : % White Linen Hats. Straw eailors and nobby summe Tams for bove and girls, Ingueat variety Co., 106108 Princess street. are shown by George! Mills & Manv of the nobby styles in children's The Mos s eow succeeded, after all, in meeting because "the governor-general declined the recommendations from St. Peters- burg to prosecute them. They elected KINGSTON, ONTARIO; FRIDAY, JUNE 9, 1905. RUSSIANREAR Threatened By Detachment Of Japanese. 10 BE PEACE OR WAR CZAR IS SAID TO BE WAVER- ING. One Report is to the Effect That Russia Notified United States That War Would Re More Advantageous to Russia Than Pesce. Special to the Whig. London, June 3.--The St. Petersburg correspondent of the Standard says that military authorities are as- tonished by the' Japanese occupation of Omoso, midway between Kirin and Ninguta. .J¢ is not known whether the Japanese force came from Possiet Bay whether it forms part of the ad vance guard of Field Marshal Oya ma's right. If it waintains its posi tion, the - rear of Linevitch's aruly will be seripusly threatened. The report of the Japanese occupa tion of Umoso rests on the authority of jn private desonsch from Manchuria received in St. Petersburg: Omoso is seventy-five miles vast of Kivin, and |\ the road to Viadivostok, The St. Petersburg correspondent" of or Gen. commands the Times regards 'the occupation of the place as a startling development, implying the severance of communica tioa between Kirin gnd Ninguta and placing the Japanese within striking distance of the railway from Harbin to Vladivostok. Most of the peace rumors come fron Washington, where, Judging fr despatches in. this morning's little is actuglly known by spondents, farn differing versions of the same reports, but there i# nothing that is in any an thoritative, bevond the statement of Neratoff, According to the St. Petersburg cor respondent of the Daily Mail Lamsdorfi, minister of foreign affairs, has informed Mr. Meyer, American ambassador, that Russia gratefully re cognizes President Roosevelt's om deavor te bring about peace hetween Russia and Japan, but, after careful deliberation, it has been decided, in view of the naval disaster, that war is more advantageous to Russia than cor St. Petersburg and Paris h various reports or sense Councilor Count peace. The St Petershurg correspondéit save © "A high official assures me that the ezar has now decided to consult nobody exeept his immediate councillors, among them is Gen. Tre poll. who goes to Sgarkoe-Selo almost daily." The correspondent also says that Foreign Minister Lamsdor(i"s aceredit- ed mouthpiece made this statement to him vesterday :° "Russia is as willing as ever to listen to any 'proposal that Japan may wish to make, but it does not behoove Russia to take the initiative. That the duty is incum bent upon the victor, -not 'the van quished, is accepted, and Russia is willing to let Japan state her terms I'hen and fot before then can the ne- gotiations begin. Russia is ready to give Japan's proposals full and sin- cere consideration, and, if possible, to accept them." I'hat the foreign office thus au thoritatively excludes the idea of war a'l'outrance is highly significent. It is true that Russia continues her mili tary preparations, and that troops and war material are going cast un interruptedly. It is true, also, that the war party is all powerful, -yet symptoms apparently indicate that an hour of serious reflection has struck at Tsarkoe-Selo, that the czar is and that peace is no long er quite hopless, © Zemstvoists, assembled at wavering, tation to convey apn address to ging the emperor to consult the nation regarding peace or war. There is little or no hope that the deputation will be received. The! city unusually calm to-day. SUICIDE OF INSANE MAN. Was An Inmate of the State Hospital, Ogdenshurg, June 0. - €)'Bricn, a patient at the Bt. law rence State hospital, leaped into the St. Lawrence river from the hospital lytinch and was drowned. A number of trusty patients: in charge of attendants were riding in the vacht. YBrien rose from his seat and plimged over the rail before an attendagt could stop hin. He swam a few strokes, but disappeared before the boat conld be stopped. The other patients were panic-stricken, but the attendants succeeded in quieting the, O'Brien twenty wight vears old and was committed from Watertown. Victim Petrick was Wedding Cakes, Wedding Cakes. from George Mills & Co., hat special Me 4 JE PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest Culled From All Over The World. Robert Seot, license West Wellington, died from a paralytic stroke The debate on the autonomy hill and the school clause was resumed in the commons yesterday by Mr, Bor- den. y Jarl Grey is at Quebec, where he will have an honorary degree con' fereed upon him by the senate of La- val university. Crop reports from the west continue most favorable, wheat being reported as eight, ten and twelve inches high at Birtle, Russell and Yorkton. The establishment of a department of education. in the faculty of arts for the instruction of teachers, is being considered by the senate of the Uni- versity of Toronto. Hon, Mr. Fitzpatrick replying for Sir Wilfrid Laurier in the commons vesterday, denied that he had refused an, invitation to a colonial conference in London as he had received no such invitation. In Ontario in 1903, out of 48,842 births, 6,700 died within the first year, and 10,162 before they had reached their fifteenth year A large percentage of deaths are due to malnutrition or improper feeding, through ignorance on the part of the mothers, James McConnell attempted to sassipafe Vice-President Fairbanks, of the Alnited States, as he was address ing an assemblage of 2,000 persons at Flint, Mich. Connell, a_ blacksmith, was arpested before he could carry out his purpose. He carried a loaded re- i inspector for at Harriston 1 as 'SLEEPS STANDING UP. Dopefied Domestic. Has Against Wall for Years. Cleveland, O., June 9. --Mary Dicker- son, a servant in the family of Mrs. B. H. Smoot, has for twenty years slept" at night leaning against a wall while on her feet. Her case has just come to the knowledge of the local physicians and has created: mach in te t Slept . Dickerson is seventy nine years of age, smmll, but exceedingly 'strong and wiry for her years. She inform cd the physicians that for more than fifty years she was addicted to the use of morphine, but cured herself, of the habit through becoming converted at an religions revival, "It's this way," she said. "When 1 took the dape I had terrible dreams. The more morphine I took the worse the dreams got. | found that when 1 took the dope and went to bed 1 would dream of falling inte hell or going through the worst tortures, conldn't stand more dope. 1 couldn't afford that: I had just money enough to buy a little of the stuff at a time and-pould not afford to take it day and; night. So I started to sleep in a chair, That was better, but the dreams still came, and so 1 started to sleep standing up. Then 1 had no bad dreams, and 1 kept it up ever since. | could not sleep in bed now if 1 wanted to." ELATION OVER PROMOTION Kills Three Childfen and Cuts Throat of Wife. London, 9. Elation at his promotion from constable to sergeant the brain of Police Ser June has turned geant Carter, of Otley, Yorkshire, who murdered his three children and attempted to end his own life and that of his wife, A week ago he was sent to Menston asylum, but the doc there thought he all right tor was and sent him "home. The next morn ing the wife ran out into the street with her throat eut; in thé kitchen were found the, bodies of the three children with their heads battered and their throats ent from: ear to ear. Carter was canght in-the act of cutting hiz own throat. The man and woman were removed to Lewds in firmary, and 'are both oxpected to re cover. ALFONSO HAS EXPERIENCE. His Auto Balked on Him, Then Burst Into Flames. London June $.--King Alfonso, while in (he shopping district of Bond street to-day, had an- exciting experi ence with his motor car, The machine stopped suddenly, but the King got it started with the aid of a postman and a policeman, C Then it deni burst into flames, Alfonso the officials . with him Jumped the king exclaiming "How shall 1 get to the palace? second mot car, ocoupied by detec tives, was placed at his disposal end the king wns enabled to reach the pal ace in time to dress for the mid-day the Mansion House, The reception , streets greeted him en crowds in the thusiastically WHOLE TOWN THREATENED. Tire at Rodney--As- nce Asked For. Whi, Disastrous sist Rs x June 9.-Fire broke Jock this moming in ont at 7.0 of the business tion of the town, and at this hour (3.48), is beyond control, Assistance has been asked for from neighboring wns. . Come To Us. the King. headgear are not to be had outside of ra - ! our store. Campbell Bros., the house ists to men and boys. fuality. : Ej of fat -------- There are many kinds of Bland New spor Gibson's Red Cross | Pills. The genume are sold at Gib Drug Store. gon's Red Cross Drug Store, Our hand made milk chocolates equal to any made, tev a sample hox Phone 111. W. J, Crothers. are | men's hats, ec. at SOME 80,000 Are Said To Be In The Grip Of Death. LONDON DOCTORS PICTURE THE RAVAGES OF TUBERCULOSIS. Claim 16,000 Deaths Annually-- Irtland Also Being Scourged by Spread of Malady--Owes Its Origin to Dirt, London; June 9.--Addresses hy two medical men, setting forth in partioul- arly startling form the ravages of consumption or tuberomlosis in Lon. don and also in Ireland, ave publish- el in the British Medical Jounal. Dr, Arthur Latham, a great authority on the gibjest of consumption, puts the London case in this form, "Eight thousand persons die annual ly in this city of consnmption; it is said that another 8,000 die of other vietinis am sacrificed year hy year, "For every may who dies there am five others who , certainly, though slowly, succumbing to this disease. suffering from consump®tng forma of tuberculosis are included ' the number is not less than 50,000." The startling deduction could be made, hi added, that out of every six- ty-five people at present in the metro- polis, one at least would be dead in five years' time from tuberculosis-- that is, dead from a preventable dis. ease, which owed its origin. to filth. The werking classes suffered in this respect twice as much as the general community. Therefore, of the working classes--men, ~~ women, and childron-- met in the streets of London, at least one in thirty-three would be dead in five years from tuberculosis. "Wo shall not be far wrong." he padded, "if we put the annual loss from consumption in London, at £4,000, 000," Professor MoWeeney, Dublin, states that! consumption produced 12180 denths in a year in Ireland, being a greater death producer than old age. Taken in conjunction with the steady drain of emigration, these statistics gave a gloonty ofitlook for the future of the Irish people. ------------ COVERED LOT WITH DOLLARS | Basis of Value of 30-foot Lot That Sold for $700.000. New York, June 9.--Establishing a new high record for a square foot for York City real estato--8598, 20 the property at the south-east corner of Wall street and Broadway, oppo- site Trinity church, an old four-storey brick building on a lot thirty feet in Broadway by thirty-nine feet in Wall street, has been sold for $700,000. It has long been regarded as the most aluable plot in the western hemis- phere. X The purchase of this property marks ° the entrance into the New York realty market of a St. Louis corporation, the representative of which, Lorenzo I Anderson, negotiated the sale. Benjamin DD. Silliman, who died four years ago at the age of ninety-seven was during most of his life own- er of the property, and it is now sold by his estate. The regard in which Mr. Silliman held the property can best he seen through an incident, which oecurred almost forty years ago. At that time George R. Read, a young man, was entering on his career as a real es tate broker. He desired to sell a large property and finally singled out this plot, He went to Mr. Silliman and askél him if he would sell. "Yes," peplied the owner, "I'll sell it "WwW VOears, "Far how much ?" asked Mr. Read. "Well," Mr. Silliman said, "you cover it with silver dollars and you can have it Mr. Read figured how much space a silver dollar would occupy, and then wow many dollars would cover the lot. He found a buyer at the prico he computed and returned to Mr. Silk man to close the deal. The aged lawyer heard the price of fered and laughingly asked how Mr. Road had obtained such figures. After My. Read had explained Mr, Silliman remarked, "But 1 forgot to tell you to stand the dollars on edge." Improving The Village. Moscow, June 7.--Many are beauti- fying their homes. Some are putting up new wire fences, others planting trees; a few are painting their houses and still others are re-building. Rev, Mr. Farnsworth, being at conference, Jesse Lee, Yorker, conducted the ser- vices in the Methodist church Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Morley Hullman spent n few dave in Deseronto last week, Henry Huffman has purchased an im proved farm in Assinoboia 'and left Tuesday evening with a carload of efiects. Mrs. Huffman will go later; they will be greatly missed here. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Lampkin spent Sun- day at Cataraqui. Miss Baker spent a few days last week in Oshawa, attend ing the convention of the Woman's Auxiliary of the missionary society. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Nugent, New- burgh, were guests of Mr. and Mrs, A. A. Asselstine Bunday. Mr. Bur rows, LP.S., spent Wednesday last sere. Mre. Marshall Hoffman is ill. _ Summer Weather Now Due. The nobbiest stock of straw hats in Kingston, awaits your inspection at Campbell Bros., the Beef, iron and wine 50¢., not Gibson's Red| Cross Drug Store, \ 'mented his view by pointing out that forms of tuberchlosis; therefore 16,000 |- Forest hers, The American rome : line just as the tug overheat to all the powers' signatery of style centre for | The genuine Blaud's iron tonic pills CONTROL OF SCHOOLS. Autonomy, Bill Debate Resumed/ ~in the House. Ottawa, June 8.--The lawyers had a day to themselves in, the house to-day, when at R, L. Borden's request the of the autonomy bill was, leader of the opposition to enlarge on his view, exprogsed re- cently En ons and Oxford, that] there was really no difference between the original and the amended J that the two clauses arpived at same result by a different . Hon. Mr, Fitzpatrick replied, ing hi view that there is a material i ence, inasmuch as the minority, they are in the majority in any school district, have no right to a 0 school, a privilege of which Spa are deprived by the ordinance of 1888, which is re-enacted by the amended Sir Wilfrid Laurier - if: the original clause gave the minori control over secular as well as reli- gious education, while the clause gives 'the minority control only over the bali-hour of religious instrue- tion at the end of the day, It regarded by the average lay asa day of -hair-sphitting, in - whieh] those who were not lawyers took no part and not a great deal of interest -------- ST. JOHN RIVER QUESTION. Canada Has Not Agreed To Let The Matter Stand. Ottawa, June 9.-It is not carrect that Canada has agreed to leave the St. John River question out of the matters lo be dealt ith by the In- ternation Taterways' Commission, as reported from Washington. The United States gavernmont takes the position that the act of congress does not empower the American cop missioners to deal with this question, but o distinct promise has been given that an amendment will be soctred when congress meots in October, #0 that the commission may deal not only with the St. John River but al: fo with all mutters relating to streams tributary to the 8t. Law rence. On this understandi the commission is going ahead ling with other matters in the meantime. A meeting of the Canadian section will be held in Toronto toduy; and a joint meeting of the commissioners in Ottawa next week, 3 ---------------- CHASED POACHER TO LINE. American Fisherman Just Escaped , waters, by a government tug, vo ch he and she gave up. Coming right after the arrest of a fisherman n ris in the Canadian canal by a8 New York game constable who i out of Canada, forthwith, hearanoe of the Canadians in vespect- ing the boundary oreated much fav- ourahle comment. BLOW AT FRANCE. ; ------ German Emperor Wants to Gain Hold in Morocco. Special to the Whig. Paris, J 9.--The announcement that Kaiser Wilhelm has issued a note Madrid convention, asking for an in- ternational conference on the subject of Morocco, has fallen like a blow on France. A prominent official said to- day : 'If: we are summoned to choose between holding the conference or de- claring war under the present condi- tions, we will be obliged to submit, whatever we may think of the patter of procedure." , S------------ Admitted Their Mistake. Special ta Whig. tra hg Male: the fourteen deck hands of the R. & 0. N. company's steamer Quebee, who were arrested on a charge practically amounting mutiny, have gone back to work, the difficulty haying been adjusted. The men refused to work because $3 has against them for uniforms, until the end of the season of navigation. Ae cordi ta the company the men ad- mitted their mistake. 2 For 25¢., Pines, Pines Nice, juicy pines, 2 for 2e.; butter, 20¢. Crawford print ------ ; There is a surplus of $120,000 in the Newfoundland hudget, out of a reve nue of $2,558,000. : Gaspe salmon at Carnovsky's, EEE---------------------- ST. JAMES' CHURCH SECOND ANNUAL EXCURSION TO OTTAWA, VIA .T.R. Fare, $1.75. WEDNESDAY, June 21st (For particulars see Posters). VISITORS To the city ate gordially requested to call and see us at our home, 178 I'rin- cess St. Drop in and look around. You will see a first class Grocery Store, with a complete stock of good goods. We would be glad wm would make our store your headquarters when down town. Any information 'we can give is at your service. Jas. Redden @ Co.. Importers of Fine Groceries 178 Princess Street, Kingston. P.S.--Our Teas and Cofiees are known far and wide. We ship to all parts of lar $1 waists for 75¢, im : and the for- MH i win Funeral y Church to |S floor. been deducted from their pay to stand | 3 Matinee Wi THE ENGLISH seen here. Of White French #5 wy inigston, on aged Sora vate, on Monday, at a. Eliott, "H07 Diversity A J, No flo Friends invited ¥! DE SUNDAY EVENING, June | Tmmediatel after the close of Service, 3 0 3 3 of New Producing His Famous PASSION PLAY PCY arvellous roduction . Cre rama of ¥ pc 'wo Miles of Mi ine 3 No admission. Si} collection at Nights, Mon Tess Wed, at 4:15 werent 00 if ks, DugS Latest Ill ' of Matines, ciiitd rer, 0c 2 adul Monday Nish ouly, one iven Free with: F3b¢. £ Seats now on * Seats on sale Satu Prices--0Orch Balcony, $1, 7 ei. 5 Refrigerators; 'from $2 Gas Rauge, St Chairs, Snmmer { Store Ly rN are sold at Gihson's Red Cross Drug the country, J. R. & Co.