ding | men carry on evangelistic work. The - | financial report of the foreign mis. irs. J. G. Elliott, Univer- : i health Hartrick, of the Oriental t of the Lakeviews is too much for granted jn re- e says that althou been discussed on made, as far. as his team is con- i the Orientals are play the match if the are put up by the d the financial side is z appears to be no im , 3 Mediate prospect of the game. An Enjoyable Outing. an excursion of fort: the True Blues' orphanage at Picton. all ap- jplant costing half a willion dollars by two vans, in which they rough the city, leaving on return trip to Picton at three o'clock in the afternoon. . Convention Notes, The Lockett Shoe Store invites all | delegates visiting Kingston to call and {inspect their store on Princess street. ! have one of the lar , otc, to the visitors, whether iy or just to look Strictly one price and that the lowest is their motto. -------- Lisut.-Col. Fages Selected. Militia orders today state that, in addition to his Yegimental duties as officer commanding the dian Field Artillery, the senior officer, : at Kingston will, until fur- , carry on the duties commandant, Royal School of Artil- ery, Kingston and inspector of field . Butter; Butter; Butter; Another consignment of 580 pounds choice dairy butter promised for Sat- urday. Carnovsky will make the price 17e. or three pounds for 50c; quality 181 St. -- arts building to-day, Gradulites' and members of the ni, to the number were present at the affair, which most enjoyable. Addresses were deliv- ered by Principal Gordon and others i i ns Laxative Bromo Quinine, the world cure, removes the cause, Call for the full name and look signature of E. W. Grove. 25¢, . 8 For 25¢c., Pines, Pines. Nice, juicy pines, 2 butter, 20c. Crgwiord ti-- : Men's Straw Hats. Jn _all the popular sh big store, 106-108 Princess street. New potatoes that are dry and for 2%c.; print ' Butter, 1 Ih, prints, 20¢. Crawford. | To the Congregational Church-- Rev. Hugh Pedley to be Re- --Chairman Unable to Fill office at Toronto Meeting. BE Duminie, - Missionhiy. re- de- | ports were received at yesterday af ternoon's meeting of the C r tional union. The African mission reported 663 pupils in the schools, native sionary society showed receipts of £3,804. a In the evening a public meeting was held in Bond street church, addresses by Rev. Jobn Brown, B.A, D.D., Lon: don, Eng., ex-chairman of the _Con- tiona union of England and ales. Mr, Birds duty. of Congregationalisy, to be the s; i of the gospel of Christ. Rev. Ww. HG. Temple, Cleveland, addressed the meeting on the tépic of liberality in giving. 4 The union this moming, received a message from J. R Hugs}, Montreal, who was elegted nan, stating that he would bé unafle to act, and Rev. J. I of Bond Street Con- gregational church - was elected chair man. The congregation of the Western Congregational church will be asked to release Hugh Pedley for three months, in order that Mr. Pedley, may give his entire attention te the jubilee fund. The jubilee fund committee reported that the local -ehurches had subscrib- od $198,388, of which $82,014 was paid up. General fund subscriptions were $165,397 "anth $114,281 wae paid up. The largest individual subseription came from: Mr. Miner, Granby, Que., who gave $20,000, BIG FOUNDRY PLANT. To Assist in Building Tunnel Under Detroit River. Special to 'the Whig. Windsor, Ont., June 9.--The building of the Michigan Central railways dotible tunnel 'under Detroit = river will provide a large amount of work for.a big foundry plant. The tunnel will cost upwards of ten million dol- lars and it is likely that a foundry would be a 'profitable investment. As the tunnel is to be constructed from the Windsor end right to the Detroit terminal before anything is disturbed on that side, it is possible that the foundry may be located on this side of the river, to avoid the heavy du- ties which would have to be paid on the material if imported from the United States. It is definitely an nounced that work will in upon the tunnel by tober first. There are 1 iminaries to be settled firsts Bei Prot the tunnel is = com- the Michigan Central will have 2 foibles track from Chicago to Buf- o. OFF FOR MERRY ENGLAND. Fine Weather Favored Start of Canadian Manufacturers. to the Whig. 4 ontreal, June 9.--The members of the Canadian Manufacturers' Associa- tion excursion party, bound. for Eng- land on the Allan line turbine stoam- ip Victoriar, had a delightful day on which to start on their journey. The morning was bright 'and warmer than for the past few days, and there was a large crowd on the pier as the big steamship cast off her lines, and, with the assistance of tugs drew cut into the stream. Although it was late last night be- fore the animated scene on the steap- er quieted down, there was a large crowd on deck at an early hour this morning and when the parting took place, there was go fluttering of hand- erchiefs feom all parts of the ship. ------------ DEATH FOLLOWS WEDDING. Apoplexy Takes "Eohenmollern of Hard Luck Fauie. June 9.--Prince Leopold Von Hi , & 'cousin of Emperor William, who came to Berlin to attend the wedding of Crown Prince Frederick William and the Duchess Cecilie, of Mecklenburg-Schwerin, died suddenly of apoplexy. "The prince will be remembered in his- tory. as the candidate of the Spanish Cortez for the throne of Spain and as Si the Fras Prussian war. Ho lived an maringen in original principal it Hohenzollern . The em Prince William, where Prince died, and expressed his condolences. A SERIOUS CHARGE. Canadian Farmer Accused. of Selling Stolen Furs. 1 to the Whig. : al Ont, J 9. --Jawmes C. bs, a prominent farmer, this Eh hoc vinci ves ( A recervy 8 . Last fall the Miskop Fun Wyandotte, Mich., lost a quantity of furs, These, it is alleged, were stolen from the firm by residents of Wyan- , who disposed of them to farvmers in Malden and Anderson town- ships. en > -- BIG CROWD COMING. i Governor-General's Foot Guard's ais Foot Suacds aosom when they 0 to Kingston on ion, t and possibly to have the ro this summer and ernment is pl lic. for the apnouncement that the | ed that 'J his hand, pending the result of the present tentative negotiations, = and that Gen. Lipevitclr has also been confidenti highest Russian offitials, who speaks with full authority, said begun. E] ART G FOR PEACE. Russian Gowernment Accepting | | Inevitable and Will End War. | Special to the Whig. St. Pe June 9.--The gov- ly preparing the pub- has decided to cdnelude peace ny negotiations have gun. Ly pet ng. the. tian the EER tohes bearing on the sub- In' wellinforied circles: it. is beliov- already have in- 'Marshal Oyama te stay structed tially gedvised. Outlook Is Hopeiul. St. Pet , June 9.--One of the this after: noon that a movement for peace had "We have not yet reseived Japan's terms," he said, "and until we do it is impossible to say whether or not the war is drawing to an end. All we can say definitely, how- ever, is that an embryonic peace state un. 3 el Peace Under Consideration. London, June 9.1 special meeting of the cabinet was held, this morn- ing. This is the first time the cabinet has been called since Monday, and it is doubtless the peace question is under discussion. -------------- BURGLARY AT MALLORYTOWN. Office and General Store of D. S. Mallory Broken Into. Speeial to the Whig. Mallorytown, June 9.--The general stare and office, owned by D. S. Mal- lory, tréasurer for township of Yonge and Escott, was broken into about 2.30 o'clock. this morning, entrance being made through the basement window. The vault was opened and notes, checks and othet papers scat- tered around the floor, but no money was found. Drawers in a desk were ransacked and a few dollars of tele- The proprietor, sleeping over the NEWS OF THE OCCURRENCES RECOUNTED -- a? Cp] -- gba _.. IN BRIEF FORM, Matters That Interest Everybody ~--Notes From All Ower--Little Of Everything Easily Read And Remembered. Harvey Simpson, of Burk's "Falls, was k by a falling tree at Otter e. Howard Gillies, 1 sixteen years, was drowned at A S Ont., while bathing. A Central Park, New York, animal: keeper had a narrow escape from be- ing killed by an alligator. John Coulter, of Norrhto, was thrown out of his waggon and killed by his team running away. The congregation of . St. Andrew's, Toronto, presented Rev. Armstrong Rlack with a bag of sovereigns. Louis Bradley, of Red Deer, was sentenced to five years' imprisonment and C. Burkhardt, Edmonton, to five years, for horse stealing. The Ontario Medical Council decided not to make at present a request to Hon. Nir. * Whitney for the appoint ment of a minister of health. The case of Saterlee vs. Yates, be ing heard in Watertown, involves the title to more than 200 islands in the St. Lawrence, near Clayton and . Or leans, W. W. Carr, disbursing clerk of the Smithsonian Institute, Washington, D. C., has been arrested charged with em- hezzling "#0000 Gi the funds of that institution, . Judge Snider ordered . the Toronto Street railway company ta be ready on June 20th with its defence in the omnibus action brought against it' by the city, King Oscar refused to receive a de- putation from. the Norwegian Storth ing, and will not consider a. proposal that a son of his house shall accept the Norwegian throne. M. F. Donkin, chief engineer of the Dominion Coal company, Glace Bay, N.S., has been appointed superintend- ent of mines, in place of Austen King, the former incumbent, eee ee rnc noise was eaused by a cat. The bur- glar must have become alarmed and made; off without trying the till in the wain part of the store. About three o'clock: Grand Trunk station noticed a man going east om about five o'clock a short, thick-set man, wearing a dark hat, was seen about five miles east of > Mallorytown, walking very fast. The | provinces police at Brockville were comanunica- SUPPORT MARRIED DAUGHTER Is a Father Liable for This Under ment was rendered by Justice Archi- bald to-day, by which Dr. C. A, Pratt, a Zmtieman of iderabl condenmed to pay his married daugh- . sli . ter, Mrs. Arthur Lafrenicre, $20 4 work, and bogan drinking. Just be month in order to augment her pre- sent income sufficiently to educate her children and rear befitting their social position. The fa- ther ay already heen paying $10 vol- untarily every month, becguse the Vo : . i daughter's husband had been ill and | open, Reel Mining company. capi unable to work regularly. Mrs. La- |, Ahi " itali freniere enjoyed as well a monthly al- entury Mining company, capitalized lowance of $41 by the grandfather, but she considered that her income. from the two sources was not enough, and apparently the court Unknown Dancer crimson domino, whose face is hidden even at mealtime, if the word of "her press agents counts came ashore to-day from the steamer press agent and an automobile, which, In veil, and she went to the St. F where '"'they'"' would not give her a room because suting in her red domino and crimson vei tingly the cause of called at the house of i Leopold dotte, who brought a quantity 'of land, fifty rong. Ringe. <i bos 4 . Steps are under way to rum an It is probable arrangements ST made 10 ha a concert there, band plax t crowd lo arpa iv with be of the old boys BY jn that sity, Tt has been decided that if" Mylne, the designer of Glasgaw, 'is successful in the coming English regatta with his new hoat the Britomart, he will hegin next month designing a. vacht for Sir. Thomas Lipton, as a fourth challenger for the America's cup. A discovery of iron ore deposits is reported from English River, on the boundary 'between Keewatin and On- tario. The point lies north from Kenora. and would be included "in the of Ontario if the proposad »xtension westward is earried cut. The strike of employees of William s ¢Bramlev's jewelery factory, Montreal, which has been in progress this week, has been settlyl, Matters of factory the t. but nothing fur being heard, it was supposed the the night operator at the the railroad, and suit and dark with. stated that there have been conces- sions on hoth sides, to effect a settle- ment. William Ford, twenty-eight years of age, reached Toronto, three weeks ago from Concord Ont. He secured no Quebec Laws ? Montreal,' June 9.--A singular judg- consi le means, is fore midnight, last . night, at the home of his sister, Mrs. Clogg, he Irank a quantity of laudanum and lied an hour later. Court orders have been granted in Toronto, for the winding up of the them in a manner talized at $1,000,000; the Twentieth at $1,000000, and the Mining company, capitalized 000,000. The [Twentieth probably pav a small dividend. The case of two Pere Marquette offic- will of her at $2. with her MASK HIDES FACE ment to be deported, will ba argued at jo ori hal i Hom Abroad writ of habeas corpus Fears Wrath of Her Family. New York, June 9.--"She," of the | the Pere Marquette a red veil, which is never removed | onlv a for anything, go on to-day. Majestic to danee at a roof garden. 'She' was met at the pier by her The World's Best Hats. of course, had to be red to match the | store,, which ston combined, . the "she" insisted upon number According to the press agent the stranger wants to travel incognito be- cpvse she is afraid that her family will discover that she ie on the stage. sole agents for Kingston. 2 For 25¢., Pines, Pines. butter, 20c. Crawford. WARDEN DREW REVOLVER. = Unruly Convicts Caused Trouble in Central Prison. Toronto, June 9.--A strike in the woollen department of the Central prison was only terminated when arden Dr. Gilmour drew a revelver on a particularly recalcitrant prisoner. The trouble originated through prison- ers using their chewing- tobacco al lowance to make cigarettes, thus run- ning the risk of firing the premises. Three prisoners refused to work when Here's a Summary of AT VAN LUVEN'S A - Choice Catsup. bottles, quarts, 15¢c. Imported Macaroni, 2 packages, 22c. Halibut Cutlets suppl, ing tobaec delicious, 2 nackages, 250. . oF a iy to the tangle pest Fare Tanda fancy pails.'3 ius. there undergo -punishment. | * Silver Prunes and Peaches per Ib.; 10c. One objected to is and made a rash. Toasted Wheat, flaked. pkgs. 10c. fierce' attack on.the warden, whe had | F<4 to draw his revolver. The unruly con- viet was afterwards ~whaled with the others and quiet now reigns. ------------------------------ Many Tragedies In His Family. reas Jelly Pawder, 3 pkgs, 25¢, Butter, rolls, 'ooked Vegetables, Fruits, ete. : aeveand, Tune e8Pallowing : FW. VAN LUVEN. Se. /Phose 417, FOR SALE. shot his wife at: their home, and then fired a bullet into his own brain. Bran died almost instantly, while the wo- man's wound is only slight, Bran was Attractive Stock «of General Goods the woman's second husband. Her first x At nt in th tore I husband was Bran's brother. He kill: fuy A. Carl Aserders (2tely occupied n ed hisaeel i five years ago. Bran's sis- ) ter, who lived in Kansas, was murder- | *'* Dry Goods and Clothing . .. ... $925.79 ed several years ago. Another brother Hardw and Wall 96.85 are pap 296.87 was drowned here. regently. Boots and Shoes _ 340.16 Si rouiceryt Glassware and Fancy '202 82 - Prints Welcomed Howe. Grocerics " igus 11 wecial Whig. Sundries | 134.65 Stockholm, June 9~The Crown 234.8 Prince Gustave arrived here, this $2,148.07 , 'on his return from Berlin and was received with t enthu- There are also accounts valued at $508.69. Tenders will he received till 17th inet. sigsm by the B Swedish nclusivé for above stock and hook debts . jet. will be called to- tomether t. or il or separately at so much on : dollar. The highest gether in the Bear, future. not necessarily accented, © CY teddec The stock can be seen 3 at the above Home and cueum: store. Terms cash. » bars 3: "on: the, pop W. J. NEILSON, Assi etd hs . ty 3 ¥ discipline caused the break, and 'it is Laurentian Century will ers, ordered by the Dominion govern- Osgoode Hall this aftermoom, on the Col, Percy Sherwood had the two 'men in court this morning but J, B, Mackenzie, for railway, pointed out that Col. Sherwood had attached copy of the warrant to the writ of habeas corpus, and argued in consequence that the case could not George Mills & Co's. model hat by the way is larger than all the other hat stores in King- world's leading makers are well represented. For a of these such as Borsalino and Hawes'. George Mills & Co., are Nice, juicy pines, 2 for 25c:; print SATURDAY SPECIALS Eclipse Seap, '7 bars, '25¢c. Other Soap . have you tried them, iscuits, nice variety, moderite prints, also Meats. Smoked Meats, Green Jo. bl stock has been listed and consists receivable "A STYLISH CRAVENETTE RAINCOAT The popularity of the Cravenette Rain. coat is attested by the many women who have bought them this year. Constructed on new lines and with an element of style peculiar to themselves. This is an indispensible garment, being both dust and rain proof and is especially useful when travelling or on an outing trip. The best styles and the latest shades are shown in our line and every woman should have one of these important attributes to her wardrobe. Women's Full Raincoats, made of good * quality of Cravenette Cloth in Fawn, Oxford, Olive, tight fitting with pleated back, $7.93, 8.50, 9.75: 8.75. Women's Three-quarter Length Raincoats, io the newest shades, in tight and semi-fitting, with pleated back, and have the new sleeve and belt, at $675, 7.95, 8.50 and 9.75. Women's Full Raincoats, in high quality of Cravenette Cloth, in the latest shades, made with belt and new sleeve, tight fitting with pleated back, at $10.50, 11.50 12.50, 13.09. Women's Tourist Raincoats, made of Black and White and Brown and White Check Craven- ette Cloth, tight fitting, with the new sleeve, pleated back and belt, at $9.50. Women's Silk Raincoats, in fine quality of Rain- proof Silk; in the new sheered effect, full length with the latest sleeves, at $14.95. = ' (JoHNLADLAWES THE * POPULARITY Of the OXFORD shows no de- crease this season. They are the shoes above all others for summer_and the line that we offer is by far the best than can be. found. = If you like good shoes, see ours.. A fresh case of Dark Tan Russia Calf Oxfords, welt- ed soles, Cuban heels, a stylish shoe ~~ $3.50 a Pair. > nee, PO. pox 13 Kingston. THE LOCKETT SHOE STE TH YEAR 72. NO. 15 -------- Special Sale 3 IN - 3% Dressers ann Wash Stand Solid mahogany Dresser and Stan regular price $65, now $50, lar peir migrors. Solid Mahogany Dressers, $15, for $3 Brass and Iron Bed to Match from § to $2.50. Solid Quarter-cut. Oak Dresser a Stand, from $40 to $25, polish § ish. Robt. J. Reid 222 Princess St., Next to Opera Hous Telephone 577. ~ 8T. JAMES' CHURCH | SECOND ANNUAL EXGURSIO! T0 OTTAWA, VIA C.T.R. Fare, $1.75. WEDNESDAY, June 21 (Fer particulars see Posters). SWIFT'S INSURANCE . AGENCY FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT, CARCO. Strong reliable Companies only represented LOSSES PROMPTLY PAID. ST TES on approved risks LOWE of every Ti Office, Opposite Ontario Bank. RRR, ---- WANTED. GENERAL SERVANT. APPLY King Strect. Referénces required. wie MAN AND help in Son. GOOD STRONG BOY tinshop. Edwin Chown A COOK. APPLY, IN THE EVE ing to Mrs. Howard S. Folger, West St ---- A SMART YOUNG WOMAN; OF capab f managing girls. Ap Hox ' Whig office. $18,600 ON $30,000 SECURITY, RE Estate, 5 or 10 years. Apply to A. Gardiver, 131 Wellington St. AN EXPERIENCED GIRL TO general housework, wages $15. - ply, Mrs. B. W, Folger, 143 K St. West. ' HALF A DOZRN SMART GIRLS pack confectionery and biscuits; g wages to good workers. Apply, J. Crothers. YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST general housework ; small tamil no washing. Apply in the evening Frontenac Street EXPERIENCED FIRST CLA dressmaker to take charge of sh Must be reliable. State salary ¥ ted and experience to Mrs arvin, Sydenham. ¢ ACTIVE, BRIGHT, HUSTLI agents wanted to sell Teas, Coff Spices, ete. Over $2,000 a yea being made by agents. G.| Mars & Co., London, Ont. -------------------------------- GENTLEMEN, TO GET THI Spring Suits made up at Gallowa 181, Brock street, next to Bibl livery ; style, fit and price guaran! to please ; pressing and repairing d promptly, MEN AND BOYS, TO LEARN PLU! ing trade. We cannot supply dem for graduates. $4.50 to $5 per ¢ Eight weeks completes course. k while Jearning. Address, for logue, Coyne Bros., Co., Pluml Schools, Cincinnati, 0. St. Lo Mo. Employment guaranteed money refunded. TO-LET. _-- TWO LARGE LIVING ROOMS 388 Princess St., up staris, cheal THE DESIRABLE RESIDENCE, Barrie St., opposite City Park ply to Miss Flanagan, 82 Barrie ce A oe STORAGE, A ROOM IN THE STE2 building, clean, dry, rat and © proof. Apply .at McCann's, Brock St. COMFORTABLE BRICK F ouse, partly furnished, well situ on shore of Bay of Quinte, 24 1 west of Collins Bay. Good sf accommodation. Stage daily Kingston and Bath. Also I Cottage. Address, H, C. Roth Collins Bay. Ont. ------ eee THAT DESIRABLE PROPERTY the Corner of Queen and On Streets, lately occupied by Mr. erson as a grocery with large and outbuildings. Offers will bx ceived for urchase. Apply Walkem & waikam, solicitors, I ston. Er ------------ FOR SALE. eee aon BUILDING LOT, Soyrd § ueen street, between on! Bagot. © Apply 49 Colborne etre i -------------- ree ------ A LEATHER TOP FAMILY PHAF in good condition. will he sold ¢ call at Frost's Storage, 299 ( Street NEW REAR WHEEL WITH NAR brake, $4, Solar gas lamps, this year's hest Dunlop Covers.$ Bicycle Munson, Toronto. PERSONAL. YOUR, FORTUNE TOLD FROM cradle to the grave ;: matters of ress. love and marriage made What I tell comes true, Send date and 10¢. Prof. Lavas, Bo Ste. Cunegopde P. O0., Montreal ROOMS TO RENT. Wo BEAUTIFULLY FURNIS fooms. with, or without boar 177 Kine St. one of the pr Spots - in Kingston, both for') and water privileges. eee. LOST. A PAIR OF GoLD RIMMED GLA? Ma fase, between - Barrie St Fret Semare. Finder kindly fo this ofice;