eh 9 . Chocolates have the MOST pgp MOS SLC : COLATES in the city, coms e finest assortmen three } = wellknown firms in Canada wel ; anada anc United States : and wney's Chocolates, fresh. ort r own "Best's," noted fo; q ality and freshness, gk unther's, of Chicago," th. newest and by far superior of wy Ag: erican chocolate yet placed in the Canadian market. ~AT ) "Best" Drug Store, L.T. BE3T, Chemist and Optician, hone 89 for quick delivery. uel Fuel Hard Coal ate and Egg for your furnace, ove, hestnut mnd Pea for your 8. 7 Soft Coal nnel for your grate. lect Lowh | Jor grates and . engines. so Cit & Uncut Wood Ww AlSH, BARRACK 8 NEAR KING 3eware'! poor. Tce Cream. Wa ha¥s the in the city for 45c. per quart, i Cream served with Crushed its, also Ice Cream Noda, Se a S. ll line Candies from 10c. ta 5c pound. anong's and i 10c. to Tbe. Petters & Co. 4 Princess Street. 'Phonesis. 619. Sc BIRD TONIC FREE medicine free by sending us 2 bird keep Dut 3 ire Bread yellow wray Bird Bread Rs (atin. of any go or drug Tf dealer h + 10 us and cash or stam IRD: BREAD fan. shoo ee dn in 1 1b Couam sold everywhere. kx exactly TTAM AM BIRD Sedo St, London, Out. Lowney's per box. Chaéeolates Try "Myers' "for : Fine COOKED MEATS. Dainty Lingerie f the latest description and all dergarments specially priced s week, 'ine extra full White Skirts, th flounces of tucks.and lace, in gth 38, 40, 42, inches, w rth :. for 79¢c. Otners 39c. to $4 h. retty Corset Covers of Nain ok Linen and other rics, trimmed with Emb! , also Lace and Ribbon. Prices m 25¢. to $1. rawers, Gowns, Muslin Shirt ists and everything in the line Underwear for women. ewman & Shaw Sn 0, Save 30c. A TON ON YOUR COAL. Swift's Scranton Coal , For this month at , a discount of 3oc. a ton. CAN WE TALK TO YOU ? p THE _DAILY. WHIG, MONDAY, JUNE 12. TATRA MALL susie and the: Ganadian North West 4 the follawing rates 'from Kingston:-- wo {mo Going June 13th, returning until geet 5 ah 27th, . returning until puss, 28 a uly 15th, returning until Set 16th. II' be allowed on application at Wolf River, Ont., Dry- 1d intermediate stations, and Stopover Wi to vonductor. m ipoz, or any goint- west of. Bxtension of time up to two rts can se obtained om t of Or each month on part if. For oh car accommodation, ticket and all other In formation EASLEY. Cor. Johosehn & Ontario Sta, ti S-- 5 SG EMBROKE| RAILWAY IN CONNECTION WITH CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. et WILL SELL Homeseekers' Excursion Tickets TO THE NORTH WEST iandpeg - - $30 00 ( Estevan wi 1 ¥ Yorkton fess00 Yowtiny | g150 | Sheho -.- -- 3380 oral { Regina t unm sours J -- Lipton {BD Pandon - 315 MooseJaw -- M0 Agieton | Saskatoon - - 352 Lenore » 32 00 |* Prince 'Albert = 6 W Misiota | 'gd | inked. 8 W Binscarth 2B Calgary - - - 5 Noosomin - ) Red Deer - - 305 Anols - - - 3250 Strathcona - - 40 50 Going June 13th, ~~ returning until t 14th. : Ak June 27th, returnimg until t 28th : ine Tuy 15th, returning -until Sept il particulars at KX. & P. wnd C oh Hicket Office, Ontario Street. P BONWAY, F. A. FOLGER, JR: Gen, lass. Agt. Gen; Supt. . . Bay of Quinte Railway New short line 'for Tweed, Napanee, Deserovto, and all local points. Trains ave City Hall Depot at 8:25 pm. F. 0ONWAY, felt B. Q. Ry., Kiagsten, QUEBEC STEAMSHIP COMPANY LIMITED; fiver and Gulf of St. Lawrence Summer Cruises In Cool. Latitudes Twin Screw Iron 88. 1700 tons with electric bells and all ii SOMO! SAILS FROM MONTREAL ON MON- VAYS at 2 p.m. 5th and 19th June, 9rd, 17th and 31st July; 14th and 28th August; 11th and 25th September, Pictou, N.S., caljing at Quebec, Gaspe, Mal Bay, Perce, Cape Cove, Grand River, Stimuerside, P.E.I, and Char- lottetown, P11 Bermuda Summer Excursions, $35 and upwards, bv the few Twin Screw SS. * Bermud- lan." 5,500 tons. Sailing from New York, from 7th October. Temperature cooled by sea breezes "seldom rises above 80 degrees. Princess Hotel open the year round. The finest trips of baalth and comfort, Campana,' BRAS; electric for fortnightly June to 11th the season for ARTHUR AHERN, Secretary, Quebec. For Hite and Sexteropme apply to J. P HANL} GILDER LEevE, Kingston Ticket Sotnil, Daily Line . Toronto, Charlotte, Thousand Islands, Brockville, Prescott and Montreal. Steamers KINGSTON & TORONTO LEAVE KINGSTON : GO! at NG EAST--Daily, except Monday, Gi 3 9 i a DING WEST--Daily, except Monday, The New Steamer "MONTREAL" Is Qube ®™ running between Montroal and : leaving dates fp K ontreal on the even Une and July ing Quebec oy, the and leaving glternate A Wanilton, Torosite, Bay of Quinte and Montreal Line. EAST, Wednesdays and Fri und vs, at 4.80 p.m. GOING ays ang & GOING WHST gt Saturdays, 1. 3 eadays, Thwredave HANLE y, J. SWIFT & CO. -- Ticket Agent Freight Agents. Lake Ontario and Bay of Quinte Steamboat at Co., Limited. 1000 Islands-- Rochester| -- Taking Effect May 28th / Str. North King 4 ain * Kingston on Sundays at 10.15 Alexandy Thousand Islands, calling at Wing» Bay and Gananoque. oR rope leaves at 5 p.m., for Wnty borty, Str. Aletha Leaves Kingston daily e xcept Sunday, boty Nim Jor Picton and termediate 1 and Bete Jor, calling at Deseron- § Saturdays. Tuesdays, Thurs- ilgormation from J. Rene ve, Eg, 1 ~-- HORSEY, Trafic Manager. calling at. Bay of P. Hanley, J. Jas. Swift Oo. an Eaf ating Now. |S How many Dyspeptics can say that? a Or 'perhaps you are dyspeptic and don't know it. Have you any of these symptoms ? Variable appetite, a faint gnawing feel- ing at the pit of the stomach, unsatisfied hunger, a loathing of food, rising and souring of food, a painful load at the pit of the stomach, constipation, or are gloomy atid miserable? Then you ey aidleg The cure is careful diet ; avoid stimulants and narcotics, do not drink at meals, keep regular habits. snd regulate the stofach and bowels with BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS, Nature's specific for Dyspepsia. Miss Laura Chicoine, Belle Anse, Que., says of its wonderful curative powers :-- *'Last winter I was very thin, end was fast losing flesh owing to the run-down state of my system. I suffered from Dyspepsia, loss of appetite and bad blood. I tried everything I could get, but to 10 purpose; then finally started to use | Burdock Blood Bitters. From the first day I felt the good effect of the medicine, and am now feeling strong and well again, I can eat anything now without any ill after-effects. It gives me great pleasure to recommend Burdock Blood Bitters, for 1 feel it saved my life." DELICIOUS Pork:Beans The Best Pork, 'Finest Beans, most skilifull seasoning and scientific cooking. A most nutritious and palatable food for old. or young. Sold in Tins, Ready to serve, by all dealers W: CLARK, Mfr. Montreal. a-0-08 teddy et tiene ALLAN LINE "V***Cx50xnerns Royal Mail Steamers. From' Montreal. From Quebec. Bavarian, June 16 3 a.m {june 16,2 p.m Virgigian, June 23 23, 6 p.m Funisiah, June 2 p.m RATES OF PABSAGIZ-First Cabin, 75 and Upwards, a ond Cabin, cording to steamer ; Liverpool and Loéndon- $42.50, $45 and $47 steamer, london Class, $27.50--Virginian, AL TO GLASGOW, DIRECT Corimthian Wed, June 21, (ay MONTREAL PO LONDON & HAVRE Sarmatian Sat. June 24, (daylight NEW YORE TO GLASGuUW Numidis Thurs. June 22, 2.p.m J. P. AANLEY, Agent, G.T.R. City Passenger Depot. J. SLEE ¥ B, Clarence Street, derr y: ing to Third EDUCATIONAL. MUSIC | MISS BLYTH FORMERLY OF WATE 140 Union St.. on May 11th number of pupils desired. Call days. For Teachers and others daring July and August LIMITED Head of Queen St., Kingston, Ont. All commercial subjects taught Students admitted at any time. Expert professional teachers in charge Write for catalogue and terms. wasets $61,187,215. iabllity o the stockholders. . property insured & Strange, Agents. Sending Pauper To Canada. St. Paul, Minn. tions to do the best done under {he only ones given to R. F. spector of imuigration, who was lef in charge of Peter Nelson, to be de lytic," and "immigrated to try fl Canada less than a year ago. Orde for hix deportation to anata. 16c. per 1b. or Gritile soap, 0 accord: 50 extra Victor- light.) P, GILDER. 'MUSIC! VTOWN, N.Y., will open a studio for music at her home, A limited Thurs- SUMMER SESSION KINGSTON BUSINESS COLLEGE In addition to jiojaers have for Farm and city at lowest possible rates. Before renewing old or giving new business get rates from Strange OUR POLICIES COVER MORE ON buildings and Contents than any otn- er company oflers. lkxamine them a Geodwin"s Insurance. Emporium, Mark- et Square. EE A SB LS. June 12.--Instruc- that could ve circumstances svore tho Davis, in ported to Canada: Nelson is a para this coun were recepved from Washington 25¢. SOLDIERS 0) ON GUARD WHILE CANADIAN GIRL WAS QUICKLY MARRIED. She ' and Husband-to-Be - Travellsd From La Paz, Bolivia, to i Peru for = Cerémony-~Visiting Friends Near Kingston. Toronto, June 12.--"Tis an old ad- age that the course of true love never did ram smooth, and further proof of the truth of the proverb is 'now brought to light by the story of the rather romantic circumstances attend- ing the marringe of Bolivia's only English-speaking merchant and a Can- adien girl, graduate of McMaster University in 1900, and a former Bap- tist missionary to the South Amerieq can reghblic. The couple are Mr. Thompson, La Paz, Bolivia, register ed at the King Edward hotel. Mrs, Thompson is a native of Harlem, _ a little place near the Rideau Lakes, near Kingston, and, after graduating from the Baptist College, here, she webt as a missionary to Bolivia, and Mrs. A. G. sole years ago. Then she was Miss Gile. There she met Mr. Thompson, and--as he rather humorously puts it --he married her because it was a case of Hobson's choice. She was the only English-speaking . unmarried woman in the country. But Mr. Thompsan hastened to gdd that he was not at all sorry that: the range of his choice wab limited. A civil marriage is against the law of Bolivia, and, as the couple did not with to be married according to the rites of the Roman Catholic church, the possibility of their being united in Bolivia was out of the question. But faint heart never won f&ir lady, and Mr. Thompson and his intended bride took a two days' journey by coach to the horder line of Peru. They crossed the line and entered a little Indian village. Peru had recently pass ed a law allowing civil marriages, but the mayor, or alealde, was evidently iinaware of the fact, for when Mr. Thompson went to him and made his request; the head of the village Wad doubts and fears. The news got out, and great excitement was caused among the priests and the populace. Then the would-be groom played a strong card. He produced a letter that !on' Saturday, June 17th. 3 seven McMastars 08 now doing issichury work "Bolivia, but the law there prevents them from having a Protestant eluurch £ on a public street, They have dh invite. dle to their homes and hold there, The missionaries are "allowed to teach no religion in their schools. Thought is widening, however, even in Bolivia, jand they expeet that at the next ses- session of con; a law will bé pass- ed giving om of worship to the Protestants. PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest Culled From All Over The Werld. President Castro of Venezuela, was formally ins @8 president of Venezuela Saturday: afternoon, Sir Charles « Rivers Wilson has inti mated that the Grand Trunk would er eet a large station and hotel at Ot tawa, It is announced: that: Prof. Vizzani, of Bologna University, has cured an advanced case of rabies' Ly exposure to the ravs of radivm A Canadian militia: order announces that permission has been granted the 65th. Regiment to visi$ Portland, Me, The government '@ruiser Gladiator towed into Sydney, N.8. harbor; the schooner Mary B., captured off Sea- terie, - with a cargo. of contraband liguors aboard. Capt. T. Bentley Mott, the retiring American military attache at Paris has received the cross of the Legion of Honor, with a letter from former Foreign Minister Deleasse, under whom it was hestowed. The Rheinische Westlalische, Zeitung, Berlin, says ~~ the dowry of Cecilie, the bride of the German crown prince ninety million marks (about 700,000), mostly contributed by | Russian relations. Thé pope has sent an autograph let ter to the Mikado thanking him for his protection of Catholie missions in Manchuria, He dsks for a religions policy similar to that which prevails in' Anglo-Saxon countries, King Edward has' accepted from King Alfonso the colomeley-in-chief of a Spanish regiment, King Alionso - in- vited King Edward and Queen Alexan- dra to-visit, Spain at their carliost op portunity, and, it is possible that the invitation will he accepted for 1900. As an expression of its appreciation he had previously procured from the president of Peru, giving the eminent gentleman's approval of the wedding. Thi: had considerable influence with the mayor, and he began for look up the statute books, He wanted to be sure of his ground, and therefore he censlted with the two indees of the town. The conclusion of their weighty deliberations was that the mayor con- sented to perform the ceremony, éven at the risk of offending the priests. In the evening preparations were duly made for the wedding. The peo- ple were wildly excited, and filled the about the mayor's house, shouting and clamoring. A guard of soldiers was drawn up in close forma- tion about the residence to prevent streets any violence, the house was bariicad ed, and Jghe marriage ceremony, short and 'simple, but effective, was per- formed by the mavor according to the I.w of Tern, It seemed wore romantic affair of rather than a ceremony. There was no riot, although excite ment was at high water mark, and the newly-married couple left the next morning on their return journey. wae a the days of old twentieth eentury Mr. and Mrs. Thompson have - been visiting for the past month at her old home at the Rideau Lakes, and just now she is remewing | college ac quaintances in Toronto. They will re- turn te Bolivia shortly: Mr. Thompson states that there are Piano at St. Mary's Acadomy, Winnipeg. Most of the world's greatest master- pieces, .both in Art and Music, have heen produced under religious influence. The Roman Catholic Church has for cen- turies fostered all that is best in music, and it is well known that their Religious Colleges and Academies contain some of the best artists and cultured music en- thusiasts, That the New Scale Williams Pland has been selected as the best for their purpose by the St. Mary's Academy, Winnipeg, is a distinct triumph for this leading Canadian instrument. The selec tion was made after a thorough investi. gation into the merits of all available Canadian pianos, The following letter explains itself. escentwond, St. Mary's Academy, Cr J. Bi McKAY, H, F, METCALFE, Winni Man, Peb,g, i resident. Principal. Dear Sir, --~Since Septem , 1904, we ate ' the New Se Prats Bis ilies poy to testify to' thei ni ¢ tone a MONEY AND BUSINESS, sweetness, richness, and evenness. We a Esterase meee | 1y Shugtatulate ou on the wonder rete ts made in the construction of these UVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE ™" SISTERS OF JESUS AND MARY, Fire Mawurance Company. Available or I= Mary's Academy. St. Mary's Academy is but one of an t | extensive list of representative educa- tional institutions that have adopted the New Scale Williams Piano. music lovers everywhere unite in declar- ing it Canada's foremost piano. The artistic Fegan of its appearance is only excelled by its perfect consti durability and rich singing tone. t| The Williams Piano Co., of Osha publish three bookiets on the history construe tion of pianos, whieh should be read by all contemplat. ing the chase of a piano. They are sent free on ree quest, or can tained "tom the local warercoms, H. P. Bull, 267 Princess Street Kingston, The New Scale Williams | of the aid and succor given to the in. inured and eare bestowed upon the dead in the South Harrisburg, Pa., wreek HUSBAND ACCUSED) OF CRUELLY MURDERING HIS SECOND WIFE. Adam Lloyd Alleged to Have Struck Her on the Head, Then Set Her Clothing on Fire--Is Under Arrest. Belleville, June 12.<Adam Lloyd, a farmer of the township of Hunger ford, is in the jail here on the sus: picion of having wurdered his wife, Lloyd has been twice married. / His second marriage took place some twenty-five years ago. His second wife had some money in her own name and this was invested in a farm about twenty miles from Belleville. The deed was made out in the wife's name. Lloyd has one daughter by his second wife. Lloyd's relations with his second wife, according to all accounts, was not altogether harpy. The 4 daughter, Helen, 'who married a MrBrickman, says that when she was quite a young girl there were quarrels between her parents in respect to the disposition of the property. The tragedy occurred on Monday, January 28rd. For some months prior to this date Mrs. Lloyd had not lived with her husband, but shortly after New Year's she consented to return to him, 'On January 23rd, Lloyd declares he arose at sunrise, leaving his wife in bed, while he went out to do the chores at the barn, While there he de- tected the smell of burning cloth, and returned to the house, He found his wife seated in a chair dead with her hands folded and her upper garments on fire, Lloyd undressed his wife and placed her in bed and started out' to apprise the neighbors. When g short distance from the house he returned, apprehen- sive that there might be some smold ering fire left, After looking over the premises ho again started out t6 tell the neighbors, but had not gone far before We again returned to the house, This time he took the broom and swept--ap all traces of the burned clothing. He- then went and informed the neighbors, In telling his story Lloyd declared that his wife was out of " her mind, and he frequently roterred to a ham- mer, which she might 'have used in despatching herself, A wound was found on the dead | em May 11th, bv people of Hursisharg. the Pennsylvania | has given 210,000 to the Harrisburg Hospital. It is understood that' Premier Mur ray of Nova Secotiay das been offered the chairmanship of the Transconti- nental railway commission. but has declined the appointment. Mr. Murray is not disposed to give up politics just mow. 'His appointment, however, would have been a most popular one, The Carleton county's conncil decided to offer a reward of $10 to any per- won «securing. the eonvietion of any antomobilist speeding thin dar on the county rods in exdels of the legal limit, One councillor declared that it was unsafe for a lady to drive in the country owing to the recklessness of the motorists, The British battleships in the cast are all coming home. Only éruisess wil be kept on the China station hereafter, This is attribated to the complete change in the naval situa- tion owing to the recent battle between Russian and Japanese fleets, The re-arrangement adds five bhattle- ships to the British home fleets, Senator Domville, on May 29th, from Ottawa the emperor of sent the following cable to b Japan : "Congratula tions. Unparalleled bravefy, intelli gence, (Signed) Senator Domville," Under date Tokio, May 0th, he re- ceived the following reply: "Emperor is much satisfied with your kind tele gram, (Signed) Minister Imperial Household.' THE WEDDING WENT ON. Though the Groom Was Suffering from Attack of Measles. Brockville, June 12.---A wedding un der cifeumhstances of a peculiar mature occurred mear Fairfield East when Miss Greer, daughter of Mr. and Mes. Alex- | ander Greer, of that luge, was united | | in marriage hy Rev -H. Sproule, to Orvall Wright, of Ara A large number of gests «cre assembled at,! the home of the bride's parents to ' witness the happy hour fixed for the the absence of the a little anxiety. Shortly afterwards a messenger ex plained the 'situation. Wright, who is a cheésemaker, emploved at Lombardy, took the train in the afternoon for | Fairfield, but on arriving there he was suffering from illness to such an extent that 'he was just able to reach the home of his uncle, » shott distance {from the station. A doctor found the 'prospective bridegroom suffering from a virulent attack ne, As soon as wor ceremony arrived bridegroom caused bride the plan of wedding was, quickly changed. The brid companied hy her attendants and the minister, pro ceeded to the home of the bride groom's uncle, and licitations of the | ill in bed, the t 'the urgent so idegroom, whao'was ceremony "took place. The wedding supper 5 served at 'the home of the bride's parents, the bride | taking n the festivities, after which ¥ atretumed to her husband to nurse back to health and strength. An Historic Photograph. Brockville, Recorder. * | On exhibition in the Recorder win dow is a framed portrait which En- 'gineet Jento unearthed while going through his late father's relies, It is a photo of the steamer Kingston, taken the day after she was burned and beached at the foot of Grenadier Island, June 11th, 1572, thirty-three years ago. Clase by the steamer Prace, owned by the late Capt. Jento, can be plainly seen with a party of excur- sioniste, She returned with two or three dead hodies from the ill-fated steainer. The Kingston was immediate ly rebuilt wand named the Bavarian, and less than five yedrs later was burned again a short distance from Bowmanville. Again - she was rebuilt, namad the Algerian, and last spri this name was changed to Cornwgl all. The photo is an interesting one, event, and as. the | women's head sufficient in itself 1g cause death. Hervupper 'garments had Railroad company | been burned and the flesh around the neck and chest was badly charred. It was evident to the authorities that the woman had béen clubbed into in- monsibility. 'The theory advanced by the authorities is that after the old lady had been struck on the head, her clothing was saturated with coal oil | and set on fire, At the funeral Lloyd: remarked to several neighbors that there would be no further trouble about the property, as it now belonged to him. | The case occasioned so. much talk { that in March the body was exhumed and a post portem held, Coroder Yeomans, of Belleville, held an 'inquest | and as a result Lloyd has been arrest ted and placed 'in Belleville jnil. The preliminary investigation will take place on June 17th. It is stated that Mrs. Lloyd 'was de termined that her property should go to her daughter, Helen, while Lloyd contended that the children of his first wife should have some share in it, DOOMED TO LIVING DEATH, Fate of Vancouver Chinaman Who Developed Leprosy. Vancouver," B.('., June 12.--Sing, a Chinaman, has just been taken to D'- Arcy Island, in the Gulf of Georgia, from which "place he can never escape alive. Sing is 5 leper. He is the third ! suffering from that disease to be taken | from this city to the Lazaretto, where no steamers save the supply boat call; where nobody lives but a few' other afflicted Chinamen; where the unhappy { Celestial must simply wait and wait for slow-coming death, Sing is but twenty-one, and the disease is at pres- ent on him in a mild form, so he may linger for years, living life in death, The Chinaman outwardly' marks that would arrest special at tention. The young man does not know what is the matter with him, and probably considers that he is suf fering great injustieo in being sent to i the lonely island in the gulf. But ac- tion is necessary for' the protection of | people might come in contact with him, who Fo@id A Cure For Dyspepsia. Mrs. 8. lindsay, of Fort William, Ontario, Canada, who has suffered quite a number of years from dyspep- sin and great pains in the stomach, was advised by her. druggist to take Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Hubints. She did so and says: *'I find that they have dane me a great deal of good. 1 have never had any suffering since 1 began using them." If troubled with dyspepsia or indiges- tion why not tale these tablets, get well and stay will? For sale by all druggists, A Royal Wedding. London, June 12. According to the present arrangements the marriage of Princess Murgaret, of Connaught, with Prince Gustavus Adolphus, of Sweden, will he solenmized in St. George's chapel, Windsor Castle, on June 15th next, and the. prince and princess are to spend a part of their honeymoon in Ireland. The last wedding that took place in St. George's was of Albany, Teck Hair Vigor. Hair turn- ing gray? Why not have all the early, rich color restored? Ayer's 'Hair Vigor will do this every time. Not a single failure. Stops falling hair. Sold jor sixty years. that of Princess Alice, with Prince Alexander, of bears no | PAGE THREE, m---- Te Sunlight 'Soa; i sho not Br hel it? irement, why 4 find Food shan any have ever used, grocer your OS Juntuh t Soap ao well with soft water. No scrul hing. oo boilin ing. Levegironie™ Himited onic ---- I and Your refun equal The Canadian North-West, - HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS Any even numbered section of D minitn 1 Lands in Mani! the Porritories, excepting 8 and 26, which bas not been a "hoies mesionded: oF ar rovide wood 'lots for settlers. or 1 ' phe ip iri by any person who is the sole hea ar or any AR over 1 rs ol oge to the extent gh one-quarter section of 160 acres, more or less. ENTRY ntry may be made personally at the local land whith the land to be takers is situated, or If the homes apolication to the Minister of the Interior, Otigwa, gration, Winnipeg, of Agent for the Di situated, receive authori for some one to make en charged for a homestead entry. HOMESTEAD DUTIES anted an entry for a ho nds Act, and the amend: therewith a unde one of mn issi ict in which J for him. A feo A sottlér who has provisions ot the Dominion the conditions connocted At lease six months' residence a Settler to bring 115 acres under Cultivation," Bt Xi he prof stock; and 20 head of Suttle, to be actually hi EE he tend "the va (2) If the father (or eligible to make a homestead entry unde the person as requirements of this act as to residence prior "to obtaining patent by such person residing w th the father or mother, the requirements of this act as to residence prio 5 satistiod by Josidence upon the first homestead, if the EE EE ro vicinity of rst homestead. ed 8 the year urine the term of threo years. It i their accommodation, will pee the fa her visions ot hi a a farm in the viginily of the land enters (8) If a settler was entitled to and has ob 4) If the tice has his permanent in the vicinity of his homestead, the regu be sntisfl v residence upon the cidiana. aneant to indicate the same township, or an settler who avails himselt of the revisions of tivate 80 acres of his homSstand, or substitute for their accommodation, and h besides acres vilego of a second entry lis ni iotod by law to Wan the duties upon their first homsteads to entitle. 2nd June, 1880. Every homesteander who fa Is to the homsetead law is liable to have hisentry again thrown open for entry APPLICATION FOR PATENT Local Agent Should be jade at the myo! three Son or Delors She | \ 0 Homestead Inspector ora mal ap cation for paten ive six months' notice in writing to e commissioner of Domin Ottawa of his intention to do so. INFORMATION * Newly arrived fmmigrants will veat the Im or at any Dominion Lands Office in Manitoba or ire formation as to the lands that are open for freq of expenses, advice and | assistance nj see secu a Sub-Agent 0 set ion tion Offica in orii-West Commigioner of Immigration, Winnipeg, Manitoba; Lands Agents in Manitoba or the CORY w. Ww. ty N.B.--~In addition to Free Grant 1 ot Teer, Shei para et Et LAWN MOWERS . . ~~ Special This Week 20 PER CENT. DISCOUNT $2.60 Special Prices for Spot Cash Only. McKELVEY & BIRCH, '69 and 7 | Brock St., Kingston. EE -- : OT) te 200000 @OPO@ /000E® @EOS® GE : Our Men's Shoes At $1.50, $2 and $2.50 Are stunners at the price. Wonderful values. Strongly made. This will: give you a good 'Mower for _... Stylish finish, Prices Cut Close. re SHoo0L TES! Canong's Canadian C. B. Chocolates Are High Class. Only . A.J. J BEES. Priocess St. 3 WE DO TINNING OF on ET a THE CANADA METAL €0.;. JORORID. : aca |