Daily British Whig (1850), 13 Jun 1905, p. 1

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Fae apd ecial le -MOorrow' the following AL BARGAINS "0-morrow. rds Black Taf- feta Silk Ribbons jidths and prices : fide, regular price 12%c. wide, regular price 15¢. eeraeine Qe, yard. wide, rigular value 18c. ween 100, yard. nches wide, regular value -+o-- 1 2V4¢, yard. YARDS oria Lawns! 31 inches wide and import- 6l45¢c. Yard. 30 0°CLOCK. accepted for this lot. JULES: READY terns for July. r for July. Sheets FREE. - FOR COUPLE, all over the wrld and itis in ¢ is only one place where yO! ad the same amouat of We | that is at T SHOE STORE rom $2 up. THE DAILY YEAR 72. NO. 137. Special Sales 3 IN 0 Dressers. and 3 Wash Stands Solid mahogany Dresser and 'Stand, regular price $65, now $50, large pe ir migrors. Solid Mahogany Dressers, $45, for $35. ~ Brass and Iron Bed to Match from $35 to $2.50, Solid Quartér-cut Oak Dresser and Stand, from $40 to $25, polish fin- ish. Robt. J. Reid, 222 Princess St., Next to Opera House Telephone 577. Cut Glass A Most Attractive Showing The result of the RIGHT KIND of goods properly. displayed. For brilli- n: and purity of color our CUT GLASS is unsurpassed. We sell only THIS KIND and respectfully ask that you see our excellent values, when shopping. SMITH BROS. Jewelers Opticians 880 King Street. J. 8. Smith, Issuer of Marriage Licenses Se -- en SWIFT'S INSURANCE AGENCY * FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT, CARCO. Strong reliable Companies only represented LOBSES PROMPTLY PAID. LOWEST RATES on approved risks of every description. Office, Opposite Untario Bank. WANTED. I ET EET TET GENERAL SERVANT. APPLY, 49 'King Street. References required. i ela A SMART YOUNG WOMAN ; ONE capable of managing girls. Apply Bux "§.," Whig office. $13,000 ON $30, oe SECURITY, REAL Estate, 5 or years. Apply to J. A Gardiner, in) "Wellington St. HALF A DOZEN SMART GIRLS TO k confectionery and biscuits; good wages 6 good Apply, W. workers. J. Crothers. BY 21ST JUNE, A GOOD CAPABLE general servant ; no washing; good wages ; references required, Apply 201 William Street ------. MACHINIST, STEADY pay. State "wages and monials. Steel Trough Co., Ltd., Tweed, Ont. JOB, GOOD send testa- & Machine WITH THREE CHILD- ren, two or three good unfurnished rooms ; modern improvements Please state terms to Box "DB, Whig office. ACTIVE, BRIGHT, HUSTLING agents wanted to sell Teas, Coffees, Spices, etc. . Over $2,000 a year is being made by agents. G. Marshall & Co., London, Ont. } 100,000 CANADIAN PEOPLE TO send pame and address for free copies of "The Canadian Times. The € dian Times Publishing Coy., 112 St, James St.. Montreal, P.Q -- GENTLEMEN, TO GET THEIR Spring Suits made up at Galloway's, 1 Brock street, next to Bibby's livery ; style, fit and price guaranteed to please ; pressing and repairing done promptly. -- MEN AND BOYS, TO LEARN PLUMB- ing trade.- We cannot supply demand for ' graduates. §4 Sight 50 to $5 per day. Earn weeks completes course. -learming. Address R Coyne Bros... {ichools, Cincinnati, ¢ Mo. Employment guaranteed money refunded. TO-LET. FINE OFFICE front ro to J, P. 3 AT 846 KING STREET, n, newly furnished. Apply Forrest, 848 King Street. -- . THE DESIRABLE RESIDENCE, 84 Barrie St., of site City Park. Ap- ply to Miss PF nagan, 82 Barrie St. ey ARR, ET STORAGE, A ROOM IN THE STEARN Building lean, dry, rat and moth Aihiy at Boek st McCann's, 51 COMFORTABLE on shore BRICK FARM ed, well situated vy of Quinte, 24 miles west of Soy, Bay. Good stable . daily 1 v d- Bath. Also Frame Cottage, Address, H, C, Rothwell, Collins Ray. Ont. tte eA A THAT DESIRABLE PROPERTY AT the Corner Queen and Ontario Streets, a accupied by Mr. Hen- erson as a grocery with large yard and Futhulidinga, Offers RM Fad urchase. Appl Walken & Waker, Rene King. ton. Ee ---------- FOR SALE. CHEAP, HORSE, SUITABLE FOR campers, safe for anyone to drive. Apply at 56 Albert Street, City. BAR WHEEL WITH RaRRowW this year's Fain rd ve nr's t Dunlop Covers Bicycle Mutison, Tos FARM FOR SALE. caiman DAILY MEMORANDA, Many futation. Lawn Mower specials, Birch's. City Property Wednesday. It takes more than honey to mend the broken word. Men judge decds by their results, by their roots. Bargain Sale of to-morrow, 9.30. Scotch hrosbyterian Delexates speak in Grant Hall, pan. The sun Me Wednesday -at 4.18 a.m., and sets at 7.41 p.m Angels envy us our nights because of the morns they bring. English Bioscope Company, Opera House, 8.15 p.m Meeting of Howland. Bros, Toronto to-morrow, 8 p.m Tenders for coal, for coanty receive?! 'until noon, Thursday. foMies are only refreshed hy re- at McKelvey & Committee, 4 pm. God Quilts, at Laidlaw's Grand creditors, at buildings, Visit of Professor Porenrwend, hair specialist, to Kingston to-morrow. Matinee, at Opera House, Wednesday afternoon, . at 4.15, English Bioscope Pictures Henderson's Photographic Studio, 90 Princess = St., is the place you have been looking for. This - day in history :--First united parliament at Kingston, 1841 ; Dr Arnold of Rugby, died, 1842 o Donations of cake and Candy for the Nurses' . Alumnae Garden Party, on Thursday the 15th, will be gratefully re ceived at the General Hospital, on Thursdidy morning. To-Morrow Afternoon. The Woman's Home Missionary So- ciety of the Presbyterian Church of Kingston, will hold a meeting in Con- vocation Hall, (old Arts' Building), on Wednesday afternoon, June 14th, o'tlock. The meeting will be address by commissior of the assembly; who are now ¢ work, ed in home m All intere sted in home missions DECORATED CHINA We have a new and particularly hand- some display of decorated DINNER SETS TOILET SETS They-will please vou without a doubt, and the prices are very reasonable. ROBERTSON BROS.. TEA SETS a TERDERS FOR CULVERT. SEALED TENDERS FOR REBUILD ing Culvert Moore's Bridge, front road, will be received hy the Council of the Township of Pittsburgh at "the Clerk's office Barriefield up to July first, where plans and specifications may he seen n accepted cheque to the amount of ten per cent. of the price of the tender to accompany of te Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. CHAS. BELWA, Clerk. Barriefield, June 138th, 1905 MILITARY FOOTWEAR We make to order everly- thihg required. Absolu- tely correct in style and pattern, Wear "Allen's"|: Military Bootmakers, 84 Brock St. Sign of Golden*Boot. SALE OF SHORTHORNS. a M. NEELY, OF NAPANEE, 1S advertising, to sell hy auction his herd of Registered Shorthorns on June 24th Sale just north of R. RR. Stations. A rare opportunity for those wishing an animal of either sex. Catalogue on ap plication. Address him at Selby, Ont For the Hot Weather 5 Refrigerators, from $2 to $5 each ; Gas Range, Also Cas Stove, Veranda Chairs, Summer Kitchen Stoves. TURK'S SECOND-HAND STORE, 398 Princess Street. MOROCCO STIRS EUROPE, Sultan Grants Favors--France May Object. London, June 13.--A despatch from Fez, Morocco, says : "German friendship for Morocco has already been rewarded by several min- or commercial concessions. This is re- garded in diplomatic circles here as a precedent liable to create complica- tions if 'other grants follow, because it would change the status quo and perhaps cause France to abandon her attitude of patience there, by leading to a crisis, "The. sultan maintains his absoliite: lv independent attitude, while the Moorish officials regard Count - Von Tattenhach- Ashold, head of the Ger man 'mission to Morocco, as a guard 1 a im ian angel. HAYE fo Fri on ARuUTED TO "The count is credited with having ond owned by Jos. V. McMullen | madd numberless statements, among mart No. he Farm. gh them one in which he is alleged to 346 Kine St., Kingston, Ont. have told the cultan that Germany was quite prepared to protect him ROOMS TO RENT against France. TWO Poon BEAUTIFULLY "It is stated that the Moorish offi FURNISHED | i 1c are reconciled to the saibility als are reconciled o the possibility TR Kine & oe --- Nithout bourd, at of the proposed international confer oi in Ki , both © forheaith | ence being finally vetoed by France - . and Great Britain, but that they be- Tis his. anid that Mrs, Hubbbrd, wid Leonidas Hubba rd, who taro] to in Labrador, will take up his lieve the proposition will be supported by other powers, and it is further stated that the sultan is prepared to indefinitely resist the proposals of the ; » men KINGSTON, ON NOTHING YET Very Definite Regarding Peace Proposals. THE U.S. PRESIDENT THE MOST POPULAR MAN IN RUSSIA TO-DAY. Cavalry. Special to the Whig. Londen, June 13.-A and comment movement, be eullsl: Russia's plemipotentiary;, as re SH. scepticism of already existed, where judgment is declared to be that su Japan is not conditions. The St. the point terms one a desire representatives with. Japanese accepted There is ing te a ent of the every St Times, prot Gen. Linevitch Oyama. and respondent adds, made Referring to successful initiative, th (adds. that it exchanged views cn than at any time of the war, rise in price all aro Washington, assurances that Russia and peace will be brought to the day, by Count ambassador, ment, and in Nicholas formally dent's offer of good-w The following official garding the the White CTOWN who calle aces House : government's as proposition, and state appoint plenipotentia plenipotentiaries of the question of peace. meeting is ed, goro Takahira, mini President noon. The minutes, interview and at ter said that the delicate that he talk about it. opinion, howev would be due time It is intimated, He that solved, gerents, © 1 Washington nor Manchuria was Washington or hel the Tokio, June 13, of the dislodging Japanese It vicinity of iisivingtsu, of Liovang Woping. was oeedpied. the Russians, near Kaochiawopeng. Russia, sini, through in Manchuria will Cn one point Coun Mr. the undesirability It is understood Baron Komura, afinirs, and" Gen, sta¥, arc the tion by the three Japanese is that eo M, ligorents plenipotentiaries. derstood to hav lseted by Russia th he may LS H e places for She somfereyce in turning on nothing of importifice cun President Roosevelt, There was cents reached cighty-five, i ' Formally Accepted. D.C., June 13. the name Japan, At the conclusion of the Count Cassini, declined publication the detai view with the 'r, also had a © Roosevelt yesterday its ¢ officially, agreement on the place of holding the determined in, a no suggestion, conference may be few days, but of a negative characte: of either one or the hel Takahira are agreed, mid definition soorded in spended, to Japanese and Russian Diplomats at Washington Refuse to Talk 'of interview With Roosevelt-- Japanese Diglodged Russian the rumor the peace of the Petersburg despatches, deepens the a good result where it and raises misgivings It is the merest trifling, and in the least likely to enfer upon negotiations under such Petersburg corres pondent of the Telegraph says that if government has- consented to ap- A discuss representatives, ability, Field the Ae Petersburg correspond that the peace no gotiations will bo carried on through Marshal of its motives certainly has' been to demonstrate to the peace party that Japanese terms cannot be ord cor- + this disinter- nt Roosev i COrrespon is no exaggeration md. Four I with suc the «d by of pred ill. ted suggestion to the belligerents, and it is not likely that either will refuse. Preside: elt's dent to say that the president is the most popular man in Russia to-day. Every thing is proceeding as well as pos sible. Mr. Meyer, the American am bassador, gave a diplomatic dinner, at which the ambassadors, doubtless, the negotiations, ihe bourse was livelier on Monday since the outbreak considerable PEE Official the efforts to bring Japan together to discuss OOSS, White House, vyester- Cassini, Russian appoint- Emperor presi statement re } Ambassador sini has called to expr ess the that it w to nicet The place to discus Is of the president. the onference lose, feel free expressed conference was issued at Cas Russian sent to the president's ould the to discuss of at present being discuss- ec nferahos s for inter Japanese with after lasted thirty-five the minis situation was did not 80 to the the situation satisfactorily, that other of battlefield in in an except r, of 'the choice the is known that neither of the selection: of vither Japan. Dislodged Russian Cavalry. Official announce- ment is made at the headquarters of the imperial army that a detachment cavalry succeeded in' in cavalry the six miles soyth Tsiping + Peace Proposals. Ambassador Cas- has indicated her preference for one place for the holding of the peace lower it Cassini and th Jing, two miles south-west of Hsiving Tou, Another --foroe--defeated Sino Cheng Tsu, eighteen miles north of Kangping and conference, and Japan, through Min- ister Takahira, has suggested an- other. As soon ax the arrangements are completed definitely an armistice will be agreed upon and the great armies their bayonets pending the formal negotia- tion of a permanent treaty of peace. and at is of Washington for a midsummer conference, that Marquis Ito, minister for foreign Yamagata, chief-of under considera- as plenipoten- tories and that the inclination of the rach select Nelidoff is unde r consideration Russia Europe, two un- been tentatively ge- and it is possible be assisted by Baron council of © has issued of any cong out pel $8) The proving vernment will consent to wealthy Signs of a Mount Pel make the inl The Alexa St. on nd its uneasy. t for the All J missed, from ships engaging Atlantic cons Because he DF, Elemier : Hungary, and at Niagara Fi United lpnocuvees on + : + RUSSIA ¥ GRANT 4 + Port Arthur, + oate over + i sell Chinese 1 | Port Artnur way in lieu of Czax's interned ' ia east. os) rights off Sakhalin , and seal fisheries Commander Island. "& ghuria to be given back €p China. (4) Ree tion of Ja- pan's grainty over Korea. 5) Island to to Japan. of 3. ler to Japan of warships now interned. +4 EEES PEEP 444244 V 4H eats t BEER A special envoy will be despat Michael Anderson, ton tubes and powder, death and ¢ Bundren, In a shooting gallery at Conev land, Svivia Steadman, a friend, 1 accidentally pulled ger of a rifle bodies who re the schools run from New nin railwad's eight fnstest Penns; y hour flyer, seconds. Shot Himseli Instead Of Cro Charlottetown, PoE. 1. Jane ) Danicl Matheson. aged twenty-five, instantly killed on Sa the accidental He loft home in crows, telling ell, was day afternoon by charge of a gun afternoon to shoot As he did not ret uneasy and wel ins search of hi She found his body lying on the of the dyke fence. On the other "Toronto, June 13.~Rev, FT. A. Mc Central Methe speaking in the the opinion church expressed there ware more Sabbath in Ontario than in anv ¢ on Sunday, railways, 0,000 of whom Sidney A. Ruttan; Picton, has appointed bailiff of the first div court of Prince Edward county, vid A. Spencer. might Hague. Geneva would not ctichable to Ja- pan. J " instance of the an | a blanket © ling newspupers to mention © the proceedings meeting held with- is The Very L The Londo organization very confident Mr, Hyman wil win. not g of Rice Lake to the part of of Martinique, to be the Royal it Club's defender ! Sea- mnt: have heen dis- States war- the fl hot marry a widow this country from nday shot himself < 49% 4% FOF § ron Bevsessiries arene +434 PEE HFEIETIEIIEIP 0000 ched plo 8. from Norway to the powers To seek recognition of that eountry's d matic and consular representativ Newark, N.J., committed suicide 'because he lost his savings betting on the races. He leaves a wife and four-days-old baby W. H. Plummer, formerly mayor of the will ropresent the Ontario government on the Lake Superior company. - ¥y H. Hearst will be gov ernnfent © agent Two bombs on the promises of the Springfield publie school, Pittsburg, Pa., by Lewis Baker, janitor. Both were of zine and in the usual gun cot Joseph * Clement, "Quebee, charged together with is wife, in Ottawa, with theft of 8750 worth of jewelry, offered to plea iilty if his wife were let go. Both were committed for trial. - Three Prominent men met instant th was fatally wound ed in a doupe te fight at Thom Hill, Tenn. The « are John and Wil liam Holland, brothers, and William chatting with the trig wl shot Joseph Rvan, the gallery endant. The bullet tore his face and he may die. While~opposing the teaching of dogma .in the public schools, the Congregational Union, meeting in Toronto, appointed a committee to meet the Anglicans and other relicious the Bible taught in York, én long distance train in the world, arrived in Chi cago at. S02 o'clock, on Menday morning, thr minutes ahead of schedule time. Niles were frequently reeled off in from forty-four to fifty WS. 3 un- married, go prosperous farmer of Mid- tur dis- the his Gator he wonld return at five o'clock: irp then she became hin. side side was an empty gun with the muzzle pointing towards him The charge entered his breast just above the heart. Ontario Does Sunday Work. ore, secretary of the Lord's oy Alliance, list that encroachments on the yther provinee of Canada. Ta the whole do- minion there were 150,000 men working were on beep ision | The best candy made in Canada, in{M "onkey's at -saldisrs, "ik MILITIA What Lord d Aylmer Thinks We Need. THE CITY CORPS] CONSIDERED OUR FIRST LINE OF DEFENCE. Would Like to Sev a War Office Established at the Capital-- Mr. Longley Ap] Bench of Nova Ottawa, June 13.--Be Lord Aylmer concluded hs to the D.C.O.R., after the annual "in- spection with some general remarks which are not without interest to the force. "The city corps," he said, "are our first line~ of defence. I do not think our regulars are our first line, They are our schoolmasters. The city corps are easily mobilized. There are self-sacrifices all along the line, and all city forps set a good example. But we must not depreciate our rural corps. They are our second line of de- fence, and as good as - we are. 'They are husky chaps, and make excellent but they have not the same opportunities for drilling as the city corps. This drill hall is too small. It W nake a good addition to the © m lI stores and for a war < t might do for the cavalry, ar- 1 tillery and enginvers. hope to see a drill hall across the way for the two magnificent regiments we have in the city. It is foolish to spend money on a drill' hall that is thirty by forty feet too small, whichever way vou look at it. What is $20,000 or £30,000 when the expenditure is $100. 000. Petter lot the--taidl--go-wi with the hide, and put up a drill hall that is large enough. We should have our own war office, as T would like to dee one established, Ottawa is the eapital of the north, and hundreds of thousands of people come here and see us, and judge Canada hy what they see of Ottawa. Let us, therefore, have the best in the old brigade." Hon, J. W. Longley, Attorney-Gen- eral of Nova Scotia, has been ap- pointed to the vacancy in the su- preme court of that province. The pletes "the gh ova Sue . the court, on which there has been a vacancy for a considerable time, Prospects for the establishment of a steamship service between Canada and Wexico have greatly improved The Mexican government has relaxed its opposition to a call being made at a Cuban port and at Nassau... The steamship men who were negotiating for the service now anticipate being able to agree with Canada and Mexi- to the details of 'the service. It is expected that the boats will be run- co as ning during the present summer, It is anticipated that, the finance minister will make a 'favorable an- nouncement for the binder twine men in the budget speech. The Canadian binder twine men at predent get a bounty of three-eighths of a cent on the hemp they use in twine manufac- tured. This is to offset the export duty charged by the Philippine | ad- ministration against all but the Am- erican exporters, Canadian twine mak- ers say the International Harvester company of the United States has is sued a prige list for this season which shows that an attempt is being made to crush all existing opposition to them. This consists "of the 'Plymouth companv of the - United States, and the Canadian manufacturers. Twine is free at present. The Canadian makers demand protection from, the trust. 'rotection may be given manufacturers of eream separators. There is nd duty on separators at present. It is not ex. pected there will be other tarnif? chang- es of importance, The Alien Labor Law. Dover, N.H., Juné 13.--Peter Bur: rows, an Englishman, who had come here, it is charged, under contract to be assistant sunérintendent of the new velvet will of the Cocheco Manufactur- ing company, was arrested on charge of violating the alien contract labour law. It is said that Burrows camo to thie country from England by way of steamer to Montréa Bobs' Makes Appeal. England is almost the only English- speaking country which has rot taken a lesson since the war. In Canada and Australia rifle clubs have great- ly multiplied since the war. Young Englishman Drowmed. Speeinl to the Whig Regina, NW.T., servoir, here, two were out in the shore, but sank. reached the shore safely. Bageball Yesterday. At St. Louis, 9; Brooklyn, 0. 5; Chicago, 3. ne Fastern League. --At Baltiffiore, Montreal, 5. 's "of Totanto. Sold only Cro a. London, June 13.--Lord Roberts has | Special to the Whig issued a public appeal for £100.090 Montreal, June "13.--Nothing yas for the establishment of rifle elubs | done here, this morning. throughout the _counfry, and says | the demands of the rand Tru June 13.---A young Englishman, named Caly, was drown. ed, yesterday, while bathing in the re- with a companion. The a punt which upset while in deep "water. Calv started for His companion Pittsburg, 3;| , Miss National League. --At Boston, 4. At CUmecinnati, 3; Philadel phia, 1. At Chicago, 5: New York, 1. American League.~~At Washington, 8; Both Sides Are Working Like gon Special to the RE ek une 1.=The wise ther conditions are perfect for the North Oxford bye-election, and both sides are Wo like beavers, Who Will Win ? London, June 13.~The weather con- { ditions are all that could be desired. Both sides are working energetically. Every vote will be polled. Every vehicle is being pressed into active | service to facilitate it. The result is certainly as uncertain as a horse race. WILL BE SOME DELAY. and Green Take JPpeal, Mntral, So Ts. -- Judge Hall has granted Gaynor and Greene to fumish security for an appegl to the supreme court of Canada from the decision of the court of iy Ak maintaining the judgment of 1 Davidson, who determined hut Tue Lafontaine, commissioner, had fre diction in the place. These pi are likely to delay final ernie. in the case for several months. Habeas corpus proceedings are aldo to be tak- en, the two prisonére having been in jail for several months. Who Will 1 Speak First. al to ; wh ONT June 18. ~Counell: lor Buchanan has asked the Essex county council to donate $500 to any township that will assess the Canada Land company for its minerals assess- ment, and fight the matter in the cetirt, if an appeal is taken by the company. A great portion of Essex county was secured from the crown hy this company. 'The crown grant car- ried with it mineral rights. When the land was sold to the settler, the com- pany reserved all minerals forever, Gaynor An American and Canadian models. lines for which we are sole Kingston, Call and sec dl will interest you :-- SUMMER. poe ony lan ore Secure Mining Terms. Windsor, Ont., June 13.~Windsor and: Essex capitalists have scoured mining terms in the Toshagoiming country, and have sent an expert to investigate the properties. The claims aro within a mile of Trethway Silver mine at Cobalt, from which, is said, S000 worth. of of ore has been shipped in oat, a favorable . operations 3 an begin Off On A Trip. Special to the Whig nontreal, June J. J. Hill, pre- sident of the Great Northern railway, St. Paul, accompanied by his son and a large party of frionds, arrived in the city, to-day, to embark on the the best makes find a place here. day we mention three very ape railway magnate's private st Wacouta for fishing and pleasure trip up the Richelieu river and on Lake Champlain. - e-------------- Killed Wife With Razor. Lyons, N, ¥., June 13.--A terrible tragedy was enacted Sunday morning near the Blue Gut, when Jacob Provo, a lalorer in the gang at work on the construction of the Rochester Syra- cuse and Eastern railroad is alleged to have brutally killed his wife and then tried to take his own'life. The deed was done with a razor, No Sunday Cars For Him. Special® to the Whig Winnipeg, Man June 13.--"Sunday cars will not be run in Winnipeg until' the electors have voted in favor of them," said Mayor Sharpé. He threat- ened to.veto any by-law giving the company Sunday privileges until an affirmative vote had been taken, on a by-law being prepared. Mr. S osisrane Elected. Special to the Wh North Bay, ont June 13.--Nomina- took place at eleven o'clock, this morning, 'with Ferdinand Brumeard returning officer. Hon. Frank Coch- "| rane was nominated. The poll remain- ed open for an hour. No one else @ap- pearing Mr. Cochrane was declared elected by acclamation. 3 ei ht of The Sudbury Journal, te Ont. Dickson of Cache ' WILSON_SE YMOUR. Migr oo won's Church, Ror youn Inte ri Guards, London, William - Wilson, eldest. son Wilson, Toronto. DIED. Kingston, Alice Rendle, "beloved Dunphy, aged DUNPHY In 1905, Edward years. Funersl Queen St. St. Mary' Deaths Of Noted Ones. inl Whig is Joe 13.~Baron Nathaniel De Rothschild, head of the American branch of the firm, died this morning. He had been seriously ill for a long time past. Rich Duke Joseph of Austria died this morning. He was born in 1833, Change of program each night. SEESIA™ 10-18 25 Nat Kite nara 3 Nothing Doing. railway telegraphers on the mianage- Hays was not at the of ment. Mr. fice, and there were no . AND THE} poy yz8- that H. B. Peram, president the O.RT., had arrived in the city. Seats a x Bal , $1,.70bc. A Serious Fire. pis hE ee Special to tho Whig. x y Binvoorth, Man; June 18. Two VISIT D large livery barns, owned Eby. 3 8. : To the city are amsiiliy call and seo Jor In $4 ur omg, cess St. will see a first class Grocery a complete stock of good would be glad if you would store your headquarters w town. Any information we your service. : Murray and to the grougd. All Ne were saved but all the other contents were destroyed. Cause, wnknown. Loss about $82,000, A fight in Quebec, due to jealousy, in which a revolver was used, cau the 'won of Louis Boldric. BV, Pembroke, and * Jute Mate of Brockville, ; Were JOHN MACKAY & 00. High Gre Grade Bond Issue Tames t davies of Br to of K on June 1

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