PURE AND WHOLESOME. OME POUND CAN 260 vt in where our made- lin & Co. PACKED CALLING CARDS ENGRAVED FROM {COPPER PLATE | | | | | 7 British w, lig dd 9 { { | { | i i NO NEED TO SEND OUT OF TOWN FOR ENGRAVED CARDS WHIG WORK IS GOOD WORK Beds ede Bee Bedoaded "Clinkers are NEVER found in gr coal." We male a SPECIAL: of coal thot gives great Th t means you use LESS NOW IS THE WINTER OF YOUR DISCONTENT H you are trying to get good rind and unis form, one-ten order will bring you A large lot of DRY SLABS for Booth & Co. Phoss 188, { have its home for the helpless and the | vided, these institutions. | meeting, for the committee has gone ON ; BEST CANNED SALMON FHP + "WE ALSO Do 1 {STEEL DIE EMBOSSING { EE a aa A] ir, THE DAILY WHIG, *'Opiter per Orbem Dicer." Care Of The Poor. {The local government is disposed to clear the jails of all who oecupy them as refuges. Some years ago it was proposed that every county should Ta ig poor, and it was understood that provincial aid would be generous- ly extended to the counties which pro- Some municipalities have homes for the poor, buiklings suitably erected and equipped and grounds which are capable, under tillage, of raising all the vegetables that the inmates re quire and to spare. Other municipali- ties have not been as mindful of their poor as they ought to be, and so it happened that men found lodgment in the common jails, whose only fail- ing (no offence) was that they could not support themselves, The order- has gone forth 'that these people must not be retained in the jails. They cannot be turned adrift. Whatever the cause of their disability they are now helpless and infirm. They cannot be driven out upon the road: side and die. What then? Can the municipalities be made to provide re- fuges ? The law as it stands does not make anv man or woman a charge upon the people. It simply provides that the in- stitutions which give protection to the indigent poor shall receive aid accord- ing to a given plangand not to ex- ceed a certain rate per day of actual attendance, 'The city and the county councils are interested im a conference which is sug- gested this week, and avhich has to do for the care of the helpless poor now resident within them. Let us hope that the subject will be approached with a spirit that becomes 'its importance, and that a happy solution will be found for the trying issues of the hour. All For Organization. The legislative bodies of the church, whatever the denomination, cannot be appreciated | by any study of their public sessions. Their work is present- ed in concréte' form. The larger meet ing gets the benefit of the smaller into the subject in detail, has measur- ed and compared experiments, has reasoned as to varying conditions, has tried to understand the situation and endeavored to deal with it hopefully and helpfully. , Take any of the questions before the Genwral Assembly of the Presbyterian Church--foreign missions, home mis sions, college interests, Sundav school progress, finances, and membership. They all involve study of the closest and most devoted order. The assembly as a whole cannot go into the merits of each subject, but its committee is expected. to be in touch with every' phase. and feature, and the other men who present the reports ave in a posi- tion to answer every question, More- over there is not the mere recital of facts, but the thrill and enthusiasm which make the discussion of more than passing interest. ; There are, in addition, the new de- partures which have to be carefully weighed. Queen's College endowment scheme wants more than a cordial en- dorsement. So one is suggested who will give it his whole time, who will infuse into his work 'a spirit that will produce the desired effects. The man is there, but he has to be found. The sel- ection involves more thought than the delineation of his task. But eventually he is found and when his hame is giv- en to the assembly it is Sheerfully ac- cepted. Before him lie new considera- tions of a vast and complex character, Or a Sunday school secretary is fecommended. The idea has been ri- veted wpon the assembly that the future of the church depends upon that religious development of the voung, and the Presbyterian church is taking advanced ground with re- gard to her Sunday schools. Theyre is not only g great care with regard to their literature, but in the matter of better organization nothing is being left undone. The ambition of some (ministers and presbyteries is to oxalt the subject to the first place in their esteem. "Hence the plan is to select a socretary who will not be burdened with any other work but will make Sunday schools and the success has only anxiety. This decision wad not so hard to reach as the choice of a wan, but he was eventually discerned among the five hundred commission- ers, and his vision was changed ' at once, | the industrial and commercial depart: J monts of life néed specializing so 'the various divisions of labour within it is the motto of | the Thus the church is finding that as demand bright and capable leaders. a -- The electors of North Oxford and London | ¥otes to-day, and _ settle ill so far as they can the au do hy the issue be? Fanay a liberal delegation from Medicine. Hat telegraphing to Grey, conservative « egndidate in London, that it is en route to Ottawa in re- gard to the autonomy bill! Quite a joke. a -- New York is going to spend a huns dred million 'dollars on its water sys- tem. Three men will direct the work at $12,000 a year cach. It pays to be 'a water commissioner under Tem- many Hall, Gen. Noji is against ornamental milititarism, either as to dress or manners, His idea is that the Jap- anese army should be kept humble and useful by work, whether in the battle field 'or off it. The Preshyterian church is leading in organization. It is not leaving any of its work to haphazard direction, Special men for special tasks are he- ing selected, and the results will be watched with great interest. -- The Montreal Star is satisfied with the manner' in which public issues have been diseussed in the bye-eloe- tions. "Ae much cammot be said of the Toronto press," it remarks, "Lut Toront, is always in a smoulder." ---- Mr. Haultain's draft autonomy bill, sent to the federal government, pro- vided for the minority school in- terests now existing and hereafter to exist, And still he is shouting about the school clavses as if some outrage were being committed. The electors of London and North Oxford 'will be glad when the elections are over. The constituencies have been invaded by political crooks and cranks of various degrees. The noisiest of all hailed from Toronto, the al leged hot-bed of fanaticism. ---- "The circulation managers have, at their convention, reached a very sen- sible conclusion. (It is that the only advertising that really pays is that which is dene in the family paper. The tramp sheets and the yellow liter- ature involve a waste of money. I -- "Cheap power will put more into the pockets of any manufacturing in- dustry than any bonus the city could give," says an Ottawa paper. It is right. Cheap power is the secret of success in so many places that the wonder is more attention is not given to it here. Mr. Haultain is not now against the dominion government for the first time. He opposed it in the last elec- tion--campaigned for the conserva- tives inthe -North-West--and suffered defeat. It looks as if he is going to sustain another defeat in the bye-elec- tions, The students of Queen's were. not in the galleries of Grant hall when then General Assembly was dealing with the college question, and so could not cheer for the proceedings. But in spirit they looked down upon the assembly and approved of all it did. They will be heard from later. Walter Scott, M.P., has a telegram from the mayor of Medicine Hat to the effect that a deputation is not going to Ottawg with regard to the autonomy bill, One has in hand an interview with the government respect- the headquarters for the Strathcona Horse and a new post office. = The lying telegram used in the London election spent its force too soon. SPIRIT OF THE PRESS. Timely Suggestion. Ottawa Journal. Possibly if people would start wear- ing straw hats, it would come all right. Throne Abegging. Toronto Globe. Norway ints a king, and at the time of writing no applications have heen received. A Decline "All Round. T to_ Telegram. Satatic is ot ~having any. such Junes as she used to have away back when G. W. Ross was in power. Talk That Isn't Cheap. Ottawa Journal. ~~ = he $20,000 per day to rum liament. And yet the flow of use: fo talk scems nowhere near an end: Maude Nominated. Toronto World. ~ Canada' would fully nominate Maj. Maude, fide 'the House of Minto, for the vacant throne of Nor- way. 8 ends _ Blaud's Iron Pills, 50c. per 1,000, sale, "Yes, they are fresh, and Clerics Comments ! --ONTHR-- ; General Assembly ressecceercl Ag in parliament cabinet niinisters bring down their estimates, so our ministers with the church portfolios are hard at work. But they only bear the modest nme of conveners of com- mittee and receive only "thanks" for the labor, one that is often in ar rears, Monday we had augmentation, Sabbath schools and young people's societies before the house. In the first neither Dr. BE. Smith of Truro presbytery, nor Dr. Samuel Lyle of Hamilton, the joint conveners, were present. We missed the ever watchful Nova Scotian, as we did the aggres- sive and cultured Irishman from the Ambitious City. Tt is to their credit that they have turned back the sneers at what is erroneously termed--bonus- ing a thing that is poor. The facts are these, a charge has a revenue for min- isterial salary say 8(130, But every or- dained man must receive (prior to last year), at least 8750, now $800, "Well there is $150," some one says, "given to a man who ean only get a poor place." But these worthy conveners have repudiated such reasoning. Thev put the case this way: A charge which shows such commendable spirit that it struggles to secure a minister, and has fulfilled' the difficult stipulations, de- serves the help of stronger congrega- tions to enable it to accomplish its end. The scheme therefore is- to assist liberal and zealous men to securd a pastor, not one to make a soft bed for a useless fellow. T. C. James, of Charlottetown, P.E. I., a prominent elder had charge of the report from the east, and Dr. Somerville of Owen Sound. who has been in all the battles for the schemes, acted for the west. They were ably as- sisted by Dr. Tuffts of' Stellarton, N. S., a man still young, but who has been able amid the labors of a large congregation to qualify successfully for "doctor's degree," which he won by examination - from Montreal, four years ago. Drs, Wallace and E. D. Me- Laren of Toronto, also spoke strong- ly and at length. 'There were some hard knocks given to certain congrega- tions for rather shameful proceedings. We may state an example. A rich charge advances its own minister's salary $100, and at the same time re- duces its already miserable pittance to the augmentation fund. e fact is both minister and peo- ple in 'these hard places, are straining every nerve to keep up services. They see better days coming, but for pres- ent needs, to lessen the load is only brotherly and Christ-like, Rev. W. G. W. Fortume's charge in Cranbrook, B. C.. is an instance. Tt has this vear not only stood alone, but given back to the church 8398 of missionary money, and two young men students for the ministry. Hence, next' New Year's day let appreciative congregations, not only remember their own minister, but double their subscription to assist men as zealous as themselves, that they may pav their minister even the mini- mum stipend. Dr. John Neil of Toronto, has been at the head of the Sabbath school de- partment of the church for five or six years. Able assistance has heen given aa secretary by Rev. Alexander Maceil- livray, who is also a very busy minis- ter in the same city. It would do every commissioner good to spend a Sunday visiting their schools. Revs. | R. D. Fraser and J. McD, Duncan of the publishing department, assisted by many brilliant writers from all parts of the church, have together with the above mentioned. done a service to Sunday schools that we mav appropri ately say--the old order hath passed away. Dr. Murray, the editor of the Hali fax Witness, humorously referred to the fact that we have publications which are not only instructive : but patriotic. "We shall miss," said rferring to former American papers, "Dewey, even be lonely without Abraham Lincoln, and the revolution- ary war. But our own Canada and empire have no need of heores taken from other history," And let us sug- gest that the the writers for these pages have a conference with the His. torical Society of Kingston, where much that is unwritten is being gath- ered in the minute book, to be found .in the school house of St. George's cathedral. Add to this a careful study of those faces hanging in the consult- ing library at the university, known as the Gilbert Parker collection. There will be found navigators, soldiers and governors, whose photographs and ser- vice to Canada will stir the blood of our youth: Even Kingston does not fully appreciate its past "heroic age." We have asked men who took their feourse at the college--where are the buildings used when the Dominion par- liament sat in the city ? And they could have told more about the place where Gracchus govern d than of such interestin, points. Even the fou prints of the great Sir John have never been patriotically traced by it a few who call themselves Kingston. ians, as well as Canadians. No won- der we hear so much about Cem re Washington. Principal Falconer can always hdld the assembly. He has not yet reached forty, youth is as much in evidonos at the church courts as in banks . or railroads. Rev. J. W. McMillan, of Winnipeg, who is relieving our groat- ly beloved Dr. Warden, is also a type of men fast coming to the front. For some reacon there is no eagerness to ged on the assembly platform. Young men kke Young of Prince Albert, Wat. son, of Minnedosa, Miller, of Nanaimo, Wilson, of Winnipeg, Sinclair, of Gore Bay, Turnbull, of Ottawa, Dickie, of St. Stephens, Lang of 8t. John have been working long hours on tommwit- tees, yet have hardly broken thair silence in the house. The truth is that £0 much depends upon the first ven- ture that many refuse to take the risk. But these gre the kind of men at present in charge of such important work that they will have to appear in the open not many days hence, Space forbids us to refer. speciaily to the various superintendents, who are practically Presbyterian bishops. There is Dr. Findlay as an example. He has appointed more men to their the genuine kind; too." Chown's Drug Store, ta first parish in the mission field, than S---- Str vrvvnan - h BiBBY'S ® Did It Ever Occur to You ? That .an air of prosperity commands respect ? You know there is a very fitting expression that * can get more with your diamonds on, get on your diamonds," and it's a fact Your Appearance is Your Introduction, A well-groomed man not only commands respect, but demands it, and it doesn't require such an awfy] outlay to give a good front. you than you can Com¢ in and let us show WORTH SUITS. The men we suit never have reason to complain of misfit, or a breakdown in style or appearance. you our NEW WENTH. ) Ask to see our $7.50 suits. Ask to see our $10 suits. Ask to see our $12.50 Suits. If you don't own a RAINCOAT it will pay you to see our $12.50 Coat, made from a fine imported Rain- proof Worsted. THE H. D. BIBBY CO, & Clothiers and Haberdashers, Oak Hall, 4 0 sess eseany FOR DESSERT There is nothing nicer than a dish of Ice Cream, especially when it is made in the WHITE MOUN- TAIN TRIPLE MOTION FREEZER which freezes the cream lighter and quicker than any other Freezer made. We have them in all sizes from 2 quart up, and the prices of them are very moderate. - Call in and let us show them to you. LEMMON & LAWRENSON any other bishop in the world. His ally came into our trea | diocese now extends from Lake days for church building and support. coe to the Arctic circle, and if he has We notice also that Dr not been shivwrecked as often as the | first principal of Queen great Apostle to the Gentiles it is he- and supported by this Sune cause he has travelled in a "jumper" | full house, therefore, sh } ie) rather than in a boat. We are not sure McLeod and Mitchell, " 'but the moderator himself had his | this evening, to do the bose first communion under this unique sonally and the society w bishop. auspices thev have coms i the Dr. McTavish, of Deseronto, in 'his Dr. Winter and Mr. S 1 own determined: and capable manner | Methodist church were and held their own nicely sembly. It is reported b superintendents who sw of Canada, that as speaker odists can put our Presbyter in the shade. Of course held to infallibility even our high bishops, m have our own opinions. I ter is a fair type of tl ready, warm and graciul which he showed himse Shaw also earried the h¢ th him. Dre. Secrimger and Du Val followed, the latter being in his cha ly happy and racy mood has begun to do for young people's societies what others have done for Sunday schools. It is his turn to have a free hand and a hearty support of the church. Last night he referred to the fact that it was in Kingston feur- teen years ago that the Christian En- deavor society was endorsed. It is in- teresting to recall other features of that assembly. The venerable Dr. Wardrobe, of Guelph, one of the stu- dents who attended the class at the institution of Queen's College, was ch:s'n moderator. The question of holding a summer session in Winnipeg College was the subject of a keen de- bate and sent down to the preshy- teries for their judgment. The present editor of the wd was' appointed after the editor of the Witness had declined to accept the charge from one office to another. "That was'a great Mr nisticals Just What Everyone Should Do. J. T. Barber, of Irwin Ga., al ways keeps a bottle of colic, oe and diarrhoea hand ready for instant us erlain's assembly" our "fathers" tell us to-) colic, cholera merbus and srihott day, in a deep pathos for "a touch of | come on so suddenly that "to the a vanished h-nd." For when Grant, | time to hunt a "doctor are McVicar, Robertson, Caven, Cochrane, | store for medicine. Mr Ba colit, Laing, Burns and others came to- | "I have tried Chamberlain ¢ which gether, there was something doing all | cholera and diarrhoea remady ever the time. \ is 'one of the best medicines = oo But oven wise men onfy saw dimly | saw. I keep a bottle of it i of colic in those days for the "summer ses-|as I have had several sige "the best sion" was a success in spite of dire | and it has proved io 1 py: oN prophecies. This encourages men = to | medicine I ever used. Sold 1D) work and plan to<av, and we shall expect men like McTavish, Matheson and MacBeth, who spoke so 'well last night, to come back again: with more druggists. --eeet Attention Kills. Ottawa Free Press states that ¥ : ority plans, move facts, and more enthusi-] An insurance authori han the righ as'n next vear. the poor live longe ® than, that the Variety was ~iven to the bill of fare'] This may be due to Sh Iinterest : o less yesterday bv the presence 'doctors. as a rule, ta of deputa- |'c tions from the colonial committee of | in' them. the Established Church of Seotland, ny. aLIGIM and the Methodist Conference of Mont. | Buy Packer's Tar "Tt cures' dand: real, and Ottawa. We are to hear the! Red Crass Drug Store. Scottish fathers to-night. Regarding ruff, is committee we have pleasure in| Trueses son's a to fit any and all cases, Dr. Chown'se ptating that as high as $4,700 annu-! perfect fit guaranteed; Dr. { E. Pinkhany' ie ne pou. is a positive cure for all those painfu ailments of women. It will entirel, eure. the worst forms of Female Com plaints, all Ovarian troubles, Inflam mation and Ulceration, Falling® an Displacements of the Womb and con sequent Spinal Weakness, and i wu jarly adapted to the Change o ife. Every time it will cure - It has cured more cases of Leucor rhea than any other remedy the worl has ever known. Itisalmostinfallibl in such cases. It dissolves and expel Tumors from' the Uterus in an earl; stage of development. : That Bearing-down Feeling, causing pain, weight and headache, i jnstantly relieved and permanent! cured by its use. Under all circum stances it acts in harmony with th female system. It corrects irregularity, Suppressed or Painful Menstruation Weakness of the Stomach, Indigestion Bloating, Flooding, -Nervo Prostra tion, Hehdache, General Debility. Als Dizziness, Faintness, Extreme Lassitude, "don't-care" an " 1t-to-be-left-alone " feeling, excit ability, irritability, nervousness, sleey lessness, flatulency, melancholy or th * blue and backache. These ar sure indications of Female Weaknes: some derangement of the Uterus. Fo Kidney Complaints and Backache of either sex the Veget: ble Compound is unequaled, You can write Mrs. Pinkham abou yourself in strictest confidence. LIDIA E. PINKHAN MED, CO., Lynn, Mas CARNEGIE AND ROOSEVEL' Trying to Secure Peace With a Bj Stick. June 13.-Andrew London, Carnegi address an excursion of newspapw meh to Skibo Castle, said that fe people realized how little dislike other 1 me existed in America. 1 added am sorry that from th View I cannot altogether endor the linc en by our strenuous pr dent, who, although all for peac best way to seeare it tick in one hand. Tha as foolish among patio individuals." My, appealed to always write pleasingly a friend manner of other nations, putting tl best constructions on' th thinks th with a b of course, is as among Carney his hearers and mn possible doings, Is Your Chest. Sore ? That's how lungs starts neglecting a sor 1st rub on Nerviline, rub it i and hand tomight. By ured," Nothing open pain-eg rq all linime vin the dr ity ye mornin Sale Of Islands. Ellis & Co., Clayton, N.Y. ha sold. Poscobel Tsland. to: Mrs. Fra dia EF. Riissell, Cleveland, Ohio. Tl island contains one acre, and is gated directly opposite Clayton Calumet Island. It was recently ti property of William Smalley, Leave worth, Kansas. These same agen recently sald to E. 8. Perot, Ne York, a home on -Woronoco Islan situated between Frontemac and Tho sand Island Park and owned by Co Terry, Rew York. This will hiteM Perot's first season on the river. ------------ has giv gricultux The Ontario government 8100 towards the new Fair Association of Madoc. HOW MANY PEOPLE "ARE ALWAYS TIRE Vou'Get Up In the Morning All Play Out and Unfit for Labor. An Ea Way to Become Bright and Vige ous. You Can Eat Well and Sle Well and Forget You Were Ey Tired. . Do von ever stop to think why vou feel m tired iq the morning than when you retire Right before? Did Jt ever occar to you al Jour noon-day meal why you are unequal farther exertion for an hour or two? You. Quite played out, feol almost unhappy, =m for labor "and for exertion of any kind. Y A¥8 acquired the habit of overloading y $omach, your liver is congested and Yi bowels joaded with foul refuse. You hb Biied agony upon agony unti} your very vi: $Y out for assistance. "What shall 1do va say., Use Smith's Pineapple and Bat mut Pills for just a week. Take two © Bight when you retire. . They will make) feel better, not only in the morning but all long, and ing week's time they will cure thet you will again feel bright and active, our tired, despondent, blue condition AY vanished. Asan after-dinner pill ne ing can take the place of Sinith's Pi the natiseptic and resolvent properties of p Apple, but also the Taxativoand tonic pro; es of budernot. They improve digest Sssimilation and nutrition, and fn every pect can bo relied upon to accomplish @ Tesults in eases of a torpid liver or of a slug condition of the bowels. At all dealers, nts. They always cure sick [ Sigation 2nd biliousness in one night, genuing signed W. F. Smith.