i Jccur to You ? perity commands respect ? fitting expression that "you amonds on, than you can d it's a fact Your Introduction. not only commands respect, sn't require such. an awful t. 10w you our NEW WENTH. r have reason to complain n style or appearance. $7.50 suits. $10 suits. 3 $12.50 Suits. INCOAT it will pay you to from a fine imported Rain- BIBBY CO. ardashers, Oak Hall, TRV LIVLLIVVNGY =SSERT "than a dish of Ice Cream, le in the WHITE MOUN- N FREEZER wkich freezes cker than any other Freezer izes from 2 quart up, and moderate. v them to you. [_ AWRENSON | any came into our treasury carly days for church building and support | We notice also that Dr. Liddell, the first principal" of Queen's, was sent out and supported by this committee. A full house, therefore, should greet Dr. McLeod and Mitchell, at Grant Hall this evening, to do them honor per sonally and the society whose auspices thev have come : Dr. Winter and Mr. Shaw of the Methodist church and held their own nicely sembly. It is reported b superintendents who sees a of Canada, that as speakers odists can put our Pre in the shade. Of course wr held to infallibility of g even our high bishops, and have our own opinions. I ter is a fair type of th ready, warm and gracciul Si "Nr which he showed himseli to be Shaw also carried the House Drs. Serimger and Du Val K le the latter being in his r ly happy and racy mo were of our good deal Just What Everyone So | J. T. Barber, of Irwinvi ways keeps a bottle of (' | colic, cholera and diarrhoea hand ready for instant us colic, cholera merbus and come on so suddenly that ther ¢ 18 MO time to hunt a "doctor or £9 to store for medicine. Mr. Darber opp! "I have tried Chamberlain s yoy choles and diarthoea remedy po is one of the best pedicines | -- 1 saw. I keep a bottle of it in, mv YOR as I have had several atta the best | and it has proved to Se by ® | medicine I ever used. ~ Sold Db) | druggists. ------t Attention Kills. ' | Ottawa Free Press wn is An insurance authority a the poor live longer than ol *| This may be dune to the fa 'doctors. as a rule, take | in' them. = Buy Packer's Tar | Redd Crass Drug Store. , states that run. t the Joss linterest jibson's Sosn, at! It cures ses, 8 Trieses to fit any and A A perfect fit guaranteed; Dr. is a positive cure for all those painful ailments of women. It will entirely eure. the worst forms of Female Com- plaints, all Ovarian troubles, Inflam- mation and Ulceration, Falling and Displacements of the Womb and con- sequent Spinal Weakness, and is eu jarly adapted to the Change of Fire. Every time it will cure - It has cured more cases of Leucor- rhea than any other remedy the world has ever known. Itisalmost infallible in such cases. It dissolves and expels Tumors from' the Uterus in an early stage of development. - That Bearing-down Feeling, causing pain, weight and headache, is instantly relieved and permanently cured by its use. Under all circum- stances it acts in harmony with the female system. It corrects 4 (4 Suppressed or Painful Menstruation, Weakness of the Stomach, Ingigestion, Bloating, Flooding, -Nervo Prostra- tion, Hekdache, General Debility. Also Dizziness, Faintness, Extreme Lassitude, "don't-care" and " want-to-be-left-alone " feeling, excit- ability, irritability, nervousness, sleep- lessness, flatulency, melancholy or the, "blues," and backache. These are gure indications of Female Weakness, some derangement of the Uterus. For Kidney Complaints and Backache of either sex the Vegeta- ble Compound is unequaled, You can write Mrs. Pinkham about yourself in strictest confidence. LIDIA E. PINKHAN MED, CO., Lynn, Mass, CARNEGIE AND ROOSEVELT Trying to Secure Peace With a Big Stick. London, June 13.-~Andrew Carnegie, addressing an excursion of newspaper meh to Skibo Castle, said that few people realized how little dislike of other nations existed in America. He added: "I am sorry that from this viewpoint, | cannot altogether endorse the line taken by our strenuous presi dent, who, although all for peace; thinks the best way to secure it is with a big stick in one hand. That, of course, i= as foolish among nations My. hearers as among individuals, Carnegie appealed to his always to wri pleasingly and ma friendly manner of other nations, putting the best possible constructions on' their doings, Is Your Chest. Sore ? That's how inflammation of the lings starts--neglecting a sore chest You must rub on erviline, rub it in and hand tomight. By morning 1 I." Nothing SO penctra ting and § 1-easing as Nerviline, It's king of all liniments; the big worth in the drug stores; a nearly fity years. Sale Of Islands. Ellis & Co., Clayton, N.Y., have sold. Poscobel Island. to- Mrs. Fran celia EF. Russell, Cleveland, Ohio. The island contains one acre, and is lo pated directly opposite Clayton and Calumet Island. It was recently the property of William Smalley, Leaven worth, Kansas. hese same agonts recently sold to Perot, New York, a home on -Woronoco Island; situated hetween Frontemac and' ! ey sand Island Park and ow ned bv, C. A Terry, York. This will her Perot's first season on the river. ---------------- The Ontario government has given 8100 iowards the mew Agricultural Fair Association of Madoc. HOW MANY PEOPLE "ARE ALWAYS TIRED Vou Get Up In the Morning All Plays Out and Unfit for Labor. An Easy Way to Become Bright and Vigor- ous. You Can Eat Well and Sleep Well and Forget You Were Ever Tired. ow Do von ever stop to think why vou feel more Gred ia the morning than when you retire the Right before? Did Jt ever occur to you after Jour noon-day meal why you are unequal to rther exertion for an hour or two? You are guile played out, feol almost unbappy, nufit for labor "and for exertion of any kind. You ave acquired the habit of overloading your Stomach, your liver is congested and your bowels joaded with foul refuse. You have Riled agony upon agony unt} your very vitals $Y out for assistance. ey at sali Lao?! va say, Use Smith's Pineapple a atter- out Pills for just a week. P ake two each Bight when you retire. . They will make you feel better, not only in the morning but all day long, and ina week's time they will cure so thet you will again feel bright and active, and our tired, despondent, blue condition will AY vanished. Asan after-dinner pill noth- ing can take the place of Sinith's Pineapple 81d Butternut Pills, for they possess not only Le aatiseptic and resolvent roperties of pine- &vvle, but also the lsxativeand tonic propor- es of budernate They improve digestion, Sssimilation end nutrition, and fn every re- fect can be relied upon to accomplish good torpid liver or of a sluggish dition of the bowels. At all dealers, 25 nts. They always cure sick con- gation tnd biliousness in one night, geacing signed W. F. Smith. mmm -- . . FEEAF EL CITITSEIEIIRGS Gold in the » Mrs. Machar entertained at one of her enjoyable teas on Saturday, in hongur of Mrs. William Van Strau- benzee, Tn: the tea-room, Miss Rogers poured goffee, and Miss Mildred Cooke the tea, their assistants being Miss Muckleston, © Miss Annie Muckleston, Miss Crisp, Miss Isabel Ross, Miss Marion. Lewis, Miss Etta Kirkpatrick and Miss Jean Paterson. The table was centred with yellow, and quanti- ties of double yellow tulips were its adornment. Among the guests Mrs. Buxton Smith, Mrs. benzee, Miss were Van Strau- Straubenzee, Mrs. Nor- ton-Taylor, Mi Norton-Tavlor, Mrs. Cartwright, Mrs. Telford, Mrs. Merrett, Mrs. Pense, Mrs: R. Vashon Rogers, Mrs. Walter Macnee, Mrs. | Francis King, Mrs. Forbes Torrance, Mrs. Ed- ward Taylor, the ses Macpherson, Miss Macaulay, Miss Strange, Mrs, Ransom, Miss Anna' Fairlie, Miss Go- ing, Miss Louise Kirkpatrick, Miss Macnee. » . « Mrs. James Craig has asked a gow "just-outs" for an - informal little dance on Friday evening. « » - . Ten years ago, Monday, 12th inst., Mr. and Mrs. George H. Kirkpatrick. 31 Broek street, together entered up- on the responsibilities of married life, and the anniversary was fittingly , ob served in the evening, when about thir- ty friends' gathered to wish them in ased happiness and greater pros perity. Progressive euchre the evening pleasantly, and ly. were some of served to { so | the contestants | scoring that much interest. centred in the prospective wihner. Finally, when cards were. collected, it was announced that Mrs. F. L. Aylésworth had tured the premier. prize by a substan tial score. For first place among the men there were three" "runners up,' who had an equal amount of points. These three played off, when first place" was captured easily by W. R, Dick, whose reward .was unioue.. and created no- emt of amusement. Daint refreshments werd served and at a sea- sonable hour the delighted guests re Inetantlv turned their thoughts home ward, after further wishing Mr. and Mrs. Kirkpatrick a continued flow of the joys of life. The charming home of host and hostess was beautifully adorned with seasonable flowers ing the place a delight to behold. -. . mak- Cards. are out Frank" Rogers' to 6.30, on Av. : Mrs. William Gordon "will give a voung people's tea on Saturday next, in honor &fher visitors, Mrs. Oslér has sent out invitations for a voung people's dance on Mondav next, for a tea at Mrs Farl street, from 4.30 Friday . . . a Mr. Wellington Boulter, ex-M.P.P., for Prince Edward, is the guest of Mrs. James Eld The Rev. lL. E. and Mrs. Thom will go up-to Cobon to-morrow, on their way home to Flesherton. Mrs. Gilbert Wilson, Winnipeg, will réthain hire for another Rev. Dr. Wilson returned to-day to Winni- peg Mr. Edward .J. stall of St week. Williamson. of the John's College, Winnipeg, arrived home to-day to spend the simmer. Miss Edith Macpherson came up from Ottawa on Saturday to visit Mrs. Kenneth Fenwick. Mr. and Mrs. Walfer Douglas, who have been in Japan, have arrived at Bisbee, Arizona. . . . " : y .. Miss Bessie Smythe was one of the guests at a tea given in Ottawa, by Mrs. Dale Harris, Mr. and Mrs. David Plewes, of To ronto, came down on Saturday to attend the funeral of Mrs. Wilmot. Mr. Plewes went home to-day, but Mrs. Plawes will remain for ten davs or 'more with her sisters. i Carrie Fdmison Foronto to-day il~ef-loronto, 188 came down Iromi is visiting Mrs. George her parents, n is visiting . John Gar diner, University avenue. Mrs. and Miss Molson, of Montreal, are staying with Mrs. D. Stewart Robertson Mrs. Douglas Young left. Toronto for Kingston on Saturday afternoon . . La -. The ladies of. Queen Street Metho dist church have arranged an "At Home," for Thursday night. to say good-bye to Rey. Dr. and Mrs. Ant lif. All friends invited. Admission 10e The Nurses" Alummae will give a garden party in the general hospital grountls on Thursday, June 15th, from, four to six, and from eight to ten, and it is hoped the affair will be 0. el» Mrs. Hansom, a bride of a few weeks, who has lately come out with her husband from England, has been in town for a few days looking up her people. She cousin of Mrs, Strange, King Mrs. Hansom left yesterday for Toronto where she will pay a short visit, and then 15 a street, go on to Barrie to stay with friends there, Mr. Hansom, who is now in Utica, will join her there, and they will go on te their future home be- vond the Rockies, a few miles from Vernon, B.C., 'While here Mrs. Han- som was en pension with Mrs, Breden. - - - » Mrs. McTavish, of Halifax, accom panied her husband to the meeting of the General' Assembly here, Colonel Strange, who came up from Ottawa to help St. Andrew's choir through with their service of praise on Sunday, returned to Ottawa yester dav. Miss Naomi Farrell, of Winnipeg, is at present the guest of Mrs. Francis Macnee, She will spend the summer among the islands. Miss Toller Will come up from Otta- wa 'on. Friday, and Miss Stewart, of Montreal, arrive in the city Saturday and both will be guests of Mrs. William GordSn, for the ball, A number of Mrs. Homfray Irving's litte chat with her over a cup of tea. Mrs. Irving has decided to remain in town till Thursday with Mrs. Harry Betts, Colonel and Mrs. Young will go, to- day, to Mrs. Henderson, 196 John- ston street, where 'they have taken rooms. Dr. and Mrs. Walter Connell, and little Miss Nora Connell] have gone to Spencerville, where they will spend some weeks, Mrs. Oliver Chown will entertain at tea on Thursday. Miss Olive Bradburn, of Peterboro, is the guest of Mrs. Frank 'Rogers. Mrs. Platt, of New York, is the guest of Mrs. Brownfield. - . . The Rev. Mr. Chambers, 'of Los An- geles, who has been visiting in King- ston, and also enjoying the meetings of the General = Assembly, will leave, shortly, for Smith's Falls, to visit his daughter. Mrs. H. A. Lavell. Lady Cartwright and the Misses Cartwright came up to "The Maples" Raat to-day. Mr. Allan Palmer, of the Royal Can- and will be the guest while Mrs. Victor Williams, Mr. Ben. Greet, with here, of his Woodland Players, and Mr. W. Goulding were the guests of Mr. Stewart Houston for dinner ut the Hunt Club, Toronto, last week. . . .- 3 wv. Dr. Norman McLeod, and Rey, Dr. Mitchell, the two distinguished delegates from Seotland, * to the Gen Assembly, are "the guests of the Principal and Mrs. Gordon. The well beloved principal and his gracious wife, have durin the meeting, dispensing he ality with a lavish hand. All the leaves have been put in 'their dining-table, and. daily, from sixteen to eighteen, have broken bread at their hospitable board. Dr. Mc Leod and Dr. Mitchell to- morrow, erg been go west MARKET CONDITIONS. Prices Prevailing on Kingston Market. The most noticeable feature of the market quotations, Tuesday, was the drdp in meat. The advance of warm weather and incoming of fruit has resulted in lessened demand for meat and a corresponding drop in prices, For the most part the supply of beef is still obtained from the west. and there is a fairly heavy stock in the hands of local dealers, who stand to lose moriey by the falling off of prices, Matton is also auoted lower. Butter is price is below quotations given a month ago. Eggs hold firm at the rate that has prevailed for the 3 past few weeks: New potatoes have made their appearance, 'and will soon replace the old stock. The prices prevailing will be found below : . Stocks of western beef are more than suflicient for western demand Very little local %weef is available. Dealers quote beef cattle at from de. to Ble. and for heef in carcase from 5c. to Te. Cats retail at from 10e. to 15c. Tor onto 1 s range lower, at from $4.. NM to $5.40 for choice prime, and from M40 to $5.15 for stock. Veal is plentiful and sells freely at from 3c. to Se. a pound bv the quart er. There is a slight falling off in value of spring lambs, dealers ing from fair to medium the quot- 23.50 to #4.50 for hest stock. These prices compare favorably with those of Toronto, hut are a shade be low the Montreal market. By the quarter locally, lamb sells at from 75. to $1.75. Mutton is also quoted easier, the re- duction representing about one cent a pound. Prevailing rates rates .are from Te. to Se. a lb. bv the carcase Hogs hold firm at from $4.50-to £6, and be the carcase from £7 to £9. The market is strong, with an upward ten- dency. The supply is short. ' More poultry is being offered than during the past month or two. Fat, nlump fowl May be purchased at from Te. to 90c. a pair, though exception- ally large samples are held at £1 and S110. A few spring. chick are pur- chasable at from Me. to THe, a pair. Turkevs are scarce, but are supplied on order at from 10c. to 15c. a pound, likewise not being marketed, on order, and than at from 10c. to 12}c. a pound. Ducks are quoted at from 75c. to #1 a pair. Old potatoes are held at from 00. to Soc. a bag, while new stock are offered at from 40. to 50c. a peck. Within a week or ten davs the supply will be almost sufficient to meet the demand, when prices will drop in sym- pathy with the increased sunnly, Butter is marketed in sufficient auan- tities to cover demand. The market is easier in consequence. The best guali- tv of farmers stock, in pound nrints, may be obtained at 20c. In rolls the commodity sells at 18¢c. and 19¢, The cheese market shows signs of he- Geese are except paid-a quarter of a cent more than Kinoston hoard last week, but this is explained by the fact that buyers have a wider range to select from than on Kingston hoard : more cheese is regis- tered on Brockville board. Just board if more cheese was registered. Oats are still held at a high figure, farmers demanding 43¢. a supply is adehuate, there anv complaints about scarcity, average domestic vse, at from variety, Rean and shorts have fallen in price and are now quoted at than a week aco. Bran, £18 and $19 shorts $20 and $21. Of green garden truck large quanti ties are marketed. Lettuce, onions radishes, rhubarb, bunches for Se, eto, the citv. but what from 87 to $9 a ton. Pressed, worth from $3 to 810. "Oth heads may ache," friends dropped 'in. to see her, yvester day afternoon, and had a pleasant newdn't, 4 10c. perfect headache powders Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store THE DAILY W AN INTERVIEW WITH SCOTCH | adian artillery, and, his friend, Mr. | returning the €omplinient. This is our | Campbell, spent the week end' with first visit t Canada." Mr. Palmer's parents, Mr. 'and, Mrs. Rev. Dr. Moleod. will he in the A. 7. Palmer, in Ottawa. * country about three weeks, sailing Miss Gladys Nordheimer, of TPoron from Boston on the retum trip July to, who was a recent visitor in the Lath In the meantime he will see some capital, will attend the R.M.C. ball > | marketed in large quantities, and the coming firmer, and prices mav be! the loss of omight, Great care, looked for a trifle in advanes of those ! aided by medical skill may restore ofieréd last week. Brockville board as good priees would be paid on Kingston bag. The not being Apples are running short, but may be procured in sufficient ouantities Yor 20¢. to 5c. a peck, according to quality and 81 a ton leas sell at two Verv little loos hav is coming into there is sells at it is but your's TUESDAY, JUNE 13, -- A FRATERNAL VISIT m DELEGATES. | To the General Assemibly--Dr. Me Leod Spent Eight Years at Glasgow as a Comrade of the | Late Principal Grant, This morning a Whig representative had a talk with the-- two distinguish- ed representatives from the Church of Scotland in the old lund to the Pres. byterian Assembly, They were walking about the grounds of Queen's University, and were rood enough to undergo camer inspection. When asked about their 0p, Dr. Mcleod said : | "We have oome over as a friendly i deputation from the assembly of the | Church of ScoMand to the General As: | sembly of the Presbyterian Church in | Canada. The thurch here is uenally ro- presented at our assembly, and we are 'and Only with its | thing of Western Ontario, "ultimately making stops in Washington and 'New York. Dr; Mcleod is a cousin of the Nor { man MoLeod, of "Good Words" fame, and is a son of that Rev. Dr. John Mcleod, of Morven, who, with the no- velist. of that name, went through a large part of Canada in 1845 after the disruption, Dr. Mcleod is himself at present the deputy clerk of the Church | | of Scotland. | | Dr. Mitehell, who was for a number of years minister in Aberdeen. is the | convenor of the eolonial committee of | { the Church of Scotland, an organiza- | ! tion_that looks sfter the-aspiritual-wel | | fare of Scotel' Presbyterians outside of | | Scotland, Dr. Mitchell will temain in Canada much longer than his compan: (ion, as he will make a trip as far as! i Vancouver and return, in this manner consuming five weeks, | Dr. McLeod is a very impressive per- sonality ; a veérv tall man, of com { manding vresenece, with sharp, bright | eves, rendered additionally piercing be { cause of the whiteness of his hair, Dr. | | Mitchell is smaler in stature, wears a | long beard, black and grav. and is | also distinguished and scholarly in ap pearance. Replying to a dmestion about his comradeship with the late Principal Grant at Glasgow, Dr. Mcleod, said there -were four from Nova Scotia | == | who went across the sea to that Scot tish university when he was a student thére. He was a comrade of Principal | Grant for eight wears. At this even ing's meeting ofl the assembly, he would make reference to that time. | nearly half a century ago. Dr. Mcleod enquired about the surviving member of Dr: Grant's familv, and was in formed he was studying in Europe, To-morrow rnoon, the Scoteh clergymen leave for the west, going: first to Niagara and then to Toronto, where they will 'pfeach Sunday. Ee ------ WHITE MUSLIN UNDERWEAR-All PERSONAL MENTION. VR Movements Of 'The People--What They Are Saying And Doing. Mrs. Edward Hunt, who has heen seriously ill, is much improved to- day. + Mr. and Mrs. William Clark, Berlin, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. James Clark, city. Rev. J. Roadiouse, Wole Island, has purchased a residence on Nelson street, Miss Frances Purdy, Kingston, Ont, has gone to visit her relative, A. H : Roff, Albany. Frank Taylor, Ottawa, a former lo We have now on hand 24 cal bank clerk acquaintances. Miss 8S. Connor, Rochester, N.Y. is visiting her sister, Mrs. W, Forrest, Sale 198 King street, . kta William Rice, Watertown, N.Y., is Regular, : Prjee. visiting his daughter, Mrs. William |] 14 in. 8325 $260 King, Kingston 8-14 in. isis . 30 3 00 Rev. W. Craig, Cataraqui, who was | 14 in 320 superannuated this year, will likely {1-14 in. 4 40 remove to Kingston. 1-11 in. Hh 00 { Rev. T. C. Browne, a Queen's grad- 1-14 in. t 30 uate, wil! fill the pulpit of St. An. 1-16 ir. 3 00 drew's church, Toronto, during the 2 16 in. 320 summer 2-16 in, 3 co actress, has decided beautiful summer. home | May Irwin, the to occupy her at Irwin Island, instead of going EVERY MACHINE CARRIES abroad. | Mrs. Chappelle, Brewer's Mills, in very delicate health, was brought to the House of Providence, Monday, in an ambulance Ben. Sherrine McKEL VEY a former employee of the street railway company, now of Niagara Falls, N.Y,, is in the city on | important business, 69 and 71 "THE QUEEN OF TABLE WATERS." Bottled only at the Apollinaris Spring, | Neuenahr, Germany, ; Own Natural Gas. OUT OF THE ORDINARY 'we might make about the beauty that can be put into fine needle work you'll find in every piece, and at prices from 10 to 20 per cent. less than anywhere in the city. Inspection Invited. A Pleasure to Show Goods. LAWN MOWER SPECIALS This is the best season so far that we have ever had. + in the city renewing | Phy jg WW eek at the following special prices :-- Y & BIRCH Brock Street. -- stm. Few minutes looking out does all the pretty speeches resses and Costumes. They are a growing fascination with la. dies who want something, "out of the ordinary," and t h e prices--they certainly won't interfere with your buying. OUR SHIRT WAIST SUITS must be exceptionally attractive by the way they are' selling. We have them from the rustling silk garm- ents down to the washing cotton kinds, from $17.50 down to..$1.90 WHITE MUSLIN AND SILK WAISTS The very daintiest and most styl ish to be had, from 75¢. to $6.50 MOwers which we offer WITH IT OUR GUARANTEE. John Claxton, Inverary, has gone to the North West, where he will ar- O@ {range to have veral families from * H Inverary sect locate, The host friends of Rarrv Rob- erts, proprietor of the Union Hotel, Sharbot Lak I regret to learn of his serigus Hness. Enfeebled in health, he has been further afflicted by hi him to robust health again. Clothing Made-To-Order. Prevost, FProck street, is showing | the finest: assortment: of the latest pattern in hie order department. These ! goods are hi vn importation, and for stylé and pattern have no equal. It will pay to seo his goods at prices to defv competition. ee---- moisture absolutely, 900 >> rs vvvReN » wh THE UBIQUITOUS RAINCOAT HE RAINCOAT is one of the indis- pensable things. : general utility garment ; keeps out rain and dusty days, handy for driving or boating, and fashionable always. We have very nice new models, three- quarter and full length, in silks, tweed effects, Epella silk-finished lustres, and other Also some special values, It is essentially a is useful on cool and The River ( « has been enriched by a million pickerel. David Mair, | modish materials. fishery inspect has succeeded in . J obtaining the much-desired pickerel beginning at $2.50. Samuel Adgim=on. from the Dominion hatcheries, Sandwich, Ont., arrived with the fish hich were placed in | the river at Deachwan's bridge and | 3 at the lower Red bridge, ; Miss Marion Emmons Conger, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Con ger, St. Paul, Minn, and formerly of «| Belleville, is dead, aged seventeen, af ter a six days illness of pnenmonia. b. SPENCE'S, The Leading Millinery { Last night Tour miles of nets were spread about the Brothers' fslands" in prohibited ground. Chown's Drug Store for pure bristle , tooth brushes; . come oul." ' Hamilton,: Ont., June 13.---At a mécting of the members of the wedi dnl profession it 'was decided that in the best interests of the city hospital, "the bristle's don't | a thoroughly competent and experien- | cod: medical man should be appointed Bi si Mrs. W. A. Caldwell, formerly of van = -- Ee ---- 4 rockville, is dead at Niagara Falls, : . we : Bros pe LE wven. g Medical Head For Hospital. superintendent, and the salary should not be less, to begin with, than $2,- 000 a year. 3 Threo applications of Pecks Corn breezes seldom Princess Hotel open the year round. The finest trips health and comfort. : Hu ARTHUR AHERN, Secretary, Quetiec; For tickets and sta p L P. CHANLEY, of a Pe "Sk SLEEVE, * Ticket Agents, ' 3 Ce pe GOING EAST---Daily, 'except at 6 a.m. GOING WEST---Daily, except at 5 p.m. -- The New Steamer "M( 1s now runni leaving Monyreal tes in June and J Quebec on the altgrna GOING EAST, Wedneadays ' days and Sundays, at 4.30 ays aad GOING WEST, ' and Saturdays, 11.80 p.m. J, P, HANLBY, 'J. SWIFT & Ticket Agent . Freight and turdays. rh 11 Informa ti J. k Gildersiceve, hpm Swit § "°F. B. HORSEY, Trafic Mana alve will cure hard or soft store, al Wade's diug es